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  1. avatar
    #65 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #64)
    I dont know ,I dont follow cw at all for the simple reason that I dont agree with saru’s politics…

    8 June, 2024 at 19:58
  2. avatar
    #64 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #63)
    I think there is 6 teams that could win.
    First day FS get a pass.
    Then the real contenders will emerge.

    8 June, 2024 at 19:37
  3. avatar
    #63 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #62)
    Between them and WP….

    8 June, 2024 at 18:03
  4. avatar
    #62 Kantman

    I think the Lions have an excellent chance to win Cravenweek

    7 June, 2024 at 20:49
  5. avatar
    #61 Kaya 85

    Props: Luan (Garsfnt), Rhino (DHS) + EG Jansen 3 on bench
    Hooker: Mndebelele (KES)
    Locks: Affies 4 + Affies 5
    Flanks: Cosmo (Grey) + PRG flank + Klaasen (Jeppe)
    8: Maake (KES) – Santos on the bench
    9: McLaren (Grey)…+ Landbou lad on bench
    10: Moyo (KES) or Felix (Grey)
    12: vdM (Grey) CAPTAIN
    13 Markus (Paarl Gim)
    11. Aiden (Paarl BH)
    14: Ejike Pretorius (Grey)
    15. Wynberg’s 10 at fullback + Affies 10 as reserve back

    Coaches: Piet Retief’s Coach + Grey’s + Pieter Rossouw

    Terms and Conditions (& Biases):
    1) I barely know what I’m talking about
    2) I have not seen a lot of Cape games
    3) Grey College = Jedi Training School
    4) I’m taking your word for it that the Wynberg lad is all he’s hyped up as
    5) I’m pro Lions RU
    6) I’ve seen mostly KES, Grey, Affies, EGJ
    7) Apologies Eastern Cape, KZN, WP and rural teams

    1 June, 2024 at 15:50
  6. avatar
    #60 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #58)
    eish boet…Ok let me think a bit (can u see the smoke?)

    I don’t know half the okes’ names …

    1 June, 2024 at 15:18
  7. avatar
    #59 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #58)
    Ek is mos biast So ek roep die volgede Spelers Van Grey vir SA skole ,Kom ons kyk hoeveel het ek reg
    Hakker Liam
    Slotte AJ en Heinrich
    Nr 8 Liam Buiteperd
    9 Mclaren
    13 Pieter
    13 Ethan
    14 Pretoruis
    Let wel dit is SASkole en Akademie

    1 June, 2024 at 11:54
  8. avatar
    #58 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #57)
    No, sir @Kaya 85, that would be cheating if you wait until CW to pick your SA team…how about giving it a go before CW? I for one enjoy your match predictions and would therefore like to see your SA team thoughts as well….before CW.

    1 June, 2024 at 11:30
  9. avatar
    #57 Kaya 85

    Let me see how the CW games go then I’ll venture an SA Schools selection/prediction.

    1 June, 2024 at 10:35
  10. avatar
    #56 beet

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #49)

    There are good alternatives but I like many of @Couchcoach (Comment #20)
    selections for the backs

    9 Philip McLaren (Grey College)
    10 Yaqeen Ahmed (Wynberg)
    12 Pieter vd Merwe (Grey College)
    13 Ethan Adams (Grey College)
    So being as biased as everyone else I would fill the gaps with the players who have brought me great joy to watch this season.
    11 Khuthadzo Rasivhaga (Jeppe) plays a poetry in motion 13 for his school but picked at 11 for the Lions.
    14 Freek de Kock (Paarl Gim) who admittedly accounts for a bit of frustration now and again but when he is on song he is in a different league to others. Last year he was my top right wing as well. Special mention of Boishaai’s ⁠Aiden Jacobs – arguably the best finisher in SBR.
    15 Aka Boqwana (DHS) super player. Has it all. Hopefully he goes a long way after school. Two of the best individual performances for me this season have been David Simon (Rondebosch) at 10 vs Westville and Retagan van Rooy (BL) at 15 vs Hilton. I think both would be standout fullbacks.

    1 June, 2024 at 09:55
  11. avatar
    #55 Deon

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #49)
    Huh? You get me so very very wrong. Which Grey by the way? Must be the Gqeberha one you are referring to, the one without the boereorkes.

    1 June, 2024 at 09:48
  12. avatar
    #54 beet

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #34)
    Criminal of me to forget Gavin Mills. Thanks for the reminder

    1 June, 2024 at 09:33
  13. avatar
    #53 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #52)
    Hoe daai kon gebeur weet net die WP keurders…

    1 June, 2024 at 09:06
  14. avatar
    #52 Snelvuur

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #49)
    Notwithstanding the fact that I picked McLaren, Ahmed, Jooste and Pieter van der Merwe as my 9-12 👀 the only PRG guys I’d pick are Reid (1), Norton (7) and Badenhorst (13). Thought Kemp and Kruger also had a shot, but they didn’t even make WP’s first team.

    1 June, 2024 at 08:45
  15. avatar
    #51 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #48)
    They can be ruthless…

    1 June, 2024 at 05:33
  16. avatar
    #50 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #49)
    See comment #368 on last week’s thread!

    1 June, 2024 at 04:45
  17. avatar
    #49 OUD ANKER

    Everyone is biast! @Smallies will of course pick Mclaren from Grey as his SA Schools 9, I will pick Janco Purchase from Affies as my 12, @Snelvuur will pick the whole PRG team, therefore I would be interested to see who @Beet and @Kaya 85 pick as their SA Schools team?, because I regard these 2 gentlemen as 100% not biast…and @Hopper is not allowed to have any inputs, because he will have some road kill from Cornwall as his no. 8 and @Deon is not allowed any inputs either because any Grey or Edward will be too English to his liking and will his team only consists of Van der Merwes and Bothas.

    31 May, 2024 at 23:18
  18. avatar
    #48 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #45)
    I agree with you, I’ve heard some tjirping and banter between boys that make our adult comments sound like kindergarden jokes….these 16, 17 year old youngsters are tougher and more world wise than we think! I won’t repeat it on this blog, but some of these banters can be perceived as hilariously funny OR very insulting!

    31 May, 2024 at 22:22
  19. avatar
    #47 tuts

    @Surgite (Comment #46)
    it is being held at Jeppe I believe.

    31 May, 2024 at 22:14
  20. avatar
    #46 Surgite

    Some very good players! Think the Lions will do well this year. Could somebody please explain the u17 Welpies team to me? Never heard of them. Is there a specific tournament they play in and where is it being held?

    31 May, 2024 at 21:10
  21. avatar
    #45 Smallies

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #43)
    The banter between schoolboys can get realy bad….sometimes you just have to shake your head and laugh

    31 May, 2024 at 18:11
  22. avatar
    #44 Kaya 85

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #43)
    You are right sir, we need to keep reminding each other of this. Especially we longer in tooth who can give some perspective and wisdom to balance the passion and vigor of others.

    31 May, 2024 at 17:57
  23. avatar
    #43 KES Oldboy

    @wanza_15 (Comment #23)
    That’s the thing….most of these youngsters playing rugby are great kids. Hard working & humble. Whilst I appreciate your comment on Jarrell, I respectfully ask you to not “banter” with schoolboys. They are just kids. Let them play. Old boys are men – shouting at kids from opposition schools is not on. If the kids want to do it, that’s one thing – but adults should not be shouting at or “bantering” with kids who can’t really do anything back…….

    31 May, 2024 at 16:45
  24. avatar
    #42 Kaya 85

    @boerboel (Comment #38)
    He will make a fairly quick 2 for sure.

    31 May, 2024 at 15:51
  25. avatar
    #41 Kaya 85

    @Snelvuur (Comment #40)
    The Landbou-Oakdale is definitely a good one to watch any given year…really love what those schools stand for and how they perform so highly on the big stage with the resources at their disposal.

    31 May, 2024 at 15:49
  26. avatar
    #40 Snelvuur

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #39)
    Landbou. The Landbou-Oakdale derby will be a good one to watch for those that appreciate good scrumhalf play: Oakdale’s scrummie is also pretty good.

    31 May, 2024 at 15:06
  27. avatar
    #39 Kaya 85

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #30)
    Which school is Jayden?

    31 May, 2024 at 13:32
  28. avatar
    #38 boerboel

    @Snelvuur (Comment #29)
    yip adams just too slow-when he will matched physically- he will struggle- should move to 2 or 6

    31 May, 2024 at 12:20
  29. avatar
    #37 boerboel

    @Grizzly (Comment #17)
    nonsense wynberg 10 will be sa schools flyhalve- lets move on- adams fomm grey wont make it too slow- vd merwe and centre from prg the favourites- purchase has not impressed me–9 i do not know- maclaren perhaps

    31 May, 2024 at 12:16
  30. avatar
    #36 Ploegskaar

    @Snelvuur (Comment #35)
    Agreed on Boraine, his game management has been top-notch, dictating both tempo and direction for PRG. He has been key to their success. Brits has been maturing as the season has progressed and I expect a strong finish and 2025 from him

    31 May, 2024 at 09:20
  31. avatar
    #35 Snelvuur

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #30)
    It’s interesting, because the 9 position is probably the position in rugby currently with the most diverse range of opinions of what it should be. In terms of game management, I can see why WP went for Boraine over Brits. Boraine has done quite well to dictate the pace of play for PRG – shifting up and down the gears as required. Of all the players that have been injured this year, his absence was most keenly felt. That said, I think Brits is a fabulous young player, and will probably start for WP next year. This year, however, it is the McLaren show.

    31 May, 2024 at 08:57
  32. avatar
    #34 Ploegskaar

    @beet (Comment #33)
    You left out Gavin Mills 😉

    31 May, 2024 at 08:22
  33. avatar
    #33 beet

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #30)
    I’m thinking of the likes of Jondre Williams and Deon Carstens when you say this.

    30 May, 2024 at 23:53
  34. avatar
    #32 beet

    I thought the Duineveld 15 Gregan Jansen was quite a good player. Hopefully he is at Craven Week.
    Last year the 15s were off the charts led by JC Mars in first place followed closely by a host of top achievers.
    This year the quality is nowhere as good and in an unusual year many of the players rated as the best 15s play in different positions:
    Jooste (Nories) – 13 one of the highest rated 15s last year
    Kepe (Kingswood) – 13
    David Simon (Bosch) – 10
    Retagan v Rooy (BL) – 10
    Aka Boqwana (DHS) – often plays 10
    Stoffels (PRG) – 11
    Freek de Kock (Gim) – 14

    I even watched the Berg 15 Noble playing scrumhalf while Gombe was out. Maybe he is a retreaded 9 tho.

    30 May, 2024 at 23:51
  35. avatar
    #31 Ploegskaar

    @Couchcoach (Comment #20)
    Ahmed has all the game, destined for success going forward. Best 10 and 15 in WP is David Simon this year though, by a mile…

    30 May, 2024 at 22:59
  36. avatar
    #30 Ploegskaar

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #25)
    Have not seen a better 9 than Jayden Brits this year and he is gr11. Ticks all the positional specific skills and off-field boxes…Let’s see

    30 May, 2024 at 22:53
  37. avatar
    #29 Snelvuur

    @Couchcoach (Comment #20)
    I agree with 9 to 12 (although Affies’ 10 is close). I think Adams might be figured out at a higher level (see, e.g., his game against Paarl Boys). Think Muller from Gim or even Badenhorst from PRG could be close there. Both are more rounded players than Adams, in my view. 14, I’m not quite sure. Similar to Adams, I want to see how Ekeji matches up at this higher level. Also haven’t really seen him tested against the high ball.

    30 May, 2024 at 21:41
  38. avatar
    #28 Roger

    Well done and congrats to Regan – one better than his old man who (only) made the TVL XV team :wink:

    30 May, 2024 at 21:36
  39. avatar
    #27 Couchcoach

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #25)

    30 May, 2024 at 21:34
  40. avatar
    #26 Couchcoach

    @wanza_15 (Comment #23)
    If he’s Grade 11 then I can’t wait to see him light it up next year. Proper athlete and talent! Nice to hear some positive notes on his personality too.

    30 May, 2024 at 21:33
  41. avatar
    #25 Kaya 85

    @Couchcoach (Comment #20)
    I haven’t seen a better 9 than McLaren this year.

    30 May, 2024 at 21:30
  42. avatar
    #24 Kaya 85

    @Couchcoach (Comment #22)
    There’s so little separating CW and AW teams in most positions…
    I think the schools balance of KES 5, Monnas 5, Helpm 5, Jeppe 4, Noordh 4 was also a pragmatic consideration…if KES had 6 and Jeppe 3 players, could / would have caused an outcry…

    30 May, 2024 at 21:28
  43. avatar
    #23 wanza_15

    @Couchcoach (Comment #22)
    I agree. Like him a lot
    I understand he’s in grade 11 though? Shoo-in for next year. Against KES he was right in front of us the old boys on the wing. He took our banter really well, and then went on to score as well :(

    30 May, 2024 at 21:23
  44. avatar
    #22 Couchcoach

    I’m surprised Jarrell Mbuyi didn’t make the Crave Week group. He’s a guy with all the tools to become a really high level player.

    30 May, 2024 at 21:22
  45. avatar
    #21 Overlooked lad

    Bulls Janco purchase will be challenging Piter vd Merwe for that 12 spot and in the border Region Selborne u17 prop Robert has been a revelation this season he’s the standout in that region for me but the one player who has been under the radar is Kingswood and Ep 13 Likhona Kepe Who has been magnificent and will shock alot of ppl this craven week. 13 might be a stretch but he’s versatile and I could see him at wing or fullback for SA schools

    30 May, 2024 at 21:01
  46. avatar
    #20 Couchcoach

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #12)
    Playing the selector game – my full backline selection would be 9 – McLaren (FS), 10 Ahmed (WP), 11 Jooste (Lions), 12 vd Merwe (FS), 13 Adams (FS), 14 Ekeji (FS), 15 Siyaya (KZN).

    To be fair, haven’t seen enough of the bulls, and E Cape/Border schools this year so may be some I’m missing.

    30 May, 2024 at 20:36
  47. avatar
    #19 Kaya 85

    @wanza_15 (Comment #18)
    Then again Sithole offers other strengths

    30 May, 2024 at 20:35
  48. avatar
    #18 wanza_15

    Would love for McGurk to prove me wrong.
    I am the same person who didn’t rate Moyo but I now think he’s the best 10 in the catchment, just about.
    I will be the first person back here to hang my head in shame!

    30 May, 2024 at 20:31
  49. avatar
    #17 Grizzly

    @Smallies (Comment #16)
    Affies 10 different planet..not even close,Grey 9,13 and 14,not 12.

    30 May, 2024 at 20:28
  50. avatar
    #16 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #12)
    Affies 10 Grey 10 are so different from each other one is Pollard the other Libbok ,If the sa Schools coach wants his 10 to kick poles Affies 10 or Wp 10 if he wants exitement and flair and a 10 capable of tearing defenses apart its Felix

    30 May, 2024 at 20:18
  51. avatar
    #15 KES Oldboy

    @wanza_15 (Comment #1)
    Good for Regan. He always gives of his best & is the fittest player around. He’s also a December baby so is not even 16 and a half yet. So this should inspire other youngsters to just give it your best.

    30 May, 2024 at 20:17
  52. avatar
    #14 Kaya 85

    @Snelvuur (Comment #10)
    I agree on Stoffels,…but imo Felix built more like Manie….
    I love Pollard, but that comparison doesn’t work for me…
    I also haven’t seen enough of Ahmed to comment.

    30 May, 2024 at 20:16
  53. avatar
    #13 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #12)
    I amended my post

    30 May, 2024 at 20:15
  54. avatar
    #12 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #11)
    I would go for
    Grey 9, ?10 (tbc), Grey 12, Gim 13

    30 May, 2024 at 20:11
  55. avatar
    #11 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #10)
    Grey 9 Affie 10 Grey 12,13
    Best possible selection in my veiw

    30 May, 2024 at 20:06
  56. avatar
    #10 Snelvuur

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #8)
    Not sure Felix will be there, tbh. I like him on attack, but he sort of has the same problem Stoffels has: he doesn’t have the size to play serious high level rugby (and I though Aplon was big enough). He isn’t physical enough to be a modern 10. Ahmed, e.g., is as quick, as good a distributor and much more physical. Affies’ 10 just has clear BMT that I don’t think has been matched by anyone else consistently. To me, he is similar to Pollard, which is as big a compliment as I can give. Suspect we’ll see guys like Felix and Stoffels tearing up the Sevens scene soon.

    30 May, 2024 at 20:03
  57. avatar
    #9 Couchcoach

    @Overlooked lad (Comment #6)
    Combinations may be a factor, and Grey’s 9, 10, 12, 13 are all contenders individually and an incredible combination together.

    30 May, 2024 at 19:48
  58. avatar
    #8 Kaya 85

    @Snelvuur (Comment #7)
    I don’t agree with that tag…he’s marginally slower, passing not as crisp as e.g. Fx…although a nice big boot, strong defender and good general

    30 May, 2024 at 19:38
  59. avatar
    #7 Snelvuur

    @Couchcoach (Comment #5)
    Not even to mention Affies’ 10, who is probably the favourite for SA Schools at this stage.

    30 May, 2024 at 19:32
  60. avatar
    #6 Overlooked lad

    Felix has been in fine form but I feel like Moyo’s kicking game just gives him the edge between those two, but it’s probably Ahmeds position to lose having been a SA ‘A’ represent last year, nice problems for selectors to have

    30 May, 2024 at 19:21
  61. avatar
    #5 Couchcoach

    @Overlooked lad (Comment #3)
    All good players, but I think the competition at 10 this year is going to be massive. Felix for FS and Ahmed for WP are both pretty special and along with Moyo would all be strong contenders in other years. I like what I’ve seen from Boqwana in KZN too, although he probably isn’t quite at the level of Felix and Ahmed. May come down to which team gives their flyhalf the best platform to shine.

    30 May, 2024 at 19:16
  62. avatar
    #4 Kaya 85

    @wanza_15 (Comment #1)
    A general comment about the evolving role of 9s…
    He gives high quality and fast service very frequently, a quick and accurate pass, quick thinking too… sometimes they could be slight of stature (Gibson-Park,…Faf) but look at the timing of the ruck speeds once the team gets rolling. Also accuracy of box kicks whether exiting or to attack. I was also slightly surprised but the selectors are definitely evolving their selection metrics to encompass the skills needed for a fast, modern highveld game with multiple phases and quick ruck speed.

    30 May, 2024 at 19:13
  63. avatar
    #3 Overlooked lad

    Very good team lions have this year they can push WP all the way this year and I can see Vusi Moyo, Esethu Mnebelele,Jacques Botha,Kenothile Make and Cheswill Jooste all making SA schools

    30 May, 2024 at 18:50
  64. avatar
    #2 deecee

    Well done to all the boys who have been chosen by a panel of highly regarded rugby coaches and rugby management as appointed by the Union. I am sure they have chosen the boys they best believe can execute the coaches game plans for the ‘home’ weeks. Our job as supporters is to get behind those selected and put our own school biases aside. Remember the kids did not pick themselves and I would urge all to avoid targeting some by name. I have no doubt many would have selected differently? But then again we would not have been privy to all the trials or post trial discussions.

    30 May, 2024 at 18:02
  65. avatar
    #1 wanza_15

    Lol, so Regan McGurk is the second best scrumhalf among us here in the Lions catchment? Or am I going to eat humble pie?
    Or is this a conversation that is bigger than rugby and I best choose my words wisely?👀

    30 May, 2024 at 17:38