Standard Bank Grey High Rugby Festival fixtures – press release by Neale Emslie
April 20, 2018
HOSTS Grey are set for an explosive finish to the Standard Bank Grey High School Rugby Festival when they take on King Edward School of Johannesburg in the final match of the tournament next weekend.
Set to start at 3.20pm on the Philip field, the match will bring the curtain down on the annual extravaganza of schoolboy rugby which will take place on a number of fields on the Grey campus.
In association with Powerade and supported by AlgoaFM, the annual festival will see 81 teams taking part and almost 2 000 players and officials descending on Port Elizabeth for the action on May 28 and 30.
Grey will begin their programme against another Johannesburg side in St John’s College, but it is the final game against KES which is sure to have an injection of spice.
Both proud rugby-playing schools, the sides are sure to be fired up to take home the bragging rights.
The home team have traditionally risen to their occasion at their own festival, but that will only have their KES rivals all the more motivated to pull off victory.
A total of 28 first teams from around the country will do battle during the festival and there is guaranteed to be some exciting action from top schools such as Garsfontein of Pretoria, Johannesburg’s Jeppe High and Durban High School.
Known as Garsies, the Pretoria outfit will prove a handful for Bloemfontein entrants Louis Botha Tech, while the main curtain-raiser on Monday when they tackle DHS will be part of fascinating final afternoon.
Another enthralling contest should come on the opening day when Grahamstown outfit St Andrew’s College open their programme against DHS.
Border powerhouses Queen’s, Selborne and Dale will be in attendance, joined by Hudson Park and Stirling.
Dale will have a tough opener against Jeppe, who have been given one of the harder schedules for the weekend. Besides the slick-running Dalians, they will face Selborne on the Monday, never a side you can take lightly.
Following their notable recent win over Brandwag, Marlow will be keen to make an impact and will provide tough opposition for Graeme College in their opening game, which kicks off the festival on the Philip field.
Their second clash against the energetic Louis Botha outfit should make for a thrilling encounter on the Pollock Oval.
Teams such as Woodridge, Otto du Plessis and Ithembelihle will also relish the opportunity to show what they can do.
Woodridge and Otto play the opening match on the Pollock Oval and the Thornhill-based outfit will again be tested on Monday against Ithembelihle.
The Port Elizabeth township side will not be able to write off the Grey Unicorns in their Saturday encounter.
The first teams competing are: Grey High, Marlow, Graeme, St Andrew’s, Daniel Pienaar, Kingswood, Woodridge, Brandwag, Otto du Plessis, Muir, Ithembelihle, Nico Malan (all EP), St Stithians, Jeppe, KES, St John’s, Parktown, St David’s (Johannesburg), Garsfontein, St Alban’s (Pretoria), Queen’s, Selborne, Dale, Hudson Park, Stirling (Border), Louis Botha Tech (Bloem), DHS (Durban).
1st XV fixture list
Philip1 | Sat.28Apr | Marlow | 30 | 05 | Graeme | SSL youtube link |
Philip2 | Sat.28Apr | Queen’s | 21 | 17 | St Stithians | SSL youtube link |
Philip3 | Sat.28Apr | Nico Malan | 22 | 32 | Garsfontein | SSL youtube link |
Philip4 | Sat.28Apr | St Andrew’s | 31 | 15 | DHS | SSL youtube link |
Philip5 | Sat.28Apr | Dale | 10 | 12 | Jeppe | SSL youtube link |
Philip6 | Sat.28Apr | Selborne | 29 | 03 | KES | SSL youtube link |
Philip7 | Sat.28Apr | Grey HS | 38 | 03 | St John’s | SSL youtube link |
Pollock1 | Sat.28Apr | Woodridge | 10 | 10 | Otto du Plessis | |
Pollock2 | Sat.28Apr | Grey Unicorns | 26 | 10 | Ithembelihle | |
Pollock3 | Sat.28Apr | Hudson Park | 39 | 24 | Louis Botha | |
Pollock4 | Sat.28Apr | Muir | 17 | 22 | St Alban’s | |
Pollock5 | Sat.28Apr | Daniel Pienaar | 19 | 26 | Parktown | |
Pollock7 | Sat.28Apr | Kingswood | 56 | 05 | St David’s | |
Sat.28Apr | Brandwag | 14 | 00 | Stirling | ||
Philip1 | Mon.30Apr | Muir | 05 | 46 | St David’s | SSL youtube link |
Philip2 | Mon.30Apr | Graeme | 17 | 15 | St Alban’s | SSL youtube link |
Philip3 | Mon.30Apr | Brandwag | 28 | 44 | St Stithians | SSL youtube link |
Philip4 | Mon.30Apr | Selborne | 19 | 03 | Jeppe | SSL youtube link |
Philip5 | Mon.30Apr | Hudson Park | 24 | 31 | Parktown | SSL youtube link |
Philip6 | Mon.30Apr | DHS | 26 | 29 | Garsfontein | SSL youtube link |
Philip7 | Mon.30Apr | Grey HS | 33 | 17 | KES | SSL youtube link |
Pollock1 | Mon.30Apr | Marlow | 73 | 00 | Louis Botha | |
Pollock2 | Mon.30Apr | Dale | 32 | 05 | Daniel Pienaar | |
Pollock3 | Mon.30Apr | Kingswood | 12 | 10 | St John’s | |
Pollock4 | Mon.30Apr | Nico Malan | 42 | 31 | Stirling | |
Pollock5 | Mon.30Apr | Grey Unicorns | 40 | 07 | Otto du Plessis | |
Pollock6 | Mon.30Apr | Woodridge | 43 | 14 | Ithembelihle |
@Vleis: Eish I blame multi-tasking after a long weekend.
@Wyvern: I was very surprised by the poor performances across the board by the GP teams on Saturday. I believe that it was very windy and wet, which may help explain same. Then…given how kak the GP teams performed on Sat, I was surprised by the turnaround on Monday – especially, like you say, Saints over Brandwag and Parktown over Hudson. Jeppe and KES were disappointing – especially Jeppe, as KES have an average team this year.
@Vleis: Of all those results you’ve listed, Saints over Brandwag and Parktown over Hudson were two surprises
@beet: St Alban’s beat Graeme by 17 to 15, not the other way around.
@Umtata: I have it as EC 7 vs GP 8 as follows:
Sat.28Apr Queen’s 21 17 St Stithians (EP1)
Sat.28Apr Nico Malan 22 32 Garsfontein (GP1)
Sat.28Apr Dale 10 12 Jeppe (GP2)
Sat.28Apr Selborne 29 03 KES (EP2)
Sat.28Apr Grey HS 38 03 St John’s (EP3)
Sat.28Apr Muir 17 22 St Alban’s (GP3)
Sat.28Apr DP 19 26 Parktown (GP4)
Sat.28Apr Kingswood 56 05 St David’s (EP4)
Mon.30Apr Muir 05 46 St David’s (GP5)
Mon.30Apr Graeme 15 17 St Alban’s (GP6)
Mon.30Apr Brandwag 28 44 St Stithians (GP7)
Mon.30Apr Selborne 19 03 Jeppe (EP5)
Mon.30Apr Hudson Park 24 31 Parktown (GP8)
Mon.30Apr Grey HS 33 17 KES (EP6)
Mon.30Apr Kingswood 12 10 St John’s (EP7)
EC 9 vs GP 6
@Rainier: I did keep an eye on the NM 6 after seeing your previous comments about how highly you rate him. He did look very good against Garsies and will be in contention for CW. I went for the Selborne No 2 based on the games shown SSL so I didn’t get to see NM v Stirling.
With rumours that WoldeKlawer may not continue after this year, maybe some more of the top schools could be enticed to the Grey fest
@WesterBoy: It is a very enjoyable festival and with 9 of the 30 Top 30 schools participating the quality was great.
I agree with Selborne but the Nico Malan 6 was my player of the tournament.
Well done to Grey on a good festival. There was some quality rugby from some exciting teams. In my humble opinion, Selborne were the team of the festival and their no.2 been the player of the festival.
@McCulleys Workshop: I doubt the two Jhb teams had ever played in such a wind.
@Rainier: Howzit Ranier, I’m also surprised by the margin in the games mentioned, particularly KES and SJC. I thought DHS have had this coming. SAC are playing great rugger, not the same talent as last year but they are playing clever attacking rugger.
@BoishaaiPa: Die wind het gewaai, dit het gereen, die weer was aaklik.
Ek stem saam dat die rooi kaart die Garsies momentum gebreek het, na die vinnige 3 driee vroeg in die 2de helfte het ek ‘n loesing voorsien. NM het egter begin terugveg en die rooi kaart het juis gebeur met die Bere onder druk. Dan moet mens ook nie die besering van die Bere se skrumskakel uit die oog verloor nie.
Maar dit was steeds wonderlike rugby onder die omstandighede. Die spoed en vaardigheid waarmee NM uitgebreek het was opwindend – amper soos Garsies rugby.
En dan kan ek net weer noem dat Henri duToit ‘n fantastiese rugbyspeler is, ek het die gisteraand die video gekyk en dit wys nie die volle impak wat hy op die game gehad het nie. Ek sien op ruggas Quagga se mom was Johannes – as hy by die game was sou hy ander gevoel het.
@Playa: I want to commend Dale on the determination they showed yesterday – I sat in line with the tryline they were defending in the second half and 80% of the play happened right in front of me. It was a heroic defensive effort and the boys can be extremely proud of themselves – they must be shattered to lose at the final whistle.
The margins Greame, DHS, St Johns and KES lost by were surprising.
And finally I must commend Grey High for a great festival, the proximity of the fields made it possible to watch all age group matches, the beer was cold and there was a good variety of food to choose from.
@Wonder: Dit blyk so,die krieket is te belangrik wat voorle om kans te vat,die besering is in die linkergewrig wat die bat stuur.Thanks vir die belangstelling.Tuks amper klaar dan bring ons versterkings..
@Grizzly: Stem, sien uit na Maandag se game. Is jou seun nou klaar agv beserings?
Geluk Bere,goeie wen.Ons vat dit nou stappie vir stappie onder die radar…
Congratulations to Queens and Garsies for their wins. I think Nico might be kicking themselves for giving away a couple of soft tries and possibly getting the win over a good Garsies team but Nico can hold their heads high.
@BoishaaiPa: Henri is n yster wat volgens my in enige van die top rugby skole se eerste spanne sal tuis wees, het hom nog nooit uit sy diepte gesien nie…
Jho as NM se koppe nie die laaste twee minute ontplof het nie kon hulle dalk net n helse opskudding veroorsaak het, garsies moes hulle gatte af werk vir die wen
@Rainier: Du Toit is sekerlik OP CW 6 vanjaar.. Baie goeie voetboller.. en die 10 van NM is lekkep nippy.. Moet nog net leer wanneer om te offload en wanneer nie.. . Rooikaart het Garsies se momentum bietjie gebreek maar nog steeds goeie game gewees om te kyk. NM kan koppe hoog hou.
@Rainier: Lyk my wind waai lekker kwaai
Marlow 22-5 Greame
Baie geluk Wolramme. Goeie wen.
@Rainier: NM are pretty good at the Graeme day they had quite a few players out with a full team they will be competitive
@Playa: You going to be at the rugby
@Playa: Dale have a lot better chance of beating Daniel Pienaar they pretty crap.
@Playa: both QC and Dale will lose must be one of the worst teams i have seen from both schools for a decade
@Vyfster: Cold front currently in the WC should get to PE by Saturday. The fields will probably be a bit wet, there will be some wind in Millpark.
@Rainier: Gaan beslis daai game kyk Sat oggend
@scrummie: Yip, wou nie te veel op die blog noem nie sodat NM die verrassings element behou.
As NM afslaan kan hou in hulle vaste fasette gaan dit ‘n baie aanskoulike wedstryd wees – daar is ook baie spoed in die agterste 3.
Dit sal egter ‘n verrassing wees as Garsies nie redelik maklik wen nie.
@ Rainier – 10 van NM is n baie spesiale speler. As ek reg verstaan is hy nou eers Gr 10 ?. Eintlik julle hele agterlyn is giftig !!!. Ons het NM gespeel laaste dag vd SCST in vakansie. Jul het n goeie span, speel met spoed en het goeie vaardighede. Dink dit gaan n goeie 1 wees om te kyk, sterkte aan albei spanne
@Couchmavin: ?Dankie,sien uit om hulle te sien speel.
@Grizzly: More Grizzly,NM het een van hulle sterker spanne vanjaar. Hulle het n goeie George toer gehad en was ook aangewys as die span van die toernooi. Hulle vergelyk vanjaar vir sterkte gewys met Brandwag(Uitenhage) en Framesby. Hulle is vir my n top 35-50 span vanjaar. Hulle sal ongelukkig nie genoeg skietgoed he teen Garsfontein nie. Redelike gemaklike wen vir Garsfontein.
Just a caveat, if there’s a strong wind, all predictions out of the window.
Gauteng teams struggle in windy conditions
@Umtata: you may hope for a Muir win..not gonna happen, unfortunately they will suffer another heavy defeat.@Playa: Jeppe gonna win Dale easily, i am sad to inform you
Garsfontein will put up big win against NM
the most interesting game on day 1 will be Selborne/KES, i think it will be very close…of course i could be totally wrong, but time willl tel
@Couchmavin: Wat is jou prediction?NM vir my onbekend,met wat se meer bekende skoolspan kan hul sterkte vergelyk word?
@Djou: ai ou Djou,ek is net besig om bietjie gek te skeer(daarom 3 emojies). Ek ken die NM span baie goed.Hou die 6, 10 en 13 dop.O so terloops,indien Rainier vergeet om weer te se,hou die 6 dop.
Sorry all. This page has now been updated to include the final fixtures for 2018
@Couchmavin: Henri is a player from NM.
@Couchmavin: Did you start the weekend early with some liquid alcoholic beverages?
Garsies by 40+ if at full strength, by 25 if reserves play…
@Rainier: I’m sure you said Henri du Toit is playing a top SA School? Where is Henri du Toit? Is Henri du Toit a sister school of Nico Malan? So is Henri du Toit playing Garsfontein or is it Nico Malan? All the top SA schools are at Wildeklawer.

@BoishaaiPa: Dis net n grappie,ek ken NM glad nie,Garsies behoort beter te lyk.
@BoishaaiPa: zero
@Rainier: So what do you reckon is NM’s chances against Garsies?..Both my eldest sisters and two of my nieces matriculated at NM and lots of my primary school friends from Sub A matriculated there as well…So I have some link and interest in them still.
@Playa: Is it because I am a boertjie?
@Playa: I’m hoping ‘home ground’ advantage pumps up the EC teams. Dale must play out of their skins to make amends for a diabolical showing at Kearsney.
@Rainier: In that case Garsfontein by 20
@Rainier: NM by 5
@Rainier: We did not recognise you Honourable Member
@Umtata: @Playa:
QC v Saints, Queens by 5
Dale v Jeppe, Jeppe by 12
Selborne v KES, SC by 10
Grey v St Johns, Grey by 15
Muir v St Albans, St Albans by 30+
Nico Malan v Parktown, NM by 5
KC v St Davids, KC by 10
EC wins 5 to 2 on day 1….?
@Umtata: EC bias I see
All your predictions ma just be the other way around.
Here are mine:
QC v Saints, Saints by 10
Dale v Jeppe, I’m hoping for a Dale win
Selborne v KES, SC by 2
Grey v St Johns, Grey by 5
Muir v St Albans, St Albans by 15
Nico Malan v Parktown, NM by 20
KC v St Davids, KC by 5
@Umtata: NM is playing Garsfontein.
@Wonder: 10:20
@Rainier: Dankie, weet jy hoe laat is Garsies se game Saterdag?
QC v Saints, QC by 5
Dale v Jeppe, DC by 3
Selborne v KES, SC by 8
Grey v St Johns, GBHS by 12
Muir v St Albans, I’m hoping for a Muir win
Nico Malan v Parktown, NM by 14
KC v St Davids, KC by 12
EC vs GP, Predictions?
@Wonder: Al die games is op SSL as ek dit nie mis het nie.
Nico Malan v Garsies is confirmed for Saturday, 2 teams that love giving the ball a lot of air – going to be awesome.
And I am looking forward to seeing Henri du Toit against a top SA team.
Hallooooooooo Beet,
Sources tell me Nico Malan is playing Garsies on Saturday. Could you please confirm this?
@Beet, I believe the fixture list has changed.
Would it be possible to update it?
Weet iemand of van die wedstryde uitgesaai word ?
@Playa: I think the Jeppe backline will be to much for Dale.
@Rainier: tounge in cheak really…

If i did know any better its a great recruiting week for the Gautengers, so i take that back and say i dont know any better
@Skopgraaf243: 8 Afrikaanse skole
I want to have a seat at the corner of this round table in order to have a few topics of discussion at grassroot level: Who invited the three Afrikaans schools?
@Umtata: And the match ups are quite strong. We can call it the EASGAU Cup – I see Day 2 has a few EC vs GP matches worth their salt as well.
Dale’s chance to get one over Carl Spilhaus on Day 1
A bit disappointed that Dale is not bringing their junior teams. I wonder why.
Day 1 has a EC vs GP feel to it. Some great matches.