KES Easter Rugby Festival 2017 – fixtures & results

LIVE STEAMED by David van der Sandt

For the kickoff times & scores:

1 Thu.13Apr Northwood 13 19 Noordheuwel
2 Thu.13Apr Ben Vorster 25 10 Kingswood
3 Thu.13Apr Eldoraigne 10 05 Hudson Park
5 Thu.13Apr Marlow 12 27 Waterkloof
5 Thu.13Apr KES 42 17 Wynberg
6 Thu.13Apr Jeppe 00 26 Rondebosch
1 Sat.15Apr Marlow 26 32 Wynberg
2 Sat.15Apr Hudson Park 51 07 Northwood
3 Sat.15Apr Kingswood 22 35 Noordheuwel
4 Sat.15Apr Ben Vorster 24 38 Waterkloof
5 Sat.15Apr Jeppe 16 38 Eldoraigne
6 Sat.15Apr KES 25 17 Rondebosch
1 Mon.17Apr Eldoraigne 12 24 Marlow
2 Mon.17Apr Hudson Park 38 41 Waterkloof
3 Mon.17Apr Noordheuwel 10 36 Wynberg
4 Mon.17Apr Jeppe 13 19 Ben Vorster
5 Mon.17Apr KES 41 10 Kingswood



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  1. avatar
    #106 star

    @McCulleys Workshop: Not for lack of trying :lol: I am worried about giving you the beers with the likes of Bush, ET and his evil twin Spear lurking around. It would push you to the dark side and House boys definitely do not want to be facing the wrong way. :mrgreen:

    19 April, 2017 at 13:44
  2. avatar
    #105 McCulleys Workshop

    @Vleis: @star: Star never won a game against us, even when he was sober.

    19 April, 2017 at 12:51
  3. avatar
    #104 Vleis

    @McCulleys Workshop: @star: I think that Westville’s results (like Glenwood) should be moved over from Grogper to the Afrikaans league, as the coaches were only shouting out instructions to the players in Afrikaans! Glenhout Gim and Wesstad Hoer perhaps? :lol:

    19 April, 2017 at 12:17
  4. avatar
    #103 Vleis

    @star: Yes, it was a close game with St Alban’s leading until the latter stages, when the big WV hooker pounced on an overthrown StA lineout and scored in the corner. StA had to play all their reserves, so weren’t as strong as they were against DHS. As McCulley’s said yesterday, it’s going to be very tight in KZN this year.

    Grogper must be a mess for Gauteng this year due to too much involvement from St David’s and Bennies and too little form KES and Jeppe! :lol:

    Westville toying with Greenside – you got alzheimers? :lol: You beat us once by one point in Westville when you wrere having a good year and we were having an average year. We were probably still pissed from the night before on tour in ‘Durbs by the sea’! :lol:

    19 April, 2017 at 10:24
  5. avatar
    #102 McCulleys Workshop

    @star: Howzit Star, how my beers? I have KZN 8 – Gauteng 2.

    19 April, 2017 at 09:46
  6. avatar
    #101 star

    @Vleis: Did you watch the St Alban’s /Westville game? If memory serves me correctly Greenside is your alma mater which Westville used to toy with in the 80s.Have you therefore ever had the joy of victory over the Villans and more importantly is anyone keeping tabs on the Groper ??? cup? We might need a name change now that Hopper has passed on to greener pastures :mrgreen:

    19 April, 2017 at 08:38
  7. avatar
    #100 Playa

    @Ringo: Howdee Ringo! Looks like it’s back to planet earth for our respective schools this year hey. It’s the way of the ebb and flow. But you need not worry, you guys are in good hands – excellent coach, and if what I saw from your U16s at your festival is any indication of the future…this 1st XV season will be a distant memory sooner rather than later
    I must say though, you guys have as big a mountain to climb against the ‘Houghton Mafia’ as we have against the Baboona. I’ll have my sangoma on call to make sure that the scores are at least respectable :mrgreen:

    19 April, 2017 at 08:12
  8. avatar
    #99 Vleis

    @Ringo: No worries. Next time.

    It’s a pity that St Alban’s and Jeppe aren’t playing this year as St Alban’s lost by over 90 as u14s, but they’d arguably be favourites to win now. Quite a turnaround opportunity missed! 8-O :lol: Hopefully, they’ll play again next year.

    19 April, 2017 at 00:26
  9. avatar
    #98 sewes

    @Norieman:Nee wat norries lyk vir my mans genoeg en elke game word op die dag bepaal jul rugby tel mooi op.
    @Andre T: moet dit nie te gou terug trek nie die seisoen is nog lank en julle le ook nog en wag,by WK is Gim en Paul Roos ook nog in ons pad.

    18 April, 2017 at 19:47
  10. avatar
    #97 Smallies

    @STONEY: daai is maar net iets anders aan daai skool buite Craddock

    18 April, 2017 at 18:30
  11. avatar
    #96 Andre T

    @sewes: Ek trek my woorde terug as dit ek was

    18 April, 2017 at 18:19
  12. avatar
    #95 Norieman

    @sewes waterkloof speel baie goeie rugby. Hoop maar julle gaan rustig op ons 19 Mei hier in die Wesrand. Weet julle O/16 van verlede jaar was baie goed, maar tog nie te veel van hulle in die beginspan nie. So julle seniors steek goed hand op.

    18 April, 2017 at 18:10
  13. avatar
    #94 STONEY

    KES lyk baie goed. Ek dink hul gaan klofies wen. Marlow game weggegooi teen Wynberg.
    Gutsie wen teen Eldo.

    18 April, 2017 at 16:18
  14. avatar
    #93 sewes

    @Hanswors:Ja maar het teen Hudson amper weer n grey oomblik gehad.Een van die monnas manne het vroeg in die jaar gese kloof kan moontlik net twee vir die seisoen wen so dis lekker om hom verkeerd te kan bewys.Ons speel wel saterdag teen KES tuis,wat my wel bekommerd maak is dat ons n tiepe barberian rugby speel, druk driee maar staan ook baie af.(KES lyk goed}

    18 April, 2017 at 15:18
  15. avatar
    #92 Vleis

    @RnR: So ver ek weet, speel hulle op Saterdag teen KES.

    18 April, 2017 at 13:06
  16. avatar
    #91 RnR

    @Hanswors: Hulle het baie goed gespeel, sou graag hulle teen KES wou sien

    18 April, 2017 at 12:51
  17. avatar
    #90 Hanswors

    Lyk my na die skandes in Bloem teen Grey het Waterkloof n goeie lopie sover met 6 uit 6 wenne teen redelike sterk oposisie!

    18 April, 2017 at 12:42
  18. avatar
    #89 beet

    @Playa: :oops: Thanks

    18 April, 2017 at 08:45
  19. avatar
    #88 Playa

    Beet – you seem to have posted the Kearsney Fest results here, and not the KES ones. Eyes still smokey from Saturday’s braai? :mrgreen:

    18 April, 2017 at 08:01
  20. avatar
    #87 Playa

    @DC ARMY: I may be getting old…what are you referring to again?

    17 April, 2017 at 17:59
  21. avatar
    #86 DC ARMY

    @Playa, which players are those?

    17 April, 2017 at 14:38
  22. avatar
    #85 Ringo

    @vleis can’t seem to get out from underneath this spreadsheet and report that is due first thing tomorrow morning ….. guess I am missing the rugby and free booze…… If its possible will try catch St Albans play SJC, Bennies and SAINTS …. as I see they are not playing Jeppe this year

    @Tang: You are spot on about Jeppe ….. their more individuals with decent talent in this side they just don’t seem to click…. The coach is a fantastic fella and in the long run we should be better for it…..

    Kes are exceptional might even be better than 2012 …… Number 3,8,12 and 15 are potential SA schools players and depending on were they play Affies they are in with a good chance.

    I will leave this comment with a hot Take the Kes number 10 is the player in SBR when going forward and the worst in the world in defence….. was sitting next the Bosch kids on saturday and one them said that ten can’t tackle for Sh*t end quote

    17 April, 2017 at 13:29
  23. avatar
    #84 RnR

    Baie geluk Marlow, goeie wen.

    17 April, 2017 at 13:25
  24. avatar
    #83 Smallies

    Framesby klap vir EG Oos kaap vaar goed vandag well done

    17 April, 2017 at 12:05
  25. avatar
    #82 Tang

    @RnR- late in the second half. He jumped to gather a kick and was taken out in the air. It looked very dangerous to me.
    I was impressed by Eldoraigne. They are a decent team.

    17 April, 2017 at 11:26
  26. avatar
    #81 Smallies

    Well done wolramme julle het n grote gewen vandag….. Eldos amper 4 keer julle grote

    17 April, 2017 at 11:15
  27. avatar
    #80 Playa

    @DC ARMY: And that’s the long and short of it ?

    16 April, 2017 at 20:05
  28. avatar
    #79 RnR

    @Tang: Is it possible to tell when in the match was the nr 7 taken out in the air?

    16 April, 2017 at 18:09
  29. avatar
    #78 Tang

    I managed to catch two games at KES yesterday.
    Jeppe VS Eldoraigne and KES VS Rondebosch.

    @Ringo – Jeppe seems to be struggling with the new coach. I think Jeppe have a decent enough side and when they click, they could cause a few big surprises. Eldoraigne is a good team, and I thought Jeppe fronted up pretty well. Jeppe made too many errors, and this added up. They missed tackles and threw a few too many speculative passes. There was an incident in the match which left me a little perplexed. The Jeppe number 7 was taken out in the air, but the ref and linesman let it go. The Jeppe 7 seemed to have a shoulder injury, and I thought there should have been a yellow card.

    @Roger – KES have an excellent side. They are strong in all key areas. Big, physical forwards and a good attacking backline. I thought KES fronted up well against a physical and never say die Rondebosch team. Bosch is pretty decent and probably posed the biggest challenge to KES so far this season. Rondebosch conceded points when they should have been far tighter. I must say KES are splendid when they get the ball wide and both wings got exquisite tries. I am going to make an early prediction that KES will beat Affies this year. If the KES 8, 7, 12 and 15 stay fit, they will be a real force. There were some funny ref calls in the second half. There was a clear high tackle from the Bosch number 4, but it was deemed to be outside the field of play, so he escaped sanction. After Bosch scored their last try, there was a dust-up on the try line. No cards were given but both sides threw punches.

    16 April, 2017 at 16:29
  30. avatar
    #77 DC ARMY

    @Gimoldboy, well they are playing Monument tomorrow and will be playing Paarl Boys at Wildeklawer. But of course in the mist of all of that, we will easily handle them at Reunion. :-D

    16 April, 2017 at 11:47
  31. avatar
    #76 Gimoldboy

    @DC ARMY: Very excited to see how their season turns out! I’m just concerned that apart from their Grey Bloem derby, that they might not play many, if any, of the rest of the big guns. Anyone maybe have their list of fixtures ?

    16 April, 2017 at 11:34
  32. avatar
    #75 DC ARMY

    @Gimoldboy, i agree with you on Selborne this year. They look like a special group indeed.

    16 April, 2017 at 11:08
  33. avatar
    #74 Vleis

    @Ringo: :lol: :lol: No worries. Might see you tomorrow.

    16 April, 2017 at 10:52
  34. avatar
    #73 Ringo

    @Vleis: Sincerest apology my good Sir I stormed off depressed yday. I will be at the refs tent near the pool at Kes on Monday. I did not have the stomach for it. Now I have reached acceptance stage of my grief and will watch every game gleefully on Monday.

    16 April, 2017 at 08:53
  35. avatar
    #72 Vleis

    @Ringo: I have a light blue shirt and a dark blue Denver Bronco’s cap.

    15 April, 2017 at 13:05
  36. avatar
    #71 Vleis

    @Ringo: I’ll be at the St John’s tent if you would like to claim your free beers from me! :lol: :lol:

    15 April, 2017 at 12:57
  37. avatar
    #70 Ringo

    Rugby has been good all morning at Kes…. best of luck to Jeppe today …. Rome was not built in Day we believe

    15 April, 2017 at 12:39
  38. avatar
    #69 Gimoldboy

    People easily forget about the boys from Selborne. There is not much, if anything at all that seperates this team from HJS, Gim, Grey, Landbou and Affies. They can finish top 3 this year.

    15 April, 2017 at 10:27
  39. avatar
    #68 RnR

    No streaming :(

    15 April, 2017 at 09:08
  40. avatar
    #67 spuit

    Beet, Waterkloof beat Marlow 27-12. Pse correct it…

    14 April, 2017 at 07:35
  41. avatar
    #66 spuit

    Beet, Waterkloof beat Marlow 27-12. Pse correct the sore..

    14 April, 2017 at 07:31
  42. avatar
    #65 Vyfster

    Well done to Ben Vorster for their 25-10 win over Kingswood. Saturday against Waterkloof will be much harder…Kloof, KES and Rondebosch seems to be the strongest teams on day 1 scores, think Bosch and Kes will be a cracker on Saturday….lekker speel!

    13 April, 2017 at 22:35
  43. avatar
    #64 Vyfster

    @ Beet: I might be wrong, but according to my info Ben Vorster and Jeppe play on monday in the penultimate game, Wynberg play Noordheuwel….I think Jeppe wants revenge for last years loss of their “dreamteam” against the Vossies! They will have a good chance, because after playing Kingswood and a very good Waterkloof, i don’t know how much petrol in the tank will be left…not having the depth and numbers of the big schools…….Anyway, good luck to all teams….and fair enough for Jeppe, in 2015 BV got klapped by KES, only to reverse the result in 2016. so it will be interesting to see if something similar happens.

    13 April, 2017 at 01:09
  44. avatar
    #63 BrotherBear

    @Stoney: welkom en sterkte vir daai wolramme. 3 taai wedstryde vir julle, maar ek kan dieselfde vir julle opponente se. Kom kuier so tussendeur by St John’s (reg langs KES) en St Stithians ook. Skolerugby op sy beste.

    9 April, 2017 at 15:06
  45. avatar
    #62 RnR

    Welkom @STONEY: Julle het n rowwe loting gekry die jaar, maar dis goed so, dis lekker om die plaasjapies teen die straatligkinners te sien. Die nuutste voorspellings by KES is dat die bier prys in die biertent hopelik dieselfde prys gaan wees as laasjaar.
    Marlow se gelykoptelling teen Grey PE het die wenkbroue laat lig hierso.
    Marlow het n goeie toernooi gehad laasjaar, die wen teen Ben Vorster was vir my die hoogtepunt van die naweek, so die 2 spanne van Pta sal julle verseker nie ligtelik opneem nie.

    9 April, 2017 at 14:55
  46. avatar
    #61 STONEY

    @Quagga: Thanks. Dit gaan hard wees. Ek weet net nie veel van wynberg nie.

    9 April, 2017 at 10:30
  47. avatar
    #60 Quagga

    @STONEY: Julle gaan verseker ‘n lekker harde fees hê. Geniet dit.

    9 April, 2017 at 09:21
  48. avatar
    #59 STONEY

    Ons speel by Kes festival teen Waterkloof, Wynberg en Eldoraigne. Klofies en Eldoraigne lyk baie goed die jaar.

    9 April, 2017 at 09:09
  49. avatar
    #58 STONEY

    Ek is vanaf Cradock Oos Kaap. Is n wolram (Marlow Landbouskool) ondersteuner en dan ook nog n Lion supporter.

    9 April, 2017 at 09:02
  50. avatar
    #57 BrotherBear

    @STONEY: sunny with occasional afternoon thunderstorms (hopelik binnekort ook by Wynberg ;-). Vertel bietjie van jouself en span/ne wat jy ondersteun.

    9 April, 2017 at 08:45
  51. avatar
    #56 STONEY

    Hi manne. Ek is nuut op jul block. Wat is die nuuste voorspellings by KES Festival? Hoe lyk Wynberg?

    9 April, 2017 at 07:43
  52. avatar
    #55 Playa

    @Vleis: That was a case of boys going back home :mrgreen:

    @beet: This is sadly true. I’ve had to take quite a bit of flack from my Cambridge mates. :oops:

    23 February, 2017 at 14:54
  53. avatar
    #54 beet

    @Vleis: I heard Cambridge lost a couple of 1st XV players to a Border powerhouse school. As in current not past tense.

    23 February, 2017 at 14:21
  54. avatar
    #53 Vleis

    @Playa: :lol: :lol: I remember hearing of such things happening a few years back. Is it no longer the case?

    23 February, 2017 at 13:35
  55. avatar
    #52 Skywalker

    @Playa: Indeed, thanks for the info. Well should certainly be a big game then for Northwood. I wish I knew we had a stronger team to make a game of it – but hopefully beet is right and Northwood has a few decent players who have come through of late.

    23 February, 2017 at 12:58
  56. avatar
    #51 Playa

    @Vleis: “Re Hudson Park: Based on how the school has improved in recent times and based on the performances of their u16 teams of ’15 & ’16, the 1st team of ’17 should be at the level of a mid-table Tier 1 KZN school. However, I think that they get raided by the EC powerhouses, so maybe the 1st team won’t be quite as strong.” :lol: :lol: :lol: good one!

    @Skywalker: Hudson has built up some depth over the years. They’re well coached. They’re no longer the easy fixture they used to be some 10 odd years ago. The Border colleges will tell you that. At worst they’ll give any team tough match this year, at best they’ll embarrass a powerhouse, and humiliate a team that dares take them lightly. They are coached by two Old Dalians who were unbeaten at under 14 & 15 (one loss from under 13), and went on to play 1stXV in 1999 where they only lost one game by one point to Pretoria Boys at St Johns. It’s two okes who know how to win, hate losing, and know each other very well. I hope that answers your question :mrgreen:

    23 February, 2017 at 12:48
  57. avatar
    #50 beet

    @Skywalker: I really don’t know much about either Hudson Park or Noordheuwel this year. None of the EC locals are playing up Hudson’s chances like they did last season. Over the last few seasons Northwood has managed to draft in a few new recruits to bolster their 1sts and have produced a few surprise results at Jozi festivals but I guess at this stage they would be able to claim underdog status for these two matches. Could be two very good match-ups tho.

    23 February, 2017 at 12:20
  58. avatar
    #49 Vleis

    @Skywalker: Re Hudson Park: Based on how the school has improved in recent times and based on the performances of their u16 teams of ’15 & ’16, the 1st team of ’17 should be at the level of a mid-table Tier 1 KZN school. However, I think that they get raided by the EC powerhouses, so maybe the 1st team won’t be quite as strong. It should be a tough game for Northwood.

    Re Noordheuwel: Despite being quite a large co-ed school (700 boys), they have a small rugby club and so are very inconsistent. Also, most of the rugby talent in the area (Krugersdorp) goes elsewhere – e.g. Monnas. I think that they are a decent Tier 2 team – as far as I am aware, they don’t play any of the big guns in Jhb like Monnas, KES, Jeppe, Helpies, etc. Saints beat them last year and 2016 was supposed to be one of their better years. It should be an interesting match-up v Northwood.

    23 February, 2017 at 11:43
  59. avatar
    #48 Skywalker

    @beet Any insight into Hudson Park and Noordheuwel? I don’t think Northwood have faced either of them before?

    I fear greatly for Northwood this year – a makshift side at best i can only imagine. Too many 1st team players finished school now and no depth coming through yet from a series of weak age group teams.

    23 February, 2017 at 09:27
  60. avatar
    #47 Wyvern

    There’re some good match ups this KES fest! I can’t see many (if any) mismatches or possible walkovers…

    22 February, 2017 at 13:29
  61. avatar
    #46 Grasshopper

    @beet: Agreed, the Glenwood under16A in 2015 beat Monnas 16-15, so things were tight.

    21 February, 2017 at 17:29
  62. avatar
    #45 Grasshopper

    @Roger: agreed, some schools had really good under16’s up in the 1st team, like Glenwood had a few at SANIX hence their under16 side at Wildeklawer was weakened. However I don’t want to use that as an excuse. Much changes from under16 to matric, so there is no direct correlation, just an indication. Also, one mustn’t forget about the experienced matrics who played 4th, 3rd’s and 2nd’s at some point. I believe in Boishaai’s case nearly all their successful 2nd team were in grade 11 last year. KES are due a good year after being rather erratic since Marx left, so I’m sure they will perform, especially in their own tourno. I just think SACS are doing something special, like they are with their academics..

    21 February, 2017 at 17:01
  63. avatar
    #44 Roger

    @Grasshopper: yes – they lost two games – Helpies and Affies. Context though – against Affies, Gordon was already in the 1st XV squad (and actually played against Affies) as were a couple other top U16 players. It’s useful for comparison purposes but does not really have any bearing on the 2017 season. They were successful as an U14, 15 and 16 age group and most of them have already cut their teeth at 1st XV level. As with most schools, talent, luck, injuries, coaching, fitness and belief all combine for a successful season. This years group tick all the boxes and I believe they have been hard at work for a few months now. I like the look of the new coaches as well – , young and energetic, both old boys, both played Reds. Nkosi has been assistant to Spilhaus for a few years now and Esterhuizen captained the 2009 team and has been involved with Wits too. They will be keen to make their mark and stamp their style on the team. Roll on 27 March vs PBHS – can’t wait

    21 February, 2017 at 16:46
  64. avatar
    #43 beet

    @Grasshopper: Those two year old u16 results become quite interesting during preseason. It would be nice to get more of them.

    21 February, 2017 at 16:38
  65. avatar
    #42 Roger

    @simpy: KES poach – reminds me of that Shaggy song – “wasn’t me” :mrgreen:

    21 February, 2017 at 16:37
  66. avatar
    #41 Vleis

    @Grasshopper: Grassy! Clearly all the abuse that you received last week has changed your attitude…perhaps temporarily, but time will tell. After posting your usual KES bashing, you added another post to balance things a little! :lol: :lol: :lol:

    21 February, 2017 at 16:28
  67. avatar
    #40 Grasshopper

    Also, some more Affies Under16A results from that year;

    PBHS won 26-0
    College won 43-5
    Jeppe won 43-0
    Waterkloof won 18-14
    Diamantveld won 42-3
    Paarl Gim won 35-13
    Westville won 18-7
    Outeniqua won 19-6

    21 February, 2017 at 16:17
  68. avatar
    #39 Grasshopper

    @Roger: according to my stats KES lost to Affies in Under16 in 2015, 15-35. For perspective Affies Under16a lost to Glenwood 22-26, Grey Bloem 16-17, Paarl Boys 3-22, Oakdale 3-15 & Helpies 17-20.

    21 February, 2017 at 15:56
  69. avatar
    #38 simpy

    @Roger It is bound to be a good group. Pity it is tainted by poaching allegations…ho hum. Hopefully kes will be slapped into submission! (I couldn’t help myself.)

    21 February, 2017 at 15:49
  70. avatar
    #37 Riempies

    @Roger: I am not sure. If memory is correct we beat Affies or draw. Never played Monnas. Last year was the first time.

    21 February, 2017 at 15:09
  71. avatar
    #36 Roger

    @BrotherBear: hmmmm – trial games? I remember in 2009 when KES had a brilliant team (Wandile Mjekevu, Scarra Ntubeni etc) and were very highly rated, they played a trial game against Monnas (maybe Hooit remembers too) and won by 5 tries to 1, everyone discounted the game as irrelevant :roll:

    You are correct – I see Helpies beat KES 24-16 at U16 A level. We don’t play Helpmekaar this year so perhaps another trial game :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    How did Helpies do against Affies and Monnas at U16 A level?

    21 February, 2017 at 12:37
  72. avatar
    #35 Grasshopper

    @Roger: Yep, no doubt KES will be better this year, but SACS are extremely well drilled. They shocked Affies a couple of years back at KERF with what I would say is a tiny pack by modern schoolboy standards. You have a new coach so might have an up and down season, let’s see. Bishops will probably be the weakest Burb side this year.

    21 February, 2017 at 11:06
  73. avatar
    #34 BrotherBear

    @Roger: But, KES convincingly lost to Helpies U/16 and also with 1 try to 6 last year in Lions trials. Only reason Helpies did not beat them by higher margin at Ellis Park was the Helpies prep for game in 3 days. Your biggest issue this year will be if some guys are tough enough to last more than a few games. Some guys play 2 and then have to sit out for 3, etc., etc. Some are just too soft! What conditioning do you guys do?
    Good luck with injury prevention, it does have the potential to derail a team’s hopes and schoolboy dreams.

    21 February, 2017 at 10:43
  74. avatar
    #33 Roger

    @Ploegskaar: KES will be very tough to beat at their festival and I would back them to win at least one game at Wynberg. This years crop are a very talented bunch with 10 returning from last year and 4 in the High performance squad – write them off at your peril. After a couple of lean seasons things are looking very good this year …..

    This group beat Monnas and lost very narrowly to Affies at U16 level too ….

    21 February, 2017 at 10:32
  75. avatar
    #32 beet

    @Grasshopper: No I’ve been reliably informed that this year’s team will anywhere as strong as their 2016 team.

    Interestingly the one post matric they do have is Brad Sterling who was a very promising mainly 2nd XV player last year. However he is only u18 this year. Big but unavoidable loss for DHS. The HMA would have prevented him from playing for DHS this year if he repeated matric even though he is only turning 18 this year.

    DHS also lost another matric class of 2016 player who is only u18 this to the EP Academy – Mandisi Mthiyane. So School is being affected by kids finishing school a year early.

    21 February, 2017 at 10:22
  76. avatar
    #31 Ploegskaar

    @beet: After what happened to Bosch last time around vs KES, I think it’s going to be rather tough for any team that plays the Home Team

    21 February, 2017 at 10:21
  77. avatar
    #30 Grasshopper

    @beet: Kingswood have Post matrics so don’t write them off yet….

    21 February, 2017 at 10:14
  78. avatar
    #29 beet

    @Ploegskaar: It seems like KES may have a reasonably strong team this year. They have a young new head coach though, so he might take a bit of time to adjust.

    It’s a nice challenging KES fixture list. Perhaps only Kingswood will be an easier game but time will tell.

    21 February, 2017 at 10:08
  79. avatar
    #28 Grasshopper

    @Ploegskaar: agreed, KES will be lucky to beat one of the burb sides….SACS the least likely…

    21 February, 2017 at 10:06
  80. avatar
    #27 Ploegskaar

    @Roger: KES would be fortunate to get a 2/4 return vs the SS Schools this year, more likely 1/4 if the 4 games materialize

    21 February, 2017 at 09:54
  81. avatar
    #26 Roger

    its actually too bloody busy on the Saturday – especially with the Kensington crowd running around – no room to blink!

    21 February, 2017 at 09:51
  82. avatar
    #25 beet

    @Roger: @Ringo: With Jeppe and KES involved in the last two games on each matchday, a vendor selling those Grand Prix earplugs or ear defenders might make a killing. :mrgreen:

    21 February, 2017 at 08:55
  83. avatar
    #24 Ringo

    Wow nice fixtures at Kes this year, three tough games for us. But all three will be worth watching and nice afternoon kick offs on all three days. Watering holes should be well stocked cause if we win there will be a bunch of boisterous fans consuming golden ale. Good move school you all are very bright.

    Look forward to your festival.

    21 February, 2017 at 08:52
  84. avatar
    #23 Roger

    @beet: luvley jubley – give us SACS so we can show those southern suburb pretenders who’s boss!!
    SACS and Bishops at the Wynberg Fest
    Bosch and Berg at the KES fest

    21 February, 2017 at 08:38
  85. avatar
    #22 beet

    @Roger: The handed down message to me from the South was tell Roger to hang tight, there is an updated Wynberg Festival fixture list on the way tomorrow am. So the KES vs Wynberg duplication has already been sorted out, I just don’t have an up to date fixture list.

    20 February, 2017 at 20:23
  86. avatar
    #21 Playa

    @Roger: Seems to be a year of duplicates.Noticed a couple at KERF as well.Hopefully the powers at be at KES can re-arrange.Swap with Marlow on day 2 and take the curtain raiser.And in the process be a game short of the SS grandslam with just a spot for Bishops:mrgreen:

    20 February, 2017 at 19:36
  87. avatar
    #20 Roger

    KES playing Rondebosch at the Wynberg festival and the KES festival – can’t be right?

    20 February, 2017 at 16:27
  88. avatar
    #19 Wyvern

    @beet: I’ve heard unofficially, Kingswood was drawn against Ben Vorster, Noordhuewel and KES. Tough but good.

    15 February, 2017 at 11:18
  89. avatar
    #18 beet

    @RnR: @sewes: Good news is that KES are hoping to finalise their fixtures on Monday.

    15 February, 2017 at 08:39
  90. avatar
    #17 RnR

    @sewes: ongelukkig nie

    14 February, 2017 at 14:05
  91. avatar
    #16 sewes

    @RnR:Ken nie Hudson Park nie maar Jeppe en Marlow is tawwe manne. Jy weet nie miskien teen wie Kloof speel nie?

    14 February, 2017 at 11:49
  92. avatar
    #15 RnR

    @sewes: Dankie, ek het wel intussen uitgevind Eldoraigne speel Hudson Park (Donderdag), Jeppe (Saterdag) en Marlow (Maandag), maar dit moet seker ook nog bevestig word.

    13 February, 2017 at 16:31
  93. avatar
    #14 sewes

    @RnR beet se hy sal dit post sodra dit bekend is, was in verbintenis met KES en is nog nie sover bekend.

    13 February, 2017 at 13:40
  94. avatar
    #13 RnR

    When will the fixture list be available?

    13 February, 2017 at 08:46
  95. avatar
    #12 beet

    @Greenman: I think we will only get to see the official fixture list in 2017.

    It also seems like ‘Bosch only wants to play 2 matches at KES. If so a Day 3 fill in team will be required.

    16 November, 2016 at 11:06
  96. avatar
    #11 Greenman

    Do we have the who is playing who at the festival?

    16 November, 2016 at 10:51
  97. avatar
    #10 Speartackle

    @Valkie: Ja Valkie….al hoe minder plaasseuns kom KHS toe……Potch Gim trek baie van die Ottosdal, Schweizer, Wolies ou stoere KHS’ers se kinders

    26 October, 2016 at 12:49
  98. avatar
    #9 Valkie

    @Speartackle: @Cappie: Mnr Brand, hy lyk na ‘n goeie hoof vir KHS? Ek sien dinge gebeur daar by die skool. Kom ons hoop hulle kry dit reg om seuns daarheen te trek, meer en meer.

    Egter word die seuns word minder daar. Ek was so maand of wat gelede in Klerksdorp gewees, en gou deur die koshuis gesluip en daar is beslis minder beddens in die kamers as toe ek in die koshuis was.

    Die skole elders steel ons KHS seuntjies. Ek het ‘n paar jaar terug met Japie van Rooyen (Adjunk Hoof) gepraat en hy het vir my gesê hulle sukkel ook om seuns te trek omdat daar ‘n groot ontvolking op die plase en platteland plaasvind….

    Wie weet…. :lol: ….dalk speel die seuns pouses in ou skool verband teen mekaar…. :mrgreen:

    26 October, 2016 at 12:39
  99. avatar
    #8 Speartackle

    @Cappie: Ja en as dit nie vir Klerksdorp se nuwe hoof was nie kon ons n triangular gereel het

    26 October, 2016 at 11:44
  100. avatar
  101. avatar
    #6 Skopgraaf243


    21 October, 2016 at 14:49
  102. avatar
    #5 Cappie

    @Speartackle: Hulle kan ‘n friendly reël tussen Rustenburg en Ben Vorster in Monnas.

    21 October, 2016 at 14:17
  103. avatar
    #4 Speartackle

    @Cappie: Helfte van Ben Vorster is Monnas toe

    21 October, 2016 at 14:15
  104. avatar
    #3 Cappie

    @Speartackle: Very true Spear. Hou vir Eldoraigne dop volgende jaar. Klink of hulle weer ‘n uithalerspan gaan hê.

    Hierdie is ‘n baie goed gebalanseerde groep skole. Rondebosch, Wynberg en Noordheuwel se toevoegings gee verseker meer diepte aan die groep. Nie een staan uit bo die ander nie, en terselfdertyd is daar nie een wat uitsak nie.

    Waterkloof vs Rondebosch is my pick van die toernooi, met Marlow teen KES en/of Jeppe wat ook interessant gaan wees.

    Gaan Ben Vorster weer ‘n verassing of twee lewer?

    21 October, 2016 at 14:07
  105. avatar
    #2 Speartackle

    Some nice Anglo Boer War games on the cards

    21 October, 2016 at 13:35
  106. avatar
    #1 Wyvern

    Rondebosch, Northwood and Eldoraigne for me thanks :mrgreen:

    21 October, 2016 at 13:11