Some Winelands Trivia from 20/07/2024

Boland Landbou’s Southern Suburbs Grand Slam

Interesting stat, this is the first time since 2012 that BL beat all 4 SS schools in a season. HJS’s blemish against Berg the only Winelands loss this year vs SS. BL also still unbeaten on the Farm with 2 to big ones to go.

Former HJS back joins Gilpil Royalty
Newly capped international Quan Horn is the first Boishaai Springbok backline player since the Prince of Wings, Carel Du Plessis.

Just another interesting fact is that Salmaan Moerat was only the second SA School Captain to become a Bok captain after fellow Boishaaier Corne Krige


  1. avatar
    #16 Farmer

    Jacques finished as Winterberg Landbouskool in Fort Beauford, Carel wanted to go to Paarl, Willie & Micheal stayed at Gill College Micheal played no10 they where unbeaten think 1976 if not wrong those days Gill still played Dale, Queens, Selborne, Grey and many top schools.

    28 July, 2024 at 18:03
  2. avatar
    #15 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #3)
    The farm was near Gill…then moved to Paarl for boarding school?

    24 July, 2024 at 04:52
  3. avatar
    #14 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #12)
    Ok…that was a HARD tackle…
    But how the heck did Werner Swanepoel botch that finish?…maybe a pulled hamstring?…

    24 July, 2024 at 04:50
  4. avatar
    #13 TWE

    Carel was special at school, legend has it in a match against Grey as a curtain raiser for a big match at Ellis park he played flyhalf and did a switch with the centre, hoping for the gap to open. It did not. So he continued and ran around the backline to score. He was soon after school invited to the Springbok trials for the 1981 NZ tour, a shame he only played a handful Springbok matches. Corne and his brother Pierre were from Zambia. Long way to travel in the 80s. They brough back biltong that made steak tartare look overdone. Both Carel and Corne lost at least one of their interschool matches when they were overwhelming favourites.

    23 July, 2024 at 10:58
  5. avatar
    #12 Smallies

    @Grizzly (Comment #9)
    My gunsteling oomblik was die dag wat hy vir Christian Cullen geplant het soos jy n teerpaal plant…..

    23 July, 2024 at 09:06
  6. avatar
    #11 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #3)
    Gill …daars nou n lekker platteland skool in n lekker Oos Kaap karoo dorpie ….

    23 July, 2024 at 09:04
  7. avatar
    #10 agter_die_pale_pa

    Ek het sy outobiografie geniet, heel gepaste titel “Regte plek verkeerde tyd”. Dit was n donker tyd vir Springbok-rugby oor die algemeen, op en af van die veld. Jy het seker altyd n keuse maar ek dink nie die strukture het hom altyd die nodige ondersteuning gegee nie. Hy kon soveel meer vir SA rugby beteken het sonder drama, politiek en beserings.

    23 July, 2024 at 07:43
  8. avatar
    #9 Grizzly

    My gunsteling Corne Krige oomblik is toe hy sy uitrede aan gekondig het.

    23 July, 2024 at 06:54
  9. avatar
    #8 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #7)
    Nee wat, die tyd vir gemoedere gaande maak op die blog is verby. Sal net so nou en dan nog vir Smallies probeer vang, maar ek sien hy is te skerp. Maar dit is twee baie interessante SBR stories-wat jou natuurlik nog meer nuuskierig maak.

    23 July, 2024 at 06:43
  10. avatar
    #7 Snelvuur

    @Deon (Comment #3)
    Nou is ek skoon nuuskierig: dat jy my nou so in die versoeking sal lei om oor ‘n HJS-verwante onderwerp uit te vra (tot my eie ondergang). Et tu, Deon?

    22 July, 2024 at 23:10
  11. avatar
    #6 Snelvuur

    @Bungee (Comment #4)
    My favourite Corné Krige-related memory was the 2014 match between Paul Roos and Paarl Boys when a Paul Roos gent held up a cardboard sign (a real koshuis-job made with cardboard and koukie) which read “Corné Krige calls it Survivor, Paul Roos calls it camping.”

    22 July, 2024 at 23:04
  12. avatar
    #5 beet

    @Bungee (Comment #4)
    My fondest memories of Corne was of a young player who twice came back from two crippling injuries to fulfil his dreams and his rugby potential. Lots of respect for him for this. He was as tough as nails mentally and physically.

    22 July, 2024 at 22:52
  13. avatar
    #4 Bungee

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #2)

    He was an excellent captain on Survivor though

    22 July, 2024 at 22:27
  14. avatar
    #3 Deon

    True trivia would be why Carels’s brothers, Willie, Michael and Jacques du Plessis all matriculated at Carel’s “main” school, Gill college, and not Boishaai too. If anyone gets it right, there is a follow-up on “his Gim interschools”

    22 July, 2024 at 21:34
  15. avatar
    #2 Kaya 85

    Corne Krige was so dirty…sullied his name as Bok captain and for all the world a symbol of “Thugby” …

    22 July, 2024 at 19:36
  16. avatar
    #1 agter_die_pale_pa

    No backline Springbok from Boishaai for over 40 years!? Amazing

    22 July, 2024 at 16:06

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