The 2016 KES Rugby Festival takes place from 24 – 28 March. 12 schools including hosts KES will participate.
Waterkloof is quite consistent when it comes to producing strong teams but the limelight could easily shift to either Jeppe, Kingswood or St Benedict’s who are expected to field stronger than usual sides in 2016. One, two or even all three could end up being regarded amongst the surprise package overachievers for the 2016 season.
11:00 | Thu.24Mar | Queen’s | 36 | 8 | Northwood | KES Festival |
12:15 | Thu.24Mar | Hudson Park | 23 | 19 | Marlow | KES Festival |
08:30 | Thu.24Mar | St Benedict’s | 7 | 17 | Waterkloof | KES Festival |
09:45 | Thu.24Mar | St David’s | 17 | 43 | Kingswood | KES Festival |
13:30 | Thu.24Mar | Eldoraigne | 18 | 33 | Jeppe | KES Festival |
14:45 | Thu.24Mar | KES | 17 | 26 | Ben Vorster | KES Festival |
09:45 | Sat.26Mar | St David’s | 0 | 16 | Hudson Park | KES Festival |
12:15 | Sat.26Mar | St Benedict’s | 27 | 30 | Queen’s | KES Festival |
08:30 | Sat.26Mar | Ben Vorster | 10 | 23 | Marlow | KES Festival |
11:00 | Sat.26Mar | Eldoraigne | 10 | 13 | Northwood | KES Festival |
13:30 | Sat.26Mar | Jeppe | 12 | 7 | Waterkloof | KES Festival |
14:45 | Sat.26Mar | KES | 26 | 5 | Kingswood | KES Festival |
08:30 | Mon.28Mar | St Benedict’s | 22 | 30 | Kingswood | KES Festival |
09:45 | Mon.28Mar | Marlow | 11 | 16 | Waterkloof | KES Festival |
11:00 | Mon.28Mar | Eldoraigne | 29 | 18 | Hudson Park | KES Festival |
12:15 | Mon.28Mar | Ben Vorster | 54 | 12 | St David’s | KES Festival |
13:30 | Mon.28Mar | KES | 39 | 24 | Northwood | KES Festival |
14:45 | Mon.28Mar | Jeppe | 41 | 20 | Queen’s | KES Festival |
Teams participating
2016 | 2015 | Region | |
1 | Ben Vorster | Ben Vorster | Limpopo |
2 | Eldoraigne | Eldoraigne | Bulls |
3 | Hudson Park | Hudson Park | Border |
4 | KES | KES | Lions |
5 | Kingswood | Kingswood | EP |
6 | Northwood | Northwood | KZN |
7 | Queen’s | Queen’s | Border |
8 | St David’s | St David’s | Lions |
9 | Jeppe | Lions | |
10 | Marlow | EP | |
11 | St Benedict’s | Lions | |
12 | Waterkloof | Bulls | |
Daniel Pienaar | EP | ||
DHS | KZN | ||
Graeme | EP | ||
Hentie Cilliers | Griffons | ||
Parktown | Lions | ||
Rondebosch (2 matches) | WP | ||
Southdowns (1 match) | Bulls |
@sewes:@tsavosky: Waterkloof se bene het nie gehou nie, en verloor 7-12 teen Jeppe….Interessante nuus is dat daar moontlik ‘n fixture tussen Ben Vorster en Waterkloof vanjaar op Tzaneen gaan plaasvind….dis nog nie finaal nie, maar dit sal wonderlik wees om ‘n uitgeruste kloof by BV te ontvang!
@Tzavosky….ek het gedoen wat jy gevra het en groete vir Archie hulle gese. Gawe manne daardie!
Geluk aan Marlow met hul oorwinning.
Die manne is uiteraard teleurgesteld, maar dit was amper te wagte na “high” teen KES…….’n onderskepdrie teen hulle, asook geen skop pale toe wat oor is nie, laat die telling ook ietwat misleidend voorkom.
Maar op dag het Marlow verdien om te wen…hulle was meer doelgerig, en het hul kanse goed benut.
BV was ietwat ‘flat’….maar daar is geen rede tot kommer nie, hulle is steeds ‘n baie goeie span wat maar ‘n afdag beleef het.
Ek sien Helpies het amper vir Paarl Booishaai gewen as ek na telling kyk…..booishaai natuurlik loshande nr 1 in land laas jaar.
Ek reken nog steeds dis tussen BV, Helpies en PHS om die Beeldtrofee vir groot skole
Kan ons asb bietjie tellings kry manne?
@Vyfster: Ja, jy’s reg oor 2014. Ek kon nie glo wat ek toe gesien het op 10 aangaan nie, en by Menlo keer ek vir Hein voor en vra hom. Dit was vroeg in die seisoen en ek het nie geweet hy was nie toe betrokke by die 1stes nie. Nee, sê hy, hy weet ook nie en lag net. Beter gegaan toe hulle die outjie wat nou heelagter speel 10 toe geskuif het (hy’s nou o.19).
Waterkloof speel vandag sy vierde game in agt dae hoop die bene hou.
Ek onthou ook nou, ek het basies hierdie span as 016 (sonder jonger versterkings), 2 jaar terug by BV teen Helpmekaar sien speel, tydens ons 30 jaar reunie.
Hulle het my toe al beindruk, en het vir helpies in spannende wedstryd geklop…..terwyl die 1stes van 2014 verloor het, en baie van einste kwale getoon het wat jy vroer genoem het, het hierdie span toe al regte BV brand rugby gespeel.
As ek reg onthou, het hulle in Beeld finaal iets soos 28-25 teen PHS verloor.
Volgens wat my vertel is, het hul in laaste sekondes strafskop onder pale gekry…..hulle het nie belang gestel om die maklike 3 punte te vat en trofee te deel nie….hulle wou hom wen…en het tikkie gevat om wendrie te druk, wat toe nie gewerk het nie…lol….ek weet egter nie of dit waar is nie, maar so is dit vir my vertel!
@Tzavosky en Kosie; Thanx kosie, ek dink ook dinge lyk belowend, en daar is niks ernstig wat nie reggestel kan word nie.
Maar dit is nog vroeg in die seisoen, en ek dink die aan of afwesigheid van beserings gaan waarskynlik bepalend wees.
Dit lyk egter strate beter as verlede jaar, toe in die KES game dit maar swaar gegaan het.
Ironies genoeg het ek spesiaal vroeg genoeg gery van Witbank, om ook die Eldo’s/Jeppe game te sien…. Toe is daar ‘n helse padblokkade op N12 by Etwatwa wat ons uur en half opgehou het, en kon dus net laaste paar minute van Eldo’s sien…..sorrie vir verloor, maar ek is seker Northwood gaan dit ontgeld more!
@Tzavosky…ironies was ek ook op pad Oos-Moot toe toe nuus deurkom, (jammer daardie game kon nie plaasvind nie)….juis omdat 1 van my beste pelle nie ons 84’ se klein mini-reunie kan bywoon die naweek nie, toe se ek vir hom ons hou sommer ons eie mini-reunie by Oos-Moot….op einde moes ons maar by Waverley plaza oorkant skool brekkie eet…..en toe gaan kyk ek maar later hoe Helpies en Affies se 1stes mekaar pak…..don’t be fooled by that score, Helpies se 1stes is baie goed, daarbenewens het hul 014A en 015A vir Affies kafgedraf… dit gaan werk verg om Beeld vir groot skole uit hulle hande te hou
jy is reg, PHS se uitslae by TSRF baie indrukwekkend….2 jaar terug was die 016 finaal vir beeld mos tussen BV en PHS….nadat PHS vir Helpies in half of kwarteind uitgehaal het….nou is daardie manne matriek, en ek dink weereens gaan die 3 spanne bepalende rol speel in die reeks.
Ek sal vir die manne hallo se namens jou…toe ons in geharwar na wedstryd vinnig voorgestel word….toe kry die Archie so ondeunde trek om oe, en se vir Hein Wagner langs hom..”dis nou ‘Vyfster’
wees gerus, dit is ‘n lekker span….hulle gaan hulle brand bly speel en sal definitief kompeterend wees.
@Vyfster: Dankie vir die terugvoer, dit klink belowend. Ek het hulle nog glad nie sien speel nie, want moes werk teen Jeugland en het gewag by Oos-Moot toe die nuus deurkom van die busongeluk en die dag afgestel is.
Nie te bekommerd oor die skrums nie (BV dink ek lê doelbewus nie te veel klem daarop nie in konteks van die skoolreëls, en ter wille van meer beweeglikheid en ‘n vinniger spel). Met net een wedstryd teen ‘n swakkerige Jeugland voor die KES wedstryd is hulle waarskynlik ook nog ‘n bietjie undercooked, so die lynstane kan reggestel word soos @Kosie sê.
Op die stadium van die seisoen is dit moeilik om die sterkte van opponente te bepaal, maar met PHS wat uitstekend gedoen het by Tony Stoops lyk dinge belowend vir Limpopo by Cravenweek na twee swak vorige jare.
In elk geval, solank BV hou by hulle “brand” en kompeterend is, is ek hêppie ongeag die uitslae. Sê groete en sterkte vir die manne – Archie weet wie Tzavosky is.
@Vyfster: Ek het ook BV se wedstryd gekyk. Dis ‘n lekker spannetjie en gaan hierdie jaar ‘n paar ander spanne skok. Hulle het met guts gespeel en werklik baie goed verdedig. Die lynstane kan redelik maklik opgelos word. As die verstandhouding tussen haker en springers beter is sal daar meer balle in die lynstane kom. Van waar ek gesit het het dit gelyk of elke ingooi so bietjie getelegraaf was. Kry dit reg en spring voorentoe in die lynstane en BV sal hulle eie balle wen.
BV se senters het geen bang haar nie. Goed verdedig. Geluk met die wen
@ Tzavosky:… ja ek was daar en jy sou dit gelike het, maar dit was hard.
BV het skitterend begin….KES eintlik bietjie met ‘n blitzkrieg geskok in 1ste 10-15 minute. Twee lieflike driee en ‘n strafskop en eensklaps was Vossies 17-0 voor
Wat uitgestaan het aan begin was uitstekende balbeskerming, skoonmaak by losgemale, vinnige distribusie vanaf fase spel….en ‘n paar sterk drywe oor voordeellyn deur die 2 flanke…pragtige Vossie rugby.
Loskakel ook baie lekker skopvoet aan hom, met paar lieflike taktiese skoppe.
KES kom toe tot verhaal en begin verwoed terugveg, hul pak voorspelers sterk en groot, dryf goed en plaas ons onder heelwat druk…..ons het ietwat gesukkel in lynstane ook en omtrent 3 of 4 balle in ry verloor op eie ingooi. Hulle vories het gelyk of hul hef in hand kry, ook met skrumtyd….en goeie spel deur hulle bring telling terug na 17-17, voor laat strafskop dit 20 -17 met halftyd maak.
Tweede helfte was brutaal met Vossies wat hul lywe op spel geplaas het, en alle aanslae van KES afgeweer het met goeie “scrambling defence” en absolute weiering om te gaan le.
Hulle het soos altyd beste gelyk as hul bal in hand hou, en KES moes ook maar paar keer verwoed keer as hulle vinnige fases opsit….ongelukkig het hul paar keer onnodig die bal teruggegee vir KES….wat vir paar benoude oomblikke gesorg het as hulle teenaanvalle loods.
So het bv by 1 geleentheid die bal pragtig heen en weer geswing, kES onder druk gehad……ongelukkig het loskakel skielik met lang skepskop poging probeer van 10 tree lyn, wat eventueel amper op drie vir KES uitgeloop het, weens goeie teenaanval van hul agterste driehoek.
Ek moet ook se KES het ‘n skitterende 12, en ‘n giftige agterse driehoek
hulle het paar keer gelyk of hul man oor bewerkstellig het, net om deur laaste linie gestuit te word.
2 strafskoppe in 2e helfte het telling 26-17 gemaak tot KES uiteindelik kon deurbreek en in laaste beweging van dag ‘n drie druk FT 26-22.
Laat ek maar se , ek was ongelooflik trots op die vertoning, en ek het elke speler persoonlik gaan gelukwens…..hulle het hul harte uitgespeel.
Daarom wil ek nie te krities wees nie….vir my is dit ‘n ‘famous victory’
So die sterkpunte was eerstens die ongelooflike karakter en ‘guts’ waarmee hul gespeel het….hul het absoluut geweier om bes te gee, en nooit ophou veg nie.
Hul spel in die vaste los was uitstaande…en hul lostrio het reuse werk verrig. veral 7 het met kragtige lopies uitgestaan, met 6 nie ver agter hom nie. Skrummie het die oond en losgemaal pragtig skoongemaak en baie goeie diens gelewer.
Aanvalle was goed, maar kan nog veel beter word.
Verdediging was uitstaande, maar is soms nog geneig om gapings te laat oopgaan of te veel spasie en tyd te gun aan teenstanders op teenaanval.
Swak punte was ietwat gesukkel in lynstane…..’n paar skrums was in trurat, maar 9 kon elke keer mooi skoonmaak, asook bietjie te veel spasie toelaat, en moontlike overlaps laat ontstaan.
Ek dink KES is ook nog nie battlefit nie, hul het heelwat onnodige foute soos hantering ens gemaak wat ons gehelp het
Wat die middelveld betref, ek dink daar is baie potensiaal, maar hulle is nog nie die ‘finished article’ nie…..was by tye bietjie eendimensioneel en nie altyd mooi gekommunikeer nie….ek dink hulle sal nog baie groei en verbeter.
Maar elke nou en dan het jy flitse gesien van die kenmerkende ‘panache en flair’, soos in die uitstekende spanne van paar jaar terug….so beslis is die potensiaal daar.
All in all ‘n fantastiese spanpoging, hierdie span het werklik uitstekende temperament en karakter, met hope potensiaal….hulle kan een van die grotes word… ek self kon nie vir meer gevra het op hierdie stadium van seisoen nie…..en my hart het geswel van trots.
ironies, sal ek nie werklik verras wees as dir more nie so goed gaan teen Marlow nie…die ouens het alles ingesit, lywe op die spel geplaas, hul kaptein 4 keer plat in 2e helfte, maar tekens opgestaan en voortgeveg… die lywe is seker seer, die emosies hoog….so dit gaan hard wees om dit te herhaal more.
Op hierdie stadium sal ek hul as serious contenders vir Beeld rate, en saam met PHS en Helpmekaar waarskynlik vroe gunstelinge om trofee te lig
Groete….ek en ‘n paar van die 84 manne was daar, more kom ‘n mooi klompie deur….het vir Archie Norval vinnig ontmoet, Andre Hay en Hein Wagner ook…saam met Piet Smit, my onderhoofseun , maar ook my rugbykaptein en mede flank van 84 gesit en kyk hoe sy seun speel.
was ook goed om met Piet Vermaak, wat std 6 was in 84 te chat, sy seun natuurlik haker vir 1stes.
kom ons hoop maar die beseringspook bly vanjaar weg, ek dink hierdie span gaan nog vir groot genot sorg!
Mooi bly
@Vyfster: Ek dink KES is so ‘n bietjie in ‘n hinderlaag gelei na verlede jaar se groot wen. BV het toe geweet hulle het ‘n jong span wat hierdie jaar beter sal vaar (en versterk word met goeie o.16’s), daarom het hulle versoek om weer teen KES te speel. (En hulle het bad luck gehad met beide die 1stes en 2des se losskakel wat in die eerste wedstryd teen O-M hulle polse gebreek het.)
Dit klink my jy was daar, ek moes maar op twitter volg wat ‘n bietjie senutergend is, maar die afrigter het per sms laat weet ek sou dit gelike het. Ek en hy deel so ‘n bietjie dieselfde rugbyfilosofie, so ek sal graag meer wil weet hoe die middelveld gevaar het? 10, 12 en 13 is almal van verlede jaar se o’16’s dink ek, en dit was juis verlede jaar een van die swak punte in BV se normale speelstyl (en in 2014).
Ek sien ook elders hulle het baie goed verdedig, wat ook ‘n swak punt was teen spanne met groot spelers. So, gee my jou indrukke, asb.
well done Ben Vorster……we are proud of you!
Our pack is the biggest I think since 2010 or 2011, a lot of factors, our loosehead just 17 and our tighthead is a former hooker and he’s been out with injury for over a year. The locks both returned recently from serious injury. I think it will take time for our tight 5 to get it together! Only our hooker has been consistently fit and playing since last year! I hope we get it together, because we got some good loosies in the setup
Good win though, just need to keep improving!
@kosie: Really greatful that the beer was cold this year……Cheers!
@RnR: Agree. No amount of coaching will increase speed. Eldo was good up front but could not match the pace out wide.
Must say the Eldo locks put up a gutsy display and the wings tried their best, but it seemed Jeppe always had an overlap.
Well done Jeppe,,,,,,oh my word you guys have a backline that many schools would love to have!!!!
Same story for northwood it seems. Good pack but no ability to penetrate defenses and score points. Unf. as I said a very mismatched fixture list for the 1st team. Queens, eldo and KES is not fair competition. Last year was much better.
Heard the hockey lads continued their fine form though after only 1 loss t Founders in CT, with a 2:0 win over KES.
Ben Vorster won 26 – 22
@Grasshopper: Ya, just not the best conditioning.
Queens look a very good outfit (as usual)!!! KC must really have played well to beat them so convincingly at Graeme Day. A very disjointed match against St Davids today but we’ll take it and adjust for Saturday.
I wasn’t there to watch the KES game, anyone with some feedback?
@Playa: Northwood have a monster pack and a great front row….
@kosie: Great score for Queens. Surprised they got hammered in the scrums with such a big pack. Northwood clearly has good coaching upfront.
Where do St Benedicts get these players? Crazy how they seem to get these huge Zimbaweans who look like men playing against boys.
@Playa: FT Queens 36 – 8 Northwood. Queens is a well drilled team with a lot of speed out wide. Must say they were hammered in the scrums. Northwood have a strong pack.
@Grasshopper: Thanks Grassy
@kosie: Much closer than I thought. Hope the Queenians took note
@Anonymous: Is there no live link for Kearsney?
St Stithians and Outeniqua
WK 17 – 7 Bennies FT
Waterkloof 10 – 7 Bennies HT
KES 2016 has started with Bennies kicking off in the first game. Lovely day and the pitch is in excellent condition.
Ek sal verseker eers n draai moet gaan maak by een van die groot wit tente,,,net om my nerves te laat kalmeer.
The final fixture list is out. The only changes is on the Thursday KES swop withEldo/ Jeppe to play the final game and on Monday Jeppe Queens swop with KES/ Kingswood to play the final game. The games also start 30 minutes earlier each day.
@BoishaaiPa: Ja daar is nog n Olof Bergh van die Strand…..baie golf saam hom en Wernher Bock gespeel …..2 groot seuns………hulle kon nooit saam op n golfkarretjie sit.
@Andre T: Jy spot so..Boland Landbou se afrigter is werklik genaamd Olof Bergh..kleinseun van die bekende brannewyn man as ek dit nie mis het nie!…Ploegskaar sal kan bevestig!
@BOG: Dit was n familie outing saam die 2 neefs, Piket Bergh en Tafel Bergh
@Andre T: Ja, ek kan dit glo. Hy en sy broer, Olaf Bergh, het seker saam gekuier vir twee dae voor die “wedstryd”
@BOG: Laat Cappie vir ou Piet Bergh vra oor die 1948 Fichardt Skild…..ek dink Piet was dalk n toeskouer daai dag
@BoishaaiPa: Vrede is n plek waar jy uitsluitlik deurry- so vinnig as moontlik. Hulle historiese trots is die Foefie slide op die ashoop, en dan natuurlik die denkbeeldige Fichardt skild van 1948. Ek het by geleentheid daar gestop vir brandstof, maar eers later besef dit was Vrede. So, daar is ook brandstof te kry
@BoishaaiPa: Subtropies Afrika……..die room van destinasies
Ek ry hier rondom 7/8 April daar deur Vrede oppad Noorde toe. Wil bietjie verken hoe lyk die wereld daar. Miskien verklaar dit n paar dinge!
@Andre T: Hy sal nie weet wie is Cappie nie, so jy kan vir hom sê, jy het sy nommer by Fanus Prinsloo gekry.
@Andre T: Ek sal hom vra. As julle hom wil bel, hier is sy nommer: 0829250546
@Cappie: As jy met hom kontak het vra hom of hy vir Smiley, Nonnie en Avi Nathan kan onthou?
@Hustle: Yeah it’s happened a few times. Time will tell.
No new guys as far as I know…and hopefully none surface
@playa I think sometimes those teams that play together for years can ultimately have good years. I recall quite a few Dale teams that have suprised. Any new guys at Dale this year?
@Speartackle: Ja, dit gaan goed met hom. Bly nog op Vrede.
@Cappie: Ek wonder of ou Piet nog lewe, het sy ex, Charlene, ook goed geken
@Speartackle: Ek gaan vir Oom Piet Bergh van Vrede sê Oom het die skool verraai.
@BoishaaiPa: Ek is bekommerd oor Andre T…..ek verneem hy onderhandel om n Menlo trui aan te trek
@Speartackle: Wat betaal Garsies jou vanjaar dat jy nou julle trui dra?..Of het Monnas jou dalk betaal om n Garsie trui aan te trek en die gazebo saam te trek Pretoria toe?
@Playa: I also hope they will play for each other and not for the opponents
Regarding Dale…we certainly won’t have a side that will blow teams away. The one advantage this year’s group will have is that they have played together since under 15. Results haven’t gone their way through the years, but we’re counting on them to just play for each other, and who knows, they might surprise a team or two
@playa how is the Dale shaping up?
And of course playa will be hoping for my second favorite team!
@Hustle: The following view is based on paper alone.
QC in my view should top the Border region. They have the talent, depth and experience to do very well. Last year’s injury-filled season could well have been a blessing in disguise. I’ll put my head on the block and say that they may well top the EC as well with Grey, Kingswood and Selborne fighting it out for 2nd spot. This, of course is just on paper. We all know how the bounce of the oval ball goes.
The u16A scrummie was also good, I just forgot his name…I hope he can play for the 1st XV as well, even if he comes on as an occassional replacement.
@beet: Make that 3 players; Keith Kroutz (Flyhalf, u17), he played for the u16A last year. Now, I have not watched many of the other players, but if QC want a sublime backline, then they need Keith at 10.
@beet: it’s has been quite for QC, as far as I can tell. I hear kingswood have the best this century. Time will tell. I was wondering if QC was able to attract any players, also had a decent u16 team, with many guys returning from a nightmare season with injuries. As long as we can pull one over playas team. Have to say disappointed KES decided not to play us on final day.

@Hustle: There seems to be mixed feeling about Queen’s. Some predicting a good season. Others not so sure. The Kingswood game at Graeme is bound to answer some questions. I believe Queen’s have 2 must watch players in Mihlali Peter (W/FB) and Gareth Heidtman (HK).
How’s the QC team looking this year?
@Roger: Probably him, 6foot5 maybe 6foot6, not heavy though…
@Grasshopper: hmmm – not sure, if it it the same chap we are thinking of then he was also the 1st 11 opening bowler and he was matric last year. He was huge though!

@Vleis: We won in 2011, last year was the second time
The ’08 side was a great side but they never had enough “push you to the limit” games that we now have as fixtures. By the time KDay came, they dominated the whole game but the occassion just got too much for them and lost 8-6.
Re the Wyvern, ah man what a pity!!!! Very different vibe to the Highlander i can say that much
@Wyvern: As Kingswood’s win over SAC last year was the first in over 20 years, the ’08 side must have lost to College. I presume that they also had a good side that year?
On a different note, my son was due to play cricket against Kingswood a month ago, so I was looking forward to finally attending the famous Wyvern (your namesake) for a few beers. Unfortunately, it was rained out, so I had to make do with (only) the Highlander the following day! I was very impressed with the Highlander. Which one is better?
@Wyvern: the Kings could do with his talent!
@Vleis: If we consider that this team will have maybe only one post matric then yes i’d say on paper they proobably will be our best team this century. Until they prove themselves i still think our 2008 team that had Denton, Hattingh and Speckman are the best i’ve seen this century.
@Roger: This years match should be a goodie, it’s not very often that the KC boys get to play in the main fixture of a festival (and we playing the main game on Graeme Day) and i hope they can make a most of it on both occasions. I must say after last year i really do enjoy the KES fest and what it has to offer, especially for smaller schools like KC.
@Grasshopper: He is going through a tough patch recently, hopefully his move to Bath will get him back on track and in form. Having said that i think he would fit into any of the SA super rugby sides and add a fair bit of value!
@Roger: Talking about Kingswood, I feel Dave Denton has gone back a bit whilst playing for Scotland. He didn’t do that much this past weekend. Such a pity he is not playing in an SA Super Rugby franchise.
@Roger: Liked the tall KES lock from 2015, is he back again?
@Vleis: hopefully they gell with the new players and strong U16 group from 2015 but I think 2017 will be the year to rank up alongside 08, 09, 11 and 12 (of recent time).
Kingswood are usually bloody competitive at 1st team level – I remember watching them play KES at the Saints festival in 90 or 91. KES had a bladdy good team and only won it with the last kick of the game……
that was the era of post matrics though!
@Grasshopper: I believe the reason why your stated Pretoria school playing styles are not as effective any more, has more to do with opponents having better defensive strategies. Quite a few of the Pta schools have also moved to much more mobile packs and a lot of flair in the backline. They increase the game pace and feed off mistakes – much like the traditional english school style. Only the BB and some Pta schools still stick to “old school”. That being said; a combination of speed and skill with size will probably always beat same speed and skill with no size. My statement not applicable to 7’s though – more space available and acceleration a NB factor.
I’m curious to see how strong the KES 1st team will be this year. Their current grade 12’s have been poor in the past BUT:
1. they have the u19 import from SACS who singlehandedly beat my son’s team last year; plus
2. various other imports (if media reports are to be believed); plus
3. a strong grade 11 group who got better and better as the season wore on last year; plus
4. a few key grade 12s who might blossom in a better team, like the 2015 centre/scrum-half.
KES does not have the toughest fixture list, but Ben Forster have regularly won the Beeld Big School title, so last year’s team was an aberration. KES would back themselves to beat Kingswood nine times out of ten, but this year may well be that one in ten, as Kingswood have their best team this century.
Eldo, Garsies, Affies, Menlo, Centurion etc and all the Pretoria based Afrikaans schools play with massive forwards and quick backs, hasn’t changed in 100 years. One should know what to expect. They try to bully you up front, create gaps where big runners need a few to bring them down and then their sprinters finish it off. However, all schools are starting to get big packs so that style is not working as well as it used to.
In terms of Northwood and no disrespect to them, they have been quite weak in the past 2 years. Glenwood & Northwood are not playing each other this year, the first in many years. Not sure it’s due to the large losses last year or something else. Northwood will battle vs Eldo for sure…
@Kosie: No problem w.r.t. Eldoraign. Comment should be read as a bit of a run/hand off at my blue bull friends, being a Lion supporter myself. The shortage of water may have such a deteriorating effect on the common grass-feeders that we will probably rather have some sushi (local and abroad).
@Kosie: No problem w.r.t. Eldoraign. Comment should be read as a bit of a run/hand off at my blue friends.
@Wyvern: As I understand it, Ben Vorster requested to play KES again this year, to somewhat try an rectify the drubbing of 2015. Whether that will happen is open for debate, but BV should field a stronger team than last year (mostly the same players, who were still u.17 last year).
@Tang: it was an annual home and away fixture over the old ascension day long weekend – DHS on Sat and Northlands (in those days) on Mon. However, it was discontinued quite a while back. Northlands (Wood) fell away first and then DHS later.
I don’t think KES are expecting a strong team this year – the U16 age group in 2014 were weak but the U16 age group last year were strong so it depends on how they mix and match …… and of course there are some well publicised additions this year too

@BrotherBear: A “fright” against Affies last year is a bit of an understatement
@BrotherBear: @kosie: I just can’t understand why KES wouldn’t go for a Queens, Marlow and an Eldoraigne fixture list. Instead they went for Northwood (who Skywalker pointed out are in a revival stage), Kingswood (who have 200 boys total , and less that play rugby) and Ben Vorster (who they put 50 past last year).
Anyway I shouldn’t be complaining, I’ll take a a Sat main game against KES this year
@BrotherBear: If I in anyway did Eldoraigne a “dis-service”, I must apologise. That was not the intension. The post was to be seen as a reference for somebody unfamiliar with Eldoraigne’s style of rugby. I made is clear that they had a strong mobile pack of forwards as well as flare at the back. If that constitutes a dull and “bashing” style of rugby, I again need to apologise for my semantic error.
I might be wrong, but I get the impression, that you think I have some sort of grudge against Eldoraigne, I don’t.
KES scared of losing to Queens 3 years in a row. easy fixtures for the home side@Wyvern:
@Kosie: Dear sir, you provide a “dis-service” to Eldoraign by comparing them to the blue bulls and then quoting a blue bull “type” of game dating back “how many years?”. Of recent! The bulls play “bashing” rugby with large, slow forwards and backs trying to run over opponents rather than around them. I also believe eldoraign have several teams to be reckoned.
@Wyvern: KES had a huge fright against Affies last year and may still be lacking some confidence this year. Their u16’s coming through contain a few good players, having beaten Monnas last year but lost convincingly against Helpmekaar ;-).
KES used to play Northwood annually so there is a long tradition. I do recall KES and I think Jeppe playing DHS and Northwood over the Easter Weekend. This was prior to Easter Festivals became the norm.
I am sure Roger can comment on this. I do recall in the late 1980’s watching DHS play KES on a Saturday and then on the Monday, I think Easter Monday, KES played Northlands. I was told this was an annual tradition and that each year the fixtures would alternate between Johannesburg and Durban.
I am sure Roger can comment on this.
Is it just me or is KES maybe taking an “easier” route wrt fixtures this year….?
@Skywalker: It’s just the proposed list which was issued over a week ago. I’m sure the Northwood head would have instructed JS to do something about it he felt it was a bit unfair on Northwood. Northwood has always been up for a challenge though and being honoured with the main game on the last day is not something any school would turn its back on.
SBR can be unpredictable at times. Like Vleis says Eldoraigne who aren’t that well known in KZN could well be the strongest opponents while Queen’s who are fairly well known and respected in KZN, might be an easier than expected match up this year.
@Vleis: @Skywalker: The Eldo 2016 team is younger than the 2015 team. They play traditional Bulls rugby with a strong pack of mobile forwards and have plenty of flare at the back. Time will tell if the u/18 and u/17 players will gel.
If Northwood could match Eldoraigne up front and keep their backs under pressure, they could make a game of it. Northwood would do well not try and out muscle Eldoraigne.
Eish… just feel that they could have done a bit more to create fairer match ups. It’s a great festival and experience for the boys.
@Vleis: I need to go get my lotto quick pick right now after work!!!!
@Skywalker: I have some bad news for you. If Eldoraigne’s 1st team of 2016 is at a similar level to the team of 2015, then they’ll provide Northwoods toughest game.
It does seem that you drew the short straw re fixtures. That said, often the kids prefer to play the big names schools.
KES opting to play Northwood on the final day seems a tad unfair. Northwood rugby has begun a revival but they are rebuilding slowly and surely wont match KES. They deserve better for coming up to KES year after year, then having to play Queens and KES in the final match.
The proposed Jeppe High School for Boys vs Queens College BHS game will be a cracker. If I’m not mistaken Jeppe had a top 3 finish at u16 level in 2014, so one would expect them to do well this year.
Wyvern wrote on 2 November, 2015 @ 12:05:
“St Davids, Bennies and KES for me thanks :mrgreen:”
Looks like you got your wish.
I would think the final game again would be KES vs Queens as it has been for a few years now.
Have the KES Festival fixtures been finalized yet?
@Wyvern: @Queenian: I just hope GCB don’t land up on our lap
@Wyvern: @rugbyfan: I have also heard QC will play Kingswood at the Graeme rugby day. What I had heard was QC would play a warm up game against GCB before that. So not sure what is true.
But on the QC fixture list for next year Kingswood is down for that day.
@rugbyfan: I’ve seen the KC fixtures for 2016 and we have Queens down for the Graeme rugby day. I suppose this could have changed though…..
@rugbyfan: I’ll beg, steal and borrow to get to Grahamstown if that game happens. Having grown to stories about QC-GCB clashes in the 60s from my dad, I have to see one.
Don’t be surprised if Queens arrive with a strong team in 2016 they have 19 boys back who have played 1st team and a some very good Under 16 players coming through.
On top of this a possible game against GCB at the Graeme rugby day so we will see.
Relations with Hilton seem to be improving
@Roger: @Grasshopper: I think that most of the Pridwin boys who apply to St John’s get accepted now. If memory serves, Pridwin and The Ridge threatened to start their own high school, which made St John’s rethink their strategy of rejecting applications from Pridwin and The Ridge pupils.
St Alban’s largest feeder school is WHPS, but St Peter’s is probably second largest. The largest chunk of St Peter’s Prep boys go to St Peter’s College, while the second largest chunks go to St Alban’s and St Andrew’s College. The rest are spreadeagled all over – e.g. House, Hilton, Bishops, KES, Boys High, Saints, St John’s, etc.
@Skopgraaf243: What you on about? KES is old model C, so Gov school..
Going to likes of Kes is like watching rugby at “old Ellis Park”.
Drive there in 500k car and go home in 2mil bus.
…..too much sites boys…thats the problem with all the Gauteng based Private schools
@Roger: Paulshof, if that is part of Mordor..haha. Those areas are kak, getting run down and houses are not secure…
@Grasshopper: do you live in Mordor (aka Fourways and surrounds)
gotta move where the grown ups live Hopper – Melrose, Birdhaven, Dunkeld, Inanda, Atholl, Illovo, Houghton
@Roger: Wow, OK. Quite a daily trip if you live in the Northern suburbs like I do. I’m not particularly keen on all these new schools popping up everywhere. Daughter is down at Brescia House, Kingsmead, St Andrews & St Stithians. Considering my grandad is now officially the oldest living KES OB I’m sure we could get our boy in without much problem, we would have to move down to Rosebank or something though…
@Grasshopper: this year KES had their biggest intake ever from St Peters – about 20 boys apparently
@Grasshopper: all very good schools – problem with St Peters and Pridwin is no high school. Both schools used to have automatic acceptance to St Johns but no longer (not even the Ridge has automatic acceptance to St Johns anymore – it has become so oversubscribed). But I know that Hilton, Michaelhouse and St Andrews reserve places for Pridwin, Ridge and St Peters boys.
Lots of them go to St Albans too – Vleis can tell you how many
@Vleis: Jeppe and Parktown
they must have been properly shite
@Roger: Hee hee…like shooting fish in a barrel with old Grassy.
By the way, who were the two teams that you beat in 2004?
@Roger: Thank goodness I have my 6 month old son’s name down at St Peters, St Stithians, St Davids and Pridwin….wouldn’t want to go down to that end of town…
SACS waterpolo, Glenwood 8 – KES 3…..EISH!
@Roger: Boet, you know we would have beaten KES on most occasion in the last 10 years. What made me laugh was at the recent DHS Under16 waterpolo tourno the KES coach making excuses how they should have beaten Glenwood when they lost 7-1 and the Glenwood side went on to win the tourno….typical! If only we were playing KES in 2016……eish!
@Grasshopper: ok – I’ll put you out your misery – KES V Glenwood – played five – lost one – won four.
and to use your excuse about kuk sides – KES in 2004 was the worst team in the schools history – won only 2 games – so Glenwood must have been really kuk to only win by 30
@Roger: Don’t really care, you only as good as your last game. I think KES beat Glenwood a few times in the early 40’s whilst we were on tour up there, very weak years. Also, once in the late 80’s/early 90’s, again kak years. Recently it would probably be very different…
@Grasshopper: and before that Hopper? C’mon – give the full picture
Hillbrow High have done well to avoid Harbour High for over a decade!
@Roger: 38-3 in 2004
@Vleis: The Bennies father is correct. English language can be rather confusing – I will state it more clearly: In 2015 it was Helpies B vs Bennies A.
@BrotherBear: You’ve only played Bennies once in the past five years – in 2014. A Bennies’ father says that it was A v A on that occasion…and I believe him for a few reasons:
1. the Bennies website does not indicate that your teams were B teams; and
2. there is no way that your u16B would’ve beaten the Bennies u16A by ten points that year. I can give you some stats to back this up but let’s rather agree to disagree. Frankly, I don’t even like Bennies, so I’m bored with defending them.

@Vleis, @Roger, @Wyvern: Agree that Bennies and other traditionally smaller privates have improved tremendously in past few years. Hope to see this carry on as it is an important part of healthy development and good for Lions rugby in general.
@Vleis: I want to employ you as my statistician – don’t know if I can afford the fees but with your kind of spin you can get anything approved ;-).
You don’t have to agree with my comments on the Helpies B vs Bennies A of recent – it is however fact.
oh boy!
we may lose to Bennies, Trinity, St Albans, St Davids – but will NEVER lose to Scumbilo High

the smaller privates in JHB have really upped their game in recent years. St Davids, St Albans, St Benedicts, Trinityhouse etc are all competitive at 1st and A team level. Depth will always be a problem though.
KES play St Albans, St Johns and St Stithians annually but not St Davids and Bennies – but it wasn’t too long ago that KES lost to Trinity at the KES festival and to St Davids (2005) I think and to St Albans (2006) I believe.
Bennies have yet to break their duck
I’m sure its not too far away though – maybe next year at the festival 
I reckon Bennies are not going to be bad at all next year.
Kingswood is another team that might surprise with their level of competitiveness. Maybe the 1st of 2 good seasons to come.
@Vleis: I watched the Bennies v Monnas match this year and i was very impressed with Bennies!!!
I don’t think KC have ever played Bennies in recent times so i hope the KES organizers can make it happen.
@BrotherBear: Nice try.
Let’s address each of your points:
If you prefer, I’ll only present the 1st team results. As you say, Bennies only won one game v Helpies, but they only lost two…so still a 33.3% win ratio. The four wins out of eight for the remaining teams is also a 33.3% win ratio….so what’s your point?
Your comment re Helpies B teams playing Bennies A teams is incorrect.
I’m no fan of Bennies or St David’s, but I think you should be careful of making such disparaging remarks about them – tongue in cheek or not. This year, I watched Helpies’ first game of the Saints fest v House and then went to St John’s to watch Bennies v Monnas. Bennies certainly did a lot better (v tougher opposition) than Helpies on that particular day…soccer school or not!
@Vleis: W.r.t. Helpies vs Bennies – excellent (but misguiding) use of statistics over past 10 years.
More factual: Only loss of Helpies 1st team was in 2005: 0-5
Other four losses of lower teams (u14, u15, u16) all from 2005 to 2007. More recently only Helpies B-teams compete against Bennies A-teams ;-)
@Wyvern: I think they had about four or five grade 11s who were regulars in the 1sts, but a few more may have played every now and then. The current grade 11s are not strong, but the grade 10s are very strong (by their standards), so there may only be about four or five matrics in the 1st team next year.
@Vleis: Your three points hit the nail(s) on the head.
Being able to choose from two years helps a great deal where we can choose the best from two grades, however, for most years combining the two grades still leaves 3/4 “weak” links at KC which in a team setup can be costly in terms of results. This happens even with a couple of post matrics i’ve come to find in years gone by. There used to be (or may still be) a perception at the school that if you a post matric and play rugby then you automatically get superhero status and are the best in the school in that position. In some cases this may be true (not the superhero part) but in a lot of cases this simply is not, hence why there still are those “weak” links.
Point 3…..1000% agree!
St Davids have improved a lot since Johnny Mallett started coaching the 1st XV. You can see that for the talent pool they have the team is coached well and do very well. Do you perhaps know how many players in this years 1stXV will be back in 2016?
@Wyvern: In addition to the reasons that you’ve mentioned above, I think that there are a few others why your open teams are stronger than your age group teams:
1. Your depth improves at open level due to having two years to choose from – this is critical for a small school.
2. You offer post-matric, which further strengthens the open age group. I’m told that you had about five PMs in your team this year.
3. You are a termly boarding school, so the boys play so much rugby/touch rugby/etc over weekends that their skills/understanding/etc improve immensely over the 4/5 years.
Finally, I have three more results that may slow your head spin! Kingswood’s 1st team drew with St David’s last year, but beat them by 30 to 14 this year…St David’s did beat Graeme College (your big rivals) by 19 to 15 this year though.
@Vleis: Haha you’ve got my head spinning with all those results
Traditionally Kingswood’s results at age group level are never great and at face value one would think that our rugby is weak in light of that. I think part of the reason for that is internal, where our boys are encouraged to play all sports and with so few boys some codes do suffer, and another reason is that other schools strengthen significantly at u14 level. We do catch up quite a bit at open level where we can compete with the bigger EC schools.
What has helped our rugby in recent times is that we’ve started playing the traditionally stronger schools (Queens, Brandwag, Marlow etc etc) which gives our boys a benchmark on the high standard required to compete.
Onto the Saints result, from what i have been told they’ve strengthened their age group ranks significantly over the last two years or so this would reflect. There is a KC Saints fixture for next year down in Grahamstown so it would be interesting to see the results from u14 all the way through to 1stXV.
@Wyvern: Now I see that St David’s u16A beat Kingswood u16A this year by 21 to 0 in a shortened game, so maybe I was too hasty in predicting a comfortable win for Kingswood over St David’s at KES next year!
@BrotherBear: Per St Benedict’s website, their A teams have played Helpmekaar’s A teams 18 times in the past 10 years. Helpies have won 12 times and Bennies have won 6 times. So…did Helpies rugby teams lose those 6 games (one third of all matches) to a soccer team, or do Helpies also not play rugby anymore??

@Wyvern: Being such a small school, Kingswood’s results per age group are very inconsistent – e.g. this year your u15As got hammered by Saints u15A (a Jozi private school
) by 30 to 5 in a 30 minute game!
Last year, your u15A’s lost to St David’s u15A (do they play rugby?
The above results seem to indicate that Kingswood’s rugby is weak; however, I saw your current grade 11’s play at the Hilton u15A festival a few years ago and they were very strong. Indeed, they’ll arguably produce the best Kingswood 1st team in 2016 in a long time.
As such, I’d like to see Kingswood v St David’s and Bennies at KES. My prediction would be a comfortable win for Kingswood over St David’s and a narrow loss v Bennies, who are also forecast to have their best 1st team in years.
@Wyvern: How modest of you
@BrotherBear: Haha! I just want to see what the private schools in Jozi are made of…..I know Helpies are solid
@Wyvern: I know KES can be competitive at times, but do St. Davids and Bennies still play rugby? ;-0
St Davids, Bennies and KES for me thanks
Last year was a one off with Fourteen teams.
Interesting that KES has dropped from 14 teams to 12. I wonder if it’s due to the early Easter next year, so perhaps some schools have pulled out of the Easter festivals…or maybe the extra cost was not worth it, as the extra game per day was possibly not well attended due it being so early. Anyone know?
@Vleis: I certainly hope it’s just a vicious rumour
@Playa: Could just be idle gossip, which is why I asked Muzi, as he knows the son. If true then

@Muzi: I’m told that his son played 1sts for KES in his last game of grade 11 and did well, so everyone expected him to play 1sts in matric. However, Spilhaus then bought a new player in his son’s position (think he said scrum half), so he played 2nds. The chap who told me this story was a KES 1st team player who was unhappy with Spilhaus’ methods, so he was illustrating a point.
St Alban’s also suffer in rugby against the larger schools because they’re the smallest of all the schools that they face (apart from St Andrews Bloem) and they’re very good at competing sports like hockey, basketball, etc.
@Muzi: I was told that Spilhaus’ son played for the 1st team for KES in his last game of grade 11 and did well, so everyone expected him to play 1sts in in matric year. However, Spilhaus then bought a new player in his son’s position (think he said scrum half), so he played 2nds. The chap who told me this story was a KES 1st team player who was unhappy with Spilhaus’ methods, so he was illustrating a point.
St Alban’s also suffer in rugby against the larger schools because they are the smallest of all the schools that they face (apart from St Andrews Bloem) and they are very good at competing sports like hockey, basketball, etc.
@Muzi: He was still in nappies when I finished at Dale Junior
@Playa: Neil Spilhaus his son was good mates with my brother….yup he decided to join KES with Van Tonder in 2008….he brought up scarra…wandile ect…that short scrummy Eyre….that KES side was insane with Jarryd Meyer @12…..
@Muzi: Oh ja you’re right. He joined KES in 2008.
@Vleis: Carl was at Bennies in 2007 just for a single season his wife was a teacher at the Bennies elementary school…my young brother was close friends with his son who also left to go to KES….I think part of the problem was recruitment….also I heard parents were moaning and bitching about promoting youngsters too quickly to the first team….he was desperate for talent…Bennies have always been competitive against St Albans..Saints..St Johns..ect….due to a lack of depth they always battle against bigger schools…last time I played we drew against Jeppe….
@Muzi: @Vleis: I’m pretty convinced he left Dale for St Alban’s in 2006, then moved to KES in 2007.
@Muzi: I thought that Spilhaus left Dale to go to KES? What was the politics that drove him out of Bennies?
Next year’s Bennies team will be good, largely due to the speedsters from Zim. However, their depth will be poor, so they’ll need to have a largely injury free year if they really want to push the big boys.
St Benedict’s “golden period” was in 2008 and 2009…..before Carl Spilhaus went to KES he was first team coach in 2007…our Under 16’s and Under 15’s that year were pretty decent….I remember him giving some of my teammates a shot at first team level against St Stithians…obviously politics drove him out most of us were shocked when we learnt he was leaving…..the same can be said about “Cheese” van Tonder….our pack in 2008 was mean though I remember when we gave Paul Roos quiet a scare at the St Johns Festival…on tour we battled against Queens…Sbu Sithole was a beast…Selbourne just beat us….the same can be said about Michaelhouse…St Andrews at the 2008 Independent rugby schools festival….I wonder if Morne Nel is still the first team coach?!?!…decent bloke…