Straueli’s departure could be good news for College & Westville

There are reports circulating in the media that Commercial Director Rudolf Straueli will leave the Sharks shortly to join the Lions.

If he does go, there is a chance that more details about his management style during his time in Durban will be talked about more openly and perhaps in that lies the opportunity to find out more or less what kind of a decision-making influence he exercised over schoolboy rugby in KwaZulu-Natal. This could be very interesting.

Even if Straeuli exercised no influence whatsoever, if he is leaving and there is to be a new external appointment or perhaps even a restructuring at the Sharks ranks, hope floats for a change in local school rugby approach by the union. First prize would be someone who identifies that the well-being of the game lies in looking after all the contributing rugby schools in the KZN system. Why, because a healthy balance results in better strength versus strength inter-schools match-ups and this is the best way to keep local competition at a high standard.

The Sharks have always gone out to contract the best school players from around the country. This policy is not expected to change. However aside from using schoolboy rugby to fulfil their own recruitment needs, the union does exercise an influence over the running of KZN school rugby and in the all-important representative team selections for the Craven, Academy and Grant Khomo Weeks. Because of it’s marketing value, the selection process is forever at risk of being abused by any parties afforded too much control. The main goal of selections should always be to reward the best players within the given SARU criteria but we have seen instances around the country where other desires get in the way of this.

No matter who the Sharks decision-makers were, are or will be, the key objectives should always be fairness and quality.

Westville and Maritzburg College, two leading government school that play an enormous role in ensuring the high standard of the game in KZN, do not appear to be enjoying a good relationship with the Sharks these days.

These two schools are not naïve. They have taken steps to look after their own interests and if their support base follows suit, the Sharks’ fan base might be dented.

Until more details come to the fore, word of any changes at Kings Park has to sound good and offer both schools the hope of a closer bond with the Sharks down the line.


  1. avatar
    #10 Rhino

    @Jordaan – another classic comment by you…note the sarcasm lol

    @bog – lol…

    17 October, 2013 at 20:35
  2. avatar
    #9 BOG

    I wondered why so many MC and WBHS boys and OBs .are such big supporters of the Cheetahs. So, now we have devided loyalty- the the FS Cheetahs or the FS Sharks. Some would even say the Grey Sharks. :mrgreen:

    17 October, 2013 at 11:28
  3. avatar
    #8 Jordaan

    @Gungets Tuft: This is sad loss for the Sharks, Rudolph is the engine behind the Sharks success.

    16 October, 2013 at 21:56
  4. avatar
    #7 Bonthuis

    “Camp Staaldraad” – enough said, a real embarrassment. This should pave the way for a more open environment!

    16 October, 2013 at 21:53
  5. avatar
    #6 Grasshopper

    @Gungets Tuft: Yep, and he had some sort of connection to Glenwood. I think his son might have gone there…

    16 October, 2013 at 21:21
  6. avatar
    #5 Gungets Tuft

    Never met the man, can’t comment personally but know this. There are a lot of people who are suppliers or potential suppliers to the Sharks who would be thrilled to see him go. He has set himself up as the sole arbiter at Kings Park, you do not negotiate with him, you go there to accept his terms, Leave grateful for the crumbs that he drops off the table. Interesting times at the Tank.

    16 October, 2013 at 20:13
  7. avatar
    #4 star

    @Grasshopper: :lol:

    16 October, 2013 at 15:39
  8. avatar
    #3 Buffel

    @Grasshopper: :lol:

    16 October, 2013 at 15:31
  9. avatar
    #2 McCulleys Workshop

    @Grasshopper: :lol:

    16 October, 2013 at 14:16
  10. avatar
    #1 Grasshopper

    Brilliant news! Let’s hope finally a transparent selection process is adhered to and we don’t get any further whining when the team is selected on merit with AA policies too. Glenwood will still have good representation but no 2nd team players at trials :-)

    16 October, 2013 at 13:50

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