Craven Week 2024 – fixtures & results

At Hoërskool Monument in Krugersdorp.

u18 Craven Week 2024
Day 1 : Mon 24-Jun-2024
u18 SWD 41-34 Valke u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Boland 41-21 Leopards u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Eastern Province 24-14 Border u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 WP 36-26 Sharks u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
Day 2 : Tue 25-Jun-2024
u18 WP XV 52-17 Griquas u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Pumas 60-17 Limpopo u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Free State 57-36 Griffons u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Bulls 35-34 Lions u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
Day 3 : Wed 26-Jun-2024
u18 Valke 36-26 Leopards u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Boland 34-20 Border u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Sharks 28-19 SWD u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 WP 66-14 EP u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
Day 4 : Thu 27-Jun-2024
u18 Griquas 53-37 Limpopo u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Pumas 57-26 Griffons u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Lions 37-33 WP XV u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Free State 34-27 Bulls u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
Day 5 : Sat 29-Jun-2024
u18 WP 37-24 Free State u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Sharks 26-19 Bulls u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Lions 45-40 SWD u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Pumas 27-22 WP XV u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Boland 35-27 EP u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Border 16-10 Griffons u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Valke 30-24 Griquas u18 u18 Craven Week 2024
u18 Leopards 43-39 Limpopo u18 u18 Craven Week 2024

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  1. avatar
    #350 Buthelezi2

    @Smallies (Comment #349)
    Sacs u15a this year have beaten Paarl Boys, drawn with Paul Roos and lost by a kick in the final minute against Boland Landbou and Paarl Gim. They are 3rd on the SS u15a log

    21 July, 2024 at 18:53
  2. avatar
    #349 Smallies

    @Buthelezi2 (Comment #348)
    So you base you arguments on once off performances….

    14 July, 2024 at 05:18
  3. avatar
    #348 Buthelezi2

    @Smallies (Comment #347)
    @Smallies (Comment #347)
    Sorry was looking at wrong rankings, either way 4th in the Noordvaal losing to 2nd and 3rd in SS disproves your point. My point in mentioning Grey was that no teams outside the big 5 can consistently compete with those Winelands schools so your argument that the SS get their asses handed to them by the Winelands schools makes no sense. Can’t remember the last time a Noordval school beat one of the Winelands giants? Although I do remember Wynberg vs Paarl Boys 2024, Rondebosch vs Paul Roos 2022, Rondebosch vs Paarl Boys 2022 Bishops vs Paul Roos 2022, Wynberg vs Paul Roos 2020

    13 July, 2024 at 21:05
  4. avatar
    #347 Smallies

    @Buthelezi2 (Comment #342)
    Oh and by the way Grey do not consistently challenge the Whinlands schools the consistently beat them …

    13 July, 2024 at 20:05
  5. avatar
    #346 Smallies

    @Buthelezi2 (Comment #345)
    Duuuuuuuuuuuuuide Helpmekaar fished 4th vierde fourth quatro isine….in the first team competition….

    13 July, 2024 at 20:04
  6. avatar
    #345 Buthelezi2

    @Smallies (Comment #343)
    They don’t need to prove anything by changing their traditional fixture lists to fit Wildeklawer or Noord Suid in. Interestingly the last time a Noordvaal school played against a SS school was in 2023 when Helpmekaar, who placest 1ST in the Noordvaal Cup that year, faced off against Bishops and Wynberg where they lost BOTH matches. Bishops and Wynberg placed 2ND and 3RD in the Southern Suburbs respectively.

    13 July, 2024 at 19:40
  7. avatar
    #344 Smallies

    @Buthelezi2 (Comment #342)
    I had a quick look see at the BHap rankings for 2024/07/08
    The highest ranked SS school is Rondebosch at 15
    Six Noord Vaal schools are ranked above them ,including Noordheuwel Monument Jeppe EG and Affies ….so yea the stats kinda leans towards me ….

    13 July, 2024 at 18:56
  8. avatar
    #343 Smallies

    @Buthelezi2 (Comment #342)
    Well come play Noord Suid and Wildeklawer and find out then ….

    13 July, 2024 at 18:48
  9. avatar
    #342 Buthelezi2

    @Smallies (Comment #341)
    You clearly don’t know what you’re talking about as Wynberg are ranked 3rd in the Southern Suburbs this year after losing to Rondebosch and Sacs. Only bishops would lose consistently to the Noordvaal schools. No school other than Affies and Grey would consistently challenge the Paul Roos, Gim and Bhs. That being said Wynberg beat Paarl Boys this year whilst losing to Rondebosch and Sacs which says a lot about the strength of SS Rugby.

    13 July, 2024 at 18:32
  10. avatar
    #341 Smallies

    @Buthelezi2 (Comment #340)
    Well the SS schools realy are not that strong …If they are why dont they attend the big festivals ,they get their arses handed to them most of the time by the winelands schools …. The top Noordvaal cup teams plus Affies will win 80% of games against the SS schools no matter how much you try an think it wont happen….come play at North South and and Wildeklawer ….find out or are you scared, with the exeption of Wynberg they would proparbly ALL lose to the top 4 Noord Vaal schools this year

    13 July, 2024 at 18:16
  11. avatar
    #340 Buthelezi2

    @Smallies (Comment #265)
    Garsfontein that lost to Stellenberg and Nelspruit would dominate against Southern Suburbs schools? Keep dreaming 😂

    13 July, 2024 at 16:06
  12. avatar
    #339 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #337)
    Dis goed Smallies, stuur jou e-pos adres via beet, dan bespreek ons dit verder in cyberspace. Indien nie, is dit belangrik om net te noem dat ek hewig gekant is teen aborsie op aanvraag, onder andere omdat so mooi aanknoop by hierdie gesprek se onderwerp, keuses. Hoekom moet daardie kindjie of fetus gestraf word vir keuses wat hy of sy nie gemaak het nie, en dis my hele punt. In jou professie sal jy beslis vertroud wees met “culpae incapax” en “doli incapax”. Herinner aan Psalm 137, By the Rivers of Babylon, waar die lirieke doelbewus gestop word net voor die einde waar die Bybel voorskryf die babatjies moet opgetel word en op die rotse doodgeslaan word om hulle te straf vir hulle ouers se keuses. Dis ook belangrik om na die aborsie koers per 100 000 vroue te kyk, dis op gemiddeld baie , en ek meen baie minder in die hoogs ontwikkelde lande wat “ongelowig” is. Oor die eeue, nie minder teenwoordig onder gelowiges nie, daar waar die kwessie van ‘n “buite-egtelike” baba die einde van die wêreld is, selfs onder anabaptiste. Laat ons verder kommunikeer oor e-pos, as jy wil.

    4 July, 2024 at 14:21
  13. avatar
    #338 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #336)
    Oor sosiale wetenskap dink ek bitter min van ….ek gaan dit nou maar daar los ,kry my besonderhede by Beet dan kan ons n regte ongefilterde on gemodoreerde gesprek he

    4 July, 2024 at 11:40
  14. avatar
    #337 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #335)
    Meeste van die hoogs beskaafde lande soos jy dit noem reken ook dat dit moreel en eties fine is om n baba met n skerp gemaakte lepel lewend uit sy ma te skep stukkie vir stukkie hulle reken ook dis fine vir mans en mans….uhmmm toema los dit eerder ….so ek sal maar my kompas gebruik al is dit hoe verouderd en on wetenskaplik…

    4 July, 2024 at 11:29
  15. avatar
    #336 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #334)
    63% is nie die uitsondering nie, maar die norm, die 37% met keuses is uitsonderings. Die wat akademies, vakmansgerig en sportgewys sterk is, is die uitsonderings, en het per nature beter keuses. Ek is geen kollektivis nie, moet my nie met hulle verwar nie, en ek is ‘n belydende maar realistiese Christen. Trots ook

    4 July, 2024 at 10:58
  16. avatar
    #335 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #323)
    Godsdiens is onnodig om reg van goed te onderskei, en irrelevant in ontwikkelde lande hoog op IQ maps. Inteendeel, godsdienstige mense kan dalk gesien word as die wat die meeste fouteer, baie meer as humaniste en ateiste en agnostici, en dan wegkruip agter sogenaamde vergifnis van ‘n god wat of glad nie bestaan nie en deur die mens in sy eie beeld opgedroom is, of soos agnostici glo, wat ons nie kan verstaan nie (Jesus, wie se genealogie verskillend uiteengesit word in verskillende evangelies, sê uitdruklik hy is nie god nie, byvoorbeeld, en die Bybel praat nie een keer van die drie-enige God nie, Bybelse helde soos Lot het sy dogters verkrag, Jefta SMK…daar is soveel haat, geweld en sonde wat goedgekeur word, ook in die Quran, so mens moet maar versigtig wees om enige godsdiens te sien as ‘n nodige morele kompas want hulle is prima facie baie swak morele kompasse wat vir die meeste van die wêreld se hartseer verantwoordelik is. Mens kan dit wel respekteer of interpreteer om jou te pas en beoefenbaar te maak. Dis bloot reguit gestel en nie beledigend bedoel in enige sin nie. So moet nou nie strip nie. Die punt wat ek gemaak het was nie godsdiens vs nie-godsdiens, dit was, hoekom so onvergeeflik wees en alles aan die mens se eie keuses blameer terwyl hy per jou geloof geen keuse het nie en almal verskillend geskep is en God toelaat dat kinders verkrag word, kanker kry, 63% nie hul pa ken in SA nie, en ek kan ellelank aanhou. Net sekeres het keuses, en min het dieselfde kwaliteit keuses. En hoe is dit ‘n jong mense se keuse wat sy keuses is? Bisarre redenasie.

    4 July, 2024 at 10:56
  17. avatar
    #334 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #333)
    Ek het nog nooit gese dat daar nie uitsonderings is nie ,ek praat van rasionele normale mense wat kak besluite neem mense soos ek en jy en dan wil ons die samelewing die skuld gee of ons omgewing ,of se jy nou dat dit nie so is nie ,is jy wat prof Deon is nie die som totaal van die besluite wat jy geneem het nie goed en sleg,daar is beslis uitsonderings en sielkundige probleme wat baie mense se kewens negatief beinvloed ….dit verstaan ek baie goed ,dalk nog beter as jy

    4 July, 2024 at 10:55
  18. avatar
    #333 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #328)
    Ag twak man, geen kind kan besluit of hy of sy verkrag word, of hy of sy slim is of goed is met sport nie ens. Bly eerder by wat die wetenskap sê. Ons is geneties en andersins almal verskillend, en nie almal kan oorleef met wat aan hulle uitgedeel is nie. Ek het al baie , onder andere deur Helpende Hand ens gaan help en in totaal al 11 maande vrywillig gehelp in meestal arm maar ook ryk mense se rehabs, en die wetenskap gevolg. Ek durg nie spekuleer oor jou agtergrond nie, dit klink egter fantasties, maar ek kan jou in ‘n paar situasies ingooi waaraan ek kan dink wat ek sterk twyfel jy sal sielkundig oorleef, want die GEMIDDELDE mens het geen hoop om dit te bowe te kom nie.

    4 July, 2024 at 10:44
  19. avatar
    #332 Deon

    @tzavosky (Comment #327)
    Lucky for her to have escaped and to be provided great choices. I fostered three children from ages thirteen to 18 in my loving, disciplined house. All except one failed miserably. I was too late. If only having an alcoholic father was the only problem each of them had, it would be a cakewalk to rescue them, but an alcoholic, even abusive father to not all, but some, is an insignificant problem compared to the rest they face.

    4 July, 2024 at 10:40
  20. avatar
    #331 Vleis

    @tzavosky (Comment #327)
    Impressive discipline.

    3 July, 2024 at 22:41
  21. avatar
    #330 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #329)
    Heeltemal gratis 😅😅

    3 July, 2024 at 19:10
  22. avatar
    #329 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #317)
    Jy het invloed! Verneem dit is gratis

    3 July, 2024 at 19:01
  23. avatar
    #328 Smallies

    @tzavosky (Comment #327)
    Ja nee dok Ek glo vas dat jou lewe die som totaal van JOU EIE besluite is, elke ding wat jy doen in die lewe is n besluit wat jy neem ,die gevolge van daardie besluite is einlik maar jou lewens pad en hoe dit loop ……

    3 July, 2024 at 18:27
  24. avatar
    #327 tzavosky

    @Vleis (Comment #307)
    We adopted a 12 year old girl (not a true adoption, she came to live with us from Gr4-12), the daughter of an alcoholic mother. She excelled all the way, went to university and recently accepted a teaching post at a private school in Slough, England. That girl has never touched alcohol, she simply refuses, even in social situations where everyone else is having a drink.

    3 July, 2024 at 17:08
  25. avatar
    #326 Grizzly

    @Vleis (Comment #324)
    @Deon (Comment #321)
    Dan roei ons dieselle boot.

    3 July, 2024 at 15:48
  26. avatar
    #325 Kaya 85

    @Vleis (Comment #324)
    lol, another gig soon.

    3 July, 2024 at 14:42
  27. avatar
    #324 Vleis

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #293)
    Thanks mate. I’m definitely no expert…but the beauty of this blog is everyone has something different to add – especially Barry Kaya Hilton!

    3 July, 2024 at 13:42
  28. avatar
    #323 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #318)
    Jy kan kies om te probeer…
    En nogals insiggewend is dat selfs onder mense wat glad nog nooit aan die konsep van Godsdiens blootgestel us nie is daar tog n inherente onderskeid tussen goed en kwaad ….dit gepaard met die instink om iets te aanbid is vasgele in ons DNA ….

    3 July, 2024 at 12:20
  29. avatar
    #322 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #316)
    Ek dink ons gesprek gaan oor n rasionele mens wat by sy posetiewes is ,outlyers soos FAS gaan virseker die situasie verander ….

    3 July, 2024 at 12:18
  30. avatar
    #321 Deon

    @Vleis (Comment #319)
    I know what you mean. More than you realise.

    3 July, 2024 at 12:16
  31. avatar
    #320 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #316)
    Correct. We have no idea how fortunate some of us are to have choices, by far the most have extremely limited choices, some almost none, fortunate to be taught how to make the right ones, mostly by means of example, the opportunity to rectify our own mistakes. To, for example be able to go to some fancy rehab rather than Ramot or Valkenburg etc. Last of this from me for sure.

    3 July, 2024 at 12:14
  32. avatar
    #319 Vleis

    @Deon (Comment #310)
    Yep…as I said, it’s a bit simplistic. However, the basic premise is not incorrect.
    P.S. I am the son of an alcoholic father.

    3 July, 2024 at 12:12
  33. avatar
    #318 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #315)
    Maar hy kan nie kies of hy sondig is en wil bly nie. Dis gepredertermineerd. En sommige mense sien ‘n bal beter as ander agv genetika, en ander raak makliker verslaaf agv genetika. Boonop as ‘n kind in ‘n omgewing gebore word sonder hoofstroom geloof, maar animisme of voodoo as voorbeeld, watter keuse het hy? POKOL. Vergifnis is juis empatie.

    3 July, 2024 at 12:10
  34. avatar
    #317 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #312)
    Its a saru event so proparbly R300 a ticket….

    3 July, 2024 at 12:00
  35. avatar
    #316 Snelvuur

    @Deon (Comment #310)
    Agreed. I think having the power to make choices in and of itself is a privilege. Many people don’t have choices in life, of have their choices severely limited by circumstances completely beyond their control. It is easy to simplify how easy it is to do the “right” thing without having the full perspective of someone living that reality. And that’s not even considering things like mental illnesses, which is probably severely underdiagnosed in South Africa.

    3 July, 2024 at 11:59
  36. avatar
    #315 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #311)vergifnis is volgens my gebaseer op die wil van die oortreder/sondaar om te wil verander ,ek sal enige iemand n twede kans gee mits hy wys hy is ernstig oor dit….Bybel is in my oe die selde ,jy moet vra vir dit en dan jou lewe so lewe dat jy die vergifnis werd is ….ek mag ook hier heeltemal verkeerd wees want ek is glad nie n teoloog nie en loop maar einlik meeste van die tyd boskerk

    3 July, 2024 at 11:59
  37. avatar
    #314 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #310)
    yeah this is scary truth. pls God help us.

    3 July, 2024 at 11:54
  38. avatar
    #313 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #306)
    Hopefully the last of this for me. Over the decades I have administered deceased estates of three people whose lives were cut short due to benzodiazepine addiction. A prescription drug.

    3 July, 2024 at 11:52
  39. avatar
    #312 Kaya 85

    … anyone know what the SA Schools match tickets going for..?

    3 July, 2024 at 11:52
  40. avatar
    #311 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #309)
    Waarvoor dan ‘n geloof gebaseer op vergifnis as die mens sondig gebore is en nooit ‘n keuse daaroor het nie. Dis glad nie beledigend bedoel nie

    3 July, 2024 at 11:51
  41. avatar
    #310 Deon

    @Vleis (Comment #307)
    Of course that is an acceptable way of looking at it, but being the son of an alcoholic father is often the least of it. Check the StatsSA studies, between 61% and 63% of SA children do not have a father on their birth certificates, almost 10 million receive their only meal at school, many do not have electricity and I have met a few who have never slept on a bed. The only economy they experience is the drug economy, many in the Cape are FAS kids. I can carry on, but in short, they most certainly do not have equal opportunity at making “the right choices”. Choices of the “fathers” . Yes some flourish, but they are such outliers you read about them on the front pages. We should not judge until we walk in their shoes.

    3 July, 2024 at 11:48
  42. avatar
    #309 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #306)
    They made that choice mate ,nobody forced them to take drugs

    3 July, 2024 at 11:43
  43. avatar
    #308 Smallies

    @Vleis (Comment #307)
    Exactly my point 👍👍👍
    Like my dad used to say ,Jy is die maker van jou eie kak

    3 July, 2024 at 11:41
  44. avatar
    #307 Vleis

    @Smallies (Comment #302)
    Two sons of an alcoholic father
    One struggles through life as a drunk. The other becomes a successful, ambitious businessman.
    When asked: “Why are you the way you are?”
    Both responded: “My father was an alcoholic”
    Probably a bit simplistic…but I felt like posting it anyway! :-D

    3 July, 2024 at 11:40
  45. avatar
    #306 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #302)
    in theory yes … but we see as prof D says, some can walk away after time looking deep in the bottle or experimenting with substances…yet others get those big sharp rusty hooks of addiction right into them…

    3 July, 2024 at 11:37
  46. avatar
    #305 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #301)
    I’d better not comment on that dude🤣🤣🤣🤣

    3 July, 2024 at 11:36
  47. avatar
    #304 Snelvuur

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #292)
    HJS’ scrum was on roller skates for the first half of the season – now they have two SA Schools props! One that started the season in the third team.

    3 July, 2024 at 11:36
  48. avatar
    #303 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #298)
    Bull fighting?

    3 July, 2024 at 11:34
  49. avatar
    #302 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #300)
    Ja mate it might sound hard but I believe very strongly that you as a person are a product of the choices you make ,yes society do have an influence on how you grow up and all that but in the end you and nobody else choose how you act in life ,no matter how hard you grew up …if you choose to be better than the sum of your circumstances you will rize above them ,simply because you refuse to let them dictate your life

    3 July, 2024 at 11:31
  50. avatar
    #301 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #299)
    you call that a positive note ? lol

    3 July, 2024 at 11:29
  51. avatar
    #300 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #297)
    look I hear you about personal choice… you’ll also know more about rehabilitation and recidivism etc. …

    3 July, 2024 at 11:22
  52. avatar
    #299 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #297)
    Op ‘n baie meer positiewe noot, ek lees jou held, Joe Biden kom in SA kuier. Miskien kan jy sy handtekening kry.

    3 July, 2024 at 11:17
  53. avatar
    #298 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #297)
    Wat jy sê is ook 100% korrek, natuurlik. Maar daar is Nature, Nurture en Neighbourhood ook, en “it takes a village to raise a child”. Nature=genetika=”sonde van die vadere besoek die kinders”, met die grootste respek gesê. Sommige mense is net anders geprogrammeerd van geboorte af, en hul gemeenskappe programeer hul verder sleg en spoeg hulle uit wanneer hulle faal. Natuurlik het jy baie meer ervaring van die een kant daarvan as ek, maar in my familie is daar so drie met daardie spinnekop in hul are gebore, so ek weet vir seker sommige mense se vrye wil is nie rasioneel nie, veral as hulle nie druk van byvoorbeeld roem/mislukking kan hanteer nie. Dank die Vader dit het nie met my kind gebeur nie, maar almal maak foute, sommige raak verslaaf, en daardie lyk vir my soos ‘n maalstroom waarin mense nie meer vrye wil het nie. En dank die Vader ek het nie roem nie, want ek twyfel of ek die druk sou kon hanteer. Vir my is dit beter om ‘n lelike, bles ou sonder ball sense te wees wat notedoof is en nie kan sing nie (behalwe ACDC en Metallica ens in die stort en in die ou Hilux), verskillende lengtes is afhangende van op watter been hy staan, en ‘n nis sport beoefen het waarin roem net gebeur in Frankryk, Spanje ens.

    3 July, 2024 at 11:15
  54. avatar
    #297 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #296)
    Ek weet nie of ek saam stem met julle nie …n mens kies mos om iets te doen ,niemand dwing jou in so iets in nie,ek het baie simpatie vir sy mense ,maar om te se dat die samelewing iemand gefail het wat n wils besluit geneem het om iets te doen ,ek kan nie daarmee saam stem nie …ek is jammer as dit nou n bietjie hard klink maar ek het al te veel van daai tipe kak gesien

    3 July, 2024 at 10:47
  55. avatar
    #296 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #294)
    Well said, very insightful. We indeed failed him. RIP

    3 July, 2024 at 10:30
  56. avatar
    #295 Deon

    @Grizzly (Comment #288)
    Die dwelmprobleem in die Kaap is massief, waarskynlik groter as daar by jou.

    3 July, 2024 at 10:29
  57. avatar
    #294 Kaya 85

    Also just to express my shock and dismay on hearing the news about Jacques Freitag….terribly sad. What a prince! He had it all. rest in peace big guy, I’m sorry we failed you, we gonna miss you.

    3 July, 2024 at 10:09
  58. avatar
    #293 Kaya 85

    @Vleis (Comment #281)
    thanks for insights…value your opinion.

    3 July, 2024 at 10:05
  59. avatar
    #292 Kaya 85

    @Snelvuur (Comment #291)
    It will be massive as always…. Galactic!!
    My feeling, although I did miss the last 3 or so games, is that Gim have the edge.
    But having said that I have not seen the front row turnaround…what exactly happened in that department…?

    3 July, 2024 at 09:56
  60. avatar
    #291 Snelvuur

    @OomPB (Comment #289)
    Ek weet nou nie of ek heeltemal só ver sou gaan nie, maar HJS se merkwaardige verbetering in die voorry gee hulle ‘n definitiewe voordeel. Agterlangs, dink ek Gim het die oorhand. Markus Muller is die groot verskil daar. Die losvoorspelers behoort ook ‘n goeie armdrukstryd te wees.

    3 July, 2024 at 09:26
  61. avatar
    #290 Smallies

    @Grizzly (Comment #288)
    Dwelms ,veral tik is orals n helse probleem, dit saai verwoesting in plattelandse dorpe ….

    3 July, 2024 at 09:23
  62. avatar
    #289 OomPB

    @Snelvuur (Comment #286)
    Boishaai is verseker die gunsteling. Hulle het baie verbeter gedurende die seisoen terwyl Gim agteruit geboer het. Maar jy weet nooit met interskole, dis wat op die dag gebeur.

    3 July, 2024 at 09:00
  63. avatar
    #288 Grizzly

    @Deon (Comment #276)
    Dwelms, ek weet nie hoe lyk dinge daar in die Kaap nie maar om te se dinge is besig om hand uit te ruk hier in Pta is omtrent n under statement, lankal verby daai punt.Wat n talent was hy nie,RIP Jaques.

    3 July, 2024 at 08:10
  64. avatar
    #287 Vleis

    @Deon (Comment #284)
    I think that the top rugby players are significantly more concentrated at the powerhouse schools these days. Thus, it’s very difficult for private schools to compete with said powerhouse schools on a consistent basis as, despite already having smaller rugby clubs, they can’t afford to provide the volume of rugby scholarships required year in and year out. Every now and then Bishops/Hilton/etc produce a top 10 team…but not frequently.
    Also, the attractiveness of private schools is considerably less impacted by the fortunes of their rugby programs than govt. schools, which may make them less inclined to put the requisite effort into same. That said, Bishops is possibly ’n perd van ’n ander kleur as it has such a great rugby history and (I believe) only really competes with govt. schools in all spheres in CT (incl. academics).
    I guess the key question (in the immediate future) is whether the current headmaster believes that it is indeed ’n perd van ’n ander kleur…or not.

    2 July, 2024 at 23:24
  65. avatar
    #286 Snelvuur

    @OomPB (Comment #285)
    Dis nogal merkwaardig dat, as mens net na die SA Skolespanne kyk, die HJS daardie wedstryd as gunstelinge behoort te betree! Ek sien hulle vaskopstut was ook gefeature op Netwerk24 – ‘n regte feel-good storie!

    2 July, 2024 at 22:09
  66. avatar
    #285 OomPB

    Die paaie lei nou na die Paarl.

    2 July, 2024 at 21:25
  67. avatar
    #284 Deon

    @Vleis (Comment #283)
    Indeed, and it would be great if a wonderful institution like Bishops could return to what they once were.

    2 July, 2024 at 19:14
  68. avatar
    #283 Vleis

    @Deon (Comment #280)
    Yes, I agree that the top four NV school’s will consistently beat the SS schools…but the SS schools are still very strong and have tough fixture lists.

    2 July, 2024 at 18:18
  69. avatar
    #282 Deon

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #278)
    Noordvaal and free State big guns do visit, like Affies, but for what reason should they have fixed games or any games against SS schools if they do not CONSISTENTLY qualify as Western Cape big guns? Must Affies give up Gim or Grey to include a game against Bishops? Must Grey skip Gim or Boishaai or Paul Roos to accommodate Berg or SACS? Must Grey come down and play a school with only five or thereabout teams like one of the SS schools. As you say, too many games already, so select a school that makes sense. Berg has had wonderful teams, and I mean boys playing beautiful rugby (1989 or 88), in 1989 or 1990 do not show up due to too many boys sick with flu????, and the next year lose by 60 points (1991, when I have been out of school a long time, but I did watch the game and found it a farce)

    2 July, 2024 at 18:17
  70. avatar
    #281 Vleis

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #230)
    Your question has some merit, but I think that two of the more important reasons why the SS schools get pumped by the Wineland schools from time to time are:
    1. Their depth is much poorer, so their top players can often mix it with the best of the Wineland schools, but their bottom players (especially if there have been injuries) are significantly weaker than their counterparts…and the beauty of rugby is that it is difficult to hide too many players, as each role is different.
    2. Their players are mostly smaller, so every now and then they collapse under the onslaught of the giants.

    2 July, 2024 at 18:14
  71. avatar
    #280 Deon

    @Vleis (Comment #279)
    Very true Vleisbom, and the SS schools have produced brilliant teams and players over the decades. However, oversimplification by sucking budgets out of your ass (not you), implying schools with great rugby teams do not focus on academics as much as others, oversimplifying that Noordvaal teams on average do not match those of the SS, Afrikaans speakers from Brakpan cannot judge objectively, just some personal truths rather than objective truths, and providing no gauge to independently verify this……just a moot, senseless discussion to continue ad infinitum. My personal opinion, and that is all it is, is that SS schools (not Schutzstaffel but Southern suburbs) rugby budgets are far larger than the average Noordvaal budget, and the top four Noordvaal schools will consistently beat the four SS schools. Now I must figure out why that seems relevant all of a sudden. I think envy plays a role.

    2 July, 2024 at 18:07
  72. avatar
    #279 Vleis

    Even as a Noordvaalie at heart, I must side with Wynberg on this debate: every year, Wynberg plays all four Wineland schools, Stellenberg, Grey High and the other three SS schools twice…so that’s twelve tough fixtures. Then, add Durbanville and one or two difficult fixtures at a festival and you have a very competitive fixture list overall. It’s not nearly as tough as GCB’s, or even the Wineland schools’, fixture lists…but it’s certainly no walk in the park.

    2 July, 2024 at 17:33
  73. avatar
    #278 yesnomaybe

    :wink: :wink: When was the last time the big guns from the Noordvaal actually came to the Cape. We always go to the Easter Festivals in Joburg either at Saints or KES, remember beating Helpies there last year, until SARU changed the rules this year only allowing 2 matches to be played, not worth it to spend all that money for 2 matches. School made the decision to play the Bishops 175 festival in place of it this year. Next year not sure. Reasons for not attending WK or Noord Suid I honestly can’t tell you as I originally thought they were festivals for Afrikaan schools then I heard a few Natal schools are there. If teams like Durbanville & Stellenberg are there we would be ok. Think it boils down to not playing more than 20 matches a year. Maybe they can call Groomie again & who knows. Think the boys would love that. The Windhoek thing is a pre-season match at the Wynberg festival. Think its the biggest schoolboy festival in Cape Town with all age groups involved incl a couple of U13 games. There are some great schools there but not necessarily there 1st teams. Would be great if a couple if Noordvaal schools could fly over. The SS schools are all there. So thats the story, no nastiness or ugliness or we would smash them or we would destroy them. Not everyone has a brandy at lunchtime during the week.😀😀😀😀😀😀😀

    2 July, 2024 at 16:28
  74. avatar
    #277 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #276)
    Ek begin die idee kry dat die man se lewe nie mooi op koers was nie,in meeste van sulke gevalle is jy maar die oorsaak van jou eie ondergang….hoe tragies dit ook mag wees

    2 July, 2024 at 15:53
  75. avatar
    #276 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #275)
    Dankie, ek het gaan kyk. RIV. Flippen hartseer dat iemand met so ‘n toekoms se lewe so kan intuimel. As wêreldkampioen kon hy ver gekom het met afrigting in die VSA of so. Arme ma en suster. Om die stadige agteruitgang van jou seun of sibbe te moes aanskou……

    2 July, 2024 at 14:04
  76. avatar
    #275 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #274)
    Het nou op Maroela gelees

    2 July, 2024 at 13:55
  77. avatar
    #274 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #272)
    Ek hoor Jacques Freitag se lyk is gevind, vermoord. Weet jy of daar enige waarheid in steek? Hartseer storie. Oud-Affie indien ek reg onthou.

    2 July, 2024 at 13:48
  78. avatar
    #273 Middies pa

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #255)
    Yes, they do but they will probably make use of the HTS hostels as well. I don’t know yet what the full story is. Will discuss with the principal when I see him again.
    On the mining side, every mine used to have his own rugby club (and all sorts of other sport codes) and the rivalry was intense. I played for one of the clubs until I was 35. Many moons back.

    2 July, 2024 at 12:42
  79. avatar
    #272 Smallies

    @Ystervark (Comment #271)
    Yea I agree on that point 👍👍👍 I can’t see them not having been invited ,they proparbly declined

    2 July, 2024 at 12:04
  80. avatar
    #271 Ystervark

    @Smallies (Comment #270)
    @Smallies (Comment #270)
    No not at all…I’m saying there is little chance of Wynberg going there and playing the big dogs. Will rather play teams from Namibia to boost the win %

    2 July, 2024 at 11:52
  81. avatar
    #270 Smallies

    @Ystervark (Comment #269)
    Why am I dreaming? Do you think the SS Schools all four of them won’t be tested at North South and Wildeklawer

    2 July, 2024 at 10:22
  82. avatar
    #269 Ystervark

    @Smallies (Comment #268)
    Keep dreaming. Need to stat pad that win percentage against Windhoek and co. Reckon SACS and Rondebosch have tougher fixture lists than Wynberg.

    2 July, 2024 at 09:28
  83. avatar
    #268 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #267)
    Dis wa jy getoets word…

    2 July, 2024 at 09:09
  84. avatar
    #267 Snelvuur

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #263)
    Only one way to find out 😉 get the Berg to Noord-Suid and Wildeklawer and get tested against the big boys of the North.

    2 July, 2024 at 07:47
  85. avatar
    #266 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #254)
    You must remember that Mordor and Middelburg are basically the far far east rand 😂😂😂😂

    2 July, 2024 at 05:58
  86. avatar
    #265 Smallies

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #263)
    Most of the schools playing in the Noord Vaal cup and Affies will beat them ,Garsfontein,Kloof,Monnas ,EG and Noordheuwel will proparbly beat 3 out of 4 of the SS schools

    2 July, 2024 at 05:52
  87. avatar
    #264 yesnomaybe

    Im basing it on the rankings the last couple of years.

    1 July, 2024 at 19:40
  88. avatar
    #263 yesnomaybe

    @Deon (Comment #261)
    No doubt a few would but definitely not most, get ur facts right.

    1 July, 2024 at 19:39
  89. avatar
    #262 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #245)
    From a PRG point of view BL will always be big.

    1 July, 2024 at 18:29
  90. avatar
    #261 Deon

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #258)
    Most bigger schools in Noordvaal wil regularly destroy SS schools, especially weak ones like Berg. Affies may not play Noordvaal “Cup” or whatever, but they are in Noordvaal and will take on Berg and Bishops simultaneously. Garsies too.

    1 July, 2024 at 18:27
  91. avatar
    #260 Deon

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #256)
    Stop sucking figures and budgets from your thumb. assertions without evidence can be dismissed without evidence. I call your bullshit. Quit dreaming and keep your inferiority complex for yourself. Enough now.

    1 July, 2024 at 18:26
  92. avatar
    #259 Smallies

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #258)
    I was speaking of the SS schools….comprehension mate comprehension….

    1 July, 2024 at 18:22
  93. avatar
    #258 yesnomaybe

    @Smallies (Comment #232)
    And what school in the Noord Vaal would beat any of the Winelands schools on a regular basis, keep dreaming?

    1 July, 2024 at 16:57
  94. avatar
    #257 Smallies

    @Middies pa (Comment #249)
    Hy het my nogals beindruk destyds ,dink amper hy het SA skole gespeel ook

    1 July, 2024 at 16:35
  95. avatar
    #256 yesnomaybe

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #230)
    Are you really going to compare the Southern Suburbs schools Rugby budgets to their friends in the Winelands. There is no comparison, I would stick my neck out & say that the combined budget of the SS schools is less than HJS or Roos rugby budget. I actually think they punch above their weight & occassionally even beat them here & there. You have no clue how difficult it is for these youngsters to play against the Winelands schools with the depth that they have, not to mention coaches like Sean, CJ, BJ, Uys, Rossouw, crazy stuff. Besides Affies & Grey what other school wouldn’t get pumped. Just saying.

    1 July, 2024 at 16:23
  96. avatar
    #255 Kaya 85

    @Middies pa (Comment #251)
    Middies must have nice boarding school facilities?

    1 July, 2024 at 16:00
  97. avatar
    #254 Kaya 85

    @Middies pa (Comment #251)
    I had close family worked underground…you’ve seen some of those rough okes, underground at 16 or 17…come to the surface and fetch a rugby ball and scrum to relax, then it’s brandy and coke but avoiding all stereotypes the East Randers stand politely when them miners entered the bar. Tough okes, grandads at 38, when they retire from rugby to put in more overtime!!

    1 July, 2024 at 15:59
  98. avatar
    #253 Vleis

    @Toffee (Comment #236)
    Agreed on all points.

    1 July, 2024 at 15:53
  99. avatar
    #252 Kaya 85

    @Kantman (Comment #240)
    Ok thx for the correction, pity he got hurt.

    1 July, 2024 at 15:53
  100. avatar
    #251 Middies pa

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #250)
    There is some “rowwe” miners in this area. The committee will have to think carefully when doing the scheduling.

    1 July, 2024 at 15:49
  101. avatar
    #250 Kaya 85

    @Middies pa (Comment #249)
    Next year when you host Craven week maybe they treat Pumas better.

    1 July, 2024 at 15:45
  102. avatar
    #249 Middies pa

    @Smallies (Comment #239)
    Ek het gesien. Nogal ‘n sterk hardloper. Ek hoop dit gaan goed met hom tussen die Blikore. Een van Puma CW van laas jaar speel vir Shimlas ook.

    1 July, 2024 at 15:32
  103. avatar
    #248 Middies pa

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #237)
    Hamiltons played in the final of the U/20 UXI league last year.

    1 July, 2024 at 15:30
  104. avatar
    #247 Middies pa

    @VanniLaeveld (Comment #238)
    Twee jaar terug se Puma span was, volgens my, nog beter as hierdie jaar. Hulle moes die laaste dag op die B-veld teen Griekwas speel wat toe reeds al ‘n wedstryd of twee verloor het. Ek het gehoop dat hulle ten minste teen Vrystaat op die laaste dag sou speel, maar nie gebeur nie. Pumas ook daardie jaar die speler met die meeste driëe op die CW gehad. Ek sien van die manne speel darem nog rugby vir Maties, Tuks, ens.

    1 July, 2024 at 15:28
  105. avatar
    #246 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #241)
    The point is that old school fetchers might be going the way of Dodo birds…extinct? Mind you, Kwaggas were also meant to be extinct but have made a comeback….!

    1 July, 2024 at 14:54
  106. avatar
    #245 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #242)
    BL not in the big 5, much as I love them…

    1 July, 2024 at 14:52
  107. avatar
    #244 Kaya 85

    Noordvaal rugby will restart in earnest in about a week and a half. Garsies, Noordheuwel, Jansen, Waterkloof and Monnas all settled, battle-hardened yet refreshed after the exam break…expect fireworks. But first let’s see how SA Schools game goes, would be so funny if the A team can down the favourites…Markus Muller will prove he is the best centre in SBR on Thursday, and let’s see how EG Jansen prop Potgieter fares in the scrums…

    1 July, 2024 at 14:51
  108. avatar
    #243 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #233)
    Greyt om te sien dat drie GCB Old boys PRG sokker so mildelik finansieël ondersteun en hul kids na die regte skool stuur.

    1 July, 2024 at 14:11
  109. avatar
    #242 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #233)
    Neeee man. Ek is maar net onseker hoe om ‘n ware rugbyskool soos PRG/Boishaai/Affies/Gim/BL te match met wannabe’s soos Grey wat net ‘n eerstespan en een of twee ander het. Ons ouens aan die korrekte kant van die Hex, Nuweveld en Stormsrivier, dit sluit Garsies uit want hulle het zero diepte, alhoewel hulle primêre teenwoordigheid hier is, verstaan nie iets anders as syfers en wiskunde nie. Affies kry dit reg……so daar is hoop vir GCB.

    1 July, 2024 at 13:51
  110. avatar
    #241 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #240)
    Should have been WP A starter….

    1 July, 2024 at 13:21
  111. avatar
    #240 Kantman

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #229)
    Dames was in the WP XV, got injured in the first match.

    1 July, 2024 at 13:11
  112. avatar
    #239 Smallies

    @Middies pa (Comment #234)
    n Paar jaar terug het daar n man vir die Pumas gejol, Prince Nkabinde groot sterk vleuel….sien hy’t nou by die Cheetahs geteken

    1 July, 2024 at 13:07
  113. avatar
    #238 VanniLaeveld

    @Middies pa (Comment #234)
    Agree 100%, well done Pumas. Unbeaten, the last match against 4 or 5 SA School A-side players. At least this time they played on the A-field on the last day, two years ago they were unbeaten as well, but had to finish on the B-field.
    Also agree with you regarding Abbey. An incredibly gifted “baller”. Seeing that the majority of the Puma side this year will be back next year, including his scrumhalf partner Pringle,(another talented player), it might just be that the team performs well enough for the likes of Abbey to be in contention for bigger honours. Hou duimvas !

    1 July, 2024 at 12:41
  114. avatar
    #237 Ploegskaar

    @Toffee (Comment #236)
    Hamiltons also working hard at junior level with some proactive guys involved there. With streaming of club games also available now, I agree it really can be a potential pathway for late bloomers. And Jerome does not even have to get up from his couch…

    1 July, 2024 at 11:39
  115. avatar
    #236 Toffee

    @ Vleis. The Bay were fortunate with the intercept and a few other “bounces of the ball”. Ikeys are my first love but as a teenager I grew up down the road from F/Bay and it is like a second home. A good mates young son is lock for the first team and when at school he was a second team player. Some develop later and I wish more youngsters would move to club rugby after school. False Bay are doing amazing things at under 20 level.

    1 July, 2024 at 10:37
  116. avatar
    #235 Snelvuur

    @Middies pa (Comment #234)
    Excellent young player. Very glad to hear he is still grade 11. Must be in the reckoning for SA Schools next year.

    1 July, 2024 at 10:17
  117. avatar
    #234 Middies pa

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #170)
    Well done Pumas. I hope they get more opportunities to play the bigger provinces. I think Matt Abbey had a great CW and am looking forward to next year when he will be matric.

    1 July, 2024 at 09:50
  118. avatar
    #233 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #231)
    Dis nog nie eers Augustus nie en julle begin al klaar verskonings maak

    1 July, 2024 at 09:12
  119. avatar
    #232 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #230)
    Good question mate why aren’t they dominating Shools rugby in the WP in fact I believe they would get their arses handed to them in the Noord Vaal also ….

    1 July, 2024 at 09:08
  120. avatar
    #231 Deon

    @OomPB (Comment #221)
    Om nie eers te praat van Helgard Muller en sy span wedstryd beampte mafioso nie.

    1 July, 2024 at 08:57
  121. avatar
    #230 Kaya 85

    Lastly, I do rate Neill the WP 7 ! He had a dream CW, no issue there. But…also just wondering if the Wynberg and SS players are so fantastic, why do they get pumped so hard at least 4 times every year.

    1 July, 2024 at 08:38
  122. avatar
    #229 Kaya 85

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #222)
    As for Dames at 6…I do feel for the lad… but of the 3 WP team at CW and AW which total minimum 16 squad loose forwards, the selectors didn’t rate him in their top 16. Maybe that out and out fetcher role isn’t considered a viable position the way the pro game is moving…

    1 July, 2024 at 08:35
  123. avatar
    #228 Kaya 85

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #184)
    To be honest, I didn’t really know Da Costa which is why I did check the WP team list, which had him down as lock. But your other comments make my point that selectors pick their “best players” and put them in a different position based on their own criteria. The Lions’ Maake played 8 but SA Schools picked him at 6, if you look at his build, lower centre of gravity etc. 6 might be his best option as a pro going forward because in this country most no. 8’s offer an added lineout option so need to be taller. With regards Felix, he is not that typical tactical kicking flyhalf, more a Quade Cooper or Larkham, so I actually don’t have a problem with SAS selectors choosing him at 15…
    …but just to comment that other fullbacks might have played v well and done 0 wrong…only to be overlooked.

    1 July, 2024 at 08:30
  124. avatar
    #227 Snelvuur

    @Kantman (Comment #223)
    Ek dink van almal wat PRG verloor, sal Boraine die grootste verlies wees. Daar is goeie back-up op slot, agsteman en, tot ‘n mindere mate, op stut, maar daar is nie nog ‘n skrumskakel wat die ritme van die wedstryd so goed beheer soos Boraine nie. Hy is baie, baie goed in die spel vinniger en stadiger maak soos wat vereis word. Baie intelligente speler.

    1 July, 2024 at 07:20
  125. avatar
    #226 Vleis

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #211)
    :lol: :lol: I’ve supported False Bay ever since I moved to CT two years ago. Do you refer to Anton Chait? If so, he doesn’t know me…although, I’ll probably meet him at some point as we have one or two common friends.
    There was a great vibe there on Saturday.

    1 July, 2024 at 00:57
  126. avatar
    #225 OomPB

    @Kantman (Comment #224)

    30 June, 2024 at 22:46
  127. avatar
    #224 Kantman

    @OomPB (Comment #221)
    Jy ploeg nou met ander se kalwers. Hoeveel van PRG in daai finale span?

    30 June, 2024 at 21:37
  128. avatar
    #223 Kantman

    @OomPB (Comment #221)
    😂 PRG gaan moet diep delf sonder Riley

    30 June, 2024 at 21:34
  129. avatar
    #222 yesnomaybe

    Oud Anker & Smallies you guys take things far too seriously. Did I ever say Dames wasn’t the best 6 in the WP, all I said was that I didn’t really rate him that highly, although, he is far better than the choice WP made at 6. What I would tell you if it was up to me, I would ask Kobus Blanckenberg to go back to play 6, he would be my choice, not sure if he’s too keen to go back though. Like I said just my opinion don’t wanna piss anybody off.

    30 June, 2024 at 21:25
  130. avatar
    #221 OomPB

    WP het baie goed gespeel. Dis seker maar die naaste wat ons aan n Grey College vs PRG vol game gaan kom sonder Grey College refs.

    30 June, 2024 at 20:02
  131. avatar
    #220 Kantman

    Having watched CW final again – Cruz Davey for WP should have been MoM.

    30 June, 2024 at 19:10
  132. avatar
    #219 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #216)
    Nou hoe gaan ekke jou nou weer kan grief gee …..

    30 June, 2024 at 18:26
  133. avatar
    #218 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #217)
    My gunsteling rugby speler ooit was n soutie met die naam Shaun
    Gage…die beste wat ek nog gesien speel het ,as hy nie tragies oorlede is nie sou hy virseker die nr1 hakker in Kitch Christie se 1995 Springbok span gewees het…

    30 June, 2024 at 18:05
  134. avatar
    #217 OUD ANKER

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #212)
    My friend you are generalising now, big time! And frankly talking shit! I’m proudly from Brakpan and let me start naming some English speaking Bok players for you that a Brakpan boytjie rates…Percy, James, Jesse, Dean, John, Bullet, Robby,…do you even know these names….

    30 June, 2024 at 17:06
  135. avatar
    #216 Deon

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #212)
    I have never seen a more neutral and a fairer commentator than Smallies. When it comes to rugby, young men’s careers and hopes, he sees no ethnicity or race. On a separate note, the Berg loosies never outshone anyone this year. They have been on the backfoot the entire 2024. Dames is by far SA’s best 6. The choice over him is bizarre to say the least. Twilight zone stuff.

    30 June, 2024 at 15:30
  136. avatar
    #215 Smallies

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #214)
    Not done yet…Wynberg won in the last secons of the game with a penalty ,enjoy the rest of your Sunday Engelse man👍👍👍

    30 June, 2024 at 14:08
  137. avatar
    #214 yesnomaybe

    @Smallies (Comment #213)
    All good Smallies nice chatting have a lekker afternoon

    30 June, 2024 at 14:05
  138. avatar
    #213 Smallies

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #212)
    There are plenty that I rate very highly even a couple from the SS schools ,I just dont think any 6 ,Afrikaans or English is better than Dames….oh and in case you didn’t know Brakpan has a big and extremely classy English population wich forms a very important part of Brakpan’s history

    30 June, 2024 at 13:54
  139. avatar
    #212 yesnomaybe

    8-O 8-O :roll: :roll: @Smallies (Comment #210)
    Yes but then again, I don’t know any Brakpan affiliated people that have ever rated an English speaking rugby player. Maybe you can remind me of the score that day.😄

    30 June, 2024 at 13:41
  140. avatar
    #211 Ploegskaar

    @Vleis (Comment #209)
    Saw it was a close one! Great that you still support club rugby man. What do you mean good guys? Now Anton is going to ask me who’s that Vleis chap 🤣🤣🤣

    30 June, 2024 at 12:58
  141. avatar
    #210 Smallies

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #208)
    Thats true, my opinion of this boy in that game however is neutral ,unlike yours seeing as you’re wearing a Wynberg jersey

    30 June, 2024 at 12:31
  142. avatar
    #209 Vleis

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #206)
    Ploegie! I went to the Phillip Herbstein yesterday to witness your beloved Villagers lose to False Bay. Very close game, but the good guys won in the end…albeit with a bit of luck.

    30 June, 2024 at 12:28
  143. avatar
    #208 yesnomaybe

    Opinions are like arseholes, everyones got one. Thats why we love this game.

    30 June, 2024 at 12:23
  144. avatar
    #207 Smallies

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #205)
    Well I guess we didnt watch the same Berg Boishaai game then

    30 June, 2024 at 11:18
  145. avatar
    #206 Ploegskaar

    @Smallies (Comment #204)

    30 June, 2024 at 11:13
  146. avatar
    #205 yesnomaybe

    People have opinions & thats ok, mine is based on what I have seen. Yes, maybe slightly biased but then again so are all ur opinions. Im not even going to discuss the Bosch 12 playing at 6 for WP. That is a Bosch based scenario where Clinton VR is involved, Jamie Rickets 2 years back was exactly the same, played 12 for Bosch & 8 for WP. Kruger was injured during trials leading up to selection, I think he did not play in final trials. I also feel he lost a yard of pace since last year mainly due to the weight gain. Dames from Paarl I’ve seen here & there & I was at the match vs Wynberg, thought he was outplayed & outshone by the Berg loosies. Maybe Sean Erasmus can answer that one. I also wouldn’t call him a fetcher cos on that day he fetched nothing. Kemp is a good player & will be one of the main loosies with Neil & Potgieter from Gim at WP next year, pity about his injury at this years Craven Week. Unfortunately team selection especially with the landscape we are forced to abide to will always be a contentious issue.

    30 June, 2024 at 11:12
  147. avatar
    #204 Smallies

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #203)
    EPD/ Greensquads is die grootste on ding in jeug rugby in Suid Afrika….flip saru oor die algemeen is n swak invloed in jeug rugby, ek wens uit my hart uit dat SA skole beheer neem van die produk wat hulle ontwikkel ,maar waarvoor saru al die eer vir hulle self wil neem …

    30 June, 2024 at 11:12
  148. avatar
    #203 Ploegskaar

    Good win for WP vs a game FS team, despite carrying a couple of passengers in the spine up front. WP XV could easily have been 3/3 this year, but as has been pointed out, it’s a team sport, with no trophies for close losses. Kruger and Moyo the two standouts for me, with high ceilings to make the step-up. That would partly depend on the EPD guys and SA u20 coaches though, in which I have no faith

    30 June, 2024 at 10:58
  149. avatar
    #202 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #201)
    Nee maat ons moet eerlik wees hier, Dames is volgens my as Grey supporter die premier ses in die land, wat wp aan hom gedoen het is plainweg net fuctup….hulle het hom gespyker,set soos hulle vir Kemp en Kruger ook gespyker het

    30 June, 2024 at 10:01
  150. avatar
    #201 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #199)
    At the risk of drawing further ire for commenting on a BHS player, I must say that I really feel for Dames. The coaches picked Rondebosch’s 12 (who hasn’t played 6 once this year) above Dames at 6. Must be extremely frustrating for him. Of course, the lad that was picked is not half-bad either, but still.

    30 June, 2024 at 09:55
  151. avatar
    #200 Snelvuur

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #198)
    Yep. I also think he is a top, top coach. But top, top coaches can have difficult years too (see Rassie in 2018, for example). I do not know why it’s so contentious to say that he has had a difficult year.

    30 June, 2024 at 09:49
  152. avatar
    #199 Smallies

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #198)
    Do you blame them mate ,some of those boys especially the loose trio were without a shadow of a doubt the best in their positions in the cape …..if not the country,Damons espesially should be very very pissed

    30 June, 2024 at 09:41
  153. avatar
    #198 yesnomaybe

    Im not going to get inbetween the domestic disagreements in the winelands. From a Southern Suburbs point of view, the kids enjoy Sean & rate him highly as a top coach. Just a pity that some boys wanted to prove a point as opposed to playing together.

    30 June, 2024 at 09:00
  154. avatar
    #197 Snelvuur

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #196)
    Skuus man – ek het kommentaar gelewer oor ‘n afrigter wat een van my streek se spanne by ‘n nasionale week afgerig het. In daai sin ís dit my span. Nie bedoel om op enige tone te trap nie, so ek trek terug wat ek gesê het. Hy het ‘n fantastiese jaar as afrigter gehad. Ek is seker hy dink ook dit was ‘n beter jaar as 2015, 2016 of 2017.

    29 June, 2024 at 22:54
  155. avatar
    #196 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @Snelvuur (Comment #195)
    You have a strange obsession about everything at Boishaai. If it is not about the headmaster then it is about the coaches. Focus on your own team.

    29 June, 2024 at 22:46
  156. avatar
    #195 Snelvuur

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #194)
    I did not really make much of an assessment? I just said that he has had a tough year as a coach. Do you disagree with that? BHS has had a difficult year compared to their previous results, no? And WP XV won 1 out of 3, no? What part of my statement do you disagree with?

    29 June, 2024 at 22:08
  157. avatar
    #194 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @Snelvuur (Comment #172)< Sean is an Assistant Coach in the WP team , you have no knowledge of the dynamics in WP team to make such an assessment .

    29 June, 2024 at 21:14
  158. avatar
    #193 Snelvuur

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #192)
    I think it’s also a question of availability. The only true high-quality fetcher in WP rugby at u18 level is Van der Merwe from BHS, who played in the WP XV. The Grant Khomo side played with PRG’s 6, who plays as a fetcher.

    29 June, 2024 at 20:39
  159. avatar
    #192 yesnomaybe

    WP did not have a fetcher in both sides at the tournament. It seems that every player needs to be a fatcher in their channel & take more responsibility. Boks have also played without fetchers for a number of tests with no issues. Maybe fetchers are old school in todays game.

    29 June, 2024 at 20:32
  160. avatar
    #191 yesnomaybe

    Yes, you are right, it can work both ways, however, you also need to factor in the colour issue & the only reason that FS got to the final was due to the fact that they had an easy 1st match which the other sides didn’t have. They could play all their reserves & then let Grey College play against Bulls & WP. It still doesn’t hide the fact that the XV side were poor mainly due to individualism, trying to prove a point as opposed to playing as a team. Rugby is a simple game. If the player next to you is in a better position than you, give him the ball.

    29 June, 2024 at 20:19
  161. avatar
    #190 Smallies

    Neee hel die eerste keer in 20 jaar wat ek my verwerdig om n Protea game te kyk en hulle choke nog steeds ……in die woorde van Immortan Joe ahhhhhhh mediocre….

    29 June, 2024 at 20:10
  162. avatar
    #189 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #188)
    Boooooooommmmmmmmmmm waarheid ….

    29 June, 2024 at 19:27
  163. avatar
    #188 Snelvuur

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #184)
    The problem with that argument is that it can apply equally to players selected in WP’s main side that can now also “hide” behind the star players. There are definitely some players that looked much better over Craven Week than they ever looked for their schools. That’s not so much a consequence of them being “on their own”, but because they are inserted in a team with star players.

    29 June, 2024 at 19:15
  164. avatar
    #187 Smallies

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #186)
    But this is the SA schools side not the SA where you might end up after schools side ….its supposed to be a reward for outstanding play during Craven Week not a lets see where you might play after school experiment….just another example of saru flucking up a once noble gesture…

    29 June, 2024 at 19:03
  165. avatar
    #186 yesnomaybe

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #175)
    Lastly maybe they picking players where they think would suit them better when they leave school. Like i have said a few times, there are so many boys that would need to change positions because they either just too small or too slow to continue playing at a competitive level after school. Bobo springs to mind, fantastic 8th man at school.

    29 June, 2024 at 18:45
  166. avatar
    #185 Kantman

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #175)
    Exactly – selectors seem to want to force selections. Players stood out, but moving positions?
    Not sure what gameplan you can play with that backline – and then looseforwards are not a combination for me. Missing players that plays to the ball.

    29 June, 2024 at 18:40
  167. avatar
    #184 yesnomaybe

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #175)
    U need to check ur stats or do some research on certain players befire y make comments. Da Costa is not a lock, he played there for a few matches at the beginning of last year due to injuries at school, however, moved to flank & 8th man for the rest of the season incl Academy Week. Has only played 8 & 7 this year, maybe for short periods played lock due to a yellow card or something. He has been a flank/8th man his whole playing career since U10.
    I just wanna know where all the keyboard warriors are that said that the XV side was a better side than the the main side. Now its Sean Erasmus fault not the players. Do me a favour maybe u not such a good selector after all. Remember one thing it is very easy when you play for a big rugby school to hide behind the top players but then when you on your own in this environment, ur weaknesses shine very brightly.

    29 June, 2024 at 18:36
  168. avatar
    #183 Kantman

    @Snelvuur (Comment #174)
    Een van ‘n paar uitstaande spelers wat nie ingesluit is nie

    29 June, 2024 at 18:35
  169. avatar
    #182 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #180)
    Liam is puik moes volgens my SA skole gespeel het nie akademie nie maar ja ….

    29 June, 2024 at 17:42
  170. avatar
    #181 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #180)
    Ek weet nie ,ek skip maar die saru weke uit beginsel uit….het maar toevallig gehoor WP het gewen

    29 June, 2024 at 17:41
  171. avatar
    #180 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #178)
    Dit was duidelik dat VS nie enige spelers van die bench kon op bring nie – daai manne het hulleself kis gespeel. Die haker van VS was baie goed vir my. So ook die 19 van WP.

    29 June, 2024 at 17:36
  172. avatar
    #179 Kaya 85

    Who was the Lions fullback today who scored that try? He wasn’t originally in the CW or AW team…played well.

    29 June, 2024 at 17:29
  173. avatar
    #178 Smallies

    Gelukkig is die saru shitshow nou klaar en regte skole rugby kan weer aangaan….o ja ek hoor WP het gewen teen die Vrystaat,baie geluk CW is nou maar eenmaal julle pap en vleis

    29 June, 2024 at 16:31
  174. avatar
    #177 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #175)
    @Kaya 85 (Comment #175)
    Damons from Boishaai is proparbly the premier 6 in the country wasnt picked for WP or any of the SA shools sides…

    29 June, 2024 at 16:28
  175. avatar
    #176 Kaya 85

    Wow…Bulls got ‘stamped’ by Stamper …Siyaya het laat vaya, even Janco couldn’t purchase!

    29 June, 2024 at 15:53
  176. avatar
    #175 Kaya 85

    SA Schools…
    Out of position…who else?
    Da Costa a lock isn’t he? Picked at 8.
    Maake an 8 right? Picked at 6.
    VdMerwe an out and out 12, Picked at 13.
    Felix a 10 Picked at 15.
    But the most ‘obvious’ out of position choice is Parsons from Griffins…he must be A.mazing for them to select him from an unfashionable union and a struggling team. A very well done to Parsons, his family, the whole of Bethlehem and Voortrekker HS.

    29 June, 2024 at 15:31
  177. avatar
    #174 Snelvuur

    Dis nou eers halftyd, maar ek dink Samuel Badenhorst het reeds die keurders bietjie weer na hulle notas laat kyk. Drie gedruk, kritiese turnover gemaak op die lyn en Pieter vdM het sover negatiewe meters gemaak.

    29 June, 2024 at 14:29
  178. avatar
    #173 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #172)
    Ek voel nog altyd dat sy terugkeer na skolerugby n fout was…

    29 June, 2024 at 13:50
  179. avatar
    #172 Snelvuur

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #170)
    Bad year for Sean Erasmus. Struggled with Paarl Boys and coached this WP XV side as well.

    29 June, 2024 at 13:42
  180. avatar
    #171 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #169)
    Deon is a champion of wit and rhetoric…(en ‘n bietjie drankverdriet) but I don’t think an oke can talk his way out of it once the gloves are on…

    29 June, 2024 at 13:31
  181. avatar
    #170 Kaya 85

    Congrats to Pumas for smoking the WP XV… I think Jimmy Stonehouse might have his hand in there, but that team looked really really good this week. Now if the Pumas RU can talk to the guys at Asem / Varsity Sports and set up a young guns and Varsity Cup / Shield equivalent at the new university, they could retain that talent…would be awesome for rugby in the northeast of the country.
    @ Beet
    Do you know who coached the Pumas CW team?
    And next year CW will be in Middelburg.

    29 June, 2024 at 13:27
  182. avatar
    #169 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #168)
    Boxing ring might be better ,although Deon is so old and from Stellenbosch….he might not survive 🤔

    29 June, 2024 at 13:11
  183. avatar
    #168 Kaya 85

    @Bungee (Comment #161)
    Separate chat…and maybe a room too!

    29 June, 2024 at 13:07
  184. avatar
    #167 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #164)
    Om dit in julle dialek te se ,ons is hagd koppig

    29 June, 2024 at 12:44
  185. avatar
    #166 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #165)
    Hulle het die verkeerde Oos Kaap ontdek…Hulle dink PE en Oos London is die som totaal van die Oos Kaap

    29 June, 2024 at 12:43
  186. avatar
    #165 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #160)
    Hulle storm uit die Oos-Kaap juis omdat hulle die Oos-Kaap ontdek het.

    29 June, 2024 at 12:39
  187. avatar
    #164 Deon

    @Bungee (Comment #161)
    Jammer om jou teleur te stel. Dis nie so maklik om sense te praat met Vrystaters en Oos-Randers nie.

    29 June, 2024 at 12:38
  188. avatar
    #163 Bungee

    :lol: :lol: @Smallies (Comment #162)

    Nee ek verstaan

    29 June, 2024 at 12:31
  189. avatar
    #162 Smallies

    @Bungee (Comment #161)
    As daar niks is om oor te praat nie dan praat ek maar kwak ….

    29 June, 2024 at 12:23
  190. avatar
    #161 Bungee

    Is dit moontlik om n aparte chat the he vir Smallies en Deon sodat ons nie hoef opgewonde te raak om almal se nuwe kommentaar oor die rugby te sien net om teleurgesteld te wees oor hulle twee se twak praat?

    29 June, 2024 at 12:20
  191. avatar
    #160 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #159)
    Soos ek gese het hou hulle maar daar ,hoe minder mense die Oos Kaap ontdek hoe beter ….

    29 June, 2024 at 12:15
  192. avatar
    #159 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #155)
    Die Oos-Kaap storm voort Wes-Kaap toe, en die heel heel heel room van die Oos-Kapenaars staan in ‘n ry om Paarl en Stellenbosch toe te kom. Daarom, ongeag die feit dat Kaapstad 25% minder belastingbasis as Gauteng het , is die begroting vir infrastruktuur meer as die res van SA saam. Ai man, moeilik as supremacy jou kies en jy het geen keuse nie.

    29 June, 2024 at 12:01
  193. avatar
    #158 Grasshopper

    Riley Norton and his family have some big thinking to do…..

    29 June, 2024 at 11:56
  194. avatar
    #157 Henkies

    @Vleis (Comment #153)
    Very good points Vleis. In rugby a player can make up for a mistake in a game. In cricket a batsman can lose his wicket by the finest of margins and that’s his opportunity to show what he has over with.

    29 June, 2024 at 09:13
  195. avatar
    #156 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #151)
    Good post 👍👍

    29 June, 2024 at 05:29
  196. avatar
    #155 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #154)
    Nee nee nee hou julle hulle asb tog ,laat die Oos Kaap maar so bietjie wild bly

    29 June, 2024 at 05:22
  197. avatar
    #154 BoishaaiPa

    @Smallies (Comment #139)
    Nou vertel dit asb vir al die Valies wat so instroom Kaap en Paarl toe.

    29 June, 2024 at 04:07
  198. avatar
    #153 Vleis

    @skelmbos (Comment #145)
    I think that Snelvuur’s reply is very good. I would add the following points:
    1. What passport does he have – e.g. having an EU passport makes a big difference for both sports…but maybe more so for rugby.
    2. How strong is he mentally? To make it in any professional sport requires significant mental strength, but much more so for cricket – especially if he is a batsman. If there is even a slight chink in his mental armour, then I’d suggest rugby, as the grind to make it in SA cricket (less so if he is really extraordinary) is exceptionally tough and can play havoc with your head – e.g. one great ball, one bad shot, one run out and suddenly you have no decent score for a month playing for Border and the path to playing for the Warriors looks very distant.

    28 June, 2024 at 23:45
  199. avatar
    #152 Snelvuur

    @skelmbos (Comment #145)
    First consideration would be talent. You have to make a brutal, realistic assessment of whether you have what it takes to make it to the very top in either of the sports. If you take bags of wickets bowling 120km/h at school, it is unlikely (not impossible, but unlikely) that you’ll have the same success in pro cricket or, ultimately, international cricket. One has to make a realistic assessment of where you are in both sports (and where you could be) before choosing. I know both rugby and cricket players that have studied successfully while playing professionally, and I know some of both that couldn’t balance it. I would not say that it’s so much the sport that determines it as it is the balancing act performed by the individuals themselves. Rugby does, on balance and in South Africa, probably give you more financial security though. I think there is also a broader base of rugby players that can make a decent living than there are cricketers. The length of the playing careers are pretty similar. I’m a much bigger cricket fan than I am a rugby fan but, on a very pragmatic level, I’d advise someone to choose rugby, all other things being equal. I think it is quite difficult to make it as a young cricketer in South Africa, and the pathways aren’t defined nearly as clearly as those in rugby.

    28 June, 2024 at 22:20
  200. avatar
    #151 Kaya 85

    Congrats to all the boys selected for SA Schools. Great honour and prestige for whole schools and communities. In the end it’s a fantastic opportunity to build a launchpad for a pro career, another week of elite coaching input, rubbing shoulders with peers who are also best of the best. Last year, when current captain Mndebelele returned from his SA Schools stint to play the last 3 school games at KES he was on another level entirely…his physicality, fitness and game appreciation went up several notches…I feel for the lads who missed out despite good form. Of course, also feel for those guys who didn’t make a CW or AW team in the first place for whatever reason…And yet, there are no guarantees that CW or SAS says they’ll make it big, or get a decent contract never mind the Bok team. The RWC 2031 or ’35 match winners could be watching the Stadio Craven Week from their screens in Germiston, Qunu, Vredenburg, or Hammanskraal for all we know.

    28 June, 2024 at 21:57
  201. avatar
    #150 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #149)
    Ask them again when they hit 50, fuckit its no joke

    28 June, 2024 at 21:34
  202. avatar
    #149 Kaya 85

    @skelmbos (Comment #145)
    Go for cricket, …rugby is brutal, I was going to say how much longer a career can be but then remembered old Deon Fourie (38? @ RWC23)…Ruan Pienaar and Willem Albert’s (40?!!). Don’t ask me how their bodies have held up.

    28 June, 2024 at 21:33
  203. avatar
    #148 Smallies

    @skelmbos (Comment #145)
    Cricket ,less severe Injuries longer life span and if you can get to the 20/20 scene a hell of a payday ….

    28 June, 2024 at 21:29
  204. avatar
    #147 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #146)
    I was going to put in Germiston however I felt it was just to far west😅😅😅besides how could I leave out the Sokkie capitol Babsfontein

    28 June, 2024 at 21:27
  205. avatar
    #146 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #125)
    I note with sadness u don’t include Germiston…

    28 June, 2024 at 21:20
  206. avatar
    #145 skelmbos


    If your son was in the fortunate position to be able to choose to be either a professional rugby player or a professional cricket player, what would your advice / preference be?

    A few considerations here:
    – Capacity (time & energy left) to also get a professional qualification (to pursue alternative career when playing career ends… perhaps prematurely) while playing professionally
    – Income potential from playing contracts
    – Expected length of playing career
    – Risk of career-ending (or even more serious) injury
    – Profile/ celebrity status with the potential for endorsement/ advertising income to supplement playing income hopefully even beyond playing career
    – Opportunities to earn an income from the sport beyond playing career (coaching, punditry, what else?)
    – What else?

    28 June, 2024 at 21:19
  207. avatar
    #144 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #142)
    Laaik nie 3006 nie is ma n 308 ou

    28 June, 2024 at 20:54
  208. avatar
    #143 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #141)
    Ja jy het nog nie gemeth as jy nie ge methielphenidate het nie 🤣🤣🤣🤣toema prof ekke ADHD ook al my hele lewe

    28 June, 2024 at 20:53
  209. avatar
    #142 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #139)
    Kom kuier vir my en jy sal baie gou anders dink. cheers vir eers

    28 June, 2024 at 20:43
  210. avatar
    #141 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #136)
    Ja, en toe kom hulle by ‘n bordjie wat sê Bloemfontein. Links Transvaal, regs Natal. Die wat nie kon lees nie het agtergebly in Bloem en GCB gestig. @Smallies (Comment #135)
    Ek sluk Ritalin van 78 tot 2015 ( Concerta). Laaste ding wat ek aan gedink het was ADHD toe ek daai geskryf het.

    Inelkgeval, lekker slaap, ek moet nou terug oor die berg ry. Mag jou paaie gelyk loop.

    28 June, 2024 at 20:42
  211. avatar
    #140 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #138)
    Nou wat wil jy met n 30 0 kwes maak

    28 June, 2024 at 20:39
  212. avatar
    #139 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #137)
    Nee wat daar is beter as die Kaap…. net so bietjie oos
    Cheaper huise
    Beter See
    Beter wild lewe
    Beter jag
    Beter strande
    Beter Karoo
    Selfs beter gangsters as die wes kaap….

    28 June, 2024 at 20:38
  213. avatar
    #138 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #134)
    Stellenbosch huise????? Gee my ‘n ordentlike tweeman tent teen die see en my Hilux en my border collie en Jack Russel kruis en geen inspekteurs of ander mense om my nie.Oneindige voorrad gliserien seep. Miskien ‘n 30.06 of .223. Dan is daar geen huis in Stellenbosch of die Amalfi kus of die Scilly Isles wat ek wil hê nie.

    28 June, 2024 at 20:37
  214. avatar
    #137 BoishaaiPa

    @Smallies (Comment #136)
    En nou wil almal weer terugtrek…ons sal moet begin grensposte opstel by die Hexrivier!

    28 June, 2024 at 20:33
  215. avatar
    #136 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #132)
    Wel hulle voorsate het almal die wysheid gehad om uit die Kaap te trek….

    28 June, 2024 at 20:16
  216. avatar
    #135 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #132)
    Oom Koos is in Jaansburg gebore ,De Wet op Smithfield en oom Marthiens op Winburg @Deon (Comment #133)
    Dis nie mooi om te spot met mense wat ADHD het nie ek vat daai baie ernstig op….het al my share Ritalin gesluk in my jong dae

    28 June, 2024 at 20:14
  217. avatar
    #134 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #131)
    Daar is net koshuis behuising vir onderwysers in Burgersdorp Vrystaat….Burgersdorp Oos kaap het heerlike ou karoo huise wat enige tyd die huise in Skelmbos kan challenge….

    28 June, 2024 at 20:11
  218. avatar
    #133 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #128)
    Net deur die wat ‘n aandagspan gelyk aan ‘n windscreen wiper het.

    28 June, 2024 at 20:09
  219. avatar
    #132 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #129)
    De Wet was ‘n Boontjieskraler by gene. Caledonner soos Errol Tobias. Steyn is in Swellendam saam met sy pa drive-in toe en het saam met sy ma terug gekom. Hy is op Std 8 uit Grey geskop omdat hy Wiskunde deurgekom het , toe in sy 20’s Matriek in Nederland gedoen en op my een Alma mater Leiden gaan swot om die Vrystaat af te stof. ( In Kanaaldorp gaan woon om water te sien en karp te vang). Oom Koos was van Franschhoek en is nooit skool toe nadat hulle Bloem toe getrek het nie.

    28 June, 2024 at 20:09
  220. avatar
    #131 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #130)
    Hoekom dink jy hy was my idool? Ek glo nie ek het een nie, miskien Angus Young en Ozzy. Hy was wel besonder nice en plat op die Aarde. En om te sien wat seun en kleindogter Hanneli vir die wêreld doen….pragtig. As sy baie hard werk daaraan sal ek dalk oorweeg om weer ‘n slag te trou, alhoewel ek al gatvol is daarvoor (miskien moet ek ook in die rustige vrystaatse dorpie, Burgersdorp gaan soek), mits ek die PN kontrak $elf kan $kryf.

    28 June, 2024 at 20:00
  221. avatar
    #130 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #127)
    Oom Anton Rupert sjoe die man het stinkryk geraak deur mense longkanker en hartaanvalle te gee🙈🙈🙈🙈 jy moet dalk vir jou ander idols kies prof

    28 June, 2024 at 19:36
  222. avatar
    #129 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #127)
    Jis ma jy ken al wat n broederbonder en rapportreier was in Skelmbos ne….
    Gelukkig kan Skelmbos nie die holy trinity claim nie
    Steyn ,De Wet en De La Rey

    28 June, 2024 at 19:26
  223. avatar
    #128 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #126)
    Eerstespan telling is al wat onthou word ….

    28 June, 2024 at 19:24
  224. avatar
    #127 Deon

    @Grizzly (Comment #96)
    Oom Danie is in 1910 gebore, tannie/Prof (wiskunde) Joan in die 1940’s en Dr Pieter in 1970. Ek weet dit en waar oom Danie in Jannaschstraat op sy oudag in die kanaal ingery het, daar naby Oom Anton Rupert se huis in Thibaultstraat,Mosterdsdrift/Koloniesland, oorkant oom Dirk (DJ Opperman), met telefoonnommer 02231-3340 , en hy is oorlede voor dit 021-8833340 geword het. Hy het R 1,50 per forel en in Kleinbaai R 5,00 per galjoen betaal, mens kon wel in Strandloperstraat in Onrus meer kry by Uys Krige en Oom Jan Rabie. En Bliksem kon of wou om die dood nie blaf nie, en Oom Danie het niks met die denkbeeldige lyn wat Garsies so graag oorsteek om kruideniersware te koop te doen nie, ek sal weet :wink:

    28 June, 2024 at 19:23
  225. avatar
    #126 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #124)
    Is dit vir eerstespan rugby of skool as geheel vir alle items wat jy genoem het?

    28 June, 2024 at 19:16
  226. avatar
    #125 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #122)
    En wat dorpe aan betref ,daar is baie in SA beter as Skelmbos
    Sommer so n vinnige top 10 beter as Skelmbos
    1 Brakpan
    2 Benoni
    3 Springs
    4 Boksburg
    5 Kempton
    6 Alberton
    7 Nigel
    8 Heidelberg TVL
    9 Edenvale
    10 Babsfontein

    28 June, 2024 at 19:16
  227. avatar
    #124 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #122)
    Wel as jy n wen persentasie van 27% mincemeat noem dan weet ek nie so mooi of jy akademie kan claim nie…

    28 June, 2024 at 19:10
  228. avatar
    #123 Overlooked lad

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #55)
    17 of the 23 players I predicted are in the team which is quite accurate 😂

    28 June, 2024 at 19:08
  229. avatar
    #122 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #104)
    Wel, as skool, in al daardie items, behalwe miskien krieket, maar in veral akademie, maak PRG mincemeat van GCB. Kyk die akademie ranglys. In geheel het ons geen gelyke in SA nie.
    Ons is van Stellenbosch, dié Stellenbosch.

    28 June, 2024 at 18:58
  230. avatar
    #121 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #120)
    Daar is n paar keuses wat vir my nogals nie sin maak nie ,maar nou ja dis saru en ons almal weet as dit by skole rugby kom is hulle totaal onbeholpe ….of sal ek se deur die k@k

    28 June, 2024 at 18:42
  231. avatar
    #120 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #119)
    Dink Badenhorst moes definitief daar gewees het. Dis vir my vreemd dat Wynberg meer manne in die squad het as PRG.

    28 June, 2024 at 18:39
  232. avatar
    #119 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #118)
    Ja het nou gesien ,wat dink jy ?
    Ek sien Grey het ses seuns oor die twee spanne versprei.Ek dink McLaren kan bietjie teleur gestel voel ,Van Der Merwe op 13 ??????

    28 June, 2024 at 18:37
  233. avatar
    #118 Snelvuur

    Sien die SA Skolespanne is sommer al voor die finale dag van Cravenweek aangekondig.

    28 June, 2024 at 18:03
  234. avatar
    #117 Kaya 85

    @Snelvuur (Comment #112)
    Lol…sorry…your team list was so strong I thought that was an SA Schools team

    28 June, 2024 at 16:42
  235. avatar
    #116 Snelvuur

    @Snelvuur (Comment #103)

    1. Du Preez (Boland Landbou)
    2. Croeser (Worcester Gim)
    3. Van Vuuren (PRG)
    4. Neil (Boland Landbou)
    5. Joubert (HJS)
    6. Van der Merwe (HJS)
    7. Kotze (Gim)
    8. Potgieter (Gim)
    9. Le Roux (HJS)
    10. Dampies (PRG)
    11. Swarts (HJS)
    12. Blanckenberg (Gim)
    13. Joubert (HJS)
    14. George (Drostdy)
    15. Ocks (Porterville)
    16. Boutsikaris (Swartland)
    17. Du Preez (Gim)
    18. Williams (Gim)
    19. Lee (Drostdy)
    20. Koegelenberg (Gim)
    21. Fransman (Porterville)
    22. Christians (Boland Landbou)
    23. Stoffels (PRG)

    28 June, 2024 at 16:38
  236. avatar
    #115 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #114)
    Nee wat pel daai span wat Augustus speel het nie die cherries op hulle borse nie ,dit sal die sterktste beskibare Grey eerstespan wees

    28 June, 2024 at 16:22
  237. avatar
    #114 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #111)
    Ek hoor die manne in Bloemfontein begin al klaar weer die “Paul Roos teen die Cherries” klaagliedere skryf. Dis seker net Vrystaat se verteenwoordigers in die SA Skolespan wat daar gepubliseer word – want niemand anders ly daaronder nie!

    28 June, 2024 at 16:21
  238. avatar
    #113 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #110)
    Ja nee maar die Blou bulle sukkel ook met hulle praatwerk in finals…

    28 June, 2024 at 16:19
  239. avatar
    #112 Snelvuur

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #109)
    Sheesh, now you sommer want to put Rondebosch into the Boland too. Is WP now limited to the City Bowl itself?!

    28 June, 2024 at 16:19
  240. avatar
    #111 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #108)
    Net tot Augustus toe …..

    28 June, 2024 at 16:18
  241. avatar
    #110 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #107)
    Ook die een wat kwansuis die WitBul handelsmerk het. Die Blou Bulle sal moet ligloop vir hofsake!

    28 June, 2024 at 16:18
  242. avatar
    #109 Kaya 85

    @Snelvuur (Comment #103)
    I think the WP 7 Neill will make it…

    28 June, 2024 at 16:18
  243. avatar
    #108 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #104)
    Snaaks, ek het gedog ‘n span met maroentruie is tans nommer een…

    28 June, 2024 at 16:17
  244. avatar
    #107 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #105)
    Daai span wat Saterdae hulle praatwerk doen🤣🤣🤣op die veld

    28 June, 2024 at 16:17
  245. avatar
    #106 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #103)
    Wel ten minste sal Kemp Kruger en Dames vir n A span speel en nie die B span nie …..

    28 June, 2024 at 16:15
  246. avatar
    #105 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #84)
    Moet ook nie vergeet nie, daar is ‘n skool wat hulself die “Bulle” noem wat vir die Lions speel 😉 what’s good for me is good for thee.

    28 June, 2024 at 16:14
  247. avatar
    #104 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #102)
    Daar was lanklaas iets in n Maroon trui nr1 in SA, nie in die Varsity cup nie ,nie in skole rugby nie ,nie in Kriket nie ,nie in Hokkie nie ,nie Atletiek nie ,en ook nie in Akademie nie……wil nie eers oor die Wilgehof sirkus praat nie

    28 June, 2024 at 16:13
  248. avatar
    #103 Snelvuur

    @Snelvuur (Comment #99)
    Terloops, hier is die span wat op die veld gestuur kan word:

    1. Reid (PRG)
    2. Rabie (PRG)
    3. Davey (HJS)
    4. Schoeman (PRG)
    5. Norton (PRG)
    6. Dames (HJS)
    7. Kemp (PRG)
    8. Kruger (PRG)
    9. Boraine (PRG)
    10. Giliomee (Charlie Hofmeyr)
    11. Jacobs (HJS)
    12. Muller (Gim)
    13. Badenhorst (PRG)
    14. De Kock (Gim)
    15. Mentoor (HJS)
    16. Burger (Gim)
    17. Jooste (HJS)
    18. Coetzee (Robertson)
    19. Viviers (Boland Landbou)
    20. Van der Westhuizen (Drostdy)
    21. Britz (Boland Landbou)
    22. Van Rooi (Boland Landbou)
    23. Prinsloo (Gim)

    28 June, 2024 at 16:13
  249. avatar
    #102 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #84)
    Hoe is dit relevant tot jou stelling?. Vertel ons asb, wie anders as die Vrystaat/Oos-Kaap ignoreer amptelike grense? Niemand nie. “Vive” le Streeptrui lol. Wes-Kaap, spesifiek die Wynland deel van die WP/Boland is die nommer een in die wêreld wat rugby en SBR spesifiek betref. Veral alles wat maroen dra. Geen gelyke. Die vyf Wynland skole, naamlik Garsfontein, Gim, HJS ,BLS en PRG is onewenaarbaar.

    28 June, 2024 at 16:07
  250. avatar
    #101 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #99)
    Daai klink mos nou assof wp n regte selfbeeld probleem het….

    28 June, 2024 at 15:57
  251. avatar
    #100 Smallies

    @Grizzly (Comment #96)
    Se mos rules for thee but not for me….

    28 June, 2024 at 15:55
  252. avatar
    #99 Snelvuur

    @Grizzly (Comment #96)
    Ag toe, al wat nou rerig sal verander as die Wynlandskole Boland toe skuif, is dat die res van die provinsies agter ‘n ander provinsie sal eindig. ‘n Span uit die Wynlandskole en die huidige Boland sal net so sterk, of sterker, wees as die WP-span wat tans speel.

    28 June, 2024 at 15:53
  253. avatar
    #98 Snelvuur

    @Grizzly (Comment #88)
    Boland se provinsiale krieketspan het vir sommer baie jare basies glad nie bestaan nie – was maar ‘n konglomerasie van klubspelers voor KSA die bedeling so ‘n paar jaar gelede verander het. Ek dink ook nie krieket is noodwendig die vergelyking wat getref moet word nie – daar is byvoorbeeld ook KZN-Inland en KZN-Coastal, maar geen soortgelyke verdeling in rugby nie.

    28 June, 2024 at 15:52
  254. avatar
    #97 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #95)
    Nie Boland landbou nie is beslis jonger as Boland ….maar toemaar wat jong ekke karring maar einlik net,die Wynland skole is happy in die WP al is hulle in die Boland en die Boland is happy met hulle in die WP….so maak nie regtig saak nie ne.

    28 June, 2024 at 15:50
  255. avatar
    #96 Grizzly

    @Smallies (Comment #89)
    Die Boland/WP denkbeeldige grens Lyn is deur sy edele Dok Craven homself daar gestel en gekalk deur sy edele Pres. Pichard.As gesiene en senior broeder bonders het jy sekere vooregte wat nie sin hoef te maak nie.

    28 June, 2024 at 15:47
  256. avatar
    #95 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #89)
    Boland is ‘n rugby-unie wat 70 jaar jonger as die wynlandskole is. Dis nie ons probleem dat die WP so vry na ons om sterk te bly nie…

    28 June, 2024 at 15:46
  257. avatar
    #94 Kaya 85

    With Midstream College in the Bulls area try this one on for size…Ekurhuleni Metro Municipality has areas within GLRU, Valke AND Bulls “provinces”….

    28 June, 2024 at 15:38
  258. avatar
    #93 Kaya 85

    …and Dinamika in Alberton plays in Valke competition…I’m not sure if they have had players selected for GLRU or Valke…

    28 June, 2024 at 15:34
  259. avatar
    #92 Kaya 85

    @Grizzly (Comment #88)
    For me the most puzzling one is that HeronBridge College has a player in the GK Bulls team….that is greater Fourways hence Lions area…and closer to Northwest than Blue Bulls… so if not Lions they should be Leopards

    28 June, 2024 at 15:32
  260. avatar
    #91 Smallies

    @Grizzly (Comment #88)
    Beste van als is die een, Paarl Gim atlete kry Boland kleure vir SA’s maar rugby, norrefok dan is hulle WP ,so n laaity wat SA atletiek hol en Cravenweek rugby jol in een jaar kry twee verskillende stelle provinsiale kleure ,ek glo dit is stellig met Boishaai en Nie in die Boland landbou nie ook die geval….

    28 June, 2024 at 15:31
  261. avatar
    #90 Kaya 85

    @Snelvuur (Comment #87)
    Just behind or in front of the boerewors curtain?

    28 June, 2024 at 15:25
  262. avatar
    #89 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #85)
    Boland is n Rugby unie nie n provinsie nie …..Rugby unies het moerse snaakse grense ,veral die WP en die Vrystaat deesdae

    28 June, 2024 at 15:23
  263. avatar
    #88 Grizzly

    @Snelvuur (Comment #85)
    Boland senior rugby span,krieket span,hoeveel ander sport soorte kry jy Boland kleure?Is dit klubs en nie prov spanne nie?Verduidelik jy en @Deon vir ons dat ons kan verstaan.

    28 June, 2024 at 15:21
  264. avatar
    #87 Snelvuur

    @Bungee (Comment #86)
    As my beter helfte vir my kan sê ek is “van die Kaap af” omdat ek van die see se kant van die Hugenotetonnel af kom, lyk dit my dat die mense van die régte Boland ook nie ons toeëien nie!

    28 June, 2024 at 15:07
  265. avatar
    #86 Bungee

    @Snelvuur (Comment #85)

    Boland is duidelik ‘n hartsposisie. Jy kan net deel wees van die Boland as jy regtig in jou glo en wil deel wees van die Boland.

    Ongelukkig kwalifiseer die 4 Wynland-skole dus nie vir die Boland nie

    28 June, 2024 at 14:51
  266. avatar
    #85 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #84)
    Ek het nou ‘n vinnige scan van die “provinsiale grense soos vervat in die grondwet” gedoen. Ek sien nie Boland daar nie. Snaaks?

    28 June, 2024 at 14:39
  267. avatar
    #84 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #83)
    Is dit hoekom skole in die Boland grense sulke blou en wit kolletjies is ….sjoe een skool dra sommer die naam Boland maar is in die WP julle moet dalk sy naam verander na nie in die Boland Landbou nie… seker maar n kwessie van rules for thee but not for me🤣🤣🤣

    28 June, 2024 at 13:42
  268. avatar
    #83 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #53)
    Nee, niemand behalwe julle ignoreer daardie grense nie. Res van ons bly binne amptelik vasgelegde provinsies. Maar ek kla nie oor wat julle doen nie.

    28 June, 2024 at 13:01
  269. avatar
    #82 Vleis

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #67)
    You are correct, particularly as quite a few of the tournaments are played on thick, boggy type of fields (e.g. HK), where the smaller, nippier chaps struggle. SA’s smaller guys do well on hard, dry fields like Dubai. What might not be common knowledge is that many (if not most) of the large guys in sevens, who play in the forwards, are wings in 15s, so you don’t necessarily need to sacrifice speed and skill when larger guys are selected.

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #68)
    Yeah, sevens contracts are not great – in general, they’re better than CC contracts, but worse than the better URC contracts – i.e. they’re better than the contract of the chap who is number 40 in the URC squad. That said, some of the guys leave for 15s to try to eventually become a Bok – e.g. Kwagga, Kolbe, KLA, Cornal Hendricks, Whitely, etc.

    28 June, 2024 at 12:09
  270. avatar
    #81 Rainier

    I have seen Adams play 9 at primary school and always felt that would be his perfect position. His power in defense and over the ball on the ground will always be a factor and on attack he will always have to be accounted for.

    28 June, 2024 at 12:05
  271. avatar
    #80 Grizzly

    @Asterix (Comment #79)
    O,ok,ek gaan my anti Rassie campaign dadelik stop.😂

    28 June, 2024 at 12:02
  272. avatar
    #79 Asterix

    @Grizzly (Comment #78)
    Ek het vestaan hy is beseer en uit vir 6 weke, so was nie oorweeg nie. Hamstring

    28 June, 2024 at 11:55
  273. avatar
    #78 Grizzly

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #76)
    Spies het nie genoeg hart gehad nie,Bobby het nie getackle nie,Dwayne was te stadig, Wiese het nie genoeg ball sence nie…Wat as jy n 8 het wat tackle soon PSDT,bal dra soos Dwayne, ball sence soos Skinstad en hart soos Wiese…maar belangriker iemand wat in Dunedin kan doen wat hy op Loftus kan doen as dit sin maak…soon Ruben.Maar ek weet pokol, sien hys nie in die group nie en hoe gaan jy teen iemand wat 2 WC Gowen het????

    28 June, 2024 at 11:16
  274. avatar
    #77 Middies pa

    Uiteindelik kry die Pumas ook op die derde dag ‘n wedstryd op die A-veld. Gaan interessant wees om te sien hoe die Pumas teen die WP XV gaan doen. Kry nie gereeld die kans om teen die suide te speel nie. Ek wil graag sien hoe Matt Abbey die druk hanteer.

    28 June, 2024 at 10:57
  275. avatar
    #76 BoishaaiPa

    @Grizzly (Comment #69)
    Jip..Covid seun..dink 2021 matriek. Ons het geweet van hom, maar ongelukkig het Covid hom die skole verhoog ontneem.

    28 June, 2024 at 10:31
  276. avatar
    #75 Snelvuur

    Mynsinsiens is dit absoluut skandalig dat Boland nie op die hoofveld is vir Saterdag nie. Saam met Vrystaat en WP, is die Boland en Pumas die twee onoorwonne spanne hierdie week. Sekerlik moet hulle twee teen mekaar speel in die wedstryd voor die hoofwedstryd? Dis nie hulle skuld dat hulle net teen klein unies getrek is nie.

    28 June, 2024 at 08:48
  277. avatar
    #74 Snelvuur

    @Bungee (Comment #70)
    I’d throw Matthew Abbey from the Pumas into the mix for 10. He’s been as good as Giliomee and better than a few mentioned (including Pienaar) during this week.

    28 June, 2024 at 08:45
  278. avatar
    #73 Snelvuur

    @Bungee (Comment #71)
    Zero. I also don’t think it would be fair to the outstanding flanks that have actually played flank. I definitely think Adams should do that at under 19 level though. Maybe even for Grey next year.

    28 June, 2024 at 08:44
  279. avatar
    #72 Bungee

    Then my last thought for now regarding selections is the term you hear a lot coming from the NFL Draft, that is how pro-ready a player is.

    For example, is I believe Norton to be the best schoolboy lock, but not the most pro-ready lock. I also believe that he is not the best 7-flanker, but very likely the most pro-ready no7.

    28 June, 2024 at 08:43
  280. avatar
    #71 Bungee

    @Snelvuur (Comment #64)
    What do you think the odds are that the selectors would do what a lot of people are saying is the future by moving Adams to flank for the squad?

    28 June, 2024 at 08:35
  281. avatar
    #70 Bungee

    I think the commentator in the FS – Bulls game mentioned this, but it looked like Purchase was told what the selectors wanted to see from him, and then was trying to hard to do exactly those things. I think the pressure of the very stacked 12-jersey might have been playing on his mind a bit there. I think the pecking order for 12 is v/d Merwe, Purchase, Badenhorst, with Badenhorst likely shifted to 13.

    The no10 jersey is a lot more interesting. I think pecking order is Ahmed, Moyo, Felix, Pienaar, Davidson, Giliomee, Mentoor, Boqwana, with Felix and Boqwana likely shifting to 15.

    I hope Giliomee gets a call up to one of the two post tournament sides to be tested playing alongside and against the best so that we can get a clearer picture of his capabilities. Definitely in the wildcard category still.

    28 June, 2024 at 08:30
  282. avatar
    #69 Grizzly

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #65)
    Wanneer was Hanekom in Matriek.Covid jaar?Ek kan nie onthou dat hy veel waves gemaak het op die blog daai tyd nie.Wat n speler.

    28 June, 2024 at 08:30
  283. avatar
    #68 yesnomaybe

    The other concern is the amount of money that the 7’s players are earning vs what they can get playing provincial rugby. How we allowed Senatla to leave 7’s astounds me, pay him what he would’ve got at the Stormers, not rocket science.

    28 June, 2024 at 08:07
  284. avatar
    #67 yesnomaybe

    I think we got to be very careful with having too many small guys playing 7’s. Have you seen the size of the other teams, Fijians, New Zealanders, even the Irish & Americans are big boys & we will get dominated in close quarters, there needs to be a balance between size, speed & agility & too many small players throws the balance out.

    28 June, 2024 at 08:06
  285. avatar
    #66 Snelvuur

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #63)
    I’m quite excited about a few talents for the Sevens-side. Think both Felix and Stoffels would be brilliant at Sevens, even though they are probably too small for pro rugby. Even someone like Giliomee from Boland could be excellent.

    28 June, 2024 at 07:27
  286. avatar
    #65 BoishaaiPa

    :mrgreen: @Smallies (Comment #50)
    Net ter regstelling…die WP grense is nie die Kaapse CBD nie…Skole in Noordelike voorstede val ook onder WP en Kraaifontein is 29km weg van Paarl..

    28 June, 2024 at 07:22
  287. avatar
    #64 Snelvuur

    @Overlooked lad (Comment #62)
    In the starting line-up, I’d have Reid at 1, Parsons from the Griffons at 3, Rippenaar from the Valke at 6. I thought Maake was overshadowed by Kruger in the match against WP XV. I’d have Markus Muller at 12 and Samuel Badenhorst at 13. We are so spoilt for choice at 14, but I wouldn’t pick Adams there. Kenny or Ekeji from Free State are better options just from his own team. Happy-ish with Felix at 15.

    28 June, 2024 at 06:45
  288. avatar
    #63 yesnomaybe

    I would be too biased towards the WP players to make a fair decision as those are the players I see every week. Just because someone has a good game at this tournament doesn’t make him a future Bok. Things happen in matches & u need things to go your way, bounce of the ball, right place, right time, luck, etc. I would think that 90% of the SA side was chosen before this week, a lot will also depend on quota numbers. From what I’ve seen a lot of the boys will fall off the bus after school as its a far more physical game than they will be used to. Felix for eg is a fantastic player on attack, however, on defence Free State hide him at fullback. Rondebosch play⁹ the same system with Simons at 10 on attack & he moves to 15 on defence. Not sure too many pro sides would want to play that system. There are some awesome talented players that are just too small for the pro game in their current positions but get away with it at school level like the 8 for Free State, he would need to move to the backline, just
    like Gcobani Bobo did. Lots of talented boys, so good luck to all of them.

    28 June, 2024 at 06:44
  289. avatar
    #62 Overlooked lad

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #55)
    Fair enough Ep game was horrible against Wp😂 which players would you change tho?

    27 June, 2024 at 21:47
  290. avatar
    #61 Overlooked lad

    @Overlooked lad (Comment #61)
    I’d say Kepe played better when they faced each other on day 1 although Jed stone looked very good at center against Boland, is he not mainly a winger tho?

    27 June, 2024 at 21:44
  291. avatar
    #60 RuggaFreak

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #25)
    His brother is a tall mode so always was going to get that height gene at some point. Was short in his junior years than had a crazy growth spurt around 17

    27 June, 2024 at 21:32
  292. avatar
    #59 RuggaFreak

    @Overlooked lad (Comment #54)
    I’d have border centre Jed Stone over kepe. Kepe has had a quiet CW

    27 June, 2024 at 21:26
  293. avatar
    #58 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #57)
    Hoe meer ek vir Adams sien speel hoe meer laat hy my aan Schalk Britz dink…

    27 June, 2024 at 21:11
  294. avatar
    #57 Snelvuur

    Opgewonde om Pieter vdM en Ethan Adams teen Samuel Badenhorst en Markus Muller te sien. Persoonlik, was ek tot dus ver meer beïndruk deur Badenhorst en Muller as die Grey senterpaar. Wat ek hou van Badenhorst en Muller is: (1) beide kan 12 en 13 speel, so hulle ruil gereeld op aanval en verdediging en (2) beide is baie goed op die grond. Ek het egter so spesmaas dat een of beide van hulle SA Skole gaan mis: dink Purchase, Van der Merwe en Adams was reeds voor die Craven Week in die span. Al drie is natuurlik fantastiese spelers – hulle sou net nie my keuse wees nie.

    27 June, 2024 at 20:53
  295. avatar
    #56 Snelvuur

    @Overlooked lad (Comment #54)
    At least pick the guys in their positions. Not sure that Reid has ever played tighthead. Pretty sure Pieter van der Merwe has never played 13 in his life.

    27 June, 2024 at 20:48
  296. avatar
    #55 yesnomaybe

    @Overlooked lad (Comment #54)
    You about as close as your WP-EP prediction.

    27 June, 2024 at 20:47
  297. avatar
    #54 Overlooked lad

    With one Matcday to go here’s an SA schools prediction before the actual team gets released.
    1. Rambo (Sharks)
    2. Esethu Mnebelele (Lions)
    3. Reid (WP)
    4. Botha (Lions)
    5. Norton (WP)
    6. Gwiji (Sharks)
    7. Neil (WP)
    8. Maake (Lions)
    9. McClaren (Free state)
    10. Ahmed (WP)
    11. Cheswill Jooste (Lions)
    12. Purchase (Bulls)
    13. Peter VDM (Free state)
    14. Ethan Adams (Free state)
    15. Felix (Free State)
    16. Poulton (Lions)
    17. Robert (Border)
    18 Van wyk (Free state)
    19.Josh MacKenzie (EP)
    20. Torren February (WP)
    21. Moyo (Lions)
    22.  Kepe (Ep)
    23. Siyaya (Sharks)

    27 June, 2024 at 20:11
  298. avatar
    #53 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #52)
    Rugby provinsies steur hulle bittermin aan provinsiale grense soos vervat in die grondwet….

    27 June, 2024 at 20:06
  299. avatar
    #52 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #48)
    Nee man, dit pla my glad en geensins nie. Ek dink dis ‘n goeie ding. Dis net vir my interessant hoe dit vir dieselfde ouens ok is wat eenvoudig nie verstaan wat die geskiedenis is van Boland nie en dat die Wynlandskole vir dekades voor die ontstaan van die Boland unie in die WP was en dat niemand eers kan sê waar die Boland is nie, terwyl daar grense in die Grondwet vasgemaak is vir waar die Vrystaat is en waar die Oos-Kaap is.

    27 June, 2024 at 19:46
  300. avatar
    #51 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #49)
    Was not even aware of that. Jeez, some Gautengers are hypocrites.

    27 June, 2024 at 19:42
  301. avatar
    #50 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #49)
    Yea the schools close to provincial borders usually has a bit of leeway as to where they want to play….Burgersdorp is only 40km from the Freestate as the crow flies thats 20 km closer than Paarl is to the Cape Town CBD

    27 June, 2024 at 18:44
  302. avatar
    #49 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #48)
    And the Sasolburg guys playing with … Valke (Eastern Gauteng).

    27 June, 2024 at 18:35
  303. avatar
    #48 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #46)
    Jissie maar die Burgersdorp besigheid pla jou ne….Toemaar dis net die skool wat in die Vrystaat is ,die res van die dorp is steeds in die Oos Kaap ….amper soos daai skole in die Paarl en Stellenbosch wat in die WP is en die res van die dorp in die Boland 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    27 June, 2024 at 18:04
  304. avatar
    #47 Bungee

    @PietPompies (Comment #16)

    Looks to be that the difficult first fixture has caught up with the Bulls.

    27 June, 2024 at 16:31
  305. avatar
    #46 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #41)
    What’s in a name? As ons die Roos by ‘n ander naam noem sal dit nog net so soet ruik. Doen die Shakespeare ding en kanselleer die 1938 (dit was daar rond) WP vergunning, noem Boland voortaan WP Platteland. Dan is Boland weer terug in die WP soos dit was, so asof dit weg was (soos Burgersdorp wat uit die Oos-Kaap verdwyn het en in die Vrystaat verskyn het), en het weer die WP naam. Dan het niemand meer iets om oor te teem en kyf nie.

    “Vive le WP”, Allez les Streeptrui. :wink:

    27 June, 2024 at 16:24
  306. avatar
    #45 wanza_15

    Been impressed with the Lions really.
    Lost a nail biter to Bulls, a game I really wished they’d have won because then they’d have played FS, and there’d have been a small back story to that game! Rashivanga been a joy to watch. So too Moyo at 10. Good effort

    27 June, 2024 at 14:41
  307. avatar
    #44 Kaya 85

    @JongMatie (Comment #14)
    I think if WP and WP XV play CW, and there is a WP team in AW, you know that is about 69 players per year getting provincial representative experience. Not bad, considering Boland will have a team in CW and AW also…does SWD have a AW team?

    27 June, 2024 at 13:06
  308. avatar
    #43 Kaya 85

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #33)
    @Smallies (Comment #35)
    I agree they must nurture Felix, not rush him into playing pro too soon.
    He should have 2 years after school playing u20 exclusively, picking up mass etc. then maybe another year Varsity Cup…lets see how he stacks up in 2028. His build is like Stephen Larkham the Wallaby great.
    About Sacha F-M, he apparently had a massive growth spurt in the off-season of his second year out of high school. It happens…you can’t compare a 17, 18 year old lad with a young man in his early to mid twenties. It does happen time to time in rugby, but the ooms will break the lads in half.

    27 June, 2024 at 13:01
  309. avatar
    #42 Bungee

    @Snelvuur (Comment #41)

    Ek stem. En die Boland-span die jaar speel baie mooi rugby, en ek twyfel sterk of daar meer as 3 dan die span sou maak.

    Ek sal baie eerder wil sien dat die WP streek in 3 aparte streke gedeel word.

    27 June, 2024 at 12:51
  310. avatar
    #41 Snelvuur

    @Rainier (Comment #38)
    Die moeilikheid is dat die Wynlandskole dan ook in die Bolandliga moet speel. Persoonlik, wil ek nie sien hoe Gim vir Robertson met 100 punte wen nie. Natuurlik, as die Wynlandskole in die Boland-streek is, is dit ook baie moontlik dat feitlik geen van die kleiner skole se spelers die spanne sal maak nie. Dit sal basies soos Greystaat wees.

    27 June, 2024 at 12:16
  311. avatar
    #40 Smallies

    @Smallies (Comment #39)
    Moet iets in die water wees….

    27 June, 2024 at 11:33
  312. avatar
    #39 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #37)
    Libbok is ook van Humansdorp

    27 June, 2024 at 11:31
  313. avatar
    #38 Rainier

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #23)

    Miskien moet die Boland skole net vir die Boland speel.

    27 June, 2024 at 11:25
  314. avatar
    #37 Rainier

    Beide Felix en Adams kom uit die Kouga area uit. Asook SA Skole losskakel verlede jaar. Baie talent in die area.

    27 June, 2024 at 11:24
  315. avatar
    #36 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #32)
    Ek dink dis n ding wat n laaity eendag gese het en toe stuck dit nou maar …

    27 June, 2024 at 06:02
  316. avatar
    #35 Smallies

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #33)
    Agree with you 100%

    27 June, 2024 at 05:28
  317. avatar
    #34 Bungee

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #33)
    My prediction is Felix at fullback for SA Schools and going forward.

    27 June, 2024 at 00:24
  318. avatar
    #33 KES Oldboy

    @Smallies (Comment #20)
    Yes – Felix is absolutely magic. He is such a good passer & stepper. Obviously his size is a concern going forward but for now he’s just amazing to watch.

    26 June, 2024 at 21:46
  319. avatar
    #32 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #29)
    Mens moet betwyfel hoe deurdag dit is: hulle het ook op die vroulike Franse “die” in die vorm van “la” liewer as die manlike “le” geëindig. Ek betwyfel die korrektheid daarvan. Die algemene reël in Frans wat lande betref is dat lande wat nie op -e eindig nie, manlik is. Ek neem aan dat ‘n soortgelyke reël vir skole sal geld (Grey is immers mos maar ‘n eiland in die Vrystaat). Gegewe hul stigter, is ek ook nie seker waar die Franse konneksie van kom nie – “Rule, Grey College, Grey College rule the waves (of vlaktes)” sou miskien meer gepas wees!

    26 June, 2024 at 21:22
  320. avatar
    #31 Snelvuur

    Ek het na Rassie se perskonferensie vandag geluister en dit was vir my nogal interessant hoe hulle ouens van SA Skole af deur die sisteem probeer kry. Ek wonder tot watter mate dit ‘n impak op die SA Skole keurders se besluite het. M.a.w., dat hulle nie noodwendig kyk na wie die beste spelers nou is nie, maar wie ‘n realistiese kans het om eendag Bok te speel.

    26 June, 2024 at 21:14
  321. avatar
    #30 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #26)
    Net so. Maar as jy kyk na Libbok se defence stats: hy maak rondom 65% van sy tackles. Vir SFM en, veral, Hendrikse, is daai syfer (ver) noord van 80%. Die moderne losskakel moet kan tackle, en goed ook.

    26 June, 2024 at 21:11
  322. avatar
    #29 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #28)
    Vive is Frans ,Viva is Spaans…dit is ontrent die som totaal van wat ek weet…

    26 June, 2024 at 20:49
  323. avatar
    #28 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #24)
    “Vive la Grey” :lol: :lol: Moet wees Viva la Grey. Tipies Vrystaat Blikore.

    26 June, 2024 at 20:40
  324. avatar
    #27 yesnomaybe

    @Overlooked lad (Comment #6)
    Yes, very close game, kaboom.

    26 June, 2024 at 19:47
  325. avatar
    #26 Smallies

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #25)
    Polly is 98 kgs volgens wikipedia ….hy was op skool ook n redelike unit gewees Libbok is 76 volgens Wikipedia …So as Felix 10 optel sal hy 82 weeg

    26 June, 2024 at 19:36
  326. avatar
    #25 agter_die_pale_pa

    @Snelvuur (Comment #24)
    Crazy that SFM is well over 90kg, easily more than Pollard (could that be??) Wonder how much he weighted in matric? Do not remember him as an overly big inside back during his junior years?

    26 June, 2024 at 19:27
  327. avatar
    #24 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #22)
    Probably more than 10kg. He currently weighs 72kg according to Vive la Grey. SFM weighs 94kg, Hendrikse weighs 89kg and Pollard is also in excess of 85kg. It’s clear that we are looking to pick heavier flyhalves now.

    26 June, 2024 at 18:59
  328. avatar
    #23 OUD ANKER

    @JongMatie (Comment #14)
    And such is the arrogance of certain individuals of that region as well…

    26 June, 2024 at 18:25
  329. avatar
    #22 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #21)
    Hence my opinion that he needs to add about 10 kgs mass

    26 June, 2024 at 17:07
  330. avatar
    #21 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #20)
    He’s definitely special going forward. I am worried about him in defence in pro rugby though. If you look at someone like Nohamba who is equally good, but struggles on defence, you’ll see how difficult it is to make the step up (in Nohamba’s case, to the Springboks). I don’t know whether he will be able to stand up to big ball carriers running in his channel.

    26 June, 2024 at 16:31
  331. avatar
    #20 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #11)
    Felix …in my veiw is a generational talent he needs to be nurtured and developed by a very special tipe of coach after school someone like Swys De Bruin comes to mind,he also needs about 10 kgs of mass without sacrificing speed and nimbleness…one thing is for sure he is proparbly the most craetive flyhalf I’ve seen since Damien Willemse as a schoolboy

    26 June, 2024 at 16:12
  332. avatar
    #19 Vleis

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #8) Lekker grapjas…but I did chuckle :lol: :lol:

    26 June, 2024 at 15:32
  333. avatar
    #18 JongMatie

    @Snelvuur (Comment #17)
    Ek wil my verstout om te se dat die speler net n trappie bo die res is. Hy is die glue van die Maroon Masjien.

    26 June, 2024 at 15:19
  334. avatar
    #17 Snelvuur

    Wil nou nie snaaks wees nie, maar WP lyk stukke beter met Badenhorst op 12. Dink hy is ‘n ongelooflik underrated speler.

    26 June, 2024 at 15:03
  335. avatar
    #16 PietPompies

    As I predicted. The Cheetahs played all their reserves in their 1st game and now have the luxury of fielding their Grey Kollege players in the next two matches. And on the flipside, the Bulls had to play their starting 15 to beat the Lions by 1 point. And to make matters worse – they had to play them the full match against the Lions. So their 8 reserves still have to play 2 full halves… and with a sub standard bench, where are they going to fit those 2 halves in? Against the Grey Cheetahs or in the final?

    26 June, 2024 at 14:57
  336. avatar
    #15 Jayzee

    I was also quite impressed with Boland’s flyhalf, although commentators have mentioned that he is quite small. Anybody know how big he actually is?

    26 June, 2024 at 13:50
  337. avatar
    #14 JongMatie

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #12)
    Maybe the WP must field 3 teams going forward in the CW main comp..
    Such is the strength of this region.

    26 June, 2024 at 13:21
  338. avatar
    #13 Kaya 85

    @ Beet or anyone …
    I see there are some overseas refs, e.g. the Italian ref of the Valke / Leopards game. That’s a nice gesture by SARU to invite them, and of course they get to take that experiences back. Do you know of any others?

    26 June, 2024 at 13:18
  339. avatar
    #12 Kaya 85

    Sharks played bleddy well, no doubt. But WP really have a LOT of quality and class…and

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #8)
    I think WP XV is just as good in every respect.

    26 June, 2024 at 12:58
  340. avatar
    #11 Kaya 85

    Lions v Bulls a tasty game. Free State played with lots of pace and Felix showed his talent… exceptional, playing with a lot more freedom than school level…jaw dropping, Me, I love that stuff, I know it’s not the flyhalf play that wins world cups (…yet! maybe in 2031 or 2035 we will need magicians). But Griffons showed plenty of skill and strength too….

    26 June, 2024 at 12:57
  341. avatar
    #10 Surgite

    A few interesting points:

    1.) Sharks unable to get the win against a WP who initially struggled to click. WP finished the game with two red cards but still managed to secure the victory.

    2.) Lions lose by one point! Cracker of a game. Bulls flyhalf missing five in a row but kicking over two right at the end when it mattered most

    3.) Boland flyhalf looks very good. Kicks well and plays running rugby with ball in hand.

    26 June, 2024 at 12:38
  342. avatar
    #9 JongMatie

    CW op n vaal Krugersdorp.
    Norton moet al weer die WP groepie bymekaar hou. Gom van die span.

    2 3 Roos.

    26 June, 2024 at 12:23
  343. avatar
    #8 Ploegskaar

    @yesnomaybe (Comment #7)
    Tongue in cheek sir, but let’s see how it pans out over the coming years. A couple of those XV Landbou boys will make the step-up while most of the CW lads will end up playing for Falsebay, UWC or UCT. Maybe, if they are lucky, they end up at a decent club like Villager. If they are lucky though

    26 June, 2024 at 10:05
  344. avatar
    #7 yesnomaybe

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #5)
    Oh yes a very neutral comment as poor Ploegie is still pissed that not one of his beloved angels from the plaas is not in the main side but 5 are in the XV side.

    26 June, 2024 at 09:22
  345. avatar
    #6 Overlooked lad

    Wp not as dominant as previous years Ep might just take the Win on day 3

    25 June, 2024 at 21:58
  346. avatar
    #5 Ploegskaar

    @Grizzly (Comment #4)
    Ja, die WP XV

    25 June, 2024 at 16:27
  347. avatar
    #4 Grizzly

    @boerboel (Comment #3)
    Speel WP al hul beste 15?

    25 June, 2024 at 15:39
  348. avatar
    #3 boerboel

    @Bungee (Comment #1)
    wp looked weakish compared to previous years- nr 10 looks very good

    25 June, 2024 at 14:09
  349. avatar
    #2 JDLVD

    DAY 1 AND 2

    With regards to day 1 the Sharks were disappointing, they started off very well but maybe they thought the halves were only 25 minutes long. Boland looked impressive though they may not have enough depth to take on a Western Province side and win.
    A note on the day 2 fixtures, I support the team who has player representation from eight different schools over the team who is only represented by two schools.

    I hope post the fixtures for 3 day on their website.

    25 June, 2024 at 13:35
  350. avatar
    #1 Bungee

    Any thoughts after day 1?

    25 June, 2024 at 08:24