Craven Week 2013: Day 3 fixtures

Wed, 10 July 2013
09h30 Namibia 27 10 Griquas
11h00 Limpopo 5 43 Zimbabwe
12h30 Border 39 19 Boland
14h00 KZN 18 40 Pumas FYI: KZN beat the Pumas 36-14 in a warm-up game in Middelburg (17/06/13)
15h30 Blue Bulls 6 30 WP


  1. avatar
    #306 Koos Roos

    @Tjoppa: Jip!

    13 July, 2013 at 10:47
  2. avatar
    #305 Tjoppa

    @Koos Roos: Waar bere jy toe vir Vrede. Ek hoop in jou onderbroek. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    13 July, 2013 at 08:25
  3. avatar
    #304 Koos Roos

    @Tjoppa: Tjoppie, so Steve Stofsuier het NIKS daarmee te doen nie? Maar soos ek nou die aand vir mev. Dominee in die stort se. Bly liewers stil hieroor en dan bewaar ons die VREDE!

    12 July, 2013 at 23:54
  4. avatar
    #303 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: jip

    12 July, 2013 at 16:28
  5. avatar
    #302 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Maar die mens is verantwoordelik vir sy aksie?

    12 July, 2013 at 15:42
  6. avatar
    #301 Tjoppa

    @Koos Roos: Kom ek probeer verduidelik. Sy ma en ma was blommekinders in die sestigs wat by die “panne” gecaravan het . Hulle dae was verwyl met die luister van Jim Reeves, Percy Sledge, Patsy Cline en Suid Afrika se eie Hugh Masekela en Chris McGregor. Hulle het hul eie Lucky Strike sigarette gerol en die bunny chows afgesluk met yskoue Gin en Sprite. Tydens ‘n Cold Castle fees het Flower en Ginger swanger geraak met klein Spiesie. Na ‘n groot geveg het Flower vir Ginger, wat haar beskuldig het dat sy rondgeloop het, oortuig dat ‘n mens kan swanger raak deur mekaar se “neus” te vryf het die paartjie ewige liefde aan mekaar belowe.
    Toe hulle oor ‘n naam moes besluit wou albei hom na die twee vinger simbool van daardie tyd vernoem. Maar daar in die panne het piece of stukkie verwys na jong meisies en was albei gekant om ‘n naam te gee wat aan mans se degrading van vrouens herinnner. Hul vertaal toe en noem hom Vrede. Dit is steeds getatoe op sy “neus”. Sy geskenk op sy eerste verjaardig.
    Ek hoop dit klaar baie vrae oor ons mede blogger op.

    12 July, 2013 at 15:36
  7. avatar
    #300 Rugbyman

    @Djou: Relax Djou… Ek kan vir myself sorg en baklei… Ek geniet die gebytery oppie blog Baie!

    12 July, 2013 at 11:54
  8. avatar
    #299 Koos Roos

    @Queenian: Don’t get me wrong. I will die a Province man, BUT , the saying that it is a profesional union run by amateurs, has a ring of truth to it.

    12 July, 2013 at 10:27
  9. avatar
    #298 Queenian

    @Koos Roos: That is the million dollar question.

    12 July, 2013 at 10:14
  10. avatar
    #297 Koos Roos

    @Queenian: The real question is: How does Province lose them?

    12 July, 2013 at 10:06
  11. avatar
    #296 Koos Roos

    @Rugbyman: Ek vind ou Spiesie se naam uiters gepas. Iets onwettigs op die rugbyveld en gewoonlik beloon met ‘n rooikaart. Wat my egter dronkslaan is die naam op sy bors. VREDE?

    12 July, 2013 at 09:48
  12. avatar
    #295 Ploegskaar

    @Queenian: Justin Voete Basson, Boland and WP Academy lock from 2012.

    12 July, 2013 at 09:45
  13. avatar
    #294 Queenian

    @Koos Roos: Flip how do the Bulls get all these boys.

    12 July, 2013 at 09:44
  14. avatar
    #293 Koos Roos

    @Queenian: Justin Basson in Ploegie’s blog. Was in Boland last year and played WP Academy. Bulls then signed him. Bakkies type of lock.

    12 July, 2013 at 09:42
  15. avatar
    #292 Queenian

    Hey Bog were you mate you gone missing.

    Free State played well the Louw boy put up a stella performance anybody who does not rate him should get a pair of glasses really impressive.

    Only thing I would like him to do is put on a Queens jersey then he would have been the complete package. :mrgreen: :lol: :mrgreen:

    12 July, 2013 at 09:41
  16. avatar
    #291 Queenian

    @Rugbyman: Justin Hollis is the Border No 8 he is from Queens he just a hard working No 8 who is not flashy but does a lot of work and gains some good yards.

    12 July, 2013 at 09:37
  17. avatar
    #290 Queenian

    @Koos Roos: Justin who?

    12 July, 2013 at 09:35
  18. avatar
    #289 Koos Roos

    @Ploegskaar: Moet met jou saamstem. Boland Landbou mannetjies het great omgeskakel na groter rugby. Net jammer dis tot ‘n ander unie se voordeel. Ken Justin se pa. As WP hom genader het sou hy gebly het, maar nou ja.

    12 July, 2013 at 09:30
  19. avatar
    #288 Djou

    Aan almal wat vir Rugbyman so gas gee: Onthou die spreekwoord oor glashuise en klippe. Een ding wat ek egter geleer het is indien almal vir een man gaan, het baie van hulle gewoonlik self iets om weg te steek. Dit blyk egter vir my al meer uit elke “post” wat ek van hom lees dat sy bedoelings opreg is. Dit is ongelukkig meer as wat ek kan se van sekere skole, bloggers en unies, wat net vir eie gewin dinge doen en selfs sal ontken dat hulle iets doen, maar dit wel doen en dan probeer wegsteek – en sodoende hul integriteit verkoop – of absoluut niks doen nie. Wat ons moet uitklaar is wie doen wat en of dit reg is en indien nie of ons kan help om dinge reg te doen.

    12 July, 2013 at 09:18
  20. avatar
    #287 valke

    @Andre T: I can tell you why the skills are lacking in the Valke backline.
    All the skillfull backs are injured.
    1) Johan Labuschagne – Probably one of the best scrumhalves in SA Schools.
    2) Jamie Campbell – very good fullback/flyhalve from Kempton.
    3) Sydney Du Plessis – very good flyhalve/inside senter, also from Kempton.

    These boys are very, very skillful, but unfortunately injured.

    12 July, 2013 at 08:33
  21. avatar
    #286 Rugbyman

    @Ploegskaar: Mmmmmm wie is tian nel en justin holis? Vertel meer….

    12 July, 2013 at 06:28
  22. avatar
    #285 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: More tjop… Weens my goeie bedoelinge word ek soms misbruik ja… Dalk in die geval ook, wie weet… My doelstellings is egter gefokus op garsies se rugby en om oor n paar jaar die skool as n rugby krag in die land te sien. Ek is nie getroud met die Bulle nie, dit verseker ek jou.

    Dit is beslis jou goeie reg om hulle vermoens te bevraagteken. Dit is egter die manier hoe jy dit doen wat tel. Van die dinge wat jy oor hulle skryf is erg persoonlik. Ons het so paar maande terug daaroor swaarde gekruis… Ek stem ook nie saam met als wat hulle doen en hoe hulle dit doen nie, maar dit maak van hulle noodwendig slegte mense nie. Kritiseer die aksie, moenie die mens afskiet nie…

    Kom ons hoop ek is nie so naief en goed gelowig soos jy dink nie….

    12 July, 2013 at 06:26
  23. avatar
    #284 Ploegskaar

    BTW, Piketberg 14 HTS Drostdy 8

    11 July, 2013 at 23:44
  24. avatar
    #283 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Tjoppie, Rugbyman is uitgemergel, trek eerder jou vinger en maak ‘n plan vir Tian Nel en Justin Hollis, voor Glenwood hulle teken….

    11 July, 2013 at 23:34
  25. avatar
    #282 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman:: Rugbyman vanaand gaan ek iets se en hoop nie jy neem dit verkeerd op nie. Ek dink jy is ‘n edele persoon met die beste motiewe en mooi hart. Ek dink daar is egter mense wat vir jou bollie voer en agv wie jy is, glo jy hulle. Die lelike naam vir jou is naief maar tog glo ek jou bedoelings is opreg.

    Ten tweede ek persoonlik dink as mense, Zander en Werner en die hoogedele Jakob Zuma, se werk hulle in die openbare oog bring en hul motiewe en/of prestasies word geweeg en te lig bevind, wat ook al die rede, is dit ons as publiek se reg om hul aan te spreek en te kritiseer.

    Nog nooit het ek hul as persoon aangeval nie, maar as ek meen hul is nie geskik, volgens my beskeie opinie, om hul werk te verrig nie, is dit my reg om so te se.

    11 July, 2013 at 22:22
  26. avatar
    #281 Rugbyman

    @Ploegskaar: Nes jy wil ploeg… die ou perdjie is al holrug gery

    11 July, 2013 at 21:03
  27. avatar
    #280 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: So kan ons maar se julle doen die navrae en die laerskool hoof gee julle die verwysings, net vir klariteit?

    11 July, 2013 at 20:57
  28. avatar
    #279 Rugbyman

    @Ploegskaar: jy weet mos ploeg… ek sit voor innie kerk! Ag nee man, eks moeg verduidelik… dis nou al n ou uitgerekrte storie

    11 July, 2013 at 20:44
  29. avatar
    #278 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: JD, verduidelik gou weer daai deel van verwysings en navrae, dit klink so edel en rein.

    11 July, 2013 at 20:19
  30. avatar
    #277 Rugbyman

    @Andre T: Easy answer… Very poor… but take nothing away from WP, they were brilliant

    11 July, 2013 at 20:12
  31. avatar
    #276 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: Sien dit soos jy wil… Van die seuns het NIE bul kontrakte nie en is NIE deur die bulle gewerf nie… Hulle het by ons uitgekom deur verwysings en navrae… Natuurlik sal jy dit betwyfel as alwetende kenner… Ons help graag ook daai seuns om iewers na skool reg te kom met ons invloed… is daar iets daarmee ook fout? Rugby is hulle geleentheid, sou jy dit nie ook gebruik het as jy talentvol was en jy te hore kom van so geleentheid nie?

    11 July, 2013 at 20:02
  32. avatar
    #275 Andre T

    Looking at this year’s crop there are no skills among the backs, a few moments of brilliant runs encouraged by terrible defense. Definately some very good loosies in particular blind side flankers. Poor locks with no enforcers. Very good hookers and only 2 decent props, the WP pair. Pity Frans v Wyk is injured, he was a certainty.

    The British Lions showed how important it is to have a dominating scrum and in a way WP showed that yesterday but then again one must ask the question, how good was the Bulls’ scrum?

    11 July, 2013 at 19:57
  33. avatar
    #274 Rugbyman

    @Klofie Pa: Van ons kant af help ons die seuns sover moontlik… op die ou einde stap hulle uit met n matriek sertifikaat in n top akademiese skool en n goeie opvoeding… As rugby die geleentheid vir hulle geskep het, blou bul kontrak of nie maak nie saak nie, is hulle baie beter af as waar hulle vandaan kom. As die seuns geskool is en geholpe is na skool kan hulle dalk iewers n positiewe verskil maak in die samelewing en dan het ons iets reggekry! Maar almal sal nie met my saamstem nie en dis hulle goeie reg…

    11 July, 2013 at 19:56
  34. avatar
    #273 Rugbyman

    @Woltrui: Eks bly ons stem darem so nou en dan saam….

    11 July, 2013 at 19:45
  35. avatar
    #272 Djou

    @Tjoppa: Wat ek probeer vasstel, is of die unies ‘n beleid het oor werwing en of hulle werklik vir die kinders omgee. Dus, wat is die Bulle se beleid? Ek weet nie! Werf hulle met die oog op ‘n naskoolkontrak, maar weier terselfdertyd om hul skoolgeld te betaal. Nou, as al die skole sou weier om die seuns se skoolgeld te finansier met buiteborge gaan hulle nie meer die seuns inneem nie en so gaan die Bulle se werwingsprogram in duie stort – en daarmee saam gaan die Bulle nie genoeg PD-spelers vir hul Cravenweekspanne he nie. Lyk nie vir my of daar enigsins by die Bulle gedink word nie.
    En ek dink ook nie in die meeste ander unies nie.

    11 July, 2013 at 16:14
  36. avatar
    #271 Speartackle

    @Tjoppa: Ou Skaapkop………………..lyk dit of dit my ontstel het? Daai het soos vleitaal vir my geklink. As dit van jou niggie gekom het sou dit dalk effens teleurgestel het

    11 July, 2013 at 15:36
  37. avatar
    #270 Tjoppa

    @Speartackle: Jy is die wanker hoekom kies jy nie. As dit jou so erg onstel het moet jy mos weet watter een.

    11 July, 2013 at 15:31
  38. avatar
    #269 Speartackle


    11 July, 2013 at 15:28
  39. avatar
    #268 Speartackle

    Kies jy sommer

    11 July, 2013 at 15:27
  40. avatar
    #267 Tjoppa

    Watter een het die seerste gemaak loser of wanker?

    11 July, 2013 at 15:23
  41. avatar
    #266 Speartackle

    @Tjoppa: Ek het nog nooit in my lewe iemand onverskoning gevra…………….wat nog van skoolbloggers……………………iemand………….ek het vergeet wie……………het my n looser en n wanker genoem……………….tjorts……………….en dan het die ou nog aangedring dat ek geskors word………..ek noem hom sommer………….Manuel Ekskorsjounou

    11 July, 2013 at 15:14
  42. avatar
    #265 Tjoppa

    @Speartackle: Praat jy wat tanne het. Ons wag vir jou verskoning vir die persoonlike aanvalle op van die Bloggers. Of is dit in die fynskrif uitgesluit.

    11 July, 2013 at 15:03
  43. avatar
    #264 Tjoppa

    @Klofie Pa: Kom ons cut the crap. Die seuns is na die Bulle gelok met ‘n skole kontrak. Die kort en die lank van die kontrak bepaal dat die Bulle eerste weierings reg op die seuns het en indien hy ‘n hoer aanbod van ‘n ander unie kry die Bulle dit slegs hoef te ewenaar om die seun hier te hou. Dus hy het by die Cheaths geteken om een van twee redes of die Bulle stel nie meer in hom belang nie en Garsfontein het ingetree met hul invloed en vir hom ‘n kontrak gereel by die Cheetahs of die Cheetahs het hom meer aangebied as wat die Bulle gedoen het.

    Pick your pick. Geweeg beter gevind en wegge….

    11 July, 2013 at 15:01
  44. avatar
    #263 Speartackle

    @Deon: Vir die 2de keer in my lewe stem ek saam met n Kapienaar

    11 July, 2013 at 14:56
  45. avatar
    #262 Klofie Pa

    @Woltrui: Wollie hierdie seer verloor dink ek gaan die SUPER BB net vreeslik motiveer. Jy neuk nie met ons jr’s nie!!!

    11 July, 2013 at 14:48
  46. avatar
    #261 Klofie Pa

    “Hulle is gehelp om in meer blootgestelde omgewing te speel, na gelang van kennis wat nou navore kom van waar die seuns gaan jol volgende jaar”
    Dammit nooit gedink ek so dit se nie!! al die tyd die gerugte geglo dat die unie hulle hier wil he en in skole plaas! Dink tog dis nie heeltemaal verkeerd die gerug. Sou dit andersom wees, het die unie bloot gekoop met die oog op GK en CW en dan kan jy se hul word eenvoudig uitgespoeg weereens as mens hoor waarna toe die seuns gaan.
    Seker maar n wen wen situasie lyk dit my.

    11 July, 2013 at 14:45
  47. avatar
    #260 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Only their prostitute when they do not receive benefits from you they will push you aside ask Waterkloof Eldoraign etc etc

    11 July, 2013 at 14:41
  48. avatar
    #259 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: So what you are saying is that Garsfontein has more influence than the Bulls??

    11 July, 2013 at 14:37
  49. avatar
    #258 Djou

    @All other bloggers involved in this.
    What we ascertained from the above conversation is that Garsies actually assist the boys to get contracts, no matter who the union is. I take Rugbyman’s word for it and as he provided examples, it makes his word more creditworthy. Now, what I want to establish is whether other schools are doing the same, namely assisting the players. Especially in the light of BoishaaiPa, Woltrui and some other bloggers’ comments that these kids are being thrown to the wolves. If the answer is that the schools do assist, then we should applaud such schools as they prevent these kids from being thrown out onto the street and then we can discard BoishaaiPa, Woltrui and others’ views. However, if not, then we know the schools only recruit these kids to strenghten their teams and don’t really care and accept BoishaaiPa en others’ comments. And we will then also know which unios care, and who is in the game for themselves.

    11 July, 2013 at 13:08
  50. avatar
    #257 Woltrui

    @BoishaaiPa: Nou so gatvol vir die Strepies. As ek nie ‘n Visvoet span die volgende 3 jaar sien nie sal dit te gou wees. ….Sug…… en ons moet nog Saterdag verby Nuweland kom…. . 8-O

    11 July, 2013 at 13:01
  51. avatar
    #256 Woltrui

    @Rugbyman: Rugbyman ek stem volkome saam dat dit ‘n uiters teleurstellende vertoning was. Die feit dat Steyn net voor haltyd die lynstaan ingooi werk oorgeneem het het my ook iriteer. Niks wat ‘n speler se selfvertroue so knoei as wanneer iemand sy nommer 1 plig oorneem nie. Die feit dat die voorspelers in die agterlyn gestaan het was uiters swak. Ek vermoed egter daar is aan RG opdrag gegee om uit die losgemaal te bly en 2de fase bale op te dra. Hy kan dus nie verkwalik word vir die algemene swak spel van die voories nie. Stem saam jou oor die spelers wat uit posisie gespeel is.

    11 July, 2013 at 12:56
  52. avatar
    #255 BoishaaiPa

    @Woltrui: Dis nou net jammer dat ons nie Akademieweek ook teen julle kon speel nie dan was dit dalk 4-0 nou!… :mrgreen: ….Ek sal egter 3-0 vat vir vanjaar teen die Bulletjies…volgende jaar is dalk weer julle beurt, maar vir nou :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    11 July, 2013 at 11:58
  53. avatar
    #254 Rugbyman

    @Woltrui: Wol, soos altyd jou opinie… Jy lig egter die losspel as ‘n fasset uit… Die Bulle se losspel het nie bestaan nie, want al die voorspelers het in die agterlyn gestaan… Die gevaarligte het reeds Maandag teen die KZN span geflikker… Nee wat wol, die samestelling vd span is nie gebalanseerd nie… Hoe reverdig jy 4 spesialis skrumskakels en dan moet jou een slot op die flank sak en die ander een op 8steman in die 2de helfte… Iets is dan mos verkeerd? Dan moet Steyn flank speel? Dit maak net nie sin nie.

    11 July, 2013 at 10:44
  54. avatar
    #253 Klofie Pa

    @Rugbyman: LOL !!!
    gou het hy vergeet van die kommentaar wat gelewer was met die kies van CW span.

    11 July, 2013 at 09:44
  55. avatar
    #252 Woltrui

    Weereens geluk aan die Wp wie die Bulle gister goed afgestof het. Volgens my het die WP die wedstryd gewen omrede hul geestelik beter ingestel was. Die Boishaai vaste 5 (van wie 4 spelers gister gespeel het) is by die St Johns fees wedstryd onder druk geplaas deur ‘n gemotiveerde Klofies span. Die Boishaai spelers was duidelik uit hul skoene gemotiveerd om dinge reg te stel. Hulle aanslag was baie goed en het die Bulle onkant gevang. Die Strepies se los voorspelers was briljant.
    Ek twyfel of enige ander spelers in die Bulle span gister ‘n verskil aan die uitslag sou maak. In my beskeie opinie, met sekerlik ‘n uisondering hier en daar, was dit die beste groep binne CW reels wat die Bulle gister verteenwoordig het.
    RG Snyman was baie sterk in die kontak situasies waar hy betrokke was. Volgens aanduiding is hy egter die een speler wat deur die afrigters gebruik word om 2de en 3de fase balle op te neem. Om hom te kritiseer of uit te sonder vir die loesing is onregverdig.
    Die feit dat die skrums onder druk was was nog oorkombaar. Die probleme in die lynstane en die los – en vaste los spel het ons egter die wedstryd gekos. Die Wp se afrigters en spelers verdien ‘n pluimpie vir die werk wat hulle in die vasette gedoen het. Ek vermoed dit was ‘n goeie les vir al die Bloues se spelers en afrigters. Die manne kan baie daaruit leer.

    En om af te sluit. Verdomde #2%# p&*#@n visvoete :mrgreen:

    11 July, 2013 at 09:44
  56. avatar
    #251 Rugbyrealis

    @Ploegskaar: Die bloggers kan mekaar seker maar gas gee aangesien ons in die meeste gevalle met anonieme mense kommunikeer.Ek dink net dat ons die kinders se gevoelens moet respekteer,soos wat Deon tereg opgemerk het.Niemand speel met opset swak nie.Die WP was beter en die Bulle sal weer opstaan.Geniet jou dag by die rugby.Ons Bulle wens die WP geluk soos manne en ons besef julle was beter.Ek dink al wat Deon impliseer is dat daar grense is in die kommentaar en dat ons nie persoonlik moet raak teenoor afrigters en spelers nie.Ek was self by die wedstryd en ek kan jou verseker dat die afrigters van die Bulle ook hul bes probeer het.Dit is maar die aard van sport en die WP was beter

    11 July, 2013 at 09:06
  57. avatar
    #250 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Ye agree these heavy weights will be there own un doing I am afraid that’s why we the only ones making money don’t need the tarrifs :mrgreen:

    11 July, 2013 at 08:48
  58. avatar
    #249 Ploegskaar

    @Queenian: I fear so, maybe not the full 82% applied for, maybe closer to 25%. ITAC is seldom confused by the facts and Rainbow, part of Remgro with heavy hitter Rupert at the helm, has major influence in government. Hi ho, hi ho, off to the WTO we go :mrgreen:

    11 July, 2013 at 08:43
  59. avatar
    #248 Rugbyman

    @Klofie Pa: Die manne van die Kaap ken die intriges nie Koofie… Dis vir hulle moeilik om te verstaan… ek weet presies wat jy bedoel en daarom ook my kommentaar oor die 4 skrumskakels… kon nie glo toe hulle andrews op flank gooi en abongile op 8 nie… Hulle het glad nie oor die samestelling vd span in die breer spektrum gedink nie…

    11 July, 2013 at 08:34
  60. avatar
    #247 Rugbyman

    @bhkgpa: Mmmmmm Al die sede preke uit die Kaap… Dankie broers!

    11 July, 2013 at 08:29
  61. avatar
    #246 Klofie Pa

    @Deon: Ek dink jys dalk te sensitief oor dinge wat hier gese word Deon!! Hier is n bloghoof wat gaan oor KZ se afrigters ens!! lees gerus. Dan in al die jare wat ek nou al hier en 365 is, was daar nog geen kind beledig of sleggese deur een van die bloggers. As die fly n kak skop gegee het en iemand het iets te se, is dit sy volste reg. Binne die normale riglyne natuurlik.
    My frustrasie gaan oor die spankeuses op die week self en nie dit wat vooraf gedoen is nie. Die posisie waarin n kind soos bv. Steyntjie geplaas is gister het sy kanse op n plek in sa span n knou gegee. dalk is hy nog daar maar vir my is dit n helse probleem!! en ek en ander kan nog hordes seuns se name byvoeg.

    11 July, 2013 at 08:29
  62. avatar
    #245 Queenian

    @bhkgpa: Well said

    11 July, 2013 at 08:21
  63. avatar
    #244 bhkgpa

    @Deon: great kommentaar ek wens almal wil na skole rugby uit hierdie oogpunt uit kyk! Ek die dink ouers treur harder as die kinders wanneer daar n verloor is. Onthou hulle speel nie julle nie. Dt is net n wedstryd en dit was op die dag WP se dag, dit verander gou weer. Die wêreld oorloë was erger, daar is mense dood. Kom ons geniet skole rugby objektief.

    11 July, 2013 at 08:18
  64. avatar
    #243 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: You recon duties will be imposed saw my Old bud George on Carte Blanche a few weeks ago.

    11 July, 2013 at 08:17
  65. avatar
    #242 bhkgpa

    @Ploegskaar: how lucky can you be, a man with your age must still be well in demand all around, enjoy the party and the rest of the cW

    11 July, 2013 at 08:11
  66. avatar
    #241 Rugbyman

    @Deon: Deon, ek stem saam met meeste van wat jy se… Tjoppa en ek het al swaarde gekruis oor hy mense se name noem en hulle dan persoonlik slegse… ek wil egter jou net in die prentjie bring…

    Xander en Werner is twee mense wat vir die bulle werk en nie die afrigters nie. Ek ken beide here en ek het hulle teen tjoppa se toorn verdedig… Hy hou duidelik nie van hulle of enige vd bulle maatskappy se top struktuur nie wat duidelik is uit menige vorige posts…

    die sakkiekak waarna klofiepa verwys het was geensins gemik op die spelers nie, maar wel na n afrigter/keurder… ons hier in pta het n paar spankeuses van dag 1 af bevraagteken aangesien daar heelparty top spelers by die huis gebly het… die man se frustrasie het seker maar oorgekook – hy is altyd op sy plek en diplomaties…

    wat my opmerking oor RG betref, lees dit asb in konteks van my posts waar ek die bulle se pak voorspelers se spel gekritiseer het, sy spel was slegs n voorbeeld. Ek het niks persoonlik gese nie, bloot hulle manier van speel gekritiseer… hy is n goeie speler. Die manne moet maar gewoond raak aan kritiek en lof wat na hulle kant toe kom, dis tog deel vd game…

    ek hoop ek kon dinge bietjie meer in konteks plaas… die manne hierbo is maar passievol oor hulle rugby en die manier wat die manne gister gespeel het steek dwars in die krop. Dit was rerig nie mooi om te sien nie.

    11 July, 2013 at 07:53
  67. avatar
    #240 Ploegskaar

    @Queenian: Multi-tasking, and with all the stress with FX, SAPA and SAPU amongst the busy day to day stuff, a good way to let off steam. Remember, when Warren sleeps, I am still buying either stock or FX due to the time zones 8-O

    11 July, 2013 at 07:40
  68. avatar
    #239 oxry

    @BoishaaiPa: Baie geluk met ‘n welverdiende oorwinning oor die VEEL HOOG AANGESKREWE Blou Bulle. Die regte 1.2 en 3 het gespeel, selfs no.4 het sy stront laatstaan en ‘n slag gespeel tot sy volle potensiaal. Vermeulen en Bothma is ware ysters. My opinie: gaan moeilik wees om hulle uit die SA Skole span te hou. Tot op wat ek tans gesien het, sal my lostrio soos volg lyk: no.6 Louw ( Cheetahs ), no.7 Vermeulen ( WP ) en no.8 Bothma ( WP ).

    Sowaar ‘n krag vertoning van die WP.

    Dit maak 3 Augustus al hoe meer interessant.

    11 July, 2013 at 07:38
  69. avatar
    #238 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Hey Britos man how about doing some work for a change looks like you relax all day and make poor people like Warren do all the work. :lol:

    11 July, 2013 at 07:33
  70. avatar
    #237 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyrealis: Sluit dit aanmerkings oor mede-bloggers in, of is dit in orde om meerderwaardig te wees? Gaan vandag my “coach” Tygerberg toe vat en bietjie junior rugby kyk, maar net ek mag kommentaar lewer daaroor, ok?

    11 July, 2013 at 07:22
  71. avatar
    #236 Rugbyrealis

    @Deon: Ek stem heelhartig saam met die sienings in hierdie bydrae.Dit is eintlik waaroor dit gaan.Neem ook net in ag dat individue al ander mense gedagvaar het oor naamskending op sosiale media.Laat die seuns speel en kom ons los die beledigings op spelers en afrigters.

    11 July, 2013 at 06:31
  72. avatar
    #235 BOG

    @Tjoppa: Ja, en hy moet sommer sy kop uit die spoelbak haal. Hy spreek selfs homself aan. Ek dink hy was besig om homself te pekel- in rum.

    11 July, 2013 at 05:31
  73. avatar
    #234 Predator

    @Deon: Ek moet jou ondersteun in hierdie opmerking, ek dink ons moet almal ‘n wag voor die mond sit as dit by name noem kom, dit is immers jong seuns wat aan die begin van hulle rugby loopbane staan en hulle word so verneder. Kon sien dit was party seuns se afdag, talent het hulle wel. Aanmerkings oor die administrateurs bekommer my nie so erg nie. want as daar waarhede in steek moet hulle die kritiek aanvaar. Dat daar oral ‘n geknoeiery in die sport is is ‘n feit en dit is ons plig om dit uit te wys, ek hoop dat dit in ‘n mate die ouens meer op hulle tone sal hou, en dalk sal die skuldgevoellens en die feit dat ander bewus is daarvan hulle tot beter besluite inspireer.

    11 July, 2013 at 04:01
  74. avatar
    #233 Deon

    Twee spanne, een van die WP en een van Gauteng het vandag, op skoolvlak, ‘n rugbygame gespeel. (Briljante opmerking né Spear?) Ek kon nie kyk nie, maar is bly my span het so goed gewen. Mense is mense, en dit klink of die BB vandag verstar was, en die WP net eenvoudig ge”kliek” het. Dit was net ‘n game, dis al. Niemand van ons is beter of slegter individue na die game nie. Nie een van ons se menswaardigheid word bepaal deur die uitslag van die game nie. Steeds word hier erge onsmaaklikhede kwyt geraak deur die span wat vandag aan die verloorkant was. Na jong manne/kinders word verwys as Sakkiekak en dies meer. Onstaafbare bewerings word teen, wie ek vermoed die afrigter/s is , by name Werner en Xander, gemaak. Woorde soos nepotisme, familiebande/bande met Heyneke/Nollis word genoem asof dit gestaafde motiewe vir spankeuses is. Seuns word by die naam genoem en sleg gesê-beslis afbrekende eerder as opbouende kritiek. “RG staan op vleuel en mooi lyk”, ens ens ens. Beet, is dit aanvaarbaar om naamskending te pleeg ingevolge die huisreëls? Is dit aanvaarbaar om spelers persoonlik te beledig? Is dit alles positief vir SBR?

    10 July, 2013 at 22:53
  75. avatar
    #232 Rugbyman

    @Djou: We helped him… the bulls released him from his contract… they wont force anyone to become a bull… we are not married to the bulls!

    10 July, 2013 at 21:46
  76. avatar
    #231 Djou

    @Rugbyman: Thanks for the prompt answer. I will take your word for it. At least the school is looking out for the kids. Maybe other schools can take a cue from you. However, and I am not sure about the next allegation, but I heard that your wing of last year also went to the Cheetahs, even though he was recruited by the Bulls. As I said, I am not sure, so forgive me if I am wrong. But if I am correct, did Garsies assist him to get the Cheetah contract, or was it the Bulls?

    10 July, 2013 at 21:27
  77. avatar
    #230 beet

    @Tjoppa: Sorry Tjoppa! Thought the blue would be good ahead of CW. Hope a neutral jersey is more in order.

    Interesting how the Bulls loose forward selections panned out. Remember your famous words from day 1. Today turned out to be a bit of a disaster.

    10 July, 2013 at 21:24
  78. avatar
    #229 BuffelsCM

    @Rugbyman: Goeie punt oor die voorspelers!
    As jy sien jou span sukkel in die vaste fasette dan kan geen voorspeler rondstaan en wag vir balle om “op te dra” nie!
    Ek moet ook noem dat ek nie mooi verstaan het hoekom albei hakers op die veld was nie. Toe gaan die vaskop af en word vervang deur ‘n slot – maak nie sin nie !! En die slot speel flank ens ??

    10 July, 2013 at 21:21
  79. avatar
    #228 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: watse belaglike nagjurkie is dit hierdie? Jy raak wulps hierdie tyd vd aand… seker die nursies wat jou so opgewonde maak…

    10 July, 2013 at 21:20
  80. avatar
    #227 Rugbyman

    @Djou: Hi Djou… the urban legend that the bulls do all the recruiting isnt true. Some of these players were not recruited by the bulls. All of the recruited players at garsies will either go to the bulls or will be contracted by other unions or we will help them to get a bursary from a tertiary institution like Pukke, Tuks, TUT etc. To date every single recruited PDI player at garsies was assisted appropriately after school to his and his parents’ satisfaction. We will not throw these kids onto the street…

    10 July, 2013 at 21:17
  81. avatar
    #226 Ploegskaar

    @Djou: Selde het ‘n man so die regte vraag vir net die regte man gevra. Praat, ek luister.

    10 July, 2013 at 21:11
  82. avatar
    #225 Rugbyman

    @BoishaaiPa: nee BHP… die bulle se manne het elkeen vir homself gespeel… net SA-skole oppie brein gehad… gedink as jy n forward is wat agter rondstaan en groot runs maak gaan jy raakgesien word… vergeet vd basics van rugby van harde werk bring vrugte af… sodoende het hulle hulself meer skade as goed gedoen…

    10 July, 2013 at 21:04
  83. avatar
    #224 Djou

    @Rugbyman: If Werner and Xander are doing the recruiting, but the Bulls CW side is picked by the schools, where is the co-ordination? I suppose Werner and Xander do recruiting with the eye on Bulls rugby after school, but if the schools don’t pick their recruited players, what then? And what happens if they don’t provide their recruited players with Bulls contracts after school. You already mentioned that some of the players they recruited signed for other unions. I must therefore conclude that although they recruited them, they did not provide them with Bulls contracts. So, do they really care about the players they recruit.
    By the way, what will be happening to the Garsie-players not receiving contracts from the Bulls. Will the school assist them, or as BoishaaiPa alleged, will they be thrown to the wolves? I heard in the grapevine the Bulls also did not award contracts to some of the players they placed at Garsies last year. Did Garsies assist them?

    10 July, 2013 at 21:03
  84. avatar
    #223 BoishaaiPa

    @Tjoppa: Die mannetjie het Maandag n moerse game gehad..n goeie ou Diesel vat tyd om weer te warm te raak…ek dink nie julle moet te krities wees nie. 2 games in 3 dae is moeilik genoeg en dit vat tyd vir die lyf om te herstel. Die games is baie hard en hoe intensiteit. WP het miskien teen Pumas nie so goed gedoen juis omdat hulle dalk bietjie terug gehou het terwyl Bulle baie harde game teen KZN gehad het. Dis maar my opinie.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:55
  85. avatar
    #222 Tjoppa

    @BoishaaiPa: Nee wat ou BHP vanaand kan jy maar met jouself praat. Tot jouself sal nie dink jy praat twak as jy oor die game praat nie. Op jou en jouself se gesprekke. Die nursie het my kom inle. Lekker aand manne.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:50
  86. avatar
    #221 Djou

    @Tjoppa: Daar is ‘n groot aantal spelers in Bulspan wat nie onder top 5 in Pretoria is nie.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:48
  87. avatar
    #220 Tjoppa

    @BuffelsCM: Dalk onfiks?

    10 July, 2013 at 20:48
  88. avatar
    #219 BoishaaiPa

    @Tjoppa: Ek praat sommer met myself..ek hou van goeie geselskap..die voordeel van vroee altzheimers

    10 July, 2013 at 20:47
  89. avatar
    #218 BuffelsCM

    @Rugbyman: Ek wou dieselfde kommentaar lewer oor die slot RG maar glo ook nie om iemand te skop wat klaar “down” is nie.

    Hy is regtig nie fisies genoeg nie. Dit het ook nie gehelp dat die lynstane ‘n gemors was nie – slotte kry ook meer selfvertroue as dit goed gaan in die lynstane en ons weet hoe dit daar gegaan het.

    Hopelik ontwikkel hy nog. Mens vergeet soms dat die manne nog steeds net 18 is !

    10 July, 2013 at 20:45
  90. avatar
    #217 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Teer sakie…

    10 July, 2013 at 20:44
  91. avatar
    #216 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Ja en as jy nou by Loftus more se “ek het mos gepraat” dan is jy weer stront ook. Nee wat ou Ploeg sal maar Maandag met ‘n dowwe gesig sit en die gemors gadeslaan. Maar moet se ek gaan dit geniet.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:43
  92. avatar
    #215 Tjoppa

    @BoishaaiPa: Maak oop die toilet deur dan sal iemand met jou praat.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:41
  93. avatar
    #214 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Sommige sal selfs die fout voor die deur van die 3 gierige Blou Smurwe en hulle plaaslike holhanger hier in die WK le. Ek is egter net ‘n oningeligte ondersteuner, so hoor maar net die dinge, oor my kop jy weet.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:40
  94. avatar
    #213 BoishaaiPa

    @BoishaaiPa: So tussen jou en my sou n sekere 10 daar van Windmeulnek se kant ook nie onvanpas gelyk het in daai span nie…vandag se 10 was nowhere!..Dink Buhr het daar oorgeneem. Was amper so deurmekaar soos bnulle se voorries!

    10 July, 2013 at 20:39
  95. avatar
    #212 Tjoppa

    @beet: You see Beet even if you dress me funny I know what I know. An apology is in order?

    10 July, 2013 at 20:38
  96. avatar
    #211 Predator

    Van die beste ” 8 man skrumwerk ” wat ek hierdie jaar gesien het. Die WP het die basics perfek uitgevoer,..die backline het altyd ‘n skoon bal van die scrum of lynstane gekry,..die backline was heeltyd op die voorvoet,..hulle het die lyn reguit gemaak,..diep gele op die aanval en altyd alles op spoed gedoen,..BLERRIE LEKKER OM TE SIEN,..vir my het hulle amper “old style rugby gespeel” ( eks mal daaroor). Die afrigters het op absoluut die regte dinge gefokus vir die game,..wel gedaan. Die scrumskakel het het die lyn goed weggekry. Ek dink die SWD moet dalk die Bulle speel na more sodat ons dit dalk 2-0 vir die Suide kan maak. Dis nou as SWD besluit hulle wil nou bietjie wys waartoe ons in staat is.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:36
  97. avatar
    #210 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: En Dante het nie eers gespeel vandag nie..At least het Burger opgedaag vir die game…Hy was lekker betrokke en het een van sy beste games in n lang tyd gehad.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:36
  98. avatar
    #209 BoishaaiPa

    @Tjoppa: Ja Ja,,ek dog jy antwoord vir KlofiePa!…ek vier nog WP se oorwinning…verskoon asb. Nie ten koste van die Bulle nie..maar vir die WP span!

    10 July, 2013 at 20:33
  99. avatar
    #208 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: Ek staan by my opmerkings oor die WP GK keuses, ondanks hulle sukses. Wat die CW span betref het van die Boishaaiers my bek toegespeel, het voorheen al gese ek rate Burger en Dante. Is alles egter skielik beter? Beslis nie, maar trots op vandag, beslis.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:33
  100. avatar
    #207 BoishaaiPa

    @Muzi: Good tightheads are really scarce..that is why WP are looking so well after Frans Malherbe!..he is definatly next big no 3 for SA…Now they want to turn Coenie into a 3 as well, I think they are stuffing him up, he is a great No 1, but an average No 3!…That Pumas No 3 here at CW is not bad as well…maybe the Bulls have bought him already else I will send out an SOS!

    10 July, 2013 at 20:30
  101. avatar
    #206 Djou

    @Muzi: Thanks. See Rugbyman posted that Bulls flyhalf Warnick also signed for the Cheetahs.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:29
  102. avatar
    #205 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Die tandemuis?

    10 July, 2013 at 20:28
  103. avatar
    #204 Tjoppa

    @BoishaaiPa: Ek het kommentaar gelewer oor BH die haker fabriek genoem word. Konsentreer met jou lyf asseblief meneer.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:26
  104. avatar
    #203 BoishaaiPa

    @Tjoppa: Skuus..ek sien jy praat van volgende jaar se haker! :mrgreen: …Hy het darem ook mooi kom leer hoe om sy potential ten volle te gebruik hier onder…Seker maar dieselfde soos Bulle se No 23 of hoe?

    10 July, 2013 at 20:25
  105. avatar
    #202 Muzi

    I get you :wink: at the Bulls we’re short of quality tight head props….*fingers crossed* marcel vd merwe has a big currie cup..werner is average.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:25
  106. avatar
    #201 BoishaaiPa

    @Tjoppa: HY praat nie van Brits nie..HY praat van die ander Daniel Du Plessis..wat vandag 2 gespeel het. Britsie het Maandag 2 gespeel.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:23
  107. avatar
    #200 Ploegskaar

    @Rugbyman: Regtig JD, wie se skuld dan?

    10 July, 2013 at 20:22
  108. avatar
    #199 Ploegskaar

    @Tjoppa: Weet Tjop, so het @speartackle ons al vele maal herhinner :mrgreen:

    10 July, 2013 at 20:21
  109. avatar
    #198 BoishaaiPa

    @Muzi: Players must sign where they are gaurenteed/sure of more gametime. WP already sitting with a few young looseheads and with Kitshoff here at only 21, and Justin Ackerman, Thomas would have to wait a while to get a starting spot in a senior team in a few years time. That is why the Sharks is a better option for him if you look at getting serious gametime in seniors in a couple of years. I dont begrudge him going to Sharks because it is better for him and for SA Rugby as a whole and he wont be wasted sitting on a bench like some great players in a certain province!

    10 July, 2013 at 20:21
  110. avatar
    #197 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: Nee tjop… sameroeper vd keurkomitee moer die skuld vat oor die span samestelling… as wat jy se waar is, hoe het justin phillips (WP geteken), george-lee erasmus (leeus), jarmeel warnick (cheetahs) en nog ander dan die span gehaal… nee wat, glo my, xander se insette iw baie beperk… die sirkus is nie deel van die BBM nie… Glo my nou maar hierdie een keer…

    10 July, 2013 at 20:19
  111. avatar
    #196 Muzi

    I understand Oom. :mrgreen:

    10 July, 2013 at 20:16
  112. avatar
    #195 Tjoppa

    @Klofie Pa: My moer sou al lankal gepluk het. Die gekose 8 vd Bulle nie in my persoonlike opinie 1 van die top 5 in Pta nie. Maar ja hoe noem jy dit die Sakkiekak?

    10 July, 2013 at 20:16
  113. avatar
    #194 Muzi

    Some of the cheetahs signings…
    Ox Nche,Stephen Rautenbach 13 from Grey,Valke 10 Ruan Potgieter,Tygerberg scrumhalf TJ Goddard,Carel Durow inside centre from Grey and Kloffies number 8 Nardus vand der Walt…will find out for more from Andre. :wink:

    10 July, 2013 at 20:12
  114. avatar
    #193 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Volgende jaar moet julle egter nie al die claim to fame vat nie. Klein Brits het hierbo sy tande geslyp. Net sy pa wie se kop hom gelos het en getrek het. Klein Brits hoort aan die Noordwes province en nie western province nie.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:10
  115. avatar
    #192 Tjoppa

    @Muzi: At my age their is no more supporting one team. I enjoy each and every game in the full for it may be my last one.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:08
  116. avatar
    #191 Muzi

    No..the prop that WP signed after missing out on Thomas du Toit is Monnas loose head Frans van Wyk he could have made sa schools pity he’s injured.
    Ernst is that red headed ginger bloke :mrgreen: from Framesby he plays for EP at 10 not a bad player at all.
    Pollard is not for sale :-D Bulls played him at 12 against his will he was unhappy at inside centre. :mrgreen: pity he’s injured though no doubt he will bounce back.
    Ok ok i get it WP about gloating. :evil:

    10 July, 2013 at 20:06
  117. avatar
    #190 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Weer gaan ooreenstem om te verskil. te veel gehoor en ondervind waar seuns gedreig word as hul nie teken sal hul nie CW toe gaan nie ens ens ens. Die span is 90% Blou Bul Rugbie Unie se keuse

    10 July, 2013 at 20:05
  118. avatar
    #189 Rugbyman

    @Klofie Pa: Ek stem 100% met jou saam… behalwe dat jou 2 seuns ook daar moes gewees het saam met arne… die reserwe 8 was absoluut nerens!

    roodt sou nie eers die paviljoen kon raakgooi nie, nevermind sy springers… enige ou wat centurion sien speel het sou dit kon raaksien… dan is daar 4 scrummies ook nog saam gevat… george-lee, justin, ivan en ethan sias… vir wat? Dis hoekom ek die keurders blameer… gaan net oor eie gewin… ongelooflik dat hulle nie die groter prentjie kan of wil raaksien nie… die sameroeper vd keurkomitee is een vd grootste probleme in die setup… Ek het hierdie fiasko gesien kom…

    10 July, 2013 at 20:04
  119. avatar
    #188 Djou

    @Bog: Die toelatingsvereistes kom van die Kaap af, moontlik kom dit van hom af :mrgreen: . Maar hulle meld ook daar is byvoordele as jy die kursus doen. Hulle belowe jy gaan di wereld sien, want jou take is gewoonlik in ‘n ander land as Afghanistan.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:04
  120. avatar
    #187 Muzi

    1.I would have liked to have seen this loose trio.8.Nardus van der Walt Is he injured?? 7.David Joyce and 6.Sean Joyce…..the Bulls forward pack was a real mess….Vean had to move to tighthead??Francois Steyn was playing hooker and open side flank???
    2.Abongile is not a number 8……sadly Allison was star struck the occasion was just way too big for the young lad.
    3.Justin Phillips tried hard but he wanted to do it all by himself :roll: he’s a strong player at scrumhalf….a bit selfish tough.
    4.Some of the Bulls players were scared to put their bodies on the line……often Keyter isolated himself.

    10 July, 2013 at 20:00
  121. avatar
    #186 CharlesZA

    @Muzi: Is he the prop from Monnas? Wish Pollard would decide to move back to the cape. :)

    Btw, has Province stopped scoring yet?

    10 July, 2013 at 19:57
  122. avatar
    #185 Rugbyman

    @beet: School politics is something that we will never escape from… Doesnt matter if its in Pta or the cape… Today all is well in province rugby cause they won… few weeks ago the comments were flying around big time due to the selection of their CW and grant khomo teams… and their politics

    at least those boys from the western cape had the opportunity to play CW… they wouldn’t have made it in their own province, be assured of that

    10 July, 2013 at 19:57
  123. avatar
    #184 BoishaaiPa

    @Klofie Pa: Ja, jy het al daar na die Kloof game op St Johns gepraat van Duppie…(Ek is nie seker of Thomas gespeel het nie, VD Merwe was toe nog beseer), maar ons was stilweg redelik vol vertroue dat hulle hul man kon staan. Ek kon ook nie verstaan wat met die BB se pak aangaan nie..Dan is die haker op flank en dan op voorry en dan is daar 3 slotte op die park….HEt my redelik deurmekaar gehad op n stadium. Ek dink hulle het daai klonge van jou gemis!

    10 July, 2013 at 19:51
  124. avatar
    #183 Muzi

    Pieter Jordaan has decided to go back to bloemfontein he will be playing for the Free State Cheetahs….Ryno Eksteen has been ruled out for 6 months with a a knee injury.
    No jokes about Ernst Stapelberg he has signed for WP!

    10 July, 2013 at 19:42
  125. avatar
    #182 beet

    @Rugbyman: Huh! Rugbyman. Not so long ago you mentioned that Garsies were recruiting kids from the Western Cape to help them escape the “politics of the Western Cape” and now you say there is even more politics in the Pretoria schools rugby system:

    “mmmmm blaam moet ook voor die keurders gele word wat van AL die skole kom… xander en werner kies nie DIE span nie… dis onderwysers van al die pta skole doen… te veel politiek en eie gewin betrokke… hierdie een moet aan die deure vd skole keurders gehang word…”

    10 July, 2013 at 19:42
  126. avatar
    #181 Klofie Pa

    Soos die Regering al telkemale en seker in die toekoms sal wys…, NEPOTISME is n bliksem!!! Maak jou arrogant en is geneig om jou te byt op die gat!!
    Klomp SA of wannabee spelers het totaal hul gat gesien na vandag se totale fiasko!!
    Het iemand die Kloof/Affies game perongeluk vir Hein gewys voor die CW?? Want dis waar die kak begin het!!
    Streyn eers flank, toe gooi hy in, Roodt toe stut met Toerien op 8 en Andrews op die ander flank!!!
    WTF mense!! Die 8 was beseer, so trek n f*** 8 op in die form van Arne v Rensb. Nou neuk die hele span rond op posisie en nie een weet wat om te doen nie!!
    Sterk punt op lynstane en Steyn kan hom nie vind want sy kop is op n ander plek!! ie: flank!!
    n groot Sakkiek@k het oopgebars vandag en n klomp kinders met hope talent binne en buite die span is daardeur te benadeel!!!
    Maar water onder die brug en hoop die BB save some face met die volgende game!!
    Dan my ou vriend Aasvoel…, daai klong van jou is n groot yster en baie geluk met Mom!
    BHP gese daai nr 2 is kookwater en net weet bevestig.
    Geluk WP!!!

    10 July, 2013 at 19:42
  127. avatar
    #180 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Hoekom nie..met Callie Visagie daar by die Bulle/Lions en die jong klomp wat deurkom….Sedert 2005 behalwe vir 2008 het Boishaai nog elke jaar n haker in die CW span gehad..vanjaar sommer 2!..In 2011 was dit Corbett ons 2de span haker wat dit gemaak het toe Freddie beseer was.

    10 July, 2013 at 19:40
  128. avatar
    #179 Ploegskaar

    @Muzi: There’s that man Schoeman, should have been in Dawie’s team. Next year Matthys Basson will join as well…

    10 July, 2013 at 19:26
  129. avatar
    #178 Rugbyman

    @BoishaaiPa: @Ploegskaar: Baie geluk manne… Julle pak was ligjare beter as die bulle sin… Vlinder rugby soos die jong bulletjies vandag gespeel het staan my glad nie aan nie… Ek moet se, RG is nie naby fisies genoeg nie… hy wil op die vleuel rondstaan en mooi lyk… slotte moet kan grind voor… mense moet eers die hard yards doen voor jy kan glamour boy speel… hopelik het die bulle pak vandag die lessie geleer…

    10 July, 2013 at 19:24
  130. avatar
    #177 CharlesZA

    @BuffelsCM: Really? Why?

    10 July, 2013 at 19:20
  131. avatar
    #176 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Hy beter, rate hom. Kan ons begin praat van ‘n BH haker fabriek?

    10 July, 2013 at 19:13
  132. avatar
    #175 BuffelsCM

    @CharlesZA: He has already returned to Free State

    10 July, 2013 at 19:12
  133. avatar
    #174 BuffelsCM

    @HORSEFLY NO.1: Yes I know I’m biased. I am however a little disappointed with the performance of the twins. I have acknowledged though that it is difficult to play when your tight five are struggling.

    @Ploegskaar: Yep Luke was in fact captain of the Academy side last year !

    @BoishaaiPa: Daardie 8 Paarliete was briljant as ‘n pak ! Hulle het nie alleen goed geskrum nie maar ook baie druk op die lynstaan van die Bulle geplaas.

    10 July, 2013 at 19:11
  134. avatar
    #173 CharlesZA

    @vatikaki: what about Paul Jordaan’s brother?

    10 July, 2013 at 19:11
  135. avatar
    #172 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Daai vertoning gaan dalk u nuwe geur aan die 3de Aug ook gee :wink: Die pak was almal op hulle kop, maar hou altyd ‘n ogie op die hakers, du Plessis was puik vandag.

    10 July, 2013 at 19:08
  136. avatar
    #171 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Hy het gister hier by ons gekuier..etter hy is nou groot en sterk….maar hy se Coetzee en Willemse altwee beseer op die oomblik. Hy gaan sy kans gebruik!

    10 July, 2013 at 19:07
  137. avatar
    #170 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Die Paarl het die Bulle mooi gevat voor..5 Boishaaiers en 3 Gimmies!…Wonder of iemand dit opgelet het!

    10 July, 2013 at 19:02
  138. avatar
    #169 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Enigste manier om my bek stil kry is om hom stil te speel, daai manne het geshine, geen twyfel. Bly vir Hein ook, dink ek gaan more die Tiere Fees met ‘n babbelas kyk voor ek afsak Ladismith toe :mrgreen:

    10 July, 2013 at 18:59
  139. avatar
    #168 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Jy kan maar kom gooi hier by my..die wyn loop mooi…jy weet mos waar 4 van daai vaste vyf vandaan kom!…die seuns het mooi gespeel en gewys hoekom hulle daar hoort.

    10 July, 2013 at 18:46
  140. avatar
    #167 Muzi

    Agree about Webster there’s something special about him is he in grade 11 this year?

    10 July, 2013 at 18:27
  141. avatar
    #166 Rugbyman

    @Muzi: geen idee nie, vra hom

    10 July, 2013 at 18:26
  142. avatar
    #165 Muzi

    What provincial team does tjoppa support?

    10 July, 2013 at 18:23
  143. avatar
    #164 HORSEFLY NO.1

    But I believe they ask the boys before the festival who’d be interested in the Sharks now which is why I was surprised.

    Wow KZN has definitely let one go there in Webster. With a little bit of faith In him, I think he could go far.
    I think he hasn’t been given much faith by the kzn coaches but hopefully the Bulls move works out for him. 2 years of U19 rugby will do him good

    10 July, 2013 at 18:21
  144. avatar
    #163 Rugbyman

    @Muzi: Maybe they do… But they didnt pick the CW team… That is done be various school coaches, so called selectors… Obviously if the players are available to them, they will pick them. This loss is not the fault of xander or werner… Tjoppa hates them both, but that aside, they still dont pick or coach this side…

    10 July, 2013 at 18:20
  145. avatar
    #162 Muzi

    Bulls under 19’s have a solid front row…1.Pierre Schoeman 2.Corniel Els and 3.Wilco Louw not bad at all….even under 21’s no beerwinkel in picture :mrgreen: ….1.Neethling Fouche 2.Jaco Visagie and 3.Christoph Gouws…Forwood is on the bench.

    10 July, 2013 at 18:19
  146. avatar
    #161 Muzi

    Weren’t Werner and Xander are the ones who recruited most of the players from the cape?

    10 July, 2013 at 18:13
  147. avatar
    #160 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: Tjop… ek stem met jou oor die spankeuses en coaching… min dat ons saamstem… ek wil net he jy moet my hierdie keer asb glo. Werner en xander het GEEN stemreg op hierdie span nie… die span speel onder die vaandel van die blou bulle hoerskole rugby vereniging, NIE die BBM nie. Die skole keurders en coaches moet pa staan… Maar vat niks weg van wp nie! Hulle pak het ons opgedonder… maklik as ons hele pak natuurlik in die backline staan

    10 July, 2013 at 18:12
  148. avatar
    #159 vatikaki


    Cheers found him.

    So it’s actually ‘Luke van der Smit’.

    Annoying how they’re always mixing the two up.

    10 July, 2013 at 18:07
  149. avatar
    #158 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: mmmmm blaam moet ook voor die keurders gele word wat van AL die skole kom… xander en werner kies nie DIE span nie… dis onderwysers van al die pta skole doen… te veel politiek en eie gewin betrokke… hierdie een moet aan die deure vd skole keurders gehang word…

    10 July, 2013 at 18:07
  150. avatar
    #157 Ploegskaar

    @vatikaki: Freddie was in the initial JWC squad, but inexplicably dropped after Argentina. Good reward, good player.

    10 July, 2013 at 18:05
  151. avatar
    #156 Muzi

    Dries Swanepoel,Handre Pollard,RG Snyman and Mxoli all got offered bursaries they mean indeed they mean stuff all these days.
    That’s correct I only found out today Webster signed a Bulls contract surprisingly little Human is also on his way to loftus.

    10 July, 2013 at 18:04
  152. avatar
    #155 HORSEFLY NO.1

    Was under the impression that Rikus signed for Sharks since he did get a sharks academy contract. Guess those aren’t worth anything these days.

    Louw is a very good player indeed! I hear Webster is on his way to the Bulls, know anything about this?

    10 July, 2013 at 18:00
  153. avatar
    #154 Muzi

    Sakkie didn’t select this team like you said Xander and Werner drew up an elite squad for craven week. :mrgreen:
    I feel sorry for rugby players in Pretora from schools like Swartkop,Eldos,Boys high….most of them go to trials just to make the numbers.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:57
  154. avatar
    #153 Ploegskaar

    @vatikaki: Luke vd Smith played for SACS last year, as well as WP Academy (captain, might be wrong). Solid player, good ball skills as well and buffed a bit, saw him at CSW.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:56
  155. avatar
    #152 Tjoppa

    @Muzi: Do not want to defend Xander but CW and junior contracts Werner’s responsibilities. And he knows WHAT about rugby??

    10 July, 2013 at 17:53
  156. avatar
    #151 Ploegskaar

    @bhkgpa: Nope, 40 already too old in my book, worried that my judgement and wisdom will quickly wane judging by the comments of “older” bloggers here as well. BTW, I always backed the Gym boys and obviously the Boland boy, but the Boishaai boys proved me wrong, well done boys, I will gladly enjoy that humble pie with a glass of Andreas Shiraz tonight. Big ups to Hein as well.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:52
  157. avatar
    #150 Tjoppa

    @Muzi: Bulls is the gabbas and Eastern Cape their choice for a holiday???

    10 July, 2013 at 17:51
  158. avatar
    #149 Muzi

    That’s called stock pilling my friend trust me as a Bulls supporter I even have issues regarding player recruitment…..Xander is passionate at what he does but IMHO he signs way too may players.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:51
  159. avatar
    #148 Muzi

    How ironic…most of the players Werner and Xander signed come from the Bulls and SWD …..guess what both teams got given an can of super whoop ass. :-|

    10 July, 2013 at 17:49
  160. avatar
    #147 vatikaki


    Xander is probably half the problem.

    For every good player he recruits, they get another 5 who aren’t nearly worth what they pay them.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:46
  161. avatar
    #146 Ploegskaar

    @Ploegskaar: My bad, Johan de Villiers as LF on the WP u19 bench as well, well done to the Boland boys, less so for the WP scouts that missed the 3 in the BB u19 team.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:46
  162. avatar
    #145 Muzi

    The 8 jersey will go to Rikus who has signed for WP by the way :wink: sadly Schraam is injured.
    Grey College srat loose forward Louw will form a damn good loose trio with J-L-Du Preez and Schraam.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:46
  163. avatar
    #144 Tjoppa

    @BOG: Modesty or scared Bog.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:45
  164. avatar
    #143 BOG

    Just a simple question though. Did the BBs have a coach?@Speartackle: Throw the match? Two years ago they also said that FS were destroyed in the scrums by the BBs. But they stood their ground, Jan Serfontein scored and went on to beat the advantaged team from the Cape by 42-21. But they first need to overcome the Lions tomorrow before they can entertain such fantasies. And they will have to improve a lot on Tuesdays performance.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:43
  165. avatar
    #142 Muzi

    Eish sir watching that game wasn’t easy…we were totally bullied. :cry:

    10 July, 2013 at 17:42
  166. avatar
    #141 Tjoppa

    @Woltrui: I am just thinking Wollas this must be a win win situation for all you professionals. You must pay up because the Bulls will definitely not be in the final and you must get paid because SWD is also not. At least you won something.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:42
  167. avatar
    #140 HORSEFLY NO.1


    That is biased. Jean-Luc is an excellent 7 and player all-round. Even the commentators couldn’t shut up about those twins :lol:

    Have to say, with Bothma, J-L du preez and Ayron Schramm, Sharks U19 will have a very dominant loose trio there.

    Will see who gets chosen for the #8 jersey between Ayron and Rikus though

    10 July, 2013 at 17:41
  168. avatar
    #139 Muzi

    1.That game was all about Bothma and Vermuelen it took 4 Bulls players to bring those players down.
    2.I asked Xander the Bulls scout about Thomas du Toit hell I even urged the guy to sign him last year…guess what he laughed at me judging by the way he replied to me he didn’t rate him at all.
    3.Imagine this loose trio….8.Bothma 7.Vermuelen and 6.Du Preez :mrgreen:

    10 July, 2013 at 17:38
  169. avatar
    #138 Woltrui

    The Mighty Bulls got a mighty hiding today. Outmuscled, out played and out thought by the strepies. 2013 Schoolboy rugby is definitely being dominated by the Visvoete. Well done you boitjies from the deap south 8-O

    10 July, 2013 at 17:37
  170. avatar
    #137 Tjoppa

    @BuffelsCM: I also noticed that big smile the whole game. What a talent. But we must admit there was not much competition on the field for him.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:36
  171. avatar
    #136 Tjoppa

    @Muzi: I told you your union has serious financial problems re paying salaries. A wholesale on the senior players was initiated to be able to afford the young stars who’s junior contracts is coming to an end. Then included in that the massive amount that is spend on junior players. But Xander’s job is safe apparently he is married to family of Heyneke and Werner is big gabbas with Nollis. A sick joint.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:34
  172. avatar
    #135 BuffelsCM

    @Muzi: Muzi :
    1. I’m not the gloating type !!
    2. I can’t believe that WP failed to sign Thomas du Toit;
    3: Vermeulen seems to be a better 7 than Du Preez of KZN….or am I being biased ? I have to admit that it is much easier to play with a dominant tight five. Having said that, Vermeulen made huge hits in the tackles……and he kept smiling the whole time: good to see that he enjoys his rugby so much !! :lol:

    10 July, 2013 at 17:32
  173. avatar
    #134 Muzi

    Sean Joyce and David Joyce :wink: …..enough said poor Frans Steyn he did all the donkey work for those loose forwards.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:31
  174. avatar
    #133 Muzi

    I’m at a loss to be honest with you…..Xander just can’t cope as the high performance manager Bulls are losing senior players….offering pay cuts….now this…sigh… :roll:

    10 July, 2013 at 17:28
  175. avatar
    #132 vatikaki


    Not sure what the story is with Justin Geduld & Tshotsho Mbovane. Appears that Sevens players (those with contracts) have not been released because Senatla is not playing for the Cheetahs either.

    Interesting hooker choices for the U-21’s. First choice Vodacom Cup hooker Stephan Coetzee isn’t there. Nor is Michael Willemse who was chosen ahead of Kirsten. Renier Marais making a return to rugby!!

    Entienne Swanepoel, Sti Sithole & Nicol Heyns the front-rowers who miss out. Tshepo Motale must not have had his contract renewed because he’s either STILL injured or not playing anymore!!

    Gerbrandt Grobler with the Stormers while Ruan Botha must also still be injured. One of them will probably see time with the WP Currie Cup side and the other with the U-21’s if both were fit.

    Justin Benn the only loose-forward to miss out?

    The backs seem pretty straight forward. Few guys like Kyle Lombard & Janco Gunther a bit further down the depth chart… Surprised they’ve got Leyds on the wing, especially as Kolbe is probably seen as the replacement for Habana on the wing for the seniors.

    No Ryno Eksteen?

    10 July, 2013 at 17:28
  176. avatar
    #131 Tjoppa

    Interesting that the player of the match was a loosie. Bulls left their best at home no one willing to put their body on the line. What a disgrace. But as I said @ the beginning of the CW the Bulls will not make it. Poor selection, poor coaching.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:26
  177. avatar
    #130 Tjoppa

    @Muzi: No it was just another day in their lives. If they cared at all the Bulls would not have been in this situation. I hope they get sacked so that normality will return to SBR in Pretoria.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:24
  178. avatar
    #129 Muzi

    It started from the first minute after that scrum I already knew the Bulls were not up to it. :cry:
    I’ve watched craven week rugby for the past several years this loss hurts pretty badly wow even some of the players were stunned by the physicality others scared to even tackle or sort out those rucks. :cry:

    10 July, 2013 at 17:22
  179. avatar
    #128 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: Nie een van daardie seuns is bekend dat hulle bereid is om voor die harde werk te doen nie. Die twee stutte van Waterkloof het in die games teen Affies die belofte getoon. Maar die spelpatroon, alhoewel ek voel daar is nie een nie, is heeltemal ontoereikend. Jy gaan nie op CW die top spanne fisies oorweldig en dan stukkend hardloop in die gebroke spel nie. dit gaan eenvoudig nie gebeur nie.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:22
  180. avatar
    #127 vatikaki


    WP U-19 and U-21 sides.

    U-21’s: 15 Cheslin Kolbe 14 Dillyn Leyds 13 Patrick Howard 12 Kobus van Wyk 11 Devon Williams 10 Timo Swiel 9 Godlen Masimla 8 Rayn Smid 7 Sikhumbuzo Notshe 6 Joshua Katzen (c) 5 Jean Kleyn 4 Carel du Preez 3 Justin Ackerman 2 Freddie Kirsten 1 Oliver Kebble. 16 Renier Marais 17 Niel Oelofse 18 Jurie van Vuuren 19 Cobus Nel 20 Eital Bredenkamp 21 Jean Nel 22 JP Lewis.

    U-19’s: 15 Jason Worrall 14 Marcus Geldenhuys 13 Michael Haznar 12 Faffa Botha 11 Michael Mvelase 10 Chris Smith 9 SP Ferraira 8 Devon Nash 7 Luke V.D. Smith (??) 6 Johan de Villiers 5 Jan Uys 4 Sebastian Ferreira 3 Michael van Tonder 2 Ramone Samuels 1 Liam Hendricks. 16 Chad Solomon 17 Nico Steenkamp 18 Nathan Gogela 19 Steven Meiring 20 Sebastian Negri 21 Pieter Schoonraad 22 Tiaan Mouton 23 Alvino Montjies.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:20
  181. avatar
    #126 Muzi

    :mrgreen: That was a rude awakening for Werner and Xander……..stop poaching quota players from the Boland and Eastern Province :wink:…..why don’t the Bulls trust their home grown players?…they will never forget this massive loss against WP.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:18
  182. avatar
    #125 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: Ek is rerig teleurgesteld… Kan nie glo dat die bulle se pak orals is behalwe by die rucks nie…

    10 July, 2013 at 17:17
  183. avatar
    #124 Tjoppa

    @Muzi: Do not try to move the attention. This team barring one or two boys were handpicked in 2012 already. Everybody warned this is going to happen. What is the Bulls reaction.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:17
  184. avatar
    #123 Rugbyman

    Absolutely shocking Bulls… Forwards were annihilated by WP…. All the Bulls forwards wants to carry the ball – no one to do the dirty work and play to the ball! Not even mentioning the shocking lineout throw-ins… Well done to WP! Very disappointing Bulls… as Tjoppa and I suspected on Monday, big question marks…

    10 July, 2013 at 17:14
  185. avatar
    #122 Muzi

    @jakes: Thomas du Toit the massive loose head prop has signed for the Sharks…talk about great work by the WP scouts. :roll:

    10 July, 2013 at 17:12
  186. avatar
    #121 Tjoppa

    @Muzi: Will Werner’s contract be terminated. I mean this is his team after all.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:10
  187. avatar
    #120 jakes

    Wow- those two props from Western province were huge, the whole WP pack looked one size bigger than the Bulls. Even WP’s primary craven week team’s props were much bigger than their opponents. what is happening there. :mrgreen: :oops:

    10 July, 2013 at 17:06
  188. avatar
    #119 wakker akker

    WP teenBULLE .Weereens bewys dat as jou 1.2 en drie reg is dan kan jy baie bemeester.Baie goed gegaan met WP se vaste vyf.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:04
  189. avatar
    #118 Muzi

    Geez I don’t even think any team has a chance against that pack 8-O …..I mean firstly they are dominant in the scrums….Bothma and Vermuelen are a thorn on the field…….phew who knows perhaps it could ave been 50 points with JD at lock.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:01
  190. avatar
    #117 Playa

    Hopefully the Bulls will leave the EC alone and start recruiting high scholars from WP going forward :mrgreen:

    Nicely done WP.What a show these young men put up.Absolutely dominated die manne van di Vaal.

    10 July, 2013 at 17:01
  191. avatar
    #116 phat55

    @BuffelsCM: couldn’t agree more!!! LOL @ Ploegskaar’s post about the “craven week climax”…..good one!

    10 July, 2013 at 17:00
  192. avatar
    #115 Muzi

    @BuffelsCM: Agree with you just please don’t gloat about it for the rest of the year. :mrgreen:

    10 July, 2013 at 16:59
  193. avatar
    #114 Speartackle

    Fnuck sakes……………..I dont think OFS want to take on that WP pack………………think they’ll throw that game tomorrow.

    10 July, 2013 at 16:58
  194. avatar
    #113 BuffelsCM

    @Muzi: Muzi you had the opportunity last year !!

    10 July, 2013 at 16:57
  195. avatar
    #112 Muzi

    My gosh I’m in tears Bulls got totally annihilated….. 8-O bloggers from the cape are going to have a field day this evening.

    10 July, 2013 at 16:56
  196. avatar
    #111 BuffelsCM

    @phat55: Vermeulen is a worthy MOTM !!
    The whole pack stood out, starting in the front row (the only row lol) !!

    10 July, 2013 at 16:54
  197. avatar
    #110 bhkgpa

    @Ploegskaar: still a youngster if you get invited to 40th bdays! Enjoy!

    10 July, 2013 at 16:54
  198. avatar
    #109 bhkgpa

    WP jou lekker ding WP jou lekker ding!! Is dit die begin van n lekker naweek in die Kaap wat afsluit op nuweland Saterdag!

    10 July, 2013 at 16:53
  199. avatar
    #108 vatikaki

    Sounds like an impressive WP unit! Needed to be after last year!

    A shame Shickerling & Oosthuizen couldn’t be a part of it.

    10 July, 2013 at 16:52
  200. avatar
    #107 BuffelsCM

    @bhkgpa: Absolutely an awesome show put up by the pack !!

    10 July, 2013 at 16:52
  201. avatar
    #106 BuffelsCM

    @phat55: I am really glad that he has performed well !
    He had an excellent Academy Week last year in Wellington

    Congrats to the coaches as well ! I know there were negative comments about Hein Kriek (not sure if I have the name correct) of Paul Roos.
    You can’t always judge a coach on his team’s performance IMO when he doesn’t have enough talent available. He and his assistant(s) have done really well!

    10 July, 2013 at 16:50
  202. avatar
    #105 Ploegskaar

    Permit me to repeat my earlier post:
    “For all the kak that is talked here and on other threads on the blog today, the climax of this CW, as with the majority of the preceding ones and those in years to follow, will start at 15:30 and end shortly before 17:00 today. Two proper rugby playing unions with a traditional rivalry that is unequaled at junior and senior level in this country. Good luck to the other once-offs, also-rans, wannabees and the collective balance of pretenders, you will be playing in the shadow of this game irrespective of the outcome and so will your flag-bearers in the years to come :twisted:”

    Off to Ladismith for a 40th, CW is over, maybe pick up a few SWD boys on the way back to the home of SBR :mrgreen:

    10 July, 2013 at 16:49
  203. avatar
    #104 phat55

    I dont know where Vermeulen is from but boy has he impressed!

    10 July, 2013 at 16:49
  204. avatar
    #103 phat55

    @bhkgpa: I noticed that too on monday and my wishes have come true,a tight-five worthy of the WP jersey

    10 July, 2013 at 16:47
  205. avatar
    #102 Speartackle

    THis game was all over after the very 1st scrum

    10 July, 2013 at 16:46
  206. avatar
    #101 bhkgpa

    I did say after the first game that all the reserves played in the WP pack at that a different pack will play and o boy, was I right.

    10 July, 2013 at 16:43
  207. avatar
    #100 phat55

    @BuffelsCM: very good try by Buhr……he’s looked solid all game!

    10 July, 2013 at 16:40
  208. avatar
    #99 Speartackle

    THis WP team showed a lot of guts and played like trojans. The Bulls look like a primary school team.

    10 July, 2013 at 16:40
  209. avatar
    #98 Playa


    Proud of you boys. This is what Border can achieve without off-field squabbles.Goes to show that rugby is played on the field and not in the office.Lovely to see.

    10 July, 2013 at 16:38
  210. avatar
    #97 phat55

    real good performance by the forwards so far,especially at scrum time.bulls look like they buckling under the pressure.props doing well in the loose as well and daniel du plessis showing his not all “flash” as some insinuated.

    10 July, 2013 at 16:38
  211. avatar
    #96 Speartackle

    I must admit……………I was totally driven by my disliking in WP but boy oh boy………………they’re destroying the Bulls’ scrum…………they can pick the whole WP pack for SA Schools…………………what a performance…………………..well done WP.

    10 July, 2013 at 16:37
  212. avatar
    #95 BuffelsCM

    Heinrich Buhr in the corner after 55 minutes !!

    Ploegskaar will be delighted (so am I !!)

    27 – 6 with 14 minutes to go

    10 July, 2013 at 16:35
  213. avatar
    #94 BuffelsCM

    @GreenBlooded: Forwards of WP doing much better today with their best pack of forwards on the field!

    The KZN performance was really disappointing today

    10 July, 2013 at 16:30
  214. avatar
    #93 BuffelsCM

    @bhkgpa: Beter as goed!!

    10 July, 2013 at 16:26
  215. avatar
    #92 BuffelsCM

    Province putting Bulls under pressure in the scrums!

    Try time Jantjies ! 20 – 6 after 46 minutes

    10 July, 2013 at 16:25
  216. avatar
    #91 bhkgpa

    @Speartackle: ja ja ek praat maar na die game maar huidiglik lyk dit heel goed van WP se kant af

    10 July, 2013 at 16:23
  217. avatar
    #90 GreenBlooded

    @Amalekite: Watching the WP vs BB match and having just seen the disappointing performance by KZN – we are light years behind. I am reminded of that magnificent exchange in Pulp Fiction: “Aint no ballpark neither. It aint the same league. It aint even the same f%$#&^g sport!!”

    10 July, 2013 at 16:20
  218. avatar
    #89 BuffelsCM

    41 minutes 13 – 6

    10 July, 2013 at 16:20
  219. avatar
    #88 BuffelsCM

    WP 13 – Blue Bulls 3 half-time!

    Province with 13 men on the field for a while: 2 yellow cards in the first 10 minutes.

    Forwards of WP playing well! How good is Vermeulen?
    Front row doing well! Getting a tighthead on their own line.
    Bulls should have taken penalty in front of posts.

    So Du Plessis not only a “flashy” player – defended well too!

    35 minutes to go

    10 July, 2013 at 16:13
  220. avatar
    #87 Amalekite

    @GreenBlooded: Very disappointing.
    Too many mistakes. All in all, the 2012 team looked more polished and coherent. This year we seem to be relying on moments of individual brilliance and then others of poor judgement. Our defence was not great again today.
    Hopefully they can finish off on a high note :-|

    10 July, 2013 at 15:54
  221. avatar
    #86 GreenBlooded

    Very very poor by KZN. :cry: :cry:

    10 July, 2013 at 15:21
  222. avatar
    #85 CharlesZA

    Stuur daar n link of email met die span lyste vir o19 en o21 spanne vir die naweek Ploeg :)

    10 July, 2013 at 14:21
  223. avatar
    #84 Ploegskaar

    By the way, 4 boys from the 2012 Boland Landbou team will be representing their respective unions’ u/19 teams this weekend. Faffa Botha will be at 12 for WP, while Keagon Gordon will start at 14 for the Bulls, with Arno van Wyk (hooker) and Justin Basson (lock) on the bench. Great conversion rate for a small school and a very good 2012 team. Mooi manne!

    10 July, 2013 at 14:14
  224. avatar
    #83 Queenian

    Pumas to win this one by 3 :mrgreen:

    10 July, 2013 at 14:12
  225. avatar
    #82 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Ye maybe Border would roll WP as well. :lol:

    10 July, 2013 at 14:09
  226. avatar
    #81 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Ha Ha :mrgreen:

    10 July, 2013 at 14:07
  227. avatar
    #80 Ploegskaar

    @Queenian: Obviously WP, otherwise the score would have been the other way around :mrgreen: If Selborne can’t even turn over Boland Landbou in an average year and Dale gets thumped (some say Queens asked not to play them :wink: ), you must know how good the Black Machine is in a good year :twisted:

    10 July, 2013 at 14:06
  228. avatar
    #79 beet

    Eish the Du Preezs and their offloads are going to drive me insane. :-?

    10 July, 2013 at 14:05
  229. avatar
    #78 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Thanks who does Boland Landbou play under Boland or WP

    10 July, 2013 at 13:58
  230. avatar
    #77 Ploegskaar

    FT Border 39 Boland 19

    10 July, 2013 at 13:57
  231. avatar
    #76 Ploegskaar

    Correction, Border 37 Boland 19

    10 July, 2013 at 13:53
  232. avatar
    #75 Ploegskaar

    Border 37 Boland 12

    10 July, 2013 at 13:53
  233. avatar
    #74 Queenian

    @oxry: Good idea some of us work. :lol:

    10 July, 2013 at 13:51
  234. avatar
    #73 oxry

    @beet: Beet, kan julle asb vir ons die finale telling tussen spanne op die blog sit sodra die wedstryd afgehandel is. Dit sal nogals help. Dankie

    10 July, 2013 at 13:46
  235. avatar
    #72 Queenian

    @BoishaaiPa: What was the final Border vs Boland score

    10 July, 2013 at 13:42
  236. avatar
    #71 Queenian

    @BoishaaiPa: You know how many Border kids are in Pretoria there are plenty

    10 July, 2013 at 13:42
  237. avatar
    #70 BoishaaiPa

    Ek vir so ruk weg..Hoop vanmiddag se game is n skoupspel en mag die beste span wen!..

    10 July, 2013 at 13:41
  238. avatar
    #69 BoishaaiPa

    @oxry: Jy moet onthou die Boland se beste spelers speel vir die Bulls!…

    10 July, 2013 at 13:37
  239. avatar
    #68 oxry

    Boland,Boland wat maak julle. Die spel word genoem rugby, en in rugby word die baldraer geduik, nie gestop nie. Leer en leer vinnig, raakrugby gaan nie teen Grens werk nie. Bly so speel en die eindtelling gaan iets verskrikliks wees. ‘n Duidelike bewys dat die kwotastelsel nie in die Boland werk nie. Hulle agterspelers is pateties. Die wen teen Limpopo was ‘n groot geluk.

    Net jammer Hanro Liebenberg moet in so ‘n span speel!!!!!

    10 July, 2013 at 13:24
  240. avatar
    #67 Ploegskaar

    For all the kak that is talked here and on other threads on the blog today, the climax of this CW, as with the majority of the preceding ones and those in years to follow, will start at 15:30 and end shortly before 17:00 today. Two proper rugby playing unions with a traditional rivalry that is unequaled at junior and senior level in this country. Good luck to the other once-offs, also-rans, wannabees and the collective balance of pretenders, you will be playing in the shadow of this game irrespective of the outcome and so will your flag-bearers in the years to come :twisted:

    10 July, 2013 at 13:13
  241. avatar
    #66 beet

    Someone tweeted me yesterday and said that the Noord-Suid Craven Week final was still very much on the cards –

    Noord-Gauteng vs Suid-Gauteng :twisted:

    10 July, 2013 at 09:26
  242. avatar
    #65 beet


    Ek is ge-amped!

    10 July, 2013 at 09:25
  243. avatar
    #64 beet

    @Woltrui: Yesterday it looked like the Valke game plan was different from that used by EG this season. Some of the big names just didn’t produce like they have been doing for their school. Hats off to the Griffons tho, particularly in the first half. So well drilled.

    10 July, 2013 at 09:23
  244. avatar
    #63 Predator

    WP klop die Bulle oortuigend en die goeie WP seuns word geteken deur die Bulle na vandag, of kom agter dat hulle met Bulle kontrakte die CW gaan speel het.

    10 July, 2013 at 09:16
  245. avatar
    #62 Speartackle

    @GreenBlooded: It’s been a tough year for me so far, in and out of state institutions where there’s no internet access and also visited Andre T in France where he’s coaching at the moment.

    I was in Umhlanga for a whole week 2 weeks ago where my son played the SA Boys u/17’s at Mount Edgecombe. The Sands will never be the same again specially Coco’s. They ran out of Vodka every night. Must say there were some beautiful women and I’m sure some of them can easily spice up the rather dull KZN rugby scene. What’s going on there with your rugby? Such small okes playing in your teams.

    10 July, 2013 at 09:11
  246. avatar
    #61 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: Ek sukkel bietjie met n tennisbal vanoggend.

    10 July, 2013 at 09:03
  247. avatar
    #60 GreenBlooded

    @Speartackle: Welcome back boet!! Where the hell have you been? Boring as hell here without you around. I missed you at the Glenwood vs Monnas match earlier this year. As per our arrangement, I would have bought you a dop but since you are just out of rehab I would have gotten off lightly with a Coke at the Ivan Clark Pavilion. I must admit, I nearly split my sides after your comment yesterday. I think it deserved a round of applause, much less and uitkak.

    10 July, 2013 at 09:00
  248. avatar
    #59 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: Nee, niks slim van my kant vandag nie… ek is gister so uitgek@k dat ek maar liewer niks se nie… Hoe voel daai tennis elmboog vanoggend?

    10 July, 2013 at 08:56
  249. avatar
    #58 Speartackle

    @bhkgpa: Ek twyfel…………….gaan te eensydig wees

    10 July, 2013 at 08:40
  250. avatar
    #57 bhkgpa

    @Speartackle: Ja ja hopelik is nie reg nie, tyd sal leer, gaan egter die game geniet en hopelik is dit goeie skole rugby

    10 July, 2013 at 08:23
  251. avatar
    #56 Speartackle

    @bhkgpa: Net bang die WP sal dalk teen 5,36 punte per minuuut moet kolf om by die Bulls te kom

    10 July, 2013 at 08:05
  252. avatar
    #55 bhkgpa

    @Speartackle: praat jy nou van in een game sonder die verlies van n paaltjie voor tee? Jy praat darem seker nie CW rugby nie

    10 July, 2013 at 08:00
  253. avatar
    #54 Speartackle

    Ek hoop net nie die Bulletjies sit vandag 50 op teen die WP nie

    Kombinasie tussen Grey en Cherries sou beslis OVS baie versterk het

    Jammerte dat n span soos die Griffons nie n kans gegun word om WP pakslae te gee

    Selfde geld vir Zimbabwe teen KZN

    Rugbyman……………….enige observasies vandag wat ek dalk misgekyk het?

    10 July, 2013 at 07:54
  254. avatar
    #53 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: Tjop, ongelukkig is die keurders nie altyd so kundig as wat algemeen aanvaar word nie…

    10 July, 2013 at 06:12
  255. avatar
    #52 BOG

    @Tjoppa: I am getting a little concerned. I am in agreement with you too often lately. That is what I mean by the difference between skill and flash. I am also struck by the superficial comments, how people are impressed by moments of “flash” while often, the true skills and work rate of a player, is overlooked. But in the bigger scheme of things, what is really the difference between a game of marbles and a rugby match? Not much, apart from a few rugby players eventually being paid a little more and the “politicians” keeping their noses out of marbles

    10 July, 2013 at 05:24
  256. avatar
    #51 Tjoppa

    @Muzi: Had a long discussion last night on the selection of players. The main question unanswered is why do the selectors only pick the “shiners”. Nobody seems interested with the hardworking player that is doing his positional job 100%. It is easy polishing du Plessis’s marbles but take into account the opposition and quality of defense is he really that good? And nothing against him but………….

    10 July, 2013 at 04:54
  257. avatar
    #50 Tjoppa

    @Speartackle: By haar voordeur uit as sy enigsins verstand het. Is sy Russies of van plaaslike afkoms.

    10 July, 2013 at 04:51
  258. avatar
    #49 Tjoppa

    @Speartackle: Hy is gewoonlik by die rugbyvelde Spiesie. Julle ouens mag mos nie meer roomys binne die skoolgronde verkoop nie. So twyfel of julle mekaar gaan raakloop.

    10 July, 2013 at 04:49
  259. avatar
    #48 PaulRoosPa

    Spear is jy alweer besig met jou nonsens! Ai tog vra die nursie moet jou doek kom droogmaak!

    9 July, 2013 at 23:14
  260. avatar
    #47 Muzi

    @BOG: :mrgreen:It’s better to stick with Nche…

    9 July, 2013 at 21:40
  261. avatar
    #46 BOG

    @Muzi: Come on give us his first name in full . When I saw that, it looked like that Welsh railway station.

    9 July, 2013 at 20:25
  262. avatar
    #45 Djou

    @Muzi: Any other signings for the Cheetahs that you know of?

    9 July, 2013 at 18:59
  263. avatar
    #44 Deon

    @Speartackle. Was dit nie altyd, so in ongeveer 2010, op ‘n ander blog, AndreT en/of PaulRoosPa se werk om jou dop te hou nie?

    9 July, 2013 at 18:18
  264. avatar
    #43 Muzi

    :-D Ox!!!!!! he’s the complete package forget about the dash he’s one of the best loose head props in Polokwane…the lad can scrum he’s a great signing for the cheetahs.

    9 July, 2013 at 18:04
  265. avatar
    #42 Rugbyman

    @Muzi: In summary… Would be unfair for me to make a prediction… I do think Daniel has the inside track at the moment though…

    9 July, 2013 at 17:38
  266. avatar
    #41 BoishaaiPa

    Vandag was daai Lions scrummy die beste wat ek nog van vanjaar se spanne gesien het op 9. Regtig n slim spelertjie en lekker besig.

    9 July, 2013 at 17:33
  267. avatar
    #40 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: Geniet hom…

    9 July, 2013 at 17:33
  268. avatar
    #39 Rugbyman

    @Muzi: Difficult one… Franco is still in grade 11… a Bok in the making… Will be a gr8 battle! I will root for Franco, I coached him for 2 years and I know where he comes from… He still has lots to learn though…

    9 July, 2013 at 17:32
  269. avatar
    #38 BOG

    @Muzi: Guess who dashed himself into the SA schools side? I hope you watched.

    9 July, 2013 at 17:22
  270. avatar
    #37 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: Hare op hul hande?……………..ek skuld jou nog n naam………………….jyt my n looser en n wanker genoem…………………ek jou n aap………………..ek gaan ordentlik wees en vrede maak………………….soos ons Vrystaters maar is……………………wil net weet……………..dink jy die wenner tussen OVS en Lions gaan in die final speel?

    Sien jou more………………….sal jou vertel hoe daai handshake was…………………….ek watch jou.

    9 July, 2013 at 17:17
  271. avatar
    #36 Muzi

    I guess we will see if Daniel du Plessis is untouchable against big Franco Naude…..whoever wins that battle will wear the SA schools 12 jersey.

    9 July, 2013 at 17:16
  272. avatar
    #35 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: Lucky u… eks al jare getroud… Jy weet wat se hulle van getroude mans…

    9 July, 2013 at 17:12
  273. avatar
    #34 Playa

    @Speartackle: Hahahahaha! Great stuff, looking forward to it

    9 July, 2013 at 17:11
  274. avatar
    #33 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: Nag Boggom…………….het n date vanaand…………dalk help sy my bietjie uit.

    9 July, 2013 at 17:09
  275. avatar
    #32 Rugbyman

    Wanker wat n aap soek… behoort interessant te wees…

    Relax man

    9 July, 2013 at 16:59
  276. avatar
    #31 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: Tx for the invite… will keep my diary open… Hope my IQ qualifies…

    9 July, 2013 at 16:58
  277. avatar
    #30 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: Ek doen dit met graagte………..sal uitvind wie is die grootste aap daar.

    9 July, 2013 at 16:56
  278. avatar
    #29 Speartackle

    @Playa: Was nice chatting to you………………..see you in December………..will take you to the Cage……………….maybe I’ll invite Rugbyman as well………….perhaps he can make some similar observations there as well.

    9 July, 2013 at 16:54
  279. avatar
    #28 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: miskien moet jy jouself aan my kom voorstel… ek wag in spanning.

    9 July, 2013 at 16:54
  280. avatar
    #27 Playa

    @Speartackle: You’re taking an awefully long time to recover, they must still be draining all that alcohol out of your system.

    Im the 074 number that just missed called you

    9 July, 2013 at 16:34
  281. avatar
    #26 Speartackle

    @Playa: Playertjie, keep watching……………I lost your number one night under the influence……………..would like to speak to you again……………….you still have mine………………give me a missed call………………I’m in rehab but will phone back.

    9 July, 2013 at 16:04
  282. avatar
    #25 Speartackle

    @RBugger: The assumption the genius made regarding the very first comment here opened himself wide open for a snotty remark………I mean………… could only be from a Tswene oke.

    9 July, 2013 at 16:00
  283. avatar
    #24 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: Rugbymannetjie………………..ek neem kennis wat jy my genoem het………………..hoop van harte ek loop jou raak by n Garstfontein game………………meeste ouens daar weet wie ek is…………………so ek hoop jy kom stel jouself voor……………….en noem my n wanker daar.

    Slaap saggies

    9 July, 2013 at 15:53
  284. avatar
    #23 Playa

    @RBugger: Yep, these kids are way too big now, it’s ridiculous.Of course, they now gym earlier and take supplements earlier as well, which can explain why they grow so big at such a young age.But I do agree. I don’t know what the Craven Week policy is,but some sort of testing needs to be the norm here going forward.

    9 July, 2013 at 14:47
  285. avatar
    #22 RBugger

    Is it just me, or are these kids getting bigger and bigger each year?? Skill set and pace aside, I can’t see much difference between the size of the Super 15 players and these school kids!

    In particular, some of the loose forwards are massive and fast! Do these guys get tested for steriods? Not saying they taking but jeez, they are just so big

    9 July, 2013 at 14:33
  286. avatar
    #21 Playa

    @Speartackle: I’m watching you Speartackle 8-O

    9 July, 2013 at 14:27
  287. avatar
    #20 RBugger

    @Bog: How could I not know that :mrgreen:

    9 July, 2013 at 14:22
  288. avatar
    #19 Rugbyman

    @BOG: En daar oorskat ek jou toe heeltemal… ai…

    9 July, 2013 at 14:17
  289. avatar
    #18 BOG

    @Rugbyman: Darem nie. Alles bere ek maar in die geheue,en nie soos BHP, in n massiewe databasis nie en die geheue is nie wat dit was nie. Wat 1948 betref, kan ek ook nie daardie uitslag vind nie, maar ek speel maar saam vir “estetiese” redes

    9 July, 2013 at 13:59
  290. avatar
    #17 Rugbyman

    @BOG: Ja Bog… Hy het my moer so bietjie gestrip… Sorry…
    Terloops, Vrede het in 1994 ‘n baie, baie goeie span gehad… Ek vermoed daar was ‘n storie dat hulle vir Grey gewen het? Dis die rumour… Gaan check so bietjie jou rekords dan bevestig jy die waarheid… Wou nog altyd geweet het of dit waar was of nie… Jy is mos ‘n lopende bron van kennis rondom Grey, of hoe?

    9 July, 2013 at 13:29
  291. avatar
    #16 kcob

    Koos Tirdoux is out due to concussion. Corne Vermaak has a viral infection I heard. Schrammhas groin pull. We have some injuries boys!

    9 July, 2013 at 13:26
  292. avatar
    #15 BOG

    @Rugbyman: Calling someone a wanker? Now that is being very polite! You obviously spent time studying the rules intensively ?@RBugger: How can you ask the man who he supports? Its clearly reflected on his jersey. Despite Vrede not being on Google, they won the Fichardt shield in 1948. You should also find them in the NE corner of a FS map.

    9 July, 2013 at 13:11
  293. avatar
    #14 RBugger

    @Rugbyman: Ya with you, fair point.. I just find it funny to be honest – anyway, he is probably bored

    9 July, 2013 at 13:05
  294. avatar
    #13 Rugbyman

    @RBugger: Maybe he should find something better to do than being plainly rude… I dont mind playing around and joking with other bloggers – I do that alot myself… But I think rather to be insultive keep quiet…

    9 July, 2013 at 12:58
  295. avatar
    #12 RBugger

    @Rugbyman: I am sure Speartackle is just messing about, trying to get reaction out of the bloggers.

    @Speartackle: Where do your loyalties lie – ie, who do u support at CW?

    9 July, 2013 at 12:49
  296. avatar
    #11 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: Fantastic comeback… Proves my point… what a wanker

    9 July, 2013 at 12:39
  297. avatar
    #10 Speartackle

    @beet: Okay, I’ll try my best but It’s hard to not acknowledge a person who makes such an-above average observation.

    9 July, 2013 at 11:40
  298. avatar
    #9 beet

    @Speartackle: No it makes little sense to alienate someone who has much to offer :roll:

    Why not up your game rather then everyone around here wins :idea:

    9 July, 2013 at 11:34
  299. avatar
    #8 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: I will just be back……………I have laptops spread all over the country at various state institutions…………………when last did you get a 100 pointer against you?

    9 July, 2013 at 11:27
  300. avatar
    #7 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: @beet: Please do ban him… We dont need people lik that on here. He sees it as his duty to offend everyone around…

    9 July, 2013 at 11:22
  301. avatar
    #6 Speartackle

    @beet: Ban me then

    9 July, 2013 at 11:13
  302. avatar
    #5 beet

    @Speartackle: I have lots of time for you mate but maybe just a few seconds to peruse the House Rules (link in orange bar on right). Lots of positive contributions that you can make.

    9 July, 2013 at 11:06
  303. avatar
    #4 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: I’m praising you for your highly intellectual observation and then you offend me……………what kind of a Dutchie are you?

    9 July, 2013 at 11:05
  304. avatar
    #3 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: Seems like you see it as your duty to offend everyone as far as possible on the blog… What a looser

    9 July, 2013 at 11:00
  305. avatar
    #2 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: You’re a genuis.

    9 July, 2013 at 10:42
  306. avatar
    #1 Rugbyman

    Aha… Good old North/South derby… Pretty sure the winner of this one will be in the final….

    9 July, 2013 at 06:42

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