DAY 1 : Wed 20-Mar-2019 | ||||||
1 | u15 | Westville u15A | 05 | 41 | EG Jansen u15A | |
2 | u15 | Waterkloof u15A | 57 | 10 | Nelspruit u15A | |
3 | u15 | Zwartkop u15 | 25 | 10 | Klerksdorp u15 | |
4 | u15 | Affies u15A | 56 | 00 | Kempton Park u15A | |
5 | u15 | Maritzburg College u15A | 27 | 21 | Helpmekaar u15A | |
6 | u15 | Welkom Gim u15 | 00 | 54 | Garsfontein u15A | |
DAY 2 : Thu 21-Mar-2019 | ||||||
1 | u15 | Kempton Park u15A | 10 | 12 | Welkom Gim u15 | |
2 | u15 | Affies u15A | 24 | 12 | EG Jansen u15A | |
3 | u15 | Garsfontein u15A | 24 | 26 | Westville u15A | |
4 | u15 | Zwartkop u15 | 21 | 24 | Waterkloof u15A | |
5 | u15 | Nelspruit u15A | 03 | 45 | Maritzburg College u15A | |
6 | u15 | Klerksdorp u15 | 07 | 19 | Helpmekaar u15A | |
DAY 3 : Sat 23-Mar-2019 | ||||||
1 | u15 | Maritzburg College u15A | 55 | 00 | Kempton Park u15A | |
2 | u15 | Westville u15A | 16 | 14 | Nelspruit u15A | |
3 | u15 | Klerksdorp u15 | 19 | 18 | EG Jansen u15A | |
4 | u15 | Welkom Gim u15 | 12 | 48 | Waterkloof u15A | |
5 | u15 | Helpmekaar u15A | 24 | 08 | Zwartkop u15 | |
6 | u15 | Affies u15A | 25 | 08 | Garsfontein u15A |
@BrotherBear: on school of rugby they have the EGJansen/Klerksdorp game score the other way around. EGJ19 -Klerksdorp18. If this is the case then they also did very well. Big win over Westville and a good close game against Affies,who has 4 times the amount of boys than EGJansen has. Not bad..
KES and Jeppe used to play in this tournament. Any idea why they no longer participate in same? I suppose that they decided to send the u15A teams with the other A teams to the Wynberg and Grey festivals respectively?
In 2013, I remember Jeppe hammering EG Jansen and the Affies B team, but scraping a narrow win over Pietersburg. What’s happened to Pieties since then, as they seem to have declined drastically?
So three standout teams seem to be; Affies, Helpies and Maritzburg (alpabetic ;-). Garsies and Waterkloof probably also in the mix.
Good for Maritzburg continuity.
@h2o: Thanks. The boys showed good character there, but I think they are clear on what homework needs to be done now to tighten up a bit.
You guys look like you’re going to have a great season as well – from the comments I’ve heard your team is playing good rugby. All the best to you guys.
Dankie Affies vir ‘n goed georganiseerde toernooi. Dit was weer lekker om Garsies teenwoordig te he en ook teen hulle te kon speel. So paar spelers nog kort by Affies maar ek het genoeg gesien om te glo dat die seuns ‘n mooi jaar sal he. Hopelik is daar volgende jaar weer ‘n paar topspanne en so ek graag wou sien dat Affies dalk SSL of DigiTV nader trek om die toernooi te beeldsaai. Ek kan werklik nie insien dat dit meer druk op seuns kan plaas as die toernooi gebeeldsaai word nie, want meeste spanne se wedstryde word in elk geval opgeneem om later te ontleed.
@Steve K: well done on a gutsy win againt Nelspruit.. I think you guys were down 14-3…. Just chiseled away on the deficit…. Good luck for the season.
@jappers1: yes 55-0 v Kemptonpark… We have Glenwood in 2weeks so this game was nice indication of depth…
Won 55-0 against Kempton Park, from what I hear…
Anyone know how Maritzburg College did in their last game ? Thanks
@Murrayfield: Dankie
@Wondermaar: dankie vir die tellings. Hierdie is ‘n goeie rugby toernooi. Die spanne weeg almal goed teen mekaar op lyk dit vir my. Nie 1 span wat weghol oorwiinings het nie
@h2o: I liked the way you guys played!
Good luck for tomorrow
@h2o: Thanks, don’t know who Helpies will select to play for Saturday, but they seem to have been given a good ‘word-wakker’ by three teams in a row now (Waterkloof in a friendly as well some 2 weeks ago), so they will want to right their performance in terms of their expectations a bit. Things change, boys grow at different rates, so we’ll have to see how things develop for them going forward. Just had a chat with a player agent this morning about the changes at U19-U21 level nationally and the book ‘Who moved my Cheese’ came to mind. It certainly seems as kids grow a team’s cheese (as a collective) gets moved (without warning) and then its up to management to find new cheese again. I am sure that will be the case for this talented bunch as well. Just on another note, what distinguishes a good team from a great team? Enthusiasts are very quick to lable teams, but at this age I think its best to let them just play and have fun and make mistakes and learn and grow.
@Steve K: yip Liam said they had a bit of a HVRC reunion going on there… Rugby mates the best mates you can ever have… Good luck for tomorrow
I know printing cost a lot and this might be a bit of a administrative nightmare but would be interested to see the weight and height of these boys….maybe something for the Affies organisers to consider next year … Must say a very well organized tournament… Games started on time, facilities all neat. En nie eers een “moer my” insident tussen toeskouers nie :wink:… Gister se wedstryde nader as dag 1… Ek glo dit het dalk te doen met 16-23 wat moes begin… Dit wys sommige spanne het meer diepte as ander… Dink EG v Klerksdorp en Affies v Garsfontein sal 2 nice games wees.
Dankie 4×4… Ek is ongelukkig nie teenwoordig nie, so dis verskriklik lekker om van my seun se spel te lees. Hy is die Vleuel. Opreg dankie Meneer
Opreg dankie H2O, die Vleuel is my seun. Baie dankie vir die positiewe opmerkings
@4×4: Yes, looking forward to our trip back up there to play Affies in May. Should be a great game.
@h2o: Thanks h2o. The no. 10 is my son. He loves his kicking and works hard at it. Looking forward to our game against you guys – lots of mates between the two teams. I hear some of them have been spending their evenings together. Should be a great match back home.
@Murrayfield: yes the Helpmekaar side is a quality side… Missed one or two players due to injury but in all well coached. Some big packs in the week but picked up if they get dominated at the contact point the smaller pack has a chance… Klerksdorp did the same yesterday as did College the day before…. The College backline was the difference between the 2 teams… As i told Quagga the difference between this College team and last years team is that last year the 50/50 games we lost by 1 or 2….this year it seems hopefully to bs the other way… We have 1 new kid and lost 2 to Glenwood so basically the same side.
@jakes: 24-12 affies won.
@h2o: That Helpies team was the U14 VirSeker beker Cup winners in 2018!
HS Klerksdorp also pushed Helpies today to the limited.
EG Jansen beat Westville 41-5 on day one. Then Westville beats Garsfontein on day 2. Wow. I am surprised. How did EG Jansen do against Affies today? Does anyone know?
@Quagga: geluk met julle wen vandag…. Hoor jou Zam is weer Saterdag reg…. Hulle het hom en die no2 vandag gemis
@Steve K: What a turnaround from day 1… Your pack was dominant in the contact sessions especially your lock and prop…in the backs your 10 controlled the territory well… He landed a penalty from the 50….your wing also chased every ball… You could see they were adamant to right tge wrong from day one…. Congrats
@Steve K: Westville played a brilliant game of rugby. I was especially impressed with the loosies and the one wing. The whole team pkayed brilliantly and did not allow a bigger pack and backline imtimidate them. Congratulations should be in order. Looking forward to the clash with Affies, it will be epic
Great effort from Westville to get a win under their belt today. 26-24 against Garsfontein. Great game I hear…
@h2o: Cheers Mate! Contrats to an excellent effort by the forwards against a larger pack and a backline intent on giving every ball a go! Maritzburg deserved the win. With Helpies 14-3 up I told you Helpies should have been further ahead already and I started to worry when Helpies were up only by 6 points at halftime. The second half belonged to Martizburg with a very gutsy performance especially by the backline. After the one-sided game produced by Affies just before this clash I did not expect such an epic battle to be dished up for us to enjoy. As always, the players left their hearts out there on the field. Cheers to you too, may this family rugby rivalry last a good few generations ou maat
@4×4: Weet nie , sien net paar groot tellings.
@Wondermaar: Hoe was die wedstryde?
Thanks Beet
@Wondermaar: 11 uur
Hoe laat begin wedsyryde moreoggend?
Some big scores today…. Wow College beating a very good Helpmekaar team 27-21.. Westville score not true reflection as they were still in it with 15 to go… @Quagga here is to another 30 years of rugby frienship
Does anyone know if there will live streaming of the games?
Howzit Beet. According the the fixture list posted by Helpmekaar their fixture on Thursday is against Klerksdorp not Westville. Just asked the rugby master to confirm and he says it changed to Klerksdorp.
Phew….thanks Beet. I was worried there for a bit!
@Steve K: Sorry Steve. Dates fixed
These dates are wrong. According to my information, the festival runs from 20 – 22 March. Our team is leaving 19 March and returning 23 March.

Hope our coach hasn’t booked buses for the wrong dates….