Twelve of the most well-known rugby schools in South African will once again be on display over Easter in KwaZulu-Natal come 2014.
In spite of the school holidays headache caused by Easter not being part of the end of term vacation, the organisers of the seventh annual Kearsney Easter Rugby Festival (KERF) have done ever so well to attract a top class field yet again.
The Good News: SA rugby powerhouse schools Affies and Monument are back. The 2013 NuPower-Tuks champs HTS Middelburg also returns after several years of absence as do Dale College who will play in their fifth KERF.
The Bad News: the Western Cape teams have pulled out: No Paarl Gim or Paul Roos. Outeniqua and Boland Landbou are also not returning. All of these above mentioned Cape schools take part in Wildeklawer, which is only one weekend after KERF. It would have been a big ask for the boys to have made the trip up to KZN, then head home for a few days before going on another long distance tour to Kimberley for Wildeklawer.
The Greyt News: Grey College, the Springbok rugby factory operating out of Bloemfontein will be at KERF for the fifth consecutive year. Grey has not been SA no.1 for the past two seasons but there is a feeling that their 2014 team will end the drought.
Match days: 17 April, 19 April, 21 April 2014.
09h30 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | Kearsney | 25 | 31 | HTS Middelburg |
10h45 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | Framesby | 16 | 21 | Monument |
12h00 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | Westville | 41 | 10 | Nico Malan |
13h15 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | Selborne | 12 | 34 | Affies |
14h30 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | Glenwood | 31 | 17 | Dale |
15h45 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | Grey College | 26 | 8 | EG Jansen |
09h30 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | Selborne | 21 | 13 | Framesby |
10h45 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | HTS Middelburg | 43 | 22 | Nico Malan |
12h00 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | Kearsney | 24 | 19 | Dale |
13h15 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | Glenwood | 31 | 18 | EG Jansen |
14h30 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | Grey College | 32 | 20 | Westville |
15h45 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | Affies | 14 | 34 | Monument |
09h30 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | Nico Malan | 10 | 25 | Dale |
10h45 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | Glenwood | 31 | 29 | Framesby |
12h00 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | Westville | 14 | 20 | Selborne |
13h15 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | Affies | 10 | 20 | HTS Middelburg |
14h30 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | Grey College | 10 | 10 | Monument |
15h45 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | Kearsney | 3 | 25 | EG Jansen |
KERF teams over the years:
2014 | 2013 | 2012 | 2011 | 2010 | 2009 | 2008 | |
1 | Kearsney | Kearsney | Kearsney | Kearsney | Kearsney | Kearsney | Kearsney |
2 | Selborne | Selborne | Selborne | Selborne | Selborne | Selborne | Selborne |
3 | EG Jansen | EG Jansen | EG Jansen | EG Jansen | EG Jansen | EG Jansen | |
4 | Grey College | Grey College | Grey College | Grey College | Grey College | ||
5 | Glenwood | Glenwood | Glenwood | Glenwood | Glenwood | ||
6 | Dale | Dale | Dale | Dale | Dale | ||
7 | Monument | Monument | Monument | Monument | |||
8 | Nico Malan | Nico Malan | Nico Malan | Nico Malan | |||
9 | Affies | Affies | Affies | ||||
10 | Westville | Westville | Westville | ||||
11 | HTS Middelburg | HTS Middelburg | HTS Middelburg | ||||
12 | Framesby | Framesby | |||||
13 | Paarl Gim | Paarl Gim | |||||
14 | Paul Roos | Paul Roos | |||||
15 | Outeniqua | ||||||
16 | Boland Landbou | ||||||
17 | Queens | Queens | Queens | ||||
18 | Upington | Upington | Upington | ||||
19 | Marais Viljoen | Marais Viljoen | Marais Viljoen | Marais Viljoen | |||
20 | Helpmekaar | ||||||
21 | Christs College (NZ) | ||||||
22 | Invitation XV | ||||||
23 | DHS | DHS | |||||
24 | KZN Develop. | KZN Develop. | |||||
25 | E/Cape Develop. | ||||||
26 | St Johns (Harare) |
@BoishaaiPa: Ja maar ons geniet darem enige verskoning om die bergbokke by te kom.
@BoishaaiPa: Dit was ‘n goeie oorwinning van Bois High teenoor die Kwaggas. Moet se ek het gedink die Kwaggas gaan die een vat aangesien julle maar ‘n stadige begin van die seisoen gehad het. Lyk my die manne met die blou bloed daar in die Kaap vat nou eers vlam!
@Woltrui: So van snotklap en verwoes gepraat..ek het darem lanklaas van Predator of iemand uit George se wereld gehoor….Die Bois uit die Paarl het hulle skoon kom stil speel lyk dit my
@Woltrui: Ou Wollie..ek dink jy verwar ons Capies (of visvoete) met die manne van George se wereld…Dis darem so amper 400km verskil en is in die SWD…Ons skole speel wel teen mekaar, maar dis net 2 skole uit die hele SWD wat teen n paar skole in die WK speel. Hulle vorm nie amptelik deel van die WP ligaskole nie.
@Queenian: I hope so too. But it’s a big ask considering they have 2 of KZN’s finest to play…plus their Achilles heel, Nico Malan. Selborne, however, based on form have a chance. They have beaten stronger Affies sides with weaker sides. They are not easily intimidated by big names.Westville will be a threat, but I suspect they are the better side. Framesby is looking for a big fish (excuse the pun), but I reckon the fish will make it 2 out of 2 against them this year. Should be interesting, wish I was there.
@Playa: Dont pay him compliments , even jokingly. He will think that you mean it. In fact, he prints such comments and keeps them in his sticker book.@Grasshopper: They speak English because many of them are thinking of leaving the country. An opinion poll among 18-24 olds, a little while ago, indicated that 67% , 57%, 48% and 37% respectively of “whites, Indians, colourdes, and blacks” were thinking of leaving the country.
@Andre T: Now I see what Playa was saying
@Redblack White: The dolphins’ spinner?
@Andre T: Maharaj’s Coaches

@Redblack White: hahaha! Same case at Glenwood, the likes of Port Natal, Kuswag, Gelofte, Werda, Voortrekker, Suid Natal and others are slowing dwindling. The parents are seeing that there are more opportunities in sport at the bigger schools and also that business is done in mostly English. It’s sad to see but in KZN that is the way it’s going. The Glenwood BE of 250 boys is probably 50% Afrikaans home language now…
@Redblack White: What language is written on the busses?
@Andre T: cant speak for Glenwood, but here by us it is a case of more and more Afrikaans boys wanting to do schooling in English – even see it happening at some of the dual-medium feeder schools where Afrikaans medium is under pressure. It is not uncommon to hear plenty of Afrikaans around the grounds, and of course it helps the Engelsmanne with the language, especially because the Afrikaans boys end up in top set Afrikaans class. Heard a funny one the other day. My son is in class with an u16A boy, and he was set to play his first game ever on Goldstones. He says to my son. Hey G, ek speel Saterdag op Goue Steentjies
@Redblack White: I knew Maritzburra was much more afrikaans than Umbilo but why do so many dutchies go to Glenwood?
One of my son’s friends, Riaan Swanepoel, good golfer from College is also a dutchie and I see Malcolm Mitchell was one of the KXN stars in their recent promotion to the A section of the recent inter provincial golf tournament.
@Andre T:
I didnt think Bog would grace this part of the world with his esteemed presence – this is mos GCB Sharks country – and then to nogal hang from a tree??
Ag nee wat Mnr T – ons praat maar net bollie – ons is in elk geval te kort en stadig om met julle manne skoor te soek so ons sal maar in die son in die rubbish sitplekke sit, bekhou en rugby kyk

@Playa: I hope the Tick Bird does us proud the 3 games I have seen them play so far I see them pulling an upset or two here.
No 10 and 15 are up there with the best in SA Schools at the moment.
Goodluck to Dale I am with you all the way.
And I see Selborne beating Affies watch this space they have a good team.
QC86- Rudi if you read this good luck to your son hope you enjoy.
@Redblack White: @Redblack White: You okes were not supposed to understand that and it’s Bog who’ll be hanging from a tree in a Grey jersey.
@Redblack White:

@Playa: Not clever enough to know not to tune the KXNérs (see the KERF squads with stas thread) about small things amusing small minds.
Now we know to be on the lookout for a Monnas supporter, eloquently wasted (no wait thats from an INXS song) , AND not particularly fussed about where he sits or stands. Grrrrrr ………

@Andre T: You are too clever for this blog
@Andre T: Ja, so gedink, maar jy sal sekerlik nie aanstoot neem as ek jou aan die belangrikheid van eerlikheid, herinner nie. En dan boonop, het jou suster n moederlike rol in jou lewe gespeel, wat natuurlik haar (misplaasde) antwoord verklaar.
@BOG: Ek het vir n oomblik vergeet wat die konnetasie was
@Andre T: Jy het nagelaat om te noem dat “Spear” se vrou is jou suster
I see kickoff is in 21 hours’ time. Will the first game start at 05h00?

@Andre T: Some say, that he can slide uphill, but all we know, is that he’s called the Ploegskaar.
@Ploegskaar: Ou heuningbekkie, jys n lekker smooth operator. Is jy so met girls ook ? Spear se vrou wys ons nou die dag daai foto van jou op Twitter. Sy se ‘ so moet n man mos lyk ‘………’ daai scruffy look ‘………..’ amper soos jy, Andre ‘……….se sy toe.
@Woltrui: Nee Wollas, dis nie die Boere se styl om breedsprakerig te wees nie, maar dit weet jy. Hard maar nederig is sinoniem met Boland spelers en ondersteuners. Boonop het ons ‘n jong span met 10+ Graad 11’s, so die manne is daar om te leer, ervaring op te doen en hulle te meet aan uitstekende opposisie soos die Rooibulle.
@Ploegskaar: Gaan julle HTS met n snotklap oorval en vermorsel?
@ROOIBUL: Ons volg julle vertonings by KERF met belangstelling, julle lyk witwarm hierdie jaar, en sien uit na ons herontmoeting, na die lekker wedstryd in 2012, by WK ‘n week later.
@Andre T: Jip. Hulle ken nie die groot Clubs nie. Dinge is net anners by die groot clubs. Hehehe…Ons gaan Mnr Predatoor nog so bietjie garra garra oor daai opmerkings
@Woltrui: Vermorsel?
@Andre T: Nee wat Boet. Ons het die FA cup reeds in die sakkie. Ons gaan Hull City of Tigers of wat hulle hulself ook noem, ‘n snotklap gee
@Woltrui: Jy moet ook nou besluit wie jou span is. Soos jou spannetjie nou uitsak gaan jy een van die dae vir Arcadia Shepherds moet skree.
@Andre T: Ag nou toe ou f@kk#n slimgat taal goeroe! Jy nie opgelet in die klas nie. Couch=ruppie afrigter=sagte sofa(die bliksemse engels sal my nog na drank en goedkoop vrouens dryf).
Geluk met daai spanners van Liverpool se oorwining die naweek. Sien Stevie G het lekker gegrens met die beskeie en gelukkige oorwining. Dink hoe gaan hy homself benat as Chelsea hulle pakgee en die beker voor hulle neuse wegraap 8)
@ Hilty- be careful of Mr T. He makes lots of promises that never materialize. He does have a soft spot for Hilton boys though. I think it is because Monnas also play in the Whites
@Hilty: Stick around yes. Go onto the field and witness demonstrations of the ‘shoulder charge’ amongst others.
@Andre T: If thats the case those are my favourite games and even more reason to stick around after the final whistle,sounds like a good time to me.
@valke: Thanks,but its more like coming home,Im an old Benoni boy. Valke Ill take you up on that game on the 17th as Ill be down in the Midlands the weekend of the 10th to watch the Hilton vs Michael House and back HOME for that game.
My snot klap remark has got some blood boiling,sorry boys just my old East Rand habbits coming back.
Whats the chance of getting an invite on to the Jansies couch,hahaha!!!!
@Woltrui: Lol…………The Jansies couch?
Oh now I understand…..they also have that couch where you can sit on and watch the game from the touch line. That’s a great new incentive for the supporters to be able to be so close to the action.
Monnas should have built those gazebos much closer to the playing field. Lately I’ve been struggling to see from a distance. I can bring my couch as well and then the coach and I can lie side by side discussing how we can teach 17 and 18 year old boys the skills and tactics for this beautiful game called rugby. Now I know where the name ‘ couch potato’ comes from.
@valke: @Hilty: Hehehehehehehehehe…………… Snotklap!!!!!! You’s KZN and Capie boitjies don’t know the Vaalies very well do you Hilty? That Snotklap remark could just come back to bite you boetie. A certain visvoet made the remark that Outenikwa were going to “vermorsel” Garsies a week or two ago. I am still laughing about that little mistake. The Vaalies LOVE to be put down like that. It touches our hearts. Hopefully the Jansies couch are made attend of the remark.
@Hilty: Goodness me, what did you do to deserve such a transfer? You either murdered your boss wife or stole at least R10 million. Go and live in Brakpan for the ultimate nickname- “Damduiker” Mind you, it could have been worse- Krugersdorp, Klerksdorp—
Baie geluk ook aan Liverpool. Manne die titelresies is nou ferm in jul hande.
We never walk alone.
@BOG: Kan jy jou indink AndreT gebore in November. Wat ‘n Bog verhaal.
@Duppie: Andre T het daai “teorie” van jou eers reg bewys na sy derde probeerslag in matriek, en toe was dit ook slegs marginaal beter as die vorige twee jare.
@Duppie: Nee wat ou Dup. Eks n mislukking.
Nr 5 wil skei.
@Hilty: That game is also the one where most of the action starts after the game. Make sure you leave 5 minutes before full time.
@Andre T: Maar jy is mos ‘n top presteerder dan nie>
Interessant dat Maart in elk geval die top presteerders oplewer met November wat die ander kant verteenwoordig.
@Duppie: Ek dink so op die keper beskou lyk daai uitslae in elk geval korrek.
Ek is n Maart baba………ek was seker nie deel van daai navorsing nie.
@Hilty: Jeepers Hilti, what went wrong?
From the lush pastures of the Natal Midlands to the dull, mobster’s underworld of the East Rand?
Besides Germies Lake not much else to do than to watch rugby hey?
@Hilty: Welcome to the East Rand ! I must be honest, this is probably the first time ever that I hear of someone moving from KZN to the East Rand.
Hopefully you will be able to watch the league game, on 17 May, between these 2 teams ( again at Kempies ) ). Normally this is the one where both teams plays some attractive rugby. Not a lot of pressure on that game, except for bragging rights for a couple of weeks.
@Andre T: Baie interessant en behoort interessant te wees as hul studie 2015 voltooi is. Volgens die slim mense is jou kans om op skool te presteer as jy voor 01 Jul gebore word amper 70% beter.
En jy behoort te weet ek laat suig.
@Duppie: Is daai duim blou gesuig?
@valke: Thanks for that,i thought he may have been taller.
Valke im not putting EG down what so ever.I have recently moved up to the East Rand from KZN and have been looking forward to watching them play, but listening to what youve said about 3 games in 5 days and still trying to hold their squad together for KERF makes sence and may justify their performance on Saterday.
I wont be going down to KERF as Ill be at the St Stithians festival.I wish them all the best at KERF and look forward to watching EG many more times this year.
A study is underway to determine if the urban legend that boys born before 30 June is better performers than those born after 01 July. We took the birtdays of the boys competing in the Kearsney Festival and a split of 186 to 87 is found in the teams chosen. Therefore we may assume before June 2007 is the better players. Taking the teams averages, and must state that the teams chosen may have different averages, the following predictions were made :
Kearsney vs HTS Middelburg – HTS Middelburg
Framesby vs Monument – Monument
Westville vs Nico Malan – Nico Malan
Selborne vs Affies – Selborne
Glenwood vs Dale – Dale
Grey College vs EG Jansen – Grey College
Selborne vs Framesby – Selborne
HTS Middelburg vs Nico Malan – HTS Middelburg
Kearsney vs Dale – Kearsney
Glenwood vs EG Jansen – EG Jansen
Grey College vs Westville – Grey College
Affies vs Monument – Monument
Nico Malan vs Dale – Nico Malan
Glenwood vs Framesby – Glenwood
Westville vs Selborne – Selborne
Affies vs HTS Middelburg – HTS Middelburg
Grey College vs Monument – Grey College
Kearsney vs EG Jansen – Kearsney
Will be interesting to measure this to the final results.
@Andre T: :
@valke: Ek het hierdie jaar al woorde gehoor soos ‘ vermorsel ‘……… ‘ verneder ‘ en nou ‘ snot klap ‘.
Ek dink vir enige span is dit die beste motivering wat jy kan kry.
@ROOIBUL: I know you did not ask me, but although I believe your 10 controlled the game brilliantly and your 12 and 15 was solid, I believe the difference was the way your pack never allowed the Monnas pack to dominate. Your defence was also some of the best I have seen on the day.
@Hilty: He is 2,04, as far as I know.
Hilty, I am not sure if you have ever seen Eg vs. Kempies games before ?
I have been watching these games for some years now and can assure you they are never spectacular. They are hard fought battles between 2 very good teams.
EG’s main aim was to get to the festivals with as many players as possible healthy and able to put in a good performance. Keep in mind that this was their 3rd game in 5 days ( including trails on Wednesday and Centurion on Tuesday ).
Don’t worry. Glenwood will find a decent team to play against on Saterday and if a “snot klap” is on the cards, then so be it.
Sorry for asking, are there perhaps any players in the HTSM team that stood out for you, if any!
Went to watch Monnas vs Middleburg and EG Jansen vs Kempton on Saterday.
Although EG won 39-0 they were not that impressive and if how the played on saterday is anything to go by then they going to catch a snot klap against GW at KERF.
Watch out for Middleburg,after winning on Saterday they could supprise a few more teams this weekend.
As for Monnas,dont wright them off.In the 2nd half it wasnt just a case of being out played but more that of going to sleep.
Can anyone tell me how tall the No5 lock of Kempies is.
These are mouth watering clashed damn it. The KZN guys are fortunate. i would kill to watch the Selborne and Affies game. Grey Bloem and EG Jansen will be crackers aswell so will be Glenwood and Dale match too. Are Selborne playing Framesby again gentlemen?
@Bonthuis: yoh, yoh, yoh. Talking specifically rugby; GW 1st and College 1st are likely top dogs this year for rugby. They have two very good teams. We can’t compare a previous year with a current year. That was last year. This year I think GW may lose only 1 or two games and none to any KZN team; me thinks. The matchups certainly will be the the college v gw Derby’s.
@Grasshopper. Its good fun to follow your pokes at Westville, carry on, it clearly is not malicious.
@Jordaan: it’s called a big personal connection with Westville, explained a few times before. 6 of my best mates, 2 brother in laws and a cousin went to Westville. I get an earful everytime I see one of them about how great Westville is and how they dominating etc. All if them attended the school in the 80’s and 90’s when Westville was just another upstart average school, so it makes me laugh how their memories seem to forget. Anyway, it’s all banter and winding up each other. I also grew up across the way from Westville Boys in Dunbar Rd. As one of only a handful of kids in Westville going to Glenwood I got serious abuse when walking around in my green blazer….
@Grasshopper: this isn’t a floro spread ad, the question is, who won?
@Grasshopper: Fair enough, but, you do seem to have a per-occupation with trying to prove yourself against Westville over any other school! Just saying, it’s pretty obvious.
@Woltrui: I wonder how the Northern teams felt when the ‘soft’ Du Preez boys smeared them across the turf…
@Woltrui- Thanks het so agtergekom..Kom ons hoop jy is reg IVM die KZN spanne…
@jakes: @Woltrui: Above message for your attention Jakes (@names?? WTF??)
@names: Grey Bloem will be a difficult match for EG. But at least you then play the 2 KZN teams and as we all know those boytjies play the game with “flair” and “skill”. Walk in the park for any fisical Northvaal team. Play those two games with your second stringers-keep the boys fresh for the Nupower playoffs?? The same for Affies. Got the tough fixtures at Kerf but then we are playing against the-shall we say “softer” opponents at the Wildeklawer. So the laaities can take to two games easy in preparation for the tough Kloof game after the wildeklawer.

@Speartackle: “Old sak bene”? For you’s Affies old boys it is DR Edwards, dear sir. 8)
Some big games for EG Jansen against Grey College&Glenwood&Kearsney a tough call. Then there is Affies against Monnas&HTS Middelburg..and then Monnas vs Grey College..Some big match up’s, I hope these teams have some good reserves and depth for it is going to be needed,..
@Jordaan: I actually really don’t mind boet, this is all a bit of fun. School was 17 years ago for me, in real life it doesn’t really matter if Westville is better, I’m just creating some good debate…
@Grasshopper: Problem is you just can’t resist having a go at Westville at each and every opportunity, I can understand why though, must be hard for you to accept your current 2nd place to them allround amongst Durban schools.
@Grasshopper: How can Glenwood honestly expect to be ranked higher than Westville this season, after losing to a second string side like George Campbell. Invariably this happens to them every season and has happened in the past against Northwood. This argument makes no sense, especially after Westviile hammered College by 50 points on Goldstones. Westville had probably their best side in 5 years and it would have been very tight against a very powerful Kearsney side.
Westviile and Kearsney were miles ahead of Glenwood this season, the results speak for themselves!
Mmmmmmm…………………Affies vs Monnas………………you can run but you can’t hide……………………………still waiting to believe……………….didn’t Ou Sak Bene vow never to play Monnas again?
LIV Village 7’s tournament . Was there. Freak indeed. Sorry to hear of the surgery. Spoke to the folks and they were hoping of a fast recovery. A big loss to Westville but I am sure if rehab done properly he will see some action next year. A real talent.
@star: injured playing 7’s. twisted knee.Happened at the tournament where Saracens played Rovers. Freak one in that there was no contact. His studs got caught in the grass as he turned to pass the ball.
@Westers: Wishing both boys a full recovery, injuries at this age are not good, especially involving surgery. Fred Zeilanga lost a bit of pace from his bad break in matric. However, they are young and heal quick, so rest them and be back for March…
@star: I believe the injury was picked up earlier in the year, I thought in club rugby but I am not sure. He sat out most of the basketball season until about two weeks ago and then started playing again and got injured. I believe he had surgery last week and was hopeful of being fit for next season. But I haven’t heard how surgery went so your info may be more up to date. Hope I am right and you are wrong. He will be a big loss for Westville.
Westville also had Ruan Kotze break an ankle playing for DRSU in September. He had an op and is hoping to be fit for rugby next year. I rate him as a player. He can play fly half, full back or centre.
Lets hope they are both fit.
@Playa: OK, you persuaded me. I declare a truce with my Westville buddies. Sorry guys for all the winding up I have done. Looking forward to the Westville vs Glenwood fixture in March :-)
@star: Oh no, that is not good news he was set to be the KZN Lock starter with Gouws from Hilton. Massive blow for Westville and KZN :-(
@star: Eish. That is sad news all around for both Westville and KZN. Jordan would have been a KZN Craven Week contender
@ Westers- a heard that Martin has picked up an injury playing basketball and might miss next years rugby season. If so it will be a huge blow as he is a quality player that would have led from the front( as the potential captain)
@Grasshopper: @Westers: In the words of Naas Botha: “At the end of the day Darren (Scott), rugby is the winner.”
Let’s let sleeping dogs lie gentlemen.
@Westers: yes it must be ;-). My source is not a parent…
@Grasshopper: A parent told me Westville were No 1. So it must be true.
@Grasshopper: just to add no ranking system for sport is statistically sound if every school does not play each other, the confidence level and margin of error is too low. Westville had a very good year in cricket, deserved top 10, well done. Rugby on the other hand, not playing Kearsney and Glenwood is like the Springboks claiming no1 without playing New Zealand and Australia….bizarre!
@Westers: BComm with Honours in Economics, CIMA and London Business School MBA, I think my maths is ok. 25 was the age a parent said to me Jackson was at school, just saying. Tom and Payi were 20 something so was Jackson, Glenwood and DHS get a public grilling and Westville don’t, seem fair?
@Rhino: ok Ryan…
Jeepers dude – u are the most boring blogger on earth. GW this and that and then continiously trying to put us(westville) and recently MC down too. You guys were wrong and got caught..Marne was just one.. how about Tom.. he was like 21 or 22……….or 28 lol……….. your wins with him playing should be discounted as NC aka no contests. If Westville is found to be wrong then ditto and same for others……..but you were. Oh and btw on your other thread u mention about how Cricket should bear no rankings cause of cricket is a gamble due to weather/pitch/who bats first etc.. crap off thats again a load of grasshopper KUK as if u were doing well you would never have said that. If thats the case then you may as well take all countries rankings and throw away as well……..tut tut very simple thinking and propostorous as im sure 99.9% all agree. its like almost saying the same for rugby then…………in a way due to who kicks off first or if it rains in the first half or not etc etc.. pathetic !!!!……..jog on man !! perhaps u are becoming the most annoying blogger on this, you say stuff just to be heard it seems???/ come on man. DISSAPOINTED !
@Gungets Tuft: Poor wording on my part. As Star says, he did have an injury. He had been cleared several weeks before the end of the season but the injury prevented him playing.
@star: I was just picking up on what Westers said … “As I have stated previously, I do not have firm fact but I heard some form of test was done and his age was confirmed. Hence, he came on in the last game of the season.”
The inference is very clear, that he did not play until an age verification was done. Not once last season did any Westville supporter say anything like that, it was always and only an injury. If not, fine.
As for “a few College boys”, not so. Just one, and he was pulled for 1 match, then cleared by the investigator that was appointed by …. most schools.
@Grasshopper: I hope Glenwood are doing age checks on all the EC recruits they are bringing in each year.
@Grasshopper: Simple arithmetic not your strong point? And here I thought Glenwoods academic record was so good.
@ GT- There is no story about the injury, It is a matter of record that he rolled his ankle in a match and had to leave the field. His re-introduction was delayed (as were several College boys at the time) until he could be checked out. I was told the age check included a bone density test and confirmation to hospital records. He was cleared for Kearsney and ran on during the 1st team game. He is currently involved in the junior Sharks set-up.
@Grassy- I am reminded of the story I heard when JP Pietersen met Tom in the change room and within a minute knew he was overage, The question needs to be asked why 4 coaches at GW ( especially the U14 coach who had an 18 year old playing for him) were totally oblivious of the fact. It is easy to plead ignorance but not necessarily moral or to be respected.
@Grasshopper: Firstly, if there was no agreement why did Kershaw not come out and say that? His silence would make one think it existed.
Secondly, you say Westville harboured cheats and got away with it. Do you have proof of this?
@Westers: So 1987?
@Gungets Tuft: He was injured at various times during the season. If I remember correctly he didn’t play KERF last year due to injury. His size and the way he played made him susceptible to injury. What tests or checks were done I do not know. Only heard that his year of birth was confirmed to be accurate.
@Westers: yes Glenwood might have done something wrong if there was an agreement, I don’t see one and I don’t believe there is actually one in writing. I won’t forget because two very respected and moral schools got badly burnt by these boys faking documents. It was not the schools fault but the damage is done. Why should Westville and any other school harbouring these cheats get away with it? It should be in the open and not conveniently forgotten. Marne has moved on and doing well, good on him…
@Westers: So stories about his injury were incorrect then?
So many different stories floating around back then, when just an age check would have done the trick. Which one of his ID books was confirmed as correct, obviously the younger one?
@Grasshopper: @Grasshopper: You keep harping back to this individual. If you have the proof put it forward. As I have stated previously, I do not have firm fact but I heard some form of test was done and his age was confirmed. Hence, he came on in the last game of the season.
You need to get over Marne. Swallow your pride, admit Glenwood were in the wrong and move on.
@Westers: The Jackson turned ankle story is going to come out at some point and Westville should take the heat just like DHS and Glenwood did….’independent’ auditors……
There maybe others that were swept under the Jan Hofmeyr Road carpet…
@Westers: especially with plenty of snakes in the grass out there not been caught yet….
@Westers: Where is this phantom Headmasters agreement, I would love to have a look at it. For it to be abided by and recognised it needs to be in the public domain or at least some official announcements that all KZN schools have signed it. Sorry these days we can’t trust gentleman’s agreements, verbal agreements and handshakes..
@Grasshopper: Gungets hit the nail on the head. That’s why written agreements get put in place.
Boy born on 31 December is U19.
Boy born on 1 January is U18.
Also doesn’t seem fair but rules are rules and agreements are agreements – or should that be agreements are there to be broken?
@Gungets Tuft: To fail today, does require a massive effort, but the “gifted” few still manage somehow. You almost pass just by writing your personal details on the paper, but if you dont pitch or write a few insults about the minister (not difficult to do), apply 3 years in advance, they just may hold you back. Something which I tried many years ago- For Geography, I spotted and missed, except for the one question. So, with the second I had to answer, my knowledge was rather limited. I wrote one or two sentences and added: “For further information, please consult Textbook ???, pages so-and-so” My teacher did not share my sense of humour at all, but at least I knew where to find the info.
@Grasshopper: Other than the fact that the HMA defines this. Come through the system and you can play even if you are U19. Arrive at the school after a certain time in your school career and you may not. That was, if I understand it, the sole motivation behind Westville, Hilton and House refusing to allow Marne to play. That’s my understanding – the background noise and ethics behind people like Jackson and others (such as repeating Grade 11 so that you can “arrive” in grade 10), well, been discussed ad nauseum.
On another note – how on earth someone can fail matric (NSC anyway) nowdays, when passmarks in some subjects are 30% and a few (languages???) 40%, absolutely boggles my mind (I admit, I am easily boggled).
@Westers: not being funny or trying to cause issues, so playing Jackson who had failed was ok but playing Marne who had not was not ok because he arrived in grade 11? Doesn’t seem fair that to me…
@beet: I think most top schools these days pride themselves on trying to obtain as close to 100% matric pass rate as possible. So it doesn’t help to fail a rugby player to strengthen the 1st team.
I don’t think there is a right answer to the U19 issue. I don’t really have a problem with U19s playing if a boy has repeated a year up to G8 or G9. By that time a school should have worked out if a boy needs to be held back. If they are held back after that it is more likely to be for sports reasons rather than academic reasons.
@beet: I think Brad McNeil was a better example, I think 6A’s and KZN schools rugby and waterpolo! Marne, I think got a couple of A’s, 1 for Maths Lit which isn’t rocket science but not bad non the less considering his treatment by some schools….
@Grasshopper: Ja Marne Coetzee was one such student/sportsman. SA Schools and top marks from what I was told
@beet: there are of course some kids who are good at it all and play 1st rugby, cricket and get 7 A’s….rare but it does happen. Rugby players are seen as dumb jocks but not all are…
@Westers: on a slightly diverted topic and not making reference to any specific schools here because it has happened at a few but with regards to failing matric, I suspect that the ratio of 1st XV matric failures is high in relation to the overall school trends. We tend to look at a schools overall record when we should actually be honing in on the sportsmen say the 1st XV and seeing how they are (under)performing as a result of the extra commitments which eat into class attendance and study time.
I could be totally off track but I have a hunch we might all be surprised by the number of young rugby players out there who are doing matric equivalent courses a year after leaving school.
@beet: yeah I get the failing matric scenario but what if a kid fails years earlier in their schooling life? If equates to the same thing really. I think a kid who has failed a year at any stage and is under 19 in matric should not play schoolboy rugby…simple as…
@Grasshopper: The HMA rule of if you fail matric, you can’t play the following year goes hand in hand with a number of rules designed to govern the participation of u19s. In KZN u19s are allowed to play as privilege rather than a right.
The rule effective prevents a player repeating matric for the wrong reasons, altho I think making CW u18 pretty much ended a lot of the incentive for u19 rugby players to want to stick around.
Jackson Buthelezi, was the hooker in Marne’s year although Westville also made use of Michael Downer, who featured in some games for the Sharks u19s this year. JB was a year behind but not a matric repeater.
@BOG: Or qualifies for Veterans ;-)
@Westers: OK, he failed a year earlier in high school, not really a huge difference. The player still has an extra year at school. DHS at one point in 2012 had about 5 boys playing who had failed a year at some point…crazy!
@Westers: If a boy fails matric at GW, he is U 21, not U 19
@Grasshopper: I don’t recall any boys failing matric in 2011. Beet’s comment I read to specifically mean failing matric, not earlier years. No question that Westville have had U19 boys in their teams over the years. But I don’t think they are U19 because they failed matric.
@Ballie: Only a R12k annual tuck shop allowance, school car (VW Polo Vivo in green), free boarding and pocket money to buy ‘supplements’ aka juice…
@Tjoppa: Nope, we use Dead Sea Mud masks for mask age ;-)
@Grasshopper: Wired as we speak. I take it board is included, but passport and overseas travel excluded?
@Grasshopper: And in the team room the physio apply “Oil of Clay” to look years younger.

@Westers: forgot his name Jackson maybe? He had failed previously, need to dig up sources
@Ballie: yeah, there is a proper ID counterfeit machine in the Glenwood staff room, any bloggers with kids needing fake ID docs please EFT a thousand bucks over, they will sort you out quickly.
@Grasshopper: I don’t recall who the Westville hooker was last year. Are you sure he failed matric?
@Tjoppa: Just like any Tom, d…..
@BOG: Eish!Apologies to the Slummies citizen…meant to put them separately from the rest.
WSU could work…if they had junior sides that actually played games.
Grassy is gonna eat you alive
@Playa: Send them to Glenwood. Fix their birth certificates, they will assist to make it look genuine. Viola now you can pass matric at 21 and will still be accepted.
@Playa: I think that there will be a few people in Slummies who will take exception to the fact that you refer to them as “a small town” and group them with places like QT, Aliwal and Cradock. And what about WS University? Even if they dont have money to pay their lecturers. After all, they view PE as a suburb of theirs.
* The few existing clubs with junior sides start at Under 20 level
@Scrum Doctor: @beet: I’m with Beet on this one, and will not repeat his words for the sake of efficiency. Schoolboy rugby is for schoolboys.
I will add a further spanner though. What about small towns where club rugby is virtually non-existent for under 19s…where would that leave 19 year old schoolboys? In the EC for example, places like Aliwaal North, Cradock, Queenstown, East London are far from any of the varsities where maybe a compromise could be made.Even from King, it’s a cool 60km (120km roundtrip) of travel to Alice, where a boy could maybe play for Fort Hare. Not ideal for a boy still in school. The few existing clubs with junior sides start at Under 19 level, so if the question is safety, and there is such a perceived difference between an 18 & 19 year old (and I don’t think there is), surely the same difference applies between a 19 & 20 year old.
The segregation of under 16s from open rugby has already disadvantaged a lot of schools. I can accept the safety concerns around that decision. Now when you scrap under 19s from the equation as well…shaaat…we’ll end up with 20 rugby playing schools in this country.
@RBugger: Yeah, all that creatine and glutamine these kids are on he will most likely be over 100kg by then. Glenwood lack locks so he will end up there playing with Kevin Du Randt….not tall locks at all but hopefully with good ball skills. Staples at the back will win lots of line-out ball too. Kearsney have some seriously big boots to fill in the pack in 2014….good luck!
@Grasshopper: No no no, sorry if it came across that way – I am just saying that I watched him play from standard 6/7 and in that time, he was big for his age and very strong, think i remember him playing centre, nothing to do with age, simply that he has not grown much, happens to a lot of guys.
Vidima may return next year about 8-10kgs heavier, especially now that he has been involved with the Sharks and may be taking his rugga and training more seriously – he is also a physical player, so he will be a danger man come next year – would stick him at 6 or 4
@RBugger: Agreed, a year at that age or any age in high school is huge. Vidima isn’t exactly a giant at 1.89 and 95kg. Spam too is tiny at 1.56 and 70kg. One could have construed your last comment about lack of growth to the issue of the past with regards to Tom….
Obviously an u19 has a massive advantage over an u18 – at that age, your strength and size can change quite dramatically…
I do not think it is a safety concern, it is simply a big psychological advantage for the u19 player…
In terms of Vidima, he is already a big player and being in the pack, he will have a nice advantage next year – with regards to Spam, he is out on the wing so not as involved in the hits etc – but still, his speed will increase as will his strength so he has an advantage – his size will prob not change much, he seems to have stayed the same size since standard 7
@Scrum Doctor: The big question, is barring KZN where they are now doing age checks, who knows what the boys ages are in other provinces….
@Grasshopper: For once I agree with you ! if you are U19 then club rugby is the place for you. I would rather see some U16 in the team than a few “old” U19 props !Anyway we are not going to change it here but it is like the old post matric days
Ho ho ho ho!!! Affies against their 2 traditional “arch enemies” in the Noord-vaal, Monnas and HTS Middelburg. BONECRUSHER games!!
@beet: Agreed, on your last point then why was the Westville hooker who had failed allowed to play when Marne Coetzee was not…is this a new ruling?
@Scrum Doctor: My feeling is that school rugby is for schoolboys and as long as you’re a schoolboy you should be allowed to play. Top level club rugby in KZN is actually u20 not u19 and expecting school kids to play against Sharks Academy students who send a great deal of their day training and conditioning seems unfair, not to mention the practice times that are out of sync with school rugby practice and the travel hassle to get to training.
The newest SARU age-banding already created some issues in KZN tier-2 this season where it’s already a challenge just getting enough seniors to play. Basically the rule stated that u16s were not allowed to play in 1st XV if the game was deemed an u19 game (ie one u19 on the field). The alternative was to declare games u18 games (which meant u16s could play but u19s were not allowed to play). It isn’t a problem for the big schools of KZN tier-1 but this ruling seriously threats the existence of rugby at some smaller rugby playing high schools.
On the blog we also discussed the impact of players ages within the calendar year. It’s possible for one u18 player to be 364 days older than another. The kids who are born towards the beginning of the year should have a physical advantage and these kids might only be a few weeks younger than an u19 player.
Also worth noting that in KZN according to the HMA, if you fail matric you can’t play.
@Scrum Doctor: I have stated and wanted that for years, Craven Week is Under18 so school sport should be too. The argument from some is that some boys are kept back for certain reasons, not always academic sometimes developmental etc and they felt it unfair to exclude them. I reckon these under19 boys can always play club level. Some teams in the past like Noord Kaap and George Campabell have had up to 8 or 9 under 19’s which is unfair in my opinion, like the old post matric days..
At the risk of putting the cat amongst the pigeons is anyone else of the opinion that schoolboy rugby should be limited to U 18 players only ? Their is even a under 19 currie cup so what are those players doing in school teams ? I would have thought that this would be one of the issues that form part of the Bok smart program because we all know that 1 year makes a big difference physically to a young man at that age . Just a thought but would be interested to know what others think
@RBugger: Both Spam and Vidima are grade 11, birth dates 28/07/1995 & 13/05/1995 respectively so yes both will be Under19 and not available for Craven Week selection in 2014.
@Tarpeys: I would put Bishops in that top 3 private rugga schools….
Can’t wait for next year – do not overlook KC, they will have a strong foundation – with Visser and Teddar leading the pack and backline!
KC will not be as big or have the firepower of this year, but if Barend can get them to play for each other, they might just surprise a team or too.
How come is Spam back for Glenwood? If will be u19 as will Vidima?? Seems a bit unfair
@ Oldschool. We still haven’t recovered from our clash with Affies in 2004 which we won buy the way.
In all seriousness though, I say this because I think private schools don’t get these opportunities too often. In that match about two years ago, I was shouting for Kearsney because their display against such a powerhouse was a reflection of the strength of Private school rugby. I would rate Kearsney as top three private rugby school in the country and would love to see them against a serious powerhouse since they have the opportunity.
@oldschool: One of the KC games at Grey High festival will be against the hosts, who are expected to field a strong side in 2014, so a big test for the boys in PE.
MHS also plays Grey PE.
@Tarpeys: That’s quite a comment coming from a guy whos school hardly ever test themselves !!! any way I do believe that it will always be a test when a soutie school take on tough Afrikaans lads from mining towns and the east rand ….in addition to Dale whom are always skilful and tough competitors …….
EG Jansen always supply a house full of reps to the Valke whm always do well at craven week so that should be a real test …..
@valke: yeah, good to see EG in KZN, wonderful 2013 side with a great flyhalf. No real weaknesses but not sure about 2014, you going to miss those senior players. However having 3 tough games before Kearsney EG could be better prepared…
@Westers: Fair enough. But we can’t write them off, not knowing what they’ll look like next year, especially given the schools’ recent histories when they have produced good sides.
Either way, this makes for a humdinger of a festival.
@beet: Yep, that was 2011, I remember watching that game on telly…Kearsney got lucky

Dale surprised everyone when they beat Marais Viljoen and EG Jansen convincingly in their other matches that year.KERF is unpredictable…I mean who would have guessed Glenwood would give Selborne 40 points this year.
All I’m counting on in 2014 is revenge against Nico Malan, anything else will be a welcome bonus.
Good to see EG Jansen playing some of the KZN schools. These will be very tough fixtures against very good teams.
EG will probably have one of the most difficult fixture lists if you combine KERF and Wildeklawer.
Grey College ; Glenwood ; Kearsney ; Grey HS ; Paarl Gim.
5 tough games in 12 days.
Keep in mind that they would have played 3 difficult Nu Power games shortly before KERF as well.
I see a lot of early season injuries.
@Grasshopper: i hope to be there to watch over teh weekend , will be great
@Tarpeys: I dunno. I think Kearsney have picked sensible opponents. A few years back they played a good game against EG losing 17-12. HTS Middelburg are often Top 20 material. A few years back a good Kearsney team needed a last minute conversion to see off a competitive Dale side.
I think given the what’s expected of KC 2014 at this early stage, the fixture list is a challenging enough one. My gut feel is that Glenwood and Westville would be better equiped than KC to take on a powerhouse school at KERF next year
@Playa: You may be proven correct but EG and Framesby can be a bit up and down. Framesby were not good at KERF this year and got a hiding from Westville on day 3.
There are never really easy games at KERF but I think most would prefer EG and Framesby to Grey or Affies. In Glenwood’s defense they do play Grey, Affies and Monument during the year if my memory is correct – so no accusations of them avoiding the big guns.
Kearsney have taken the easy road here. I remember them playing Grey about 2 years ago and they actually did well. I think they must man up and take on either Monnas or Grey. Come on
As they say…be careful what you wish for…I see Dale got the Hoppers again.
As always some mouthwatering clashes at KERF, well done to the organisers.
@Westers: I must disagree with you Westers, Glenwood will have their work cut out against EG and Framesby. No easy games there. And who knows which Dale team will pitch up on day 1
Kearsney wont have it easy against the coal miners from Middleburg and EG. Though yes, they could have maybe put themselves up against the big giants.
I just hope that when they change the Grey College-Monnas fixture…Dale don’t end up having to face one of them
@Westers: I thought a game against either would have been great. Still, HTS Middleburg a tough assignment and EG Jansen will be stretch. I think Glenwood will be a very good outfit next year and could be too strong for their opposition. Kearsney’s pre-season schedule out and a trip to Vryheid in early March followed by the Grey P.E. festival to set the tone. Then a few days in Jeffreys to hone the skills for the KERF. A lot of rugby with the addition of the ISRF to be held at Michaelhouse in July. That equates to a 18 game season or there abouts. Add the Voortrekker night league and the KZNRU 20 minute a side game at KP and the boys will need a rest at the end of it.
Westville have their work cut out, particularly against Grey College.
Again, Kearsney not taking the opportunity to test themselves. They should have at least had one game against either Grey College or Affies.
Glenwood could go 3 wins over Easter. Possibly the easiest fixtures of the 3 KZN schools.
evenly matched games. I think Kearsney will be put to the test in all 3 games but have a good feeling about the 2014 side. Mobile pack with exciting backs. Westville have a big one on the Saturday and think Glenwood have and easier draw than in previous years. Roll on 2014
@star: Cody Thomas – Westville, James Hall-Kearsney, Carel Terblanche-Port Natal,(9 tries) . Most the boys were grade 12 and moving on to Varsity etc. The standard was extremely high and will again be on show this weekend at Riverside when the DRSU host The Bulls on Saturday. The Westville boys that were excluded because of injury were Yurik Thamberin and Jordan Martin and they would have made a marked difference. Last evening was a practice session and I had the opportunity of speaking to Doug Carmody who said that he was very surprised at the High standard of the U18 rugby in Pretoria. Also the boys played 5 games in 6 days. Too much of a work load.
@ Buffel- with regard to the DRSU U18 side I presume there were a few GW/Westville and Kearsney boys. Did any impress looking forward to next year?
@Grasshopper: just want to keep under the radar and feet on the ground. I know we always put out a competitive team and 2014 wont be different. The boys will be hard at work from now till the Xmas break and then the real business starts. For most the boys it will be their first taste of the KERF and should inspire them to do their best. The IPT has just finished and the DRSU U18 side played with passion, losing by 1 point to the Bulls and 2 points to the Valke,both on questionable refreeing decissions. They have a return fixture this weekend at Riverside and hopefully we can put the record straight. In their final game they gave the Valke invitation side a real hiding 87-8. Some champagne rugby was played and a statement issued that they were probably the best side on show. Next year will be here in Durban and hopefully we can bring home the cup.
@Grasshopper: Did he stop for a smoke halfway ? Anyway it will be a very interesting game and I hope that all the crap that has gone on this year does not spoil the contest . Think I will have to get in early for a good spot as could be very well supported !
@Scrum Doctor: I would wager a little bet that the Glenwood backs will be the quickest in KZN especially over the vital first 25m. Kwazi, Spam, Jonas, Bredell, Thobejane and Joubert all lightning over 50m. I believe in recent athletics meets Glenwood have won the 100m relays in most age groups, stand to be corrected. I heard Bredell did the 100 in 10.70 on grass!
@Buffel: Kearsney have never been pushovers they attract too many cream players to produce bad 1st teams….
@star: some serious pace in the Westvile backline with some weight in the forwards . One player you have omitted is Kotze at 15 with Buthelezi in at centre perhaps . Front 5 should be reasonably settled with Thomas, Bailey,Pieterse ,Thanbrian and Martin looking good . Loosies are going to be a bun fight with a lot of competition. I would prefer to see Barathwaite at 9 but then 10 is a problem. Good job I dont have to select this side as there are some very good players vying for the same position.Really looking forward to next year
Kearsney too early to call. It should have a nucleus of grade 12 boys with a few grade 11’s from a much improved u16 season. The pack will be honest and the backs exciting. Don’t think that they will be pushovers.
The only factor is that they will play a majority of games away from Stott so they will have to be at the top of their game.
Nothing wrong in converting a loose forward with good hands, who can carry well and block the channel. Also can win ball on the ground. Just a suggestion coaches
@star: Agreed, but I think Garsies did that to most opposition. They put 100 up in three games at the KES festival. We lost 48-26 with some soft tries from line-out errors. I think if we can convert Fouche into a defensive type centre we could plug that gap. This side with ball in hand will be hard to stop….
@ Grassy- I called your loss against Garsfontein this year and the reason was that you were up against huge experienced centres . I think they averaged in the 90s. Yes you have the ability to score some great tries from anywhere but you also conceded a lot. The Garsies game was a classic example. How your center pairing develops will be crucial in that regard. Remember how good you were with DM.
@Grasshopper & @star – both sides look impressive and well balanced – will be interesting to see the College side as they will be the main challengers to GW and Westville. On the lists above it would seem GW have the edge in the backs at least.
IMO GW, College & Westville will be very tough to beat – there are rumblings about Hilton and MHS but I doubt they will have the firepower.
Grassy .. I doubt Staples is still 90KG .. I think he weighed that at Under 15 level.
@star: I’m not saying Glenwood would take them lightly at all, we all know reputation and history mean nothing, it’s on the day that counts. Also with Under16’s a year or 2 more of growth changes things alot. However, what I am saying is with 11 players with regular 1st team experience against the likes of Affies, Grey Bloem, Paarl Gim etc the Glenwood team will have that experience they missed this year, hence the yoyo results. For me our pack looks powerful, maybe a little light at lock and the backs look blitz again, just at centre not that certain. My starting team would be;
Prop – Kenny Van Niekerk (105kg)
Hooker – Percy Mngadi (converted from prop) – 95kg
Prop – Koos Tredoux (110kg)
Lock – Kevin du Randt (95kg)
Lock – Ntokozo Vidima (95kg)
Flank – Brandon Staples (90kg)
Flank – Blose (converted from lock) – ?
No8 – Jaco Coetzee (100kg)
Scrumhalf – Kwazi Khanyile (70kg)
Flyhalf – Curtis Jonas (70kg)
Wing – Spam Ncgobo (70kg)
Centre – Ruben Fouche (85kg)
Centre – Du Randt/Bredell/Matiwane
Wing – Thobejane (70kg)
Fullback – Morne Joubert (80kg)
That is a solid side with enough grunt up front and serious pace in the backs. Maybe lacking a big inside centre on defence and bashing it up…..will be a great game vs Westville…
@ Grassy-Sorry- Erasmus was in the 2012 GK set-up along with Buthelezi,Thambiran, Martin and Zingcume. Buthelezi does have 1st team experience and actually made the Academy side. Heystek finished as the lock for the first team while Braithwaite was the starting scrumhalf. Therefore there are 4 in the backline alone with some experience. I have only included 3 current U16s in Stoltz and Smit( both GK2013) and Nicholson who played 8th man and could be converted into a hooker. It will be a balanced side and certainly not one to be taken lightly. Remember they were the number 1 U16 age group in KZN in 2012 winning all 6 matches against GW.
@star: Interesting team there, not heard of many of them. They must be mostly Under16’s from 2012. Looks like only Pieters, Anderson & Martin have 1st team experience so young and inexperienced. I suspect Martin and Gouws from Hilton will be the locks to watch in 2014. No8 will be interesting, not sure Coetzee the incumbent will be dropped unless he has a shocker or gets injured, so it’s between Goodsen and Erasmus than for the 2nd spot. Also throw in Staples, but he might end up on the flank…or lock if we look thin at lock…
@ Grassy -It is early days for any commitment but here my preferred Westville team
1- Thomas
2- Bailey/Princen/Zingcume/Nicholson
Erasmus was injured last year but was in the mix for GK in 2011. Do not count him out for the contest for KZN no 8 in 2014. Coetzee and Goodsen might not have it all their own way.
@star: If that is true, then a rematch should be in order.
Westville vs. EG should be a great game as well.
Here is my predicted Glenwood squad for 2014;
Prop – Kenny Van Niekerk
Prop – Percy Mngadi
Prop – Koos Tredoux
Lock – Kevin du Randt
Lock – Ntokozo Vidima
No8 – Jaco Coetzee
Scrumhalf – Kwazi Khanyile
Flyhalf – Curtis Jonas
Wing – Spam Ncgobo
Centre/wing – Ruben Fouche
Fullback – Morne Joubert
Wing – J Coetzee
Prop – D Horack
Scrumhalf – J Du Preez
Hooker – R Cohen
Lock – K Blose
Lock – H Victor
Flank – T Mnyanda
Flank – N Xaba
No8 – B Staples
centre – D Du Randt
wing – I Mokendi
fullback – J Morgan
flyhalf – M Hand
wing – Thobejane
wing – Chris Bredell
? – Matiwane
Looks a good squad of 11 experienced players with 1st team game time and a good group of Under16’s from this year…granted the Under16’s were not our best age group though and battled against some of the best teams in the country…
@star: Hahahaha!But of course that opposition would be Westville,hey?I think we beat you guys last year.Close game though, one point in it if I’m not mistaken.
@Grasshopper: Indeed! We have a history of running flyhalves and small packs.Our only way out has been to run the opposition into a standstill. Only Jho (center) and Mudzova (wing) are not returnig next year. Pity as we had a mediocre at best backline this year, and they along with Winnaar were the only standout players. But our under 16 backline was good, so we may just have a good running backline next year.
@Playa: Yep, always like the way Dale plays…..hell for leather, just run it run it run it… kicking. Similar to the Bishops system even when on your own line, run it! Glenwood have been known in the past for big packs bashing it up and 10 man rugby, but this changed this year, much better backline. We have our scrumhalf, flyhalf, wing and fullback back next year so will be the same. It will be very interesting though…
@ Playa@ Valke- Surely you guys want some decent opposition
. Has EG ever beaten Westville. I think they lost in 2012 at KERF. 
@Grasshopper: Wouldn’t mind a Glenwood clash at all. It would be a great sequel to last year’s draw
@Grasshopper: Not the best u/16 team, with some of their standout players going to Garsfontein.
The forward pack will not be the same quality as the 2013 team, but the backline should be just as good as the 2013 team.
@valke: Me too! A pity EG would have lost so many good players from 2013 like Estiaan Enslin, Morne Swart, Ruan Potgieter etc. Only really Charl Brakhuizen, Juan Botha, Quinton vd Schyff and Martin Van Wyk returning. The experience has gone. How were your under16’s this year?
@Grasshopper: I hope EG get the opportunity to play some of the KZN schools. Glenwood and Kearsney would be great.
@McCulleys Workshop: Hahahaha yep!That’s the ebb and flow…!
@beet: Does any one know where can we find out what the participating schools in the wildklawer Festival would be?
Looking forward to Glenwood possibly playing EG Jansen, Middelburg and Dale. They won’t play the others as they fixtures late in the year against them. Nico Malan is obviously another potential fixture, but not sure how strong they will be in 2014.
Are the Western Cape teams playing in another tournment during Easter?
@Playa: Ha Ha, I don’t think we were in the top 100, but made the top 12 last year. Swings and round abouts.
@Queenian: Dont worry about Dale…we’ll at least crack the top 45 next year
Going to be a hard one for Dale nearly out of there league presently.
@Rugger fan: good call. am glad you said it. 4 is too many but a rotational system would be great. Back when we were at school the traditional ‘guys to beat’ was College and still believe that to be the case. The Skonk era was amaizing and believe that next year’s side will make him proud.
I just think that the focus needs to be local Instead of playing these out of town fixtures, we need to play a home and away fixture between the tier 1 schools. You can have 8 teams representing the top tier which equates to a 14 game season plus easter festivals. 17 games in a season is plenty.
My top 8.
DHS. This would make for competitive matches and less cost to already strained purses.
@Woltrui: I think you could be right about the KZN schools next year (possibly most years), but the fascinating thing with SBR is that you can never predict with any degree of accuracy the outcome of games and sides. Certainly not when cheque books are involved. The acquisition of 2/3 players in areas of weakness can make a very big difference to a SB side.
I wonder if a match between Affies and Monument, the two traditional powerhouses in Gauteng, will ever be on the cards again as well??
Monnas en Grey Bloem behoort die top 2 spanne by KERF in 2014 te wees. Affies, HTS Middelburg en EG Jansen behoort ‘n kort kop agter die 2 spanne te wees. Alhoewel Affies se 2014 Matriek groep nie uitsonderlik sterk is nie het hul ‘n baie sterk Gr 11 groep en behoort hul kompeterend te wees. Ditto HTS. Monnas se O/14, O15 en O/16 spanne was uitsonderlik sterk in 2013. Monnas het ook baie talent in hul 2014 Matriek groep. Hulle gaan verwoed wees. Werklik jammer vir die toernooi dat die Kaapse skole nie die KERF gaan bywoon nie. Dit laat ‘n groot leemte. Die KZN skole sal moet uithaal anders gaan die Noordvaal en Bloem skole hulle afrandsel
Anyone know the Saints festival participants for 2014?
@beet: was there and watched that , they did the haka and then got demolished?
I wonder if Keith Thompson still has nightmares about Christs College (NZ). They were meant to play Grey College on the final day of 2011. That got changed in a hurry after DHS beat CC something like 32-0.
Sorry- my previous comment was meant for Grasshopper, not Green Hopper
@Buffel: Always good to see MC in a mix – but I think the organisers are wise to keep the number of any single province low. It also facilitates some of the local teams being able to support the likes of Saints or Grey Festivals.
Perhaps some rotation may be more useful – e.g. rotating GW out (allowing them access to another festival for a few years) and bringing a MC or MHS in for a year or two would be better.
@ Green Hopper- I do not have too much insight on their team for 2014- I believe there are 5 -1st team players who were in GR 11 this year.ALSO their under 16’s of 2012 played in the Beeld and Nu power finals,very strong team, these players are all in 1st team next year, So it is again a good foundation. I do know it is going to be a tough assignment to match the team they had in 2013. Only once EG Jansen can invest in boarding and lodging of players like the traditional schools do, they can consistently provide teams like in 2013 and will be a powerhouse every year.This is apparently on the cards for the near future..but it is hearsay. But EG Jansen is the new powerhouse of rugby in the Noordvaal and they are here to stay. It is just going better there with their rugby
Waar, o waar is Paarl Boks dan?
who are the convenors of this and who has contcat details
@Rugger fan: it would be great to include college as a 4th local side considering their rugby pedigree.I think then you have the right mix as far as strength is concered in KZN. Before I get torn into, Just going on recent form.
Looking good – although consistency is good – it is great to see a variety too. A good balance I think for 2014.
I hope they pair Kearsney to play the big boys so that the detractors cannot accuse them of playing soft games. A Grey/Kearsney or Affies/Kearsney final game would be great. Throw in a Monument game and you have a good mix. Time will tell.
why dont they look at two teams from Zim , a school or tow from NZ and school or two from Aussie and possible Uk even Argentina
@jakes: How are EG looking for 2014? Losing some very good experienced players. I particularly like your lock Estiaan.
I recall EG Jansen nearly beaten Affies at this festival in 2012. Final score 19-15. Affies took this one in in the last few minutes. Just a pity they could not match up in 2013, but these two !st teams very on par last two years..
A pity about the Cape schools but the line up still looks good! I thought Glenwood might have tried a different festival this year but good on them for supporting Kearsney’s great festival! Will try and make this great event again next year!