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Schoolboy Rugby Blog Rankings for the week ending 10 August 2024

10 August, 2024 beet 0

National Championship match permutations for this ranking are as follows:
If Paul Roos and Grey College draw, they finish 1. Paul Roos, 2. Grey College, 3. Paarl Gim
If Paul Roos beats Grey College, they finish 1. Paul Roos, 2. Paul Gim, 3. Grey College
If Grey College beats Paul Roos by less than 6 points, they finish 1. Paul Roos, 2. Grey College, 3. Paarl Gim
If Grey College beats Paul Roos by between 6 and 10 points, they finish 1.Grey College, 2. Paul Roos, 3. Paarl Gim
If Grey College beats Paul Roos by more than 10 points, they finish 1.Grey College, 2. Paarl Gim, 3. Paul Roos
