1. avatar
    #117 Strepie

    @BrotherBear: ??????

    11 March, 2020 at 18:53
  2. avatar
    #116 BrotherBear

    @Strepie: to follow your advice not too long ago; think carefully before utterance ;-). An approach could be to provide advice on where a player could improve their skill. Remember to couple that with a positive comment on their present performance ;-)

    11 March, 2020 at 18:52
  3. avatar
    #115 Strepie

    @beet: Well said, but we also shouldn’t sugar coat a performance for the fear of being labelled ”getting too personal and negative”. It should be seen and viewed as constructive criticism.

    11 March, 2020 at 17:59
  4. avatar
    #114 beet

    The kids put in the hours before school, go to school, put in the hours after school, do their homework and repeat the routine for the week. Most of them make plenty of sacrifices to reach the levels they do and in a lot of cases they are up their in the top percentage of rugby players their age in their region/the country/the world. But they are not pros. Ja they will make mistakes and have off games and their coaches will most likely manage them in the appropriate way (hash/unhash) to get a better performances out of them the next week and often they will oblige. Most of the boys won’t have viable rugby careers after they leave school. Yet when push comes to shove most of us around here will pick watching these boys play SBR over watching the senior pros who are at it full-time and benefiting financially as in money going into their own bank accounts.

    So yes this website has been inconsistent at times and allowed things to be said that probably could have / should have been versed differently or disallowed. But I do think its a good idea to steer clear of the negatives. You can make an argument for constructive criticism but try personalising it and you quickly realise that is not easy to do when you know it may have ramifications for yourself. What I mean by that is often the people who have come here and wanted to be most critical, turn out to be the ones who have also most fiercely wanted to protect their own true identities. So I don’t like what Pietie did on the field last Saturday but hell I also don’t want his immediate support base, his teammates support base or anyone outside my circle of trust to know it was me who said those things.

    These kinds of comments are even worse received when they are made by someone from the opposition because they are seldom interpreted as being genuine or constructive. More often they seem like soup grapes or other ulterior motive.

    11 March, 2020 at 17:41
  5. avatar
    #113 Strepie

    @Rainier: My woorde was ”10 is n natuurlike hardloper, skoppe sukkel, daar was blykbaar gewerk hieraan in die afseisoen, maar ek kan niks hiervan sien nie”.

    Daar is darem positief en negatief in daardie sin..

    Was dit werklik afbrekend bedoel as jy mooi en stadig weer lees?

    11 March, 2020 at 17:36
  6. avatar
    #112 Smallies

    @Strepie: sal jou aan die einde van die seisoen se wat ek dink hulle swak punte was…. Gaan dit nou nie maklik vir die vyand maak nie…

    11 March, 2020 at 17:32
  7. avatar
    #111 Rainier

    Beet se blog, Beet se reels.

    Geen speler kies homself nie, en geen speler verdien om kritiek te ontvang op ‘n blog van anonieme mense nie.

    Daar is ‘n verskil tussen “hy het glo die hele af seisoen aan sy skoppe gewerk, dit was duidelik ‘n mors van tyd” en “die skopwerk van die 10 uit die hand uit kan verbeter en het skaafwerk nodig”.

    11 March, 2020 at 17:26
  8. avatar
    #110 Ploegskaar

    @Strepie: Dis vertril hoe mense konstruktief met negatief verwar, veral as die leser subjuktief is. Gefilterde opinies skep wanpersepsies en onrealistiese verwagtinge

    11 March, 2020 at 17:25
  9. avatar
    #109 Ploegskaar

    @Carl de Kock: Net pappas, ooms, afrigters en agente. Van hulle het ek vele sien kom en gaan afgelope 22 jaar

    11 March, 2020 at 17:21
  10. avatar
    #108 Rainier

    @Ploegskaar: Die gesegde is mos die beste stuurlei sit aan wal… :-D

    11 March, 2020 at 17:20
  11. avatar
    #107 Strepie

    @Smallies: Grey se swakpunte en sterkpunte?

    11 March, 2020 at 17:17
  12. avatar
    #106 Grizzly

    @Strepie: Garsfontein se 15’s is swak skoppers,hulle loods liewers teen aanvalle om the xit as om te skop :lol: Op n ernstige noot nie noodwendig nie,Garsies se 15 van laasjaar was vir my die totale speler.Vernietigende aanval en verdediger,goeie skop voet,slim met uitstekende opsies…kon nie n swak plek sien nie.Hy gaan nog teen ons speel met sy Franse trui…

    11 March, 2020 at 17:17
  13. avatar
    #105 Smallies

    @Strepie: niemand is nie

    11 March, 2020 at 17:06
  14. avatar
    #104 Strepie

    @Smallies: Miskien moet ek in die toekoms iets goeds en iets slegs (positief en negatief) van n speler uitlig, want geen speler is volmaak nie, almal het sterkpunte en almal het swakpunte.

    11 March, 2020 at 16:57
  15. avatar
    #103 Smallies

    @Strepie: Ek het verlede jaar gese Kade Wolhuter is n swak verdediger… Maar ek het ook gese hy is die beste skopper van die bal op skole vlak, ek persoonlik het nie n probleem as iemand kritiek lewer nie, hou dit net posetief en moenie dir seuns persoonlik probeer beledig of afkraak nie….

    11 March, 2020 at 16:54
  16. avatar
    #102 Strepie

    @Smallies: Nie noodwendig nie, hy mag dalk dink sy linker is nie te sleg nie..Mag ek se die haker gooi swak in, of het saterdag swak ingegooi, of die afrigters se spelpatroon was nie goed deurdink nie, want onder voet was dit baie nat?

    Ek is nou bitter bang ek se iets wat ek nie mag nie.

    11 March, 2020 at 16:50
  17. avatar
    #101 Smallies

    @Strepie: Pietie weet dit ook seker ook al….

    11 March, 2020 at 16:48
  18. avatar
    #100 Strepie

    @Smallies: Mag ek se Pietie sukkel om links te skop?

    11 March, 2020 at 16:48
  19. avatar
    #99 Smallies

    As ek my twee sente kan in die beursie gooi dan is dit net die volgende, ek sien geen fout daarmee om te se iemand het swak gespeel nie, ek het dit baie vir my vir seun gese, ek het wel n probleem daarmee as iemand n seun afkraak en beledig, maar om te se Pietie het n swak game gehad is nou regtig nie n trainsmash nie, Pietie weet dit tien teen een al reeds…

    11 March, 2020 at 16:45
  20. avatar
    #98 Strepie

    @Vishuis: Ek is n volbloed Boishaai ondersteuner, ek het die wedstryd gekyk, gebreke uitgelig. Ek vra om verskoning as dit as persoonlik en afbrekend gesien is, ek weet nie hoe om anders krities oor die wedstryd te dink en verslag te lewer nie.

    11 March, 2020 at 16:39
  21. avatar
    #97 Vishuis

    @Strepie: :wink:

    11 March, 2020 at 16:37
  22. avatar
    #96 Strepie

    @Ploegskaar: Klink amper of jy saamstem oor my geldige en tog redelike uitlatings. Ons gaan later niks meer vir mekaar hier mag se nie, want alles gaan as n persoonlike aanval gesien word.

    11 March, 2020 at 16:29
  23. avatar
    #95 Carl de Kock

    @Ploegskaar: Jy gaan n paar manne warm onder die kraag he!

    11 March, 2020 at 16:23
  24. avatar
    #94 Chronicle

    @Ploegskaar: Good point. In my line of job, especially in the townships, the millennials is the most heavily indebted generation, and it is not their fault – according to them. Blaming everybody except themselves. It is tough working with them – and the current Generation Z, as they, in most instances, refuse to accept responsibility for their actions.

    11 March, 2020 at 16:22
  25. avatar
    #93 Ploegskaar

    @Carl de Kock: Nee nee nee, kom ons hou aan vir hierdie generasie vertel almal is ‘n wenner, almal kry ‘n prys, almal is goed en almal kry deelname sertifikate. Ons saai wat ons maai en ons pluk al reeds daai lekker suur vrugte ?

    11 March, 2020 at 16:14
  26. avatar
    #92 Ploegskaar

    @Rainier: Jip, klink soos iets wat ‘n coach sou sê ?

    11 March, 2020 at 16:10
  27. avatar
    #91 Carl de Kock

    Ek dink julle is bietjie hard op @Strepie. Ek het nou eers kans gekry om die wedstryd op SchoolSportsLive te kyk. Ek dink Boishaai het nie sleg vertoon vir n eerste wedstryd van die seisoen nie. @Strepie het n paar geldige punte gemaak, ek weet nie hoe anders hy dit moes stel nie.
    Hy het bloot sy siening oor die wedstryd gegee en nie volgens my spelers afgekraak of persoonlik pittig geraak nie, bloot n weergawe/verslag gedoen soos hy dit sien. Hy kon dit dalk net sagter gestel het, maar ook nou weer, hoe anders gaan ons skuur en skaaf as ons nie die gebreke hier mag uitlig en daaroor kan gesels en beredeneer nie?
    Paarl Gim lyk goed, Bishops lyk net so goed, in ag geneem hulle het sonder Conner Evans gespeel.
    Sterkte met die seisoen Boishaai, daar is defnitief materiaal om mee te werk!

    11 March, 2020 at 15:46
  28. avatar
    #90 Vishuis

    @Strepie: Dink jy is verkeerd deur nou dit te beweer jy het nie kommentaar ten opsigte van sekere posisies gelewer en dan nog ook gepost hoe sleg hulle daar doen. Hoe op aarde kan jy nou beweer jy het niemand persoonlik aangeval nie. Jy het selfs seuns se nommers genoem! Die seuns wat jy in jou post uitgesonder het en op groep verneder het is afterall net seuns van 16 en 17 jaar oud. Goeie genade.
    By the way, watter posisie en jaar het jy vir Boishaai gespeel toe jy en jou span geen foute gemaak het nie, jy interskole gewen het en bowenal (moet ek seker aanneem as jy krities op die seuns was) SAS gespeel het?
    Dalk moet jou ook maar soos Boerboel ‘n neutrale truitjie aantrek, want ek dink nie jou post en die eweskielike ontkenning hierbo van die inhoud van jou post doen die Boishaai trui gestand nie.

    11 March, 2020 at 15:35
  29. avatar
    #89 Rainier

    @Strepie: Wie se opinie is dit dat dit goeie, gesonde wyse raad is?

    As ‘n coach is my opinie “Opinions are like %$#holes, everyone has one. Especially parents and sideline experts.”

    En hierdie is net my opinie: As jy Boerboel nodig het om jou argumente te staaf dan weet jy baie minder as wat jy dink.

    11 March, 2020 at 15:24
  30. avatar
    #88 Strepie

    @Vishuis: Ek het niemand persoonlik aangeval nie. Konstruktiewe inligting wat gebruik kan word om die Boishaai span te verbeter. Use it or loose it.

    11 March, 2020 at 15:14
  31. avatar
    #87 Vishuis

    @Strepie: Behalwe dat jou stellings heel onvanpas was, dink ek jy moet ook dalk ophou om daar uit die verte te veel na jou raadgewers te luister oor wat die Paarl aangaan en dan opinies te lug en jou amper lasterlike menings oor kinders laat maak. Bly in jou box en hou by die reel dat jy jou persoonlike aanvalle op kinders lewer nie. Jy kan dit enige tyd jou persoonlike persepsies en aanvalle van die groep af met jou raadgewers en coaches bespreek. Dink regtig dit is swak smaak van ‘n persoon wat nogal die Boishaai trui gebruik. Nie eers van die verloorspanne se ouers het so k*k houding teenoor hul eie spanne openbaar soos soos jy nie. Hoop jou raadgewers het ook vir jou genoem dat slegs 1 van die spelers laasjaar in die beginspan gespeel en dat dit 14 seuns se eerste regtige start in ‘n Boishaai trui gewees. Use it or loose it.

    11 March, 2020 at 14:36
  32. avatar
    #86 Strepie

    @BoishaaiPa: Ek hoor wat jy se, maar hoekom goeie, gesonde, wyse raad blatant ignoreer. Kom ek stel dit eerder so, indien jy bv met dieselfde pak voorspelers week in en week uit speel en jy kan sien dit sukkel bv in die lynstane(neem aan die haker gooi mooi in en die stutte doen hulle werk by die lynstane), hou jy aan met dieselfde slotte speel? NEE, jy maak n verandering…

    Ek het dalk BoerBoel se hulp, raad en advies hier nodig.

    11 March, 2020 at 12:34
  33. avatar
    #85 Strepie

    @Beet: Point taken, my apologies.

    11 March, 2020 at 12:32
  34. avatar
    #84 Toffee

    @ Beet. The kicking out of hand by a number of the flyhalves was top class.

    11 March, 2020 at 12:28
  35. avatar
    #83 BoishaaiPa

    @Strepie: Kom ek gee ongevraagde raad..Laat die coaches coach en ons hou ons neuse uit hulle sake…Ons is net ondersteuners en dit is waar dit moet bly. Dis maklik om van die kant af raad te gee..jou span hoef nie te speel nie! Ons het geen waarborg dat ons idees beter is of sal beter werk nie…So kom ons wees maar rustig en hoop vir die beste. As hulle wen dan is ons bly..as hulle verloor dan is ons sad… :mrgreen:

    11 March, 2020 at 12:27
  36. avatar
    #82 Beet

    @Toffee: I think one thing that stood out was that the flyhalves in the Southern Suburbs all appear to be quality players this season.

    11 March, 2020 at 12:26
  37. avatar
    #81 Beet

    @Strepie: Sorry Stepie. I understand you are a keen Boishaai supporter without prejudice towards anyone in the team but your comment on the individual players was too borderline.

    11 March, 2020 at 12:25
  38. avatar
    #80 Strepie

    @kokkie: Ek hoor wat jy se, maar die gevaarligte flikker. Ek probeer opbouende kritiek lewer, kraak nie af en is nie negatief nie. Die afrigters moet luister na die kundiges wat die spelers ken en weet wie waar moet speel. Tans speel spelers uit posisie, daar kan nog met skuiwe in die agterlyn die span verbeter en sterker maak.

    11 March, 2020 at 11:01
  39. avatar
    #79 Toffee

    Went to the Newlands Rugby Day.Boland Landbou are a very good and balanced team. Good forwards and backs. Top ten. SACS were poor but looked very rusty, whereas Boland have played a few more. SACS will get better, classy flyhalf and outside centre.

    Paarl Boys are going to take some beating.Solid pack of forwards and class all over the field. Bosch are a good side but the tight five struggled. The one prop is very small. Although against Paarl Boys this would be exaugurated….

    Wynberg beating PRG was the surprise of the night. Wynberg have a typically nuggety and hardworking pack, with some nice backs.What stood out to me it was 10 all with time up and on the half way line, the temptation would be to kick it out ( a draw against PRG would be seen as a win) but Wynberg went for it and scored the winning try.Wynberg surprised PRG and no doubt in the real fixture this PRG side is a good 20 points better than Wynberg. Just good to see Wynbergs fighting spirit, you cant ask for more.

    The final match between Bishops and Gym was class and a cut above all the other matches. Bishops will be top ten and Gym will be top three.

    11 March, 2020 at 10:58
  40. avatar
    #78 boerboel

    @Strepie: ja 13 moet 15 speel -sal 14 skuif na senter

    kies dan van rooyen

    11 March, 2020 at 10:37
  41. avatar
    #77 kokkie

    @Strepie: Boishaai het heel goed vertoon….so ook gimmies, landbou en bisbops….die res redelik average…maar ek lees nie te veel in die games nie…Baie onnodige foute by prg game..maar seker Jaques Hanekom sal dit nog aanspreek….sterkte vir Boishaai se game teen monnas…

    11 March, 2020 at 09:55
  42. avatar
    #76 BoishaaiPa

    @Chronicle: I would say both. As Djou mentions as well, there is no real accountability. Coupled with outdated game plans and you have a recipe for constant under performance. The Kiwis mentioned it in their rugby program this week..How our schools and some clubs can play an expansive game using all our skills, but somehow when we get to u/20 level those skills and game plans seems to dissappear

    21 February, 2020 at 12:32
  43. avatar
    #75 Djou

    Hierdie kan ‘n interessante gesprek word.
    Een ding wat ek opmerk is dat daar min accountability is. Bv hoeveel vorder van SA skole na SA o.20 en van daar na super en Top 14 spanne en van daar na Springbokke. En hoeveel wat nie SA skole en SA o.20 gespeel het nie vorder na Springbokke.
    Dan behoort die keurders en afrigters verantwoordelik gehou te word vir die wat nie vorder nie – regdeur terug na Cravenweekspanne.
    Rassie is mos direkteur van rugby en behoort die strukture en accountability in plek te stel.

    21 February, 2020 at 11:27
  44. avatar
    #74 Strepie

    @Smallies: Ek skeer sommer gek.
    Sean Roux en kie is regtig ‘useless’ en ja, die kwota stelsel is n gemors.

    21 February, 2020 at 11:06
  45. avatar
    #73 Smallies

    @Strepie: Kies die spelers op vorm ,dis so maklik soos dit ,maar ons o20 afrigters word deur die sogenaamde green squad stelsel beperk tot seker spelers…..Dan praat ons nog nie eers oor poletiek gedrewe kwotas nie.Kyk Chean Roux is nie die mees innoverendste afrigter ter wereld nie nou word hy nog beneuk deur saru

    21 February, 2020 at 10:39
  46. avatar
    #72 Strepie

    @Chronicle: The Grey okes will tell you, too few Grey players in the side :)

    21 February, 2020 at 09:35
  47. avatar
    #71 Chronicle

    @BoishaaiPa: Ok, so the question is do we have a coaching problem or bad coaches?

    21 February, 2020 at 09:34
  48. avatar
    #70 BoishaaiPa

    @Chronicle: The gold he won was with the team playing in SA in 2012 and that team lost its first game against Ireland in Stellenbosch and had to score 4 tries against England to make the playoffs…that team had a great captain and some star players like Jan Serfontein etc. Not much coaching to do there..With the talent he had at his disposal over his tenure to win just one gold and one silver is actually a huge under achievement in my opinion. We don’t have to agree but if one title and one silver is good enough for you with the schoolboy talent we have, that is your choice I guess. None of our u/20 coaches have actually performed on par with the talent available and that is partly due to bad selection and bad planning.

    21 February, 2020 at 07:32
  49. avatar
    #69 Strepie

    @Chronicle: Hear hear!!

    20 February, 2020 at 16:37
  50. avatar
    #68 Chronicle

    @BoishaaiPa: I caught the end of Dawie Theron’s coaching career since we returned to SA in 2015.
    But I checked his record. He is the only coach who won a gold and silver medal with the Junior Boks since the change in format in 2008.
    So he couldn’t have been so bad. The way some people go about it I thought the Junior Boks ended last. Just to show that some people’s comments should be ignored completely.
    The best the other coaches managed is 3rd.

    20 February, 2020 at 16:36
  51. avatar
    #67 BoishaaiPa

    @Balikibaba: At least you will have 40 minutes at Newlands against Gim to showcase your 2020 team.

    20 February, 2020 at 13:37
  52. avatar
    #66 BoishaaiPa

    @Balikibaba: Once upon a time is how fairytales start..please focus on the now and present time.

    20 February, 2020 at 13:35
  53. avatar
    #65 BoishaaiPa

    @Balikibaba: Will always be less than Bishops…

    20 February, 2020 at 13:34
  54. avatar
    #64 Balikibaba

    @Strepie: I saw. Alas rugby is not cricket. lol

    20 February, 2020 at 13:29
  55. avatar
    #63 Balikibaba

    @BoishaaiPa: Oh….mummy was watching by under 16 when we drilled you! :lol:

    20 February, 2020 at 13:28
  56. avatar
    #62 Strepie

    @BoishaaiPa: I have to note that Bishops thumped us on the cricket field this past weekend.

    20 February, 2020 at 13:28
  57. avatar
    #61 Balikibaba

    @Strepie: Zero, because I believe Boishaai wined about them about 5 years ago.

    How many Boishaai players are there in the first team that were in another school 2 years ago? Asking for a friend. :wink:

    20 February, 2020 at 13:28
  58. avatar
    #60 BoishaaiPa

    @Balikibaba:I don’t blame her either..No mum wants to see their boytjie getting smashed by the boertjies from Paarl..No I understand why you rarely see a mother next to the fields when Boishaai play Bishops..Mum always knows better :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    20 February, 2020 at 13:22
  59. avatar
    #59 Strepie

    @Balikibaba: How many post matrics in the Bishops first team this year?

    20 February, 2020 at 13:19
  60. avatar
    #58 Balikibaba

    @BoishaaiPa: That’s why she never came and watched me. lol

    20 February, 2020 at 13:16
  61. avatar
    #57 Balikibaba

    @Strepie: I know he is. But still…..no. lol

    20 February, 2020 at 13:16
  62. avatar
    #56 BoishaaiPa

    @Balikibaba: Your mummy would have kept you back had she known the size of the 14 year old’s you were about to play!. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    20 February, 2020 at 13:14
  63. avatar
    #55 boerboel

    @Strepie: :-D :-D :-D :-D :mrgreen:

    well read

    20 February, 2020 at 13:08
  64. avatar
    #54 Strepie

    @Balikibaba: He is a very very clever guy.

    20 February, 2020 at 13:06
  65. avatar
    #53 boerboel

    @Balikibaba: but it shows now 8-O :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    read Outliers=it will shine some light on the issue

    20 February, 2020 at 13:03
  66. avatar
    #52 Balikibaba

    @BoishaaiPa: So were loads of the Bishops boys. I was a November baby, but my mummy never kept me back. :lol: :lol: :lol:

    20 February, 2020 at 12:43
  67. avatar
    #51 Balikibaba

    @Strepie: I am afraid not even Boishaaipa would be able to solve the crypto algorithms!!!! :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    20 February, 2020 at 12:42
  68. avatar
    #50 Balikibaba

    @Smallies: and we love keeping you entertained. :lol:

    20 February, 2020 at 12:41
  69. avatar
    #49 boerboel

    @BoishaaiPa: Stem 100p saam.Dawie overated.

    bitter swak by 0/20

    20 February, 2020 at 12:29
  70. avatar
    #48 Strepie

    @Balikibaba: These calculations about ages, standards, grades, post matrics or can all be solved with a nice algorithm. You and @BoishaaiPa should get together and solve all the problems of today’s world.
    Maybe we can use the same calc to solve all the crypto mysteries. :-D

    20 February, 2020 at 12:25
  71. avatar
    #47 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa: @Balikibaba: Ek geniet die gesprek vreeslik baie

    20 February, 2020 at 12:18
  72. avatar
    #46 BoishaaiPa

    @Balikibaba: They were probably all Nov/Dec birthday boys who’s mum’s held them back..That’s the reason why they were still in St 7 but only turning 16 at the end of the year..and hence the comment that his got a young team..they all were still 15 at the time!…Pure Logic man!

    20 February, 2020 at 12:15
  73. avatar
    #45 Balikibaba

    @Strepie: yes, because he was being kept out the Boishaai A side by 15 other Boishaai bursary boys. AT least he could play A team at Bishops. lol

    20 February, 2020 at 11:58
  74. avatar
    #44 Balikibaba

    @Palma: ah…ok. That makes sense. I am no longer close enough to the school to know these things. :lol:

    20 February, 2020 at 11:56
  75. avatar
    #43 Balikibaba

    @BoishaaiPa: Bought? Have you got a copy of the contract? :lol: I don’t believe Mr van der Merwe ever got a scholarship. I believe he paid his own way. The first sports bursary that Bishops ever handed out was in 1987 to a certain Mr Gibbs. Mr van der Merwe was before his time.

    But I do know that in 1990 the Boishaai u16 coach told the Bishops u16 coach that they were very fortunate because the side was a very young one. When the Bishops coach queried what he meant because they were either u16 or they weren’t, the Boishaai coach explained that several of them were still in Std 7. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    20 February, 2020 at 11:55
  76. avatar
    #42 Palma

    @Balikibaba: Yes just digging a bit deeper now it was Bishops 2nd team that attended the tournament.

    20 February, 2020 at 11:52
  77. avatar
    #41 Strepie

    @BoishaaiPa: I recall a certain Mr Kloosman that crossed the BoereworsGordyn.

    20 February, 2020 at 11:50
  78. avatar
    #40 BoishaaiPa

    @Balikibaba: You mean the Boishaai boys who Bishops bought to keep back to play for them for another year?..aka Mr vd Merwe en Co?. :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: .

    20 February, 2020 at 11:47
  79. avatar
    #39 BoishaaiPa

    @capetownsoutie: Perhaps some research on your side needs to be done as well..Boishaai is not playing anyone outside their normal fixtures during the WP season. The WP season starts around 4 April, by which time they have done their Irish tour already..They play at St Johns..which they do every year, then they play at Wildeklawer, which they do every year..and the only school they play outside WP is Grey (which they play every year in any case). So for which other school outside WP did they chose to play according to you to opt out of the Bishops game?..They were handed a fixture list just like Bishops and everyone else and play whomever is on that list. If you look closely you might pick up that Stellenberg was swopped around this year to play Boishaai and is not playing Bishops. Therein lies the difference…and the comment of yourself and your buddy caperugga about Boishaai being scared..Come on..that is a bit childish is it not?

    20 February, 2020 at 11:45
  80. avatar
    #38 Balikibaba

    @Palma: not sure, but if you look at http://www.sacshoolsport.co.za they are ranked number 1 and have won all 10 games. SO, not sure what te story at Selbourne was?

    20 February, 2020 at 11:45
  81. avatar
    #37 Balikibaba

    @Strepie: You mean like the Boishaai boys who were kept back a year to play some more rugby for the school?

    No. I was in matric and was never kept back a year to play more rugby. :)

    20 February, 2020 at 11:43
  82. avatar
    #36 BoishaaiPa

    @Chronicle: Well, it’s really not an issue for me if you believe me or not, but I can only convey on what I have been told. The A and B teams already have established coaches for backs and forwards, why bring in another one?..to many cooks spoil the broth.

    20 February, 2020 at 11:23
  83. avatar
    #35 Vleis

    @Strepie: @Chronicle: US College football players do not earn a cent, but the top coaches earn between R100m to R150m per annum, which is way more than even the Deans of the Colleges. That said, the football programs bring in huge amounts of profits and marketing/recognition for the Colleges, so clearly these coaches are worth their salaries.

    High school rugby is in a very different league to College football, but didn’t a Garsie chap on this board say that the number of boys increased from 500 to 800 during the period when their rugby improved. Also, a Jeppe dad told me that when their rugby improved, they went from only having 180 boys per grade to the maximum of 200, with an application list of some 1,000 for the grade…so they could pick much more talented academics, rugby players, hockey players, etc, which strengthened the entire school.

    I’m not suggesting that the director of rugby is more important than the headmaster, but they can make a massive difference to a school.

    20 February, 2020 at 11:21
  84. avatar
    #34 Palma

    @Balikibaba: I saw Bishops played at Selborne’s waterpolo tournament and received some mixed results. Was this an invitational team perhaps? I saw Bishops play at the St Andrews shield two weeks ago in which they won and they were formidable. It surely couldn’t be the same team at the Vides tournament.

    20 February, 2020 at 11:12
  85. avatar
    #33 boerboel

    @caperugga: HJS do not choose who they play in the Western Cape-they are given fixtures.

    you are very naive to think we tried to avoid Bishops.Gim as well-they play all comers.

    And why would HJS be weaker?

    what do you know that we dont?

    20 February, 2020 at 10:28
  86. avatar
    #32 Strepie

    @Chronicle: I agree with you 100%, although the expertise that a professional coach brings to the table would be more than your average run of the mill school teacher.
    I guess it will always be a case of supply and demand.

    20 February, 2020 at 09:45
  87. avatar
    #31 Chronicle

    @Strepie: In my opinion a school’s coach should receive what teachers are paid.

    20 February, 2020 at 09:38
  88. avatar
    #30 Strepie

    @Chronicle: a Million bucks for a schools rugby coach, where has the world gone…

    20 February, 2020 at 07:29
  89. avatar
    #29 Strepie

    @Balikibaba: Were you also a post matric whilst fielding at cover?

    20 February, 2020 at 07:27
  90. avatar
    #28 Chronicle

    @Strepie: Million! Not talking about your school.

    20 February, 2020 at 06:31
  91. avatar
    #27 Balikibaba

    @Smallies: I wouldn’t know. I fielded cricket balls on the Frank Reid! :lol:

    19 February, 2020 at 23:36
  92. avatar
    #26 Strepie

    @Chronicle: …not nearly a million, i am not sure where you get your facts.

    Iedergeval, Dawie bly n puik aanwins vir enige land, provinsie, klub or skool.

    19 February, 2020 at 19:31
  93. avatar
    #25 Strepie

    @Chronicle: Soos wyle Tom Engela altyd gesê het, ‘first amoungst equals’

    Glad nie arrogant nie my maat.
    Ons Namib manne se voete is plat op die grond, hoe ken jy ons dan anders.

    19 February, 2020 at 19:26
  94. avatar
    #24 Chronicle

    @Strepie: It takes a lot of arrogance to say no arrogance. You just walked into a trap with that answer, given what some of your supporters are saying on this blog and other media.

    19 February, 2020 at 19:13
  95. avatar
    #23 Chronicle

    @BoishaaiPa: Somehow I find it hard to believe your “kennis”.
    Think about it. Here is the former SA U.20 coach and he fell down so hard that he said yes to coaching a school’s c and d teams, while a few km’s further away he could get a coaching job paying almost a million.
    Was he really so desperate that he would agree to coach a c and d team?
    I don’t know, you know better!

    19 February, 2020 at 19:07
  96. avatar
    #22 Smallies

    @Balikibaba: I tried waterpolo once ,nearly died.The fitness levels required is insane ,not a game for sissies

    19 February, 2020 at 17:21
  97. avatar
    #21 Balikibaba

    @Strepie: Well, they are unbeaten and ranked number 1 in the country so far this year. :)

    19 February, 2020 at 16:49
  98. avatar
    #20 Strepie

    @caperugga: @Boishaaipa rankings are almost faultless.

    19 February, 2020 at 15:35
  99. avatar
    #19 caperugga

    @Strepie: Exactly when have Bishops ever selected their own fixtures in past years? Maybe you should get your facts right before making an outrageous statement like that. Unlike the Paarl schools, Bishops adheres to the rules set out by the WP rugby board and plays the fixtures that are assigned to them. From what has been said by a number of reliable sources, Paarl Boys High have a relatively weaker team this year so isn’t it quite interesting that THEY have chosen not to play Bishops this year. Finally, if you actually think that the rankings are an accurate representation of how good a schoolboy team is, then you clearly don’t understand school rugby in this country.

    19 February, 2020 at 15:18
  100. avatar
    #18 PaarlBok

    @Strepie: Excellent coaches.

    19 February, 2020 at 14:25
  101. avatar
    #17 Strepie

    @capetownsoutie: There is nothing arrogant about Boishaai.

    19 February, 2020 at 14:18
  102. avatar
    #16 Strepie

    I thought Bishops is traditionally a water polo school :)

    19 February, 2020 at 14:17
  103. avatar
    #15 PaarlBok

    @capetownsoutie: Did they play waterpolo vs the Paarl schools?

    19 February, 2020 at 14:17
  104. avatar
    #14 Balikibaba

    @Strepie: I would imagine that Bishops would LOVE to play Boishaai and Gim in a full game this year. I seriously doubt they want to dodge them in a year where they potentially have their best team since 1992. I would imagine they are slightly irritated. Rankings don’t mean much to Bishops.

    19 February, 2020 at 13:49
  105. avatar
    #13 capetownsoutie

    @Strepie: Maybe do some research before commenting. Bishops is hugely disappointed they are not playing Gim or Boys High in league this year, it is actually as a result of the Paarl schools’ choices, nothing to do with Bishops choosing their fixtures. Gim and Boys High (in typical arrogant fashion) have chosen rather to play teams from outside the Cape than honour their traditional fixtures against Southern Suburbs opposition this year. If anything it’s them scared of playing Bishops…

    19 February, 2020 at 13:34
  106. avatar
    #12 Strepie

    @PaarlBok: Wat van Charles Mangold?

    19 February, 2020 at 13:18
  107. avatar
    #11 PaarlBok

    @Strepie: Daai krediet kan jy vir Helmut Lehman gee.

    19 February, 2020 at 12:52
  108. avatar
    #10 BoishaaiPa

    @Strepie: Dawie was net betrokke by die 0/19C en D spanne volgens n Gim kennis van my. Sover ek kon onthou het die C span se forwards van Gim redelik geknor teen BH, maar nog steeds gewen agv hulle backline en verskeie onverklaarbare penalties. Ek het die game nogal goed dopgehou verlede jaar want ek kon nie glo n span met soveel dominansie voor verloor die game nie.

    19 February, 2020 at 12:49
  109. avatar
    #9 Strepie

    Dawie het net daardie ekstra ‘finesse’ op die spanne se vaste fasette kom sit.
    Hy weet wat hy doen, Gim het HJS deur die bank op die grond geklop, gaan kyk maar gerus…14s, 15s 16s en ope (Daisies, Chiefs en Seccies).
    Ek was dus veral beindruk met die losskrums.
    Dryfmale is weer Helmut se kos.
    Slaptjips trek natuurlik die hele spulletjie bymekaar.

    19 February, 2020 at 12:11
  110. avatar
    #8 BoishaaiPa

    @Strepie: Hy was deel van die aansoeke om Sean se pos te vul. Hy was nie suksesvol nie. Hy het nie sy dienste aangebied soseer nie maar eerder aansoek gedoen. As ek na die jong bokkies onder hom se uitslae kyk asook terugvoer van spelers onder hom is dit miskien die regte keuse gewees uit n BH punt. Gim se pakke voorspelers was nog altyd goed ..laank voor Dawie se tyd daar en sal ook nog wees lank na sy tyd. Ek sal nie te veel krediet in sy rigting gooi daarvoor nie.

    19 February, 2020 at 11:12
  111. avatar
    #7 Strepie

    @Trots HJS (Tandem): Ek weet vir n feit dat Dawie Theron sy dienste so n jaar of twee terug by ons aangebied het, hoekom dit nie aanvaar is nie blyk nou n baie dom besluit te gewees het. Gim se pakke voorspelers reg deur die bank wys hul staal! Hulle dons behoorlik in!

    19 February, 2020 at 06:46
  112. avatar
    #6 Smallies

    @Trots HJS (Tandem): Ek het so n paar jaar terug gese dat slap chips my nie regtig beindruk as skole rugby afrigter nie ….ek was verkeerd

    19 February, 2020 at 06:07
  113. avatar
    #5 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @Smallies: Gim het beste afrigtingsspan in skole rugby . Watter span het 2 Springbokke naamlik Pieter Rossouw en Dawie Theron om hulle af te rig ? As ons Super 15 spanne maar sulke manne gehad het !!

    18 February, 2020 at 20:53
  114. avatar
    #4 Strepie

    @Smallies: Basies onstuitbaar. Ligte op die Kriel veld brand week in week uit al vanaf Oktober 2019.

    18 February, 2020 at 18:57
  115. avatar
    #3 Smallies

    @Strepie: klink my Gim gaan ook n Skurwe span he die jaar

    18 February, 2020 at 18:54
  116. avatar
    #2 Strepie

    @boerboel: Bishops kies ook hulle wedstryde mooi in die jare wat hulle verwoestende spanne het.
    Speel nie Boishaai of Paarl Gim vanjaar in volwaardige wedstryde nie.

    Hulle gaan hoog ‘rank’, maak maar n kantnota.

    18 February, 2020 at 18:38
  117. avatar
    #1 boerboel

    Paar interresante wedstryde

    gim vs bishops-my geld is op bishops

    18 February, 2020 at 10:58

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