Sad news is that the ongoing drought and desperate water shortage situation in Cape Town has resulted in Wynberg calling off their annual school rugby festival set for 28-30 April 2018. Bellville, Bishops, DF Malan, Durbanville, Fish Hoek, Garsfontein, Hugenote, KES, Milnerton, Parel Vallei, Rondebosch, SACS, Somerset College, St Benedict’s, Tygerberg, Upington, Windhoek High and Wynberg were booked to take part.
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umntu kufuneka ahlale enala5L yamanzi emotweni! Xa umfazi efuna amanzi uzobe uncumile wena

@Rugbyman: Miskien moet hulle Brandwag vir julle reel…lekker kliphard voor…ek kan dalk nog so paar toue trek met kontakte!
@Rugbyman: jip hulle boks altyd ver bokand hulle gewigs klas
@Smallies: Ek het gesê ensovoorts… marlow is altyd kliphard en passievol… Ons weet nog nie teen wie ons speel nie
@Rugbyman: oppas vir marlow
@Rainier: Nee… net die 1ste span
@Rugbyman: Kom die onder ouderdom spanne ook saam?
I am happy to report that we will be going to the Grey PE festival… Looking forward to it! Some tough competition there in the form of grey PE, Selborne, Jeppe etc.
@Atlantic: shjoe dis bad hier by my loop die oranje rivier ok maar net soortvan
@Smallies: Jy verwys na die Bergrivier …
…..ongelukkig ook maar droog jong …
@Atlantic: het die paarl en kaapstad die selfde water bron if trek die paarl direk uit die rivier uit, en loop die rivier ooit nog
@Hooit: Sadly , there is no way that the Paarl Boishaai 150 celebration , scheduled for 3-7 April , can happen , as 12 April has been predicted as day zero for Cape Town…
@Riempies: July/August is always green as we always get some rain during the winter…just not enough nowadays!
@Playa: a valet will do the trick.
@Playa: hahahaha
@Playa: the new twizza 2l water is only R8-00
@Playa: LOL. Thought the existence of Canal Walk was enough reason for most of them.
@BoishaaiPa: Yes we are all praying for you guys to get rain… I read yesterday that if day zero comes, capetown will be the first major city in modern history to run out of water – a scary thought!
I only heard the rumour that saru is considering the move…
@Umtata: Kubi mntam. Ukuba ufuna umfazi yiza apha eKapa. Uvula mlomo yibhotile yeValpre
@BoishaaiPa: Bloem is nie ver agter julle nie, het ook maar net 32% reserves oor, ons hier in die Suid Vrystaat het ok omtrent nog nie reen gehad nie
@BoishaaiPa: We ALL pray for that one. Rain will come.
Then I have organized some accommodation for the BIG Paarl Inter. Will be a first for me. Looking forward to a luscious green Cape by then.
@Wonder: @Wonder. Nou praat jy
@Rugbyman: If we don’t get good rains by Easter Weekend I agree that the CW must be moved to somewhere that can accommodate the tournament without putting strain on the water resources. I am however very positive that we will get some good rains to alleviate the situation somewhat by Easter….I live in hope!
@Rugbyman: At least we all understand their situation and pray for rain. Cravenweek in Pretoria will allow me to watch.
@Wonder: We are looking at several options…
@Hooit: I heard whispers that saru is considering to move the cravenweek… pta boys high apparently is being mentioned… time will tell
The next question should be ‘Is there enough water for Paarl to host the 150 years celebration and Cravenweek?
How about Garsies inviting Westville and/or two off the above schools to come and play at Berepark?
Perhaps Tygerberg and bring Dok F along. KES can work, not far to travel, won’t pouch the souties.
What if theres floods in the next month?(highly unlikely)
@CharlesZA: Baie sad,ons sou ons eie water en nog gebring het
Real pity this as there were some nice matchups in the making.