Jeppe Headmaster Appointed as next St John’s Executive Head

Dale Jackson, headmaster of Jeppe High School for Boys since 2018, has been appointed as Executive Headmaster of St John’s College, effective 1 January 2026.

By all accounts, he has been an exceptional leader for Jeppe since 2018, having first joined as a teacher in 2009.

From St John’s:

During his time at Jeppe, Dale earned an impressive reputation for improving academic performance and school culture, turning around the school’s finances, and driving a strategic focus on sporting and cultural achievements to emphasise the benefits of a holistic education. Jeppe’s accomplishments in these areas stand as a testament to his leadership.

Under his guidance, student enrolment has grown, boarding facilities have been extended, and the school’s technology and digital infrastructure have been enhanced. Additionally, the school’s relationship with provincial education authorities has been strengthened. As a Jeppe old boy and former Head Boy, Dale has invested significant energy in developing alumni relationships, which have facilitated large capital investments into key infrastructure projects, significant growth in scholarship programmes, and the revitalisation of the Jeppe Old Boys’ Association.

In 2005, Dale co-founded the Theo Jackson Scholarship Fund, which supports the education of more than 60 orphans and underprivileged boys at Jeppe – the largest single-school scholarship programme for boys in South Africa.


  1. avatar
    #7 Vleis

    @Roger (Comment #6)
    Agreed 100%…partly due to poor advice from SJC’s lawyers.

    7 September, 2024 at 10:33
  2. avatar
    #6 Roger

    @Vleis (Comment #5)
    Paul was hung out to dry by the SJC Governing Body and Chairman. It was a shocking lack of support for (as you say) a legendary educator.

    Best of luck to Dale – I wish him well. He is another legendary educator and SJC have bagged themselves a good ‘un.

    6 September, 2024 at 17:07
  3. avatar
    #5 Vleis

    @Ringo (Comment #4)
    :lol: :lol: you’re probably correct…but you never know, as I can’t imagine that his passion will be the same at SJC. Paul Edey was a legend at KES, St Andrew’s, etc…but it didn’t work out at SJC. That said, SJC’s rugby certainly improved during his short tenure there.

    6 September, 2024 at 14:08
  4. avatar
    #4 Ringo

    Was playing padle last night with a mate who has his son in grade 1 at SJC and he had also said he would be looking in the midlands for his boy’s high school career preferably MHS, however he said with Dale joining SJC which is a great academic and cultural school he sees it became a proper traditional boy school and he is now looking forward to his son doing his entire school career at SJC …. could not help but be jealous at the generations of rich Toffs that are going to benefit from Dale’s wisdom

    6 September, 2024 at 08:06
  5. avatar
    #3 Ringo

    @Vleis (Comment #2)
    Unfortunately not super happy for Dale he came to Jeppe at our lowest point in 2009, he left a great career at Investec to come volunteer at Jeppe he is an experienced CA(SA) and giving up making a CA salary for 16 years to work at a publuc school is commendable…. but Dale is in his early 50 and has your children he deserves to get a great opportunity and I am sure the financial rewards he justly deserves and we eternally thankful for what he did for us a school and community and SJC will greatly benefit from his leadership and experience…. Well done Dale Jackson and SJC is very lucky to have him we are going to enjoy the last 16 months we have with him but we are sure he will want his legacy to endure….. it will be big shoes that need to be filled by his replacement that I tell but also incentive for an ambitious talented educator if they see what Dale and his team have done

    6 September, 2024 at 07:51
  6. avatar
    #2 Vleis

    Surely, this is an April Fools joke? 8-O As far as I’m aware, the man eats, sleeps and breathes Jeppe.

    5 September, 2024 at 23:32
  7. avatar
    #1 Kaya 85


    5 September, 2024 at 20:39

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