IRB statement following NZ v SA match

Following an initial review, the IRB confirms that it was incorrect for referee Romain Poite to issue a yellow card to Bismarck du Plessis in the 17th minute of The Rugby Championship match between New Zealand and South Africa in Auckland on Saturday. 

Just as players and coaches make mistakes, the decision was an unfortunate case of human error by the match officials, who, having reviewed the match, fully recognise and accept that they made a mistake in the application of law.

All match official performances are thoroughly reviewed and assessed by the IRB and are considered when appointments are made for future test matches.


  1. avatar
    #17 Djou

    @Bog: Agree. I think they need to get back to the old days. Not everything is better in the modern era. Get back to the old rules, make the rules simpler and only use technology where necessary. Nowadays almost each try is referred back. Does it mean that referees in the past awarded tries even though being unsure whether the try was legitimate?

    17 September, 2013 at 14:47
  2. avatar
    #16 Rugger fan

    I think Bissie is our version of Richie Mc Caw – who also pushes the limit consistently (AJ Venter did this too) – however I agree that the perception is that he is guilty, whereas McCaw has the perception that he is within the law. A few years back we had every ref blowing a certain blonde headed loosie whenever he got anywhere near the ball and Schalk had to eat it up – no matter how close it was – and the eye gouging reputation did absolutely nothing to help him.

    So agree that given a 50/50 decision most refs/commentators/officials will assume a slightly negative for the boks vs opposition.

    I guess it is a reputation we have had as hard players for many decades – as the Islanders have a reputation for no arm tackles.

    17 September, 2013 at 11:07
  3. avatar
    #15 BOG

    @Queenian: I agree that Bismarck, like Brussouw, plays close to off side, but that makes them special and gives them the edge. High risk and they do concede penalties, but if they do what they do 10 seconds later, they would be like most others- too late. As long as they maintain a balance and the advantages outweighs the disadvantages, their coaches will be happy

    17 September, 2013 at 05:53
  4. avatar
    #14 BOG

    @Djou: The standards of refereeing have dropped to frightening low levels, which incidentally, coincides with greater availability and use of visual technology. So bad it has become, that many even suspect match fixing. And this, at all levels, including SA. And this is not only going to hurt the game- it has the potential to destroy it.

    17 September, 2013 at 05:39
  5. avatar
    #13 Queenian

    To beat NZ on a consant basis there is only one way and that is be better than them which I doubt we are I am afraid.

    17 September, 2013 at 05:33
  6. avatar
    #12 Queenian

    That ref should be shot that was a shocker, but I don’t think we would have beaten the AB anyway our general play was poor at best. Also hope Bismark learns from this he’s tackle was fine but he plays he’s rugby very close to the red line a lot and I could mention quite a few times he should have been sent off were he has not been.

    I would also caution against us thinking that only the Boks have bad calls against them a review done at the last years Ref debrief of all international games over the last 10 years showed that of the 3 Southern Hemisphere teams Australia actually had more bad calls against them than SA or NZ so to say we are what we are because of ref’s is far from the truth.

    17 September, 2013 at 05:31
  7. avatar
    #11 Djou

    @McCulleys: Spot on! Problem is they don’t care, because they are in charge and do what they like and in the process hurt the game in general.

    16 September, 2013 at 21:19
  8. avatar
    #10 McCulleys Workshop

    @Djou: Ha Ha – Their BS is amazing, they actually just belittle themselves and their processes as well as the game.

    16 September, 2013 at 20:29
  9. avatar
    #9 Djou

    BuffelsCM @Bog @Sacssupporter: All NZ-sides get away with murder at ruck time. Especially at counter rucking. They drive and then fall over the ball (not staying on their feet) and don’t get penalised. Other teams, … well they get penalised.

    IRB is pathetic. They say it is human error in the same way players make mistakes. This is probably the worst argument ever and already shows how they try to argue it away. Roman had 2 assistant referees available – and both did nothing. Roman had technology available and still made the mistake. Players don’t have technology available when they play and can’t correct a mistake and as such the referee error can’t be compared to player mistakes. IRB, do you think we are stupid and that we can’t read through your attempted “spin doctoring” and protection of your bad decisions.

    And why was Ma’a Nonu not summoned for a “trial”?

    16 September, 2013 at 20:07
  10. avatar
    #8 BOG

    I was commenting exclusively on the incident and not the general performance. This is not a particularly strong AB side either. They just look good against poor international opposition. The more pay they get, the worse they perform. But that fountain is going to dry up- we are already seeing the first signs. So, laat hulle skep terwyl hulle kan.

    16 September, 2013 at 19:26
  11. avatar
    #7 BuffelsCM

    @BOG: Yes Bog I agree: it was general play because there was no ruck / maul formed. Even all the NZ commentators were upset about the poor decision.

    16 September, 2013 at 18:17
  12. avatar
    #6 Tjoppa

    @QC86: Agree 100%, to overpower them in scrums supposedly to be the beginning. But after that just a piss poor performance from the Boks. From no 1 to 15. All sub standard except for maybe Bismarck, Etsebeth and Vermeulen. The rest was rubbish.

    16 September, 2013 at 16:56
  13. avatar
    #5 QC86

    still dont think we were better than the AB,Jannie and beast were whimps at the break downs

    16 September, 2013 at 15:49
  14. avatar
    #4 BOG

    I disagree- he was not off side. This was not a ruck. After the kick-off, as I understand it, Carter was third receiver and he was legitimately tackled- since confirmed by the hearing.

    16 September, 2013 at 15:42
  15. avatar
    #3 McCulleys Workshop

    @rugbyfan: I am a lot more cynical than you, after the leaked Japie email, the piss poor reffing in the World Cup semis against us, and now this (to name a few). Bismarck certainly does give away penalties, mainly for playing the ball on the ground or attacking a ball he thinks is out of a ruck, which the ref deems is not, but hey his ability to steal the ball, rip it from opponents or hold his opponent off the ground and force a turnover is phenomenal. Two steals in the space of time he was on the field was brilliant. The issue is more the perception of refs towards us, and their unbelievable bias against us. When we last won the Tri Nations in 2009, was possibly the first time in a very very long time that we had the rub of the dice in many seasons. Usually 50/50 calls go against us, fact. Usually 50/50 calls go in NZ’s favour. That year they didn’t. NZ camp off-sides, were blatantly off-sides for much of the game, play the ball on the ground consistently, and Richie Macaw gets the odd penalty. Remember Schalk being consistently singled out, at one stage it was suggested he cut his dreds to be less noticeable on the field. John Smit seemed to have worked long and hard on refs and building a good report with them, even then we were not in vogue. This guy was just blatantly corrupt.

    16 September, 2013 at 15:13
  16. avatar
    #2 sacssupporter

    I’m afraid our first time tackling let us down….but the red card has left a very sour taste – “to err is human” I can accept BUT when you have two assistants, a big screen slow motion replay and a TMO at your disposal and you still make a big mistake like he did then I cannot forgive you!

    16 September, 2013 at 12:52
  17. avatar
    #1 rugbyfan

    I think Bismark needs to look at his so called dirty play (although the ref made a error here.) Bismark tends to border on the illegal side a lot and should learn to control himself otherwise he will lose more games for SA if he is not carefull.

    If you look at the replay shown on Sky news he was offside so it was at least a penalty.

    And remember any play taken or done from a offside position can be deemed illegal even if under normal circumstance it was not.

    But with this said the ref was shocking with a lot more than just this yellow card he’s calls on the scrums were pathetic at best.

    But the boks will bounce back from this cannot wait for Ellis Park

    16 September, 2013 at 06:02

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