Grey High Rugby Festival 2016

Philip 1st XV Sat.30Apr Windhoek Gym Ithembelihle
Philip 1st XV Sat.30Apr Muir Hudson Park
Philip 1st XV Sat.30Apr Framesby St Alban’s
Philip 1st XV Sat.30Apr Dale St David’s
Philip 1st XV Sat.30Apr Daniel Pienaar Graeme
Philip 1st XV Sat.30Apr Queen’s Pearson
Philip 1st XV Sat.30Apr Grey HS Parktown
Philip 1st XV Mon.02May St Alban’s Muir
Philip 1st XV Mon.02May St David’s Ithembelihle
Philip 1st XV Mon.02May Graeme Dale
Philip 1st XV Mon.02May Daniel Pienaar Hudson Park
Philip 1st XV Mon.02May Parktown Pearson
Philip 1st XV Mon.02May Grey HS Windhoek Gym
Philip 1st XV Mon.02May Framesby Queen’s

Lower Age-Group fixtures below

By Neale Emslie

GREY High have introduced a few changes to their Standard Bank Rugby Festival next year, but schools fans in the region are still assured of a top-class weekend of rugby.

Traditionally held in March before the year’s major Easter festivals, the timing of next year’s Easter weekend has resulted in Grey moving their tournament to the end of April. The new dates are on April 30 and May 2.

This is also a day fewer than is normally the case, but the timing of the matches towards the middle of the schools rugby season makes this a wise move.

Even over only two days, there will be plenty of action because Grey have extended their festival to include teams in the U14, U15 and U16 divisions.

This means there will be a total of 56 matches spread over the two days, with three fields being used at Grey, plus Old Grey.

Grey have invited 13 schools to compete at first-team level and it is interesting to see Windhoek Gymnasium back after they played in the 2014 festival.

Grey did not hold their festival this year because they hosted the Cape Schools Week in July.

The majority of schools come from the Eastern Cape, but teams such as Windhoek, St Alban’s from Pretoria, and St David’s and Parktown from Johannesburg will add a fresh dimension to the matches.

The provisional lower age group fixtures are:

Pyott u16 Sat.30Apr Queen’s Pearson
Pyott u15B Sat.30Apr Grey HS B Nico Malan
Pyott u15 Sat.30Apr Grey HS Parktown
Pyott u16 Sat.30Apr Grey HS Parktown
Pyott u15 Sat.30Apr Framesby Dale
Pyott u16 Sat.30Apr Framesby Dale
Pyott u16 Sat.30Apr St Alban’s Nico Malan
Pyott u15B Mon.02May Grey HS B Pearson
Pyott u16 Mon.02May St Alban’s Muir
Pyott u15 Mon.02May Grey HS Selborne
Pyott u16 Mon.02May Grey HS Selborne
Pyott u15 Mon.02May Framesby Queen’s
Pyott u16 Mon.02May Framesby Queen’s
Pyott u15 Mon.02May Nico Malan Windhoek Gym
Old Grey u15 Sat.30Apr Selborne Windhoek Gym
Old Grey u16 Sat.30Apr Selborne Brandwag
Old Grey u15 Sat.30Apr Queen’s Pearson
Old Grey u15 Sat.30Apr Muir Hudson Park
Old Grey u16 Sat.30Apr Muir Hudson Park
Old Grey u15 Sat.30Apr Daniel Pienaar Graeme
Old Grey u16 Sat.30Apr Daniel Pienaar Graeme
Old Grey u15 Mon.02May Parktown Muir
Old Grey u16 Mon.02May Parktown Nico Malan
Old Grey u15 Mon.02May Daniel Pienaar Hudson Park
Old Grey u15 Mon.02May Graeme Dale
Old Grey u16 Mon.02May Graeme Brandwag
Old Grey u16 Mon.02May Daniel Pienaar Hudson Park
Old Grey u15 Mon.02May Pearson Dale
Gordon u14 Sat.30Apr Framesby Dale
Gordon u14 Sat.30Apr Queen’s Pearson
Gordon u14 Sat.30Apr Selborne Brandwag
Gordon u14 Sat.30Apr Daniel Pienaar Graeme
Gordon u14 Sat.30Apr Grey HS B Nico Malan
Gordon u14 Sat.30Apr Grey HS Parktown
Gordon u14 Sat.30Apr Muir Hudson Park
Gordon u14 Mon.02May Daniel Pienaar Hudson Park
Gordon u14 Mon.02May Grey HS B Pearson
Gordon u14 Mon.02May Parktown Nico Malan
Gordon u14 Mon.02May Framesby Queen’s
Gordon u14 Mon.02May Grey HS Selborne
Gordon u14 Mon.02May Muir Dale
Gordon u14 Mon.02May Graeme Brandwag

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  1. avatar
    #1 rugbyfan

    Good to see Queens vs Framesby here as I think both these teams could be ECape No 1 or 2 this year this might just be the deciding game.

    28 January, 2016 at 06:22