Absa Wildeklawer 2024

Day 1 : Wed 01-May-2024
16h00 GRQ Diamantveld 57-25 Marlow EP
19h00 BUL Affies 43-21 HJS Paarl BH WP
Day 2 : Thu 02-May-2024
08h00 LIO Noordheuwel 55-13 Glenwood KZN
09h30 SWD Outeniqua 32-51 Waterkloof BUL
11h00 SWD Oakdale 14-33 Durban HS KZN
12h30 WP Paarl Gim 36-33 EG Jansen VAL
13h50 BOL Drostdy 28-54 Welkom Gim GRF
14h00 WP Boland Landbou 21-43 Helpmekaar LIO
15h00 EP Framesby 51-23 St John’s (NZ) NZ
15h30 WP Paul Roos 29-27 Monument LIO
16h10 EP Nico Malan 22-45 Kirkham ENG
17h00 BUL Garsfontein 22-26 Stellenberg WP
18h30 FS Grey College 46-00 Maritzburg College KZN
Day 3 : Sat 04-May-2024
08h00 WP Stellenberg 17-19 EG Jansen VAL
09h30 BUL Affies 32-10 Oakdale SWD
11h00 ENG Kirkham 27-25 Outeniqua SWD
11h30 BUL Waterkloof 52-26 Marlow EP
12h30 WP Boland Landbou 33-38 Monument LIO
12h40 LIO Noordheuwel 41-08 Nico Malan EP
13h50 EP Framesby 24-35 Welkom Gim GRF
14h00 WP HJS Paarl BH 15-13 Durban HS KZN
15h00 KZN Glenwood 12-32 Drostdy BOL
15h30 WP Paul Roos 48-00 Maritzburg College KZN
16h10 GRQ Diamantveld 40-24 St John’s (NZ) NZ
17h00 WP Paarl Gim 31-10 Helpmekaar LIO
18h30 FS Grey College 38-10 Garsfontein BUL


  1. avatar
    #612 Grasshopper 10 May, 2024 at 22:41
  2. avatar
    #611 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #610)
    Absoluut, as jy ‘n barrier moet vorm tydens ‘n riot en daar word letterlik in jou gesig gespoeg en jy moet “smile en wave” dan vat dit nie veel om later kop uit te haak nie.

    10 May, 2024 at 20:32
  3. avatar
    #610 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #609)
    Dis een ding om daar te visit en so aan ,heeltamal n ander storie om daar te leef ,in die tyd toe die noodtoestand aan die gang was het daai jong SAP outjies onder net soveel stress gewerk as wat die NDP,s op die grens beleef het indien nie meer nie ,en dit het nie baie gevat om hulle te trigger nie.

    10 May, 2024 at 20:27
  4. avatar
    #609 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #608)
    Absoluut! Jys 100% korrek, ek het net gedink die prof sou beter verstaan het met sy Oos Rand wortels/agtergrond/konneksies.

    10 May, 2024 at 20:03
  5. avatar
    #608 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #607)
    Jy moet in ag neem dat Deon nie in die selde wereld geleef het as ons nie ,akademia is baie ver verwyder van die PWV gebied van daardie era….Stellenbosch en die Oos Rand is verskillende werelde selfs vandag….

    10 May, 2024 at 19:14
  6. avatar
    #607 OUD ANKER

    @Deon (Comment #597)
    Komaan Prof Deon! Jy is nou rediculous!

    10 May, 2024 at 18:17
  7. avatar
    #606 Smallies

    @Grizzly (Comment #605)
    Likkewane maar die selfde,ek dink dis maar oor die job ,niemand anders verstaan dit nie …..so ons word maar n soort brotherhood ,ek kan n likkewaan uit ken net aan die taal wat hy gebruik en hoe hy praat….weird ne

    10 May, 2024 at 10:57
  8. avatar
    #605 Grizzly

    @Smallies (Comment #604)
    Baie waar.Ek was van ,’90 tot ’97 daar en was die tyd van my lewe.Na ek uit was en n haas geword het,het nog kontak met n paar wat agter gebly het maar nie dieselfde nie.Cops hou hulle by hulself.Om jou n vb te gee daar was 59 manne by my rum party waarvan 3 nie cops was nie.My swaers.

    10 May, 2024 at 10:49
  9. avatar
    #604 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #601)
    Dan moet sy nie boewe aastel wat sy dan pertinent opdrag gee om SAP lede te teiken nie….dis maar hoe rooi die tamatie was daardie tyd…jy het die SAP uitgelos en hulle het jou uitgelos ,maar as jy dan loop krap waar dit nie jeuk nie dan is dit maar so gewees …by gese as jy more in die kak was het daai einste poliesman jou gehelp ,ten spyte van die kak wat julle het …..

    10 May, 2024 at 09:03
  10. avatar
    #603 Grizzly

    @Deon (Comment #602)
    Deon,dit was nie 40 teen 5 nie.Daar was net gekyk dat dit nie weer 5 teen 3 was nie.Jys slimmer as dit.Any case,dis dinge wat op die pad gebeur het.Wat die ander goed betref kan ek jou belowe ons was nie Veiligheid nie.Dinge was wit en swart.Geen grys gebied nie.As jy nie in jou baan gebly het nie moes jy die gevolge dra.Mooi dag vir jou ook.

    10 May, 2024 at 08:46
  11. avatar
    #602 Deon

    @Grizzly (Comment #598)
    Ja, ek is verkeerd oor 2 en 3, maar uiteindelik was julle 40 met die mag van die Staat agter julle. Daardie mentaliteit het groot skade gemaak. Julle het ook fantastiese werk gedoen, 100 000 keer beter as vandag se “manne”, maar nee, lafhartigheid, of dit nou van die bouncers kom of julle, nie cool nie. Natuurlik, vanaf julle, 1000 keer erger. Niks anders as die ouens wat geboue afbreek en brand as hulle ongelukkig is oor R 10 se salaris verskil nie. Inelkgeval, mooi dag vir jou, veilig wees.

    10 May, 2024 at 08:28
  12. avatar
    #601 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #599)
    Nee Smallies, Mev van Zijl kan nooit verdien om haar plek verwoes te hê nie, en lafhartigheid, veral met die mag van staatsmajinerie agter mens, kan nooit ooit regverdig word nie. As hulle nou nog drie manne gekry het by hulle twee en die bouncers buite gaan aanvat hetsou dit ‘n perd van ‘n ander kleur wees. Ek is die eerste man in my familie sedert my grootoupa en oupa en broers en neefs wat nie SAP toe is nie, maar Vloot en Leër, so ek weet baie dinge en vir almal van hulle, wat Koevoet en Taakmag ingesluit het, was lafhartigheid beslis nie par for course nie. Ergste is baie van daardie ouens is die volgende Sondag kerk toe. Natuurlik is bouncers tot ‘n groot mate nie engeltjies nie, meer Nephilim, en dis waarvoor SAP/SAPS daar is, om dit op ‘n regmatige manier aan te spreek. Vandag se SAPS is erger maar ten minste kan ek dit nie meer met my mense verbind nie.

    10 May, 2024 at 08:24
  13. avatar
    #600 Bush

    @Grizzly (Comment #596)
    Take 5 or Black Stag🤷🏻‍♂️

    10 May, 2024 at 07:47
  14. avatar
    #599 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #597)
    Nee wat Prof daai was maar par for the course….tronk bewaarders het dit ook gedoen….en net om bietjie konteks te plaas ,die bouncers by daai plekke was nie engeltjies gewees nie ,ek het een keer gesien hoe hulle n ou dik moer omdat hy sy drankie laat val het ….nee wat meeste van die tyd as so iets gebeur het,het hulle dit deur en deur verdien

    10 May, 2024 at 07:33
  15. avatar
    #598 Grizzly

    @Deon @Deon (Comment #597)
    Ons was 3 prof,leer lees!Gaan speel op n trein spoor.Jy sal ril as jy weet maar jy wil nie regtig weet nie.Te groot vir jou.Al wat ek weet bv dwelm misbruik was n mite in ons tyd.Vandag n grap.Hoe ons dit reg gekry het maak nie regtig saak nie.Vir jou ander stellings,dis soos water van my rug af.

    10 May, 2024 at 07:07
  16. avatar
    #597 Deon

    @Grizzly (Comment #594)
    VEERTIG polisiemanne omdat twee kak aangejaag het en nie hulle man kon staan nie, en toe die mag wat die mense van SA, asook die “hase”, in hul hande geplaas het so misbruik en vandag steeds daaroor spog . Klein lafhartige babas in boelie liggame met SAP wat net so baie skuld dra oor ons land se toestand as wat die huidige regering moet doen. Ek vrees as ek dink wat julle nog kon doen. Niks anders as die “burners” en “looters” in protesoptogte nie. Jy moes sommer uit Polkol direk Weskoppies toe gegaan het sodat hulle jou kon leer wat Servamus et Servimus behels. Ek is bitter skaam vir jou onthalwe.

    10 May, 2024 at 06:49
  17. avatar
    #596 Grizzly

    @Smallies (Comment #592)
    What was that place in Maritzburg where the cops use to go to early 90’s?Also had my time there,close second to zil….Sorry wanted to ask @Bush

    10 May, 2024 at 06:28
  18. avatar
    #595 Grizzly

    @Smallies (Comment #584)
    Selle 3 na n aand in Belenopelies vroeg die oggend aan gehou in Hillbrow pol maar dis n te lang storie vir die blog🤣🤣.

    10 May, 2024 at 06:11
  19. avatar
    #594 Grizzly

    @Smallies (Comment #592)
    Grootste pak wat ek in my lewe gekry het was by Zilertal.My beste pel was hoof van drank en sedes by SANAP Pta ons was so 23 hier by.’94.Al die plekke wat hier genoem word kon ons maak wat ons wil,eienaars was baie bang vir hul drank lisensies en baie ligtig behalwe Ria by Zil.Sy het daai tyd uit gegaan met die OB van SANAP Pta.Sy het spesifiek haar bounchers gese om nie twak te vat van enige cop spesifiek Sanap.Lang storie kort,ek my pel en nog een word daar by die bruggie deur 5 bounchers n les geleer.Die Maandag kry ons opdrag om uitkennings parade te staan met n kop vol knoppe en al.Toe het Ria ons een voor en sy gaan maak n aanrandings saak!Daar het niks van gekom nie.Week of 2 later was ons by n spes eenheid potjie by SANAB toe so 40 van ons terug is Zil toe.Die plek was amper af gebreek en toe vir n week.Groot marakes maar n haas het op eie verantwoordelikheid daai tyd aan n poliesman geraak🤣🤣.

    10 May, 2024 at 06:01
  20. avatar
    #593 BoishaaiPa

    @Mate (Comment #585)
    Ons was fiks en vinnig daai tye…hulle het ons eers weer op Oos pawiljoen gesien…maar toe was dit weer n ander storie!.

    9 May, 2024 at 21:32
  21. avatar
    #592 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #591)
    How do you know they whore chappie striped speedos🙈🙈

    9 May, 2024 at 17:13
  22. avatar
    #591 Bush

    @Bush (Comment #590)
    And his go to team were the Chippendales in Chappie stripped speedos

    9 May, 2024 at 15:47
  23. avatar
    #590 Bush

    I think Hopper hung out at Spasms with Little Anne

    9 May, 2024 at 15:37
  24. avatar
    #589 Mate

    Ek dink Grasshopper het destyds op 365 gesê hy het by Joe Cools in Durban gehop

    9 May, 2024 at 15:26
  25. avatar
    #588 Smallies

    @Mate (Comment #587)
    Hy het darem n MOERSE snor gehad ,seker nooit harsingskudding gekry nie

    9 May, 2024 at 15:17
  26. avatar
    #587 Mate

    @Smallies (Comment #582)
    Pierre Coetzer het by Zillertal gebounce

    9 May, 2024 at 15:13
  27. avatar
    #586 Mate

    After Dark was gewild laataand …..grab-a-granny

    9 May, 2024 at 15:12
  28. avatar
    #585 Mate

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #583)

    Daar was waarskynlik toe bloed op die vloere ook

    9 May, 2024 at 15:09
  29. avatar
    #584 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #583)
    Dit het seker sports af gegee😂😂

    9 May, 2024 at 14:31
  30. avatar
    #583 BoishaaiPa

    @Mate (Comment #580)
    Ek en paar army pelle het in ’86 n klein voetfoutjie gemaak en met WP truie voor n WP vs NTvl game in Union ingestap….

    9 May, 2024 at 14:22
  31. avatar
    #582 Smallies

    @Mate (Comment #580)
    Daar was n paar sulkes aan die Oosrand gewees Brakpan het 4 gehad
    Brakpan hotel
    Die Savoy
    Die Masonic en die Stasie Hotel
    Dan was daar die Oos rand hotel in Boksburg
    Die Casseldale in Springs en so aan 😂😂

    9 May, 2024 at 13:03
  32. avatar
    #581 Bush

    @Vleis (Comment #575)
    Sports Frog in PTA was tit as well.

    9 May, 2024 at 13:02
  33. avatar
    #580 Mate

    New Union Hotel was die beste……..bloed teen die mure

    9 May, 2024 at 12:51
  34. avatar
    #579 Smallies

    @Vleis (Comment #578)
    It was close to Sunnypark shopping centre,where Pasteur hispital is now….they used to record the tv program Sing Country there with Clive Bruce

    9 May, 2024 at 12:17
  35. avatar
    #578 Vleis

    @kantako (Comment #574)
    Enjoy – I’ve never been to Miyazaki. If you ski, I recommend Niseko in the north, which has by far the best powder that I’ve ever come across.

    @Smallies (Comment #577)
    Don’t know that one.

    9 May, 2024 at 12:10
  36. avatar
    #577 Smallies

    @Vleis (Comment #575)
    Don’t forget the Zillertal…

    9 May, 2024 at 11:27
  37. avatar
    #576 Smallies

    @kantako (Comment #574)
    Die naaste wat jy hier aan wyagu kry sonder om R900 kg te betaal is n vetgemaakte Jersey os ….baie marbling maar lekker vleis ook

    9 May, 2024 at 11:26
  38. avatar
    #575 Vleis

    @Smallies (Comment #571)
    @Smallies (Comment #572)
    @Smallies (Comment #573)
    Yes, I attended all of those spots, other than the Pig n Whistle in PTA. I must’ve missed that one, but made up for it by attending the Pig n Whistle in CT about a 1,000 times! OK, maybe 200 times – don’t want to be mistaken for Hopper!! :lol: :lol:

    9 May, 2024 at 11:19
  39. avatar
    #574 kantako

    @Vleis (Comment #567)
    Thanx mate. Have never done a bicycle tour of Tokyo, although I ride bicycle each day to training, but dont get a lot of down time. I have however done the Mario Kart and it was awesome, and I have never done Mt Everest but did a Hike at Fuji which was really special. In a month I will be down to Miyazaki for the first time, looking forward to that and some more Kobe beef. (Im sure the get it from Woolworths).

    9 May, 2024 at 11:14
  40. avatar
    #573 Smallies

    @Vleis (Comment #570)
    Sometimes we’d go to Hillbrow with every intention of going to Bellas only to get stuck at the Chelsea hotel

    9 May, 2024 at 10:54
  41. avatar
    #572 Smallies

    @Vleis (Comment #570)
    I forgot Boobs disco….

    9 May, 2024 at 10:51
  42. avatar
    #571 Smallies

    @Vleis (Comment #570)
    Jacqueline’s…Coconut isle Limelight,there was also a place the pig n wistle they searched you there at the door and if you didn’t have a weapon they provided one 🤣🤣🤣it had a real Masonic hotel Brakpan vibe

    9 May, 2024 at 10:49
  43. avatar
    #570 Vleis

    @Smallies (Comment #545)
    I also frequented all those spots between ’85 and ’93…plus a few spots in Pretoria and, of course, the White Horse Inn! :lol: :lol:

    9 May, 2024 at 10:43
  44. avatar
    #569 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #566)
    Daai lorie is so ou ne hulle wil hom nie eers leen nie

    9 May, 2024 at 06:17
  45. avatar
    #568 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #565)
    Nothing special mate ,just applying wat I grey up with ,everywhere we lived my dad always had a vegetable garden,and if there weren’t fruit trees hel plant ,even in Brakpan did he do this …the oxen was actullay an accident, we bought some day old calves to raise and sell at auction and the little bull didn’t sell ,so we raised ut as an ox and just continued with that ,the hunting well I pay only R1500 per Kudu so why not…..

    9 May, 2024 at 05:48
  46. avatar
    #567 Vleis

    @kantako (Comment #546)
    I’m sure that you’ve seen all the key traditional sights of Tokyo…but if not, I highly recommend a 6 hour bicycle tour with Gak Miura. He is a wonderful guide and has a very famous uncle – Yūichirō Miura who, inter alia, summited Everest at 80 years of age.

    9 May, 2024 at 02:11
  47. avatar
    #566 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #562)
    Jy weet natuurlik jy rent net jou Toyota, aangesien dit actually aan 1 of ander Zimbabwe-er behoort.

    8 May, 2024 at 20:38
  48. avatar
    #565 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #507)
    You are a legend Smallies!! + All Organic

    8 May, 2024 at 20:24
  49. avatar
    #564 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #563)
    Olienhoud se ander naam is die African olive…..tjorts

    8 May, 2024 at 20:06
  50. avatar
    #563 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #562)
    Ek ook, groot Toyota Hilux fan, hijack magneet wat dit is en alles.

    Daar is ‘n ou in Dalview wat damn goed is met bonsai, en spesialiseer in olienhout. Hy het sy hele moviese swembad vol koivis gemaak ook, en hy floreer. Daai Hoëveldse koue winters en lekker somers is baie goed vir party bome, hulle rus goed en kry lekker warm na die rus, party moet net opgepas word teen die ryp.

    Selfs sy olywe dra , maar net die Missions, ten spyte van somer reënval. Hy is verlangs aangetroude familie, dis seker hoekom hy so baie groente steel by die boere uit hul lande lol. Ek dink hy is ‘n groenvinger genie.

    Nite nite, was lang dag, vrede en veiligheid vir jou

    8 May, 2024 at 20:01
  51. avatar
    #562 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #560)
    Ek is maar n made in Japan fan ,spesifiek Toyota

    8 May, 2024 at 19:53
  52. avatar
    #561 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #559)
    Ja ,ek het n paar jaar gelede n olienhoud bonzai probeer maak ,was nie suksesvol nie …maar daai staalwerk van hulle fasineer my

    8 May, 2024 at 19:49
  53. avatar
    #560 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #557)
    Jy weet vandat hulle die eerste keer gewere, eerder as daai antieke donderbuis goed gesien het op Amerikaanse skepe, het dit hulle twee weke geneem om dit te “reverse engineer” en hul eie gewere te maak.

    8 May, 2024 at 19:47
  54. avatar
    #559 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #557)
    Jislike, nou praat jy, Katanas ens. Ek sal wil gaan vir die bonsai. Kennis van my gaan elke jaar drie maande vir klasse, en hy is klaar so damn goed. Klink my net dis baie duur om te gaan. Baie van hulle bonsais is verklaar as nasionale eiendom en mag nie Japan verlaat nie, en “volgens oorlewering” ontvang elke kind gedurende sy eerste jaar op skool ‘n klein boompie wat hy oor sy skoolloopbaan moet vorm en buig en moet verslag doen na sy laaste jaar op skool. Weet nie of lg waar is nie. Maar ‘n heel ander kultuur. Kan my verkyk aan Shogun geskiedenis.

    8 May, 2024 at 19:46
  55. avatar
    #558 Deon

    @Roger (Comment #544)
    Thank you Sir.

    It is just that Grassy referenced an article without its own references, an article claiming they are conveying StatsSA figures, while they clearly are not and are deliberately lying. I pointed out to Grassy that e.g., while the article he uses to substantiate his bizarre claims, claim to use StatsSA figures, it fraudulently does not, far from, as proven to him.

    Any reasonable person could easily see it, those stats and numbers jump straight from the article into your face and scream: “LIE!!!!”, too many credits and too few debits, so at closer inspection one can only shake your head and insist on an excuse from Grassy. But will he man-up? Maybe next time he will notice the lack of referencing. A dead giveaway.

    At least for once he has no comeback bullshit.

    8 May, 2024 at 19:41
  56. avatar
    #557 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #556)
    Ek sal ook laaik om daar te gaan sal graag hulle blacksmiths in aksie wil sien….

    8 May, 2024 at 19:37
  57. avatar
    #556 Deon

    @kantako (Comment #546)
    Wragtig, was nog nooit daar nie. Geniet.

    8 May, 2024 at 19:34
  58. avatar
    #555 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #551)
    Town had a lekker country atmosphere close to the city,aparantly it was the the insperation for the Tropie books or it was filmed there ,can’t remember clearly …..

    8 May, 2024 at 19:15
  59. avatar
    #554 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #552)
    Ek was baie kort daar gewees seker net 6 of 7 games gespeel voor ek weg is ,ek kan wel hulle bar onthou wat soos n seilskip geleik het ….was n lekker bar

    8 May, 2024 at 19:11
  60. avatar
    #553 Bush

    @Grant (Comment #549)
    They call those okes the New European. Which Hoppers taxes are funding.

    8 May, 2024 at 19:09
  61. avatar
    #552 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #545)
    Springs Old Boys rugby, daar is ‘n paar memories…Marius Stumpke is ‘n naam wat in my kop opkom…2 voet 4 kort, maar as hy die bal op vleuel gekry het was hy onder die pale voor jy die kak uit jou oe kon vee!

    8 May, 2024 at 19:09
  62. avatar
    #551 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #548)
    We had a lekker little pizza place in the town, which was very affordable for us poor South African Troops. Beer and Pizza Friday Nights. Watching okes in their 1300’s thinking they were 2.0l Fords. Nothing beat that. Really loved that place.

    8 May, 2024 at 19:07
  63. avatar
    #550 Smallies

    @Grant (Comment #549)
    Thats a scary thought….

    8 May, 2024 at 19:03
  64. avatar
    #549 Grant

    Locust /Hopper. Surely you realize that you have alienated the majority of the boggers/bloggers on this site. And I say that in deference to one of the old 365 bloggers by the name of “Bog: Baie Oud Grrrrey”. I would rather be in RSA than in Mud Island with the forthcoming Bakalaka reprobates who are slowly taking over your “ first world “ countries up north. Inshallah …… Bennies this weekend. Next : the ‘Ville. C’est l’amour c’est la guerre

    8 May, 2024 at 18:56
  65. avatar
    #548 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #547)
    Heidelberg was a lekker town ,we rode our 50cc rocket ships downt to the kloof on many Saturdays

    8 May, 2024 at 18:54
  66. avatar
    #547 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #545)
    Was in Heidelberg last intake which was 93. 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

    8 May, 2024 at 18:47
  67. avatar
    #546 kantako

    @Deon (Comment #529)
    In die hartjie van Tokyo.

    8 May, 2024 at 18:43
  68. avatar
    #545 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #543)
    I played a couple of games for Springs old boys back in 93 before I emigrated to the karoo….I started going to the doors in 1988 as a 16 year old laaity,last time was end of 93,round the corner from the doors was the Carlton dome/Masquerade sometimes we’d go there and then also Bellanapoli in Hillbrow

    8 May, 2024 at 18:39
  69. avatar
    #544 Roger

    @Deon (Comment #530)
    Saffers who have formally emigrated via SARS / SARB (ceased tax residency) are easy to count – they have gone through a formal process, paid their exit charge and moved capital. Saffers who have simply drifted away on their 2nd passports / student visas / work permits etc are more difficult to track. Do you count children of 1st generation Saffers born in foreign countries as Saffers or not? They have a right to a passport and citzenship too? I’ve always found this obsession with emigrating and returning Saffers mildly amusing. I know of no other country that devotes airtime to it like Saffers do? The world is fluid, small and inter connected and people are highly mobile. Brits move all over the world, so do Yanks, Aussies, Kiwis and Canadians – those countries also receive immigrants from all over the world. Google the nationality of the staff at the National Health Service in the UK (the UK’s biggest employer with almost 2 million employees) and you will find more Zimbo’s working there than Saffers. Honestly, who cares why and if people come and go – they do all over the world. It’s a tough gig – uprooting your life, leaving friends and family and moving elsewhere – but it happens everywhere, all the time. South Africa is certainly not unique in this regard.

    8 May, 2024 at 18:27
  70. avatar
    #543 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #541)
    I remember The Doors. Spent many hours head swinging. I was in the army in Heidelberg. Played my rugby for the town and for Eastern Tvl U20 back in the 90’s. Our first game we were in the Town an oke robbed an old lady, young troops that we were, we apprehended the fellow until the police arrived. I loved my rugby that side, it was hard and dirty but heavy fun. Plenty laughs.

    8 May, 2024 at 18:04
  71. avatar
    #542 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #540)
    Cornwall kfcitbok

    8 May, 2024 at 17:42
  72. avatar
    #541 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #538)
    When I was a young buck living in Brakpan, we used to go jolling in Joburg in particular a place called the doors nightclub,the best rock metal and alternative music club in the country according to us,anyway there were mobile hotdog stands outside those clubs,they used sausages that proparbly had horse and donkey meat in them …..with wimpy mustard ,thinking back its a miracle we didnt end with holes in our stomachs…

    8 May, 2024 at 17:41
  73. avatar
    #540 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #539)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣Cornwall Beach Chicken

    8 May, 2024 at 17:36
  74. avatar
    #539 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #538)
    Wouldnt know mate….proparbly tastes like chicken 😂😂😂

    8 May, 2024 at 17:29
  75. avatar
    #538 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #536)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣there’s that Sitbok. I wonder if it tastes lekker with that heavy lekker Wimpy Mustard Sous. That stuff is machine, hide any flavour even a pissed off Grasshopper.

    8 May, 2024 at 17:22
  76. avatar
    #537 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #533)
    That’s going to be expensive, business or economy class. But when you crushing South African mielies I’m sure you can afford First Class

    8 May, 2024 at 17:20
  77. avatar
    #536 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #534)
    It is a bit of stick ,do you seriously think we would let the safa shop in Cornwall sell sitbok biltong….comon mannnnn we might be a shithouse but we do have some standards

    8 May, 2024 at 17:17
  78. avatar
    #535 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #533)
    I thought you weren’t responding to waist of space bloggers🤣🤣

    8 May, 2024 at 17:14
  79. avatar
    #534 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #532)
    A bit of stick? Every comment was a jibe. Enough now…

    8 May, 2024 at 17:13
  80. avatar
    #533 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #532)
    Happy to come there & tell it to your face, I don’t hide from anything.

    8 May, 2024 at 17:09
  81. avatar
    #532 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #531)
    Mate you’re the one doing all the warrioring we for the most part was just giving you a bit of stick,and talking kak about and with you ,don’t get so triggered kaaaren….

    8 May, 2024 at 17:01
  82. avatar
    #531 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #530)
    I have an Honours BComm degree in international Economics, I don’t need an advisor, especially some charlatan Dutchman in SA. There are no de facto audited figures & the number is 914k which is undercounted. You obviously didn’t read. Stop being a doos now. I’m sitting here in the awesome 23 degree sunshine, sipping a beer & doing work in my garden, freshly cut grass, horses & cows at my fence, eating some of my home made silverside biltong. Life is good here on mud island. Plenty of work, great schools & 3 summer holidays booked. All this drivel here giving me the laughs. Key board warriors the lot of you. Any KZN bloggers or guys open to adult discussion & debate I’ll respond to you. No more response to waste of space bloggers…

    8 May, 2024 at 16:39
  83. avatar
    #530 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #482)
    Ah, a fresh breath of wind, no attempt at a comeback by Grassy, that must be a first. Check mated yourself by posting that. 1,5 million in 2001 according to StatsSA???Stats SA says in its Migration Profile Report issued 09:52 on 27 March 2024 : “In 2000, there was a total of 501 600 South African citizens residing abroad, with 49,0% being male and 51,0%
    being female. This indicates a relatively balanced sex distribution among South Africans living abroad.”

    And you yourself did not see it fit to check StatSA data to verify this bullshait? Seems one can sell balsa to you and claim it is kameeldoring? Are you even literate mate? An apology to the blog is in order. Lock your advisor up and throw the key in the sea at whatever beach you prefer. If you have to lie to justify your decisions you must rethink. SA and Glenwood rent space free in your mind anyway. You are not there, you are here.

    8 May, 2024 at 15:58
  84. avatar
    #529 Deon

    @kantako (Comment #517)
    Dis of Phuket, of Bangkok of Hong Kong daardie, maar beslis nie Singapoer nie, of is ek heeltemal uit?

    8 May, 2024 at 15:49
  85. avatar
    #528 Smallies

    @kantako (Comment #522)

    8 May, 2024 at 14:06
  86. avatar
    #527 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #526)
    Daai inoverende verbouings het baie pa’s broke gemaak en vir die eienaar van Chako panelbeaters baie ryk

    8 May, 2024 at 13:59
  87. avatar
    #526 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #524)
    Jy is HEELTEMAL verkeerd…toe Die Anker gestig is, het hulle onmiddellik die akademiese IK van die hele skool halfeer deur die “innoverende” conversions in die motor mech werkswinkel te verbied!

    8 May, 2024 at 13:54
  88. avatar
    #525 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #523)
    Fok ek het my GTi se fuel injection af gehaal en twee webbers opgesit🤣🤣🤣🤣

    8 May, 2024 at 13:51
  89. avatar
    #524 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #523)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 ja maar onthou toe was tech al n akademiese skool

    8 May, 2024 at 13:49
  90. avatar
    #523 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #521)
    It is impossible that @kantako is from Brakpan, because if he was he would have mentioned him owning a 1600 Cortina that he converted to carry a V8 chevvy motor!

    8 May, 2024 at 13:45
  91. avatar
    #522 kantako

    @Bush (Comment #519)
    We all in the same boat. At least we have good schoolboy rugby. @smallies might join you in Dakota, I loved her movies 🫣🤣

    8 May, 2024 at 13:44
  92. avatar
    #521 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #519)
    The dude comes from Brakpan mate he was taught manners 🤣 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    8 May, 2024 at 13:32
  93. avatar
    #520 Smallies

    @kantako (Comment #517)
    I think I’ll go west first, visit my boy in Dakota maybe learn to BBQ on an offset smoker ,at least then I’ll be able to BBQ you a nice staffie when I go east….or maybe a nice pangolin, who knows we might start covid 2.0 after that braai…

    8 May, 2024 at 13:31
  94. avatar
    #519 Bush

    @kantako (Comment #517)
    Happy you are settled well in your new country. Thanks for not abusing us that can only afford to remain here. Glad you understand the barbecue thing🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I have the opposition scenario as you, my kids are overseas and we are here. We miss them terribly but they are happy, which makes us happy. We will continue to fight in the trenches. Happy to drink brannas and coke, live in our bubble until Africa takes us ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

    8 May, 2024 at 13:26
  95. avatar
    #518 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #516)
    Selling Mielies? South African mielies no ways. Thats legend. 10 mielies and you can grind your own meal. Then you can make lekker pap. Pap n sous with UK Road Kill. You will be the next Great Britain Millionaire. Imagine that walk down the Cornwall Beach strip.

    8 May, 2024 at 13:11
  96. avatar
    #517 kantako

    15TH POST

    This is the 15th post now on the blog, and I keep coming back to read it, hahaha.

    Ok guys, let some steam off Hopper. Ive been seeing positive posts from him for more than a decade, even when the now running rugby coach in Paarl was selecting a 26 year old Siyabonga Tom, Hopper was still positive and supportive of the Green Machine.

    Smallies when you retire, you have to come visit me and see the East side of the world, bring the other Brakpanners with, it’s not as bad as the East Rand.

    Just to confirm, yes I do braai (bbq) call it whatever you want, on a wood fire, I do get fantastic steak, from Japanese Wagyu to SA rump and all the Aussie stuff inbetween. It tastes great. I get the freshest South African fruit in the shop, or at least that is what the label says. I dont really care if it’s from Manilla or Ceres as long as it tastes good and fresh.

    I miss my family and friends in SA, my boy at Varsity, I hate when we can’t talk because they have load shedding, and I pray every night they are safe. The last time I visited SA, I felt unsafe and had to look over my shoulder. Maybe its paranoia, or maybe I am used to lots of lights being on all night in the city, public transport being safe and available to anyone and sleeping at night not worrying if someone might want to visit and have a star wars sword fight early hours.

    But mostly. I love the fact that I can travel and meet people, see places, and experience different cultures. Makes me miss the days of walking around the streets of Brenthurst.

    8 May, 2024 at 13:10
  97. avatar
    #516 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #515)
    Yep, agreed. My wife has worked full time for 12 years. She runs a small business from our garden in the mornings…

    8 May, 2024 at 12:41
  98. avatar
    #515 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #514)
    There’s no such thing as a demanding wife ….the value of a stay at home mom FARRRRRRRRR outweigh the benifits of a second income in any case ,and believe me most good moms would love to stay at home…

    8 May, 2024 at 12:09
  99. avatar
    #514 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #513)
    hahaha, well then you obviously don’t have a demanding wife ;-)

    8 May, 2024 at 12:07
  100. avatar
    #513 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #510)
    Like I said living in luxury is expensive….not that I suffer, not by any means I braai at least 4 times a week,i have full uncapped broadband internet ,I own two vehicles plus a motorbike….and in three years God willing I’m going to retire early at 55…Incidentally my wife hasn’t worked since she first told me she’s pregnant 24 years ago….point is if you are willing and able you can live very cheap in South Africa

    8 May, 2024 at 11:59
  101. avatar
    #512 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #511)
    Well then in the prison garden or your own plot. I have a garden plot/allotment too, not bought vegetables for ages..

    8 May, 2024 at 11:58
  102. avatar
    #511 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #510)
    I’m not a farmer with land mate, Im a prison warder ….

    8 May, 2024 at 11:55
  103. avatar
    #510 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #507)
    Agreed, but not everyone is a farmer with land. If you live simply in the sticks then yes, maybe R20k a month is just enough. On my trip to SA in Oct it was so expensive we spent R30,000 in 8 days and that excluded accommodation & not being flamboyant. The accommodation in Ballito was R25,000 for 8 days. I paid R120 for a chicken! I mean, it’s just nuts. Medical Aid alone for a family of 4 is R15,000 a month. Most of my mates say food shopping cost is R10,000 a month min for a family of 4. Anyway, you enjoy the simple life there….

    8 May, 2024 at 11:53
  104. avatar
    #509 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #508)
    Incorrect again, if you debate in an adult manner I do the same. I’ve had to stoop to your level here. Best to leave the topic now and stop throwing chirps about me into your posts. Also, you can’t hide them in Afrikaans prose either…

    8 May, 2024 at 11:49
  105. avatar
    #508 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #505)
    No, my friend, you are not here to debate or chat, you are here to diss anything starting with SA and you are busy making an arse of yourself with your extreme low EQ.

    8 May, 2024 at 11:45
  106. avatar
    #507 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #494)
    So you take a pitch fork and you loosen up some ground put a bit of compost in (wich you make for free),you then take a rake and level it neatly,you take some seeds like carrots ,cabbage, beans ,beetroot,onion and whatever is your fancy, plant, it water it and you have produced food easy and almost free ,food for the most part is cheap ,people are just to bloody lazy to bend their backs a little.I haven’t bought vegetables in more than 30 years ,my veg garden is about 10×10 m ,add to that the eggs I produce and the meat I hunt and I live extremely well on a salary of less than 20K a month ,oh and I’ve put 2 kids through varsity on my own dime as well….living in SA is cheap ,living in luxury on the other hand not so much
    To add to this every year I buy a 3day old bull calf from a local dairy for less than 1k
    I raise it as an oxe and when it reach 18 months I slaughter it and have meat for a year or more

    8 May, 2024 at 11:44
  107. avatar
    #506 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #504)
    Thanks Hopper, will check it out. Does it come in picture form? Are there pictures of people leaving with sad faces then pictures of people return with happy faces.

    8 May, 2024 at 11:44
  108. avatar
    #505 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #503)
    I never once said it was a shithole, I said the government was. Eish, IQ levels are not strong in you. I also never said the Boks were shit, I just said ABs are GOAT. Selective reading, the undoing of most SA matrics (learning for understanding). I’m here to chat and debate in a civil way with like-minded school rugby fans. I’ve always said SA schools rugby is the best and Grey Bloem is the flagship. I’m not here to be ridiculed, baited and trashed by numbskulls.

    8 May, 2024 at 11:39
  109. avatar
    #504 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #502)
    Hey Doosfontein, here; https://businesstech.co.za/news/lifestyle/764879/reverse-emigration-in-south-africa-this-is-how-many-people-actually-came-home/

    In 2011, around 45,860 South Africans returned from living abroad, according to the census. In 2022 only 27,983 South Africans said the same.

    It is worth noting that both the UN data and the census data are not exactly aligned, nor do they track the exact same thing – meaning South Africa’s problems with officially tracking emigration data persist.

    However, this does give a better scope of the migration patterns of South Africans: more locals are leaving than coming back.

    8 May, 2024 at 11:35
  110. avatar
    #503 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #501)
    Can I ask you something…SA is a shit hole, the Springboks are shit, the SA 0/20 team is shit, everything in your opinion starting with SA or linked with SA is shit, I must therefore assume SA school rugby is shit….so what on earth are you still doing on this blog?? I’m sure you’ll find much more joy there where the beaches are better, the wood is better, the rugby is better, the roadkill is better, the schools are better…all I can say is toodles!

    8 May, 2024 at 11:34
  111. avatar
    #502 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #501)
    How can you say it’s low if you don’t know what it is? Somebody kick Cornwall Beach Sand up your ass????

    8 May, 2024 at 11:20
  112. avatar
    #501 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #500)
    I don’t care about that stat, it’s low and probably retired people who can live in gated estates in Langebaan and Hermanus.

    8 May, 2024 at 11:16
  113. avatar
    #500 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #499)
    Please give us the stats on returning South African. Keep those stories for beach walks and your road kill barbecues with you 400kgs wood pile.

    8 May, 2024 at 11:14
  114. avatar
    #499 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #498)
    P Plek? Those three friends murdered left wives and young children, focus now too….

    8 May, 2024 at 10:51
  115. avatar
    #498 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #497)
    See now, I didn’t ask for all that negative shit you have experienced. I’m sure the farmers on here could give you graphic details of things that have happened to them. Interesting to know the numbers that have return because the UK is a P Plek. Please focus ❤️

    8 May, 2024 at 10:47
  116. avatar
    #497 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #496)
    I returned for 3 years, 2013 to 2016, saw the writing on the wall, had 3 friends murdered in cold blood, Nene-gate, couldn’t see being able to afford private school for my kids, having a few thousand left after covering our R50k a month basics, got rejected for a senior role I could do with my eyes closed, because I wasn’t a black female in a wheelchair, so luckily had an exit plan and returned to the UK, where we’ve had the best past 8 years ever :-)…..never to return permanently, maybe as a retirement swallow spot for 5 months a year…on a UK pension…

    8 May, 2024 at 10:31
  117. avatar
    #496 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #494)
    If we can’t afford food we Poach. “It’s free it’s for me” interesting stat would be of those that left, how many returned home🤓

    8 May, 2024 at 10:12
  118. avatar
    #495 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #494)
    Too long to read now Grassy, maybe tonight, but StatsSA does not support that claim the article made about StatsSA. So its bullshait and illegal to make such claims. Probably aimed at those who attended the Jacob Zuma Nkandla school of Mathematics and Actuarial science the past eleventy seventy years. No time for essay reading now, not with people still up and about for me in Brisbane at 18:02 and a SARS transfer pricing audit. 914000 living abroad by 2020. Not millions that “have left” by 2023.

    8 May, 2024 at 10:05
  119. avatar
    #494 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #492)
    Finally a balanced and cohesive response. So 914k is one figure, I’ve seen others up to 2 million. It’s hard to determine without an official audit and definition. Many will be dual citizens and have just left on their 2nd passport. I have not renewed my SA passport and when I visit I go in and leave on my UK passport. What I can say, is there is a new Saffa kid joining my kids class literally monthly. My sister works in Orewa North Auckland in NZ, there are more ex Saffa kids than NZ kids in the school. There are thousands on Saffas who had European ancestry and just used this to leave, how was that recorded? Let’s just say the brain-drain is massive. In my school year there was 220 of us, only 40 remain in SA. The largest OB group meets in Sydney, probably 80 there, 60 in the UK and the others distributed between NZ, Canada, US, Portugal, Germany, Netherlands etc. Unfortunately about 10 have passed that I know of. Educated people who want a solid career in a safe environment for their kids have left, that is a fact. The number returning is extremely low. Let’s say a family contributes R600k to SA taxes in a year plus what they spend in the economy, it’s a huge financial loss. Yes, there are farmers and Afrikaners who will never leave, that’s a given and of course those who have no option to leave. I do feel for them and I do hope they can survive. All I do know is my mates left there, those not from wealthy backgrounds or have the bank of Mom and Dad, are battling. You can have all the sun, sea and braai you like, it won’t help if you can’t afford food.

    8 May, 2024 at 09:59
  120. avatar
    #493 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #482)

    914 000 by 2020, published 2023. SAns RESIDING abroad :wink:


    No way over 2 million by 2023 since your article cites StatsSA, not that I trust StatsSA

    8 May, 2024 at 09:42
  121. avatar
    #492 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #489)
    Well, perhaps I am in too much of a hurry to read the entire report this article is based on but as far as I can see the stats for total, including studying abroad or adopted from abroad and even refugees, end in 2020 at 914 000. They do provide stats for those studying abroad and adoptions etc till after 2020 though.That is people residing overseas, not people who have left SA, like my brother to the USA, and did the honest thing and is no longer a SA citizen. The kind the UN uses in its reports. So that may be a printing error in the article, or a stats error, or a designed lie to entice wannabe expats who want to keep their SA passport, as even if the report does make that claim there is no way almost 1.5 million left SA in 3 years.

    “In 2015, the number of South African citizens residing abroad reached 786 554, with 48,2% being male and
    51,8% being female. The percentage of females increased during this period. Finally, in 2020 the total number
    of South African citizens living overseas continued to rise, reaching 914 901. The sex distribution remained
    balanced, with 49,4% being male and 50,6% being female.”

    914 901 in 2020 , no way over 2 million 3 years later

    8 May, 2024 at 09:40
  122. avatar
    #491 Grasshopper

    @Henkies (Comment #486)
    It is, but these clowns are too busy trying to bait me now, they’ve gone into a moronic stupor. Like some sort of giggly bunch of juveniles playing a trick on someone. Twisting words and creating their own stories. I get they think it’s funny but it’s not really, it’s childish…

    8 May, 2024 at 09:17
  123. avatar
    #490 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #483)
    It’s called ‘tongue in cheek’, go look it up. Takes a clown to recognise one.

    8 May, 2024 at 09:13
  124. avatar
    #489 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #488)
    Let me help you; According to Statistics South Africa, the number of South Africans living abroad has grown from around 1.5 million in 2001 to over two million in 2021. That is a big word for someone with an IQ of 30…

    8 May, 2024 at 09:11
  125. avatar
    #488 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #482)
    Yes it proves you lied. Can you really not cogitate that?

    8 May, 2024 at 08:48
  126. avatar
    #487 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #484)
    Hulle sit hulle daar oppie strand aan mekaar soos ikea meubels ,kom in flatpacks

    8 May, 2024 at 08:46
  127. avatar
    #486 Henkies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #476)
    Looks top notch Grassy. Good find. Lucky to have that just up the road from you.

    8 May, 2024 at 08:14
  128. avatar
    #485 Bush

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #484)
    I think the clowns came from Cornwall Beachfront

    8 May, 2024 at 08:09
  129. avatar
    #484 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #477)
    Are these specific Audis manufactured in Germany….or in Cornwall?

    8 May, 2024 at 08:06
  130. avatar
    #483 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #476)
    You just planted the the mother of all sucker punches on yourself by claiming road kill to be in the same league as biltong! Now you make me wonder about your other claims as well…refer back to my village clown comment.

    8 May, 2024 at 08:05
  131. avatar
  132. avatar
    #481 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #479)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I haven’t worked for 3 days because of this thread.

    8 May, 2024 at 07:47
  133. avatar
    #480 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #479)
    Yeah, do not forget, there are MILLIONS of people on Cornwall beaches, all SA expats. :lol:

    8 May, 2024 at 06:50
  134. avatar
    #479 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #472)
    And then when you get to the dam,he tells you the one he built on the Cornwell beach is better because he built it with Great Britain sand….@Bush (Comment #471)
    Dont know about citr veicles ,what I do know is that that oldish Benzes are the best cars you get for driving on a dirt road better than all bakkies on the market ….they are rock steady, eating corregations for breakfast ….Maybe Hopper can make an ad for them….

    8 May, 2024 at 06:12
  135. avatar
    #478 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #472)
    And then when you get to the dam,he tells you the one he built on the Cornwell beach is better because he built it with Great Britain sand….

    8 May, 2024 at 06:02
  136. avatar
    #477 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #473)
    The only clowns I’ve ever encountered were for an Audi Ad I helped develop and launch, I should have used you lot on the blog; https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uwtOy0vB9fk

    7 May, 2024 at 21:09
  137. avatar
    #476 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #474)
    I get my meat here from a friend about 3 miles away; https://www.marbledmeats.co.uk/wagyu-beef. Roadkill isn’t too bad either, plenty deer struck on the road as night. Biltong Badger is interesting…

    7 May, 2024 at 21:03
  138. avatar
    #475 Bush

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #474)

    7 May, 2024 at 20:44
  139. avatar
    #474 OUD ANKER

    @Bush (Comment #472)
    And don’t forget the roadkill he dries is better than our biltong!

    7 May, 2024 at 20:39
  140. avatar
    #473 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #470)
    Stop insulting the Hopper, he is going to leave the blog and we don’t want that….every village needs its resident clown!

    7 May, 2024 at 20:35
  141. avatar
    #472 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #470)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣nee fok, imagine having thst oke with you for 8 days. Talking shit about SA, how great the AB’s, Ireland can’t get a semi and that English sausage is better than Wors. I couldn’t think of anything worse. Throw my bike on the next available truck and hike home.

    7 May, 2024 at 20:29
  142. avatar
    #471 Bush

    @Henkies (Comment #467)
    Not too fit but just need to ride for 8-9 hours slowly, where you stop you stop. Average about 1500m of climbing per day. Which is not to bad, if you want to push on that goes up🧐🧐🧐🧐Jis that C180 was a kuk car. Oversized tank. I think that use those cars for CIT’s. Smallies would be able to tell us. Quite excited about the planning.

    7 May, 2024 at 20:25
  143. avatar
    #470 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #469)
    When did you invite Hopper???oh wait sorry he can only navigate via google maps to Cornwall beach saffa shop

    7 May, 2024 at 20:22
  144. avatar
    #469 Bush

    @Deon (Comment #422)
    I’m pretty useless at finding stars. Luckily I will be with a chap that can travel by following the stars. The olds days you use to have Scouts, don’t know if they still do Scouts. He’s one of those okes. Can drink his own urine.

    7 May, 2024 at 20:17
  145. avatar
    #468 Smallies

    @Henkies (Comment #467)
    As an old former cyclist I keep on thinkig how epic those downhills will be…

    7 May, 2024 at 19:57
  146. avatar
    #467 Henkies

    @Bush (Comment #419)
    That will be some mountain bike ride Bush. Katsa dam surroundings are beautiful. You must be very fit to take on that terrain. My Dad took me there in 1998 in his automatic transmission c180 Mercedes which must have been one of the most underpowered cars available at the time. My Mom’s sewing machine had a more powerful engine and it was a heavy car. I didn’t think we would make it up some of those hills and turns. I often think the engineering that went into building that access road is as impressive as the dam itself. Enjoy the ride – that will be a life memory adventure

    7 May, 2024 at 19:36
  147. avatar
    #466 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #465)
    Yet never won a WC final against SA…..

    7 May, 2024 at 19:32
  148. avatar
    #465 Grasshopper

    @tompirracas (Comment #463)
    Years and years of getting smashed in NZ during the 90’s and 2000’s prove the ABs are the best. Richie McCaw and Dan Carter first choices for a World 15 of all time. The ABs for around a decade were the best. It’s very hard to argue against them. Since 1992;
    Played: 70
    NZ win: 48 – 69% win ratio
    SA win 20
    Drawn: 2

    They have been streaks ahead for the last 3 decades….

    7 May, 2024 at 19:27
  149. avatar
    #464 Smallies

    @tompirracas (Comment #463)
    Not even to mention Italy getting the W over France on a few occasions…

    7 May, 2024 at 17:47
  150. avatar
    #463 tompirracas

    @Grasshopper (Comment #458)

    To be fair, the Boks have only ever lost to Japan in a flash-in-the-pan World Cup, never in the more important league games they’ve played in.

    The World Cup is, generally, what coaches are judged by nowadays. A Rugby Championship victory, which South Africa got in 2019, is fine but it’s the World Cup or bust for the big boys. If you don’t believe me, look at the wailing in France and Ireland when they got knocked out last October.

    Plus, y’know, other countries have become better over the years. Argentina have even beaten the All Blacks a couple of times.

    7 May, 2024 at 17:41
  151. avatar
    #462 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #461)
    Not even in his weight class is Ali the best yet he is the goat…

    7 May, 2024 at 17:38
  152. avatar
    #461 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #460)
    For his weight division yes, apples vs apples boet….

    7 May, 2024 at 17:08
  153. avatar
    #460 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #459)
    Floyd Mayweather has a much much better win record than Ali yet Ali is was and will always be the Goat…

    7 May, 2024 at 16:54
  154. avatar
    #459 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #456)
    There can only be one ‘greatest’, hence the term. No such thing as one of the greatest, too subjective.

    7 May, 2024 at 16:21
  155. avatar
    #458 Grasshopper

    @Snelvuur (Comment #457)
    Of all time then yes. Why are World Cups more important? They are the best team of the 8 weeks. Like in football, the league for me is more important, than a cup win. It shows who is consistently the best team. SA lose to minnows in-between World Cups. It’s the wrong focus. We should never accept a loss to Italy, Japan, Argentina, ever. If we want to play those side to test our combinations then they shouldn’t get full test status. Like this next match vs Wales, it’s going to be a B team, like the games before the WC, experimentation. Tests should be that, tests with the best team possible. It’s like giving our caps too, playing 5 mins is enough for a cap now, no it should require at least 1 half played. I’m old school, prefer consistency rather than flash in the pan WC’s with 1 point win margins.

    7 May, 2024 at 16:19
  156. avatar
    #457 Snelvuur

    @Grasshopper (Comment #451)
    Surely you cannot just consider the head-to-head in order to determine the greatest team? Winning World Cups means far more than winning less meaningful Test series between World Cups, and which are often used to give players exposure in the build-up to the World Cup. If head-to-head stats are the be-all and end-all, Rondebosch is a better rugby school than Grey Bloem…played 9, won 5…

    7 May, 2024 at 16:03
  157. avatar
    #456 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #453)
    Read again I said on of the greatest ,grated of is spelled incorrectly but surely you learned to read with comprehension in Glenwood…

    7 May, 2024 at 15:27
  158. avatar
    #455 Kaya 85

    @Grasshopper (Comment #437)
    Beachhopper, dont be a Grasssmoker

    7 May, 2024 at 15:01
  159. avatar
    #454 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #435)
    the poet in you

    7 May, 2024 at 15:00
  160. avatar
    #453 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #452)
    I did, the term ‘greatest’ means only one. It’s like saying I have three best friends. There can only be one GOAT and that is NZ..

    7 May, 2024 at 14:50
  161. avatar
    #452 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #451)
    Dude did you read my post at all….I said clearly that we have a negative win ration against the All Blacks,fok ma jy is ….nee toema

    7 May, 2024 at 14:42
  162. avatar
    #451 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #450)
    SA vs NZ
    Played: 106
    NZ wins: 62
    SA wins: 40
    Draws: 4
    Points for: 1740
    Points against: 2196

    Even worse if you look at post 1990 in terms of % wins. Only one GOAT in rugby…

    7 May, 2024 at 14:38
  163. avatar
    #450 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #448)
    4 four vier quatro……only agains NZL did we lose more than win….Springboks are one if the greatest rugby teams in history

    7 May, 2024 at 14:29
  164. avatar
    #449 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #447)
    Plural means 2 or more, an accurate count of ‘SAFFAS’ overseas would most likely record over 2 million. Anyway, point made….more to leave when Juju, JZ and Ramaphoephol create a coalition government…

    7 May, 2024 at 14:21
  165. avatar
    #448 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #445)
    Yep from Grey Bloem, Paul Roos etc smashing everything by 50 or more, especially overseas teams to a year or 2 later losing to a country where rugby union is about 8th most popular sport and their national team couldn’t make the quarters, seriously something going pear-shaped there. The Boks are good at tournaments, not in-between, hence why they generally are not ranked No1. Losing to the likes of Japan, Argentina, Scotland, Ireland, Wales, Italy etc post apartheid is not great. Our record pre 1990 is amazing, since then not so…

    7 May, 2024 at 14:19
  166. avatar
    #447 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #446)
    Still not millionSSSSSSSSS….anyway people leave and people also come here ,like I said we’ll work with what we’ve got….if you dont want to be here …..

    7 May, 2024 at 14:19
  167. avatar
    #446 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #444)
    So if you undercount by more than half, what does that give you? That is the level of undercounting happening here. Remember SARS and SA Border Control are clueless…

    7 May, 2024 at 14:16
  168. avatar
    #445 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #443)
    Something is very wrong after school you say 🤔 ,I seem to recall we just won the world cup like last year….u 20s have a crappy coach thats about the sum total of whats wrong ,give that team to someone like Wes Dup and you’ll see what those kids are capable of

    7 May, 2024 at 14:14
  169. avatar
    #444 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #441)
    So 914k is quite near a million but quite far from millions….

    7 May, 2024 at 14:09
  170. avatar
    #443 Grasshopper

    Baby Boks lose to Australia!! Something going very wrong after school it seems. A country where a handful play the sport…

    7 May, 2024 at 14:09
  171. avatar
    #442 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #440)
    Daai vis plek op Houbaai se kaai ….

    7 May, 2024 at 14:08
  172. avatar
    #441 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #438)
    So you saying 914k is not near a million? Jeez, the education levels have dropped enormously. If we had an accurate figure it would be more than a million. Again, like trying to teach a kid with an IQ of 30 to do integration…or some Python coding, pointless. I’ll leave it there…

    7 May, 2024 at 14:07
  173. avatar
    #440 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #437)
    Nope, that is not all, it is a tiny constituent of what I love to have freely accessible daily. In 5 minutes I will leave to pick up the gf’s kids from school. Dogs in the back. Then we will walk from Klein Rivier Estuary over sand for kilometers you will not find in the Med, and I have visited most places. Turn around and walk via Grotto and Voëlklip towards the CBD on mighty cliffs with an exceptionally rough sea beneath us. Milkwood, boekenhout, yellowwood, assegaaiwood etc all the way. Then gf picks us up in town,our supper freshly caught, will have great tea and coffee etc in the Waterfront. Yes, you can do much of that too, but I get it for free every day while I am working remotely in Europe and Australia (starting tomorrow again). I live the life of a king in my personal view, so do you. And if I ever cannot climb Tafelberg via Skeleton Gorge on a hot summers day with sandstone everywhere and have to fly to experience and live my life for the Cape Floral Kingdom, it will not work for me. I tried. Au revoir.

    7 May, 2024 at 14:00
  174. avatar
    #439 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #435)
    Ja nee wat ek sal net hier wurm kos raak,sal laaik om op n boodjie in die Oranje rivier af te dryf terwyl my laaity hom mer n pyl en boog aan die brand skiet…..hy moet net nie so donners mis skiet soos daai otter in Game of thrones nie 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    7 May, 2024 at 13:51
  175. avatar
    #438 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #436)
    No need for me to read this, not even a cursory glance. You said millions, and now are avoiding your own statement and source like the plague by using straw men arguments, as they do not agree with you. It is petulant to carry on like this, only primary school kids believe in the “he who has the last say wins” bs. This is not a competition and not about losing or winning, just a reminder that you are extremely subjective and often pull bs out of your arze, like you did when claimed MILLIONS.

    7 May, 2024 at 13:50
  176. avatar
    #437 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #435)
    Living in cloud cuckoo land I see. Just because SA has more plant species…hahah

    7 May, 2024 at 13:47
  177. avatar
    #436 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #432)
    Let me help you, 914,000 is close to a million. Of the 20 odd Saffas in my village, 18 of them already had British Passports so just upped and left, SARS is not aware of this. So you see the official figure is undercounted. I said a million. https://www.dailymaverick.co.za/article/2024-04-01-gone-for-good-dwindling-number-of-south-african-emigrants-return/. Doesn’t matter what the exact figure, it’s a huge number of tax payers, in a country with a very small percent of tax payers, keeping the country afloat and getting nothing back for it in services. Highly skilled professionals with their families. Anyway, it’s like farting against thunder with you…

    7 May, 2024 at 13:45
  178. avatar
    #435 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #434)
    Dankie Smallies. Ver van miljoene. Inelkgeval, ek bly net hier. Hulle sal een moerse koevoet moet vind om my hier los te maak. Luister maar Koos Kombuis se song, Boer in Beton se woorde aandagtig, of sê vir my oor Beautiful in Beaufort-Wes , is daar herinneringe oor ‘n melktrein wat loop in Europa soos hy loop in BFW en grensdrade wat sing in die son? Ek hou daarvan om my biltong by Jansens in Vooretrekkerstraat te koop al sê Oud Anker dis goor. Ek hou van ons lang wit strande en dis vir my belangrik dat Tafelberg meer spesies blou blomme het as wat die Britse eilande plantspesies het. Wanneer ek in Europa is, na ‘n tyd, voel ek soos Koos Doep in Die Somer is verby. Verlange na my wêreld, wat baie groter as Europa. Ek het kwaai, slim geleerde brakke en ADT en iets net kort van Claymores. :wink: Sela.

    7 May, 2024 at 13:42
  179. avatar
    #434 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #432)
    Volgens IOL is die die lande met die hoogste buitelandse SA bevolking

    7 May, 2024 at 13:10
  180. avatar
    #433 Deon

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #424)
    :lol: En more-rer

    7 May, 2024 at 13:03
  181. avatar
    #432 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #431)
    So how did you get to MILLIONS Grassy, please explain. You are out by light years according to your own source.

    I worked on the UN Migrant Stock paper and excluded those who emigrated within the post Berlin Conference Africa, those who actually live in two countries per SARS source rules etc.

    I do not doubt emigration will escalate even more soon, but “millions” is just a bizarre number you pulled from some orifice.

    7 May, 2024 at 13:03
  182. avatar
    #431 Grasshopper 7 May, 2024 at 12:48
  183. avatar
    #430 Smallies

    @Vleis (Comment #428)
    Yep unless it says part of the First rand group they proparbly are skelm

    7 May, 2024 at 12:44
  184. avatar
    #429 Vleis

    @tompirracas (Comment #313)
    Yes, that makes sense, as Hartpury is an academy and has always been very competitive in SA…so to get pounded by Helpies and lose to MV is unexpected, unless players were missing.

    7 May, 2024 at 12:38
  185. avatar
    #428 Vleis

    @Grasshopper (Comment #404)
    I’m not close to the oil and gas industry but, if memory serves, the downstream sector (esp. petrol stations) is an insignificant portion of the value chain. Shell have been divesting out of this segment for many years in all sorts of countries, including in Europe.

    …and as for BNP Paribas, the less said about that useless bunch of charlatans the better!

    7 May, 2024 at 12:30
  186. avatar
    #427 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #423)
    Beste strand waar ek nog was ,en moet nou nie lag, nie was onderkant die badplaas waterval slegs 30m by 10m.Jy moes deur die spruit swem om daar te kom ….

    7 May, 2024 at 12:22
  187. avatar
    #426 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #424)
    Must be the cloudcover ……

    7 May, 2024 at 12:07
  188. avatar
    #425 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #420)
    I called on a girl in Marquard while I was studying at Kovsies back in the day,when her dad found out I came from Brakpan the relationship died an unexplainable and sudden death🤣🤣🤣

    7 May, 2024 at 12:07
  189. avatar
    #424 OUD ANKER

    @Deon (Comment #422)
    Prof Deon, you are so very wrong, the stars in Ireland are far brighterder and biggerder!

    7 May, 2024 at 12:06
  190. avatar
    #423 BoishaaiPa

    Still think the beaches around the Dingle Peninsula is some of the prettiest.. :mrgreen:

    7 May, 2024 at 11:27
  191. avatar
    #422 Deon

    @Bush (Comment #419)
    Stunning post. Poetic. Seems like a great trip, sleeping in the hotel with the many stars. I spent many evenings in many parts over many years in Europe scanning Ursa minor and the Little Dipper unsuccessfully attempting to see the North Star (currently Polaris Aa, but only currently, not as stable as people think, only temporarily before a new one takes over the duty. There are no stars like Karoo and OFS stars in my personal opinion. Sitting in the Dwarsrivier observatory during a Dark Moon in the Cederberg Karoo. Unbeatable.

    7 May, 2024 at 11:07
  192. avatar
    #421 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #415)
    Life begins where the tarred road stops ,keeping it simple is the key to happiness…

    7 May, 2024 at 11:06
  193. avatar
    #420 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #417)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣next time stop in Marquard at Marco’s. Best pizzas in the entire FS and a heavy lekker place. Got all these old school things as decor. You won’t get heart burn. You may get stuck there though.

    7 May, 2024 at 11:03
  194. avatar
    #419 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #415)
    Maybe your life is simple but being farmer in those areas is not very simple. Maybe the only time it is simple is when the sun is setting over the Koranna Mountains and one has a brannas and coke in hand. You then appreciate the beauty of NOFS but then night falls and it’s a whole new beast. The lekker thing is, we planning a MTB trip from Hilton, through Lesotho (Katse Dam) tenting on the side of the road, under the universe of stars(Can you see the stars, not the same stars when an oke gives you a PK) trading with locals along the way and ending on our farm. These are the magical things we are privileged to. Any way I’m about to cry and start singing the National Anthem. Oh yes and we have 4 🏆 WC’s. 💪💪💪💪💪💪

    7 May, 2024 at 10:56
  195. avatar
    #418 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #414)
    Yes, the Homecoming revolution is bs, just like your millions claim, and the numbers include all who had a SA passport. Significant numbers do return, mostly after their kids have left the nest. A more worrying trend to me is the stayers who do not want to have kids, and that is a big number.

    EDIT : Stop making stupid claims like “millions”. Sit down and think before you post. That way some of your other claims may seem more plausible.

    7 May, 2024 at 10:51
  196. avatar
    #417 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #411)
    That area of the Freestate is pretty special,there’s a general dealer in Excelsior I once bought a garage pie there ,best pie in 300 km had heartburn for 4 days though…

    7 May, 2024 at 10:47
  197. avatar
    #416 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #412)
    Ja nee kyk rugby by Oakdale is mos vir die wat te sag is vir toutrek….

    7 May, 2024 at 10:44
  198. avatar
    #415 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #411)
    Some people like the simple life, that is fine….enjoy the OFS boet!

    7 May, 2024 at 10:34
  199. avatar
    #414 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #407)
    We all know that spin from SA Homecoming Revolution, it’s complete rubbish. I know of one person going back due to family reasons. Those numbers exclude all of those who already had other passports.

    7 May, 2024 at 10:32
  200. avatar
    #413 Grasshopper

    @Rainier (Comment #408)
    If only you knew ;-)

    7 May, 2024 at 10:29
  201. avatar
    #412 Deon

    SA Sports Awards for the year :

    School team of the Year: Hoer Landbouskool Oakdale — Tug of War 560kg junior men’s team

    Well done!!!!!

    7 May, 2024 at 10:25
  202. avatar
    #411 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #397)
    Gooi die brannas and coke, three fingers. 🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆🏆maybe now he will have some respect for us less fortunate. I have a small farm in Excelsior, man we kuk off there. It’s dry, veld fires, every day there are issues and we are English in a very historic part of S.A. We put all that shit behind us and when we go up there, it’s another world. Keep the Mediterranean Beaches and all that kuk. We call our area the Boerwors Curtain. ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️and we love it.
    I’ve never heard of a Sitbok🤣🤣🤣🤣I had to ask an Afrikaans friend of mine what the hell that is. I will never look at a Bobbejaan 🙆🏼‍♂️the same again 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
    Viva South Africa Viva 💪💪💪💪💪💪

    7 May, 2024 at 10:25
  203. avatar
    #410 Deon

    @Rainier (Comment #408)
    :lol: :lol: :lol: Skerp skerp eina

    7 May, 2024 at 10:22
  204. avatar
    #409 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #408)
    Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh eina!!!

    7 May, 2024 at 10:20
  205. avatar
    #408 Rainier

    @Deon (Comment #407)

    Well, does not seem to only be skilled ones…


    7 May, 2024 at 10:14
  206. avatar
    #407 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #404)
    Far from 1 million, about 500k net after reverse emmigration. But still a massive blow as those leaving are the skilled ones. Emigration is not for sissies.

    7 May, 2024 at 10:11
  207. avatar
    #406 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #404)
    Petrol is petrol mate….well just go to fill up at quest🤣🤣🤣🤣local is mos lekker in any case….

    7 May, 2024 at 10:10
  208. avatar
    #405 Kaya 85


    7 May, 2024 at 10:01
  209. avatar
    #404 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #402)
    No worries, a good deal. Then Saffas in SA need to respect those who have left, which is in the millions. Shell is about to leave too plus BNP Paribas. Best of luck…

    7 May, 2024 at 09:53
  210. avatar
    #403 Grasshopper

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #401)
    When I left the blog for 2 years, happy to do that again…..

    7 May, 2024 at 09:50
  211. avatar
    #402 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #380)
    Thing is Grassy, we know all about SA’s condition and it is not because of us, but despite our efforts. So, the last thing we need is to be constantly reminded, mostly at a whim, by an expat about our country’s deficiencies. You made the right choice for you, not sure why you remain checking in the rearview mirror instead of ahead, and always attempt to justify your decision mostly by highly subjective observations and perceptions and insults. Sometimes with brutal facts but most often not. We are trying to do the best we can to make our decisions about SA count for our children and we do not need the constant shooting down. In the beginning, circa 2012/2013, I blogged here with both my name and surname which turned out to be a very wrong decision for my children. Now I just use my name. I did not participate in the Hopper Roast, don’t like fried insects, and respect your decision, please do same for me.

    7 May, 2024 at 09:48
  212. avatar
    #401 Kaya 85

    @Grasshopper (Comment #377)
    …When exactly did you become ” a quieter Hopper”?
    After thousands of words of defensive drivel blah blah blah and 2 volume expositions on the rifle shooting history of KZN??

    7 May, 2024 at 09:44
  213. avatar
    #400 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #396)
    Just so you are aware & to be factual, I buy wors in a Saffa shop in St Albans, run by Afrikaans and Zim butchers, it’s the real deal. I make my own billies using spices from Durban, it’s also legit stuff. It’s not jerky….wouldn’t touch that. Also, my wood is genuine stuff from Namibia…and I never use gas, only for my skottel breakfasts. Lastly, Glenwood is kak this year, that is fine, 2025 will hopefully be better and then the years to come. We just need to keep our players, focus on good coaching and the rest will follow, back into the top 30

    7 May, 2024 at 09:40
  214. avatar
    #399 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #382)
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    7 May, 2024 at 09:39
  215. avatar
    #398 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #397)
    That is a fair and good deal.

    7 May, 2024 at 09:36
  216. avatar
    #397 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #395)
    Mate here’s the thing and after this im done …..well I might throw out a baited hook once in a while….we know South Africa is for the most part a shitshow ,we know crime is high ,we know unemployment is at 30%,we know the government flucked everything up they touched,but we are working our arses off to make it work ,and we WILL make it work because we dont have the luxury of choice you do ,there is no safety net in England for me and most of us ….all that we ask is for you and the many who like you chose to leave is to stop shitting on South Africa…things will change thats a fact….I will stop attacking you if you can do this ….
    Wees net n lekker ou man dis nie moeilik nie

    7 May, 2024 at 09:32
  217. avatar
    #396 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #393)
    My ou groot vriend het vir my laas week n parceltjie gebring,dit is beter as enige iets wat jy in n saffa shop in Cornwall koop….

    7 May, 2024 at 09:25
  218. avatar
    #395 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #390)
    Ek het dit geeet op my vakansie in SA in Oktober 2023. Dit was net OK…

    7 May, 2024 at 09:19
  219. avatar
    #394 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #391)
    WOW, you are so clever boet…..well done. Never claimed to be…..

    7 May, 2024 at 09:17
  220. avatar
    #393 Rainier

    @Smallies (Comment #390)

    Ek is die naweek daar, gaan verseker bietjie wors voorraad kry.

    7 May, 2024 at 09:16
  221. avatar
    #392 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #386)
    There are far too many Karen’s loving JZ and Siya, the woke brigade is strong in the gated estates of SA…

    7 May, 2024 at 09:16
  222. avatar
    #391 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #377)
    “…grandis, tu es un vrai connard”, “creca, voce e um idiota”, if you don’t understand, go and “google translate”, you are not the only one that has lived in and experienced other countries or cultures.

    7 May, 2024 at 09:15
  223. avatar
    #390 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #385)
    Dink ook so ,hy het ook seker nog nooit Kareedow wors geeet nie

    7 May, 2024 at 09:14
  224. avatar
    #389 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #386)
    Ooooooo crap!!!

    7 May, 2024 at 09:13
  225. avatar
    #388 Grasshopper

    @Rainier (Comment #385)
    Nope, never regretted leaving once. There is no future there as long as the cANCer are in charge. Only thing I miss is family…

    7 May, 2024 at 09:13
  226. avatar
    #387 Grasshopper

    @Rainier (Comment #383)
    As is South Africa is not the keeper of all natural beauty, as many locals claim. The best that and the best this…..sorry, the world is bigger than SA.

    7 May, 2024 at 09:12
  227. avatar
    #386 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #384)
    Watch jou taal! Afrikaans is “woke”

    7 May, 2024 at 09:05
  228. avatar
    #385 Rainier

    @Smallies (Comment #384)

    Ek dink hy probeer beter voel oor sy besluite.

    7 May, 2024 at 08:59
  229. avatar
    #384 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #383)
    Enigste goeie ding wat uit die meditation kom is olywe….maar die by Jan Braai se plek op Calitzdorp en die in Jan Kemp dorp en Hartswater is beter ….die man het seker ook nog nooit van Kabeljouws af gestap Gamtoos mond toe nie…

    7 May, 2024 at 08:56
  230. avatar
    #383 Rainier

    @Grasshopper (Comment #381)

    You see, assumption is the mother of all f/ups.

    I have been to all countries straddling the Med and the Adriatic, with the exception of Croatia. Also been to Mallorca and Ibiza. And Florida and California. The Bahamas and Jamaica. Rio de Janeiro. So stop being condescending – you are not the keeper of the truth when it comes to knowledge of the world outside of SA.

    And yes, if crystal clean blue water and no waves and rock/pebbles is your ideal of the perfect beach the Med is great. In SA we call that a swimming pool, not a beach.

    7 May, 2024 at 08:53
  231. avatar
    #382 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #380)
    You should try emigrating from Brakpan to the Karoo…..nie vir Poofters nie

    7 May, 2024 at 08:50
  232. avatar
    #381 Grasshopper

    @Rainier (Comment #379)
    Ridiculous claims? You’ve obviously never left Jeffreys Bay. Beaches in the Med are light years better and yes I used to go to St Francis Bay every year to visit family, Jeffreys is not in good shape.

    7 May, 2024 at 08:46
  233. avatar
    #380 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #378)
    I just stated exactly that, if you read it properly. Trust me, I have super thick skin, I’ve seen everything and had a tough upbringing. Try emigration boet, not easy. I’m as blunt as you come, hence my comments on SA. I call a spade a spade. I think you guys need to accept criticism of SA, it’s the truth. Not triggered by Karen and yes mroe than happy for people to take the p, but not constantly it gets boring…

    7 May, 2024 at 08:44
  234. avatar
    #379 Rainier

    @Grasshopper (Comment #377)

    That escalated quickly.

    I use my real name and will have a beer with you, as long as you leave your ridiculous claims about Mediterranean beaches behind in the UK.

    7 May, 2024 at 08:40
  235. avatar
    #378 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #377)
    1 Dont get pissed off when we reply to you attacking South Africa….
    2 I’m white conservative and Afrikaans thats about as far from being woke as Biden is from being lucid…..
    3 you realy need to develop a thicker skin ,South Africa is not for sissies and we do have a certain bluntness that goes with the territory….learn to accept it
    5 If you get triggered by being called Karen ….dude…..
    6 lighten up mate we were just taking the piss out of you ,no one was seriously trying to attack you ….wees net n lekker ou

    7 May, 2024 at 08:35
  236. avatar
    #377 Grasshopper

    @Grant (Comment #374)
    The only tiny peckers here are those juvenile immature men who get a weird kick out of trying to gang up on people knowing they are safe behind an avatar & far away. They then claim the person they are ganging up on as sensitive, when the initial reaction was because they can’t take their truth medicine. There are two rules, never discuss or debate politics & religion. Unfortunately sport is entwined in politics in SA, so debate can lead to that. I stupidly went down that route & you lot did the woke thing and went on the defensive then tried to belittle everything I said. Another truth pill, live is amazing here, far better than we had in Cape Town, Ballito & Joburg. We don’t have the sun as much as SA & no animals, but in terms of Maslows hierarchy of needs, those are not that high. One can live without a pretty mountain & go find one. If you take a step back, you guys are playing in a kids world. Grow up & debate intelligently with facts. I get you having fun & taking the P, but there is a point where it gets boring. I might be at the Kearsney Festival next year & more than happy to meet any of you guys for a pint/draught & be adult about things. Have a laugh too. I’m all for laughing at myself but things went a little too far. I’m expecting a few of you hiding behind your avatars are actually friends of mine taking the P, I know a few who would do that. What would be great is if people posted with their real names, I bet most of the drivel would reduce. Anyway, you’ve now got what you wanted, a Glenwood on the low & a quieter Hopper….

    7 May, 2024 at 07:46
  237. avatar
    #376 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #375)
    The feeling is mutual 👍

    7 May, 2024 at 07:34
  238. avatar
    #375 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #351)mate I really dont care wether you respect me or not …

    7 May, 2024 at 05:28
  239. avatar
    #374 Grant

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #339)
    Something like that …. 👊🏻

    7 May, 2024 at 00:03
  240. avatar
    #373 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #372)
    I never liked more than 15 Glenwood players going to trials, never made sense. They were never Grey Bloem dominant. It raised questions even when deserving players made the side.

    6 May, 2024 at 22:17
  241. avatar
    #372 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #371)
    The selection here doesn’t seem logical. Northwood are very strong with big boys no reps. House and Hilton have great results very few reps. Selection in KZN has always been funny, even when GW was at its prime, having 2nd and 3rd players selected ahead of 1st team players. Along as we can beat the BB, FS and WP💪💪💪💪nothing big in that 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6 May, 2024 at 22:10
  242. avatar
    #371 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #369)
    9 in the KZN squad doesn’t bode well for KZN, unless the DHS bunch can stand up & be counted

    6 May, 2024 at 21:54
  243. avatar
    #370 Grasshopper

    Off topic but I loved the history across all KZN schools re shooting/musketry;

    The oldest interschool competition in Natal.
    (Other than during the Anglo – Boer War, WWI, WWII and the COVID epidemic, it has been contested almost every year)
    by Kevin Jordan, Glenwood High School, Archivist
    Glenwood High School has competed for the Natal Grand Challenge Shield (an Inter-schools Shooting Bisley Competition) for more than a century. They first won the trophy in 1924. Affectionately known as ‘The Angel Shield’ because of the figure in the centre of the shield, it is regarded as the most prestigious of all shooting trophies. First awarded in 1896, schools have competed for the shield almost continuously for the past 128 years. Originally shooting was an integral part of all school cadet programmes but, since 1994, has been recognised as independent school sport.
    Cadets were introduced to high schools in the province in the early 1870s, with Hilton College being the first, followed by Hermannsburg and then Maritzburg College. As was to be expected of a frontier colony, Natal needed to train all its young men in the basics of marching, shooting and military discipline. By the 1890s, cadets had been introduced to primary schools for all boys over the age of 10 years. Bellair Primary School introduced cadets in 1903, and was still doing it in 1939.
    Unlike the negative perceptions of cadets in the 1970s and 1980s, cadets were very popular in the late 19th century. The first annual cadet camp was held in 1896 in the grounds of Agricultural Society in Pietermaritzburg for a period of 5 days; 1135 cadets, 33 masters and 12 drill instructors attended. It was at this camp that schools competed for the Challenge Shield for the first time. The cadets used Snider carbines that “kicked like a mule” and had a “last of thunder.” Hilton won the competition in 1896 and again in 1897, with Maritzburg College winning in 1898.
    In 1899 the camp was held in Durban where Dundee School won the “Richmond White Challenge Cup”. Unfortunately, this cup was never seen again as it was carried off as booty by Vryheid Boers when they occupied the school!
    After the Jameson raid in 1896, a number of Afrikaans-speaking boys at Hilton College returned home to serve in their local commando. Later, when the Boer commandos invaded Natal, 3 Hilton boys reported for service. On their return to school, they were allowed to wear their campaign medals and ribbons when on parade with the cadets.
    After the Boer war, Ixopo won the Shield in 1903, Michaelhouse in 1906 and 1912, Berea Academy in 1908 and DHS in 1911. No competitions were held during the years 1914-1919 whilst the Great War was being fought.
    The Technical High School, Durban (as Glenwood was known until 1934) first won the shield in 1924. One of the shottists was James “Nap” Wheeler, later to become a minister at St. Pauls Church, Durban and who would die at El Alamein in 1942 whilst serving as Chaplain to the Natal Mounted Rifles. These would prove to be good years for Glenwood as they won the trophy again in 1927 and from 1929-1932 and again in 1934.Other winners in the 1930s were Greytown 1933-34 and 1936, Escourt 1935 and 1938-1939 and Maritzburg College 1937.
    After WWII, it was some time before shooting resumed with Glenwood (1957
    &1959), DHS (1955) and Kearsney (1958) winning it in the late 1950s. During the 1960s, Glenwood continued to dominate (1964-1966 & 1970) but the late 1960s saw the emergence of Northern Natal schools as a major force in shooting. Glencoe won in 1968 & 1969 and from 1971-1973. The late 1980s saw the emergence of Hoerskool Vryheid who won the shield every year from 1989 – 1995. Hoerskool Pioneer, Vryheid won the shield from 2007-2010 and again in 2012. Other schools to win during this period were Empangeni (1996), George Campbell (1997, 2000, Maritzburg College (1999, 2001 and 2006) and Glenwood (2011, 2014 & 2019.)
    Various KZN High School anniversary history books.
    The History of Bellair School 1872-1981.

    The Raw Cup mentioned below is 7 years older than the Angel Shield, but was not awarded from 1952- 2007. It was also not an interschools cup, initially.
    The G.H. Raw Cup was presented to the Natal Football Association in 1889 by Mr. George Raw. Local clubs and the 2 Government High Schools, namely D.H.S. and Maritzburg College, competed for this magnificent trophy in the inaugural year. During the next 62 years, the Cup moved all around Natal as different Clubs won the trophy. The competition then fell away. (From 1910, football was no longer an official sport at either school.)
    54 years later the Cup re-emerged from obscurity, when it was found on a table at a flea market. The owner was persuaded to donate it to D.H.S. so that College and D.H.S. could compete for it once again, as they had done 119 years previously.
    This encounter took place at D.H.S. on van Heerden Field on Tuesday the 26th of August 2008, under lights.
    D.H.S. Newsletter – The Herald September 2008
    This is not the complete story; much is missing, perhaps never to be recorded. It is an invaluable part of local history, from a time long forgotten.

    6 May, 2024 at 21:52
  244. avatar
    #369 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #368)
    Now that better Hopper, also thought they were very disappointing. Plus why play two massive games like that🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️🤷🏻‍♂️

    6 May, 2024 at 21:51
  245. avatar
    #368 Grasshopper

    Noordheuwel, team of the tourno for me. Most disappointing was College, who form a huge chunk of the KZN Craven Week squad….ouch

    6 May, 2024 at 21:42
  246. avatar
    #367 Kaya 85

    Did Wildeklawer Sport give a list of all the Man of the Match Awards?

    6 May, 2024 at 21:19
  247. avatar
    #366 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #365)
    The lift doesn’t go all the way to the top, I think with most of these bloggers who seem to have fun baiting me.

    6 May, 2024 at 21:18
  248. avatar
    #365 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #360)
    Exactly my point….now you are even falling behinder than behindest Sir Hopper!

    6 May, 2024 at 21:16
  249. avatar
    #364 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #363)
    What a stunning comeback by Jansen…and then to go for the win when a draw was available…

    6 May, 2024 at 21:16
  250. avatar
    #363 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #361)
    Game of the tournament for me was Paarl Gim vs EG Jansen.

    6 May, 2024 at 21:14
  251. avatar
    #362 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #359)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣lekker Hopper. Don’t go, going to miss you if you pack up and head to the pommie beach. You the only intelligent oke on this blog.

    6 May, 2024 at 21:13
  252. avatar
    #361 Kaya 85

    Kaya’s Team of the Tournament –
    Pls help me with the names…
    15. Affies’ fullback
    14. Noordheuwel’s flyer
    13. Markus, Gim
    12. vd Merwe, Grey
    11. Aidan, HJS
    10. Noordheuwel’s pivot
    9. Grey’s McLaren
    8. Paul Roos
    7. Cosmo, Grey
    6. Bere Cappie
    5. Affies
    4. Giant, DHS
    3.Dlamini DHS
    2. Grey
    1.Luan, Bere

    Bench: Grey’s 13 can also cover flank and the front row
    The other Affie lock
    Pike, hooker (EG)
    Monnas 8
    Disclosure: Unfortunately, didnt see Diamantveld, Waterkloof, or Welkom

    6 May, 2024 at 21:10
  253. avatar
    #360 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #356)
    Using language from your IQ level for sure…

    6 May, 2024 at 21:09
  254. avatar
    #359 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #357)
    You’re a lightweight boet who thinks he’s a heavy ou. Hiding behind a beard. It just shows how Karen you guys are, I little bit of truth medicine offends you so you guys try to gang up on me & then call me a Karen. Certainly spineless, that is for sure. Ostriches!

    6 May, 2024 at 21:08
  255. avatar
    #358 Bush

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #355)
    It would be very interesting to put two teams together from this festival and see how close it would be to the SAS Team.

    6 May, 2024 at 21:04
  256. avatar
    #357 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #351)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣I’m a jellyfish with no spine, you when handing out those PK’s it’s going to be hard to smack me down. Plus I come with a sambreel just for those days.

    6 May, 2024 at 21:01
  257. avatar
    #356 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #353)
    You just fell furthest behindest.

    6 May, 2024 at 21:01
  258. avatar
    #355 Kaya 85


    Affies (Blue Bulls)
    Grey College (Free State)
    Noordheuwel (GLRU)
    Diamantveld (Griquas)
    Waterkloof (Blue Bulls)
    Kirkham, UK
    Paarl Gim (WP)
    Welkom Gim (Griffons)
    Paul Roos (WP)
    6 May, 2024 at 21:00
  259. avatar
    #354 Grasshopper

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #350)
    Nope, Beast takes that crown, followed by this gang on here

    6 May, 2024 at 20:53
  260. avatar
    #353 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #352)

    6 May, 2024 at 20:49
  261. avatar
    #352 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #350)
    Do you think the Grasshoppers in Ireland are the size of an Alouette helicopter?….Should we ask Sir Hopper?

    6 May, 2024 at 20:47
  262. avatar
    #351 Grasshopper

    The only Karen’s are you woke lot, Ou Anker, Grant, Smallies & Bush. Try to wrile me up. I mean how touchy can you get. I didn’t threaten Beet & I’ve never used my real name here. Maybe you keyboard warriors should share your details, stop hiding. I bet you wouldn’t say half of what you do to my face, because you would get a poesklap! I used to have respect for Smallies, not now. Old beardy man Bush was ok, & Beast is just a troll. You’ve done what you wanted, drove me away. Enjoy talking childish kak mixed with Afrikaans drivel.

    6 May, 2024 at 20:46
  263. avatar
    #350 Kaya 85

    Hopper king of trolls

    6 May, 2024 at 20:27
  264. avatar
    #349 beet

    @Smallies (Comment #346)
    as long as you pronounce it ceh-rin and not kaaah-run

    6 May, 2024 at 20:24
  265. avatar
    #348 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #346)
    Karen’s Irish 💪💪💪💪💪

    6 May, 2024 at 20:19
  266. avatar
    #347 Bush

    @beet (Comment #345)
    He’s given us his real name on this Blog, so it’s common knowledge. You just have to goggle Grasshopper School Boy Rugby Blog and you will find the threads of years back when he publicly gave his name. I only know Grasshopper and that’s not Irish

    6 May, 2024 at 20:13
  267. avatar
    #346 Smallies

    @beet (Comment #345)
    That last two sentences sounded seriously threatening to me anyway I wonk use is name from now on I’ll just call him karen…if thats within our rules boss

    6 May, 2024 at 20:12
  268. avatar
    #345 beet

    @Smallies (Comment #344)
    No he just asked not to use his real name…

    6 May, 2024 at 20:08
  269. avatar
    #344 Smallies

    @beet (Comment #343)
    Does that mean we should stop giving him kak….🙈🙈🙈is he actually threatening you ….what a dick move

    6 May, 2024 at 20:04
  270. avatar
    #343 beet

    @Grant (Comment #334)
    Hi Grant.
    Grasshopper has respectfully asked that you do not use his real name on the blog.

    6 May, 2024 at 19:59
  271. avatar
    #342 Smallies

    Op n ernstige noot,wat het Chucky Kaaswors gemaak dat hy uit sy kamer uit gesit is?

    6 May, 2024 at 19:57
  272. avatar
    #341 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #340)
    Rule nr 1

    6 May, 2024 at 19:56
  273. avatar
    #340 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #336)
    Ja, moenie ‘n d**s wees nie! Wees net ‘n lekker ou!

    6 May, 2024 at 19:52
  274. avatar
    #339 OUD ANKER

    @Grant (Comment #334)
    Do you think it is one of those tiny UK Goldcrest peckers?

    6 May, 2024 at 19:50
  275. avatar
    #338 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #335)
    Hy is al amper so ver agter soos sir Lewis agter Max is…

    6 May, 2024 at 19:49
  276. avatar
    #337 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #332)
    Sitbok issie vir sussies nie ,it takes a special kind of barbaric….

    6 May, 2024 at 19:48
  277. avatar
    #336 Smallies

    @Grant (Comment #334)
    Jaaa in afrikaans
    Die lewe is lekker my ou ,jy moet net n lekker ou wees👍👍👍

    6 May, 2024 at 19:46
  278. avatar
    #335 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #331)
    You are falling further behinder Sir Grasshopper….

    6 May, 2024 at 19:46
  279. avatar
    #334 Grant

    @Grasshopper (Comment #328)
    …. You are a lekka oke. But dude. FFS. You really don’t have to prove you have the biggest pecker on the branch. It’s not a competition. Don’t be a p***. Just be lekka.

    6 May, 2024 at 19:39
  280. avatar
    #333 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #331)
    I’m sure it’s still sunny on Immigrant Island UK, you can go for a lekker fresh swim in the sea. Almost like rebirthing yourself and we can start again tomorrow. 🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰sleep lekker Hopper don’t forget your GW Chappie Blankie

    6 May, 2024 at 19:34
  281. avatar
    #332 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #324)
    They specialise in Sitbok jerky, anybody that can do that jerky needs respect

    6 May, 2024 at 19:30
  282. avatar
    #331 Grasshopper

    Wasting my time with tossers here, bye

    6 May, 2024 at 19:26
  283. avatar
    #330 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #325)
    Google Mullaghmore and learn something…

    6 May, 2024 at 19:25
  284. avatar
    #329 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #326)
    Ja you dont need him ,you use google maps🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6 May, 2024 at 19:24
  285. avatar
    #328 Grasshopper

    @Grant (Comment #323)
    Thanks Grant :-)

    6 May, 2024 at 19:24
  286. avatar
    #327 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #322)
    No mate you are like a carp taking a caramel floatie ever single time.

    6 May, 2024 at 19:23
  287. avatar
    #326 Grasshopper

    @tompirracas (Comment #315)
    I know that whoever you are, I went there regularly when I lived in Dublin. My family are from Ballyclogh near Mallow and we’ve done the whole ancestral thing back to 1760…I don’t need you to tell me where the beaches are…

    6 May, 2024 at 19:23
  288. avatar
    #325 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #312)
    Those nice little paddle board waves you mentioned is nice and cute, Its not dungeons or kommetjie though ,its definitely NOT the king of waves Supertubes or Bruce’s beauties in St Frances,nir is ut Nahoon reef or one of the hundreds of unnamed perfect waves on the wild coast ….

    6 May, 2024 at 19:22
  289. avatar
    #324 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #319)
    I make my own you numpty and it’s hung properly. The okes at Bok n Rose know there stuff too, have a little bit of respect

    6 May, 2024 at 19:20
  290. avatar
    #323 Grant

    @Grasshopper (Comment #310)
    Ffs …. You would be clinging onto a Porta Loo in the middle of the Atlantic and still try convince us it was prime real estate. You haven’t changed or moved on from the 365 days.

    6 May, 2024 at 19:19
  291. avatar
    #322 Grasshopper

    Jislaaik you okes are so easy to tag along it’s frightening, like playing with kids….

    6 May, 2024 at 19:19
  292. avatar
    #321 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #310)
    Well let me see quickly, the cradle of mankind is in South Africa so the first humans were saffas wich would then basically mean that WE SAFFAS invented humanity wich mean WE SAFFAS invented EVERYTHING….

    6 May, 2024 at 19:11
  293. avatar
    #320 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #319)

    6 May, 2024 at 19:09
  294. avatar
    #319 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #314)
    Proparbly staffie biltong if it’s that vacuum packed shite or sitbok 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6 May, 2024 at 18:43
  295. avatar
    #318 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #307)
    Ja its nasty stuff ,the english love it though ,it seems they think its Namibia hardekool

    6 May, 2024 at 18:37
  296. avatar
    #317 Kaya 85

    @Grasshopper (Comment #312)
    Ok showoff…you’ve traveled everywhere, buy 400kg of wood at a time and eat prime English stag. Well done. And you pay to even sit on the beach. But you can’t boast about your team can you braggart?

    6 May, 2024 at 18:21
  297. avatar
    #316 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #312)
    Sir Grasshopper, I suggest you stop your arguments/stories while you still behind….because your are just getting further “behinder”!

    6 May, 2024 at 18:19
  298. avatar
    #315 tompirracas

    @Grasshopper (Comment #312)

    Dogs Bay is in Galway, son.

    Tra Mor (Donegal), Bundoran (Donegal), Rossbeigh (Sligo), Streedagh (Sligo) White Rocks (Antrim), Keem Bay (Mayo) are all further away from your ancestral home than Galway, too.

    It’s almost as if you googled “10 most beautiful beaches in Ireland” and copy and pasted the results. Doubt you’d do that, though.

    Should have stuck Inchydoney near Clonakilty in there for a gorgeous Co Cork beach.

    6 May, 2024 at 18:15
  299. avatar
    #314 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #310)
    Don’t put that kuk link on here man, ffs there’s no Geel Vet Billies so that’s all Fongkong stuff. Pommies and has been South Africans trying to make Biltong, can’t call that stuff Biltong is bloody Jerky. Only Boere can hunt just ask the Rooineks in the 2 Wars, they got hunted and cleaned up.

    6 May, 2024 at 18:10
  300. avatar
    #313 tompirracas

    @beet (Comment #309)

    That large number of players missing stat is more appropriate for Hartpury playing in the Kearsney Easter Festival. They had 6(!) players in the Welsh U18 squad, 1 in the England squad and 1 in the Scottish for the U18 Six Nations tournament that took place in Italy at Easter – and featured 8 sides.

    A lot of young Welsh players get offered scholarships/opportunities to play for their last two years of school in England. It’s why players such as Louis Rees Zammit, who went to Hartpury, end up playing for clubs like Gloucester. Usually they go to schools/colleges in the English South West but someone like Tommy Reffell went to a school near Leicester and goes straight into their system.

    It can work the other way and Wales gets players who came all the way through the English system but qualify thanks to a parent or grandparent. Scotland are the absolute masters of this – Hamish Watson and Ben White just to take two examples – and look even further afield, for instance capping Dylan Richardson from the Sharks.

    6 May, 2024 at 18:04
  301. avatar
    #312 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #297)
    Never said Blackpool and Galway is nowhere near Cork where my family are from. However, Trá Mór, Curracloe, Dogs Bay, Streedagh, Rossbeigh, Dunmoran, White Rocks, Keem Bay and many others match anything in SA. In terms of surf, Bundoran and others can pump at 10ft plus. There are over 100 beaches in the Med better than anything in the Cape too. Cala Gororitze, Elafonisi, Cala Brandinchi, Platja de Ses Illetes are amazing, just to name 4. All crystal clear and no waves….Saffas need to travel more it seems…..

    6 May, 2024 at 17:52
  302. avatar
    #311 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #305)
    Nope, never touched black wattle. It comes directly from Windhoek, giving locals jobs. It’s a good cause.

    6 May, 2024 at 17:41
  303. avatar
    #310 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #303)
    Wrong again, I would never waste proper hard wood on a firepit. I use local wood for that which isn’t too bad actually. I stock up with Kameeldoring, Rooikrans, Mopane & Sekelbos every few months, about 400kg. I don’t cook sausages on the braai and I had a custom stainless steel grid made. Braaiwood UK is a good supplier and my meat I get at local farmers, butchers and from https://www.bokandrose.co.uk/. Mouritz Botha does some good meat and billies too. He hunts the local deer in the forests of Bedfordshire. Saffas for some reason think they invented hunting, cooking meat over a flame etc….the Americans even do it well.

    6 May, 2024 at 17:39
  304. avatar
    #309 beet

    @tompirracas (Comment #294)
    Thank you. Much appreciated in all regards.

    6 May, 2024 at 17:00
  305. avatar
    #308 Bush

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #306)
    Was a well drilled team that Kirkham side.

    6 May, 2024 at 16:33
  306. avatar
    #307 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #305)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣flip and that black wattle is kuk stuff. Have you every tried walking through that stuff😬😬😬😬😬

    6 May, 2024 at 16:31
  307. avatar
    #306 Kaya 85

    @tompirracas (Comment #294)
    Thanks for the insights, that Kirkham team was well stocked.

    6 May, 2024 at 15:36
  308. avatar
    #305 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #303)
    Proparbly black wattle and popelier marketed as Namibia hardekool🤣🤣🤣🤣

    6 May, 2024 at 15:36
  309. avatar
    #304 Bush

    Would be very interesting to see an A and B from Wildeklawer Week.

    6 May, 2024 at 14:46
  310. avatar
    #303 Bush

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #297)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣and barbecues with Porkies while washing it down with Japanese Single Malt. Standing in front of his fire pit while watching the flames tear into Namibias best wood, which you can only get at Immigrant Island UK

    6 May, 2024 at 14:37
  311. avatar
    #302 Vleis

    @tompirracas (Comment #299)
    Correct. He plays 7s in Ireland.

    6 May, 2024 at 13:31
  312. avatar
    #301 Strepie

    Baie goeie wen vir Boishaai teen regtig n baie goeie DHS span.
    DHS het n groot pak voorspelers en ek voel Boishaai het sy man hier gestaan.
    Nog baie foute om reg te maak, maar daar is lig aan die einde van die Boishaai tonnel.
    Die jong span raak al hoe meer volwasse soos die seisoen aanstap.

    6 May, 2024 at 12:34
  313. avatar
    #300 tompirracas

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #297)

    Thanks. Long-term reader, mostly for the beach recommendations.

    I was amazed by the level of interest in schools rugby (and the standard of play) when I lived in SA. Also, and while acknowledging there are problems with its functionality, the SuperSportSchools app is incredible. A phenomenal resource with a substantial amount of expertise from the commentators. In Ireland there’s coverage of the schools cup games but that’s about it.

    6 May, 2024 at 12:25
  314. avatar
    #299 tompirracas

    @Vleis (Comment #295)

    He was at St Alban’s, right? I’m not sure I saw them play. We lived in Brooklyn so I’d walk down to Boys High, Affies or Menlo Park for games.

    Which club is he playing for in Dublin?

    6 May, 2024 at 11:51
  315. avatar
    #298 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #297)
    Don’t forget Bitha and Cornwall the bestest beaches in the universe, aparantly Tony Stark is also on the waitinglist to get a little place there

    6 May, 2024 at 09:48
  316. avatar
    #297 OUD ANKER

    @tompirracas (Comment #294)
    Welcome to the blog sir! All of the people on this blog are very esteemed gentlemen (and ladies) except for Grasshopper (who apparently is Irish) and he believes Blackpool and Galway have the best beaches in the world!

    6 May, 2024 at 08:32
  317. avatar
    #296 Deon

    To me, rather than GCB and PRG, the teams of the tournament were Stellenberg and Noordheuwel. Two pleasant surprise packages. Moreover, two excellent academic schools.

    6 May, 2024 at 06:42
  318. avatar
    #295 Vleis

    @tompirracas (Comment #292)
    Thanks for the update.
    Coincidentally, my son played school rugby in Pretoria during the period that you lived there and he’s now playing rugby in the city that you’ve moved to.

    6 May, 2024 at 03:13
  319. avatar
    #294 tompirracas

    @beet (Comment #293)

    Seb Kelly played in the Six Nations Under 18 Festival in Italy at Easter – he was in Kimberley.

    Kelly and Josh Gilmore played in a game v France Under 18 in March – both were in Kimberley.

    There’s a really good outside half called Ollie Davies who played for them earlier this season. He didn’t feature in the last two games of the Cup run but has played for England Under 18s – he was in South Africa for the tour last year.

    That figure of 5 sounds fishy – especially if 2 other lads did go on the tour it would mean they have 7 England Under 18 internationals in their squad and that’s a very unlikely figure.

    I’m surprised so many of their seemingly more experienced players came as they have leaving exams this month and next. But I don’t know the school or the ages of the kids.

    By the way, have been a long-term reader of your brilliantly informative blog but these are my first two posts. Am a Welshman who lived in Pretoria between 2013 and 2017. Loved going to schools matches in Pretoria and Cape Town. Now resident in Dublin. The schools rugby here is decent too but for me still doesn’t get near the level I enjoyed in South Africa.

    5 May, 2024 at 23:50
  320. avatar
    #293 beet

    @tompirracas (Comment #292)
    Hi. Can you verify this message I received:
    “Kirkham were missing 5 England Under 18 internationals”

    5 May, 2024 at 23:26
  321. avatar
    #292 tompirracas

    @Vleis (Comment #253)

    Regarding the Kirkham side that was at the tournament, 14 of the 23 on Saturday were in the run-on team or on the bench in the English Schools Cup semi-final. I don’t have a team list with bench for the final but it’d be more or less the same number. Most definitely not a development side.

    A fair few of them also played for Sale Sharks in the English Academy league, essentially a Premiership Under 18s competition that runs in the New Year as many English private schools play only for one term. The captain, Kelly, played for England U18 as well.

    Since it was their second final in 3 seasons I reckon they’re among the elite of English schools rugby at the moment. Plus, they do offer scholarships to kids post-16 to boost their rugby stocks.

    5 May, 2024 at 23:18
  322. avatar
    #291 Grasshopper

    @Vleis (Comment #288)
    Sardinia is insane! Best beaches in the world! Stintino is my favourite. Enjoy

    5 May, 2024 at 22:19
  323. avatar
    #290 tzavosky

    @Deon (Comment #282)
    As ek die storie reg onthou, was Fiasconaro eerstens ‘n rugbyspeler, wat besluit het hy gaan in die afseisoen ‘n bietjie atletiek doen om fiks te bly. Die res is geskiedenis. Nie geweet hy het gerook nie.
    ‘n Ander ou uit daai era wat ek gedink het sou gerook het (geoordeel aan sy voorkoms en gemoedelikheid) was Ewald Bonzet, maar ek weet nie.

    5 May, 2024 at 21:01
  324. avatar
    #289 tzavosky

    @Smallies (Comment #287)
    Wetenskaplike bewys? Nie waarvan ek weet nie. Serge Blanco het op 51jr ‘n hartaanval gehad, en moes ‘n omleiding kry, maar dit het nie gelyk of daai 80/dag hom gepla het in sy speeldae nie!

    5 May, 2024 at 20:53
  325. avatar
    #288 Vleis

    @Grasshopper (Comment #269)
    Funny…this year, I’ll be visiting four of the six places that you mentioned below – i.e. Cornwall, Sardinia, Sicily and Majorca.

    5 May, 2024 at 20:30
  326. avatar
    #287 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #285)
    That smoking fit thing🤣🤣🤣 we all sweared by it,I wonder if there are any scientific evidence for this?

    5 May, 2024 at 19:43
  327. avatar
    #286 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #276)
    Was dit ‘n ‘vuurdoop’?

    5 May, 2024 at 19:40
  328. avatar
    #285 Kaya 85

    @tzavosky (Comment #279)
    Oh yeah Serge Blanco I loved. Some of my classmates also claimed to be “smoking fit”…like that.

    5 May, 2024 at 19:39
  329. avatar
    #284 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #283)
    Ons sal maar sien wat gebeur….Ek dink dissipline gaan die deurslag wees

    5 May, 2024 at 19:23
  330. avatar
    #283 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #281)
    Ek sou hoop hulle gedagtes is by Affies se skoppers die volgende naweek – want hulle gaan nie baie hulp kry van hulle pak voorspelers daai dag nie.
    My afvies vir Affies sal ek hou tot volgende week

    5 May, 2024 at 19:07
  331. avatar
    #282 Deon

    @tzavosky (Comment #279)
    Dok noem nou my gunstelinge ook. Marcello Fiasconaro het ook gerook, 40 per dag, en was ‘n party animal wat gereeld weke lank geparty het. Hy was meer bekend as atleet maar tog was rugby ( een of ander Italiaanse klub, Villagers en WP onder 20) sy groot liefde. Eerste ding wat hy gedoen het nadat hy Dicky Broberg se 800 m 1:44 SA rekord ge-ewenaar het, asook met sy 1:43 800m Wêreldrekord was om ‘n paar sigarette te kettingrook. Daarna het hy eers aandag gegee aan joernaliste ens. Yster

    5 May, 2024 at 19:06
  332. avatar
    #281 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #280)
    Agterste driehoek ook…

    5 May, 2024 at 18:56
  333. avatar
    #280 Kantman

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #244)
    Ek dink dit is maklik – volgens baie mense is die senterpaar die gevaar. Sit dus 4 spelers op hulle om te verdedig. Die gapings wat julle dan ooplos moet gevul word deur die vaste 5. Solank hulle 150% gee is julle in die groen.
    Iemand moet net onthou om die 10 dop te hou …

    5 May, 2024 at 18:52
  334. avatar
    #279 tzavosky

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #268)
    I remember that episode with J-P Rives very well, as I was at the game – I think under today’s laws he would have been forced to leave the field, at least for an HIA.

    It was also the day when one of my all time favourite fullbacks made his debut for France, the great Serge Blanco (who smoked 80 cigarettes a day!).

    5 May, 2024 at 18:48
  335. avatar
    #278 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #276)
    Kyk ne hier waar ekke bly word dit vrek warm ,maar my vrou se mense bly op Hotazel, een kersfees het ons dit 52 grade in die skaduwee gemeet…en daai donnerse koring krieke…

    5 May, 2024 at 18:30
  336. avatar
    #277 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #270)
    It does, look up Porthcurno. It’s a 5hr drive for me, a 2hr flight to Sardinia makes more sense…

    5 May, 2024 at 18:26
  337. avatar
    #276 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #275)
    :lol: :lol: :lol: Ek is in Hotazel gedoop

    5 May, 2024 at 18:26
  338. avatar
    #275 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #272)
    Daai Cheddar man dude was seker van die Noord Kaap af, son brand die k@k uit jou uit daar ,ek vermoed Hotazel se wereld ,as ek n week daar was is ek bruiner as n engelsman wat n drie maande vakansie op bitha gehad het🤣🤣🤣🤣

    5 May, 2024 at 18:22
  339. avatar
    #274 Deon

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #244)
    No, that team of yours may be young but they are full of ysters, and if they start well and can work on the sheer number of unforced errors they made against DHS they will be more than you seem to expect. That is, if you do not have the regular Grey ref of course.

    5 May, 2024 at 18:18
  340. avatar
    #273 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #269)
    You seem to like the desert and mostly weird sand.

    5 May, 2024 at 18:14
  341. avatar
    #272 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #270)
    Eina, you have him in check mate here. By the way, the oldest archaeological record of a Brit, other than Keith Richards, but he is` `still alive, is that of Cheddar Man, and he was dark brown. Dated 9000 BC from the town after which cheddar cheese was named.

    5 May, 2024 at 18:13
  342. avatar
    #271 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #269)
    Do you also say Ibitha….

    5 May, 2024 at 17:49
  343. avatar
    #270 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #269)
    But you said mos Cornwall has the most bestest beach in the galaxy better even than Tieties baai…

    5 May, 2024 at 17:49
  344. avatar
    #269 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #266)
    Again, I don’t live in Cornwall. We go to Sardinia, Ibiza, Majorca, Sicily & Greece every year, because it’s soooo good! Best places in the world

    5 May, 2024 at 17:46
  345. avatar
    #268 Kaya 85

    @Rainier (Comment #255)
    Great rugby insights.
    Yes the Bere captain is a “next level” Open side…what a player. Did the commentator say he’s a “vuurvreter”…wow, love it, a Fire Eater! Last time i heard a commentator use those words was also for an openside…my mind goes back all the way to ca. 1980 Boks v French at Loftus…the Vuurvreter was Jean-Pierre Rives, who wore his bloodied head bandage like a medal, as the doctor accompanied him from the field..before defiantly ripping it off and refusing to leave.

    Also a big fan of Bulldozer Dlamini, and yes @Deon he does a lot more than scrum, he is prime earth-moving equipment. With Luan, those could be the SA schools props.

    5 May, 2024 at 17:34
  346. avatar
    #267 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #264)
    Yea well skincancer is unfortunately part of living in the sun ,you know mos South Africa is not for poofters

    5 May, 2024 at 17:28
  347. avatar
    #266 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #264)
    How come you go to the Med when Cornwall has such fantastic beaches???

    5 May, 2024 at 17:27
  348. avatar
    #265 Rainier

    @Grasshopper (Comment #264)

    Poms are not brown, they are leathery.

    Or red.

    5 May, 2024 at 17:26
  349. avatar
    #264 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #259)
    That’s not me, I’m in the med for 3 months of the year so I’m brown. Most ‘poms’ go away & are tanned. Plenty of rooineks in June, July & August. Guessing it means we less likely to get skin cancer 👍

    5 May, 2024 at 17:19
  350. avatar
    #263 Bush

    @Rainier (Comment #255)
    Interesting to see who will be the Lions Flyhalf. Finn has my 👍I know everybody loves Smith.

    5 May, 2024 at 17:19
  351. avatar
    #262 kantako

    @Smallies (Comment #261)

    5 May, 2024 at 17:13
  352. avatar
    #261 Smallies

    @kantako (Comment #260)
    Dan moes hulle mos teen Tech gespeel het in die 90,s🤣🤣🤣

    5 May, 2024 at 16:50
  353. avatar
    #260 kantako

    @Smallies (Comment #257)
    Hulle sal dit nooit toelaat nie, hulle probeer mos maar altyd dat Grey n perfect season het. Easy games

    5 May, 2024 at 16:49
  354. avatar
    #259 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #256)
    Cooler weather…..whenever I see an Englishman here in SA I can see where the term lily white comes from , the term rooinek also 😄 😀 😆

    5 May, 2024 at 16:41
  355. avatar
    #258 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #255)
    Daai senter paar het geen gelyke die jaar nie….ek dink ook dat Grey lag lag die twee beste slotte in die land het.Grey se hakker beindruk my ook ,veral sy lynstaan gooie ,ek het lanklaas n skole hakker gesien wat n ses bal met soveel akuraatheid gooi….PS dis daai Kareedow wors wat vir Adams daai size gee…lekkerste boerewors in die land

    5 May, 2024 at 16:34
  356. avatar
    #257 Smallies

    @kantako (Comment #254)
    Ek sal nie verbaas wees as Noorheuwel volgende jaar by die WK of Noord Suid teen Grey feature nie.

    5 May, 2024 at 16:32
  357. avatar
    #256 Grasshopper

    @Rainier (Comment #255)
    I don’t need to justify any of my decisions, I know I’ve made the best one possible. I love the cooler weather here, not designed for sweatbox Durban weather. I’m now a Noories fan, go Heuwel! I hope Glenwood can at least beat Rusties, one can dream…

    5 May, 2024 at 16:26
  358. avatar
    #255 Rainier

    After reliving the Boer War and seeing Hopper trying to justify his decisions with some dubious claims wrt the UK weather, beaches, meat and wood I would like to make a few rugby observations.

    Agter the GCB loss to Jeppe I told a mate that was the worst I saw a GCB team play in 20 years. All credit to Jeppe, but the result was an aberration.

    The Garsfontein scrum is the strongest scrum I have seen this year. And that blonde captain of theirs is a brilliant rugby player.

    The NV Cup is going to be a blood bath – Garsies, Kloof, Noordheuwel, Monnas and Helpmekaar is going to enact the rugby version of Games of Thrones.

    PR will have to do more than pitch up to beat GCB.

    I love the DHS 3 and Maritzburg College 1 – would adopt both as sons if I thought I could afford the food account.

    Last year I took a lot of crap for claiming that the GCB centre pairing this year would be special – consider this my victory lap.

    Finally could everyone stop bleating about Garsfontein’s rugby model – recruiting at /16 level is probably 85% more effective than at /13 level and makes perfect sense. It is the way of the future.

    Now I am going to watch Quins try and do the impossible and beat Toulouse.

    Once a Quin, always a Quin…

    5 May, 2024 at 16:03
  359. avatar
    #254 kantako

    @Grasshopper (Comment #235)
    I dont think Noordheuwel is getting enough coverage here, if Im not mistaken they are the only Noordvaal team who won all their games at Noord/suid and Wildeklawer, and chuck in there St Johns Easter fest as well, oops I almost forgot they sent the 3rd team to play Hugenote while they smashed Outeniqua in George, and still won the Puk tournament.
    What have they not done this season ?

    Would love to see Waterkloof vs Noordheuwel in the final, after they have knocked out EG and Garsies in the semi

    No semi spot for Monnas, Helpies, Menlo and the rest this year 🕺🏻🕺🏻.

    5 May, 2024 at 15:14
  360. avatar
    #253 Vleis

    @thewanderer (Comment #172)
    @Grasshopper (Comment #183)

    I think that Kirkham are probably the second best 1st XV in England this year as they won 20 out of 21 games. Indeed, they only lost to the unbeaten Harrow School by two points in the National Cup final six weeks ago. That said, based on their very narrow victory over Outeniqua, I presume that they’ve sent a development team on this tour, given that Outeniqua have lost five games already, including a 90 point pounding v GCB.

    5 May, 2024 at 15:10
  361. avatar
    #252 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #250)
    Do like the Springboks do ….find a way🤣🤣🤣

    5 May, 2024 at 15:08
  362. avatar
    #251 OomPB

    @Snelvuur (Comment #195)
    Ek het vergeet van dit. Goed om mev Grevenstein by die 1st team te sien. One on one’s is altyd dramaties. Sacs was nr 1 en is baie goed die laaste paar jaar. Groot oorwinning vir PRG. Iets gebeur by Garsfontein se hokkie ook. Het Bishops uitgeskakel in die kwart maar verloor teen PRG in die semi final.

    5 May, 2024 at 15:03
  363. avatar
    #250 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #249)
    Lol, exactly…but how?

    5 May, 2024 at 14:58
  364. avatar
    #249 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #248)
    Easy peasy,just score more points than them

    5 May, 2024 at 14:52
  365. avatar
    #248 Kaya 85

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #244)
    To answer your question Trots, if Grey cuts loose they can really hurt anybody, so I would try keep it very tight up front, slow it down initially, lineouts, slow malls, box kicks…take every kickable shot at goal…but OK, this might work for 15-20 minutes, after that, you gotta chance your arm, get some movement and continuity…I don’t think anyone is going to run them off their feet, but still try control the tempo…not full throttle, but control. I basically have no idea how to counter Grey. What do u guys think?

    5 May, 2024 at 14:41
  366. avatar
    #247 Grasshopper

    @Roger (Comment #238)
    I didn’t realise Okes would be so sensitive, how things have changed over the years. I’m at the we beach now, Porthtowan, it’s very lekker. Makes long beach in Cape Town look ordinary. I’m still wondering if any side will stop the Grey train now! Even Paul Roos I doubt it.

    5 May, 2024 at 14:33
  367. avatar
    #246 Smallies

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #244)
    Sal my self nou nie juis as inttelektueel beskryf nie wel bitterlik patrioties….en soms bietjies te emotioneel

    5 May, 2024 at 14:25
  368. avatar
    #245 Smallies

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #244)
    Hulle sal opdaag moet jy nie worry nie ,Grey sal baie wys wees om hulle nie te onderskat nie …

    5 May, 2024 at 14:21
  369. avatar
    #244 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    Gentlemen I have been reading friend Grasshopper’s enthusiastic endorsement of life away from SA and the intellectual and patriotic responses from Deon , Smallies , Kaya etc. My concerns are more basic. How does Boishaai limit the score against them with less than 50 points against Grey Bloem on Saturday?

    5 May, 2024 at 14:17
  370. avatar
    #243 Smallies

    @Roger (Comment #242)
    It’s all good 👍

    5 May, 2024 at 13:39
  371. avatar
    #242 Roger

    @Smallies (Comment #241)
    Ah, apologies. Living so far away I only get to practice my Afrikaans infrequently.

    5 May, 2024 at 13:37
  372. avatar
    #241 Smallies

    @Roger (Comment #240)
    I’M banned from twitter ,apparently I’m pedophilephobic ,and what I was refering to is that j@rr@ in your post ….

    5 May, 2024 at 13:31
  373. avatar
    #240 Roger

    @Smallies (Comment #239)
    Huh – what you on about?
    BTW Smallies, there is a dude on SA Twitter (X) under the handle K9 Reaper – you sound remarkably similar to him? Are you one and the same??

    5 May, 2024 at 13:24
  374. avatar
    #239 Smallies

    @Roger (Comment #238)
    Mate I have no problem with you kakking me out ,however keep His name out of it please…

    5 May, 2024 at 13:20
  375. avatar
    #238 Roger

    What a pile of crap this thread has become – Jirre! Smallies, forgive and forget heh. Boer war ended 122 years ago 😏 Kaya, the UK would happily get shot of N Ireland tomorrow if it could, they are a net loss in the UK revenue account – problem is, not even the Republic want them! Hopper, stop taking shit and go to the beach.

    5 May, 2024 at 13:17
  376. avatar
    #237 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #236)
    Chocolate mielies and the king of cattle the Bonsmara,MRI scans also

    5 May, 2024 at 12:58
  377. avatar
    #236 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #234)
    And the humble dolos! Plus the first heart transplant 👍

    5 May, 2024 at 12:57
  378. avatar
    #235 Grasshopper

    Noordheuwel proving their strength again with a big win vs Nico Malan who beat Glenwood. Maritzburg College feeling the heat, gosh maybe too much rugby for them. I think unfortunately Glenwood will now drop out of the top 50.

    5 May, 2024 at 12:54
  379. avatar
    #234 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #233)
    I have to wonder how much the commonwealth contributed to the greatness of not so great Britain
    South Africa ,Gold Diamonds platinum
    Zambia copper
    India spices,tea
    Aussie ,a place to dump your crap.
    I can’t even name all
    Well at least South Africa gave the world the mighty creepy crawly

    5 May, 2024 at 12:53
  380. avatar
    #233 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #231)
    Because its population is smaller than SA & the economy is ten times larger. Some of the greatest inventions in the world come from the UK.

    5 May, 2024 at 12:46
  381. avatar
    #232 Grasshopper

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #230)
    Not nearly anywhere near those of SA, but you should know that. All peripheral stuff. The Scottish & Welsh would never survive alone & it makes sense Northern Ireland to unite, makes geographical & cultural sense. The NI economy is smaller than Liverpools. SA needs to keep the lights on & stop the likes of Shell leaving. I worked with Toyota & VW for a few years, they are seriously considering leaving. Anyway, let’s chat rugga. Paul Roos vs Grey Bloem building to the No1 final! That is going to be epic. Where is it this year?

    5 May, 2024 at 12:41
  382. avatar
    #231 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #230)
    How do you call something great when its smaller than the Northern Cape

    5 May, 2024 at 12:38
  383. avatar
    #230 Kaya 85

    @Grasshopper (Comment #214)
    ‘Great’ Britain is falling apart…Scotland wants to go independent, northern Ireland will unify with the south in our lifetimes,…who will be left? England and Wales? …the Welsh weren’t happy with Brexit, want to rejoin EU,..so England has existential problems too my friend.
    I’ve also seen things,
    things you people would not believe…

    5 May, 2024 at 12:32
  384. avatar
    #229 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #210)
    I have via academia visited more than 40 countries in Africa alone and that experience alone makes me know that both you and I made the right decisions. If one applies Boolean Algebra, where 1 = 1 can be, Truth + truth = truth rather 2 x truth, perhaps you simply decided better for you. All for today. Nice warm weather but the first dominating Western Winds starting to pick up, so its beach and dog time. enjoy.

    5 May, 2024 at 12:32
  385. avatar
    #228 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #213)
    The Irish had it worse than most, not in terms of % though (compared to children in the Boer genocide), as did the Indians. The Irish story from the day of Elizabeth 1 makes Walter Raleigh and Francis Drake not look like heroes so much. But we must also not forget the value the English added, which was immense. And that is a whole lot of civilization and “Newtonism” and unfortunately Shepstonism and Apartheid’s birth in The Lost Outpost and all the main segregation laws straight from Natal, all in place in 1948. Now the Indians in their shaithole still do have the third biggest defense force in the world, is a tech and medical science hub and a space nation, have even orbited Mars. History is fluid, the VOC was bigger than the British Empire in monetary terms and Dutch corporate law (listed companies, stock exchanges, derivatives) and William of Orange built the British Empire and the USA. Rugby and cricket (even the word according to some linguists from the Dutch word kruk-crutch) are not truly English…..By 1994 the SA black majority was the healthiest, wealthiest and best educated black majority on Earth and was handed an economy and infrastructure bigger and better than that of all of Africa and the Caribbean combined. By 1953 only 10% received education in missionary schools only and a very diluted version as the governments before refused state schools. Singapore embraced British “oppression” after independence from Malaysia and is now the world’s number one country at about everything good and wholesome due to the English. So no, looking at any oppression or any part of history. Better to learn and move on. You moved on, and you did the right thing.

    5 May, 2024 at 12:28
  386. avatar
    #227 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #226)
    Rassie the Springbok wisperer….the English have a name for him that sparks fear in their hearts ….Babayega

    5 May, 2024 at 12:27
  387. avatar
    #226 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #221)
    Then just leave talking shit about South Africa out of your agenda. Talk rugby. Oh yes Rassie Rassie Rassie in your head in your head. Dr Rassie now, should be a Professor.

    5 May, 2024 at 12:23
  388. avatar
    #225 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #209)
    Ja ou vriend, en daar is nog baie meer. Soveel meer. Jy beskryf dit pragtig.

    5 May, 2024 at 12:11
  389. avatar
    #224 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #223)
    That’s good, look after those poor old innocent people. That is a great cause

    5 May, 2024 at 12:10
  390. avatar
    #223 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #221)
    Im definitely not a hero ,I’m just a bloke who happens to know n fair bit about security and crime prevention who chose to use this knowledge to help my community….in stead of getting “angry” about it.

    5 May, 2024 at 12:08
  391. avatar
    #222 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #220)
    Hahaha! Yes & I am actually a good oke if you knew me. I apologise to everyone on here, gosh, who knew a little debate would irritate so many. Obviously hit a nerve. It’s all a personal choice & there are pros & cons everywhere. For me the pros oversees outweigh the cons. SA just had too much to fix for me & it won’t happen in my lifetime. I’ll stick to rugby now. Religion & politics, areas to avoid!

    5 May, 2024 at 12:03
  392. avatar
    #221 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #217)
    So are you a hero now? Try emigrate boet, it’s not for sissies & we are not traitors we moving to survive, get work & protect our families…

    5 May, 2024 at 11:59
  393. avatar
    #220 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #216)
    Are you sure you are Irish? I’ve only met nice Irish folkes before…refer to my post on Hennies’ Rule no 1.

    5 May, 2024 at 11:54
  394. avatar
    #219 Smallies

    @Pypkan (Comment #218)
    I’m not resentful mate ,I just will never forget….

    5 May, 2024 at 11:50
  395. avatar
    #218 Pypkan


    Smallies, unburden yourself. Nothing to gain from resentment. Just like our black compatriats would hopefully also realise.
    5 May, 2024 at 11:46
  396. avatar
    #217 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #214)
    You see that’s the difference between you and me ,you left and now get “angry ” when you hear about a farm murder ,I chose to stay and actually do something about farm murders….

    5 May, 2024 at 11:40
  397. avatar
    #216 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #215)
    Well good, I’m Irish so have nothing to do with that….

    5 May, 2024 at 11:36
  398. avatar
    #215 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #213)
    I’ve said what I want to say about the “great” in not so great Britain….what they did to my country I will never forget…

    5 May, 2024 at 11:33
  399. avatar
    #214 Grasshopper

    @Pypkan (Comment #211)
    Good stuff, everyone has different needs. For me, a solid job where promotion is based on merit, it’s important. I live the countryside & have awesome forests etc to walk in and enjoy nature. I have a 4 bed house, with a cottage & a large garden. Live in a village that is over 900 years old with history & amazing architecture. Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. My holiday choices are vast, the whole world! Portugal, Spain, France….insane places with real history, culture, food, buildings & people. Enjoy your simple life, we only have one. I do get very angry every time my friends tell me of elderly farmers get tortured & slaughtered…

    5 May, 2024 at 11:28
  400. avatar
    #213 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #197)
    Nice! And Afrikaners were not the only group oppressed by the English. My ancestry is Irish, do a little research around that. Over millennia there have been many oppressing empires, it’s how humans have evolved & survived.

    5 May, 2024 at 11:23
  401. avatar
    #212 Smallies

    @Smallies (Comment #209)
    Ek het vergeet om te se
    Om plat op jou maag te le en water te drink uit die poel onderkant Meiringspoort se waterval….

    5 May, 2024 at 11:22
  402. avatar
    #211 Pypkan


    Grasshopper, no denying the greatness of that Island. Thank you also Britain for giving us rugby and cricket and a very very long list of other delights. Rule Britannia!
    But like Smallies and Anker and many others, I too will stay here and grind it out and find delight in many things Britain can never offer me. Watching Paarl Gim playing Affies “op die plaas”, wearing my kortbroek in the middle of winter, listening to the beetles buzzing away in the Kruger, agonising over holiday choices in the bush or on the beach or in the mountains, living perhaps, just perhaps, a little less suffocating life – but with a tap and sometimes even electricity on hand.
    And when the time comes, my children would hopefully still have the freedom and support to make Britain or Australia or the US their home if they so wish.
    5 May, 2024 at 11:19
  403. avatar
    #210 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #203)
    I know I did the right thing every year that passes. I feel extremely privileged to have that BP passport. Along with the other million Saffas who have left, we miss a few things, mainly family & friends but nothing else. I’ve travelled to over 40 countries, skied, gone to Iceland & really experienced all cultures. I’ve done the London, the. Back to SA, back across to Europe. The most insular people I’ve ever met are Ballito Saffas, the world doesn’t exist past Umhlanga. Travel is what opens the mind. I’ve seen beaches in Sardinia that are like the Maldives in Europe, mountains in Switzerland that dwarf the Drakensberg, Australia outback that eclipses the Karoo, South Island NZ is insane, skiing Norway with north lights, Canada Lake Louis & Banff. The little estate bubbles are the worst, trying to avoid the reality of the country behind a massive fence. I genuinely hope the ANC can be removed & the country can heal over the next 30 years….good luck

    5 May, 2024 at 11:19
  404. avatar
    #209 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #206)
    Jy het die volgende vergeet
    1 n Donderstorm op die hoeveld
    2 Hadida’s voor sonop
    3 Riemvasmaak se warm bron
    4 Sonsak na n stofstorm in die wea Vrystaat
    5 Die Oranje Rivier in vloed
    6 n Reenbui in die groot Karoo na 6 jaar se droogte…..
    Ek kan aangaan maar sal maar hier stop

    5 May, 2024 at 11:16
  405. avatar
    #208 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #204)
    I don’t drink that kak, a proper Talisker or Lagavulin on the rocks please. Avoid all the sugar in the Coke

    5 May, 2024 at 11:12
  406. avatar
    #207 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #202)
    I’ve never shouted Kolisi, Kolisi & I support Ireland & SA in that order. My family is deep set Irish from county Cork.

    5 May, 2024 at 11:10
  407. avatar
    #206 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #168) Apologies Grassy, my Edit to my original post got cut off. In short, I live on the beach, but I have been to many places in my life, I have family in many places, have enjoyed beaches all over the Med, know the Cornwall beaches, been to the Scilly Isles, eaten deep fried insects on the beach at Stanley in Hong Kong, been a guest on the hunt for feral cattle on Tristan da Cunha. But no, there is no replacement for animals fed on African grass and/or bossies. There is no replacement for the smell of the first summer rain on the grass in the park in front of my cousin’s home in Brakpan, there are no scarlet fiscal and Savannah parrots in England. No wildlife and no marine diversity (I am a connoisseur in this regard). No lions in the savannah. Blah blah blah, no scent of grass fields and banana plantations being burned. In short, I think Saffas live in the biggest bubble of us all. With respect, your bubble is one of the smallest I have come across, hence your exceptional subjectivity.

    5 May, 2024 at 11:00
  408. avatar
    #205 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #201)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣I’m a bit more partial to a cold zamalek

    5 May, 2024 at 10:45
  409. avatar
    #204 OUD ANKER

    @Bush (Comment #202)
    And you must add that brannas and coke he also needs to bring over from SA, because IF you can find it on his little island you can’t afford it!

    5 May, 2024 at 10:44
  410. avatar
    #203 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #168)
    Hey Grassy, you did the right thing, I was about to do same, after a long time in Europe realised it is only the right thing if you can have your kids come along and not remain in SA with the ex-wife, and that I have over centuries evolved into a de-Europeanized African. So I applaud you on your decision, every day it is clearer that you did the right thing for your set of circumstances. Me, I am African, I am Hendrik Bibault reincarnated. Google him. I am first generation SA born German Jew on one side and full grown dutchie on the other, so my cousins live in Europe, my connections still strong. But no, we do not live in a tiny bubble at all, we just have to see the positives more clearly and many like me have travelled extensively. I have close family in Cornwall and London and the Scilly Isles, Land a Sibling in the USA. All of them want to return now that their kids are grownups but cannot anymore.

    5 May, 2024 at 10:43
  411. avatar
    #202 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #199)
    Absolutely, but he would with those other twats that bad mouth South Africa, then runaround in their latest Bok jerseys. Screaming Bokke Bokke and Kolisi Kolisi. All pissed off that they have made the worse decision in their lives but now have to just live with it.

    5 May, 2024 at 10:40
  412. avatar
    #201 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #196)
    Well said, you just forgot to add that the Brannas and Coke was also flowing

    5 May, 2024 at 10:33
  413. avatar
    #200 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #198)

    5 May, 2024 at 10:31
  414. avatar
    #199 Smallies

    @Bush (Comment #190)
    He shouldn’t celibrate that 4 world cups with the attitude he has toawards Souf Efrika

    5 May, 2024 at 10:30
  415. avatar
    #198 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #192)
    Maybe you know them, maybe you don’t, there is a pub group in SA called Hennies, they have a few house rules, Rule no 1, Don’t be a doos, Rule no 2, Always stand and respect when the SA National anthem is playing, otherwise refer back to Rule 1….use it, don’t use it.

    5 May, 2024 at 10:24
  416. avatar
    #197 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #194)
    If you ever come to South Africa again go to Bloemfontein and visit the Dam van trane and the Womans memorial ,when youve done that rethink the “Great” in Great Britain….thats all I will say about that ,lets rather stick to schoolboy rugby….

    5 May, 2024 at 10:07
  417. avatar
    #196 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #191)
    Mate this weekend I had the privilege to hunt and shoot 2 kudu bulls ,I had to carry them almost 600m down a koppie with 4 of my mates ,they were then skinned and taken apart and are now hanging in a cooler room until next Wednesday when Ill be making biltong droewors and chilliebytes as wel as steaks and braai wors….I can only do this in the land of 40% unemployment, high crime and a socialist goverment that fucks everything up they touch….however I choose to stay here because this is Africa and I can not live without the dust, the heat, the drought,the veld, the bush, the Karoo, the sunshine and the people of this country , its in my DNA if you pull my roots out from Africa I WILL die .
    There are also only one native English person that I like her name was Emily Hobhouse….

    5 May, 2024 at 09:57
  418. avatar
    #195 Snelvuur

    @OomPB (Comment #177)
    Dit was ‘n ongelooflike wedstryd gewees. PRG was 3-0 agter na die eerste kwart en het toe teruggeveg om dit 3-3 te maak met enkele minute oor. PRG wen toe die penalty shootout 6-5 na 10 shots elk. Dramaties verby.

    5 May, 2024 at 09:55
  419. avatar
    #194 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #193)
    Kirkham isn’t top 10 & doing ok, I’m surprised. Schools here operate organically, so no buying etc so a top school is different every year. There isn’t a Grey Bloem or Affies, just much smaller private schools like House, Bishops, Hilton, St John’s, Kearsney & Clifton. These are probably at best at that level. But clubs are very different, they do aggregate the best. You know them all already, Wellington, Whitgift, Sedbergh, Dulwich, Tonbridge, Bedford, Mill Hill, Haileybury, Harrow School etc. A top 5 UK private vs Top 5 SA private schools would be good & played in Feb. The likes of Grey, Affies & Boishaai would only get some competition from NZ schools where numbers are much bigger. Westlake were my sister taught had 2,200 boys, 20 rugby union teams & 20 Rugby league. Rowing is massive there and runs into rugby season…

    5 May, 2024 at 09:40
  420. avatar
    #193 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #191)
    Here we go, can’t you just stick to rugger. Tell us a bit about the top 10 schools that side. Would they match a top 10 against SA? As club and provincial rugger in the UK is strong, us being exposed to that rugby now.

    5 May, 2024 at 09:25
  421. avatar
    #192 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #190)
    Yep, a triple garage next to the horse paddocks, you know those tiny UK homes that Saffas in SA think everyone lives in😂

    5 May, 2024 at 09:14
  422. avatar
    #191 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #186)
    It’s the land of safety, jobs & civilisation, not the land of 40% plus unemployment, a Marxist China & Russia aligned government, cadre deployment, 70+ murders a day, rape & road death. Some of us want a prosperous future for our children, where things are gained on merit & the world is their oyster. It’s not called Great Britain for nothing. Try a proper Argentinian BBQ, that’s proper…..even a Turkish one is awesome…..

    5 May, 2024 at 09:12
  423. avatar
    #190 Bush

    @Smallies (Comment #186)
    100% if it doesn’t take place in Africa it’s not a braai. When you get on a plane and cross the ocean you move into barbecue territory. Plus Hopper must have a lekker garage to store all those utilities with his 4 WC Bokke jerseys

    5 May, 2024 at 09:07
  424. avatar
    #189 Grasshopper

    @Veg (Comment #184)
    Finally a civilised response with no malice, well done! Yes, winters are long & dark. Daylight saving isn’t needed. The cold, crisp & clear days are awesome. It’s a long slog from Nov to March but what it does is make you really appreciate the seasons. I did 3 years in Cape Town & the winters there are horrific, houses not designed for cold, the wind is non stop & the taps go on in May & only stop in Sept. The best weather in SA is in Gauteng, lived there for 3 years. The good thing about winter though is trips to Tenerife, Dubai & sometimes further afield like Aus & NZ to break it up. The main thing is my kids are safe, getting the best education & there are ample jobs, with lots of disposable income. Food is now cheaper here than SA. I fear even if the ANC lose majority they will pair with JZ & Juju. I can’t see the country coming right for 25 years or more, so for me it’s only a retirement holiday spot. However I have 200 other beautiful countries to visit.

    5 May, 2024 at 09:06
  425. avatar
    #188 Bush

    @Grasshopper (Comment #182)
    Because they miss South Africa and the British Sausage is kuk. There are no braai’s in the UK or any other place outside of South Africa. Get behind your Green Machine. Didn’t you play first team at GW?

    5 May, 2024 at 09:02
  426. avatar
    #187 Smallies

    @Veg (Comment #184)
    Nice to see someone from the other historic and excellent boys high school in Bloem here 👍

    5 May, 2024 at 08:57
  427. avatar
    #186 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #179)
    Last of all and most importantly if its not under the African sky it simply does not qualify as a braai,then its just living in the land of make believe
    Also never use half an oil drum ,you use an old geyser that you cut in half….

    5 May, 2024 at 08:54
  428. avatar
    #185 KES Oldboy

    @Henkies (Comment #154)
    No disgrace in those results. DHS very impressive.

    5 May, 2024 at 08:47
  429. avatar
    #184 Veg

    @Grasshopper (Comment #180)
    I totally agree about the UK summer being on the most part fantastic.I love the long days.
    In fact it can get pretty darn hot with the humidity.
    However you cant deny winter is kak
    That constant greyness.
    I come from one of the colder areas of SA so cold was never the issue.
    We get colder temps than most of England esp the south however blue sky,blue sky.
    Rugby practice on a Tuesday evening.You wet ,you cold and everything has got the stickiest mud known to man stuck to it.
    I willing accept a lot of things about the UK and there are many things I miss but winter is not one of them.
    If you try and convince me winter is great then I am afraid I shall have to take all the Glenwood stats you sprout forth with a pinch of salt.😁

    5 May, 2024 at 08:47
  430. avatar
    #183 Grasshopper

    @thewanderer (Comment #172)
    I noticed that too, well done Kirkham! Much better than expected as they are not normally a top10 UK school. Weird time if the season for them too, like super late. St John’s from NZ too is a tier 2 type school doing pretty well.

    5 May, 2024 at 08:23
  431. avatar
    #182 Grasshopper

    @Bush (Comment #174)
    Guess what, there are thousands of Saffas making biltong & boerie here, far higher standard too. I have never done a barbecue as you put it. It’s like saying Hungarians in the USA can’t make goulash. If the definition or trademark required a ‘braai’ to be done in SA only, then make that happen.

    5 May, 2024 at 08:21
  432. avatar
    #181 Grasshopper

    @Ruggabeast (Comment #175)
    I got plenty ‘mate’ growing up in the Bluff having lost my mother aged 10. You know nothing about me. Glenwood are having a tough season, that is life & it’s ok. The boys are learning great life lessons in the process. The majority are grade 11 so this is all good experience for next year. The U16s are improving & the u15s & u14s are strong. Ensure they are looked after, stick together & get the best coaching the next 5 years look good. Maybe not Top10 good but a push to Top20 would be amazing. Glenwood have always been a really solid team with the occasional brilliant year.

    5 May, 2024 at 08:14
  433. avatar
    #180 Grasshopper

    @Veg (Comment #178)
    I don’t live in Cornwall, just here to scatter my father-in-laws ashes. There is hardly anyone here & we’ve had 3 glorious days of sunshine. Again another perception that is wrong about the Uk, it has one day of summer. Just 2 years ago we had a drought. Summers are amazing, 9pm sunsets & it lasts for 4 months. Not everyone wants 30 degree sweat box KZN weather…

    5 May, 2024 at 08:08
  434. avatar
    #179 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #176)
    Guess what, you get most of that wood here & im not stupid, I have 5 braai options, a Weber kettle, a half oil drum, a brick braai, a skottel & a green egg. The last 2 are just for other options plus I have an Ouni pizza oven. Got to love how Saffas think braais only happen in SA. Saffas outside of SA can’t braai. The arrogance is strong…

    5 May, 2024 at 08:05
  435. avatar
    #178 Veg

    @OomPB (Comment #177)
    @Grasshopper (Comment #168)
    So you in Kernow now.Agreed a nice spot better enjoy it before it gets so packed you cant move.
    I lived in the UK for 11 years and in fact will be there in a couple of days time.
    I dont think anyone on this blog lives on a bibble the exact opposite we all know what’s going on we live it.
    Still think you talking Porkies about braaing three nights a week in Winter even down in Cornwall.
    I challenge your beef and mutton against anything I produce on our farm.
    Stick to pasties or Rick Steins over priced restuarant.

    5 May, 2024 at 06:58
  436. avatar
    #177 OomPB

    PRG se hokkiespan behoort ook naby nr1 te wees na hulle die Schibert skild by Grey High se toernooi gewen het. Hulle het Sacs in die final geklop.

    5 May, 2024 at 06:36
  437. avatar
    #176 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #168)
    1 You dont get karoo skaap in the UK
    2 You dont get harde kool ,Karee,Bloubos ,Olienhoud ,Kameeldoring,Besembos or any other of the woods we have here
    3 a Firepit is not a braai

    5 May, 2024 at 06:01
  438. avatar
    #175 Ruggabeast

    @Grasshopper (Comment #168)
    You just can’t help yourself, can you?

    I have never seen a more argumentative, self perceived, self proclaimer and shoulder chipped person in my life.

    Your old man should have given you far more hidings when you were growing up, the people who support this Blog should take up issue with him for causing us the irreparable harm of being exposed to you.

    Glenwood having a rough year has taken its toll on you, why don’t you consider shutting up till they are maybe are back as a force?

    5 May, 2024 at 05:35
  439. avatar
    #174 Bush

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #173)
    Plus Hopper is stealing our trade names. There’s no wors at Immigration Island UK is sausage. You don’t braai there either it’s to barbecue. The Kameeldoring wood is probably the scented gas he’s using for those barbecues.

    5 May, 2024 at 02:07
  440. avatar
    #173 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #168)
    My friend, I admire and respect most of your posts, BUT don’t talk kak about meat or fire pits or aledged Cornwall braais (where summer was on a Wednesday last year)

    5 May, 2024 at 00:15
  441. avatar
    #172 thewanderer

    Great win for Kirkham against a top SA side.

    4 May, 2024 at 23:58
  442. avatar
    #171 Grasshopper

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #169)
    Not the home reared stuff I buy….i don’t buy from retailers…

    4 May, 2024 at 23:33
  443. avatar
    #170 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #164)
    Thanks prof, lekker braai more manne.

    4 May, 2024 at 23:28
  444. avatar
    #169 Kaya 85

    @Grasshopper (Comment #168)
    European reared beef is injected full of hormones and anti-biotics, more so than here. Especially from discount German supermarkets who will sell you that factory meat. It’s marketed and taxed ‘better’ so you pay more. Your tastebuds getting affected by all those growth hormones…check you haven’t grown an extra boob, my friend.

    4 May, 2024 at 23:25
  445. avatar
    #168 Grasshopper

    @Veg (Comment #165)
    Incorrect again, I braai through winter. Winter braais with the fire pit are the best. British beef, especially Angus, kills any of the kak in SA. I mean even steaks from Lidl & Aldi are better. Saffas live in a tiny little bubble where they think everything is the best in the world, without trying anything else out. I’m in Cornwall now, the beaches here are better than anything in SA….but Ja, live in your little bubbles. I have the world to visit 👍

    4 May, 2024 at 22:51
  446. avatar
    #167 Ploegskaar

    @Grizzly (Comment #158)
    Kon erger wees. Jy kon twee Leeus refs kry vir wedstryde teen twee Leeus skole. Genade Benade 0/2 🤦🏼‍♂️

    4 May, 2024 at 21:17
  447. avatar
    #166 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @Snelvuur (Comment #142)
    Jy is absoluut korrek. Dit was onverklaarbaar.

    4 May, 2024 at 21:11
  448. avatar
    #165 Veg

    @Grasshopper (Comment #151)
    Not sure you have moved on as you mention it pretty often.
    I can well see that you might Braai 3 times a week in summer however I think you telling Porkies about doing it year round,esp this winter.
    Agree with you that you can get good boerie over there but I think if you really went on a mission to find good boerie here in S.A. you will find that it knocks the socks off the UK stuff.

    4 May, 2024 at 21:03
  449. avatar
    #164 Deon

    @Veg (Comment #152)
    Ja well, Kaya is very neutral and unbiased and does know and understand the game much better than I do so I accept I must have it wrong. Tell you one thing, those DHS guys surely can scrum

    4 May, 2024 at 20:43
  450. avatar
    #163 Kantman

    Baie geluk @Gimmie julle span kan speel

    4 May, 2024 at 20:33
  451. avatar
    #162 Grizzly

    @Rainier (Comment #161)
    Dit nooit vir n oomblik laat blyk nie.Nie eers naby nie.Dis jou aanname.Grey was by verre die beter span.Ek het nou die dag die ref uit gelig as goed by Affies vs Garsies.Dit was imo nie die geval vanaand nie.Mag ek een he?

    4 May, 2024 at 20:28
  452. avatar
    #161 Rainier

    @Grizzly (Comment #160)

    Jou opmerking is egter duidelik verkeerd en onvanpas.

    As jy dink die ref het Garsies die game gekos is jy onder ‘n wanindruk.

    4 May, 2024 at 20:18
  453. avatar
    #160 Grizzly

    @Rainier (Comment #159)
    Hy kan van die maan ook kom,dit beteken niks.Het ander scrums as ek gesien.

    4 May, 2024 at 20:12
  454. avatar
    #159 Rainier

    @Grizzly (Comment #158)

    Behalwe vir die klein waarheid dat die skeidsregter van Pretoria af kom.

    4 May, 2024 at 20:06
  455. avatar
    #158 Grizzly

    Jy moet weet as Grey Wildeklawer toe gaan vat hulle hul refs saam.Pateties.Geluk Grey en well done Bere.Raak asb ontslae van die steek skoppies en bring die plaasvervanger haker in vir starting 15.Nou vir beker rugby.

    4 May, 2024 at 19:54
  456. avatar
    #157 Kaya 85

    @Grasshopper (Comment #155)
    Wow that Glenwood u 15 team is potent.

    4 May, 2024 at 19:33
  457. avatar
    #156 Henkies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #155)
    Strong results from the U15s Grassy! Good going !

    4 May, 2024 at 19:10
  458. avatar
    #155 Grasshopper

    Glenwood rugby teams participated in the @absawildeklawer.sport.officialfrom 1 – 4 May 2024.
    1st XV vs @nories_amptelik 13 – 55 (Lost)
    1st XV vs @hts_drostdy 12 – 35 (Lost)
    U16A vs @dregjansen 19 – 13 (Won)
    U16A vs @trotsdiamantveld 17 – 25 (Lost)
    U15A vs @dregjansen 33-7 (Won)
    U15A vs @trotsdiamantveld 57-0 (Won)
    U14A vs @dregjansen 13 – 5 (Won)
    U14A vs @trotsdiamantveld 0 – 17 (Lost)

    Much hope for the future. The Green Machine will be back! Hopefully playing the Blue Typhoon again soon!

    4 May, 2024 at 19:05
  459. avatar
    #154 Henkies

    Tough day at the office. 2 point loss for the First team and 1 point loss for the u16A. u15A managed a win against Paarl Boys so can’t complain about the day. I thought the DHS tight 5 coped well in the pick and go contact situations and gave Paarl Boys as good as they got. Did think we were on the wrong side of the ref on a few occasions but hey that happens to every side at some stage. Best of luck to Paarl Boys for the rest of the season, really impressive for a young side.

    4 May, 2024 at 18:50
  460. avatar
    #153 Veg

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #138)
    Agree with you there.Couldn’t fathom what they had done to annoy him so.

    4 May, 2024 at 18:32
  461. avatar
    #152 Veg

    @Deon (Comment #149)
    Funny how one sees things differently.
    While admittedly PBHS were not at their best and looked rattled I thought DHS must of got on the wrong side of the ref as he seemed to ping them all the time.

    4 May, 2024 at 18:28
  462. avatar
    #151 Grasshopper

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #135)
    Recruited from Glenwood but we don’t throw our toys out the cot, we move forward

    4 May, 2024 at 18:07
  463. avatar
    #150 BoishaaiPa

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #141)
    Ek sê nie hulle probeer nie hulle beste nie…maar maak darem verskriklike baie foute en besluite op aanval. 4 lynstane in n ry ook gemis. Dit kan ge-oefen word.

    4 May, 2024 at 16:58
  464. avatar
    #149 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #138)
    Strange, I thought the ref blew the very young Paarl Boys side almost out of their game. The number of completely unforced errors by BH, often when about to score a try….say no more. Those errors won’t be there next year, so beware. DHS just could not keep up with the WP Winelands flair.

    4 May, 2024 at 16:56
  465. avatar
    #148 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #143)
    Nie geweet die jong man is nog in graad 11. Vir my is hy uitstaande.

    4 May, 2024 at 16:55
  466. avatar
    #147 Kaya 85

    Ouch, Maritzburg College will be licking their wounds for a while. The big dogs got mauled by two bigger, faster, better dogs.

    4 May, 2024 at 16:52
  467. avatar
    #146 Snelvuur

    @OomPB (Comment #145)
    Totaal belaglike interpretasie van die reëls rondom late tackles. Hy het seker 5 strafskoppe gegee vir ouens wat klaar commit is in die tackles en dan skop die aanvallende speler die bal. Onnodige strafskoppe wat net die ritme van die game breek.

    4 May, 2024 at 16:51
  468. avatar
    #145 OomPB

    Die ref maak dinge nog moeiliker vir College.

    4 May, 2024 at 16:45
  469. avatar
    #144 Bush

    Not sure why MC chose two very hard fixtures in a Festival🤷🏻‍♂️

    4 May, 2024 at 16:26
  470. avatar
    #143 Snelvuur

    @Deon (Comment #116)
    So beïndruk met PRG se 2 weer vandag. Hy is regtig Schalk Brits 2.0. En hy is graad 11. As hy mooi ontwikkel, kan hy ‘n spesiale speler wees.

    4 May, 2024 at 16:18
  471. avatar
    #142 Snelvuur

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #141)
    Ek dink beide jy en BHP kan reg wees. Niemand betwyfel dat HJS hul beste gedoen het nie. Elke ou wat die HJS trui oor sy kop trek gaan sy heel beste doen. Maar dit is ook so dat die span ongelóóflik baie foute en snaakse besluite maak. Met 30 sekondes oor, besluit hulle om die bal uit hulle 22 uit te probeer hardloop. Dit is eenvoudig malligheid en het hulle amper die wedstryd gekos…

    4 May, 2024 at 16:14
  472. avatar
    #141 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #139)
    Nee maat jy is ‘n bietjie te negatief hier. DHS was baie sterk en fisies en ons jong span het hul bes gedoen.

    4 May, 2024 at 16:06
  473. avatar
    #140 OomPB

    PRG running riot.

    4 May, 2024 at 15:47
  474. avatar
    #139 BoishaaiPa

    Swakste wat ek n BH span sien speel het in jare…hopeloos te veel ongedwonge foute…ook planloos gelyk by tye Krediet aan DHS wat ook heeltyd druk toegepas het en as hulle ook nie so baie foute gemaak het was dit n heel ander uitslag!

    4 May, 2024 at 15:31
  475. avatar
    #138 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #136)
    Disagree. That ref was happy to blow DHS out the game…go and count the penalties…must have been 20 – 1.

    4 May, 2024 at 15:28
  476. avatar
    #137 Deon

    Heheeeeee, well done Paarl Boys. If ever a scoreline flattered a team this week it was this one flattering DHS. How Paarl Boys did not score three more tries is hard to understand.

    4 May, 2024 at 15:22
  477. avatar
    #136 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #135)
    And that is about it. Doubt that DHS tight five, especially in non-set pieces stand a chance against Affies’s and a few others.

    4 May, 2024 at 15:21
  478. avatar
    #135 Kaya 85

    Bongani Teddy Dlamini, DHS prop, is a bulldozer.

    4 May, 2024 at 14:59
  479. avatar
    #134 kantako


    Can someone please post some scores of todays games. Maybe a short analysis of each game if you really want to be a buddy. Thanks.
    4 May, 2024 at 14:34
  480. avatar
    #133 Kaya 85

    Well done to both Monument and Boland Landbou, an excellent game of school boy rugby. Both teams went hell for leather, full throttle. Back and forth. Landbou would have been worthy victors, Monnas just about did enough to hang on at the end there.

    4 May, 2024 at 13:51
  481. avatar
    #132 Bush

    @Kantman (Comment #130)
    They were very impressive 🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️🏋️‍♀️

    4 May, 2024 at 12:46
  482. avatar
    #131 Bush

    @OudAffie (Comment #126)
    I’ve never seen them play before. Once they hit you, you know you have been smashed. They were putting in some monster hits. Was a lekker game👍💪👍

    4 May, 2024 at 12:46
  483. avatar
    #130 Kantman

    Kirkham snatching a victory at the end – special scenes of joy for the visiting team!

    4 May, 2024 at 12:32
  484. avatar
    #129 Snelvuur

    @OudAffie (Comment #126)
    Stem. Ek is baie nervous oor PRG se trippie Riversdal toe later die jaar. Oakdale op die plaas is ‘n perd van ‘n ander kleur.

    4 May, 2024 at 12:18
  485. avatar
    #128 Kaya 85

    Oakdale really are tough, they are solid …oaks :) very impressive. Affies did well in the wider channels, but very solid all round.

    4 May, 2024 at 11:44
  486. avatar
    #127 OudAffie


    1991: AHS wen 33-9
    2014: AHS wen 21-10
    2021: Oakdale wen 21-46
    2022: AHS wen 25-7
    2023: AHS wen 29-0
    2024: AHS wen 32-10
    Affies en Oakdale die laaste 4 jaar lekker wedstryde teen mekaar gehad, laer ouderdomme ook, baie lekker om hulle elke jaar te speel, M@ER Hard! Daai 2021 wen in PTA was Oakdale net totaal oorheersend, daai span van hulle was spesiaal.
    4 May, 2024 at 11:18
  487. avatar
    #126 OudAffie

    @Bush (Comment #125)
    Enige iemand wat dink Oakdale is maklik rook iets. Hulle het al groot spanne geklop en het slegs 3 verloor, het HJS mooi gehou en vandag Affies stukkend geduik. Baie goeie wen vir Affies wat hierdie jaar by wildeklawer 2 baie rowwe wedstryde gehad het. Oakdale ‘n baie beter span as wat hulle krediet voor kry. top 10 verseker hierdie jaar

    4 May, 2024 at 11:11
  488. avatar
    #125 Bush

    Flip DHS did well to be this Oakdale side, Oakdale is a tuff as nails. Not holding back against Affies.

    4 May, 2024 at 10:39
  489. avatar
    #124 Grasshopper

    Glenwood vs Drostdy should be a good one, both sides battling a bit & need a morale boosting win. Glenwood really need this, it’s been a while since we’ve had 30% win rate season. In 1996, probably our worst season ever, it was played 20, won 3, lost 17

    4 May, 2024 at 08:18
  490. avatar
    #123 Kaya 85

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #120)
    Or 12? There are some BIG inside centres in the world game…Andre (the Giant) Esterhuyzen, Jordi Barret(6ft5), Danty the big La Rochelle unit…

    3 May, 2024 at 22:57
  491. avatar
    #122 Kantman

    Watching on 216 again – nagging thought that using neutral/SARugby referees like 4/5 years ago(?) instead of local refs should be focus area for organisers going forward. Inconsistencies between games not good for teams from all over the country.

    3 May, 2024 at 22:09
  492. avatar
    #121 Snelvuur

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #120)
    Could easily play 6 flank too. Would be basically impossible to clean him if he is over the ball with proper technique.

    3 May, 2024 at 21:46
  493. avatar
    #120 agter_die_pale_pa

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #106)
    Centres really firing hot all over this year. A few weeks ago I nominated Grey 12 and Paarl Gim 13. Still sticking to that combo.
    Wild thought… could hooker (or even loosehead) perhaps be an option for Grey 13 after matric? Still lots of growth left in an 18 year old body. Imagine him doing damage aka Ollie, Beast, Bands? Dan Coles also comes to mind…

    3 May, 2024 at 21:39
  494. avatar
    #119 OUD ANKER

    @OomPB (Comment #117)
    Nee wat OomPB, alhoewel ek altyd ‘n soft spot vir enige “underdog” het, sou ek nie my hartdokter na sy hartpille laat gryp vir hierdie game as ek ‘n Gim man was nie.

    3 May, 2024 at 21:19
  495. avatar
    #118 Kantman

    @OomPB (Comment #117)
    Piesangskil vir Gim

    3 May, 2024 at 20:40
  496. avatar
    #117 OomPB

    Gim vs Helpmekaar gaan more n goeie game wees.

    3 May, 2024 at 18:29
  497. avatar
    #116 Deon

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #110)
    Ek het hom nog nie noukeurig beskou nie maar neem jou woord, alhoewel PRG se Schalk Brits tipe nommer 2 my ook baie be-indruk.

    3 May, 2024 at 17:25
  498. avatar
    #115 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #106)
    Adams reminds of Jonah Lomu (RIP)

    3 May, 2024 at 17:24
  499. avatar
    #114 Deon

    @Dixon’s (Comment #108)
    Post it here and I will gladly assist.

    3 May, 2024 at 17:23
  500. avatar
    #113 Deon

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #100)
    Ja Killick, ek het mos genoem Affies se huidige spelstyl is effektief, maw wenrugby, en jy weet mos hoe voel ek oor Affies, die Prinse van Pretoria, en hulle is boonop akademies uitnemend, ‘n skool wat op reg baie trots is, maar ek lewer kommentaar op hoe hulle nou speel, uit ‘n kennelik leke-oog, en dis verdomp vervelig en onaanskoulik vergeleke met HJS.

    Bygesê, die plasing was maar om reaksie by ligblou familielede wat oud-Affies is uit te lok, en ek het my regverdige deel van middelvingers via Whatsapp ontvang.

    3 May, 2024 at 17:21
  501. avatar
    #112 Mountainview

    @Dixon’s (Comment #108)
    Distancing themselves from some other sports tournament arranged by and currently taking place at Kimberley rugby club. I think that’s the one you are referring to.

    3 May, 2024 at 16:57
  502. avatar
    #111 Kaya 85

    @Dixon’s (Comment #108)
    my friend, that marketing team issues about 20 – 30 items of news per day…maybe more. Which one are you talking about? Describe the picture and I’ll translate it for you. You could also try google translate…it works.
    Я даже использую Google Translate для русского, мой друг.

    3 May, 2024 at 16:19
  503. avatar
    #110 Ploegskaar

    @Snelvuur (Comment #107)
    Hou gerus Landbou se 2 dop. Ek sal nie verbaas wees as hy Landbou se volgende Bok is nie

    3 May, 2024 at 15:34
  504. avatar
    #109 Ploegskaar

    @Snelvuur (Comment #102)
    PRG se 1,6,7 is almal ysters, beslis in my WP CW span. 9 en 10 skaflik en 12 nog ‘n yster. Stoffels sal erens feature, grootste hart in daai span

    3 May, 2024 at 15:31
  505. avatar
    #108 Dixon’s

    ABSA Wildeklawer put out a press release today, but its all in Afrikaans. My Afrikaans skills are very poor. its on their Facebook page and instagram. can somebody please translate it for me?

    3 May, 2024 at 15:21
  506. avatar
    #107 Snelvuur

    @Bungee (Comment #99)
    Per wedstryd:

    EG se 6
    Affies se 1, 2, 3
    Waterkloof se 8
    Monnas se 8 en 11 – Landbou se Retagen van Rooi indien hy speel
    Noordheuwel se agterste driehoek
    Beide HJS se vleuels en DHS se 14
    PRG se 2 en 6
    Gim se 12 en 13 plus Freek de Kock – en Helpies se heelagter.
    Grey se 12 en Garsfontein se 6.

    3 May, 2024 at 15:14
  507. avatar
    #106 Kaya 85

    @Bungee (Comment #99)

    Grey’s Centres 12 vd Merwe and 13 Adams are exceptional…13 is a 105kg wrecking ball who explodes down the field
    Grey’s Scrumhalf very smart, I like their loosies 8 and 7
    Gim’s 13 centre Markus is powerful and classy, but so is the whole team
    HJS – I like wing Aidan Jacobs a lot, fast and elusive, coming off his wing with arcing runs
    DHS front row are 330kg of oldskool power…following the salad’s dont win scrums doctrine
    So many other stunning talented youngsters bursting through.

    3 May, 2024 at 14:38
  508. avatar
    #105 Kaya 85

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #79)
    Re: Classy comment 79 ….You see the big picture, the real need is for well-rounded and educated young men, resilient problem solvers and leaders of the future.

    3 May, 2024 at 14:26
  509. avatar
    #104 Kaya 85

    @OomPB (Comment #95)
    I can’t see that CJ Stander is the solution at HJS …might be the problem. No disrespect, but all he did as a player is run straight into a tackler and win exactly 0,5metres or 0,75 metres per charge. Did it 15 times a game, so the stats say he carried for 10 metres, must be a great ball carrier.

    3 May, 2024 at 14:24
  510. avatar
    #103 Snelvuur

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #101)
    Terloops, dis ook nie dat ek enigsins gekant is teen Affies nie. Ek sou hulle hele voorry en een of beide van hulle slotte in die SA Skole-groep hê. Ek was net nog glad nie beïndruk deur hulle agterlyn nie.

    3 May, 2024 at 14:12
  511. avatar
    #102 Snelvuur

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #101)
    Definitief nie. Op die oomblik is dit net PRG se eerstekeuse 12 wat ek dink eers in die prentjie is vir WP se eerste Craven Week span. Hulle voorspelers is goed, maar die agterlyn is maar gemiddeld. Ek is nie seker wie 9 gaan speel nie, maar op 12 het ek vir Pieter vdM (moes laasjaar al gespeel het) en op 13 vir Markus Muller van Gim. Affies se 10 is moontlik in die gesprek vir SA Skole 10, maar hy sal strawwe kompetisie hê van, onder vele ander, Mentoor van HJS. Vir die vleuels is daar rerig klomp opsies – ek het nog nie baie van DHS se wedstryde dopgehou nie, maar hulle regtervleuel het gister baie goed gelyk, en Monnas se linkervleuel ook. Daar is egter heelwat opsies hier – insluitende van HJS se vleuels. Heelagter weet ek regtig nie. Ek weet nie hoekom jy my as so eenogig probeer bestempel nie – ek het op geen stadium nog eers voorgegee dat PRG die beste span is nie, al is hulle onoorwonne? Ek het bloot van jou verskil rakende HJS (ook gegrond op wat ek van binne die skool af hoor) en my mening oor Affies se agterlyn uitgespreek. Dit het duidelik jou baie ontstig.

    3 May, 2024 at 14:04
  512. avatar
    #101 OUD ANKER

    @Snelvuur (Comment #98)
    En wie stel jy voor vir die SA skole agterlyn vir 2024?….laat ek raai PRG se no 9, PRG se no 10, PRG se no 11, PRG se no 12, PRG se no 13, PRG se no 14 en….drum roll…PRG se no 15….of verwar ek jou dalk met JongMatie.

    3 May, 2024 at 13:44
  513. avatar
    #100 OUD ANKER

    @Deon (Comment #97)
    Prof Deon, uit jou domkrag op domkrag kommentaar is dit duidelik dat jy nog nie veel Affies wedstryde die jaar of die vorige jaar gekyk het nie, want indien jy het sou jy gesien het dat Affies die bal minder skop as meeste spanne en was hulle “hardloop met die bal ten alle koste” BAIE keer in die laaste 2 jaar juis hulle ondergang! soos teen Paul Roos vroeer die jaar by Noord Suid.

    3 May, 2024 at 13:42
  514. avatar
    #99 Bungee

    Is daar iemand wat al/meerderheid van die games gekyk het wat dalk ‘n span van die dag/spelers om dop te hou vir dag 2 lys wil opstel? Werk maak lewe moeilik soms

    3 May, 2024 at 12:10
  515. avatar
    #98 Snelvuur

    @Deon (Comment #97)
    Absoluut! HJS het daai game net in die eerste 15 minute verloor. Amper asof hulle verbaas was met hoe fisies Affies was en net nie vinnig genoeg aangepas het nie. In daardie eerste 15min het elke Affie carry oor die voordeellyn gekom – mens kan nie so verdedig nie. Ek dink ook hulle verdediging van die rolmaal is bietjie té onskuldig – as jy sien dat die rolmaal besig is om weg te hardloop, moet jy eenvoudig bietjie sinies wees en dit aftrek. Selfde met Grey se 65m maul teen Maritzburg gisteraand. Dit was vir absoluut ongelooflik dat Maritzburg dit net laat hardloop het. Natuurlik wil niemand sinies speel nie, maar die reëls rondom die maul is op die oomblik só ver ten gunste van die aanvallende span dat mens op verdediging maar sinies moet wees om in die game te bly. Tweede helfte was baie beter vir HJS. Hulle het weer twee goeie vleuels – jammer dat hulle nie meer bal kon kry aan die begin van die wedstryd nie. Affies se agterlyn lyk darem ook al bietjie beter as teen PRG, maar nog nie na ‘n geoliede masjien nie – sal verbaas wees, op hierdie stadium, as hulle weer ‘n SA Skole agterspeler het, alhoewel hulle 10 weer ‘n goeie wedstryd gehad het.

    3 May, 2024 at 12:05
  516. avatar
    #97 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #93)
    Hi, nee, ek het vir geen oomblik enige-iets in jou plasing as vyandig gesien nie, allermins. Verskoning as dit geblyk ek dit het. Ek het mos darem al baie van jou plasings in die verlede gelees en weet mos……

    Inelgeval, ek het gedink HJS kon die wedstryd bietjie anders aangepak het in die begin en ek dink nie ‘n wen teen Affies was nie buite die kwessie nie. Op baie maniere was dit vir my die Blou Bulle en WP van ouds teenmekaar.

    HJS speel hardloop rugby, aanskoulik en druk ongelooflike sprankeldrieë. Affies rugby is maar ou Bul rugby, soos om te sit en kyk hoe verf droog word. Domkrag op domkrag op domkrag rugby, onaanskoulik maar effektief. Kompleet met ‘n Naas, darem sonder die perde x Freddie Mercury tande.

    3 May, 2024 at 11:52
  517. avatar
    #96 Bungee

    @Snelvuur (Comment #90)

    Soms moet mens nie net een comment lees nie, maar die hele gesprek vooraf om te verstaan. Wel gestel

    3 May, 2024 at 11:44
  518. avatar
    #95 OomPB

    @Snelvuur (Comment #93)
    Ek sien CJ Stander help ook afrig by HJS saam Sean Erasmus.

    3 May, 2024 at 11:32
  519. avatar
    #94 OUD ANKER

    @Dixon’s (Comment #92)
    Don’t bother with the Sharks, Glenwood will be much more exciting to watch…and my comment is not to diss the Sharks…watching Affies/Waterkloof/PBHS play much better than to watch the Bulls….watching KES/Jeppe/Monnas/Noordheuwel play much better than watching the Lions play….watching the whole lot of Cape/Winelands schools play much better than watching the WeePeee…and even Samllies will agree watching Grey College, much better than watching Die Vrystaat play…

    3 May, 2024 at 10:32
  520. avatar
    #93 Snelvuur

    @Deon (Comment #85)
    My vergelyking met Nokia is glad nie om HJS te beledig of hulle ‘n Nokia teenoor ander skole as Samsungs te beskryf nie. My punt was bloot dat stagnasie partykeer net so sleg soos regressie is (soos dit vir Nokia of ander brands soos Kodak was). HJS is vir seker nog een van die groot honde, maar dit voel wel asof hulle nie probeer vernuwe en verander soos ander skole doen nie. PRG het definitief al ‘n paar wedstryde gehad wat hulle kon verloor het, maar hulle spring vir my die “Nokia”-kategorie vry omdat ek kan sien dat hul aktief verander en vernuwe – of hulle wen of nie is iets anders. Hulle speel nie die béste rugby wat ek al van PRG-spanne gesien het nie, maar dit voel asof hulle die vermoë het om wedstryde te stuur na die tipe wedstryde toe wat hulle weet hulle kan wen; en sover werk dit. Die verlies van beide hulle eerstekeuse senters gaan egter ‘n groot toets wees – veral teen Gim se witwarm senterpaar oor ‘n paar weke.

    3 May, 2024 at 09:59
  521. avatar
    #92 Dixon’s

    Really enjoyed watching a lot of the games on TV yesterday. looking forward to another good days viewing on Saturday. Saturday Schedule is a bit tight with the Sharks playing at the same time as Glenwood. so might have to get the laptop out and place that on the coffee table in front of the TV to watch both.

    Gym and PRG always look good, and always seem to be plying other big name schools week in week out, so when its i tough tight game they have already been there and done that and know how to grinf out results.

    Affies really impressed me. other than Glenwood they are the team iv watched most on TV this year. They smoked Boishaai in the first 20 mins and never looked back.

    Pains me to say but the Overport High Horseflies are building a very good season so far, they seem to have made a few personnel changes since KERF (not sure if its due to injury or form) but they seem to play a very simple style of rugby that is getting results. nothing flashy just good solid fundamentals that allow some individual brilliance to shine at key moments.

    Grey College as always looked impressive, College Started well and where in the contest for a long time, but as soon as Greys lineout and maul started clicking, College had no hope. that 65m maul by GC must have been so demoralising for College.

    i will have to watch a bit more of the other sides play before i can give an opinion of the other teams!

    3 May, 2024 at 09:56
  522. avatar
    #91 Snelvuur

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #87)
    Stem! Ek het na hulle wedstryd teen PRG al gesê dat ek baie beïndruk is met veral hulle agsteman. Ek sal baie verbaas wees as hy nie in die Blou Bul Craven Week span is nie.

    3 May, 2024 at 09:50
  523. avatar
    #90 Snelvuur

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #83)
    Vir seker kan skole ‘n maer jaar of twee beleef op eerstespanvlak – ons Paul Roosers is baie deeglik bewus daarvan. My kommentaar is nie noodwendig gemik op die eerstespan nie, maar dat die HJS deur die bank maar bietjie sukkel die afgelope tyd. Amper soos PRG circa mid-2010. Mens sien die verskil wat Corné Uys gemaak het in PRG se strukture amper die beste in die laer spanne. Die 9de en 10de spanne lyk nou stukke (regtig stukke) beter as 10 jaar gelede. Recruitment speel definitief ‘n rol by die A en B-spanne (al het HJS nog nooit gesukkel in daardie departement nie), maar by die laer spanne gaan dit basies net oor coaching en strukture. Dít is waaroor ek bietjie worry by HJS. Dit voel asof hulle stagneer – in teenstelling met die oplewing in PRG se laer spanne, lyk HJS se laer spanne nogsteeds presies dieselfde as 10 jaar gelede (grootliks nog presies dieselfde spelpatroon ook). Dis dan ook die verskil tussen HJS tans en Affies se speed wobble verlede jaar: Affies het nie deur die bank so gesukkel nie. En ek sê dit glad nie om meerderwaardig of neerhalend teenoor HJS te wees nie: buiten die feit dat ek direkte familie in HJS het, is dit ook lekkerder as al die wynlandskole op dieselfde tyd sterk is. Al kom dit nie altyd so voor nie, like ons eintlik mekaar nogal.

    3 May, 2024 at 09:48
  524. avatar
    #89 JongMatie

    Garsie Bere n speed bump geslaan?

    3 May, 2024 at 09:34
  525. avatar
    #88 kantako

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #87)
    Kobus rig al n paar jaar by Tuks af, selfs saam Regardt, Rudi en Nico.
    Maar ek stem, Kloof is defnitief my span vir die Noorvaal finaal, ek dink dit gaan n goeie finaal wees Kloof vs Nories vanjaar. @beet het vergeet om te noem dat Nories vir Glenwood verwoes het.

    3 May, 2024 at 09:29
  526. avatar
    #87 OUD ANKER

    Waar is al die Waterkloof bloggers?? In my opinie die span wat die meeste verbeter het sover in 2024 en gaan hulle ‘n paar groot spanne skrikmaak in die Noordvaal hierdie jaar (en het hulle reeds vir EG Jansen gestamp). Weereens my opinie, maar BAIE van die krediet moet gaan aan hulle afrigter, Kobus van Dyk wat hierdie jaar ook Tuks se voorspeler afrigter was (ja, Tuks het net in die Varsity Shield gespeel, maar ‘n moerse verbetering op laas jaar se fiasko), doen so voort Kloof!

    3 May, 2024 at 09:14
  527. avatar
    #86 OUD ANKER

    @Strepie (Comment #84)
    Miskien moet almal by Grey gaan kers opsteek hoe omte “upgrade”. Dit blyk of hulle dit jaar in en jaar uit bemeester. Ek weet net nie watse “glitch” daar in hulle upgrade was teen Jeppe nie. Dit lyk of hulle “IT” manne dit nou uitgesort het. HJS se “upgrade” sal 100% ge-“download” wees teen die tyd van die GROOT derby!

    3 May, 2024 at 09:05
  528. avatar
    #85 Deon

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #83)
    Ek stem saam en ek kry by tye die gevoel PRG lei bietjie aan Nokia-heid. Sonder om enige-iets by hulle weg te neem of hul poging gering te skat, dink ek hulle is gelukkig om nog onoorwonne te wees en gaan hard val teen Grey en Gim wat albei iPhone 13 Pro Max spanne is.

    HJS sal altyd ‘n reus bly. Alle sterkte aan hulle, die wêreld is armer wanneer hulle maer jare beleef.

    3 May, 2024 at 08:50
  529. avatar
    #84 Strepie

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #83)
    Ons is eintlik n Apple span, net vergeet om te ‘upgrade’ :)

    3 May, 2024 at 08:39
  530. avatar
    #83 OUD ANKER

    @Snelvuur (Comment #80)
    Ek stem nie noodwendig met jou saam dat HJS op hierdie stadium ‘n Nokia span is nie. Ek kan glad nie kommentaar lewer of HJS ‘n baie spesifieke recruitment plan het aldan nie (die HJS manne kan my reghelp), MAAR as HJS nie so recruitment plan het nie en hulle speel basically met die talent tot hulle beskikking is dit logies dat daar ‘n maer jaar of 2 mag wees. Verlede jaar het Affies bv. ‘n redelik average 1e span gehad en het hulle posisie op die ranking lyste geval na min of meer posisie 10 (en ek gebruik hulle as voorbeeld omdat ek meer van hulle doen en late weet as die Wynland skole). Het dit ook van Affies dan ‘n Nokia span gemaak en het hulle skielik in 2024 weer ‘n Samsung span geword?? HJS is NOGSTEEDS in die top 10 rugby skole en is dit allesbehalwe ‘n Nokia posisie. HJS SAL terug wees, ‘n maer jaar of 2 verander jou nie skielik in ‘n Nokia span nie.

    3 May, 2024 at 08:35
  531. avatar
    #82 Strepie

    Vasbyt Boishaai en Boishaaiers.
    Ons sal aanhou veg en ons beste gee!
    Alle krediet aan Affies – baie goed gespeel!

    3 May, 2024 at 08:23
  532. avatar
    #81 OomPB

    @TWE (Comment #77)
    Great post. The game plan definitely has changed. PRG always played running rugby and developed great players like Willie and Damian Willemse. Currently they still play running but more phases with the forwards plus they have a very good pack. Will take some time for Boishaai to get their running game right.

    3 May, 2024 at 07:16
  533. avatar
    #80 Snelvuur

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #79)
    Natuurlik is dit nie noodwendig ‘n agteruitgang by HJS nie, maar ek sou argumenteer dat om stil te staan terwyl jou opponente vorentoe beweeg maar dieselfde effek het. As Nokia aanhou 3310s maak het terwyl Samsung Galaxy’s begin maak, het Nokia glad nie agteruit gegaan nie, maar hul kompeteerders het bloot verby hulle beweeg. Hoewel PRG se eerstespan hierdie jaar (sover) goed vertoon, is dit nie noodwendig die geval met al die spanne nie – die o15As het, byvoorbeeld, al reeds teen Rondebosch en Grey PE verloor, maar steeds die knoop teen HJS deurgehaak. En ek verstaan die verskil in nommers tussen die skole, maar PRG het darem beduidend meer hokkiespanne en sokkerspanne as HJS. As jy kyk na die hoeveelheid seuns wat rugby speel, is dit omtrent dieselfde tussen die skole. Die ontwikkeling van gebalanseerde mans is natuurlik die belangrikste, maar ek dink nie dit staan teenoor suksesvol op die rugbyveld wees nie – ek bedoel, dis nie asof HJS se spanne minder oefen as PRG (of enige ander top skool) s’n nie?

    3 May, 2024 at 06:56
  534. avatar
    #79 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @Snelvuur (Comment #66) Jy kyk verkeerd hierna. Jy baseer jou opinie dat daar “ iets verkeerd is by HJS” op die feit dat Paul Roos tans drasties beter presteer het in rugby teen HJS as in die onlangse verlede. Jy moet eerder kyk na die regte goed wat Paul Roos gedoen het. In die eerste plek het julle ‘n goeie rugby plan in plek gesit met baie goeie afrigting wat van 0/14 tot 0/19 in dieselfde rigting trek en tweedens het julle baie goeie en aktiewe werwing met ‘n groot begroting begin doen. Dit het reeds 3-4 jaar terug begin en te same met die feit dat PRG 50% meer seuns het ( met die diepte wat dit verskaf ) begin julle nou die goeie resultate daarvan sien. Daar is natuurlik heelwat wat HJS beter kan en moet doen en ek is seker dat sal gebeur. Mens moet nooit ander skole se suksesse beskou as tekens dat daar iets drasties fout by jou is nie. Soos die kompetisie versterk moet almal maar net hul sokkies optrek en nuwe planne maak. Welgedaan met jou span se sukses die jaar en mag die gesonde mededinging tussen ons skole mekaar wederkerig tot groter hoogtes vat maar laat ons ook nooit vergeet dat ons met kinders hier werk wat steeds ontwikkel moet word as gebalanseerde jong mans nie. Rugby kan net vir ‘n klein getal ‘n loopbaan bied maar jong mans met goeie waardes kan ewig ‘n verskil maak in die samelewing.

    3 May, 2024 at 04:42
  535. avatar
    #78 RuggaFreak

    @Grasshopper (Comment #75)
    Grey College in deep winter on that dry frost bitten grass must be a nightmare,I can imagine.

    2 May, 2024 at 23:59
  536. avatar
    #77 TWE

    @OomPB (Comment #72)
    I watched all 3 matches today. Yes when a team is losing, there is always some noise in the background, but, other than the Paul Roos u16 game, all the u14, u15 and the Affies u16 games could have gone either way (and in fact in both u15 games they were leading at halftime). It seems that the school is following Paarl Gym in wanting to play the same structure through all the age groups – in PBHS case, a style of being very attacking, almost never going for the post, mixture of forwards and backline running lines, running from deep etc. Also in all the matches the penalty count was against them, and mistakes cost them points, which happens when you play that style of rugby. 10 years ago they were early in the professional game, now teams have caught up (Paul Roos has more money and more boys) and they are trying the next formula. One could critique the approach by saying winning is almost less of a focus than it may have been in the past where all points were always taken. Let’s see how it develops in the next 5 years.

    2 May, 2024 at 23:39
  537. avatar
    #76 beet

    I think one apparent thing that came out of today specifically was the strength of the Noord schools particularly in relation to the Cape schools. It was a good day for the Noord. Maybe didn’t register wins in all games but were every competitive.
    EG, Helpies, Klofies and Monnas all held their heads high. Garsies unlucky due to the call at the very end but perhaps their fate was sealed before kickoff by not having any competitive rugby for the best part of a month and then going up against a tough opponent like Stellies.
    Durban High School also got a very credible win against Oakdale who have a strong team this year.
    One can probably point to numerous WK tournaments in the past when the Cape schools reigned supreme on days like this.
    The balance is good news for SBR as a whole.

    2 May, 2024 at 22:40
  538. avatar
    #75 Grasshopper

    Grey in a different stratosphere! Even a strong College got pumped. Try playing that in Bloem late in the season, nearly every side takes 50. Those Kirkham & St John’s boys must be gobsmacked

    2 May, 2024 at 21:34
  539. avatar
    #74 Kaya 85

    Maritzburg College simply outclassed in the literal old-fashioned sense. They played well in the first 25 minutes…tight, controlled, physical and applied lots of pressure. But then what?…Grey handled it…absorbing the heat…then gradually wrested the lead. After half time, boom boom boom…killer blows from Ethan Adams, Siyabonga Kenny, and classy backs.

    2 May, 2024 at 20:12
  540. avatar
    #73 Kantman

    @Snelvuur (Comment #71)
    Arme Ruggas – al daai rankings se basis in sy kas in.

    2 May, 2024 at 19:32
  541. avatar
    #72 OomPB

    @Snelvuur (Comment #66)
    Net so, ek bedoel geensins iets negative teenoor Affies nie maar vir jare het HJS amper al PRG spanne geklop.

    2 May, 2024 at 18:46
  542. avatar
    #71 Snelvuur

    Daar stamp die Cape Gate Crusaders die Garsiebere om! Baie bly vir hulle. Was bang dit sou ‘n lang seisoen van amper-maar-nie-stamper wees.

    2 May, 2024 at 18:24
  543. avatar
    #70 Kantman

    Ons het daai wen nodig gehad – welgedaan Stellenberg!

    2 May, 2024 at 18:21
  544. avatar
    #69 Kantman

    @OudAffie (Comment #65)

    2 May, 2024 at 18:20
  545. avatar
    #68 Kaya 85

    @OudAffie (Comment #65)
    No shame losing to Affies.
    The Winelands top 3 have had a good run v Affies over the last few years, but they make a mistake if they thought that was ‘normal’.

    2 May, 2024 at 18:09
  546. avatar
    #67 OUD ANKER

    @OudAffie (Comment #65)
    Goeie opsomming! En baie waar.

    2 May, 2024 at 18:06
  547. avatar
    #66 Snelvuur

    @OudAffie (Comment #65)
    Ek stem grootliks saam, maar ek dink ook dat iets bietjie lol by HJS. Twee jaar in ‘n ry meer as 2/3des van die wedstryde teen PRG verloor, byvoorbeeld. Al die A-span wedstryde ook verloor hierdie jaar. Dit is so dat dit naby is tussen die top-skole, maar dit sou vir my nietemin ‘n worrying trend as ‘n HJS ondersteuner wees.

    2 May, 2024 at 18:04
  548. avatar
    #65 OudAffie

    @OomPB (Comment #64)
    Of is daar liewer iets reg by Affies??? Ek dink nie so nie, ek dink eerder dat dit Affies se jaar is hierdie jaar. Dit gebeur. Affies het in 2022 al vier A span wedstryde gewen teen Paarl Gim en die jaar daarna toe net 1. My punt is dit is so naby tussen die top skole dat op ‘n gegewe dag almal of niemand kan wen. Tensy dit ‘n skande is om teen Affies te verloor dan is dit seker dat iets groots fout is met HJS?

    2 May, 2024 at 17:56
  549. avatar
    #64 OomPB

    @OudAffie (Comment #63)Daar is iets groot fout by HJS.

    2 May, 2024 at 17:33
  550. avatar
    #63 OudAffie


    14A: Paarl Boishaai wen 16-11
    15A: Affies wen 24-11
    16A: Affies wen 16-6
    1stes: Affies wen 43-21
    2 May, 2024 at 17:03
  551. avatar
    #62 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #61)
    @Snelvuur (Comment #61)
    Too close for comfort.
    Mooi gespeel Monnas.

    2 May, 2024 at 17:02
  552. avatar
    #61 Snelvuur

    Goeie wen vir PRG. Net soos Affies, is Monnas ‘n baie slegte match-up vir hulle stylistically. Goed gedoen om die wa so helter skelter deur die drif te trek. Dis al wat saak maak.

    2 May, 2024 at 16:54
  553. avatar
    #60 JongMatie

    @Kantman (Comment #58)
    Wynland water mag dalk laag raak maar droog nie op nie.
    Nog n wen in die sakkie.

    2 May, 2024 at 16:49
  554. avatar
    #59 Deon

    Ek is bly Gimmies het gewen, maar wow, wat ‘n telling, geluk EG.

    2 May, 2024 at 16:44
  555. avatar
    #58 Kantman

    @JongMatie (Comment #57)
    Diesel raak dalk laag?

    2 May, 2024 at 16:26
  556. avatar
    #57 JongMatie

    Lister enjin raak nou mooi warm.

    2 May, 2024 at 16:09
  557. avatar
    #56 Ploegskaar

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #53)
    No surprise sir, was only a matter of time. A few on and off the field out of their depth and were found out today on the big stage. Well played Helpmekaar, very committed on A and D, great maul and thought 15 had a top match

    2 May, 2024 at 15:56
  558. avatar
    #55 JongMatie

    Maroon MASJIEN nou in aksie.
    Rugbyfabriek van SA (meeste Bokke tot op hede)

    2 May, 2024 at 15:30
  559. avatar
    #54 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #52)
    Sorry who are you & what school do you support? That would explain the drivel…I never mentioned academics once & we have more than one Bok @ over 150 internationals incl Kevin Curren, heard of him?

    2 May, 2024 at 15:30
  560. avatar
    #53 Kaya 85

    Helpmekaar rocked Boland Landbou, the margin of the win is a surprise. Well done to the Bruinmasjien, they coming together nicely. Strong, organised.

    2 May, 2024 at 15:21
  561. avatar
    #52 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #48)
    So now the parameters changed, now it is boys’ schools? Earlier it was just schools and greatest and other exaggerations. Highly subjective as always, the publisher never intended any of the figments of your imagination to be read into the book, and it is just plain bizarre to measure excellence as a school by number of times you played MC :lol: :lol: :lol: , or according to rugby prowess, given that we at school in the 80’s were not aware of MC/GW’s existence, and vice versa probably also true. Today is a very different era from the era of your 82 (I think) bok John Allan who was included so beautifully in Bok rugby structures after re-admittance regardless your clawing at straws and non-substantiable ghosts you attempted conjuring up the other day, and whose inclusion in the Bok team made me aware of Glenwood the first time. Glenwood has to buy or die in this era. The name and history on their own are not attractive enough.

    2 May, 2024 at 15:12
  562. avatar
    #51 Kantman

    Noordvaal spanne maak amok

    2 May, 2024 at 15:09
  563. avatar
    #50 Kaya 85

    Well done EG! Gim held on for the win, but EG showed they can rip literally anyone open…

    2 May, 2024 at 15:03
  564. avatar
    #49 Grasshopper

    @Henkies (Comment #45)
    I didn’t watch it. Yeah, it’s one of those things with inexperience. I wonder what the age group results were. DHS with another good win.

    2 May, 2024 at 13:59
  565. avatar
    #48 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #46)
    Well, I can confidently say that book has the top 50 boys schools in SA in it. Glenwood are no upstarts, started playing rugga way before the Joburg schools. We’ve played Maritzburg College over 150 times, not many schools can claim that volume of games vs one competitor.

    2 May, 2024 at 13:58
  566. avatar
    #47 Rainier

    Goeie ^%$^%$, EG het nou amper die wa deur die drif getrek!!!!!

    2 May, 2024 at 13:53
  567. avatar
    #46 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #43)
    Oh that is Derby Day, certainly no compilation of “top 50 greatest schools” in SA at all and was never intended to be. I have one too. PRG, GCB and Glenwood are in the one I mentioned too, but Paarl Boys, Paarl Gym, Affies etc. So the book , despite being in a beautiful holder and beautifully printed with fantastic photographs obviously does not mean much either.

    2 May, 2024 at 12:55
  568. avatar
    #45 Henkies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #44)
    Grassy I thought Glenwood’s effort was high. They never gave up. Just small dropped passes, overrunning took the momentum out of their game. Also difficult as a young team outweighed by their opponents. A loss but valuable learning

    2 May, 2024 at 12:54
  569. avatar
    #44 Grasshopper

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #33)
    Yeah, lost before they started. The sign of a young team. Anyway, 2024 is a write off, building year. Hopefully get one shock win in KZN….

    2 May, 2024 at 12:43
  570. avatar
    #43 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #39)
    The FNB one from about 15 or 20 years ago, it’s on my coffee table at home…

    2 May, 2024 at 12:42
  571. avatar
    #42 JongMatie

    @Snelvuur (Comment #41)
    Hierdie is n sterbelaaide Oakdale span wat nie goed lyk nie.

    2 May, 2024 at 12:23
  572. avatar
    #41 Snelvuur

    @JongMatie (Comment #36)
    DHS lyk baie goed, maar ek dink hulle is ‘n goeie style match-up vir HJS. Dink HJS gaan daardie een vat. Oakdale is wel in die moeilikheid…

    2 May, 2024 at 12:07
  573. avatar
    #40 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #32)
    I studied Noorheuwel’s history since 1981 now. Mightily impressed, sports brilliant and academically. Very impressive. I think they are “stayers”.

    2 May, 2024 at 12:06
  574. avatar
    #39 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #31)
    Are referring to the book on Historic Schools, An Ethos of Excellence, by Hawthorne and Bristow?

    2 May, 2024 at 12:00
  575. avatar
    #38 Kaya 85

    @Rainier (Comment #35)
    Bongani Dlamini … @Beet mentioned him back in March as a potent ball carrier … looks like he could scrum a rhino too.

    2 May, 2024 at 11:57
  576. avatar
    #37 JeppeZimD

    …. Pretorius Ekeji back, + Ethan and Pieter in the centres. M’burg may just find the fire too hot to handle today against Grey!

    2 May, 2024 at 11:42
  577. avatar
    #36 JongMatie

    DHS gaan ook vir Boishaai wen
    Hier kom 4 velore in n ry – sal die eerste keer in HJS se geskiedenis wees.

    2 May, 2024 at 11:39
  578. avatar
    #35 Rainier

    DHS 3 is excellent.

    I wonder where they found him. 8))

    2 May, 2024 at 11:32
  579. avatar
    #34 LL

    Can you please ask the English commentators to speak only english and not mixing their language so we cannot understand everything. :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

    2 May, 2024 at 11:27
  580. avatar
    #33 Kaya 85

    Glenwood seemed to suffer low morale today, even before the game was 5 mins old… you could see it early on with dropped passes, lack of focus, pointing fingers, etc, also not coherent in forwards or phases. Noordheuwel have some smooth and quick runners, but also threw many careless passes – this could hurt them in the business end of NV Cup. But a good win. Waterkloof also piling on the points to add to Outeniqua’s misery this year.

    2 May, 2024 at 11:26
  581. avatar
    #32 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #30)
    Noordheuwel have played 15, won 13. Losing to KES by a few. They’ve beaten Outeniqua this season. Obviously a good year for them

    2 May, 2024 at 10:03
  582. avatar
    #31 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #30)
    Glory days started way before any of this ranking and stuff. Glenwood playing rugby since 1912 & are ranked 5th in KZN over 100 years. Best side ever was in 1965, probably before Noordheuwel even opened. It’s just back to natural organic performance, a good year every so often. Be a little bit more respectful. Glenwood in the book of top 50 greatest schools in SA, many of these upstarts are not. We will be back. Keen to see age group scores

    2 May, 2024 at 10:00
  583. avatar
    #30 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #27)
    Get Tom back lol. Gone are the glory days of hollow victories when Glenwood’s lineout calls were made in Afrikaans, 2012-ish. Jeez that was funny. Reality is hard for Umbilo Tech sine Sean and backers. I will google Noordheuwel now.

    2 May, 2024 at 09:46
  584. avatar
    #29 Dixon’s

    not a great day at the office for the Green Machine. Norries carved them up on the outside. too many mistakes too many missed tackles. cant do that and expect to get a result.

    2 May, 2024 at 09:45
  585. avatar
    #28 JongMatie

    Die Bloutrein het ontspoor soos verwag.

    2 May, 2024 at 09:43
  586. avatar
    #27 Grasshopper

    Glenwood get pumped 55-13 by Noordheuwel, I knew it. Train smash in slow motion 😢

    2 May, 2024 at 09:35
  587. avatar
    #26 4×4

    Ai die Wit Bulle was kwaad vanaand, baie kwaad. Eerste keer in 5 jaar wat hulle Boishaai wen. Welgedaan aan beide spanne! As ek my nie misgis nie is daar 9 of 10 Graad 11’s in die Boishaai span? Boufase vir volgende jaar en gaan hulle ‘n baie gedugte span wees Wel gedaan Affies julle was sie beter span op die dag!@OudAffie (Comment #15)
    Mees belaglikste geelkaart in die geskiedenis van Rugby!

    2 May, 2024 at 05:21
  588. avatar
    #25 4×4

    Ai die Wit Bulle was kwaad vanaand, baie kwaad. Eerste keer in 5 jaar wat hulle Boishaai wen. Welgedaan aan beide spanne! As ek my nie misgis nie is daar 9 of 10 Graad 11’s in die Boishaai span? Boufase vir volgende jaar en gaan hulle ‘n baie gedugte span wees Wel gedaan Affies julle was sie beter span op die dag!

    2 May, 2024 at 05:20
  589. avatar
    #24 Kaya 85

    @Grasshopper (Comment #1)
    I think Glenwood will be competitive. I don’t see any reason why they can’t win the game, but I feel Noordheuwel are favorites.
    As @brent says, it’s the team who pitches and represents.

    1 May, 2024 at 23:27
  590. avatar
    #23 Kaya 85

    Fantastic game, Affies started so well, controlled, quick, powerful and disciplined.
    HJS comeback was impressive, but Affies very good game management in the last 10 minutes to close out the game.

    1 May, 2024 at 23:23
  591. avatar
    #22 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #21)
    Soms moet mens maar net sterk wees

    1 May, 2024 at 23:05
  592. avatar
    #21 BoishaaiPa

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #17)
    Yes.In rertrospect my comment might seem harsh..but that first 15 min sealed the game for Affies.They dominated BH as I havent seen a team do in many a year against BH. Kudus to Affies..they came out hard and sealed the deal. Worse thing for me was watching the game with my daughers’s boyfriend who is an old Affie!

    1 May, 2024 at 22:24
  593. avatar
    #20 Kantman

    @beet (Comment #14)
    The night games is a serious challenge of Wildeklawer for me. Also, why do you need 1,5 hours for boring speeches?

    1 May, 2024 at 22:15
  594. avatar
    #19 Kantman

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #18)
    Agree, first 15 minutes was wild

    1 May, 2024 at 22:11
  595. avatar
    #18 KES Oldboy

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #16)
    I know you guys are not used to having that many points scored against you but you certainly did not look like a 3rd team! Affies were just red hot at the start which gave them an unassailable lead.

    1 May, 2024 at 21:02
  596. avatar
    #17 KES Oldboy

    That was a high quality game by both Affies & HJS. Considering that the field looked wet with dew, the handling was good in the conditions. Some lovely tries by both teams but at the end of the day, the Affies forwards sealed it for them.

    1 May, 2024 at 21:00
  597. avatar
    #16 BoishaaiPa

    Geluk aan Affies. Groot wen. Julle het BH soos n 3rde span laat lyk.Ons supporters moet maar die bitter pil sluk. Vermoed daar is nog n paar biter pille vir die galpille op pad die seisoen!

    1 May, 2024 at 20:50
  598. avatar
    #15 OudAffie

    Ruben Pienaar AHS 10 beste wedstryd van die jaar gehad, buiten nou sy geel, het hy die wedstryd beheer en Affies op die voorvoet gehou. Affies voorspelers iets spesiaals in 2024. Puik wen vir AHS. Def so wen nodig gehad om te bewys hulle is top 3/4 vanjaar.

    1 May, 2024 at 20:31
  599. avatar
    #14 beet

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #12)
    Yeah Affies got off to an incredible start 21-0 after 13min. Also got the better share of the penalty count.
    Bois scored two excellent team tries and after a third at 34-21 with Affies having one in the bin, it was their best chance for a comeback.
    Not the best handling quality game – probably the damp field?

    1 May, 2024 at 20:27
  600. avatar
    #13 OomPB

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #12)
    Ja nee dis nie Boishaai se nag nie.

    1 May, 2024 at 20:17
  601. avatar
    #12 yesnomaybe

    Busy watching the Paarl boys game & currently it’s men vs boys, Affies dominating. Paarl boys making too many mistakes & giving away too many penalties to build any momentum. Forwards getting bullied & dominated.

    1 May, 2024 at 19:49
  602. avatar
    #11 beet

    Man alive. Just when you thought Craven Week had the most most boring opening ceremony ever. :mrgreen:

    1 May, 2024 at 18:48
  603. avatar
    #10 BoishaaiPa

    @Rainier (Comment #9)
    Paar groot seuns in altwee spannetjies. Altwee 8ste manne en senters….fris voorrye aan altwee kant ook.Het ek reg gehoor dat Fanie Oelsich(?) se seun in Grey spannetjie is?

    1 May, 2024 at 12:55
  604. avatar
    #9 Rainier

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #8)

    Skitterende wen vir Bastion. Geen onoorwonne seisoen vir die /13’s nie.

    1 May, 2024 at 12:12
  605. avatar
    #8 BoishaaiPa

    Weet nie wie het die 0/13 Wildeklawer wedstryd tussen Grey en Bastion gekyk nie..maar die ref moet n pluimpie kry. Baie mooi met seuns gepraat heeltyd deur en seuns het presies geweet wat hy wil hê.

    1 May, 2024 at 11:52
  606. avatar
    #7 Rainier

    @OomPB (Comment #5)

    Meeste games is op 216.

    1 May, 2024 at 11:18
  607. avatar
    #6 brentsw3

    @Grasshopper (Comment #1)
    Anything can happen at 8 in the morning, which ever team wakes up fresher…. :-P

    1 May, 2024 at 11:08
  608. avatar
    #5 OomPB

    @Strepie (Comment #4)
    Hoop dit word uitgesaai

    1 May, 2024 at 11:05
  609. avatar
    #4 Strepie

    Sterkte aan HJS met sy baie taai wedstryd teen die Affie witbulle 01/05.
    Skole met eenderse kulture – altyd n baie spesiale geleentheid.
    Mag die wedstryd in n goeie gees gespeel word met geen ernstige beserings nie.

    29 April, 2024 at 10:34
  610. avatar
    #3 JongMatie

    2 3 Wildeklawer tyd.
    Sterkte aan al die wynland makroskole.

    29 April, 2024 at 09:19
  611. avatar
    #2 Kantman

    I think Glenwood will be OK, maar hierdie gaan ‘n waterskeiding naweek wees vir vele spanne se 2024 seisoen.

    8 November, 2023 at 22:36
  612. avatar
    #1 Grasshopper

    Glenwood are in for a hammering! They are no longer at this level and need to think carefully about attending in future….sad but true

    4 November, 2023 at 13:30

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