King Edward VII School will once again host the most popular school rugby festival in SA.
09h00 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | Eldoraigne | 8 | 6 | Marlow |
10h20 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | Northwood | 10 | 34 | Graeme |
11h40 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | Queen’s | 24 | 16 | Parktown |
13h00 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | Hentie Cilliers | 34 | 27 | Trinityhouse |
14h20 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | KES | 13 | 3 | Rondebosch |
15h20 | Thu | 17/04/2014 | Grey HS | 16 | 17 | Menlopark |
09h00 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | Menlopark | 11 | 0 | Northwood |
10h20 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | Eldoraigne | 47 | 31 | Hentie Cilliers |
11h40 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | Trinityhouse | 5 | 45 | Graeme |
13h00 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | Rondebosch | 14 | 20 | Marlow |
14h20 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | Grey HS | 66 | 3 | Parktown |
15h40 | Sat | 19/04/2014 | KES | 12 | 17 | Queen’s |
08h30 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | Queen’s | 28 | 43 | Hentie Cilliers |
09h50 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | Graeme | 3 | 22 | Parktown |
11h10 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | Marlow | 3 | 36 | Menlopark |
12h30 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | Grey HS | 46 | 26 | Rondebosch |
13h50 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | Eldoraigne | 51 | 9 | Trinityhouse |
15h10 | Mon | 21/04/2014 | KES | 50 | 15 | Northwood |
@Tjoppa: Dear sir, are you siding with the mountain goats now?
@Ploegskaar: Dear frickin Mountain goat. Let us leave the name calling till a week before the Farmers game against HTS Middelburg.
Looks like good match ups all round, but Kearsney will still be the place to be. Grey PE festival looks a cracker too!
@Ploegskaar: Dalk moet ons hom vra vir ‘n verduideliking by elke spoeg.
@Tjoppa: Danksy Wolbek se handige fonetieka-kruk kan ons darem verstaan wat hy skryf, al begryp ons nie hoekom hy dit so skryf nie….
@Ploegskaar: Ploeg not his mistake he copied it from his childhood poster pet Patricia Loos’s exercise video “lets get fisical”.
@Woltrui: Was referring more to your mental as opposed to physical (fisical?) disability, being a Blue Bull and all. They say the eyes get further apart as you travel North and culminates in the full-blown pigeon-face supporter that you find at Loftus.
In my opinion better match ups than in 2013. Very interesting fixtures. Day 1: Eldo and Marlow, KES and Rondebosch and Grey HS against Menlopark. I predict at least 2 wins for the North Vaal teams (Hope the Eastern Cape teams don’t underestimate Eldo or Menlo-they could be surprised)
Day 2: KES vs Queens: Definitely worth the Pretoria JBurg trip. Humdinger of a match. I’ll put my money on KES-5 points
Day 3: Hentie Ciliers vs Queens(Queens with 12). Marlow vs Menlo, Grey HS vs Rondebosch and Northwood vs KES
Looking forward to some quality rugby. Wonder which hockey teams were invited to the KES festival?
@Ploegskaar: No Ploegie. That crutches story happened long ago (most of the mfazi’s up north which I was in crutches again). Quicksilver boetie.
@beet: heh Beet – read below- you may want to reproduce here – some very valid points
hmmm – I wonder if KES are scheduled to play Grey High at their festival? I thought that would be an obvious match up?
@beet: Remember the “lost” Central region? Watch Hentie vs Queens on the 3rd day. Any friendly bets?
@Ploegskaar: Who are St Johns Harare playing at St Johns fest?
@Woltrui: Going on one WC team’s provisional fixtures for St John which was kindly and in confidence supplied by Maroon
you can skip KES and park your cripple ass at St John’s for 3 days for some crackers 
There are some really good clashes coming up here including an all-important Grogper Cup game: KES vs Northwood.
KES vs Rondebosch, KES vs Queen’s and Grey PE vs Rondebosch immediately stand out.
I wonder how strong Menlopark and Marlow will be? They could be surprise package teams.
I think Northwood will be a stronger team as well in 2014.
Also chance for Bog to make some noise about the forgotten about Griffons region. I’ll follow the Hentie Cilliers results with interest.
@Rhino: People love this festival and the crowds flock to the school to be part of this atmosphere. I think only test matches and cup finals at the big stadiums can rival the vibe there these days.
The trick is to get the match ups right. Organisers have to do their homework. No one wants to watch a blowout.
Northwood 2014 will be very capable of keeping the crowd interested just don’t pair them with Grey HS.
Between KES, Queens, Grey HS, Rondebosch and maybe Marlow and Menlopark should be pooled to play at least 2 games against each other.
That would leave Eldoraigne, Hentie Cilliers, Northwood, Trinityhouse, Parktown and Graeme to contest some interesting battles.
@Rhino: I wouldn’t bet any money on that
Cant believe this festival is classed is most popular. From a KZN point of view its awful as Northwood will get pumped i bet..AGAIN. KERF is the way forward IMO.
In terms of what do they pick the chosen schools to attend or rather participate in the festival
@Roger: I once climbed that 400m on crutches. Was almost dead. Thought I was going to kill the soutie who said it is a 5 minute walk!!
@Woltrui: in case you weren’t aware KES and St Johns run their festivals concurrently. You only pay once and can attend both fetivals and pick and choose your games. It is a short 400m walk between the schools and they have a revenue sharing arrangement.
I agree on the match ups last year though – hope they do their homework better this year. Having said that – I doubt anyone will be underestimating Trinityhouse again – certainly KES wont
@EG Ouer: Marketing strategy of KES. In my opinion the St Johns festival is better. I was at both festivals this year. St John’s got the big North South game between Kloof and Boishaai. The quality of the match ups at St Johns is also way ahead of those at KES. This year the games at KES were a joke. Garsfontein won all three their matches by a hundred if I am not wrong. The KES rugby organisers don’t have a clue about the different schools strenghts. I think we can look forward to a Parktown/Queens match up and a Grey PE/Trinityhouse humdinger. No wonder Garsies is not paying at KES this year
@beet: Kearsney must be a close 2nd these days, especially in numbers. Grey PE and Wildeklawer are also great!
@EG Ouer: It draws the biggest crowds of all the Easter Festivals. Good rugby and good vibe. I’ve heard the atmosphere is amazing.
In terms of SBR a good fest is one that produces quality rugby and good match-ups.
Can anybody please tell me why they say that this is the most popular easter tournament. Looking at the teams participating not one of them featured in 2013.
@Grasshopper: Nominated by Roger, no doubt
@BOG: yep
@Grasshopper: Have you been invited as guest speaker ?
Interesting mix!