SA Schools & SA Schools A – 2024

1 Phiwayinkosi Khubeka Maritzburg College 1 Jordan Jooste HJS Paarl BH
2 Esethu Mnebelele KES 2 Liam van Wyk Grey College
3 Aidan Botha Maritzburg College 3 Duan Potgieter EG Jansen
4 James Schnetler Garsfontein 4 Tom Barnard Rondebosch
5 Riley Norton Paul Roos 5 JD Hattingh Affies
6 Kebotile Maake KES 6 Briint Davids Milnerton
7 Josh Neill Rondebosch 7 Sipho Nonyalela Kingswood
8 Adan da Costa Wynberg 8 Ruben Kruger Affies
9 Adeeb Borraine Paul Roos 9 Handre Schoeman Affies
10 Yaqeen Ahmed Wynberg 10 Luan Giliomee Charlie Hofmeyr
11 Cheswill Jooste Noordheuwel 11 Junaid Steward Garsfontein
12 Janco Purchase Affies 12 Zingce Simka Durban HS
13 Pieter van der Merwe Grey College 13 Markus Miller Paarl Gim
14 Kuthadzo Rasivhaga Jeppe 14 Nisako Ndlovu Pretoria BH
15 Alzeadon Felix Grey College 15 Akahluwa Boqwana Durban HS
16 Mahle Sithole Durban HS 16 Xabiso Mkiva Wynberg
17 Oliver Reid Paul Roos 17 Andre Poulton Jeppe
18 Cruz Davey HJS Paarl BH 18 Luquobo Makwedini Wynberg
19 AJ Meyer Grey College 19 Ruan Viviers Boland Landbou
20 Vuyo Gwiji Northwood 20 Risima Khosa Jeppe
21 Elgernon Meyer Outeniqua 21 Zaide Rippenaar EG Jansen
22 Vusi Moyo KES 22 Philip McLaren Grey College
23 Ethan Adams Grey College 23 Viaan Mentoor HJS Paarl BH
24 Cecil Parsons Voortrekker (Beth) 24 Kurt Coetzee Outeniqua
25 Torren February Wynberg 25 Gcina Puzi Selborne
26 Torren February Wynberg 26 Gcina Puzi Selborne
Coach JAMES WINSTANLEY Kingswood 26 BOBBY MARTIN Milnerton

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  1. avatar
    #51 Kaya 85

    @Snelvuur (Comment #44)
    Very convincing points you make.

    6 July, 2024 at 22:51
  2. avatar
    #50 Smallies

    @Bungee (Comment #46)
    As jy dan voel Felix is nie die beste 10 nie moet hom nie kies nie ….hoe voel al die fantastiese 15s nou kies die beste 15 op 15 en die beste 10 op 10 ….dis eintlik dan maar al wat ek se moenie die laaity rondfok nie ook nie ander ter wille van crap nie

    6 July, 2024 at 15:36
  3. avatar
    #49 Smallies

    @Bungee (Comment #46)
    Maar ja ek het klaar my se oor die kak gese ek dink almal weet hoe ek voel oor die shit ,sien julle weer as daar oor skole gepraat word waar saru nie betrokke by is nie… cheers …gaan nou kamp

    6 July, 2024 at 15:29
  4. avatar
    #48 Smallies

    @Bungee (Comment #46)
    Ek het BAIE 15s die jaar gesien wat kak goed is met Hein Stockenstroom heel voor in die ry ,Boishaai 15 puik ,Gim 15 giftig ,Affie 15 kookwater daar is geen gebrek aan kwalityd heelagters nie ….Kortom gestel Feliks het heel jaar lank die wereld stil gespeel op 10 ,nou skielik is hy n 15….kak man

    6 July, 2024 at 15:22
  5. avatar
    #47 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #44)

    6 July, 2024 at 15:21
  6. avatar
    #46 Bungee

    Ek verstaan ook nie hoekom daar nou n boe-haai gemaak word oor Felix op fullback, as ‘n groot hoeveelheid van die groep al vir ‘n lang ruk sê hulle dink Felix gaan fullback toe moet skuif?

    Ek dink ook die jaar groep het ‘n uiterse talentvolle 10-groep, terwyl die 15-groep dalk ‘n bietjie slegter lyk. So as meer van die die 10’s in die span ingesluit kan word, wat is sleg daaraan? Ek glo Ahmed en Moyo verdien beide ook die eer om die span te gemaak het.

    6 July, 2024 at 15:04
  7. avatar
    #45 Bungee

    @Smallies (Comment #33)

    Hoe sou jy sê moes die backline dan lyk vir dit om nie ‘n agenda te pas nie?

    6 July, 2024 at 15:04
  8. avatar
    #44 Snelvuur

    @Deon (Comment #42)
    I don’t think the intention is to leave Felix out in the cold. I think the intention is to move him to a position where he can have a longer term future in pro rugby. If you want to judge him by the fruit of what he did in tough games: he directly caused two of WP’s tries in the “final” (De Kock’s and Badenhorst’s) and Muller’s in the SA Schools game. To deny that he has shortcomings in his game also does his development a disservice. He has clear work-ons. He has the potential to play a Willie le Roux role at fullback (i.e., to defend at fullback and to take the ball at first receiver on attack). If anything, them moving him to fullback is aimed at giving him a longer future in the game, rather than to leave him out in the cold.

    6 July, 2024 at 14:47
  9. avatar
    #43 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #41)
    Ja, maar van die ouens wat wel Springbok speel, was meeste by Cravenweek. Uit die aard van die saak sal almal wat Cravenweek speel nie Springbok speel nie, maar amper almal wat Springbok speel het Cravenweek gespeel.

    6 July, 2024 at 14:41
  10. avatar
    #42 Deon

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #26)
    Felix is a far better attacker than Ahmed, and although not number one in defence, no real liability on defence, hence he was player of the tournament, and comfortably and deservedly so. Stop creating unimaginative excuses that fit you to leave the young man in the cold, judge a tree by its fruit, and not what you choose to believe will happen in the distant future, do like those who selected him over Ahmed and Co. as player of the tournament did. As with Dames, their non-selection (s) can never be excused and is a blight on SBR. I so wish I could witness him silencing you in a game against Wynberg.

    6 July, 2024 at 13:09
  11. avatar
    #41 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #39)
    Van die duisende seuns wat al CW gespeel het oor die laaste 50 jaar het slegs 243 Springbokke geword ,dit sluit one test wonders in …
    Volgens n bron van 2014 ek twyfel of daar in die laaste 11 jaar 20 by gekom het
    Ultimate rugby sept 2023
    13 van die 2023 squad het nie cravenweek gespeel nie

    6 July, 2024 at 12:00
  12. avatar
    #40 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #39)
    Die conversion rate van CW na bok is so iets soos 1 % ek sal die stats weer gaan opsoek

    6 July, 2024 at 11:54
  13. avatar
    #39 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #38)
    Is dit? Watter van die onlangs capped Bokke het nie CW of AW gespeel nie? Ek twyfel of daar baie is.

    6 July, 2024 at 11:50
  14. avatar
    #38 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #35)
    Die conversion rate van CW na Springbok is so laag dat dit nie eers saak maak nie….

    6 July, 2024 at 11:45
  15. avatar
    #37 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #36)
    Nee, die o20s sukkel, want hulle is baie swak afgerig. Die ouens verstaan nie die sisteem waarin hulle speel nie – dis hoekom hulle soveel strafskoppe afstaan by die afbreekpunte: die cleaners is nie daar nie want hulle verstaan nie waar hulle moet wees binne die sisteem om betyds daar te wees nie. Dit is ‘n ongelooflike talentvolle groep spelers. Ek dink ten minste Van Heerden, Hlekani, Jacobs, Porthen en Julius het ‘n shot om Bokke te speel in die volgende 5 jaar.

    6 July, 2024 at 11:45
  16. avatar
    #36 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #35)
    So dis dan waarom die O20 span hulle gatte sien ….omdat spelers op 20 jarige ouderdom geidentifiseer is wat dalk ,moonlik ,miskien as als reg loop dalk oor 6 jaar wanneer Rassie nie meer betrokke is nie dalk vir die Bokke gekies kan word as hulle in die demografie ingepas kan word,dalk….nee man beloon hulle vir wat hulle op die CW gedoen het

    6 July, 2024 at 11:41
  17. avatar
    #35 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #34)
    Jy kan saamstem met Rassie-hulle of nie, maar hulle probeer op skool al ouens identifiseer wat die tools het om Bokrugby te speel. Dis dieselfde met krieket – dis meer waarskynlik dat hulle ‘n ou wat 140km/h kan boul gaan kies as ‘n ou wat 110km/h boul en klomp paaltjies op skool vat, want hulle soek vir skills wat sal staan in Proteakrieket. Dis die realiteit. Wat nice sal wees om te sien kan vir jou iets anders wees, maar dit verander nie die realiteit nie.

    6 July, 2024 at 11:26
  18. avatar
    #34 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #31)
    My Fok hy is op skool hy speel nie vir die bokke nie ….los die laaitys dat hulle ten minste hulle ruggas geniet op skool voordat saru hulle opfok na skool

    6 July, 2024 at 11:11
  19. avatar
    #33 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #31)
    So why can’t he do that for SA schools……ohhhhh wait then they must select a fullback that can reliably kick poles…..mmmmmmonly problem then the SA schools backline don’t fit the agenda ….ok well spyker Felix as reward for being the best Flyhalf at the tournament so that we don’t have to stuff up our precious selection agenda…nee fok man dis een foudig nie reg teenoor Felix nie

    6 July, 2024 at 11:09
  20. avatar
    #32 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #29)
    Ja nee het gesien dis maar nasty die naweek daar

    6 July, 2024 at 11:05
  21. avatar
    #31 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #30)
    He doesn’t have that problem for Grey, because he doesn’t defend in the flyhalf channel. He defends outside the outside centre – similar to what the Lions does with Nohamba and, last night, with Wolhuter. You cannot play 10 for the Boks and not defend in the 10 channel.

    6 July, 2024 at 11:01
  22. avatar
    #30 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #28)
    He was still player of the tournament while playing flyhalf ,the SA schools were anounced BEFORE the final game ,it proparbly had a massive influence on him ,just like being chosen for WP B had on Dames….Felix had no defensive liability against big ball carrying forwards the whole season thus far…now suddenly he has this made up liability….no mate he got screwed over royally….and so were Dames ,Stockenstroom,Muller,Van Der Merwe ,Reid and a few others that do not fit in with saru’s agenda,anyway laat ek maar eerder ophou comment hier want ek het nie die agitation nodig nie ,al wat ek nog gaan se is die volgende ….Die SA skole span is veronderstel om n beloning te wees vir goeie spel op die toernooi dis nie veronderstel om n proefneming vir saru te wees nie ,dis onregverdig en bitterlik factup van hulle ,maar ja ek het in alle geval geen se oor dit nie so laat ek maar eerder niks verder se oor die kak wat cravenweek en SA skole deesdae is nie ,gelukkig begin ware skole rugby eersdaags weer, waar spelers op grond van hulle talent en vermoens gekies word deur afrigters wat weet wat hulle doen…en geen agenda het waarvolgens spanne gekies moet word nie

    6 July, 2024 at 10:57
  23. avatar
    #29 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #21)
    Wag tot jy die weervoorspelling vir die Kaap sien die week.

    6 July, 2024 at 10:36
  24. avatar
    #28 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #27)
    Felix was player of the tournament at CW, but had a shocker against WP. He had two good games against the Griffons and the Bulls (both teams who lost more than they won). He is obviously very talented, but our Wynberg friend isn’t wrong – Felix is a liability on defence: not only due to his size, but also because he makes poor defensive reads (see, for example, Muller’s try). He makes me think of Curwin Bosch (although he is better on attack and Bosch was a far better kicker) – and we saw how Bosch’s defence was exposed at pro level. In Grey’s defensive system, they can cover for him, but at pro level they would not be able to (that’s why Nohamba is also not in the Bok squad, despite being the player of the tournament in the URC). Ahmed has a much more rounded game than Felix currently.

    6 July, 2024 at 10:33
  25. avatar
    #27 Smallies

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #26)
    You cannot hide a flyhalf in the modern game like Grey does with Felix….so Grey do not play a modern game then … its a pity Grey dont play Wynberg, Felix would’ve ran rings around you guys with him being hidden all the time…funny how he seems to have performed exceptionally against big strong packs like Affies, Monnas,and Kes…you know those packs wich Grey hide him from …..I guess he recieved player of the tournament by hiding from the Bulls pack….such a lame ass argument.I’ll say again the reason he was picked at 15 is all political….

    6 July, 2024 at 08:52
  26. avatar
    #26 yesnomaybe

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #25)
    In connection with the flyhalves at Thursdays match, the wind played a huge part in the match. Unfortunately to rate the flyhalfs is not quite fair. Moyo only played a half with the wind, Giliomee had a great 1st half with the wind & did nothing much in the 2nd half & Ahmed only played the 1st half into the wind. It was difficult plaing against the wind as you battled to get out of your half & the A side could only score 3 points in the 2nd half. As a flyhalf, playing with the wind is so much easier. My take, Moyo best kicker, Ahmed is the quickest, best defender & best attacker so would be my choice. You cannot hide flyhalves in defensive systems in the modern game like Grey College do with Felix & I have even seen Gimmies do it, so thats definitely a part of Felix game that he needs to work on. Giliomee is super talented, however, he reminds me of Kade Wolhuter from Roos a few years back & might struggle in the big leagues due to his size.

    6 July, 2024 at 08:22
  27. avatar
    #25 Kaya 85

    Markus showed he was the class centre not only of CW but of the SAS game…stood out head and shoulders.
    Siyaya, late inclusion, took his opportunity with both hands…very happy for him. I think he comes from the same district as Sharks’s Masuku….that area going over into Mpumalanga is a growing hotbed and I think it started with those primary school and high school teachers out there in Ermelo, Paulpietersburg etc.
    Maake, Da Costa, Norton, Nebelele, all 4 locks, and others all look very decent.

    Neill is really good, like him a lot.

    A team scrum by the end was steamrollering the SA Schools into dust..

    I agree that Felix should have started at 10…they did him a disservice. But let’s see how he goes at Young Guns.

    Otherwise Giliomee and Moyo both looked better than the SASch 10.

    Lots of talent, but looking at the u20 debacle I’m starting to agree with Smallies…
    That was exactly what Allister ‘Smily Emoji’ Coetzee was doing with the Boks up till 2017…luckily Rassie was able to raise up a legacy out of what was becoming an affirmative fecking disaster.

    So, to sum up. Lots of good talent, some honest mistakes by selectors and coaches, some positives by SARU, and more than just some negatives from SARU.

    5 July, 2024 at 16:40
  28. avatar
    #24 Smallies

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #22)
    Oor Felix net die volgende, Hy was die speler van die toernooi……maar hy is nie goed genoeg volgens die clowns by saru om in die posisie te speel waar hy aangewys is as die speler van die toernooi nie …..o ja dan moet die hele demografie van die backline mos verander word ….fok ek haat saru se poletiek gedrewe beleid

    5 July, 2024 at 16:23
  29. avatar
    #23 Smallies

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #22)
    Die Mulder situasie laat my nogals dink aan die Kellerman sirkus n paar jaar gelede ….

    5 July, 2024 at 15:48
  30. avatar
    #22 agter_die_pale_pa

    Moet ook bieg dit was ‘n welkome verligting toe ek gisteraand die SAS wedstryd kon kyk na die o20 episode. Meer struktuur op verdediging deur die A-span, veral wyd en agter, sou dalk die SAS meer laat sweet om uiteindelik wedstryd deur te trek.

    Paar goed wat vir my uitgestaan het: Markus Muller het heelwat keurders op hul neuse laat kyk (ek het al vroeg in die seisoen geroep Pieter 12 en Markus 13 vir SAS), Felix maak sin op 15 maar het nie die geleenthede om voordeellyn aan te val wat hy op 10 het nie, SAS se 2 stutte het okay gehou na die bulle se skrum die sharks behoorlik opdraende gegee het in die CW, en dan Norton wat nog groot rugby gaan speel. Lyk of hy die game baie goed intyds kan lees en volwasse leierskap en kommunikasie het. Laat my baie aan Mark Andrews of Victor Matfield dink.

    5 July, 2024 at 15:39
  31. avatar
    #21 Smallies

    Moet se ek sien baie baie meer uit na Boishaai, Gim en Grey, PRG as na die o20 tjommel tjommel

    5 July, 2024 at 14:19
  32. avatar
    #20 Smallies

    @Bungee (Comment #19)
    Stem saam….die conversion rate van O13 craven week tot Provinsiale speler is baie baie laag en hulle moet ook toegerus word vir die toekoms ,veral die seuns wat van armer gemeenskappe kom, ek weet van n paar skoolseun supersterre wat vandag glad nie so goed af is nie ,ek het selfs al een toegesluit hier by my ,n jong man wat SA Skole gespeel het asook Cheetahs currie beker ….

    5 July, 2024 at 11:56
  33. avatar
    #19 Bungee

    @Smallies (Comment #18)
    Met hierdie idee kan ek saam stem. Ek dink soos wat die groot unies deesdae almal “deals” het met kleiner unies (Bulls-Boland, Stormers-Griquas, Sharks-Pumas), moet die unies ook “deals” hê met universiteite was varsity cup/club rugby speel waaraan hulle hul spelers laat gaan. Dink net as elke unie, inplaas van u19/u20 kontrakte, 3/4 jaar studie beurse gee by 1 0f 2 universiteite, hoe dit ‘n verskil sal maak in beide speler ontwikkeling so wel as vir die wat dit nie maak nie ‘n sterker basis gee. Dit sal ook die spelers forseer om hulle punte op ‘n sekere vlak te kry sodat hulle kan gaan swot

    5 July, 2024 at 11:28
  34. avatar
    #18 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #17)
    100%, daarom se ek jeug rugby gedryf deur saru na skool is n shitshow….ek begin al hoe meer dink dat kontrakte na skool totaal moet weg gemaak word vervang dit met studie beurse en laat die laaities los op varsity cup vlak ,laat hulle meeding teen hardebaard manne van 24 25 laat ons dan sien hoe groot hulle kojones regtig is ,ek vermoed baie van die sogenaamde beste in die land o20 spelers is n klomp primadonnas wat al van o13 vlak af deur saru opgepiep word met die vals idee dat hulle die beste is ,meanwhile is daar outjies op varsity vlak wat hulle vir brekvis sal eet…

    5 July, 2024 at 10:40
  35. avatar
    #17 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #15)
    Ek stem gedeeltelik saam – maar daar word al vir 10 jaar gekla oor afrigters en keuses. Dit moet meer as dit wees. Ek dink die hele Junior Rugby stelsel mis uit op speeltyd en belangstelling. Gaan kyk bietjie terug op hierdie blog op die U19s & u20s tab. Vanaf 2018 tot 2024 is daar 1/8 bladsye se blogs. Vanaf 2012 tot 2017 is daar sewe bladsye se blogs. Interessant is ook die hoeveelheid speeltyd – ‘n paar jaar terug het spelers maklik 13-15 wedstryde gespeel provinsiaal. Iets het fundamenteel verander in hoe rugby in daardie 2 jaar na skool bemark en bestuur word. Ingesluit ander areas waar die geld na verplaas word.

    5 July, 2024 at 10:18
  36. avatar
    #16 Smallies

    n Goeie voorbeeld is die SA skole afrigtets…..waar het hulle provinsies in die CW ge eindig dat hulle daardie vooreg het,het enige van hulle provinsies bo verwagting goed presteer? Waar is die Afrigters wat spanne in die final gehad het? Hulle is beide goeie afrigters op skole vlak maar wat maak hulle so spesiaal dat hulle ons sogenaamde beste skole spelers moet afrig, of word hulle ook gekies op grond van wat hulle dalk moonlik miskien in die toekoms kan wees,want die beste by die CW was hulle beslis nie …

    5 July, 2024 at 09:25
  37. avatar
    #15 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #13)
    @Bungee (Comment #14)
    saru is die grootste enkele probleem.Die EPD beleid wat hulle slaafs volg werk nie ,teen die tyd dat somige van daardie spelers O 20 vlak bereik is hulle eenvoudig nie goed genoeg ,groot genoeg of vinnig genoeg nie ,maar omdat saru geld bele het in hulle vir 3 of vier oefen kampe oor n ses jaar tydperk reken hulle hierdie spelers is die shit….wat baie van hulle nie meer is nie ,voeg daarby saru se factup poletiek bokand talent benadering vir ALLE spanne behalwe die Bokke dan het jy n resep vir chaos,dan sit jy nog met n onbevoegde/ onopgewasse afrigter ook(hier is Rassie egter skuldig,maar ook saru poletiek).Iemand soos Wesdup moes al laaaaaaaaankal nader getrek gewees het….maar nou ja solank die Bokke wen is ons mos tjappers ….saru is n joke ,ek wil so ver gaan om te se dat enige van ons top rugby skole se programme baie baie beter is as die crap wat saru opdis van SA skole vlak tot by o 20 vlak.Dis om van naar te word.
    Bafana Nhleko is amper net so n swak afrigter as wat Chean Roux was …

    5 July, 2024 at 09:10
  38. avatar
    #14 Bungee

    @Kantman (Comment #13)
    Ek dink die belangrikke ene hier is span wat deur SARU bestuur word. Die u20 afrigtingspan (hoofafrigter) het baie mense al oor gekla. Die spelers lyk vir my beide asof hulle natuurlikspel nie toegelaat word nie (wees dit agv uitposisie speel of wat) en asof hulle nie die gameplan lekker snap nie. Beide die is teken van slegte afrigting.

    5 July, 2024 at 08:27
  39. avatar
    #13 Kantman

    Die u20 span se verloor teen Argentinië is tipies van waar ons post skool, pre Springbok rugby tans is. Ons het laas in 2012 ‘n u20 reeks gewen. Wat het verander tot nou?
    Ek dink @Smallies is dalk reg oor waar hy staan ten opsigte van enige span/toernooi wat deur SARU bestuur word.

    4 July, 2024 at 20:50
  40. avatar
    #12 Smallies

    @Bungee (Comment #11)
    Saru lei hom seker nie meer nat nir CW is verby en die WP het mos gewen so daar kan mos nou op n droe veld gejol word🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4 July, 2024 at 15:34
  41. avatar
    #11 Bungee

    Kul my oe my, of lyk die veld aansienlik droeer vandag?

    4 July, 2024 at 15:16
  42. avatar
    #10 yesnomaybe

    and to answer the question regarding selectors etc, no Wynberg coach, assistant coach, S&C staff, Physio, Manager is involved in either WP Rugby or SA Schools rugby.

    3 July, 2024 at 13:51
  43. avatar
    #9 yesnomaybe

    Yes valid point, the year started very well leading up to & beating Paarl Boys in Paarl for the first time ever. Wheels have come off slightly & they need to get back on the bus very soon. There are some talented boys there but I felt that they were more interested in playing for themselves then for the team, not playing the system, etc. A lot of the team tries were set up by an individual doing something special as opposed to going through many phases for more of a team try. 4 of the 5 boys are players of colour which definitely helped the numbers & this is not to say that they don’t deserve the callup because there is no doubt for e.g that Yaqeen would easily make the side without his colour being questioned. Hopefully they can turn their season around & finish strongly now that distractions like Craven Week are out the way. For e.g this age group has never lost to Gim in age group rugby but as we all know 1st team level is a different beast.

    3 July, 2024 at 13:48
  44. avatar
    #8 Kaya 85

    @Grizzly (Comment #7)
    Yeah good question Grizzly, this was part of a discussion on the CW thread earlier. no disrespect to Wynberg, excellent school, great educators, astute management, big rugby programme (nice looking jerseys too)…but if they can field 5 SA Schools / Schools A players in one year you have to ask ‘why don’t they dominate WP school matches? I’ve got no skin in the game, I’m up north, …

    3 July, 2024 at 10:18
  45. avatar
    #7 Grizzly

    Lees ek reg?Wynberg 5 en Gim 1 in die vergrote groep?Is daar enige afrigter/keurder van Wynberg betrokke by enige bostaande spanne?

    3 July, 2024 at 09:23
  46. avatar
    #6 Grasshopper

    Guessing No 26 in the main team is supposed to be Zekhethelo Siyaya of Westville

    1 July, 2024 at 21:31
  47. avatar
    #5 Smallies

    @Smallies (Comment #4)
    Sorry neh hy speel vie die Shimlas 🙈🙈🙈

    1 July, 2024 at 19:20
  48. avatar
    #4 Smallies

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #2)
    Bradly Giddy speel varsity cup vir die Cheetahs

    1 July, 2024 at 18:34
  49. avatar
    #3 Kantman

    @beet – last 2 names for both teams are duplicates

    1 July, 2024 at 14:11
  50. avatar
    #2 agter_die_pale_pa

    Sorry if I am hijacking the thread, but always interesting for me to compare the u20 teams with the SAS team of 2 years back. Interesting to note, I think about 10 of the u20 team which played Fiji over the weekend, was in the 2022 SAS starting 15. But I must admit there are some notable omissions whom I thought will be more prominent in the 2024 u20-team. Difficult to follow the boys after matric, would be interesting to hear where they are now?
    Especially on the 9/10 combinations – there where some very exiting players in 2022 (Steven Nel/Stihan Heymans – Bulls, Emrique Liedeman/Thurlon Williams – WP, and especially Caleb Abrahams/Brad Gibby – CGB. Then Alfonso Isaacs from CGB was an exceptional player in 2022. The de Jongh-combo from Paarl Boys..

    I really hope most of these boys are still playing. As I stated before, would love more coverage of u20 games on SS. Given the success of SSS, surely there is an opportunity.

    1 July, 2024 at 13:49
  51. avatar
    #1 yesnomaybe

    Heard that Cheswill Jooste had to withdraw from squad. Not sure who came up from A side but big congrats to Dylan Miller from Bosch who was called up to the SA A side.

    1 July, 2024 at 00:33