Paul Roos looking promising for 2014

A good way to describe Paul Roos supporters ahead of the 2014 season is quietly confident. No one is under any kind of illusion either. Annually Paul Roos has one of the most demanding school rugby schedules in the country which affords them little room for comfort. That said there is a reason why they are labelled as one of South African school rugby’s powerhouse teams. They have a history of producing top quality teams and achieving desired results. In the past three seasons the effort and dedication has been there but the Paul Roos record has been below what one has come to expect from this fine rugby school. The Law of Large Numbers now suggests that Paul Roos are overdue for a big season, one in which they improve their recent track record significantly to bring it back in line with their long term achievements. Paul Roos turns 150 years old in 2015.  All indications are they will produce a very good talented team for this huge celebration year. For now it’s the 2014 that has the potential to set the bar very high.

Paul Roos record for 2011, 2012, 2013

Year P W D L PF PA
2011 19 10 2 7 492 358
2012 22 13 2 7 531 355
2013 17 6 2 9 276 291
TOTAL 58 29 6 14 1299 1004

Paul Roos results for 2011, 2012, 2013

Date Opponents Result For Against
14/03/2011 San Isidro Win 43 6
21/03/2011 Swartland Win 22 10
30/03/2011 Bishops Draw 10 10
16/04/2011 Grey PE Win 22 18
23/04/2011 Parktown Boys Win 43 0
23/04/2011 Affies Lose 25 28
25/04/2011 Nelspruit Win 48 8
30/04/2011 Waterkloof Lose 10 48
02/05/2011 Glenwood Lose 8 13
07/05/2011 Rondebosch Draw 17 17
14/05/2011 Paarl Gim Win 34 30
21/05/2011 Oakdale Lose 12 16
28/05/2011 SACS Win 22 10
04/06/2011 HJS Paarl Lose 18 20
11/06/2011 Boland Landbou Lose 26 28
23/07/2011 Bishops Win 43 15
30/07/2011 Wynberg BHS Win 31 24
13/08/2011 HTS Drostdy Win 23 21
20/08/2011 Grey College Lose 35 36
14/03/2012 Hugenote (Well) Win 15 10
20/03/2012 Paarl Gim Draw 5 5
24/03/2012 Westville BHS Win 38 10
26/03/2012 Kearsney Win 30 20
05/04/2012 Queens College Win 43 20
07/04/2012 Monument Win 40 8
09/04/2012 Dale College Draw 27 27
14/04/2012 Boland Landbou Win 17 15
21/04/2012 Grey PE Lose 19 23
28/04/2012 Maritzburg College Win 22 21
30/04/2012 Affies Win 32 22
05/05/2012 Tygerberg Lose 20 22
12/05/2012 Paarl Gim Lose 8 28
19/05/2012 Oakdale Lose 20 22
26/05/2012 Rondebosch Win 22 10
02/06/2012 Wynberg BHS Win 29 12
09/06/2012 De Kuilen Win 55 0
16/06/2012 HJS Paarl Lose 17 22
21/07/2012 SACS Win 12 3
28/07/2012 Bishops Win 26 10
04/08/2012 HTS Drostdy Lose 11 12
18/08/2012 Grey College Lose 23 33
09/03/2013 San Isidro Lose 0 9
18/03/2013 Wynberg BHS Win 20 15
28/03/2013 Glenwood Win 15 10
30/03/2013 EG Jansen Lose 12 29
01/04/2013 Selborne Draw 17 17
13/04/2013 Bishops Draw 22 22
20/04/2013 Grey PE Lose 18 23
27/04/2013 SACS Win 32 0
02/05/2013 Maritzburg College Win 30 17
04/05/2013 Affies Lose 10 17
11/05/2013 Paarl Gim Lose 15 24
18/05/2013 Boland Landbou Lose 18 19
01/06/2013 Rondebosch Win 10 5
20/07/2013 HJS Paarl Lose 20 21
27/07/2013 Wynberg BHS Win 16 8
03/08/2013 Oakdale Lose 13 15
17/08/2013 Grey College Lose 8 40

The SchoolBoyRugby Blog’s Possible Paul Roos Squad for 2014
(This is not the actual squad. Paul Roos currently has a much larger training group and there is every chance that other players not mentioned on this list below could make the final team)

# Name Position Elite Squad 2014
1 Carl Prinsloo Prop L/H
2 Muammir Salie Prop L/H
3 Christian van Deventer Prop L/H
4 Jerome Korff Prop T/H WP Elite Squad
5 Christian Hamann Prop T/H
6 Jacques van Zyl Hooker WP Elite Squad
7 Joa Swart Lock
8 Emile Cloete Lock
9 Louis Conradie Lock
10 Jaques Oosthuizen Flank
11 Mitchell Carstens Flank WP Elite Squad
12 Dean van Tonder Flank WP Elite Squad
13 Pieter Jordaan Flank
14 Michael Meyer No.8 WP Elite Squad
15 Calvin Nel Scrumhalf
16 Herschel Jantjies Scrumhalf / Fullback WP Elite Squad
17 Reinhardt Fortuin Flyhalf / Fullback WP Elite Squad
18 Aidynn Cupido Flyhalf / Fullback WP Elite Squad
19 Edrich Venter Centre WP Elite Squad
20 Matt Gallow Centre
21 Edwill van der Merwe Wing WP Elite Squad
22 Veranzo Pypers Wing
23 Joshua Vermeulen Wing
24 Morne Taljaard Fullback
24 Christiaan Smit Fullback
25 Nico Leonard Centre


  1. avatar
    #32 Koos Roos

    @PaarlBok: Anyway, dit gaan opwindend wees en alle sterkte vir julle. Mag die beste span wen!

    23 January, 2014 at 22:55
  2. avatar
    #31 Maroon

    @PaarlBok: jy is 100% reg. julle het ‘n skitterrende afrigtingspan wat daarvan seker maak. Sterkte vir die jaar!

    23 January, 2014 at 11:12
  3. avatar
    #30 PaarlBok

    @Koos Roos: Ek dink ons u16s sal nie te vrot wees vanjaar nie. Laasjaar se u16s is veronderstel om nie te sleg te gewees het nie. Daar was n paar uitstekende spelers in daai span. Taigh Schoor was in die SA u16 HP squad. Die jaar gaan daar weer n paar goeie spelers wees en ons sal maar sien hoe dit gaan. Gim het nie naastenby die getalle van Paul Roos nie maar u16 is verseker nie u18 nie en ek sou reken ons seuns doen daai step up nogals goed so oor die jare.

    23 January, 2014 at 09:03
  4. avatar
    #29 Koos Roos

    @PaarlBok: Die feit dat PRG se ondersteuners nie wil deelneem aan sinnelose voorseisoenpraatjies nie, beteken nie ons is negatief nie. Ons is soos Beet se blog sê versigtig positief oor die volgende 2jare, maar om nou al uitsprake te maak is bloot laf. Onthou, alle spanne het soms afwaartse kurwes, wat weer regkom. Grey was laasjaar nie op hul beste nie, maar kyk maar vanjaar. Hoop net jul o16’s van vanjaar is goed. Anders kan daar dalk, ek twyfel egter, ‘n maer jaar of 2 wag. Jul o16’s van laasjaar was maar so-so. Getrou aan die aard van die sport weet ons natuurlik nie of hulle dalk die step-up beter maak as die ander nie. So ja, daar is baie veranderlikes in hierdie situasie. :wink:

    22 January, 2014 at 15:17
  5. avatar
    #28 PaarlBok

    @Beet, paul Roos se verlore tel nie lekker op na die totaal nie. Seker die dat mooi rooi paul roos koos so negatief is. sy span het sy kwota verlore vir die volgende twee jaar gehad.

    22 January, 2014 at 09:35
  6. avatar
    #27 Koos Roos

    @Tandem: Michealhouse. KZN Grant Khomo gespeel verlede jaar. Ons kaptein o 15.

    22 January, 2014 at 00:00
  7. avatar
    #26 Tandem

    @Koos Roos: Who is MHS ?

    21 January, 2014 at 23:32
  8. avatar
    #25 Koos Roos

    @beet: Christiaan is very talented. Good cricketer too. The u 16 fullback is very solid too. Plays cricket for Boland too. Neill Botha. Fear we might lose him to cricket. Pity we lost Bader Prinsloo to MHS. Would have been my choice at flyhalf. Reacon SA Schools prospect in year or two. Anyway can’t wait for the season.

    21 January, 2014 at 23:16
  9. avatar
    #24 Tierklou

    @Oakdale supporter: Dit gaan lekker wees om julle 7 Junie hier by Tygerberg te verwelkom.

    21 January, 2014 at 21:41
  10. avatar
    #23 beet

    @Koos Roos: The Elite Squad was a big help so was returning players and just a bit of asking here and there. For example the 2nd last name I added was that of former provincial flyhalf Chris Smit’s son Christiaan. I was told by a fairly reliable source that he had been injured last year but was a quality player.

    Last name added was that of one Nico Leonard. Today two people told me he is really good :mrgreen:

    21 January, 2014 at 21:29
  11. avatar
    #22 phat55

    @Koos Roos: definitely agree on Nico,talented centre.from what ive seen & heard this year he is bigger stronger and faster! so hopefully he gets a chance because he looks like one of those players that could take the step up.

    21 January, 2014 at 21:05
  12. avatar
    #21 Koos Roos

    @beet: It’s too early to say but there are a number of grade 11’s who might surprize. For instance Nico Leonard, Anton’s brother’s son. Big strong centre. But yes Hein is very good and Brendan will have his impact I believe. Who gave you that list though? Some names on it played u16 B.

    21 January, 2014 at 18:31
  13. avatar
    #20 Ploegskaar

    @Oakdale supporter: 4 grotes, op ‘n Plaas. Hoop jy het ‘n bier op ys vir my as ek die 31ste Maart daar is, sal vir jou een hou vir die 23ste Augustus.

    21 January, 2014 at 18:27
  14. avatar
    #19 Koos Roos

    @Oakdale supporter: Sorry nie vir jou ook bedoel. Wil net sê, om by julle te speel is altyd taai en ek geniet jul seuns se gees. Sien uit!

    21 January, 2014 at 18:21
  15. avatar
    #18 Koos Roos

    @Oakdale supporter: @Woltrui: Ou Woljol. Bly om te sien die Noorde begin nou uit hul bomskuilings kom na die bomskok van laasjaar se Curriebeker en jul gesonde wedywering met Griekwas. Julle gaan hulle seker mis. Jou inligting oor PRG rugby is waarskynlik on par met jou kennis oor Dok Craven. Jou navraag oor wie dit is, van nou die dag verwys. Lees bietjie jul geskiedenis en jy sal sien Dok was selfs kaptein van Noord Transvaal toe hulle afgestig het van Transvaal. O ja jul geliefde Bierman, soos jy dit spel, was eintlik Buurman. So gaan leer eers oor die dinge van die Noorde en dan deel jy jou kennis met ons oor wat hier onder aangaan. Lekker om jou terug te sien.

    21 January, 2014 at 18:17
  16. avatar
    #17 beet

    @Koos Roos: Hi Mnr Roos. I am the one who must take dis/credit for writing this blog from far off in KZN. Wording not too bad but the squad is subjective at this stage :mrgreen: .

    I don’t know Hein Kriek, have never met or talked to him but last year when I asked around I heard only good things about his coaching ability and that was from experienced coaches from diff parts of the country. Anyway bottom line is Hein had nothing to do with compilation as you already worked out. I must say tho that in my little world Brendan Venter sees this post, copies, pastes and prints it and says thank goodness, my pre-season homework is done. :mrgreen:

    I will take you up on the offer about comparing it to the actually team. Its not that I’m that confident, its just that I’m so far away I have nothing to lose.

    Prinsloo-van Zyl-Korff-lock-lock-Cartens-van Tonder-Meyer (c)-eish anyone’s bet between Nel and Jantjies-Fortuin-Edwill vdM-Venter-Gallow-wing-Cupido for my 15 starters if fit.

    21 January, 2014 at 18:15
  17. avatar
    #16 Oakdale supporter

    Maak nie saak wie kies vir wie nie. Ek sien baie uit na die game tussen PR en Oakdale op Riversdal. Om die waarheid te sê daar gaan 3 grootes op die plaas wees. Paul Roos, Gim en Outeniqua(Akker-fees)

    21 January, 2014 at 16:58
  18. avatar
    #15 Woltrui

    @Koos Roos: Volgens gerugte hier noord van die Vaal is bogenoemde inligting rakende die PR span blykbaar gelek deur een van die nuut aangestelde afrigters. Blykbaar ‘n bekende en populere oud rugby speler. Skynbaar sou hy gese het “f laasjaar se sg sterk O’16s. Ek kies net oumanne”. Of dit waar is weet ek nie. Gerugte :wink:

    21 January, 2014 at 16:32
  19. avatar
    #14 Koos Roos

    @Ploegskaar: Die laaste 3jaar het my geleer om te wag en kyk ou Ploeg. Geen wantroue oor jou opregtheid nie, weet jy volg jou skolerugby, maar die laaities weet watter verantwoordelikheid sommige ouers en personeel op hulle plaas. Ek hoop hulle proe sukses vanjaar. Solank hulle dit net geniet. Jou Boland spannetjie gaan ook ‘n paar spanne verras vanjaar.

    21 January, 2014 at 16:23
  20. avatar
    #13 Ploegskaar

    @Koos Roos: Jy is darem maar bitter wantrouig oor my opregte vooruitsigte. Paul Roos gaan gewis twee vuurwarm jare hê, en Gim gaan kook, albei dus ongetwyfeld gunstelinge vir al hul wedstryde, behalwe hul tweestryd op die Kriel op die 10de Mei, wat ‘n gelykop affêre behoort te wees.

    21 January, 2014 at 16:11
  21. avatar
    #12 Koos Roos

    Sorry boys. OOK nie oom.

    21 January, 2014 at 16:03
  22. avatar
    #11 Koos Roos

    Nee wat ou Ploegie. In daai slaggat trap ek nie weer nie. Anyway, lekker om al weer skolerugby te praat, al is dit k#f. Ons weet egter nie wat om te verwag en wat Brendan en Hein gaan doen nie. Persoonlik glo ek net een of twee van ons sterk o16 groep gaan die span haal en die res gaan glo die Derde span vorm om die groep bymekaar te hou vir 2015. Dis anyway die rumour. Tweedes glo Matrieks. Die Matrieks was ‘n heel goeie o16 groep, so ja, dalk is jy reg. Tyd sal leer. Stem met jou saam oor Rbosch se o 16’s wat nou opskuif. Goeie groep. As Brendon hulle egter na 2015 werk, mag ons dalk oom soos Bosch, ‘n jong span hê. @PaarlBok. Waneer het julle ooit ‘n gemiddelde span? Dit gebeur nie! Julle bure Boland se o 16’s kom oom deur vanjaar. Hou hulle maar dop. Ons het afgelope 3 jaar klippe gekou teen hulle.

    21 January, 2014 at 15:58
  23. avatar
    #10 Ploegskaar

    @PaarlBok: Dra vanselfsprekend nie kennis van gebeure by Gim nie, maar twyfel of ‘n skool met so ‘n trotse sport geskiedenis en tradisie ooit werklik sal sukkel.

    21 January, 2014 at 15:50
  24. avatar
    #9 PaarlBok

    @Ploegskaar: Eks bietjie bekommerd oor Gim se sport. Nuwe sporthoof en nuwe strukture gaan groot aanpassings bring. Gelukkig vir ons rugby het ons die jaar die makliker fixture list.

    Boishaai se hokkie gaan ook baie lig van die jaar. Hulle het n uitstekende pro coach aangestel en die astro gaan klaar wees voor die seisoen begin.

    Paul Roos se rugby en hokkie strukture is stewig nou vir die toekoms.

    21 January, 2014 at 15:30
  25. avatar
    #8 Ploegskaar

    @PaarlBok: Geen twyfel, Paul Roos en Paarl Gim gaan die res laat bloedsweet op die sportvelde hierdie jaar. Paarl Gim moet net bietjie aandag aan hulle netbal gee, teen die huidige trant sal hulle steeds nie ‘n interskole teen Hoër Meisies gewen het teen die tyd wat my middel-dogter oor twee jaar weer in die Paarl is nie, of selfs waneer die jongste oor 8 jaar daar aanland nie…

    21 January, 2014 at 15:21
  26. avatar
    #7 PaarlBok

    @Ploegskaar: Paul Roos se hokkie en rugby gaan in die top 5 wees in 2014.

    21 January, 2014 at 15:11
  27. avatar
    #6 Ploegskaar

    @Koos Roos: Toe toe, jy en ou PaarlBok is meer nederig as die nerfgebrande verkeerslig-bedelaar op die hoek van Frans Conradie en Old Oak Weg. Paul Roos gaan hulle opponente verwoes en Paarl Gim gaan hul opposisie verpletter! Die res kan maar die punte aanstuur, ek sê jou!

    21 January, 2014 at 14:12
  28. avatar
    #5 Koos Roos

    Wie het hierdie artikel geplaas? Twee goed. Weet Hein Kriek en Brendon Venter dat hierdie hul kerngroep is. Ek twyfel. Sal graag die eerste Eerste span wil vergelyk met hierdie voorspelling. Tweedens is dit verregaande om so vroeg al voorspellings te maak. Kom ons vat dit game vir game, anders gaan PRG weer kortskiet. Anyway, sterkte aan die Maroon Masjien en al die ander spanne!

    21 January, 2014 at 14:02
  29. avatar
    #4 Ploegskaar

    Paul Roos, Paarl Gym, Oakdale and Wynberg are the pre-season favourites, while Boishaai will be at or near the top as always, with all the quality and depth at their disposal.

    Rondebosch’s talented young team may well cause a few upsets, depending on how quickly they settle into u/19 rugby, while Bishops’ season will hinge on the form and consistency of three key returning players.

    It all bodes well for an exiting season, with the WC teams probably more evenly matched than in previous seasons and a few obvious upsets on the cards.

    21 January, 2014 at 09:56
  30. avatar
    #3 phat55

    I personally dislike the term “team to beat” before a game has been played,especially after coming off a very indifferent year.having said that we are confident the boys can turn it around & have a strong year looking forward to 2015 as well.would be awesome to see the Maroon Machine rumble again……

    20 January, 2014 at 18:09
  31. avatar
    #2 PaarlBok

    Paul Roos is verseker DIE span om te klop in 2014. Brendan Venter gaan verseker n groot verskil maak by hulle. Sterkte vir die Maroen Masjien.

    20 January, 2014 at 15:52
  32. avatar
    #1 Roger

    great – KES catch them on a good year :roll: perhaps our wee bairns can run between their legs :lol:

    20 January, 2014 at 10:40

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