New Hilton College rugby coach confirmed

Hilton has confirmed the appointment of AC Blume as their new 1st XV rugby coach. The energetic young Afrikaans teacher and assistant housemaster was assistant coach to Brad Macleod-Henderson over the past couple of seasons. With BHM leaving to take up the position of head coach at the Sharks, many speculated that the private school would bring in another high profile big salary earning external coach with heaps of experience. Instead it’s turned out to be the exact opposite.

It won’t be an easy first season in charge for Blume. Apart from taking over a relatively inexperienced squad with very few 1st team caps to fall back on, Hilton’s main rivals Michaelhouse are expected to field a very good team in 2014 and are already favourties to claim the double, an achievement of this year’s Hilton 1st XV when they won 42-12 on their home ground Gilfillan and then again on Meadows in Balgowan (43-34) in the final game of the season for both private schools. 

The pluses are that Blume does have the benefit of knowing his players very well, understanding the systems that they have been using over the past few seasons, that energy that’s been mentioned above and being  a teacher, he’s bound to enjoy a great deal of support of his peers. There is also the prospect of a very good 2015 campaign to look forward to down the line.  


  1. avatar
    #13 Grasshopper

    @geronimo: welcome, good to finally have a Hilton blogger!

    26 October, 2013 at 12:01
  2. avatar
    #12 geronimo

    Geronimo is on board. Thanks Beet!!! The new coach should pan out just fine. The lads really enjoy him and with Brad McH for 2 years he has learnt heaps!!!!!!!!!
    It will be a tough season however as 6-8 players should come up from the u16 ranks, as the batch of u16s from 2012 had a poor record.
    They will show the spirit of Geronimo !

    26 October, 2013 at 10:59
  3. avatar
    #11 Ploegskaar

    @Tarpeys: And yet English visitors to the Farm still ask why their boys are greeted by the chant “Hairspray Musical” when they play the Boland boys…

    17 October, 2013 at 14:30
  4. avatar
    #10 Tarpeys

    @Gungets Tuft, The head cheerleaders tend to consult with a professional but the school itself does not really support the side show and if it stopped the school wouldn’t be fussed. The boys themselves take it seriously and try to leave a lasting legacy and mark on this massive occasion. The school tries to restrict the whole thing that no academic or sports time is dedicated to practising the whole thing. The boys practise in their own time and it normally takes 4 practices in one week.

    17 October, 2013 at 14:09
  5. avatar
    #9 Gungets Tuft

    @Tarpeys: I heard that House brought in an outside choreographer for their displays in 2012. Heard silly amounts of money mentioned?

    16 October, 2013 at 20:36
  6. avatar
    #8 Tarpeys

    @ Beet, it will be a sad day when we see you scurrying across the field to view the side show up close. I must say it has gotten out hand in the last few years. The spellings are good but I wish they were shorter in duration. I remember the game finishing in the dark because the spellings took so long.

    16 October, 2013 at 17:59
  7. avatar
    #7 McCulleys Workshop

    @beet: When all else fails, we need to at least get our spelling right!

    16 October, 2013 at 14:18
  8. avatar
    #6 beet

    @Tarpeys: I agree. But I also think you have to be part of MHS or Hilton in some way to true appreciate the intensity and importance of the occasion/s, which leads to a better understanding of how winning that fixture could be more important to a 1st XV player than all else in any given year. There was a time when I couldn’t be bothered to go to any of these derbies but now it’s a highlight of the season for me. Amazing vibe. I just hope I don’t get so carried away that I end up on Gilfillan field running from one end to the other to watch blazer spelling :mrgreen:

    16 October, 2013 at 12:50
  9. avatar
    #5 Tarpeys

    The think people under estimate the pressure of a Hilton Michaelhouse fixture. I had the the pleasure of watching this fixture for the last couple of years and I feel Hilton managed to stay in touch with Michaelhouse because of BMH. He gave them a solid defensive pattern and crucial tactical pointers that turned average sides into teams that managed games better. Overall, I think it’s a great decision. Michaelhouse can go back to dominating this fixture.

    16 October, 2013 at 10:14
  10. avatar
    #4 McCulleys Workshop

    I think it is a great move, he is internal, has the boys interest at heart and is obviously no slouch as BMH’s assistant. Underestimate Hilton in 2014 at your peril. They may not be comparable with Paarl Gym, but they will be competitive.

    15 October, 2013 at 19:37
  11. avatar
    #3 RBugger

    I think to much emphases is placed on the actual coach…

    With regards to Hilton, having watched them play this year, it would not matter if you were Jake White himself, the team lacked enough individual talent to play any better than they did.

    Why pay a coach so much money at School Boy Level – it is silly! Boys at that age are difficult to manage and due to immaturity at that stage of their lives, having a top notch coach with amazing vision and pedigree, makes no difference! My point being that at 1st xv level within a school, the boys tend to play the game they want to play and all want a touch of the ball – form 1 to 15!

    If a coach comes in with a clear gameplan, besides maybe the fluhalf and scrumhalf who would like to show their kicking skills, the remainder of the side will just want hands on ball and show how they can run.

    A coach within the school who has taught the boys from Grade 8 and has a bonded relationship with the boys, will get a lot more out of them, than a professional coach whose points of view would probably be lost on the school boys to start with!

    1st xv results, as with most sporting teams are pure and simple, what players do you have at your disposal… If they are not as talented, or strong, or quick – they simply have no chance – all you can hope for, is a strong team gees meaning they play for each other and never throw in the towel – that is what all true coaches should be looking for at Schools level

    15 October, 2013 at 18:02
  12. avatar
    #2 Grasshopper

    Surprising, maybe they feel the ‘gees’ will improve by appointing someone from within the structures like Westville did with Grant Bell. It seems schools are taking very different approaches. Potentially the Hilton board said no to wasting money on high earning professionals. Maybe ‘winning at all costs’ is not part of their strategy although recruitment from other KZN schools has been, that could stop now. Well done to him, he must have huge potential…

    15 October, 2013 at 17:53
  13. avatar
    #1 Tarpeys

    Surprised. He has no real pedigree to speak of or does he? Please can someone give us his background in more detail.

    15 October, 2013 at 16:33

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