Later on in the year the Schoolboyrugby Blog will do it’s very best to find a successor to Handre Pollard as the School Rugby Player of the year but for now it’s worth trying to identify who SARU will name as the prestigious Craven Week Player of 2013, at their end of the domestic season prize giving event.
This award has gone to :
2010: Johan Goosen (Grey College)
2011: Jan Serfontein (Grey College)
2012: Sergeal Petersen (Grey High School)
Talk about achievement! All three players have already played Super Rugby. Johan Goosen and Jan Serfontein are already Springboks. Jan Serfontein has won the Junior World Championship player of the tournament for 2012. Sergeal Petersen is the youngster ever South African player to score a Super Rugby try. These youngsters have made remarkable accomplishments in a next to no time at all.
The award of Craven Week Player of the Year needs to go someone who has stood out at Craven Week and is oozing future potential. Also take into consideration that it’s far easier for a backline player to achieve top level success at an early age than a forward, who could wait four to five years, perhaps even more to taste the same kind of success as the three above-mentioned award winners.
So now putting it out there, who is your choice for 2013?
@Tjoppa: personally, I do not pay much homeage to a player of Cw accolade, the game is a team game and distictly different from golf or tennis.
one playeris merely a cog in a wheel.
@Muzi: Magical moments belongs on the stage of a magic show. In rugby we call them show boats. A rugby player must perform all his duties on the field the whole game.
@Ruggersake: According to my humble opinion rugby player of the year must go to the player that had the biggest impact on his team ‘s performances or his absence would have affected their performance considerably. Therefore the only boy that would walk in any craven week team, without any objection or discussion, would be Vermeulen of WP. that is of course my own opinion but he would be the first player I would pencil in on my team sheet.
@Muzi: I am all for this vogue of x-factor players, as long as they perform the basic requirements of their position exceptionally better than the rest as well. I have seen many an x-factor player disappear in the tight games over the years, or have no impact at senior level, where there is less space available due to structured defenses.
@Ruggersake: As previously stated, I have seen much more of Bothma than Schramm, have formed my opinion accordingly and am therefore not in a position to disagree with you. From your post I can deduce that we probably have different expectations from the no. 8 position though, but fortunately there is no harm in a difference of opinion.
@Muzi: Spot on, We need some unpredictability……. and good looks!
IMHO in the long tern future Schraam will eventually develop into a better number 8 he’s capable of pulling magical moments out out nothing….no disrespect to Botham he’s another slow Duane Vermuelen type of player a hard worker with no x-factor at all.
@Ploegskaar: The use of the word exceptional in my opinion is aligned to unique or someone who brings something different to the game.
Having watched the numerous no. 8,s on display at CW and live, I am of the opinion that Bothma is better suited to the no.6 or 7 jersey, whilst Schramm has all the credentials required to become a great no. 8. Compairing the two, Bothma is in the mould of a Tiaan Strauss, or Corne Krige and Schramm a Morne Duplessis or Bob Skinstad.
My view is we need need something different with the X factor, this Schramm has wheras Bothma credentials were emulated to a greater or lessordegree by various other no. 8,s on show at CW 2013.
anyone amongst Vermeulen/Dan du Plessis/Du Toit or Hermanus will do 8)
@boxkick: I think it is situated somewhere in Western Province’s admin building!
@RBugger: What’s with the 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 in your sentences?
@grasshopper – you seem to be a knowledgeable man on the topic of rugby and coaching…what do u understand about the term “crisis corridor” in rugby?
Tussen Hermanus en Vermeulen vir my.
I’m a huge Grant Hermanus fan, hadn’t seen or heard much before Craven Week, he’s a special player that kid. I really enjoyed him.
@sacssupporter: i think you are getting a bit ahead. lots of good 6,7 and 8 in this country that have not even been at the CW. these guys will also be making their mark, but the 3 mentioned, are very good at this point of time.
@RBugger: If you say so, I will take your word for it, although your glasses might have a slight KC tint
. I have obviously seen Rikus play more often over the years and rate him very highly, but granted Schramm has impressed from what I have seen on the telly.
@Pl0egskaar: I will be watching intently when the tw0 meet up next year. Believe me, Schramm is an excepti0nal player already.
Anyway, time will tell – but I see Schramm as a m0re c0mplete player
@RBugger: Difference is, Bothma is already exceptional, and as you said, Schramm could just be exceptional.
@Sacssupp0rter: Great tri0, but very hard t0 determine if they will ever play f0r the B0ks, it is t00 far ahead t0 tell.
If u can, watch a highlight 0r tw0 0f Schramm – d0 n0t be surprised if u see him wearing the Green and G0ld at s0me p0int
@RBugger: I agree on Velleman from Grey PE – watched him at Cape Schools Week – pity he got injured early on at CW. Put Velleman at 6, Vermeulen at 7 and Bothma at 8 – could be the Bokke loose trio in 5 years time?
@BuffelsCM: He is, being playing that way all year – but, injuries happen and he must use it as m0tivati0n…
Velleman EP Captain, als0 injured and he will als0 be there after sch00l – an0ther great player
@RBugger: Yes Schramm is a special player IMO too !
@Queenian: While he has been overlooked here, he will play for the Springboks by age 25. Sadly, in most cases, “flash” is seen and admired, rather than skill. This is why so many disappear off the radar so soon. Most admire touch rugby “skills”
Some quality players coming through.
I will also throw Schramm’s name into the hat – top season, had to put his hand up when the Doops were injured.
Although he hardly played at CW, i saw enough in that first half to make me believe this kid will be a dangerous player in the future – Bothma should keep an eye out as Schramm could just be exceptional
Agree with most the kids mentioned here would also bring Free Sates Maruis Louw as one of the better players his work rate is exceptional.
@McCulleys Workshop: Yep, but when EW is in full flight he is like a gazelle, just weaves through defences. Like an Andre Joubert of sorts……Ryan Oosthuizen for me is another one destined for bigger things. I would not be surprised if Bothma, Vermuelen, Schickerling and Oosthuizen end up playing in the same Bok team in 5 to 10 years from now…
@Grasshopper: I must admit I expected more from EW at Craven Week. I thought he had ok games, but certainly didn’t come across as the star player he has been touted to be. I watched him early on in the season, and although Human left him flat footed once or twice, he had a great start to the season and seemed imposing, not so at CW.
Based on the season EW Viljoen, what a player! Dewald Human too. My picks as follows;
1) EW Viljoen
2) Rickus Bothma
3) Vermeulen
4) Ryan Oosthuizen
5) Dewald Human
6) Schickerling
@Tandemfitarborsurculus. So glad he got the break. Has the potential to go all the way!
@Djou: a product of durbanville primary school and given the big break by paarl gym, in the middle of is grade 7 year, at durbanville. sy pa, frikkie, moet trots wees op hom !
Grant Hermanus. Kicked almost everythig over from anywhere; always danger when he got the ball; defence was solid – a very special talent. Vermeulen a close second.
thomas du toit want hy is my seun se kamermaat !
@PaarlBok: @Predator: Nee pokkit ma julle visvoete kan nie alles wen nie!!
Ko ons stem saam tov Van Vuuren, die Pumas en Nellies Vasskop vir ‘n reuse bydrae tot die Puma se suksesvolle CW veldtog??
Jacques Vermeulen gets my vote definitely! I have mentioned his smile as well. The “boy” seems to be loving his “work” on the field. He is a big ball carrier, takes lineout balls and is huge in the tackle collisions. He almost always takes the opponent backwards a couple of yards.
Being a former member of the front row, Thomas du Toit gets my vote for a close second place. This boy should develop into an even better player with the correct coaching.
@Woltrui: Dis slegs by CW, Ek dink Schikerling van Paarl Gim is die top slot hierdie jaar. Jammer julle kon hom nie sien op CW nie, hy sou ‘n groot impak op die uitslae van WP gehad het, seker dan ook maar goed vir die opposisie. ‘n Baie fisieke speler, ‘n Etsebeth tipe spel in die los. Plesier om na te kyk , gaan beslis groot rugby speel vorentoe. Dit moet al die wyn en vis wees wat die manne inkry in die Kaap, want ons slotte is “Huge” en speel ook so!!
Natuurlik drink hulle net as hulle pa’s by is by die Sondag middagete.
@Woltrui: Gedink dis speler by Craven Week? Bulle diskwalifiseer huleself.
RG Snyman. Leading the Affies charge to no 1 position on SBR rankings 2013. Destroying the Grey lineout during Affies/Grey derby. Consistently the best 5 lock in SBR in 2013.
Or. Francois Steyn. Best no 2 in SBR. Playing major role in establishing Affies as No 1 SBR school in SA 2013.
Du Toit
Du Plessis
Vermeulen . Mister consistent all the way.
: @Ploegskaar: ANd again we agree. Somebody that delivers that level of rugby with that big smile will get my vote everyday. It just shows he enjoy what he is doing.
Jacques Vermeulen – consistently excellent all year – reminds me of Schalk Burger .
If Thomas du Toit (loosehead) is properly managed he can be our next Os!
Vermeulen. From KERF to CW he has not missed a beat. Awesome player.
Jacques Vermeulen. He had an excellent CW and has been the most mentioned player, hence the most most consistent player, since the beginning of the season.
Daniel Du Plessis, Grant Hermanus or Vermuelen the flank
Rikus Bothma, my pick. Superb player and captain.
Daniel du Plessis ( back) and Thomas du Toit (forward)