Ranking the team’s ahead of the premier festival in terms of their readiness for the challenges that await and the toughness of their Noord-Suid fixtures.
Note this table may have to change after the weekend of 18-19 March 2022!
TR = toughness rating
DAY 1 : Fri 25-Mar-2022 | |||||
13h45 | Pretoria BH | 13 | 20 | Nelspruit | |
15h15 | Garsfontein | 67 | 00 | Drostdy | |
16h45 | Waterkloof | 29 | 11 | Welkom Gim | |
18h15 | Menlopark | 06 | 31 | HJS Paarl BH | |
19h45 | Grey College | 43 | 27 | Stellenberg | |
DAY 2 : Sat 26-Mar-2022 | |||||
13h00 | Glenwood | 47 | 33 | Noordheuwel | |
14h30 | Helpmekaar | 34 | 36 | Durbanville | |
16h00 | EG Jansen | 05 | 26 | Oakdale | |
17h30 | Monument | 19 | 42 | Paarl Gim | |
19h00 | Affies | 24 | 18 | Paul Roos | |
DAY 3 : Mon 28-Mar-2022 | |||||
16h30 | Menlopark | 15 | 31 | Drostdy | |
18h00 | Grey College | 57 | 37 | Waterkloof | |
19h30 | Garsfontein | 19 | 19 | HJS Paarl BH | |
DAY 4 : Tue 29-Mar-2022 | |||||
09h00 | EG Jansen | 24 | 42 | Stellenberg | |
10h30 | Monument | 41 | 18 | Oakdale | |
12h00 | Glenwood | 17 | 64 | Paarl Gim | |
13h30 | Helpmekaar | 30 | 23 | Paul Roos | |
16h15 | Noordheuwel | 35 | 22 | Welkom Gim | |
17h45 | Affies | 73 | 06 | Durbanville |
@Rainier: Wou selfde se, geen comments op scoreboard.
@Jong Matie: Moenie dat die dingetjies jou pla nie. Cheks de scoreboard.
@Jan Kriel: Waar is Christiaan, die bul vasskop?
Stuur asseblief.
@kantako: Ek is bevriend met een van die Helpmekaar ouers, wat ook prominent op die blog is, wie se seun beseer is. Ons het’n whatsapp groep waar ons daagliks praat. Hy is die nie tipe persoon wat bullshit nie. Om die waarheid te sê, kan ek vir jou ‘n lys stuur van die seuns wat beseer is.
@Jan Kriel: dit is onwaar. Daardie seuns kom al van gr8 af saam en wen nog elke jaar die trofee, dit is veronderstel om Helpmekaar se twee sterkste groepe nog te wees. Ek kan nie regtig dink aan n speler wat nie daar was wat nog moet bykom nie, ek sal bietjie gaan kyk op Helpmekaar se fb na hulle vorige wedstryde. Die enigste probleem is dat hulle slegs n foto opsit wanneer hulle wen so dit was in 2019 laas wat hulle 1ste span n wedstryd gewen het in die Virsekerbeker teen Monument. Nou is hulle blad vol met fotos van die wen teen PRG. Ander skole hier soos Stellenberg, Gim, HJS, Grey plaas weekliks hulle uitslae , wen of verloor.
@Jong Matie: Dan was julle en Helpmekaar in dieselfde bootjie, blykbaar was elf hul eerstekeuse spelers ook nie beskikbaar vir jul kragmeting nie. Bly vir julle dat julle versterkings gaan kry.
@Jong Matie: Yes , we all hope for a better a paul Roos, because this is not suppose to be there level of play????
@BuffelsCM: Ek stem saam dat die sterker skrum nie gestraf moet word. My probleem is dat die skrum ‘n lotery geword het. Die ref besluit wie oortree sonder dat daar regtig iets fout is en gee ‘n strafskop.
Di een reel wat ek regtig nie verstaan nie, is as jy nie “gehold” word in ‘n tackle nie. As die verdediger jou tackle maar nie betyds los nie word hy gestraf maar as hy jou tackle en jou te gou los dan kan jy opstaan en verder hardloop, ek dink dit veroorsaak baie grys areas. Ek het altyd gese, rygby is gemaak dat jy op jou voete moet wees as jy die bal speel, ek glo as jy val met die bal moet jy eers die bal los en dan kan jy verder speel maar weet dit gaan seker nooit verander nie.
@Middies pa: Ek moet 100% saam stem met jou oor die skrum, ek sien hoeveel selfs by senior rugby waar die een span gestraf word net omdat die ander span hulle weg stoot, as hulle oplig of val of skeef stoot of verkeerd bind of wat ook al dan stem ek saam maar partykeer gaan hulle net agteruit en word dan gestraf, stem ook saam met BuffelsCM dat mens okk nie die sterker span kan straf omdat hulle sterker is nie, die straf moet wees vir ‘n orrtreding en weet nie of die refs altyd regtig weet wat in die skrum aangaan nie. Wat ek wel nie verstaan nie is die reel van 1.5m want tegnies gaan jy eintlik sukkel om ‘n span heeltemal te domineer as jy moet stop na 1.5m, dink nie daai reel word eintlik reg toegepas nie tensy ek dit nie reg verstaan nie.
@Middies pa: Hi ek het meer verwys na die pta spanne (die groot 4 met alle respek teenoor die ander pta skole) waar daar maar baie kompitiesie ondermekaar is, en weereens ek se nie dit is verkeerd nie, soos reeds gennoem ek betrokke by meer as 1 van die skole as ‘n ouer. Gaan maar by die huis dieselfde
@BuffelsCM: my opinie as n ou voory man ,indien die een scrum die ander heeltemal domineer,om watter rede ook al gaan na static scrumms ,met die hakkers wat nog steeds toegelaat word om te strike vir die bal ,maw nie non contested scrumms nie maar staties waar voorye nie kan skrum nie maar daar steeds kompetiesie is vir die bal,ek praat hier nou van totale dominansie in die scrum ,nie een of twee scrumms waar jy die beter hit gekry het nie
@Middies pa: Jou laaste sin is ‘n goeie opsomming MAAR: as jy argumenteer ten gunste van die swakker skrum, hoekom word die sterker skrum dan gestraf? Dit maak geensins sin nie.
@Asterix: Ek moet sê dat die noordelike spanne mekaar ondersteun hier by Drosdy. Dankie vir Secunda, Klerksdorp en ander spanne wat vir Middies tonneltjie gemaak het voor hulle wedstryd teen die Donkies.
@BuffelsCM: Ek verskil met jou. Die nuwe reëls is onvanpas en bitter min skeidsregters verstaan voorryspel. Hoekom moet ‘n span gestraf word omdat hy ‘n swakker skrum het? As niemand opbreek nie en die skrum word terug gedruk, hoekom die strafskop? Strafskoppe is vir vuilspel en moedswillige oortredings. As ek gebind bly begaan ek geen oortreding nie. Die hele skrum storie moet hersien word. Die skrum is belangrik en verdien sy plek met die nodige wedywering, maar is ‘n lotery omdat die skeidregters nie die dinamika verstaan nie.
@Smallies: As die keurders reg kies maar die kanse is skraal gegewe wie almal tevrede moet hou en hul rekord die afgelope meer as 30 Jaar spreek vanself
@Grizzly: met Affies ,Kloof en Garsies wat baie goed lyk die jaar kan die Bulletjies dalk stem dik maak die jaar,wie weet…
@Smallies: Vir my het die Beeld of Virseker sy integriteit verloor met daai sirkus van 2019.Dit was nie Menlo se skuld nie,die bestuur het nie op gedaag nie.Sien uit na die derbys as almal op vol sterkte is.Affies terug gaan die verskil maak.Dit sal hopenlik n verskil maak by die kies van Craven week spanne want die games kan as proewe dien.
: @Cappie: Sien jou die 9 de.Wat die wedstryd aan betref intresant omdat die 2 coaches saam gewerk het vir meer as 2 Jaar.Die een weet hoe dink die ander…Dan die ander ding van die Kaapse skole support….Vir my se jy hoop Gim wen vir Affies as jy n Boishaai supporter is en vica versa is so goed jy se vir my Faf de Klerk is n beter 9 as Jaco Reinach….maak nie saak hoe hard jy daar Langs die kantlyn staan en skreeu dat almal jou kan sien nie.
@Jong Matie: Baie jare gelede was die eindstryd van die Direkteurs/Administrateurs/Beeld/Virsekerbeker die grootste skole game in die ou Tranvaal ….ek het al n paar bysgewoon, dit bly steeds een van die hoogtepunte in my skole rugby lewe, Gaan kyk gerus die eindstryd tussen FA Odendaal Hugenote seuns is op youtube en het spelers soos Joost en Chris Rossow gefeature
@beet: I agree 100% on those cross field kicks – a pet hate.
@Rainier: Amen to that! The irony is that often the team with the better scrum will be penalised.The hooker that is being pushed back, pulls his head out of the scrum and his opponent is penalised. Sometimes the better frontrow(er)will go upwards and will get penalised because of a safety issue. I’ll accept that BUT often the weaker frontrower pulls out of the contest and is rewarded. That irks us all!
There was another perfect example on the last day at Noord-Suid where the smaller but highly effective loosehead pushed the much bigger opposing tighthead back. The latter bailed out of the contest by simply conceding and walking backwards. The better prop was penalised for walking around. If a referee can’t make a call which was pretty easy for all to see, he should be trained on how to referee scrums.
@Cappie: We need a big NoordVaal derby. Nothing will look more impressive than to have something similar to the Paarl Interschools and the Paul Roos/GCB clashes.
@Jong Matie: I think if you want to have a seat for that day’s games, you need to be in the schoolgrounds before the start of the first match. It is going to be packed.
Affies vs Garsies could potentially be an epic game.
@Asterix: I think both Menlo and Klofies will support Garsies. Must be!
@Asterix: What happens between pupils singing is mockery. They are doing that for years. Let me not say what the Affies boys sing to the Affies Meisies. It is all just fun. I am more saying in general (maybe parental) the North are in a much more supportive attitude than before (let’s say before Covid). And “Menlo is a Meisiesskool”. We all know that!
@Asterix: This ‘tradition’ of the south supporting their ‘own’ teams literally comes from decades ago and it is something special to behold.
@beet: A maul is the only instance on the field where you cannot reach or get into direct contact with the ball carrier, as a defender.
Terrible, terrible law of the game.
@Cappie: Sorry Cappie, but I am not agreement with you, and just to state I am connected in a way with Affies and Menlo and nowhere close to the South. Not sure if you heard the Affies boys signing yesterday about “Menlo is ‘n meisies skool etc” and “Kloof is niks etc” after the massive win. I attented all the rugby on Monday and Tuesday and can honestly say that by far the majority of Pta school and Affies were against the other Pta teams. Don’t take me wrong I am not saying it is wrong and a bit of banter is always good fun, I am just stating that it is different in Pta compared to what I have experienced from the south, as the South definitely supported each other over the last couple of days where I was sitting.
Looking forward to next weekends game between Affies and Garsfontein, hope both schools have a lot of support on the stands from the fellow learners. Not sure who Menlo and Waterkloof is going to support for that one.
@NealW: @Rainier:
Neal I agree with comments that there is plenty of room for improvement in the lineout work at most schools. Understandably some schools are limited in resources in this setpiece as it does require specialised skills and physical attributes to succeed but hopefully as Rainier says, that with a bit more time together on the training field, its an area that will be a lot better once 2nd term rugby gets into its stride.
I’m not a big fan of the maul. I enjoy that its an element that makes rugby unique and diversifies any match but just like too much kicking out of hand and that horrible thing called the cross-field kick
, I would hate for SBR to go into driving maul overkill mode because coaches have seen how well the likes are Grey Bloem are able to execute it.
I’m not sure what to say about scrumming. There have been strides made to make the game safer. As a result SBR is where lots of technical work can be done with props but its perhaps no longer the ideal level to identify the true scrumming power props possess. And again the notion that a dominant scrum can win a high count of scrum penalties is perhaps something SBR wants to steer away from to avoid it losing the traditional style of rugby edge it holds over the professional game.
A couple of people mentioned the big crowds at Affies. This is the result of SBR having an all round allure that pro rugby in SA is challenged to match.
@NealW: With the boys not really playing rugby for two years the set pieces were bound to suffer.
Having said that most refs are clueless when it comes to the dark arts of scrumming.
@Cappie: Thank you, but make no mistake, all the praise needs to go to Helpmekaar, a never say die attitude, a huge feather in their cap!
@beet: For the majority of the supporters up north the northern schools supported one another against the south. People moved on and new role players come in that are not aware of the differences of the past between schools. For most it is north against south and we supported north. However there are still those who wants to make everyone belief that the teams of the north are completely detached from one another. Mostly the stirring comes from the south in any case.
If we did not reach Day One yet, I believe it is upon us. I recall the differences between Waterkloof and Affies some 10 to 15 years back where they refused to play one another for years and then once they started an annual derby again a very good relationship started to build. For all good reasons the same will happen between Garsies and Affies who are playing an interschools on 9 April. I can only see good things coming from it. Hou gerus die spasie dop! Nuwe vriendskappe gaan gebou word en gedagtes word uitgeruil tot die voordeel van almal. Die son sal weer oor almal skyn. I for one was hoping for this day for a very long time.
Thus message to the south, stop stirring our pot, we will do it ourselves and prepare a winning potjie for our next encounters.
As an outsider (as in I live in the Cape but have no connection to any of the schools who partake in NS) let me say firstly that I really enjoyed watching the rugby over the 4 days.
Firstly it seems like more and more schools are trying to play higher paced and more ambitious rugby (which requires fitness and skills) which as a spectator I applaud – has the success of Grey College who play to this template been a positive influence I wonder (and the fact that so much is on video for people to view). So hats off to Waterkloof, Affies and Garsfontein who seem to have embraced this change (I noticed the change in their u16 teams as well). Monument seem to be caught half way not sure how they want to play. Paarl Boys seem to have gone into their shell – too much pressure on winning instead of enjoying themselves maybe.
On the few negatives –
Scrumming : The refs need to get on top of this as a parent I hate to see the scrum go down in a heap. Too much illegal scrumming is allowed ie props scrumming at an angle or scrumming up. What happened to the 1.5m rule? Where one scrum is clearly stronger than the other they should be responsible for all of the above and I believe should be harshly penalized if they transgress (why are Gim scrumming up I wonder when they are clearly one of the stronger if not strongest scrums out there).
Lineouts: Need a lot of work only a few schools seem to have mastered the art.
Mauls: I know there is an art to it but boy there are a lot of tries scored through the maul. I wish some of the smaller schools would learn the art of the sack so it would be less effective.
Anyway looking forward to a fun season.
@Jong Matie: It makes a huge difference if you missing so many key players. All the best for Paul Roos for the rest of the year.
@Rainier: True, just pointing out some notable information not everyone is aware of.
@Jong Matie: Unfortunately the team on the day is the one that represents the school.
We are still short 7 first team players.
Expect a completely Paul Roos team compared to the one that had a slight blip against Helpmekaar.
@Jong Matie: The tournament would probably need a new title sponsor that sees as much value in hosting in the Winelands as it does in Pretoria for a rotational festival to become a reality.
A trade off is that the annual SA Schools matches all take place in the Western Cape. Then again this may not be much of consolation prize for you given that SAS matches have tended to make your star players unavailable for the end of season interschools against GCB.
When is the North/South going to move south for a change?
@Cappie: Hi Cappie. There is always opportunity for a Day One! The supporters, the staff, the coaches and the students of the Pretoria schools have so much in common in their everyday lives. The rivalry and pushing each other to be better is first prize but it does not have to animosity as the trade-off. Hopefully there is a Day One soon for the communities of these Pretoria schools when they say our differences are yesterday and from now on when we play the teams from out of town at NS, we will back each other
@Rugbyman: Definitely! Take nothing away from the boys of Garsfontein and Paarl Boys High. They put their bodies on the line for their respective schools last night. That ending was incredible! I even forgot to write about the part where Garsfontein pass was almost intercepted in-goal by a Boishaaier. Given that it was a fairly low scoring war of attrition, the odds of Garsfontein going coast-to-coast seemed very slim, yet they somehow dug deep, remained composed and pulled it off.
Also agree about the Noord-Suid being a premier event on the SBR calendar. I think it has been a big event for a few years now and there is so much hard work going on behind the scenes to make it a top rate festival. Well done to everyone involved in the tournament and especially the Noord schools. After last year there were definitely integrity concerns but those have been laid to rest, as the Noord responded to calls for them to perform better against the powerful Western Cape schools.
@Rugbyman: Geluk met die uitslae.Dis Boishaai en ek sal enige dag die uitslag vat.Sterkte met die res van die seisoen.Nou wag ons net vir Boerboel se komentaar…..
@PaarlBok: Jou indrukke van ons span?
Stellenberg lyk lekker. Ek hou van die skrumskakel. Monnas te sterk vir Oakdale. Geniet die skole rugby.
Was gister by Affies, en moet se die atmosfeer was regtig iets besonders, ek was wel teleurgesteld dat Affies en Waterkloof teen Menlo en Garsfontein geskreeu het, Affies ook Grey ondersteun teen Waterkloof waar ek gestaan het, die Suid spanne ondersteun mekaar maar lyk my by pretoria werk dit anders,
Ek hoop die feit dat Menlo nie regtig enige opwarmings wedstryde gehad het nie en bietjie ontydige beserings net voor die toernooi gekry het (nr 2 en 4) as ek dit reg het is die rede vir hulle swak vertonigs, hulle het onder andere gesukkel met Lynstanne. Dink steeds Garsfontein huidiglik van die pta skole die sterkste met affies en waterkloof baie kort op hulle hakke, ek bekommerd oor Menlo se diepte met beserings veral as ek ook na hulle 2de span games kyk, maar soos ek se dalk is dit net omdat hulle dalk in 2019 laas regte wedstryde gespeel het. Dink die Noord is nie meer so ver agter die Suid nie. Weet nie of Grey, Noord of Suid is nie maar volgens my is hulle nog bietjie voor die Noord en Suid, daai span is goed, BAIE GOED. Ek weet hulle het Waterkloof ‘n paar kanse gegee maar dink nie hulle was ooit nie regtig in volle beheer van die game nie. Die seisoen is egter nog lank en was hierdie maar die eerste games so baie dinge kan seker nog verander. Sal graag wil sien wat Affies vandag doen maar hulle 2de span het gister pakslae uitgedeel.
@Jong Matie: Die skole in Pretoria teen wie Affies speel is Garsies, Menlo, Klofies en PBHS. Al Affies se wedstryde is op Affies rugby blog.
Ons wynlanders het weer bankvas agter die BlouTrein gestaan.
@Rugbyman: Baie geluk met ‘n goeie wedstryd. Dit was ‘n harde strategiese battle aan beide kante. Garsies het baie geleenthede na die pale verbrou en as die skopskoen net aan was voel ek sou die skaal vroeër in Garsies se rigting begin val het wat besluitneming makliker sou gemaak het. Nietemin, dit was ‘n toonbeeld van rugby. Wedstryd van die week! Weet net, die res van Pretoria en die Noorde het agter Garsies gestaan. Ek sien ‘n goeie jaar vir Garsies en is baie dankbaar darem vir die gelykop. Dit kon so maklik onnodiglik anders gewees het.
Speel Waterkloof teen Affies vanjaar?
@Jong Matie: sal op supersport schools wees ja… ons gebruik SSL…
@Rugbyman: Stem 100% saam.
Ek hoop die wedstryde word gebeeldsend.
@Jong Matie: Affies vs Garsfontein is 9 April! Ja dit gaan baie groot wees! Affies het ‘n top 5 span die jaar! Waterkloof het ook ‘n top span en Menlo het net ‘n afdag gister gehad! Dis great vir Pretoria rugby dat hierdie 3 skole mekaar weer speel! Dit sal die Noorde net sterker maak!
Hoekom sou Waterkloof vir Boishaai ondersteun?
Wanneer speel Affies teen Garsfontein, hierdie gaan sommer n bulwedstryd wees!
Tx Boishaai vir ‘n klipharde game waar niemand wou gaan lê nie! Beide spanne se seuns het ALLES op die spel gesit!
@Beet – It might not have been the most entertaining game you ever saw, but my word it was a physical battle! Salute the boys of both teams who left everything out on the field! I saw both teams’ players afterwards, and believe me it was a bruising battle! Sometimes rugby gets fought in the trenches… We knew it was going to be a tough forwards battle, anf it was!
One final remark. The NoordSuid is fast becoming THE schools festival in the country… the crowds on Saturday and Monday were amazing… I haven’t seen Affies so full in many years! What an awesome sight! Also great game between Grey and Kloof! Kloof can hold their heads high after an awesome performance by them! Net jammer dat waterkloof, ons buurskool, die suide support het teen ons… 😉 en dit na ons julle support het teen Grey… dankie kloof
Enjoy the last day of NoordSuid! It will be awesome to watch!
Boishaai vs Garsfontein. Crazy game. Memorable maybe not for all the right reasons. Quite a few mistakes. Gars who produced so many exciting finishes against Drostdy the other day, just could not find the same mojo this evening. They left points on the park. Bois incurred the wrath of the ref and did ever so well to absorb the pressure in the second half after they looked quite convincing at times in the first half. When they struck to take the lead at 19-16, I was saying to myself BMThaai! However had to retract it after the Bere were forced to start the last play from their own tryline with no time on the clock. Eventually out of desperation the Bere opted for a cross-field kick, which HJS gathered but could not get the ball into touch to end the match. A series of penalties along with the Bere’s best passage of continuity followed and the eventual Soen jou Suster ending at 19-19. I’m not sure how either set of supporters had a nervous system left after that ending. Very exciting. It made up for all the dull bits.
The way Klofies played today, I think they won over a lot of the neutrals. Very good spirit. They can hold their heads high. I really liked the way they countered the Grey rolling maul. Some good coaching and execution went into that for sure.
The energy that Grey produces in 70-minutes sometimes feels like it could power a small town. Constantly challenging their opponents defence until a hole appears and/or fatigue sets in. They keep the scoreboard moving. Many talented players in the Navy every year. At NS the 9 Abrahams and 7 Meyer have been brilliant. I’m not sure there has been a better goal-line sniper than Abrahams. Meyer’s spacial awareness and ability to time his run and explode into the half gaps near the breakdown boils down to an in-form player maximising on his talent.
@Mountainview: My feeling is Stellies backs are opportunistic (definitely not a bad quality to have esp when one adds the weight that a term counter-attack adds to any conversation) but they need to show that they can be more constructive. That said, the 9 Aiden Muller was my pick of the scrumhalves. There were some strong performances in this position – Grey 9, Durbies 9 and a few others like the Affies 9 showing they have something above average to their game. A few others did not disappoint either. But the Stellies 9 in what he did, was in line with the demands of modern senior rugby in that position and if any pro rugby scouts were not taking notice of him before, I’m sure they are now. Obviously Stellies 12 a special player. Sometimes makes me think back of the once lethal Valke combination of Etienne Botha and Adi Jacobs when they were at their best – he seems to have elements of both players.
Anyways an interesting game against EG awaits. EG also had a few flashy players that I’m sure people want to see more including a mobile prop but somehow could not get the scoreboard moving. Oakdale had a Ryan Kankowski at 8. Man was he great to watch – AJ van Vuuren. Apparently he is a very good hurdler. Also some impressive backs to make things happen.
So lets see if the Jades can fix their lineouts and have better scrum platforms to allow the backs to show more on attack.
Tommie Smook another who has elevated his profile in recent weeks. Nories have a rough diamond in this position and a number of schools have boys who look set to show they are the real deal during the course of the season. Paarl Gim and Garsies pivots doing very well already.
@beet: In my (slightly) biased view, I thought the Stellies backs gave as good as they got and they were monsters in the loose and on defence. Set pieces remain a bit of a challenge although they did reasonably well against a very good Grey pack. Must mention the Seccies as well – excellent performance against Cherries.
Drostdy were out on their feet almost from the first whistle – valid remark re too many tough games in very short time early season? Take nothing away from Garsfontein though, they were clinical and looks like a really good side – HJS will have to bring their A game, no doubt! Lekker to see schools rugby back in full swing again…
Some great rugby over on day one and day two.
Grey vs Stellenberg stood out. Jade Brigade very gutsy team. Grey prepared to use their forwards to dominate tight phases – wasn’t always the Grey style.
Gim too good for Monnas. Gim seemed to roll out the blueprint from last season after last Friday’s less than convincing start. Seem to be able to systematically take opponents apart. Very good setwork and gain line domination.
I thought Monnas would have a bit more firepower this year. They have a nice meaty pack but just could not produce the same level of assertiveness.
Garsies a surprise scoreline. Moved the ball around very well and some good skill on show. Drostdy had proved to be a useful physical team, certainly a Top 20 team. However with there being so much worry about schools being undercooked perhaps the Donkeys playing two games at Wynberg, the last one a classic against Bishops on Monday, were overcooked. They really struggled to close down spaces or retain ball possession.
Durbanville also surprised. The big hit of 2021 maybe don’t have the same big name players to pull off last year’s stunts but they seem to be trying their best to play fast. Helpies were physical and aggressive in collisions against Affies and before kickoff it seemed likely that Helpies would pound the Durbies pack into submission.
To a degree HJS beating Menlo so comfortably was perhaps also not expected. Both teams arrived at NS without very comprehensive season buildups but Boishaai had Menlo’s number all the way through. Menlo did a few useful things but did not have linebreakers to add a much needed edge.
Paul Roos showed much better match legs than expected. Strong argument to suggest they finished the stronger in the first battle of the powerhouses in 2022. Big big win for Affies. When the Maroon Machines had clawed their way back to 18-24 with a few minutes left, I’m sure there were long-term Affies faithfuls thinking here we go again. AHS Witbulle have been had a number of close calls in big games they could have won in recent seasons. Huge for them to finally close one out. Both schools are measured on Top 5 status. Whether they get there by the end of August is by no means a certainty.
Most of the other results went as expected.
@Cappie: Noord – Suid – Oos….kort nou net een of twee sterk skole uit die weste dan speel ons die rigting toernooi.
@Die Ken: Die tweede spanne speel weer soos gewoonlik ja. Dit is IMO een van die groot pluspunte van hierdie toernooi Ken.
Speel die tweedespanne vanjaar ook?
As Grey teen Stellenberg en daarna teen Waterkloof speel, verteenwoordig hulle eers Noord en dan Suid? Selde met Glenwood; hulle speel eers teen Noordheuwel (maw dan verteenwoordig hulle suid), daarna teen Paarl Gim (dan verteenwoordig hulle weer Noord). Wie is Noord van Pretoria BH teen Nelspruit? Hulle is omtrent gelyk op die breedtegraad. Nelspruit so effens meer Noord as Pretoria. Nou begin die rugbyseisoen darem en sien ons uit na baie aantreklike rugby die jaar.
Hier gaan n paar lekker clashes wees…… naturrlik GC vs WK en dan Garsfontein vs PBH, Helpmekaar vs Paul Roos