Pretoria Boys’ High School – Rugby Director vacancy


Pretoria Boys High School

This leading English-medium South African state boys school has a vacancy for a Rugby Director. (School Governing Body position with effect from 1 November 2018) This is a three year fixed-term contract (negotiable) which has long term possibilities.

Minimum Qualifications and Experience for this position:

  • Minimum of three years professional experience in coaching and managing a rugby programme.
  • Level 2 Coaching Certification.
  • Strong work ethic, communication-, motivational- and management skills
  • Willing to travel and must be registered with Boksmart

Main Responsibilities:

  • To be directly responsible for the development and management of players and coaches at the school.
  • To liaise and provide feedback at all times to the Director of Sport
  • To improve the calibre of rugby player in the long term by enhancing skills
  • To give direction to coaching staff by providing assistance, attending courses and seminars to enhance the skills of the coaches.
  • To attract top Primary School boys to the School. This could entail attending festivals and tournaments, visiting Primary Schools and offering coaching clinics at the School for Primary School boys.
  • To be responsible for the planning, development and implementation of training plans and practice schedules for all teams at all levels.
  • To develop players to play at provincial level and to liaise with the various provincial rugby unions.
  • To attend Tournaments (some overnight travel is required)
  • To use the relevant technology to record and analyse matches for the 1stand all other A teams.
  • To retain the keen focus that sports is played for educational purposes and that playing rugby is just one facet of Boys High.
  • The Director of Rugby will not be required to coach any specific team, but may be used to enhance coaching at a particular level.

Applications in the form of a cover letter, short (4 page) CV and a list of at least 2 current referees must be sent to the HR Administrator, Connie van der Walt. Closing date for applications is Friday 14 September 2018.

Email: or hand-deliver to 251 Roper Street, Brooklyn, Pretoria, 0181.

For any queries on the position, please email the Director of Sport at :


Please note that should you not have received any feedback two weeks after application closure, you can consider yourself unsuccessful.

Please also note that the School reserves the right not to make an appointment if there are no suitable candidates or if needs change.


  1. avatar
    #13 The O

    @Candies: Ah, jy mag maar trots wees, great speler en proper gentleman

    19 October, 2018 at 11:37
  2. avatar
    #12 Candies

    @The O: Chris, hy het 8 gespeel.

    19 October, 2018 at 11:25
  3. avatar
    #11 The O

    @Candies: Kan nie glo die tyd gaan so vinnig verby nie, gaan hartseer wees om volgende jaar klaar te maak, maar sal altyd bly ondersteun. As ek mag vra, wie is jou seun ?

    19 October, 2018 at 11:03
  4. avatar
    #10 Candies

    @The O: Ek stem saam, daar is n paar goeie 0/16 wat deurkom, maar as hy reeds hierdie jaar vir die Candies gespeel het behoort hy sy plek te behou. My betrokkenheid het in 2017 geeindig :cry: , so ek is nou net n ondersteuner

    19 October, 2018 at 10:04
  5. avatar
    #9 The O

    @Candies: Ek hoop so :lol: My seun het hierdie jaar gespeel, maar met paar goeie o/16’s wat deurkom mag dit volgende jaar dalk moeilik wees…

    19 October, 2018 at 09:45
  6. avatar
    #8 Candies

    @The O: Het jy enige belange by volgende jaar se groep?

    19 October, 2018 at 08:51
  7. avatar
    #7 The O

    @Roger: I might be mistaken, but I think the last win was 2012 and a draw in 2013…

    18 October, 2018 at 17:12
  8. avatar
    #6 The O

    @Candies: Jip , was ‘n moeilike jaar gewees. Seker hy sal ‘n verskil maak, maar dink nie ons moet wonderwerke in jaar een verwag nie alhoewel die 2019 span baie potensiaal het, dink ek ons is dalk al klaar bietjie agter met voorbereiding

    18 October, 2018 at 16:59
  9. avatar
    #5 Roger

    Brilliant for Boys High – when last did Boys High beat KES? I know KES did not beat Boys High from 1999-2008 and that was during Paul Anthony’s time – must be the longest winning streak between both schools since inception of the fixture back in the 1930’s. KES have turned the tables somewhat since 2009.

    18 October, 2018 at 13:43
  10. avatar
    #4 Candies

    @The O: Hoop hy kan n verskil maak, PBHS het bietjie gesukkel hierdie jaar!

    18 October, 2018 at 10:59
  11. avatar
    #3 The O

    @Vleis: Geen idee nie, net baie bly dat hy terug is..

    18 October, 2018 at 10:35
  12. avatar
    #2 Vleis

    @The O: I’m sure that is very good news for Boys High. Any reason why he’s decided to return to schoolboy rugby?

    17 October, 2018 at 17:43
  13. avatar
    #1 The O

    Great to have Paul Anthony in this position from 1 January 2019

    17 October, 2018 at 14:18

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