1 |
Thu.29Mar |
Marais Viljoen |
10 |
39 |
Marlow |
KES Facebook link |
2 |
Thu.29Mar |
Muir |
07 |
50 |
Northwood |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
3 |
Thu.29Mar |
Noordheuwel |
07 |
50 |
Wynberg |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
4 |
Thu.29Mar |
Eldoraigne |
26 |
47 |
Hudson Park |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
5 |
Thu.29Mar |
28 |
20 |
Westville |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
6 |
Thu.29Mar |
Jeppe |
29 |
26 |
Ben Vorster |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
1 |
Sat.31Mar |
Muir |
03 |
48 |
Noordheuwel |
KES Facebook link |
2 |
Sat.31Mar |
Ben Vorster |
38 |
28 |
Northwood |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
3 |
Sat.31Mar |
Marais Viljoen |
22 |
23 |
Hudson Park |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
4 |
Sat.31Mar |
Eldoraigne |
22 |
12 |
Westville |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
5 |
Sat.31Mar |
Jeppe |
21 |
13 |
Marlow |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
6 |
Sat.31Mar |
17 |
23 |
Wynberg |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
1 |
Mon.02Apr |
Eldoraigne |
36 |
19 |
Marais Viljoen |
KES Facebook link |
2 |
Mon.02Apr |
Noordheuwel |
20 |
22 |
Westville |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
3 |
Mon.02Apr |
Wynberg |
81 |
00 |
Muir |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
4 |
Mon.02Apr |
Hudson Park |
12 |
36 |
Jeppe |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
5 |
Mon.02Apr |
Marlow |
26 |
27 |
Ben Vorster |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
6 |
Mon.02Apr |
18 |
08 |
Northwood |
Streamed on KES Facebook. See link above |
Ben Vorster 27-26 Marlow.
well done boys, sorry Marlow…..we lost with a kick in the last minute against Jeppe, now we win with a kick in last minute.
Thanx to KES , once again a brilliant Easter festival!
Well organised and incredible vibe, well done!
Ben Vorster 38-28 Northwood
Well done boys.
Played 2nd half with 14 after red card , so in that context a good win
Congratulations to Jeppe beating BenVorster, for being the supprize win of the day in my opinion. Jeppe didnt look in any real form going into this weekend.
KES as always solid but shaky at times, Im sure they will build as their season progress. Little bit disappointed with Westville not pulling this one through.
Northwood and Wynberg way too strong in their encounters against Noordheuwel and Muir.
@Vin: Congrats, good win over Westville…you had total control last 15 minutes, and could have scored 2 or 3 more…didn’t panicked when they were behind, job well done
I think spectators are in for a treat saturday afternoon…the jeppe/Marlow and then KES/Wynberg games are gonna be very exciting
@STONEY: Marlow het vir Marais Viljoen 39-10 pak gegee, lyk of julle baie goeie span het. Northwood het Muir 50-7 geklop, nou moet arme Ben Vorster teen julle en Northwood wat beide in great form is speel…gaan maar moeilik gaan, na ons hartverskeurende 3 punt nederlaag teen Jeppe.
Julle game teen Jeppe behoort goed te wees, hul pak voorspelers is goed…as julle hul daar kan vasvat kan julle wen….
@Vyfster: The Ben Vorster No8 was outstanding.
Jeppe 29-26 Ben Vorster. penalty in last minute wins it for Jeppe
Well done Vossies, well played Jeppe….it was a thriller.
Jeppe’s first win against BV ever…lol…only played 8 times before, so congrats in order, revenge for last years loss at KES and previous year at Ellispark.
Jeppe got a very strong pack and a n excellent 10 and 12, think they will be a team to be reckoned this year
Hoe lyk Marais Viljoen se span vir die jaar. Sien wolramme pak hulle by Kes.
@Norieman: Baie sterkte met daai besete kinders hoop almal kom weer mooi reg

Noordheuwel het gister proewe gehad. Manne lyk goed na die atletiekseisoen. Paar besetings wat hopelik weer reg sal wees teen die KES festival.
@rugbyfan: One thing I have always admired about Muir is their attitude. Even when they’re 40 points down, they play like they’re only 1 point behind. I saw them do this again at Cape Schools this year. And they’re not scared to take on big guns when called on.
@badboy: That’s correct. CSW 2019 will be hosted by Muir
@rugbyfan: Has Muir being given the Cape Schools week to host in 2019 heard that somewhere.
@rugbyfan: Don’t really know Muir think i have seen them once but agree with you i know a lot of school’s that bring nearly there whole Under16 group through to 1st Team the next year barring maybe 1 or two older boys just for stability you then build on that also pay’s to bring the leadership group through as well as you then have them for two years what i saw in Pretoria once will not mention the school were they did the same thing and only had 3 Grade 12 boys playing and they made the mistake making one of the older boys captain and did not work as 90% of the boys had played together through the age groups and did there own things leadership of the team must come from the biggest group. Although some schools will frown on this and believe the Capt and Vice Capt should be the older one’s.
@Playa: @Queenian: And must say since i have been based in the Eastern Cape the last 9 years have seen Muir play a lot and they have always battled with there forwards, but the last 3 years have seen there Under 16 age group of this year and must say for once they seem to have a gutsy forward pack so hopefully you folks get somewhere in the next two years. Maybe do what some schools do after a few bad years is bring there whole Under 16 group through to 1st team and even if you battle the 1st year the next year pay’s dividends.
Will say this have not seen Muir with a bad backline always have some pretty decent players there.
Watched Muir under 16 play at Graeme in 2016 ( So next year they will Under 18 ) and they were shocking hopefully there not many of these boys in your 1st team next year.
Who is the Muir 1st Coach for next year.
@Queenian: @Playa: Good to see Muir taking a step up and going to KES this can only help there rugby although you say they will have a young side so they will battle but i am sure they will be better off for it.
Must say watched Muir 1st this last year play a few games at the Grahamstown day and Grey PE festival and have to comment on one thing if Muir want to step up, that is the backline was decent but the forwards, maybe beside the one prop and flank who were good the rest were not like a lot of people standing around doing not to much forwards are not about size but workrate and heart. What i saw was players firstly that maybe would not play for other schools 3rd teams not doing much but looking busy put the hands in the air and so on, hopefully they will not be there in 2018.
Then again at the Grey Festival i did watch Muir Under 16A play Selborne and although they lost by quite a bit here was a pack of forwards that were a lot smaller than Selborne but played like demons and if i remember correctly they won most the ball now hopefully these boys will play for your 1st team next year then i can see a huge improvement.
@Queenian: Lekker! I’ll probably do the Grey Festival again next year, and catch him there.
Should be there at No5
@QC86: They really pulled the cover on this one. @Quagga is a man that believes in doing the right thing and operates close to the KES fraternity. What’s news @Quagga?
alot of testing was done at craven week,the test squad arrived at the Border hostel at 6am and did random tests one morning,did the same at the free state hostel i heard,great job
@BrotherBear: that craven week players???
@Queenian: Possibly an unfair question…What are your son’s chances of cracking the 1st XV?
Good to see Muir at KES but it will be a tough ask for next year they will have a very young 1st team with maybe 15 of the 21 squad Under 17 players but bolds well for 2019/2020 as 8 of these Under 17 boys are there for 3 years. 2019 should see a 1st team with at least 95% of the boys that will play in 2018
@Wonder: No, I think the lack of muscle mass was more of a concern than singing to the daisies

@BrotherBear: Dagga?
Anybody have news about the 8 boys that tested positive for banned substances?
@Van: Oh right, well great to have another KZN team at KES. I wish them well. Any thoughts on how they will fare in 2018? They are sure to put out a strong 1st XV I would think?
@Skywalker: Westville was at Saints this year. Nice to see them being invited.
Lets hope an annual fixture is also on the cards again.
Good to see Marais Viljoen joining. Hope they compete well. This year saw quite an improvement from the Alberton outfit with a number of players catching the eye and a few Lions jerseys earned again. Also always great to have Westville in the mix, and Muir should be a pleasure to watch.
Westville joining the KES festival is a great addition I think. What did they do before this? Hope Northwood show a massive improvement in 2018…this festival list becomes more competitive each year…doesn’t get any easier