School Rugby fixtures & results – week ending 01 June 2024

School Rugby fixtures & results – week ending 01 June 2024
Sat.01Jun KZN Glenwood 19-32 St Charles KZN
Sat.01Jun KZN Clifton 00-48 Kearsney KZN
Sat.01Jun KZN Maritzburg College 26-21 Hilton KZN
Sat.01Jun KZN Westville 27-30 Northwood KZN
Sat.01Jun KZN Durban HS 23-10 Michaelhouse KZN
Sat.01Jun WP Bishops 16-31 Rondebosch WP
Sat.01Jun WP Wynberg 29-30 SACS WP
Sat.01Jun BOR Selborne x-x St Andrew’s EP Weather
Sat.01Jun BOR Cambridge 15-21 Port Rex BOR
Sat.01Jun BOR Stirling x-x Hudson Park BOR Weather
Sat.01Jun EP Graeme 31-00 Dale BOR
Sat.01Jun EP Kingswood 25-00 Mary Waters EP
Sat.01Jun BUL Affies x-x Menlopark BUL Menlo withdrew
Sat.01Jun BUL Pretoria BH 36-24 St John’s LIO
Sat.01Jun BUL St Alban’s 42-07 St Benedict’s LIO
Sat.01Jun LIO St David’s 19-24 Parktown LIO
Sat.01Jun BUL Garsfontein 74-12 Rustenburg LEO NV Cup
Sat.01Jun LIO Marais Viljoen 00-63 Monument LIO NV Cup
Sat.01Jun LIO Noordheuwel 15-26 Helpmekaar LIO NV Cup
Sat.01Jun VAL EG Jansen 32-32 Waterkloof BUL NV Cup

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  1. avatar
    #467 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #466)
    Jy moet die karp and brulpadda markte in Asië, veral China, aanskou om dit te glo. Meestal massief. Bitter wreed ook, karp word aan die lewe gehou in straatmarkies in bakke met water wat hulle net net dek. Hulle word nie eers doodgemaak voor hulle gesny word nie. Die handelaars is heeltemal gevoelloos. Baie gewilde stapel.

    10 June, 2024 at 21:29
  2. avatar
    #466 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #464)
    We ,South Africa won it 5 years in a row ….

    10 June, 2024 at 17:29
  3. avatar
    #465 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #464)
    I definitely did not win it….your talking big name pro anglers who do it basically for a living….

    10 June, 2024 at 17:29
  4. avatar
    #464 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #463)
    yes its a rugby blog, but if Mr Smallies WON it, then it’s relevant. Was it that big champs before covid?

    10 June, 2024 at 17:24
  5. avatar
    #463 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #462)
    No it’s a team competition South Africa actually won ,becaus they could all get to 160m in Bloemhof dam ,very big but also shallow and you need to be able to cast those distances to get to where the fish is sometimes….🤣🤣🤣anyway enough fishing,aparantly this is a rugby blog

    10 June, 2024 at 17:13
  6. avatar
    #462 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #461)
    let me guess…it was a 23 kg dinosaur of a fish, and the winner was one of those Polish guys

    10 June, 2024 at 16:56
  7. avatar
    #461 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #460)
    N Paar jaar gelede toe hulle die SA span gekies het om aan die Wereld Karp hengel kampioenskappe deel te neem was een van die vereistes dat jy 160m moes kan cast,daadie jaar was die kampioenskappe gehou bt Bloemhofdam ,raai wie het gewen?

    10 June, 2024 at 14:49
  8. avatar
    #460 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #458)
    120 meter is moer ver. Die ou mense hier sê altyd kinders vang meer galjoen as groot mense omdat hulle nie so ver kan gooi nie. Groot mense gooi oor die vis.

    8 June, 2024 at 16:57
  9. avatar
    #459 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #458)
    Fantasties, ek is jaloers, maar ek gaan môre laatmiddag so naby moontlik hoogwater kyk of ek gou ‘n galjoen of twee kan skiet, eerste keer in ‘n lang tyd. Dink nie ek pas meer in my wetsuits nie. Te veel sosaties en chip rolls.

    8 June, 2024 at 16:55
  10. avatar
    #458 Smallies

    6@Deon (Comment #457)
    Nou net by die huis gekom,was sommer hier by een van ons plaaslike damme gewees 8 vis vir die dag
    Grootste 5,2kg
    Kleinste 3,8 kg
    Gemiddelde size 4 kg
    Afstand 120 m
    Temp 07h00 -4 maks 22
    Hoop nie ek verveel iemand nie🤣🤣🤣

    8 June, 2024 at 15:14
  11. avatar
    #457 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #453)
    Laat weet later hoe dit gegaan het vandag.

    8 June, 2024 at 13:35
  12. avatar
    #456 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #450)
    Dis baie waar Smallies.

    8 June, 2024 at 13:35
  13. avatar
    #455 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #451)

    8 June, 2024 at 13:34
  14. avatar
    #454 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #452)
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    8 June, 2024 at 13:34
  15. avatar
    #453 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #452)
    I’ve noticed…

    8 June, 2024 at 08:25
  16. avatar
    #452 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #444)
    We spin the best yarns here in Cornwall 😂😉

    8 June, 2024 at 08:02
  17. avatar
    #451 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #446)
    Great literature both.
    I saw the movie, A River Runs Through It…Visually stunning and a truly beautiful part of the world that, exceptional scenery and the wildness of those river spots. The pure joy of wading into those waters and fishing…then there’s the epic catch and chase in Old Man and the Sea… the yearning, the quest, the chase, the catch, the brutally disappointing end is unforgetable.
    Yet, what elevates both of those fishing experiences is the literature describing them. Not so? Equally, your descriptions of your fishing are of your best posts.

    7 June, 2024 at 22:03
  18. avatar
    #450 Smallies

    @4×4 (Comment #448)
    As jy dop terwyl jy hengel kan jy ma net sowel by jou juis sit en suip …jy mis n groot deel van die lewe dan

    7 June, 2024 at 21:38
  19. avatar
    #449 4×4

    @Grasshopper (Comment #432)
    Reason why PBHS is R69k a year is due to all the tutors employed to learn the Afrikaans Boys English…alps Reason why Affies is R50k per year, they offer English Home Language and advise parents to buy English Literature if they desire their kids to be affluent in English.

    7 June, 2024 at 21:19
  20. avatar
    #448 4×4

    Hel, hoe vervelig moet manne wees om hengel, of na 2 brannas, visvang op ‘n rugby groep te bespreek yawn!!!

    7 June, 2024 at 21:15
  21. avatar
    #447 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #446)
    Nowere in this world do I feel more connected to this nature than sitting next to a body of water ….Smallies ,life next to a river and other tales 😂😂😂

    7 June, 2024 at 18:12
  22. avatar
    #446 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #442)
    Fishermen’s yarns are far better than Non-fishermen’s yawns.

    Better to view life like Norman Maclean in A river runs through it or Hemmingway. There is no life without hope, a thing fishermen understand far better than you guys. And truly, rivers say more than books.

    – Then in the Arctic half-light of the canyon, all existence fades to a being with my soul and memories and the sounds of the Big Blackfoot River and a four-count rhythm and the hope that a fish will rise.
    Eventually, all things merge into one, and a river runs through it.

    “Many of us would probably be better fishermen if we did not spend so much time watching and waiting for the world to become perfect”
    ― Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It and Other Stories

    “At the time I did not know that stories of life are often more like rivers than books.” rivers are not yarns.
    ― Norman Maclean, A River Runs Through It and Other Stories
    “It’s silly not to hope. It’s a sin he thought.”

    ― Ernest Hemingway, quote from The Old Man and the Sea

    7 June, 2024 at 17:59
  23. avatar
    #445 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #443)
    Pragtige plek. Was lief om my kayak daar te launch en Hermanus toe te roei, te eet by Dutchies en terug te roei. Ek dink net Stanford is te ver van die see. 15km omtrent skat ek.

    7 June, 2024 at 17:49
  24. avatar
    #444 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #442)
    The best yarns to spin…

    7 June, 2024 at 16:53
  25. avatar
    #443 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #441)
    Lyk na n lekker dorpie daai ,mooi skoon

    7 June, 2024 at 16:17
  26. avatar
    #442 Kaya 85

    Fishermen’s yarns

    7 June, 2024 at 15:48
  27. avatar
    #441 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #440)
    Ek het darem al ‘n karp gevang. In Seekoeivlei, 70’s. Babatjie, seker so 3kg. hier naby my, Noord-Oos, is ‘n klein dorpie Stanford. die Kleinrivier loop daar deur en mond in Hermanus uit in die see. Meestal ‘n klein , klein riviertjie, begin bo in die berg bo Grotto strand en maak ‘n perfekte perdehoef, begin en eindig baie naby aan dieselfde plek. Maar vanaf Stanford is dit ‘n groot rivier. Ewe skielik is daar nou moerse karpe aan die bokant, by Stanford, of redelik groot, so 10kg. Ek het hulle al met die kunsvlieg probeer vang, soos my een kennis regkry, maar no-go. Ek kry net vleikurpers op die lyn, moerse grotes. In die somer gaan daardie vleikurpers af tot voor die see en swem saam met die leries en elf in my gooinet in.

    7 June, 2024 at 15:09
  28. avatar
    #440 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #439)
    In die winter vang jy die grootste karps maar jy moet bietjie afstand op jou cast kry 130m of verder jy wil in die dieper water waar die temp bietjie hoer is kom…gaan juis more n lyntjie natmaak…

    7 June, 2024 at 14:51
  29. avatar
    #439 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #438)
    Hulle moet seker maar die karp los sodat julle klomp papgooiers iets het om te doen daar aan die verkeerde kant van die Hexrivier. Wat maak julle klomp gwarre in die winters as die karp nie byt nie? Trek skoene aan en speel rugby?

    7 June, 2024 at 14:46
  30. avatar
    #438 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #437)
    Dis nou skool eksamen so gaan nie veel aangaan nie ,twyfel of karp en forel ooit sal verdwyn in SA …Baber somige mense maak dit baie lekker gaar ,is mos maar n catfish so die vleis is nogals vetterig…Bass en Forel is baie lekker as dit gebraai is,nou nie kabbeljou en snoek lekker nie maar lekker…

    7 June, 2024 at 12:18
  31. avatar
    #437 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #436)
    Lyk my daar gebeur nie baie op die SBR front tans nie? Ek is nie baie goed daarmee nie, maar vlieghengel is naby my hart. Dis die enigste stokhengel waarby ek ooit nog betrokke raak. Andersins nou en dan handlyn vir snoek of so, dis onbeskryfbare genot as die snoek loop. Ek duik maar vir vis, ek is baie beter daarmee, of was. Ons plaaslike vlieghengel klub stock 4 damme met reënboog-en bruinforel. Ek het al in die Oos-Kaap en Natal ens gehengel met vlieg, wil nog Lesotho toe gaan. Ek het in 1992 ‘n 3,05 kg forel in die Eersterivier onder die Kleinplaasdam in Jonkershoek, Stellenbosch, waar die eerste forelle in 1890 geteel is. As kind het die Eersterivier rooivlerkie nog in die Eersterivier voorgekom, dit was die eerste vis wat ek met ‘n duikbril gesien het. Nou is hulle uitgewis. Maar wat ek wel meer onlangs gedoen het is vlieghengel vir seevis, soos leervis. Dit is moer lekker. As laaitie het ek baie karp, geelvis , baber, moddervis ens in die Vaalrivier gevang, soms in die Hartsrivier. Ons was mal genoeg om dit te eet. My Duitse ouma het my betaal om forelle te vang vir haar, en wilde sampioene (steinpilz/Boletus) te pluk in die dennebosse vir om te eet soos in haar grootword dae. Ek wens forel en karp het nooit na SA gekom nie, maar dis te laat, veral wat karp betref. Hulle wemel selfs in die Kasteel in Kaapstad se gragte. Ek wens die skerptand babers en Thilapia wil uit die Wes Kaap verdwyn, en die Bergrivier witvis ens wil terugkeer. Dan as mens die bass uit die Olifants en Doringriviersisteme in Clanwilliam kan haal, sal dit ‘n bonus wees sodat die onderbek/sandvis/ Clanwilliam geelvis ens kan oorleef. Dit het my 13 jaar se besoeke aan die Cederberg geneem om al meer as tien van laasgenoemde stelsels se hoogs bedreigde spesies onderwater te sien. Nogal weird om berg te klim na Tweerivier met jou duiksak en weightbelt in 45 grade C.

    7 June, 2024 at 12:07
  32. avatar
    #436 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #435)
    Interestingly Trout as well as Carp is clasified as invasive fish and are supposed to be removed whenever you catch them….you should come to the Noth Eastern cape ,best wild trout fishing in the country

    7 June, 2024 at 10:56
  33. avatar
    #435 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #434)
    :lol: I did find pounds, shillings and crowns buried in a cloth on the bank of the Eersterivier while fly fishing as a scholar, right in front of the PRG main gate, by the old wooden pedestrian bridge though. Nowadays your chances are better finding more pounds and shillings in that river than trout, let alone large browns like back in the 70’s.

    7 June, 2024 at 10:34
  34. avatar
    #434 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #433)
    are you sure it wasn’t pounds and shillings prof?

    7 June, 2024 at 08:17
  35. avatar
    #433 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #431)
    PRG is about R 5000 more for 2024. 57000-ish. When I was Standard 6 it was R75,00 per year.

    6 June, 2024 at 21:00
  36. avatar
    #432 Grasshopper

    Pretoria Boys High (R69,000), KES (R69,870), Rondebosch (R71,900), SACS (R61,000), Wynberg (R62,350), Grey PE (R68,400)….so English ex Model C are mostly all in the same bracket, R60k to R70k per year. Seems Afrikaans and dual-medium schools are quite a bit cheaper….not sure why….

    6 June, 2024 at 20:50
  37. avatar
    #431 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #427)
    PRG is R52,650.

    6 June, 2024 at 20:43
  38. avatar
    #430 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #429)
    Dont know mate …what I do know is that they offer some if the facilities for hire for functions and so on but I do believe most schools with halls and sportong facilities does that ….drawing crowds of 20 000 to big games obviousdly generates a but of money ,but at R 20 an adult its also nit 10s of millions and I think that money go towards maintanance of those sports grounds,as for malls and so on I realy have no idea

    6 June, 2024 at 20:29
  39. avatar
    #429 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #428)
    By old boys or going concerns near the school. Stories of shopping centres & businesses nearby funding things, not sure how true that is…

    6 June, 2024 at 20:02
  40. avatar
    #428 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #426)
    It’s a government school mate how is it subsidized?

    6 June, 2024 at 19:49
  41. avatar
    #427 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #425)
    Baie minder as by PRG ….

    6 June, 2024 at 19:48
  42. avatar
    #426 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #424)
    Maybe, BUT Grey College fees are obviously subsidised somehow. Glenwood’s grade 9-12 day scholar fees (R64,590) are about the same as Westville (R65,500), Northwood (R64,450), DHS (R59,500), Maritzburg College (R61,400). The privates like Kearsney (R240,900) & Clifton College (R200k) are 3 times that for day scholars. Hilton and Michaelhouse are 5x that but only boarders. Arguably because Glenwood is in a poorer area that should charge more to cover those that don’t pay. Grey College at R43,660 is very low….

    6 June, 2024 at 19:39
  43. avatar
    #425 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #424)
    Nooit geweet mens moet betaal om Grey toe te gaan nie?

    6 June, 2024 at 19:28
  44. avatar
    #424 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #422)
    I had a quick look, Glenwoods fees are quite steep…espessialy when compared to Grey kollege ,the school here Im most fammiliar with ….Me myself as a one income middleclass household would deffenitely not be able to afford Glenwood…not even as a day student..Grey on the other hand I could actually afford if I stayed in the city,Its actually not that much more than I payed for my daughter at a smalltown coed school in the Eastern cape,my point is this ,are the high schoolfees not a part of the problem in that those tough as nails Durban boys dads just cant afford them ?

    6 June, 2024 at 16:36
  45. avatar
    #423 Vleis

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #414) Most of the Gauteng privates have about three weeks left in June, while most of the KZN privates have two weeks left in June.

    6 June, 2024 at 16:03
  46. avatar
    #422 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #418)
    Well, Trevor Kershaw stole quite a bit a while ago. Not really, Glenwood is a middle income family type kid, just paying fees, maybe quite a few not at all. Old Boys are not that engaged as most have left for overseas. Sponsorships are probably where it comes from mostly. We don’t have ultra-rich dollar billionaire OBs topping up the purse. I do think more can be done to engage with OBs overseas. Many are successful and would help if engaged with. I have noticed an effort on Linkedin etc to improve this…

    6 June, 2024 at 15:50
  47. avatar
    #421 Grasshopper

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #419)
    Spot on, Glenwood as an example use to get great talent organically from the rougher parts of Durban, the Bluff, Queensburgh, Toti and further afield in the BE. Boys from these areas were naturally harder because they came from middle class families. We would have the occasional great year and no real scholarships or bursaries were needed, maybe 5 a year for academics or allrounders. Now that talent is being hoovered up from other schools so its become a bidding game. Glenwood also has a very large Indian feeder region in Chatsworth, so more non rugby playing. The challenges are large for rugby. Our BE is where the talent sat, and still does. In the past it was fed by primary schools in Pretoria and further afield, that no longer happens. Rugby isn’t a huge sport in KZN. So I think going forward the strategy will be to retain the best from our feeder schools who play rugby, Penzance, Glenwood Prep etc and then search KZN for boarders. That will make us competitive in KZN and probably around 30th in the country. I would be happy with that and getting a 50%-60% win ratio. Set realistic goals…

    6 June, 2024 at 15:34
  48. avatar
    #420 Tang

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #419)
    I think you have hit the nail on the head. I think many schools are going to take a more pragmatic approach to rugby programs. Set clear boundaries and expectations. Insure parents, old boys, staff and boys are all bought into the vision. Losing games to the perenial top 10 candidates is not a disaster.

    6 June, 2024 at 13:32
  49. avatar
    #419 agter_die_pale_pa

    @Grasshopper (Comment #417)
    Dont think Glenwood is the only school that will face/have faced this challenge with their rugby program, I think there are many other schools in the same boat, but under the radar. It is very, very difficult for a top 50/100 school to successfully and sustainably challenge the top 20 traditional rugby schools you mention. You can throw the kitchen sink and everything else you have at them for a couple of years, but the funds you need do match them are extreme and most of these schools will need to sacrifice non-rugby needs in their budgets. Yes, there are crazy talent available, but if a significant portion of a grade group’s rugby playing boys (and their coaches) need to be budgeted for by a school, the long-term sustainability of a program could be in jeopardy. People in charge of both the purse as well as the strategic direction of school come and go, we have seen the movie many times..

    The quicker schools identify what they want to be for all stakeholders involved, the sooner they can create a realistic expectation in terms of their rugby program and achievements for current and future boys and parents. Whether it is top 30 or top 100, playing in a certain NV-league, winning the annual derby or whatever, then so be it. Go out, enjoy it and stop chasing ghosts.

    6 June, 2024 at 09:55
  50. avatar
    #418 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #417)
    Where did the money go ,surely a school like Glenwood has strong finances?

    6 June, 2024 at 09:19
  51. avatar
    #417 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #416)
    Yeah, the 2018 team was arguably our best ever, maybe of the past 40 years for sure. Yes, hands up we bought success, had great coaches in Sean Erasmus and Rudi Dames, we had age issues not entirely our fault eg Oom Tom and maybe some other issues, but I give the school credit for pushing the boundaries. Glenwood were one of the first to have sports academies, custom schedules for sportsman and a very professional approach. I do think it went too far to maintain a ranking. So I think now is a reset, we will come back with a balanced approach, which will make us Top 30 again, where we belong based on over 114 years of rugby. Yes, we are no Affies, Grey Bloem, Paul Roos, Paarl Gim, Boishaai, Monnas etc but who is, most schools in the world would lose to them. We will be happy with pushing these top teams occasionally and be Top 4 in KZN. Viva Cornwall High!!

    5 June, 2024 at 21:22
  52. avatar
    #416 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #415)
    Humans are hypocrites. I am guilty of that too. Back in the day I was very outspoken against it, and I was almost entirely wrong. Good luck to Glenwood. Simply does not feel right for KZN’s once finest to struggle staying in the Top 50. FFS they had brilliant teams.

    5 June, 2024 at 21:10
  53. avatar
    #415 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #410)
    Yep, Glenwood’s poor season doesn’t help KZN rugby. BUT there is light at the end of the tunnel with decent age groups coming through. We can’t compete against the DHS purse but will do our best. Seems bought success is OK now, it wasn’t when Glenwood was doing well. Funny that, it suits those who are doing well…

    5 June, 2024 at 20:02
  54. avatar
    #414 Kaya 85

    @Beet…are there matches scheduled this weekend Beet? Or Is the whole country writing exams? Ouch

    5 June, 2024 at 17:59
  55. avatar
    #413 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #411)
    Kakpraat ,the great South Aftican pastime….

    5 June, 2024 at 17:31
  56. avatar
    #412 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #398)
    I think your dexterity must’ve been pretty good if u could spear marine fish and California girls… 😉

    5 June, 2024 at 17:12
  57. avatar
    #411 Kaya 85

    @Grasshopper (Comment #402)
    @Smallies (Comment #404)

    You’ve hit the nail on the head, gents. That’s basically what we do.

    5 June, 2024 at 17:06
  58. avatar
    #410 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #406)
    :lol: Sounds great, enjoy. As often, during winter, we are experiencing “UK weather” today in the Western Cape, and I do not mean those great summer days in the UK summer. Geoff Boycott once said there is no day as beautiful as a summer day in Yorkshire. Glenwood rugby’s current state is a huge loss to SBR. Sure hope you guys can turn it around.

    5 June, 2024 at 10:02
  59. avatar
    #409 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #407)
    They are doing egg-streamly badly …they need a few fresh hoeners,aparantly there’s a nice scrum hoener in Kimberly

    5 June, 2024 at 09:53
  60. avatar
    #408 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #406)
    To much at one time ,you need to let loose one at a time ….you know like a lekker poep ,you cant outpoep yourself all at once….also dont use other peoples kak in an attempt to make your kak smell better ,everybody needs their own smell ontherwise you are just using second hand kak….

    5 June, 2024 at 09:51
  61. avatar
    #407 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #406)
    Now, that is the spirit Sir Hopper! And my honest condolences to that team of yours. They are really struggling this year.

    5 June, 2024 at 09:49
  62. avatar
    #406 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #405)
    I prefer to sit here on Porthcurno beach, chow my roadkill billies, BBQ my kak waygu beef, surf a little on pancake waves, chow some pasties, run down some lanes and then watch Cornwall High lose to St Charles via some dodgy Supersport streaming link…

    5 June, 2024 at 09:46
  63. avatar
    #405 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #402)Joh, well done, super sharp post. But rather join us, we love you mate, or are you chicken?

    5 June, 2024 at 09:15
  64. avatar
    #404 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #402)
    Kakpraat is een van ons nasionale tyd verdrywe If you cant beat us ,join us

    5 June, 2024 at 08:44
  65. avatar
    #403 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #402)
    Eggs-cuse me Sir Hopper I never eggs-pected this “drivel” comment coming from you.

    5 June, 2024 at 07:52
  66. avatar
    #402 Grasshopper

    Die kak praat hier gee vir my hoendervleis….never heard so much drivel.

    5 June, 2024 at 07:00
  67. avatar
    #401 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #400)
    Ek verstaan jy kry nou weer te koop by Durbanville se KFC….dalk kan Boellie ons meer daarvan vertel🤔🤔🤔

    5 June, 2024 at 05:50
  68. avatar
    #400 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #376)
    Is daar nog Glenwood hoenders oor in Suid-Afrika? Dog hulle word op Cornwall se strande gebraai…

    4 June, 2024 at 21:26
  69. avatar
    #399 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #397)

    4 June, 2024 at 20:47
  70. avatar
    #398 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #380)
    Yebo, good memories. Partly because I have the ball sense of a dead cow and cannot play proper rugby.

    4 June, 2024 at 20:29
  71. avatar
    #397 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #392)
    Beet will have to egg-splain that ban

    4 June, 2024 at 20:28
  72. avatar
    #396 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #388)
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    4 June, 2024 at 20:28
  73. avatar
    #395 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #381)
    Ek sê maar niks. GF se broer lees ook hier

    4 June, 2024 at 20:27
  74. avatar
    #394 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #376)
    Jislike dis skerp. Tom Hoenners

    4 June, 2024 at 20:27
  75. avatar
    #393 Deon

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #383)
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    4 June, 2024 at 20:25
  76. avatar
    #392 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #388)
    We better stop these chicken stories, we will get eggs-pelled from this blog by @Beet

    4 June, 2024 at 20:24
  77. avatar
    #391 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #390)
    Stop egg ing him on

    4 June, 2024 at 20:23
  78. avatar
    #390 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #387)
    I honestly had greater eggs-pectations of your chicken stories!

    4 June, 2024 at 20:18
  79. avatar
    #389 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #387)
    @Kaya 85 (Comment #388)
    Hyt rond gehol soos n af kop hoener

    4 June, 2024 at 20:18
  80. avatar
    #388 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #386)
    Col Sanders believed he could Fry

    4 June, 2024 at 20:13
  81. avatar
    #387 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #359)

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #378)
    that KFC prize racer was the HENnie le Roux of chickens

    4 June, 2024 at 20:12
  82. avatar
    #386 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #384)
    I believed I could fly….

    4 June, 2024 at 20:12
  83. avatar
    #385 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #382) …ons gaan nou braai

    4 June, 2024 at 20:09
  84. avatar
    #384 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #381)
    i catch your drift

    4 June, 2024 at 20:07
  85. avatar
    #383 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #379)
    Ek wou ook ‘n stand-up comedian word soos ou Barry, maar ek was bang die mense lag vir my.

    4 June, 2024 at 20:07
  86. avatar
    #382 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #379)

    Barry’s going to sponsor Hilton.
    The logo on the rugby jersey says
    Who’s your Cousin

    4 June, 2024 at 20:05
  87. avatar
    #381 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #380)
    There are much more to be had at Coffee bay than good fishing ,Deon being the old hippie he is proparbly knew this also….😉😉😉

    4 June, 2024 at 20:02
  88. avatar
    #380 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #365)
    Memories… What a tale! All that spearing …

    4 June, 2024 at 19:58
  89. avatar
    #379 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #378)
    Noem my sommer Barry Hilton my cousin….

    4 June, 2024 at 19:58
  90. avatar
    #378 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #376)
    You are all such comedi-hens!!

    4 June, 2024 at 19:56
  91. avatar
    #377 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #371)
    Rouxville is gestig omdat dit net mooi n dagruis te perd van Aliwal af was….ner mooi waar die Engelse sou moes uitspan sou hulle die Vrystaat van Aliwal se kant probeer inval het

    4 June, 2024 at 19:25
  92. avatar
    #376 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #374)
    Nee daai een wat jy gekoop het moes n Glenwood hoener gewees het ,hulle is mos altyd ouer gewees as die ander skool hoeners …veral toe Sean nog daar was

    4 June, 2024 at 19:23
  93. avatar
    #375 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #373)
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    4 June, 2024 at 18:49
  94. avatar
    #374 Deon

    @Deon (Comment #366)
    Vandag se@Smallies (Comment #364)
    @Smallies (Comment #364)
    @Smallies (Comment #364)
    @Smallies (Comment #364)
    @Smallies (Comment #364)Ek dink ek het daardie afkop Grey haan gekoop een jaar daar by die KFC oorkant Kovsies se swembad opset. Taaier as ‘n skrophoender, maar net so baie smaak darem.

    4 June, 2024 at 18:49
  95. avatar
    #373 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #364)
    Ek moet sê, daar was heelwat knoeiery met daardie hoenderresies. Allerhande aantygings van steriod-gebruik aan beide kante…

    4 June, 2024 at 18:46
  96. avatar
    #372 Snelvuur

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #355)
    To be completely fair – there is not much competition in the rest of the Free State. If PRG played in Boland with the Boland schools, they would also have similar representation. As an example, PRG’s 5th team beat HS Stellenbosch’s first team by 30-odd. The same HS Stellenbosch team pushed unbeaten Charlie Hofmeyr all the way, losing 12-6…

    4 June, 2024 at 18:42
  97. avatar
    #371 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #370)
    Rouxville is waar die een kant van my familie kom. My pa van Kroonstad. Potch Volkkskool toe later. My een oupa se graf en sy broer s’n is op ‘n koppie in die Noord-Kaap wat uitkyk oor die Vrystaat grens. Langs die hoofpad, oorkant die plaas waar ek van my eerste jare gewoon het. Hy het altyd daar gesit en staar. Ek gaan sit soms daar onder die kameeldorings en versamelvoël neste en staar ook maar en dink diep. Dis eintlik nie meer Karoo nie maar Rand Kalahari.

    4 June, 2024 at 18:40
  98. avatar
    #370 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #367)
    As jy van Aliwal Noord na Rouxville ry is daar n bord net na die brug, WELKOM IN DIE VLEISSTAAT…

    4 June, 2024 at 18:26
  99. avatar
    #369 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #363)
    Pragtig. Die liefde is soet. Myne, my finale een kom uit Affies Meisies. Wat het van Geroeste Anker geword?

    4 June, 2024 at 18:24
  100. avatar
    #368 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #364)
    :lol: :lol: :lol: Vlymskerp, soos altyd

    4 June, 2024 at 18:22
  101. avatar
    #367 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #362)
    Daar is ‘n winkel tussen Hermanus en Botrivier wat spesialiseer in Vrystaat vleis. Die winkel se naam is Vleisstaat. Top kwaliteit, skitterende pryse. Kom alles van hulle plaas in die Vrystaat.

    4 June, 2024 at 18:21
  102. avatar
    #366 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #353)
    Het jy al gelees oor die 1967 wedstryd tussen Grey en PRG? Ek hoop nou nie ek klink soos die Glenwood argivis nie : “the referee – Oom Johnnie Meiring from the Matie Club! One of Grey’s centers went through a gap and with only the Paul Roos fullback in front of him he passed inside. The man on his inside was Oom Johnnie who caught the ball and then raced towards the tryline to score right under the posts! Only to blow his whistle and to call back play for a scrum where he caught the ball. This was exemplary of the spirit in which this game was played.” Dit was PRG se enigste drie.

    4 June, 2024 at 18:20
  103. avatar
    #365 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #350)
    Well said. We did not complain when we had to go to Durban to compete at SA Universities Spearfishing by train from Stellenbosch while the rugby team went by airplane. That train trip was unforgettable. I hitchhiked back and stopped over for a month in Coffee Bay in the old Transkei, to again work for old Springbok rugby player Polla Fourie and his dad, Oom Billy. Spent great times with a University California LA team of marine biologists studying sea sponges, mended my kalwerliefde broken heart with a new UCLA girlfriend. Made enough money for my studies by among other things selling speared Scotsmen fish etc. to the late Chief Kaiser Mathanzima. Would have missed that all if we too were allocated the funds rugby players were.

    4 June, 2024 at 18:16
  104. avatar
    #364 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #359)
    Dis ook net omdat Grey se beste haan die KFC best chicken span gehaal het en dus nie teen PRG deel geneem het nie ,rumor is dat daai haan heeltemal kop verloor het later….

    4 June, 2024 at 18:11
  105. avatar
    #363 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #361)
    Die Mooiste nooi in die Bo Karoo Vrystaat

    4 June, 2024 at 18:08
  106. avatar
    #362 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #360)
    Man kyk Kareedow verdien sommer met die kwalityd van hulle boerewors ere Vrystaat dorpstatus,ek verstaan daar is reeds n portal op Kareedow

    4 June, 2024 at 18:06
  107. avatar
    #361 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #347)
    Ons het wel croquet as sport gehad en Charles Barlow (Barlow Rand/Barlow World/Barlows) het Springbok gemaak in 1985 of 1986 en sy broer Thomas het WP rugby gespeel in die vroeë 90’s.

    4 June, 2024 at 18:04
  108. avatar
    #360 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #346)
    Burgersdorp is pragtig, ek kyk hulle glad nie vlak nie. Mooi storie oor jou vrou, ek het afgelei die dame is ‘n née van Burgersdorp. Onthou net Burgersdorp se Taalmonument is deur ‘n Paul Roos Old Boy, Onze Jan Hofmeyr ( PRG se een huis is steeds Hofmeyr),op die been gebring. Los maar eers die Pegel se skole en fokus daarop om Kareedouw te provincehop.

    4 June, 2024 at 18:02
  109. avatar
    #359 Deon

    @tzavosky (Comment #345)
    Nee Dok, ek twyfel, maar ek weet PRG en Grey het een jaar ‘n haanresies ingesluit in die interskole en ons haan het gewen, loshande, of lospote. Ons boereorkes is wel besig om op te warm vir Augustus. Ons open met die Burgersdorp Polka om te kyk of ons Grey se Misvloer Setee kan match.

    4 June, 2024 at 17:55
  110. avatar
    #358 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #355)
    It will actully more be PRG 3 vs Grey kombination 3 and 4🤣🤣🤣🤣

    4 June, 2024 at 17:34
  111. avatar
    #357 Kaya 85

    @Snelvuur (Comment #353)
    Blue Bulls’ Academy week pack is fearsome…

    4 June, 2024 at 17:32
  112. avatar
    #356 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #353)Keurders…

    4 June, 2024 at 17:31
  113. avatar
    #355 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #348)
    I see that Grey have a combined 30 representatives in the FS CW and AW squads (19 + 11). …and then a few more in the u17 team which means that there are fellows with provincial colours who can only run out for their schools 3rd XV…Is that not depth @Deon. Let’s see who wins the thirds game at PRG v GCB.

    4 June, 2024 at 17:30
  114. avatar
    #354 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #351)
    Ja ja 🤣🤣🤣

    4 June, 2024 at 17:30
  115. avatar
    #353 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #348)
    Terloops, ek sien Garsies se twee stutte het bo Affies se stutte die Blou Bul Craven Week span gemaak. As ek voorry vir ‘n ander provinsie by die Craven Week gespeel het, sou ek nou baie verlig wees.

    4 June, 2024 at 17:27
  116. avatar
    #352 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #348)
    Sal eintlik maar dieselfde wees. Daar word nie plekke in die starting XV in die Greystaat gedeel nie.

    4 June, 2024 at 17:24
  117. avatar
    #351 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #349)
    Weet sy dat sy nou ewe skielik van die Vrystaat af kom?

    4 June, 2024 at 17:24
  118. avatar
    #350 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #342)
    Jokes aside, the rugby programmes often get so much opposition from detractors ( and haters) inside the school itself who will go on and on how rugby players get preferential treatment at school, how it’s not fair that drama, choir, extra additional maths further studies etc. etc. can’t get the same treatment. This can actually ruin a programme totally when the principal bends over backwards to prove he is fair. There is the anti-competitive sport crowd, who resent sport at schools, despite the overwhelming majority of kids enjoying some sports activity or the other, and they particularly try bring rugby down. This explains how quite a number of the schools rugby programmes have been emasculated (they cut off the balls, pardon the pun).
    We are grateful for all round schools…and not a single ‘rugby school’ is one dimensional…every one of them is also a strong academic institution with decent cultural offerings, not to mention competitive other sports from hockey to athletics, cricket, swimming etc.

    4 June, 2024 at 17:21
  119. avatar
    #349 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #344)
    Ek moet ook noem dat Burgersdorp die tuisdorp van n sekere nooi Erasmus is wie ek met trots my vrou noem…

    4 June, 2024 at 17:09
  120. avatar
    #348 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #343)
    Julle kry so gereeld teen n gekombineerde 1ste en Cherries span op julle donner….het jy nou al gedink hoe ver julle teen so n span sal verloor🤣🤣🤣

    4 June, 2024 at 16:59
  121. avatar
    #347 Smallies

    @tzavosky (Comment My almamater Stoffberg het Jukskei as sport gehad en nogals n volwaardige Springbok speler ook gehad ,Henry was destyds die jongste Springbok Jukskei speler in die land ,17 jaar oud

    4 June, 2024 at 16:57
  122. avatar
    #346 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #344)
    Jy kyk vir Blikkiesdorp baie vlak,gestig in 1846 ,die eerste Gereformeerde kweekskool was daar gevestig in 1869 amper 60 jaar voor die US ,vandag sal jy daai kweekskool ken as die PUK,daar is ook n Taalmonument opgerig in 1895 n goeie 80 jaar voor die een in die Pegel….n lekker dorpie vol geskiedenis ,n groot aanwins vir n kultuur historiese reus soos die Vrystaat ….ons onderhandel tans ook met n paar skole in die Pegel ,jy weet daai wat die WP nie n kringetjie om getrek het nie om ook af te stig en Vrystaters te word.Die Kovsies het al reeds n suksesvolle wormhole ontwerp wat die skole en die Vrystaat sal verbind en dus die hele N1 sal neutraliseer…

    4 June, 2024 at 16:50
  123. avatar
    #345 tzavosky

    @Deon (Comment #344)
    Het PRG ‘n jukskeispan? Ek vra, want ek het een jaar gelees dat Affies se jukskeispan teen Pres CR Swart van Brandfort moes speel omdat Grey nie een gehad het vir hulle derby nie. O, en Brandfort het “kwotaspelers” in hulle span gehad!
    Eintlik ‘n baie nice storie.

    4 June, 2024 at 16:37
  124. avatar
    #344 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #343)
    Ons albei het vergeet van die VRYSTAATSE skool Burgersdorp. Affies kan darem seker ‘n plekkie maak vir hulle ook.

    4 June, 2024 at 16:11
  125. avatar
    #343 Snelvuur

    @Deon (Comment #342)
    Dalk kan Garsies en Grey se eerstespanne ook saamsmelt vir só ‘n dag? Dan is dit soos Vrystaat se Craven Week span: 15 Grey ouens op die veld met die ander skole se spelers op die bankie.

    4 June, 2024 at 15:59
  126. avatar
    #342 Deon

    @Rainier (Comment #340)
    Jis Rainier. Het jy gehoor, Smallies, Kaya 85 en Geroeste Yster versoek dat Affies hulle games teen Grey voortaan stagger in die oop spanne omdat jou Alma Mater nie genoeg diepte het om die mas op te kom teen genuine rugbyskole nie en slegs 7 uit 31 games kon wen teen Affies in 2024. Maw Grey se onder 14 C speel teen Affies se onder 14D ens. Djou en Grizzly meen omdat Garsies ook nie diepte het nie kan hulle onder 14B invul en byvoorbeeld teen Affies se onder 14C speel op daardie dag. Dan kan Garsies en Grey saamstaan om vir Affies ook ‘n bietjie van ‘n challenge te bied op julle interskole. Dit het vir my maar eers soos ‘n vreemde versoek geklink maar hoe meer ek daaraan dink hoe meer sin maak dit. Ek het sulke erkentlikheid egter nooit uit Smallies se mond verwag nie.

    4 June, 2024 at 15:21
  127. avatar
    #341 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #340)

    4 June, 2024 at 15:11
  128. avatar
    #340 Rainier

    @Smallies (Comment #339)

    Plesier my kroon. 8))

    4 June, 2024 at 14:36
  129. avatar
    #339 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #337)
    Dankie Larnie 🙈🙈🙈

    4 June, 2024 at 13:50
  130. avatar
    #338 Rainier

    Lappies Labuschagne was GCB se coach vir baie jare en was in beheer vir die 90 onoorwonne wedstryde. Dries het saam met hom afgerig.

    4 June, 2024 at 12:59
  131. avatar
    #337 Rainier

    @Smallies (Comment #328)

    Dries van der Wal. Net een a.

    4 June, 2024 at 12:46
  132. avatar
    #336 Grasshopper

    @TJ (Comment #335)
    Lekker. Yes, Skonk is probably the most successful schoolboy coach, 14 unbeaten seasons in 35 years. Toppy was of the next generation after Skonk.

    3 June, 2024 at 20:03
  133. avatar
    #335 TJ

    @Grasshopper (Comment #330)
    Skonk even wrote a Geography textbook. Africa, Man’s environment.

    3 June, 2024 at 16:27
  134. avatar
    #334 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #332)
    Agree with you on that…

    3 June, 2024 at 15:00
  135. avatar
    #333 Kaya 85

    @TJ (Comment #326)
    And the legendary KES coach of 20+ years Mr Norman McFarland, who also coached at PBHS and St John’s.

    3 June, 2024 at 14:41
  136. avatar
    #332 Kaya 85

    BIG respect to all those coaches named.
    And thousands of other unnamed, rural or small school coaches who carry the flame.

    3 June, 2024 at 14:39
  137. avatar
    #331 Grasshopper

    Anthony ‘Toppy’ Hortop, Glenwood 1st team rugby coach from 1970 to 1991 and then 1996 to 2007, 30 years in charge. I think he’s around 84 now and still helps our coaching when he gets a chance. Maybe his record wasn’t as good as College and Bishops, but his impact on boys in academics and sports was huge. He didn’t have the same great player pools other schools had.

    3 June, 2024 at 13:26
  138. avatar
    #330 Grasshopper

    @TJ (Comment #326)
    I knew that would be the response…hahaha. Did they also teach English at the highest level? Toppy is still involved now.

    3 June, 2024 at 13:01
  139. avatar
    #329 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #328)
    Dis die naam wat ek net nie kon onthou nie, bly vas by Dries van der Walt. Daardie was darem nou Grassy se wildste stelling ooit :lol: Mal wild. Ek kan ook nie die naam van die man wat Strand se span sonder enige hulpbronne tot groot hoogtes opgebou het so 1985 rond nie. FPJ Smit by Tygerberg was ook baie goed.

    3 June, 2024 at 12:52
  140. avatar
    #328 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #327)
    Dries Van Der Waal

    3 June, 2024 at 12:29
  141. avatar
    #327 Deon

    @Grasshopper (Comment #324)
    Huh, I’d say Rudi Visagie (Paarl Boys), Basil Bey (Bishops), Oloff Bergh (Boland LS), Bill Moolman (PRG) and a few others at eg Gim and GCB all were better.

    3 June, 2024 at 11:25
  142. avatar
    #326 TJ

    @Grasshopper (Comment #324)
    Basil Bey and Skonk Nicholson want a word

    3 June, 2024 at 10:49
  143. avatar
    #325 Coolguy

    Congrats to School on their victory against house on their old boys day. Great to see the schools band rev up the boys before kick off. Very festive with a packed crowd. The band should consider starting at the war memorials as homage to the fallen . Next up Kearsney on their old boys day,2024 must be a record year of games played on opponents’ old boys day: Hilton, MBC, DHS

    3 June, 2024 at 01:25
  144. avatar
    #324 Grasshopper

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #317)
    The only thing it will ever be called is Hortops, the greatest schoolboy coach ever. Over 40 years of changing boys for the better. Greatest schoolboy rugby coach of his era.

    2 June, 2024 at 21:31
  145. avatar
    #323 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #316)
    :lol: :lol: :lol:

    2 June, 2024 at 21:11
  146. avatar
    #322 Kaya 85

    (Today is a gift, that’s why it’s called the Present)
    Have a great week !

    2 June, 2024 at 21:07
  147. avatar
    #321 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #320)
    The past is history the future’s a mystery…

    2 June, 2024 at 21:05
  148. avatar
    #320 Smallies

    The land where time stood still…

    2 June, 2024 at 20:59
  149. avatar
    #319 Smallies

    The more things change the more they stay the same….

    2 June, 2024 at 20:59
  150. avatar
    #318 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #317)
    The past present and future rolled into one

    2 June, 2024 at 20:55
  151. avatar
    #317 Kaya 85

    Dinosaur Graveyard

    2 June, 2024 at 20:52
  152. avatar
    #316 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #314)
    Will Glenwood be renaming their ground to Jurrasic park sometime in the future??

    2 June, 2024 at 20:52
  153. avatar
    #315 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #314)
    The ghost of present past

    2 June, 2024 at 20:48
  154. avatar
    #314 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #313)
    The past is another country

    2 June, 2024 at 20:46
  155. avatar
    #313 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #312)
    Roling back time

    2 June, 2024 at 20:34
  156. avatar
    #312 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #311)
    Waiting for the great leap forward

    2 June, 2024 at 20:30
  157. avatar
    #311 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #310)
    Yesterday’s hero’s

    2 June, 2024 at 19:56
  158. avatar
    #310 Kaya 85

    taking two steps forward, one step back

    2 June, 2024 at 19:39
  159. avatar
    #309 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #307)
    Not letting sleeping dogs lie

    2 June, 2024 at 19:20
  160. avatar
    #308 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #307)
    Ou koeie out die sloot uit grawe…

    2 June, 2024 at 19:19
  161. avatar
    #307 Kaya 85

    @Snelvuur (Comment #305)
    running to stand still

    2 June, 2024 at 19:01
  162. avatar
    #306 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #305)waneer you verlede jou inhaal…

    2 June, 2024 at 16:07
  163. avatar
    #305 Snelvuur

    @kantako (Comment #304)
    Forward into the past.

    2 June, 2024 at 16:04
  164. avatar
    #304 kantako

    @Grasshopper (Comment #303)
    Back to the future ?

    2 June, 2024 at 10:12
  165. avatar
    #303 Grasshopper

    Perspective, Glenwood have played St Charles since 1934.

    1930’s – played 12, won 3 and lost 9.
    1940’s – played 18, won 5, lost 12, drew 1
    1950’s – played 10, won 3, lost 5, drew 2
    1960’s – played 9, won 9 – biggest score in 1965 winning 46-0
    1970’s – played 8, won 6, drew 2
    80’s, 90’s, 2000’s – no matches
    Since 2010 – played 3, won 3.

    Played: 60
    Won: 29
    Lost 26
    Drawn: 5

    So yesterday was a milestone, last time St Charles beat Glenwood was in 1959 (10-8). Well done to St Charles, back to the 1930’s it seems…

    2 June, 2024 at 10:00
  166. avatar
    #302 Grasshopper

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #300)
    Not really, just disappointed. The the team is young with good talent in it. St Charles have a good team that has been competitive with most. It would be good if St Charles played Kearsney. A very bad year 1st team results-wise but there are green shoots in the 1st team, U16A, U15A and U14s across the board. In the end it’s just kids and not life and death. Go Green! OBs will be angry but need to be patient..

    2 June, 2024 at 09:43
  167. avatar
    #301 VanniLaeveld

    @Roger (Comment #270)
    He is now the rugby director at Noordheuwel.

    2 June, 2024 at 02:02
  168. avatar
    #300 Kaya 85

    @warriors7 (Comment #297)
    Hopper will be spitting venom about that result …breathe deep…go for a walk on the beach…have a cup of tea.

    1 June, 2024 at 22:57
  169. avatar
    #299 Kaya 85

    @Kantman (Comment #271)
    @Smallies (Comment #294)
    credit to Kantman

    1 June, 2024 at 22:55
  170. avatar
    #298 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #296)

    1 June, 2024 at 21:43
  171. avatar
    #297 warriors7

    Glenwood losing to St Charles on Dixons wow !

    1 June, 2024 at 20:27
  172. avatar
    #296 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #295)
    Check hoe naby is hy met die Bishops score ook prediction 32 16
    Score 31 16

    1 June, 2024 at 19:54
  173. avatar
    #295 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #294)

    1 June, 2024 at 19:51
  174. avatar
    #294 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #275)
    You called SACS a banana peel 🫵🫵🫵

    1 June, 2024 at 19:46
  175. avatar
    #293 The O

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #292)
    As ek reg onthou het Ferdi vir Korrektiewe Dienste gespeel.

    1 June, 2024 at 17:57
  176. avatar
    #292 Maroon machine supporter

    @The O (Comment #291) Nou laat jy my mos wonder. Nog ‘n vinnige vraag, het Ferdi Venter ook vir Oostelikes gespeel voor die Bulle hom gekies het…ek nou nie seker nie.

    1 June, 2024 at 17:47
  177. avatar
    #291 The O

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #290)
    Jip, en vir Oostelikes 🤣

    1 June, 2024 at 16:58
  178. avatar
    #290 Maroon machine supporter

    @The O (Comment #289)
    Help jy my nou reg, dankie! Het gedog daar was nog ‘n Langenhoven man in die Oostelikes backline maar het skoon van de Fortier vergeet. Het jy vir Tuks gespeel?

    1 June, 2024 at 16:50
  179. avatar
    #289 The O

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #283)
    Yes, Ettiene van Zyl. Jacques de Fortier ook vir Oostelikes gespeel. Joe het vir Tuks gespeel en later bietjie vir NKP ook, maar baie probleme met sy hammies gehad.

    1 June, 2024 at 16:27
  180. avatar
    #288 Maroon machine supporter

    @Smallies (Comment #287)
    Stem saam. Daar is nog baie rugby wat gespeel moet word daar in die Noorde. Sien Garsies het die nuweling hard gestamp vandag terwyl Helpmekaar ook goed gewen het.

    1 June, 2024 at 16:15
  181. avatar
    #287 Smallies

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #286)
    Het gedink dat hulle sal terug bounce,hulle het heeltemal te veel pedigree om nie terug te kom nie ,ek vermoed die res van hulle seisoen gaan baie goed wees

    1 June, 2024 at 15:39
  182. avatar
    #286 Maroon machine supporter

    @Smallies (Comment #284)
    Monnas😎 Dink telling was 64-34

    1 June, 2024 at 15:36
  183. avatar
    #285 Jakes

    What a game between EGJansen and Klofies. A draw, but could have been a win for EGJansen if their kicker had a better day and did not miss conversions. Also EGJansen’s forward pack was disrupted and realy missed their Nr1 prop who is out due to serious injury. I do not know if he will play this year again.

    1 June, 2024 at 15:31
  184. avatar
    #284 Smallies

    Wonder wie die praatwerk doen vandag…

    1 June, 2024 at 15:04
  185. avatar
    #283 Maroon machine supporter

    @The O (Comment #241)
    Baie dankie, waardeer jou moeite. Stem saam Joe was yster op die veld. Van die veld af was hy ‘n baie smart ou…altyd humble. As ek reg onthou het Joe ook lekker Carltonbeker rugby vir Oostelikes gespeel saam met manne soos Etienne (het sy van vergeet maar weet hy was Langenhoven se losskakel in ‘88) en Jacques vd Merwe (ex CR Swart).

    1 June, 2024 at 15:03
  186. avatar
    #282 beet

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #281)
    Agreed. If one compares the field now to when they last played Klofies there, it still looks in pristine condition.

    1 June, 2024 at 14:25
  187. avatar
    #281 BoishaaiPa

    Moet sê..EG Jansen se rugbyveld toestand lyk na een van die bestes op skoolvlak.

    1 June, 2024 at 14:17
  188. avatar
    #280 beet

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #275)
    First two results are incredibly close to the actual scores :)

    1 June, 2024 at 14:15
  189. avatar
    #279 beet

    EG and Kloof had another crackerjack. 32-all

    1 June, 2024 at 13:59
  190. avatar
    #278 Rainier

    Just watched the Garsies Rustenburg /14 match. Very impressed with both teams.

    1 June, 2024 at 13:40
  191. avatar
    #277 Palma

    Selborne vs St Andrews has been cancelled due to heavy rains. Waiting to find out about Hudson vs Stirling.

    1 June, 2024 at 10:20
  192. avatar
    #276 Deon

    @Roger (Comment #270)
    That is correct. Thank you. Jeez he was as wide as he was tall, and he was, I hope is, a tall man.

    1 June, 2024 at 09:26
  193. avatar
    #275 Kaya 85

    Predictions Cape
    Bishops 16 – 32 Rondebosch (good fences make good neighbours)
    Wynberg 30 – 28 South African College High (banana peel for sure, SACS miss last minute PG, ouch)
    Selborne 27 – 24 St Andrews (Grandaddys of the Eastern Cape)
    Stirling 14 – 34 Hudson Park (true rugby nursery wins)
    Graeme 20 – 11 Dale (small fries but big hearts)
    Kingswood 0 – 44 St Mary’s (not recruiting enough, no respect)

    31 May, 2024 at 20:11
  194. avatar
    #274 Kaya 85

    Predictions Boksburg, Krugersdorp, Alberton, Pta
    Jansen 26 – 29 Klofies (a close one, but Kloof will eat EG’s lunch)
    Noordheuwel 30 – 30 Helpmekaar (odds even, but Helpies u16 will rock)
    Marais Viljoen 20 – 32 Monument (Marais needing respect)
    Garsie Bere 55 – 29 Rustenburg (visitors must run the ball, or be run off their feet)

    31 May, 2024 at 20:03
  195. avatar
    #273 Kaya 85

    Predictions Joburg & Pta
    Pretoria Boys 35 – 33 St John’s (quality game, both sides)
    St Alban’s 25 – 8 St Benedict’s (more misery for Bennies)
    St David’s 30 – 22 Parktown (both teams on the rise, both rugby programmes building)
    Northcliff 21 – 19 St Stithians (the English Noordheuwel 2.0)

    31 May, 2024 at 19:59
  196. avatar
    #272 Kaya 85

    Predictions KZN

    Glenwood 35 – 19 St Charles (Hoppers swarm)
    Clifton 11 – 29 Kearsney (One Win for Kearsney)
    Maritzburg 40 – 26 Hilton (HC like their shorts tight, very tight)
    Westville 27 – 20 Northwood (Derby intensity)
    Durban High 35 – 27 Michaelhouse (Durban pack too mean)

    31 May, 2024 at 19:53
  197. avatar
    #271 Kantman

    One massive banana skin this weekend for Wynberg.

    31 May, 2024 at 19:34
  198. avatar
    #270 Roger

    @Deon (Comment #267)
    There was a monster prop at Monnas in ’88 or ’89 – name was Botter Lourens I think – beast of a man!!

    31 May, 2024 at 19:04
  199. avatar
    #269 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #267)
    And you won’t believe this, I went to an international rugby league match at the old Berea Park in Pretoria between the SA National team and the Russians of all people…and there playing for the ‘SA Rhinos’ none other than Johny Asher…that day I bought a replica Russian shirt just as a momento…put it on over my t-shirt (and shorts)..then, after the game which the Ruskis won by a point, little lighties came running up to me for autographs…they thought I was one of the players…(so I signed autographs like an imposter).

    31 May, 2024 at 18:04
  200. avatar
    #268 Kaya 85

    @tzavosky (Comment #266)
    Lol 😆 🤣 what the…?

    31 May, 2024 at 17:58
  201. avatar
    #267 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #256)
    I saw Johnny Asher play and I think lose against PRG at Monnas 1987 or 1988. I happened to be in the area. Wonderful player. Can you recall the name of Monnas’s monster of a prop, I think tighthead, that year?

    31 May, 2024 at 17:44
  202. avatar
    #266 tzavosky

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #256)
    A&B Venter’s father had a farm near Trichardtsdal down the road from Tzaneen. My one partner was his neighbour and according to him Mr Venter had a terrible stutter. One day partner asked him whether he ever considered seeing a speech therapist. “Y-y-y- ess, b-b-b-b-ut a-a-a-after a-a-a-a w-w-w-week sh-sh-sh-she w-w-w-was st-st-st-stu-t-t-e-r-r-ring m-m-m-more th-th-th-an I-I-I-I d-d-d-do!”

    31 May, 2024 at 17:33
  203. avatar
    #265 Kaya 85

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #257)
    Ah…thanks for the reality check. Oh was it Brendan Venter?

    31 May, 2024 at 17:21
  204. avatar
    #264 Palma

    Port Rex 21-15 Cambridge. Battle for best Border coed school next week vs Hudson

    31 May, 2024 at 17:11
  205. avatar
    #263 Smallies

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #262)
    I stand corrected it was indeed the one and only Danie Gerber…

    31 May, 2024 at 17:02
  206. avatar
    #262 KES Oldboy

    @Smallies (Comment #262)
    Not true. Ruben was U16 in 1986 & although brilliant, he didn’t make it in 86. He made it 87 & 8&. Andre Venter did it & Danie Gerber also made it 3 years in a row 75/6/7.

    31 May, 2024 at 16:50
  207. avatar
    #261 Smallies

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #258)
    Andre Venter was one of only two boys to ever be selected SA Schools 3 times,the other one was Ruben Kruger

    31 May, 2024 at 16:39
  208. avatar
    #260 KES Oldboy

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #256)
    Craven Week 1987 Tvl results:
    Beat WP 14-8
    Lost EP 12-14
    Drew Natal 22-22

    31 May, 2024 at 16:37
  209. avatar
    #259 KES Oldboy

    @Roger (Comment #254)
    James was nothing to write home about in 86& the Tvl fullback Chris Liebenberg made SA Schools.

    31 May, 2024 at 16:25
  210. avatar
    #258 KES Oldboy

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #256)
    Brendan Venter was captain. His brother Andre came along later but went to Grey.

    31 May, 2024 at 16:24
  211. avatar
    #257 KES Oldboy

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #256)
    Not really. They lost 14-12 to EP at Craven Week. Natal lost to E.Tvl. But guess what – Tvl played Natal in the final because “they play attractive rugby”. The fact that F. Jordaan’s father was head of Topsport that did the broadcasting of the final only may have had something to do with it!

    31 May, 2024 at 16:22
  212. avatar
    #256 Kaya 85

    @Roger (Comment #254)
    That ’87 Tvl Craven week team was so good…they smoked everyone that year…James Small, Johnny Assor, Andre Venter (in the Centre Mr Venter…Brendan’s bigger younger brother)…

    31 May, 2024 at 15:57
  213. avatar
    #255 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #253)
    Haha…I’m not on that level. But I did have a few old rugby programmes…it’s a pity most schools don’t do programmes anymore…not even the Easter festivals…

    31 May, 2024 at 15:54
  214. avatar
    #254 Roger

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #249)
    Thanks Kaya – that was a pretty handy KES team – also interesting that there were only three grade 11’s in that team – Lawless, McCarthy and Reid (although Norris repeated in ’87). Norris is now Director of Sports at St Johns. Still can’t believe Small didn’t play Craven Week in ’86!

    31 May, 2024 at 09:04
  215. avatar
    #253 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #250)
    Bliksem!! @Kaya 85, you are starting to give @ Ou Affie a go with your stats and your knowledge of the history….RESPECT!

    31 May, 2024 at 08:43
  216. avatar
    #252 Vleis

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #250)
    Interesting, 11 or 12 of that team played in the 1st team the following year…and probably only Small was 19.

    31 May, 2024 at 01:03
  217. avatar
    #251 Vleis

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #242)
    Yes, he played 1st team in st9 in ‘85. We had a poor team that year and James played center, which did not suit him as he had less space to run and, ironically, he wasn’t a good tackler in those days. Re ‘86: as I say, I’m not exactly sure of the timeline, but it appears that Mr Visser convinced him to return to Greenside during ‘86, rather than at the end of ‘86.
    I seem to remember him being in the Tvl D team in the ‘85 trials, but I stand corrected.

    31 May, 2024 at 00:55
  218. avatar
    #250 Kaya 85

    @Roger (Comment #248)
    15. J Small
    11. B Cohen
    12. A Storey
    13. G Bradshaw
    14. S Borrageiro
    10. S Samons
    9. S Garb
    1. G Lee
    2. K Kibel
    3. R Nelson
    6. C Pintisovitz
    4. N Lees
    5. P Evans
    7. D Tortora
    8. P Bosch

    16. T Otterson
    17. T Atteridge

    30 May, 2024 at 21:42
  219. avatar
    #249 Kaya 85

    @Roger (Comment #248)
    15. S Ruckard
    11. G Lawless
    12. R Arnott
    13. S Reid
    14. G Semmens
    10. J McCarthy
    9. J Gerber
    1. A Norris
    2. M Faber
    3. A Clouston
    6. M Steyn (c.)
    4. B McKenzie
    5. G Bouwer
    7. G Murray
    8. J Cunningham

    16. A Fussell

    30 May, 2024 at 21:37
  220. avatar
    #248 Roger

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #243)
    Wonderful Kaya – can you name the KES (and Greenside) XV’s that day – would be really interesting to take a trip down memory lane!

    30 May, 2024 at 21:31
  221. avatar
    #247 Kaya 85

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #245)
    100% used to love watching the curtain-raisers…the Rooibokke at Ellis Park were seriously BELOVED …always got to the ground early enough to watch that whole game.

    30 May, 2024 at 21:21
  222. avatar
    #246 Kaya 85

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #245)
    Yes I remember, and the Haka came as a surprise because they were an ‘unofficial’ NZ Cavaliers team. The programme says Springboks v All Blacks (full stop).

    30 May, 2024 at 21:17
  223. avatar
    #245 KES Oldboy

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #243)
    Thanks for confirming that. I don’t know if you remember but that “test” was the only one that The Cavaliers did The Haka for. Maybe it says something for the surface preparation in those days but “curtain raisers” were fantastic. It’s time to bring them back…..

    30 May, 2024 at 20:58
  224. avatar
    #244 Kaya 85

    And the date of that test was …31-5-1986 …Friday will be 38 years ago to the day.

    30 May, 2024 at 20:57
  225. avatar
    #243 Kaya 85

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #242)
    I’ve got the original match programme of that test here somewhere…let me look:
    Yes indeed KES v Greenside…at 15 for Greenside is Small…at 11 for KES Gavin Lawless…
    In the u 20 curtain raiser for Transvaal is Lance Sherrel, Francois Pienaar and Ian McDonald (and Joe Beukes of RAU at 8)…Free State u20 had A. Venter at 5…D. Theron at 1…S. Fourie at 9..

    30 May, 2024 at 20:52
  226. avatar
    #242 KES Oldboy

    @Vleis (Comment #236)
    Haha- very funny last line.
    Was James at GREENSIDE in 85? Surely he would have played 1st xv if he was. I’m not doubting your story & it adds to the James Small legacy……but James was at GREENSIDE in 86. He went to Tvl trials & was in the D team at the final trial. As I said, you have encyclopaedic knowledge of schoolboy rugby & I don’t want to discredit your story but I also seem to remember James playing against KES at Ellis Park in that curtain riaiser…..

    30 May, 2024 at 20:24
  227. avatar
    #241 The O

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #187)
    Ernie Swart was die heelagter, volgens Joe van der Westhuizen. P.S hy en Joost was gladnie familie nie. Joe was wel een van die beste en hardste senters saam en teen wie ek ooit gespeel het.

    30 May, 2024 at 20:05
  228. avatar
    #240 Vleis

    @Deon (Comment #238)
    :lol: :lol: yeah, a real character. He certainly had his faults…but he had a heart of gold – e.g. in ’96 the number of Reach for a Dream kids that he visited was more than double the second most…and he never told anyone about it, despite the fact that he needed good PR at the time. I was told by someone who worked for said foundation.

    30 May, 2024 at 15:40
  229. avatar
    #239 Kaya 85

    @Roger (Comment #231)
    I saw that game too…remember Greg Miller trying 2 or 3 drop goals, then slotting one to win the game I think…
    and then a few weeks later when KES played at St Stithians, I still have a clear memory of the schoolboy photographer from Saints who in trying to compose a good shot had walked a few metres on to the field, near the corner, when suddenly the backline move went fast to the right, down the line to the wing on the overlap – the try scorer at top speed almost collided with the camera guy who just looked up nonchalantly but frozen to the spot.

    30 May, 2024 at 12:21
  230. avatar
    #238 Deon

    @Vleis (Comment #236)
    :lol: :lol: :lol: He was a character indeed. I miss him on the field, and I miss his antics. Lots of sadness in his life too. That Mental Health Act time in 2001 was very sad. RIP

    30 May, 2024 at 12:20
  231. avatar
    #237 Kaya 85

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #234)
    I went as a lightie to that Boks v Cavaliers test match at Ellis Park with my father, still got the program. Best memory?…besides seeing the haka for the first time and the crowd’s noise level, wow that right hook of Gert Smal that KO’d Gary Knight!!

    30 May, 2024 at 12:09
  232. avatar
    #236 Vleis

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #234)
    I left Greenside at the end of ’85, so I’m not 100% clear on James Small’s path thereafter. That said, if memory serves, he followed his girlfriend (the reigning Miss Greenside) to Eden College in ’86. At Eden College, there was no school uniform, no rugby, one could grow one’s hair long, etc, etc…so I don’t think that he played rugby in ’86 at all, or perhaps a very limited amount. His girlfriend dumped him, so he plugged matric, which is the only year that he failed during his school career. Incidentally, she left him for my soccer teammate at the time, who was one of the founders of a large, national fruit and veg wholesaler. I believe that they are still married.
    Mr Visser, the Greenside 1st team coach and deputy head of school, invited James to his office to convince him to return to Greenside to complete his matric in ’87. James was unconvinced, as Greenside was very strict and James had just spent a year at Eden. However, Mr Visser (who was a heavy smoker), closed the door of his office and offered James a smoke. It was at that point that James realised that he’d be treated differently and he agreed to return to Greenside, where he made the SA Schools team and the rest is history.
    The moral of the story? Sometimes cigarettes can be good for you!

    30 May, 2024 at 09:41
  233. avatar
    #235 KES Oldboy

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #207)
    True story. KES were on attack & 10 chipped ahead. James caught ball in his own 22 & ran straight across the field to the touch line then turned & put on the burners to outstrip all the cover defence. Great try by James in 87. How can we still remember these things so clearly 40 years later!!??
    The modern generation can’t believe it but those co-Ed English schools could play! Sandringham in the 70s/80s had favourable records vs Jeppe, Parktown, Dale, SACS, St John’s & St Stithians! That’s not guessing- it’s records from their rugby program booklet in 1988!

    30 May, 2024 at 09:00
  234. avatar
    #234 KES Oldboy

    @Roger (Comment #211)
    The KES vs GREENSIDE curtain raiser at Ellis Park was in 1986 & one of the curtain raisers for the final Boks vs Cavaliers Test match. Interestingly, James Small wasn’t a legend in 86 despite it being the year he should have matriculated. I don’t recall him making a huge impression in 86 & he didn’t make either of the Tvl Craven Week teams. But my goodness was he good in 87! His pace was astounding & his willingness to run from anywhere made him a huge name & fully deserved his SA Schools cap.

    30 May, 2024 at 08:45
  235. avatar
    #233 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #226)
    Comming from the deep rural Freestate I was a bit of an enigma to the girls of those days ,I proparbly was the only boy in Brenthust who knew how to Sokkie and langarm dance,I wore kortbroek and rugga kouse in winter and was able to braai at the age of 15 …..oo en die feit dat haar ma saam met my pa skool gehou het het ook gehelp

    30 May, 2024 at 05:55
  236. avatar
    #232 Roger

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #227)
    the most memorable fisticuffs of my club rugby (non) career were against Police, RAU and Randfontein – man oh man! Most often we got donnered but not for lack of trying :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    and one particularly vicious 15 on 15 brawl against Roodepoort with game abandoned – was nasty! Roodepoort and RAU were top dogs in club rugby in those days but nothing was worse than a Saturday afternoon away game in Randfontein – bliksem!!

    30 May, 2024 at 00:06
  237. avatar
    #231 Roger

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #228)
    I recall KES playing against Grey High at the Saints festival in 1991 and losing by a single point – I’m sure it was the main game on the Saturday! That ’91 KES team were pretty useful too.

    30 May, 2024 at 00:04
  238. avatar
    #230 Roger

    @Asterix (Comment #229)
    great to hear – thanks for that. Strong ethos and leadership in those two schools

    30 May, 2024 at 00:01
  239. avatar
    #229 Asterix

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #227)
    When affies played Kes this past weekend, one of the comments were about how much bigger the Affies boys at the younger ages were compared to the Kes boys, but those boys of Kes were like Duracell bunnies they just never gave up and keep going, the same when Affies played Jeppe a few weeks ago.

    29 May, 2024 at 22:40
  240. avatar
    #228 Maroon machine supporter

    @Roger (Comment #218)Besides Pretoria Boys High, my universe of English schools were limited to Rietondale Primary and Clapham High. I only attended a Saints and KES rugby festival (as a spectator) for the 1st time in the early 90’s and I was astounded to see how good the English schools were. I took a particular fancy in Grey High back then (must have been the colour of their jerseys). Grey High had a strong team in 91/92…think Greg Miller was the flyhalf. Greg really impressed me in the main game at the KES festival on the Saturday. If memory serves Greg later in that year teamed up with Chad Alcock to play CW for EP.

    29 May, 2024 at 22:14
  241. avatar
    #227 OUD ANKER

    @Roger (Comment #219)
    The most brutal tackles and fisty.. how is your mother.. I’ve faced were from souties, even before the era of the Malcolm Marx and John Smiths of the world…therefore I will always have a respect and soft spot for the KES, Jeppe, Bosch, PBHS (obviously) of this world!

    29 May, 2024 at 22:04
  242. avatar
    #226 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #221)
    And trust me if @Smallies had an English chick in 87 in Brakpan he must have been a hunk, because ANY English chick in those days were either from Brakpan High or the Convent en ons Afrikaanse dom donners was heeltemal out kind of our liga! And our English were speaken kind of much kak!

    29 May, 2024 at 21:48
  243. avatar
    #225 Maroon machine supporter

    @Asterix (Comment #220)
    Jou geheue is nog heel goed. Ja, Theuns du Toit was nogals agro…hy was die een vleuel terwyl Gerhard Brandt (een van die vinnigste in Pretoria oor 200m) die ander vleuel was. Cornel Windell was op heelagter.

    29 May, 2024 at 21:43
  244. avatar
    #224 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #222)
    The main reason we played barefoot in laerskool was because toks would have been too big an expense…we literally had PT shorts, that’s it. Do athletics in a normal white vest…for rugby it’s barefoot, same shorts and team jerseys that you return. Cricket we all played with the same 2 school bats, and pads, gloves…the okes not as keen to share the salad bowl though lol…

    29 May, 2024 at 21:03
  245. avatar
    #223 Roger

    @Deon (Comment #222)
    in good old JHB back then, English speaking primary schools didn’t play rugby – only soccer, and we were far more interested in Manchester United, Liverpool, Spurs etc than watching the Currie Cup. The Springboks hardly played back then – although I do remember the NZ Cavaliers Tour in ’86 being huge! It was only once we got to High school that rugby became the number one Winter code!

    29 May, 2024 at 20:59
  246. avatar
    #222 Deon

    @Roger (Comment #219)
    My first rugby game, under 9, was against SACS Primary, second one against Fishhoek, third one against Boston Primary. So, all English. Most of our team were Afrikaans but Henry, our captain, was English speaking. Nowadays all primary schools play barefoot I think, but back in the 70’s we were in the league wearing togs, while Stellenbosch Primary and AF Louw Primary played in the barefoot league.

    29 May, 2024 at 20:51
  247. avatar
    #221 Smallies

    @Roger (Comment #219)
    I honestly thought all English speaking people came from England….🤣🤣🤣🤣and in 1987 I actually had an English girlfriend

    29 May, 2024 at 20:36
  248. avatar
    #220 Asterix

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #214)
    Ek het vergeet van Bennie, die speler wat ek na verwys het was du toit.

    29 May, 2024 at 20:33
  249. avatar
    #219 Roger

    @Smallies (Comment #217)
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
    When I was in the army I was taken out jolling in Klerksdorp by some Afkrikaans friends – and was told “moenie die meisies loer nie – jy sal opgefok wees”. That was some experience – one thing national service did was introduce us JHB Northern suburb soutpiele to the real platteland Afrikaners.

    29 May, 2024 at 20:33
  250. avatar
    #218 Roger

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #215)
    in my time at KES the only Afrikaans school we played was Monnas (and we never lost at 1st team level in those years) – and KES and Monnas have a long history. I know KES and Helpmekaar have a long history too, but in my day they had stopped playing (dunno why). Beyond that – not much

    29 May, 2024 at 20:26
  251. avatar
    #217 Smallies

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #215)
    Up untill 1985 when we moved from the Freestate metropolis of Dewetsdorp to Brakpan I did not know there were English schools in South Africa, my surprise was big when I found out there were three in Brakpan alone

    29 May, 2024 at 20:23
  252. avatar
    #216 Vleis

    @Roger (Comment #211)
    I think it was in ’87.
    Yeah, the first time I ever heard of Menlo was one Saturday afternoon in about 2005 when St Alban’s beat them in a Classic Clash on TV….so I sent my son to St Alban’s, but the trend did not continue, as he received a few huge pakslae from said Menlo. :lol: That said, those were the days when Menlo’s junior teams were ranked in the top 5 of the country – e.g. in 2012, Menlo’s 1st team was hammered by a large score v Centurion, but their u14A team beat Centurion u14A by over 90 points! 8-O

    29 May, 2024 at 20:11
  253. avatar
    #215 Maroon machine supporter

    @Roger (Comment #212)
    And Afrikaans boys like myself went through school believing the English schools (with the exception of Pretoria Boys High) can only play soccer🙂

    29 May, 2024 at 20:11
  254. avatar
    #214 Maroon machine supporter

    @Asterix (Comment #206)
    Ferdi Venter was die slot en hy het inderdaad later so paar wedstryde vir die Bulle gespeel. Wat sy storie merkwaardig maak is dat hy eers in Gr.11 begin rugby speel het nadat die afrigters hom na ‘n lang gesukkel oorreed het. Hy was net te groot en te lank om nie rugby te speel nie. Bennie Botes was die losskakel. Hy was toe maar nog in Gr.10 gewees. Sou nie sê hy was agressief nie. Bennie het ‘n rugbybrein en goeie hande en voete gehad (soos sy pa Louwtjie wat in die 70’s so paar Currie cup wedstryde vir Vrystaat gespeel het). Soos van tevore al op blog gesê is…Bennie is in sy Gr.11 jaar Affies toe en het in sy post-matriek jaar een van Affies se heel 1ste SA skole spelers geword (hy het senter gespeel vir die Skole span).

    29 May, 2024 at 19:50
  255. avatar
    #213 Vleis

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #207)
    Yep, schools like Affies, PRG, PG, HJS, GCB and quite a few others are now effectively rugby academies, which means that they’re quite a lot better than they used to be and a gargantuan amount better than the rest.
    Greenside used to have an annual derby v Capricorn – one year, we’d host them and the next, they’d host us.

    29 May, 2024 at 19:44
  256. avatar
    #212 Roger

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #207)
    Jeez, we lived in our bubbles in the eighties heh – we had never heard of all these Afrikaans Pretoria schools – only knew of Affies ‘cos the Boys High guys told us we were lucky not to play them every year :mrgreen: The Saints rugby festival broke down some boundaries in those days in that we were exposed to more schools than just Johannesburg and a few tours here and there but the schools invited to Saints were mostly the big traditional schools. Had never heard of FH Odendaal, HF Verwoerd, Menlo, Hugenote, Voortrekkerhoogte (I’m guessing were all military children) etc etc

    29 May, 2024 at 19:41
  257. avatar
    #211 Roger

    @Vleis (Comment #199)
    Was it ’86 or ’87 that KES and Greenside played a curtain raiser at Ellis Park?
    @Kaya 85 (Comment #207) I seem to remember James Small running rings around KES on the wider, bigger Ellis Park field but I may be wrong? KES won narrowly that day.

    29 May, 2024 at 19:35
  258. avatar
    #210 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #209)
    I think Monnas has a small dose of PTSD (or PSDT…lol) after their trip to Bloem last week.

    29 May, 2024 at 19:00
  259. avatar
    #209 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #208)
    Either that or get a moerse pak

    29 May, 2024 at 18:57
  260. avatar
    #208 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #201)
    To beat Monnas you mean?

    29 May, 2024 at 18:55
  261. avatar
    #207 Kaya 85

    @Vleis (Comment #199)
    Only a little surprised to hear this Vleisie…probably had James Small in that team. I heard how he launched a counter attack from behind his own tryline in their game vs KES that year to run the full length of the field and score. Maybe someone can confirm this?
    Greenside, Bryanston, Northcliff were all pretty good hey…also Sandringham. And as mentioned, Capricorn up in far northern Tvl too.

    29 May, 2024 at 18:54
  262. avatar
    #206 Asterix

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #202)
    As ek reg onthou het julle ‘n baie groot slot gehad, wat na skool ook bietjie verder gegaan het en ‘n baie aggresiewe nr 10. Die skool het ook in 90 en 91 met 1 punt verloor teen FH in die bloubulle kwart of semi as ek reg onthou. Daai jare was die Moot skole nog baie sterk in rugby.

    29 May, 2024 at 18:30
  263. avatar
    #205 Maroon machine supporter

    @Smallies (Comment #204)

    29 May, 2024 at 18:21
  264. avatar
    #204 Smallies

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #203)
    Soos ek se hulle het n kans om geskiedenis te maak 🤣🤣🤣Watter kant toe die weet ons nog nie

    29 May, 2024 at 18:09
  265. avatar
    #203 Maroon machine supporter

    @Smallies (Comment #201)
    Tensy Monnas soos Menlo met baie beserings sukkel glo ek hulle sal terug bons…en MV mag dit net dalk ontgeld.

    29 May, 2024 at 17:51
  266. avatar
    #202 Maroon machine supporter

    @Asterix (Comment #200)
    Korrek. Het in die laerskool en hoërskool teen hom gespeel. In laerskool was dit soms ‘n hele paar wedstryde per jaar. In ‘88 het ons naelskraap teen hulle verloor op hulle tuisveld. Ons forwards was te sterk vir hulle maar Kobus Vlok was daardie aand op sy aller beste en het die game vir FH gewen.

    29 May, 2024 at 17:32
  267. avatar
    #201 Smallies

    Marais Viljoen kan dalk Saterdag geskiedenis maak….Hang net af van wat gese gaan word Saterdag en wie dit gaan se…

    29 May, 2024 at 17:26
  268. avatar
    #200 Asterix

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #183)
    Was jy ook Skrumskakel soos Joost, ek neem aan jy het teen hom gespeel in 88. Daai jare het die moot skole mos almal teen mekaar gespeel.

    29 May, 2024 at 17:08
  269. avatar
    #199 Vleis

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #167)
    I see that Affies lost to Rondebosch in ’87. In that same year, Greenside played Wynberg and SACS away from home and were unbeaten in those two games. I presume that Wynberg and/or SACS were at a similar level to Rondebosch, which means that Greenside was at a similar level to, or better than, Affies in ’87…in theory anyway! :lol:

    29 May, 2024 at 16:52
  270. avatar
    #198 Smallies

    @tzavosky (Comment #193)
    Inderdaad ne

    29 May, 2024 at 14:03
  271. avatar
    #197 tzavosky

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #196)
    Ek het einde 88 eers op Tzaneen geland, so die plaaslike skole was nog nie op my radar nie, dud geen geheue oor daai wedstryd nie.

    29 May, 2024 at 12:18
  272. avatar
    #196 Maroon machine supporter

    @tzavosky (Comment #193)
    Ek het amper vergeet Merensky was in 1988 in die finaal teen Lichtenburg op die Liggies se tuisveld. Wat ek egter nie geweet het nie is dat die finaal eers in die 112de minuut deur Lichtenburg gewen is.

    29 May, 2024 at 11:59
  273. avatar
    #195 Grizzly

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #192)
    Dis reg,weet sy een seun het sy spoed geerf.Was in Pta-Noord en toe Oos-Moot toe.SY seuns was saam myne in Laerskool Theresa Park.Net intresant sy oudste was een van daai ouens so paar jaar terug wat deel was van daai miljoen rand one hand catch van RAM couriers.Na ek hom baie jare terug gesien het,het ek hom so paar maande terug by n Carlton game gesien.Dit gaan goed met hom.

    29 May, 2024 at 11:41
  274. avatar
    #194 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #179)
    What a lekker game to watch…thanks for that link. Good tough old-fashioned north of Vaal rugby…fly halves and fullback taking drop kick pot shots from anywhere…a 45m drop kick or 2 going over. Also notice the kicking and positional type of play…and the ‘finals rugby’ approach…in ’99 when Jannie de Beer sank England with 5 drop goals the northern hemisphere press went ga-ga…well back in ’87 as u see, any decent school flyhalf was already aspiring to that…the age of Naas. Also notice how we used to play upright mauling game on the hard fields of the highveld…basically zero rucks as they are defined and played these days. As soon as a loose scrum collapsed ref would blow the whistle. And after a wheeled scrum, the other team would get the throw in. Of course, no lifting in the lineouts either. Enjoyed watching that. The other day my brother-in-law also sent me a YouTube link of an old 80’s VHS recording of a Capricorn High School game…they were very good, similar style of rugby, and well supported judging by that video too.

    29 May, 2024 at 11:41
  275. avatar
    #193 tzavosky

    @Smallies (Comment #185)
    Ek laaik veral die Lexington advertensie op die telbord – hoe het tye nie verander nie!

    29 May, 2024 at 11:39
  276. avatar
    #192 Maroon machine supporter

    @Grizzly (Comment #186)
    Ek het baie respek vir Kobus. Hy was op skool ‘n skitterende atleet (naelope en verspring) en ook ‘n skitterende losskakel. Ons het mekaar op skool redelik goed geken. Na skool het ek kontak verloor…dink hy is polisie toe as ek reg onthou?

    29 May, 2024 at 11:31
  277. avatar
    #191 Grizzly

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #190)
    O ja,onthou nou weer die Windell gesprek.

    29 May, 2024 at 11:26
  278. avatar
    #190 Maroon machine supporter

    @Grizzly (Comment #188)
    Natuurlik…altyd moeilik as mens jou eie baas is!

    29 May, 2024 at 11:24
  279. avatar
    #189 Maroon machine supporter

    @Grizzly (Comment #186)
    Ek was in die Mootskool wat tussen FH en jou almamater geleë is.

    29 May, 2024 at 11:19
  280. avatar
    #188 Grizzly

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #184)
    MY baas was ek!Ek het gebou daai tyd en het iets soos conrete gekry vir vloer of Inspekteur afspraak of so iets,kan nie onthou.Soos jy weet moet jy genooi word.Gustaf kon een pel vat wat my pel was.Toe cancel een van die 6 daar was 2 4balle en hulle kry toe nie n ander ou op kort kennisgewing nie.Die wat Joost se Gustaf kan nog n vriend vra toe my pel bel.Joost nooit persoonlik geken nie,een keer vinnig by SAPD hoof kantoor ontmoet.

    29 May, 2024 at 11:18
  281. avatar
    #187 Maroon machine supporter

    @Smallies (Comment #185)
    Vra hom asb wie het in 1988 heelagter gespeel. Cobus Vlok was losskakel, senters was Riaan Botha (later ‘n Springbok paalspringer saam met Ockert Brits) en Johannes vd Westhuizen (Joost se neef as ek reg onthou), Lardus Engelbrecht en Charl Timms was die vleuels. Ek kan vir die dood net nie onthou wie was fullback nie?

    29 May, 2024 at 11:12
  282. avatar
    #186 Grizzly

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #183)
    Wat se skool was jy?Ken vir Vlokkie die 10 baie goed in daai FH Odendal span.Sy kinders ook goeie rugby gespeel.

    29 May, 2024 at 11:09
  283. avatar
    #185 Smallies

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #182)
    Is nogal ,een van daai FH Odendaal manne werk saam met my …gaan nie sy naam noem nie maar hy is n beer van n man

    29 May, 2024 at 10:51
  284. avatar
    #184 Maroon machine supporter

    @Grizzly (Comment #181)
    Kan net dink jy is spyt…hoop jou baas het jou waardeer. Dit was ‘n groot sacrifice!

    29 May, 2024 at 10:49
  285. avatar
    #183 Maroon machine supporter

    @Grizzly (Comment #180)
    Jy het Joost en die familie dan beter as ek geken. Ek het baie op skool teen hom gespeel en het vir die duur van ons Veldskool in dieselfde kamer as hy geslaap (want ons was in dieselfde groep). Het op universiteit nog so bietjie kontak gehad. Ek spot graag wanneer ek sê dis net Joost wat tussen my en ‘n loopbaan in rugby gestaan het :wink:

    29 May, 2024 at 10:38
  286. avatar
    #182 Maroon machine supporter

    @Smallies (Comment #179)
    Wow, dis nou ‘n blast van die past, baie dankie. Daai FH agterlyn was uiters talentvol (die losskakel en 2 senters was on par met Joost). Verder was die hele agterlyn, behalwe die een vleuel en die heelagter (as ek reg onthou), nog in Gr.11 in 1987. Dis hoekom hulle een van die groot gunstelinge in 1988 was…maar vir een of ander rede het die magic daardie jaar ontbreek.

    29 May, 2024 at 10:29
  287. avatar
    #181 Grizzly

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #178)
    Daai selfde tyd kry ek n oproep een Donderdag aand van my pel wat Gustaf se beste pel was.Daars n opening vir n 4 bal saam Joost se 4 bal op Leopard Greek die volgende dag,Vrydag.Ek was klaar comited met werk en kon nie gaan nie.Tot vandag een van my groot spyt.🤬

    29 May, 2024 at 10:13
  288. avatar
    #180 Grizzly

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #178)
    My skoon pa was 2 IC van Pta verkeer,Joost se pa Gustaf het onder hom gewerk.My vrou hulle het altyd saam gekuier toe hulle jonk was by danse en Kersfees afsluitings.Presies dieselfde ouderdom.In die middel 2000 was ons n club,club19 van so 24 ouens wat een keer n maand n ander baan gespeel het.Gustaf,Joost se jonger broer was deel en n baie goeie golfer,bal baie ver geslaan.Baie oor Joost se dinge gechat.Nooit geweet hys dieselfde ouderdom as ons nie met die vroeg skool toe.Ons was 89 in matriek.Na Ruben Kruger is hy saam Danie en PSDT die beste bokke wat ek sien speel het.Punt.

    29 May, 2024 at 09:59
  289. avatar
  290. avatar
    #178 Maroon machine supporter

    @Grizzly (Comment #177)
    Korrek, Joost was 16 in Gr.11…hy het darem vroeg in die jaar verjaar. Re Willie Katz, ek dink jy is korrek (noudat jy dit noem) en dit verklaar deels hoekom Langenhoven se rugby in daai jare so goed was. Ek het net gehoor van die lapa…

    29 May, 2024 at 09:24
  291. avatar
    #177 Grizzly

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #176)
    Ok,so as Joost 17 in Matriek was en gr11 dan 16?Hy was briljant in sy gr11 jaar.Was Willie Khatz al hoof by Langenhoven daai tyd?Jy al daar bo by die Lapa gebraai by Langenhoven?

    29 May, 2024 at 09:03
  292. avatar
    #176 Maroon machine supporter

    @Grizzly (Comment #71)
    Menlo moes in die QF teen Joost-hulle verloor. FH en Langenhoven was die een SF terwyl Affies en Brits (wat daardie jaar 2de geeindig het in B-Afdeling) die ander SF was. Ek het op Affie website gaan lees Affies het finaal teen Langenhoven eers in doodsnikke gewen toe Christo Potgieter in die hoek gaan druk het. Joost en FH het die 0/15 Direkteurstrofee in 1986 gewen en was groot gunstelinge om dit as 1ste span weer in 1988 te doen…maar dit was nie vir hulle bestem nie.

    28 May, 2024 at 22:26
  293. avatar
    #175 Maroon machine supporter

    @kantako (Comment #73)
    Joost was in 1988 in matriek…hy was ‘n jaar vroeg skool toe. Joost en sy FH span het in die SF van die NTvl streek teen Langenhoven verloor. Langenhoven het baie sterk span gehad en is net net deur Affies in die NTvl finaal geklop.

    28 May, 2024 at 22:17
  294. avatar
    #174 Kaya 85

    @4×4 (Comment #171)
    Just checked out the Affies 1992 team…
    with a certain J. Purchase in the team photo.
    @OudAffie, the current captain’s Dad maybe?

    28 May, 2024 at 19:25
  295. avatar
    #173 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #170)
    Yeah very sad…and go back 50+ years you also have CBC Pretoria (!??) taking on Affies…Die Fakkel (Jhb South) winning the Administrators Trophy too. HS Kensington playing Affies…that must have been a sight…wonder if big Frik played that game? Just a matter of time before the Curros and Reddams start making their names on the rugby field.

    28 May, 2024 at 19:01
  296. avatar
    #172 Kaya 85

    @4×4 (Comment #171)
    Thx will do

    28 May, 2024 at 18:54
  297. avatar
    #171 4×4

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #166)
    Just go to the drop down box on the left to. Go to history and then you can get it there….or send me your email and I send it to you…I have already screenshot it

    28 May, 2024 at 18:52
  298. avatar
    #170 OUD ANKER

    @OudAffie (Comment #164)
    Dis eintelik baie hartseer hoe skole rugby in die platteland en kleiner dorpe tot ‘n val gekom het. Ek bedoel hier sit ons en debatteer teen wie Affies moontlik volgende jaar kan speel in Menlo se plek, so min as 20 jaar terug sou ons binne 5 minute 20 skole binne ‘n 100km radius kon opnoem!

    28 May, 2024 at 18:03
  299. avatar
    #169 Smallies

    @tzavosky (Comment #165)
    Bier is altyd koud daar en hulle lunches is nice

    28 May, 2024 at 16:32
  300. avatar
    #168 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #167)

    28 May, 2024 at 16:30
  301. avatar
    #167 Kaya 85

    @OudAffie (Comment #134)
    Those Tom Naude guys who went toe to toe with Affies…? But These days?… where do players in that region go for school

    28 May, 2024 at 16:26
  302. avatar
    #166 Kaya 85

    @4×4 (Comment #161)
    Thx 4×4…goes back to 2013?

    28 May, 2024 at 16:22
  303. avatar
    #165 tzavosky

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #157)
    @Deon (Comment #154)
    Ja, die plek het boheems geraak, maar ek stop so nou en dan daar om myself te verwonder. Ek bedoel, die ou Valley Inn wat aan ‘n skool pêl se pa behoort het, is nou die Karoo Art Hotel..
    Ronnie’s Sex Shop daar by Warmwatersberg dink ek was ‘n puik opgradering!

    28 May, 2024 at 16:22
  304. avatar
    #164 OudAffie

    @Bungee (Comment #163)
    Rooi 38 op die roulette tafel

    28 May, 2024 at 16:21
  305. avatar
    #163 Bungee

    @OudAffie (Comment #152)
    Nommer 38 volgens watse rankings? Het julle nie reeds n fixture teen Diamantveld nie?

    28 May, 2024 at 16:20
  306. avatar
    #162 Smallies

    @OudAffie (Comment #160)
    Gawe klomp daar in die Suid Kaap

    28 May, 2024 at 16:19
  307. avatar
    #161 4×4

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #130)
    Look on All historic scores are their!

    28 May, 2024 at 16:16
  308. avatar
    #160 OudAffie

    @Smallies (Comment #159)
    Gaan nie jok nie, Oakdale het ‘n lekker wedstryd geword die laaste 5 jaar, Sien elke jaar uit.

    28 May, 2024 at 16:13
  309. avatar
    #159 Smallies

    @OudAffie (Comment #152)
    Die landbouskool op Riversdal kan ook n lekker een vir Affies wees

    28 May, 2024 at 16:11
  310. avatar
    #158 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #157)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣goed gestel

    28 May, 2024 at 16:07
  311. avatar
    #157 BoishaaiPa

    @tzavosky (Comment #149)
    Janee…met al die nuwerwetse mense wat daar op Barrydale ingetrek het is daai rugbyveldjie seker nou een of ander vegan se safe space vir meditering!

    28 May, 2024 at 16:05
  312. avatar
    #156 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #155)
    Dans en Kerk is mos ma vir ons die selde as dorp toe gaan

    28 May, 2024 at 16:05
  313. avatar
    #155 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #153)
    Oh ek het dit al gesien ja, maar ek vermy dans en kerk.

    28 May, 2024 at 16:03
  314. avatar
    #154 Deon

    @tzavosky (Comment #149)
    Vooruitgang is ‘n relatiewe term. Hulle sê Barrydale het baie vooruitgegaan, maar vir my het dit baie verander sedert die 80’s en in die verkeerde rigting. Oorgekommersialiseerd, daar vanaf ou oom en tannie Cook ( Susan se ma en pa) se huis af regdeur. Ek vermy Stellenbosch ook ten spyte van al die “vooruitgang”, en Barkly Wes/Dikgatlong en Hotazel soos die pes agv agteruitgang.

    28 May, 2024 at 16:02
  315. avatar
    #153 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #148)
    Kak lekker boots vir dans en kerk

    28 May, 2024 at 15:55
  316. avatar
    #152 OudAffie

    @Bert (Comment #150)
    Dink dit is ‘n moeilike een, Noordheuwel en Monnas, is in terme van hoeveelheid spanne en ligging, is die tweeling van Krugersdorp. En hoe kies mens tussen ‘n tweeling. Die waarheid is dit gaan nou baie interressant wees om te sien wie en waar Affies gaan nader om die bepaling vir 2025 te vul. Rustenburg, Nelspruit, Middelburg, Krugersdorp, Durban, PE of een van die vele spanne in die Republiek van Kaapland. My geld is op Nr 38 rooi

    28 May, 2024 at 15:51
  317. avatar
    #151 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #148)
    Ja jy kry grasshoppers nogal kak duur hoor by die R700 n paar maar soos hilux jou n lang tyd

    28 May, 2024 at 15:48
  318. avatar
    #150 Bert

    @Cappie (Comment #137)
    Wat van Noordheuwel v Affies vir jaarlikse interskole? Het hulle genoeg spanne?

    28 May, 2024 at 15:44
  319. avatar
    #149 tzavosky

    @Smallies (Comment #128)
    Man, ek voel grootliks soos jy, dis hoekom ek hier ver noord op in Afrika bly. Maar ek het al gehoor mense sê jy moet nooit terug gaan na die plek waar jy grootgeword het nie, want dis meestal ‘n teleurstelling.
    My broer het onlangs gaan kyk na die plaas waar ons op Barrydale gebly het, omtrent gehuil toe hy my die storie vertel – “selfs ons rugbyveldjie langs die perskeboord is tot niet”, seg hy!

    28 May, 2024 at 15:30
  320. avatar
    #148 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #141)
    Kry mens nog Grasshoppers? En Bata Toughees? Ek weet nie wat DKW, Gypseys of Redbacks is nie. Ek neem aan dis kakhipak en lang wolkouse kerk toe saam met die grasshoppers?

    28 May, 2024 at 15:29
  321. avatar
    #147 Smallies

    @Smallies (Comment #146)
    Maar selfs toe het ekke darrem twee paar skoene gehad ,Grashoppers vir skool en Gypsies vir DKW

    28 May, 2024 at 15:20
  322. avatar
    #146 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #145)
    Ek is mos n gesiene man nou ….

    28 May, 2024 at 15:19
  323. avatar
    #145 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #141)
    @Smallies jyt verseker opgang gemaak van jou Brakpan dae af om so baie paar skoene te besit. Onthou die Brakpan dae van 1 paar DKW skoene…Dans, Kerk en Werk!

    28 May, 2024 at 15:17
  324. avatar
    #144 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #142)
    Ek weet nie ,maar dit moet iemand wees wat hulle praatwerk op Saterdae doen op die rugbyveld…

    28 May, 2024 at 15:16
  325. avatar
    #143 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #139)
    Late 1980s early 90s Hugenote were anyday as strong as Affies ,Grey,Boishaai and PRG of those years…

    28 May, 2024 at 15:14
  326. avatar
    #142 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #138)
    Aangesien Grey amper 100 verby Monnas gesit het is ‘n fixture tussen Affies se 3e-span en ondertoe en B-spanne en ondertoe dalk ‘n plan teen Monnas in die plek van Menlo. Ek weet net nie teen wie Affies se 1e,2e en A-spanne daai dag gaan speel nie. Wit Bulle teen Wit Osse…!

    28 May, 2024 at 15:12
  327. avatar
    #141 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #140)
    Ons het darrem nog grasshoppers vir kerk ook en n paar wolverine boots vir werk en n paar Redback boots vir dorp en dans,o ja en vellies vir pantoffels

    28 May, 2024 at 15:05
  328. avatar
    #140 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #135)
    Anders as Vrystaters is togs darem nie die enigste skoene wat Paul Roosers het nie. :wink:

    28 May, 2024 at 15:04
  329. avatar
    #139 Kaya 85

    @OudAffie (Comment #134)
    thank you.
    Wow, Hugenote were strong those years.

    28 May, 2024 at 14:45
  330. avatar
    #138 Smallies

    @Cappie (Comment #137)
    Ek sal kyk na nog n Kaap se skool dan het jy een weg en een tuis elke jaar ,ja die kostes neuk maar ,maar at least kan al jou spanne speel….of dalk n Griffins dag waar Trio Welkom gim en die twee Bethlehem skole betrokke is by

    28 May, 2024 at 14:33
  331. avatar
    #137 Cappie

    Nou kan almal (Menlo en Affies) op die eksamens konsentreer. Ek wonder watse derby kan hierdie een vervang. Ek sien daar was maar min mense by die Grey vs Monnas wedstryd verlede Saterdag. Affies vs Paul Roos of Paarl Bois sal darem ideal wees, maar die afstand bly ‘n ding. Miskien maar weg en tuis teen Grey speel. Beide skole sal daarby baat.

    28 May, 2024 at 14:27
  332. avatar
    #136 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #133)
    Hule is virseker van die bestes in die land …

    28 May, 2024 at 14:19
  333. avatar
    #135 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #133)
    Kerrie pap is amper so outdated soos Paul Roos se toks ….hengel het in n moerse wetenskap ontaard waar tot die lugdruk bestudeer word 🤣🤣🤣🤣dan begin ek nie eers praat van lyndikte hoek groote en die verskydenheid dips en lokmiddels op die mark nie

    28 May, 2024 at 14:16
  334. avatar
    #134 OudAffie

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #130)
    Affies 1987 Season:
    Beat Tom Naude 16-15
    Lost Hugenote 9-15
    Beat HTS Vereeniging 7-0
    Beat Potch Gim 15-9
    Beat AHS Germiston 24-6
    Beat Helpmekaar 21-16
    Drew FH Odendaal 15-15
    Beat Gerrit Maritz 27-3
    Beat Linden 15-9
    Beat Waterkloof 20-9
    Beat Voortrekkerhoogte 10-9
    Beat Menlopark 20-6
    Beat PBHS 13-10
    Lost Langenhoven 0-6
    Beat HTS Tuine
    Lost Rondebosh 9-13

    28 May, 2024 at 14:16
  335. avatar
    #133 Deon

    @Grizzly (Comment #131)
    Garsies, Menlo ens is ook puik skole. Hoe meer sulke skole hoe beter vir ons almal.

    28 May, 2024 at 14:13
  336. avatar
    #132 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #129)
    Flippit, wat volgende? Ek dog kerriepap is die begin en einde. Sal vir jou lekker vrot rooiaas uit oom Johhny Predikant se syfie wat onder die melkhoutboom hang stuur.

    28 May, 2024 at 14:11
  337. avatar
    #131 Grizzly

    @Deon (Comment #127)
    Ok,los die kuk,stem.Gim is n puik skool.

    28 May, 2024 at 14:09
  338. avatar
    #130 Kaya 85

    @OudAffie (Comment #65)
    For interest sake…do you have Affies’ 1987 match results?

    28 May, 2024 at 14:05
  339. avatar
    #129 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #126)
    Daar is nie genoeg caramel in jou aas nie….

    28 May, 2024 at 13:54
  340. avatar
    #128 Smallies

    @tzavosky (Comment #124)
    Ek sal altyd n sagte plekkie he vir die Oos Rand en in besonder vir die Brakpan /Springs area….maar Gauteng en die Oosrand is nie meer die selde plek waar ek groot geraak het nie ,ek dink nie ek sal meer aard daar nie,deesdae soek ek die ooptes van die Vrystaat se Karoo om my en hoe minder mense hoe beter soos al genoem hier word ek deur my wederhelfte geklas as anti mens,die geraas van die stad gee my kopseer en die massas mense maak my benoud …as dit sin maak

    28 May, 2024 at 13:53
  341. avatar
    #127 Deon

    @Grizzly (Comment #125)
    Ek gaan nie lees of stry nie want ek like jou gans te veel om iets onaangenaam te maak hiervan.

    28 May, 2024 at 13:48
  342. avatar
    #126 Deon

    @Asterix (Comment #122)
    Hulle het die beste eerstespan, gereeld min diepte, nog minder op akademiese vlak. Hoor nou vir Smallies. :wink: Daar is anyway niks anders om te doen in Bloem.

    28 May, 2024 at 13:47
  343. avatar
    #125 Grizzly

    @Deon (Comment #119)
    Ok Deon gaan lees weer myne.Ek begin my sin met As,so my kritera.Dis hoekoem ek se kom ons kom ooreen op n kriteria.Snelvuur het gou gaan loer op SA school sport.Wat van afgelope 10 jaar,wat van krieket en atletiek.Wat van akademie?Daai is klaar gesort op die blog se matriek uitslae.Kom ons kom ooreen op die kriteria en dan kan ek bewys of nie.Koop en daai snert niks uit te waai nie,slegs uitslae.Of as jy wil dan kan ons goodwill aan die naam uit 5 koppel.Gim kan 5 kry.Niks na skool of hoeveel springbokke of Staats Presidente,net die skool uitslae.

    28 May, 2024 at 13:46
  344. avatar
    #124 tzavosky

    @Smallies (Comment #92)
    Nee, jou probleem is nie dat daai skole in Gauteng is nie, dis dat hulle NIE op die Oos-Rand is nie!

    28 May, 2024 at 13:45
  345. avatar
    #123 Smallies

    @Asterix (Comment #122)
    Dis eintlik n akademiese instelling wat so n bietjie rugby op die sidelines speel om die koshuis seuns besig te hou tussen studie tye

    28 May, 2024 at 13:41
  346. avatar
    #122 Asterix

    @Snelvuur (Comment #120)
    Grey is goed in al hulle sport, maar ek verkies maar meer om na hulle te verwys as ons land se nr 1 rugby skool. 8))

    28 May, 2024 at 13:38
  347. avatar
    #121 Grizzly

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #117)
    Nee hulle moes in dieselfde span gespeel het.In een jaar ek dink.Maar vra vir Kantako,sy qwiz.

    28 May, 2024 at 13:36
  348. avatar
    #120 Snelvuur

    @Asterix (Comment #115)
    Grey is eintlik ‘n top sokkerskool. Onder die groot rugbyskole, is die huidige sokkerranglys as volg: 1. Westville (2de), 2. Maritzburg College (3de), 3. Wynberg (7de), 4. Grey College (8ste), 5. DHS (14de), 6. Glenwood (15de), 7. PRG (26ste), 8. Rondebosch (31ste), 9. Northwood (32ste), 10. Dale (39ste), 11. Bishops (41ste), 12. Selborne (46ste).

    28 May, 2024 at 13:31
  349. avatar
    #119 Deon

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #110)
    Nee man. Haal diep en rustig asem en lees opmerking #72 en my reaksie weer so paar maal. Het ek ge-impliseer dis my opinie of het ek, soos my vriend Grizzly, gesê ek is reg tot jy my my verkeerd bewys? Moerse verskil. Het ek toe ook sommer stellings gemaak soos hy oor Gim vs byv Garsfontein wat betref spandering aan sport en akademie en dan genoem ek is korrek totdat ander my verkeerd bewys. Geensins oop vir oortuiging nie. Dis die punt. Indien ek my opinie moet substansieer : Is Gim verplig om spanne in Gauteng te koop soos Garsfontein dit doen in die Kaap en elders om net op eerstespan vlak soos iets te lyk? Nee, hulle het baie meer diepte en organiese aantrekkingskrag, soos Affies ook. Lees dan Snelvuur se plasing oor meisiesporte by Gim, asook ander sporte. So, ek SOU EERDER Sê dat as Gim dieselfde doen hulle nog verder voor sou wees,weereens, ” ek sou eerder sê”, my opinie, gebaseer op niks so bisar soos om te maak of ek binnekennis het van Gim se spandering, finansies en begroting nie. Kyk waar staan Gim met ranglyste en Springbokke, sê maar in vergelykbare periodes.

    28 May, 2024 at 13:31
  350. avatar
    #118 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #114)
    Jy reken …Grey het nogals groot belê in sy sokker program ,tot onlangs was hulle coach n voormalige Bafana kaptein gewees fasilityte by windmill park is topklas en hulle het elke jaar n groot sokker toernooi….jy weet mos Grey doen als wat hulle aanpak reg🤣🤣🤣🤣

    28 May, 2024 at 13:30
  351. avatar
    #117 OUD ANKER

    @Grizzly (Comment #116)
    Albei was in die 2007 World Cup squad. As Gary in matriek in Kloof was tel dit vir my 50 randjie!

    28 May, 2024 at 13:23
  352. avatar
    #116 Grizzly

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #111)
    Het hulle saam in die span gespeel,ek sien Gary is 42 en Wickus 45.Dink Gary het net matriek jaar gespeel,mos van Overkruin.

    28 May, 2024 at 13:16
  353. avatar
    #115 Asterix

    @Rainier (Comment #113)
    Netnou word daar na GCB as ‘n sokker skool verwys en dit sal nie goed wees nie.
    Oud affie het so ruk gelede vertel van Affies se sokker, dit was nogal baie interessant.

    28 May, 2024 at 12:58
  354. avatar
    #114 OUD ANKER

    @Rainier (Comment #113)
    Dan het GCB GEEN kans nie! Affies het in 2010 net voor die sokker world cup in Suid Afrika ‘n sokker game gereel tussen die koshuis brakke en dailies. Ek kan nie onthou wie het gewen nie, maar die punt is Affies het 100% meer wedstryd oefening agter die blad as Grey!

    28 May, 2024 at 12:51
  355. avatar
    #113 Rainier

    @Asterix (Comment #90)

    Ek dink hulle moet AHS en GCB se sokker programme met mekaar vergelyk.

    28 May, 2024 at 12:47
  356. avatar
    #112 Jakes

    @Smallies (Comment #41)
    Ja ek glo EGJansen sal nie weer so aan die slaap gevang wil word in die eerste helfte teen Waterkloof soos in hul vorige game nie. Verwag ook ‘n helse aanslag van EGJ die keer. Dis die laaste game van die seisoen.

    28 May, 2024 at 12:44
  357. avatar
    #111 OUD ANKER

    @Grizzly (Comment #109)
    Kan ek ook asb ‘n 50 randjie kry? Gary Botha en Wikus van Heerden (World Cup 2007) was albei in Waterkloof.

    28 May, 2024 at 12:43
  358. avatar
    #110 OUD ANKER

    @Deon (Comment #107)
    Prof, tensy ek my graad 1 juffrou moet gaan opspoor en dagvaar omdat ek nie kan lees nie, nee, jy het my nie geantwoord op my vraag dat jy ook met bewyse moet kom oor jou stelling dat Gim ligjare voor almal is nie. Daai is ook ‘n skiet-uit-die-heup stelling wat jy tog ook met konkrete bewyse moet kan verdedig…dieselfde wat jy van @Grizzly verwag…of soos jy dit stel “assertations without evidence can be dismissed without evidence”

    28 May, 2024 at 12:34
  359. avatar
    #109 Grizzly

    @kantako (Comment #108)
    Baie dankie!Ek gaan sommer nou daai groen vorm in vul en vra dat hulle dit oor plaas United toe.7 werksdae is nie te lank om te wag nie🤣🤣My eerste instink was Monnas maar kon niemand kry saam Jaques nie.

    28 May, 2024 at 12:26
  360. avatar
    #108 kantako

    @Grizzly (Comment #77)
    Dankie dat jy deelneem in die Trivia, R50 vir jou van Volkskas bank 🤣

    Yes ek dink Wynand was in 2007 groep. So dan is Hugenote en Affies gelyk. In Noordvaal

    28 May, 2024 at 11:45
  361. avatar
    #107 Deon

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #99)
    Het ek jou nie reeds ge-antwoord nie? #91.

    28 May, 2024 at 11:43
  362. avatar
    #106 Grasshopper

    @House Rugga (Comment #105)
    Eish boet, I hope not for Glenwood vs St Charles, that would be a tragedy…..the Glenwood boys need something this season….

    28 May, 2024 at 11:34
  363. avatar
    #105 House Rugga


    St Stithians by 9 Pts
    St Charles College by 11 Pts
    Kearsney by 24 Pts
    Maritzburg College by 3 Pts
    Westville by 6 Pts
    DHS by 7 Pts
    Rondebosch by 29 Pts
    Wynberg by 4 Pts
    Selborne College by 8 Pts
    Cambridge by 27 Pts
    Hudson Park by 24 Pts
    Dale by 13 Pts
    Grey High School by 39 Pts
    Kingswood by 59 Pts
    Affies by 39 Pts
    Pretoria Boys High by 12 Pts
    St Alban’s by 38 Pts
    St Davids Marists by 6 Pts
    Garsfontein by 10 Pts
    Monnas by 35 Pts
    Helpmekaar by 3 Pts
    EG Jansen by 1 Pts
    28 May, 2024 at 11:24
  364. avatar
    #104 Snelvuur

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #103)
    Die naaste wat jy aan die lug in Gauteng in die Kaap kom is by die ingang van die BA-gebou by Stellenbosch Universiteit waar die rook (van elke soort aard) so dig hang dat jy net-net die studente se blou hare kan sien.

    28 May, 2024 at 11:09
  365. avatar
    #103 OUD ANKER

    @Snelvuur (Comment #102)
    Dis juis hoekom dit BAIE veiliger is om in Gauteng te bly vir jou gesondheid. In die Kaap kan jy nie sien wat jy in-asem nie. In Gauteng kan jy al die gasse sien en dan besluit wat omte vermy. Jy weet natuurlik tabak verkope in Gauteng is die laagste in die land…niemand het tabak nodig nie, want mens rook by default!

    28 May, 2024 at 11:04
  366. avatar
    #102 Snelvuur

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #100)
    Baie waar – in die Kaap kan jy net suurstof inasem: in Gauteng het jy ‘n keuse van allerhande ander gasse wat in die lug rond dryf (en die horison grys verkleur)!

    28 May, 2024 at 10:34
  367. avatar
    #101 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #94)
    Ek wil nou juis vir @Beet vra hoeveel Affies in ranking posisies gaan val noudat hulle punte aan Die Menlo gestuur het!

    28 May, 2024 at 10:32
  368. avatar
    #100 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #92)
    Gauteng is eintelik ‘n baie lekker plek, die see het nou wel bietjie ver terug getrek en is dit permanent laag gety, maar waar anders kan jy bv. AL jou grocery shopping op ‘n straat hoek doen! en Gautengers is die mees vrygewende mense in die land. Huisinhoud en voertuie word op ‘n daaglikse basis aan minder bevoorregtes in Zimbabwe en Mozambiek geskenk! Gauteng jou lekker deng!

    28 May, 2024 at 10:30
  369. avatar
    #99 OUD ANKER

    @Deon (Comment #91)
    Prof jyt die stelling gemaak dat Gim LIGJARE voor ALMAL is, so bewys jou stelling met objektiewe bewyse en moenie (jou eie woorde) uit die heup uit skiet nie.

    28 May, 2024 at 10:23
  370. avatar
    #98 Deon

    @Snelvuur (Comment #96)
    Baie waar. Ding is, akademie is nie spansport nie, en my kinders sou nie beter op PRG en Bloemhof gedoen het as wat hulle hier gedoen het nie, en hulle het uiteindelik baie goed gedoen. My laaitie het baie middae met sy kayak tussen walvisse uitgeroei om te gaan visskiet, wondere aanskou, lifesaving en sea scouts gedoen, berg geklim. As hy nou in PRG op koshuis was het hy dit alles verloor. Hulle was in die beste skole VIR HULLE.

    28 May, 2024 at 09:25
  371. avatar
    #97 Grizzly

    @Snelvuur (Comment #96)
    Hilton en MH vir inkomste per skool….keep it in the family🤣

    28 May, 2024 at 09:14
  372. avatar
    #96 Snelvuur

    @Asterix (Comment #90)
    Stem rakende hoe moeilik dit is om ‘n maatstaf vir akademie te kry. Dit sal baie meer genuanseerd moet wees as bloot slaagsyfer of selfs gemiddelde hoeveelheid A’s. Sekere skole se kinders doen baie beter op universiteit as ander s’n (selfs onder kinders wat dieselfde punte op skool gehad het). By Stellenbosch Universiteit, byvoorbeeld, doen oud-Bloemhoffers ongelooflik goed (soos in off the charts goed), terwyl oud-Paul Roosers die beste van die seunskole doen. Daar is natuurlik baie faktore wat bydra (sosioekonomiese posisie, ondersteuning uit die ouerhuis, ens, ens), maar ek dink dit is definitief ook ‘n geval van dat sekere skole leerders beter voorberei om universiteit toe te gaan. Mens kan natuurlik ook argumenteer dat akademiese prestasie slegs ‘n klein deeltjie van die totale skills is wat ‘n mens leer by ‘n skool. Kan ‘n mens kyk na die gemiddelde inkomste van ‘n skool se oud-leerders as ‘n proxy vir hul bydrae tot die gemeenskap na skool? Maar wat van die wat belangrike poste in NPO’s beklee? Dit is regtig moeilik om die skool se insette tot naskoolse sukses betroubaar te meet.

    28 May, 2024 at 09:03
  373. avatar
    #95 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #92)
    Jou mening is fine, solank jy nie noem ek is verkeerd totdat ek jou verkeerd bewys nie. Ek kon myself net nog nooit indink dat mens so ver vanaf die see grootword nie. Ek woon vanjaar 30 jaar by die see en het groot geword naby die see. Hoe kinders oorleef sonder elke dag surf, bodyboard of duik of lifesaving doen vir sport is weer vir my onverstaanbaar, en hoogs subjektief maar ek sal nooit iemand vra om my verkeerd te bewys nie.

    28 May, 2024 at 09:03
  374. avatar
    #94 Smallies

    @OudAffie (Comment #86)
    Het julle punte gegee🤣🤣🤣

    28 May, 2024 at 09:02
  375. avatar
    #93 Deon

    @Asterix (Comment #90)
    Perfek gestel. Vir my is die beste skool die naaste skool, veral as my kind geen sportreus is nie. As ek op Stellenbosch gewoon het, het my seun PRG toe gegaan en my dogter Bloemhof, indien ek in die Paarl gewoon het het beide Gim toe gegaan.

    28 May, 2024 at 08:59
  376. avatar
    #92 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #88)
    Daai skole in PTA is inderdaat top klas skole ,en mag heel waarskynlik beter as Gim wees ,soos ek egter se dis my mening ….my grootste probleem met Menlo Kloof en Garsfontein is die feit dat hulle in Gauteng is ….

    28 May, 2024 at 08:57
  377. avatar
    #91 Deon

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #81)
    Ek het niemand gevra om my verkeerd te bewys nie. Dit is die verskil. Dis soos om in n hof in te stap en te stel jy het verkrag, bewys my verkeerd, of jy is skuldig. Howe sal vol bly en tronke nog voller as dit so maklik was. Maar kyk maar na Snelvuur se pos en na Garsfontein se diepte vs Gim se diepte.

    28 May, 2024 at 08:54
  378. avatar
    #90 Asterix

    @Grizzly (Comment #79)
    Dit gaan alles afhang wat jy gaan gebruik as maatstaf, tussen Gim, kloof, garsfontein, en Menlo is almal top skole met fokus op akademie. Gim die sterkste met rugby, maar menlo weer sterkste met atletiek en so kan mens aangaan en aangaan. Oor akademie kan mens ook redeneer gaan dit oor meeste onderskeidings, of gemiddelde onderskeidings of gemiddelde persentasie van al die kinders. Dan kan mens weer redeneer is seunsskole beter ens, ens. Op die einde moet ons net dankbaar wees dat ons nog soveel goeie skole het. Sien daar is bv. n gesprek ip ‘n ander blog oor wie is die beste met skolerugby in totaal, grey of Affies of die wynland skole. Want as jy na 1ste spanne kyk skop Grey almal se gatte maar as jy na diepte kyk en al die spanne is Affies weer sterker. Persoonlik dink ek mens word gemeet op jou 1ste span maar dan moet mens seker dieselfde doen met al die ander sport en akademie. Dit hang alles af waar is jou kind gelukkig en waar pas hy aan.

    28 May, 2024 at 08:54
  379. avatar
    #89 Grizzly

    @Deon (Comment #80)
    Ok vir een ek is oop vir n billike debat.Jy verwys na ligjare itm van wat?Niemand stry teen Gim se rugby nie.Dit gaan oor die totale skool met al die aktiwiteite.Rugby slegs n klein %.So die eerste ding is die kritera,my voorstel is soos bo.As jy in stem sal ek begin poog om my punt te bewys.Ek se 50% vir akademie omdat dit eerstens n skool en opvoedkundige insteling is.

    28 May, 2024 at 08:50
  380. avatar
    #88 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #84)
    Dis alles ok Smallies, solank hulle net nie die stelling maak en dan die onus op jou laat om hulle verkeerd te bewys nie en te glo hulle is reg totdat jy van die bewyslas ontslae raak nie. Dis waar die verskil inkom.

    28 May, 2024 at 08:50
  381. avatar
    #87 Smallies

    @Grizzly (Comment #79)
    Sien my post aan prof Deon

    28 May, 2024 at 08:49
  382. avatar
    #86 OudAffie

    @Snelvuur (Comment #85)
    Ek wil nou nie sê watter skool nader aan die N1 die emmer geskop het nie…

    28 May, 2024 at 08:47
  383. avatar
    #85 Snelvuur

    @OudAffie (Comment #82)
    Dis darem jammer dat Affies se manne so lig loop vir Menlo 😉

    28 May, 2024 at 08:46
  384. avatar
    #84 Smallies

    @Grizzly@Deon (Comment #80)
    Kyk jy moet onthou ne dis my mening en menings is mos soos aambeie elke tweede poepol het een 🤣🤣🤣 maar as ek in die Wynland gebly het sou my dogter na net een skool toe gegaan het…

    28 May, 2024 at 08:45
  385. avatar
    #83 Snelvuur

    @Grizzly (Comment #79)
    Rerig? Gim se rugby en hokkie (seuns en meisies) is, volgens die ranglyste, heelwat beter as al drie daardie skole s’n. Gim se krieket het egter wel redelik in die hek geduik onlangs, maar hulle netbal is steeds top 5 in die land (heelwat hoër as Garsies en Kloof, en min of meer gelyk met Menlo). Ek dink nie Gim is noodwendig die beste skool in die land nie (hoe sou mens in elk geval so iets bepaal?) en ek dink nie hulle het so gebalanseerde offering soos party ander skole nie, maar hulle is eintlik nogal goed in die sporte wat jy gelys het.

    28 May, 2024 at 08:44
  386. avatar
    #82 OudAffie


    Daar word verneem dat geen rugby die naweek gaan plaasvind tussen die buurskole nie. Een van die skole het die rugby bepaling gekansselleer.
    28 May, 2024 at 08:44
  387. avatar
    #81 OUD ANKER

    @Deon (Comment #80)
    Prof Deon..DITTO vir jou stelling/bewering dat Paarl Gim ALMAL LIGJARE voor is, bewys dit.

    28 May, 2024 at 08:36
  388. avatar
    #80 Deon

    @Grizzly (Comment #79)
    Nee, hy wat beweer moet bewys. Assertions without evidence can be dismissed without evidence . So niemand hoef jou verkeerd te bewys nie, jy moet jouself reg bewys, jy maak immers die stelling. Gim is julle almal ligjare voor en jou wilde heupskoot gaan niks verander nie. Ek sou eerder dink dat as Gim een fraksie uitgee op spanne uit Gim se hartland koop wat julle doen sou hulle nog beter presteer. Spekulasie gaan dit nie verander nie.

    28 May, 2024 at 08:22
  389. avatar
    #79 Grizzly

    @Smallies (Comment #72)
    As jy 50% vir akademie gee en die res vir sport,se jou basiese groot sporte atletiek,rugby,krieket,hokkie( seuns en meisies),netbal en wat ook al gaan Garsies,Kloof en Menlo Gim gerieflik pak gee.Ek maak die stelling,bewys my verkeerd.

    28 May, 2024 at 08:09
  390. avatar
    #78 Grizzly

    @Bloktrui (Comment #76)
    In die ander semi uit geskakel van NTVL afdeling,nie in eindstryd nie.Maar jy sal beter weet.Ek vat n raai Die Hoogte was self wild in die 80’s.

    28 May, 2024 at 07:55
  391. avatar
    #77 Grizzly

    @kantako (Comment #73)
    Moet Affies wees,Wynand,Fourie?Was Wynand in 2007 WB?

    28 May, 2024 at 07:52
  392. avatar
    #76 Bloktrui

    @Grizzly (Comment #71)
    Voortrekkerhoogte het in 1986 in finaal op Loftus verloor teen HTS Sasolburg…sovêr ek weet was dit die enigste keer dat “die Hoogte” (my almamater) in die finaal gespeel het

    28 May, 2024 at 06:32
  393. avatar
    #75 Smallies

    @kantako (Comment #73)
    87 was Hugenite 88 Lichtenburg 89 Kemptonpark
    As my geheue reg is het Hugenote in die kwart eind net net teen Stoffberg gewen

    28 May, 2024 at 05:55
  394. avatar
    #74 kantako

    @Smallies (Comment #72)
    Definitely, stem 100%. Op average van sport tot akademie tot view en dorp, en lekker mense.

    28 May, 2024 at 05:54
  395. avatar
    #73 kantako


    @Grizzly (Comment #61)
    Was dit nie die jaar wat Hugenote Spring die Admin gewen het nie ? In die finaal teen FH met Joost?
    3 spelers uit daardie 2 skole wat saam die eerste Wereldbeker vir SA gewen het.

    Hier is n vraag vir die bloggers.
    NOORDVAAL/BEELD/ADMIN noem dit wat jy wil. Is daar al n enkele skool wat meer as Hugenote se 2 spelers in die selfde span n Wereldbeker gewen het ?

    @smallies ek praat nie van Grey wat in 2007 al 41 Bokke in die Wereldbeker verteenwoordig het nie 😉🤣. Slegs Noordvaal.

    28 May, 2024 at 05:53
  396. avatar
    #72 Smallies

    @Pypkan (Comment #69)
    Ek persoonlik dink Gim is dalk over all die beste skool in die land ….

    28 May, 2024 at 05:50
  397. avatar
    #71 Grizzly

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #70)
    Voortrekker Hoogte?

    28 May, 2024 at 05:32
  398. avatar
    #70 Maroon machine supporter

    @OudAffie (Comment #65). Baie dankie, waardeer. Ek gaan moet harder dink teen wie Menlo daardie jaar in die uitspeel verloor het.

    27 May, 2024 at 21:51
  399. avatar
    #69 Pypkan

    @OudAffie (Comment #59)
    Dankie, baie interessant. Moet sê vir ‘n co-ed is Paarl Gim nogal nie te sleg nie. Hulle het ‘n wenrekord teen PRG (41-23-16-2), HJS en Affies. Hulle rekord teen GCB is waarskynlik ook beter as enige ander skool.

    27 May, 2024 at 21:48
  400. avatar
    #68 Grizzly

    @OudAffie (Comment #66)

    27 May, 2024 at 21:37
  401. avatar
    #67 Pypkan

    @OudAffie (Comment #63)
    Noticed that. If Affies had beaten PRG at Noord-Suid in March, it would have been all even.

    27 May, 2024 at 21:36
  402. avatar
    #66 OudAffie

    @Grizzly (Comment #64)
    Affies se rekord teen Gerrit Maritz 1976-1995 is 5 gespeel en 5 gewen. Skies die 1982 het nie teen hulle gespeel nie.

    27 May, 2024 at 21:32
  403. avatar
    #65 OudAffie

    @Maroon machine supporter (Comment #62)
    Affies se 1988 Seisoen:
    Wen HTS Tom Naude 24-7
    Verloor Hugenote 6-12
    Wen Helpmekaar 9-0
    Verloor Potch Gim 4-7
    Verloor H/S Middelburg 12-14
    Wen Belfast 47-6
    Wen HTS Middelburg 15-3
    Wen HTS Tuine 29-0
    Wen Centurion 22-6
    Wen Voortrekkerhoogte 27-9
    Wen Pretoria Boys 13-3
    Wen Ellisras 22-133
    Gelykop FH Odendaal 15-15
    Verloor Menlopark 4-6
    Wen Waterkloof 20-6
    Wen PTA Noord 18-0
    Wen Brits 14-0
    Wen Langenhoven 14-11 (Blou Bulle Liga finaal)
    Wen Dr Malan 16-3 (Direkteurs Kwarteind)
    Verloor Lichtenburg 3-13 (Direkteurs Semi Finaal)

    27 May, 2024 at 21:29
  404. avatar
    #64 Grizzly

    @OudAffie (Comment #55)
    Wat van Gerrit Maritz,het hulle julle nie uit geskakel in kwart eind 82 met admin nie?Hulle moes al gejol het?

    27 May, 2024 at 21:21
  405. avatar
    #63 OudAffie

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #60)
    And until recently against Paul Roos we were level, so 2 then. But Thank you

    27 May, 2024 at 21:19
  406. avatar
    #62 Maroon machine supporter

    @OudAffie (Comment #16)
    Re 1988 stats…ek het nie besef Menlo het daardie jaar vir Affies tydens die liga geklop nie? As ek reg onthou het Affies toe vir Menlo in die semi-finaal van die N-Tvl streek se uitspeel om die Direkteurstrofee geklop, waarna Affies toe vir Langenhoven in die finaal geklop het (Langenhoven het teen die verwagting in vir Joost en sy FH-span in die ander SF geklop)?

    27 May, 2024 at 21:18
  407. avatar
    #61 Grizzly

    @OudAffie (Comment #59)
    Ons het in my matriek jaar ’89,FH verder gestamp op hul tuis veld as Affies.Onthou dit was ook close maar meer as 1 punt.

    27 May, 2024 at 21:18
  408. avatar
    #60 KES Oldboy

    @OudAffie (Comment #59)
    Amazing stats those. Thanks for sharing. So if you consider that in 5 games or more, there are only 3 schools with a winning record: Grey, Gim & PRG.

    27 May, 2024 at 21:07
  409. avatar
    #59 OudAffie

    @Pypkan (Comment #55)
    Skole wat meer as 10 wedstryde gewen het teen AHS:
    1. PBHS – 42
    2. GREY – 36
    3. HELPMEKAAR – 20
    4. RUSTENBURG – 17
    6. PAARL BOISHAAI – 12
    7. HTS MIDDELBURG – 12
    8. MONUMENT – 12
    10. MENLOPARK – 11
    11. WATERKLOOF – 10
    Skole wat ‘n wen rekord teen AHS het:
    1. Grey Kollege: 46-6-36-5
    2. Paarl Gimnasium: 22-7-13-2
    3. Paul Roos: 24-10-12-2
    4. H/S Empangeni: 2-0-2-0
    5. Ellis Robins (Zim): 1-0-1-0
    6. Gifford High (Zim): 1-0-1-0
    7. Guinea Fowl (Zim): 1-0-1-0
    8. uMTALI Boys High (Zim) 1-0-1-0
    9. Marlow Landbou: 1-0-1-0
    10. SACS: 1-0-1-0
    11. Rondebosh: 4-1-2-1

    27 May, 2024 at 20:32
  410. avatar
    #58 Pypkan

    @OudAffie (Comment #45)
    Wie is die ander 7 skole wat meer as 10 wedstryde teen Affies gewen het?
    Watter skole het meer wedstryde teen Affies gewen as andersom?

    27 May, 2024 at 20:27
  411. avatar
    #57 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #54)
    Hy was in daai span…

    27 May, 2024 at 20:25
  412. avatar
    #56 OUD ANKER

    @Pypkan (Comment #55)
    Rustenburg is vir my nogal ‘n interessante statistiek op daai lys. Ek sou geld verloor het as ek op daai Rustenburg feit moes wed.

    27 May, 2024 at 20:23
  413. avatar
    #55 OudAffie


    1981: AHS 20 – 7
    1982: AHS 6 – 3
    1985: AHS 37 – 6
    1986: AHS 38 – 0
    1987: Gelykop 15 – 15
    1988: Gelykop 15 – 15
    1989: AHS 10 – 9
    1990: FH ODENDAAL 11 – 15
    1991: AHS 27 – 15
    1992: AHS 17 – 10
    1993: AHS 32 – 5, AHS 20 – 12
    1994: AHS 52 – 3
    1995: AHS 22 – 6, AHS 30 – 3
    1996: AHS 53 – 0

    Kyk na die baie naby tellings

    27 May, 2024 at 20:23
  414. avatar
    #54 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #46)
    En daai Oos Moot manne was bere! Ek weet nie wat in daai Moot water was nie, want selfs die Overkruin manne het daai tyd hulle baarde met ploegskare geskeer.@Smallies (Comment #52)
    Eks onder korreksie, maar ek dink Joost was ook in daai FH Odendaal span as ‘n standerd 9 laaitie en ek dink amper FH het vir Affies in die semi-finaal gestamp!

    27 May, 2024 at 20:19
  415. avatar
    #53 Bert

    @Asterix (Comment #40)
    Vir seker kan daar ‘n verrassing wees. Het Menlo se 0/15’s nie Garsfontein gewen wat op sy beurt Affies se 0/15’s gewen het nie? Menlo se junior A spanne kan baie spanne op die dag verras. Hul eerste span lig hul spel ook wanneer daar teen Affies gespeel word.

    27 May, 2024 at 20:19
  416. avatar
    #52 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #50)
    Hier werk n man saam met my wat in daai FA Odendaal span gespeel het wat teen Hugenote verloor het in die final hy is nou nog op 56 n flokken beer

    27 May, 2024 at 20:15
  417. avatar
    #51 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #49)
    Ek stem saam, toe dit Hans Moore was! want Benoni Tegnies (voor dit Hans Moore geword het) se truie was f*kkin lelik!

    27 May, 2024 at 20:12
  418. avatar
    #50 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #46)
    En daai Oos Moot manne was bere! Ek weet nie wat in daai Moot water was nie, want selfs die Overkruin manne (al was dit tegnies nie die Moot nie) het daai tyd hulle baarde met ploegskare geskeer.

    27 May, 2024 at 20:10
  419. avatar
    #49 Smallies

    @Grizzly (Comment #47)
    Vir my was Hans Moore se truie altyd mooi toe ek op skool was

    27 May, 2024 at 20:09
  420. avatar
    #48 Smallies

    @Grizzly (Comment #47)
    Is n mooi trui

    27 May, 2024 at 20:07
  421. avatar
    #47 Grizzly

    @Smallies (Comment #46)
    Saam Pta- Noord hands down die mooiste skool truie vir my.

    27 May, 2024 at 20:05
  422. avatar
    #46 Smallies

    @OudAffie (Comment #44)
    Ek moet nog erns n 1987 Oos moot first team trui he

    27 May, 2024 at 19:59
  423. avatar
    #45 OudAffie

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #35)
    Korrek ja, Skole met die meeste wenne teen AHS:

    1. PBHS 116-65-42-9
    2. GREY 47-6-36-5
    3. HELPMEKAAR: 67-42-20-5
    4. RUSTENBURG: 40-18-17-5

    Verder is daar nie een ander skool wat meer as 13 wenne teen AHS het nie, Affies het al teen 187 skole gespeel sedert 1920 en slegs 11 skole kon 10 of meer wedstryde teen Affies wen.

    27 May, 2024 at 19:58
  424. avatar
    #44 OudAffie

    @Grizzly (Comment #32)
    Ek het eintlik gegaan vir aantal wenne teen AHS, daai lys van my, maar % wenne teenoor westryde gespeel vir PTA skole het Oos Moot eintlik die beste rekord teen Affies. Ongelukkig is Affies se laaste wedstryd teen Oos-Moot in 1982 gewees.

    27 May, 2024 at 19:49
  425. avatar
    #43 Grasshopper

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #36)
    Juju is right, rugby started in Africa way before Oom Jan arrived in 1652…

    27 May, 2024 at 19:34
  426. avatar
    #42 Grasshopper

    @Snelvuur (Comment #24)
    Your muppet mates are correct, Glenwood vs Maritzburg 173 times and Glenwood vs DHS 139 times. Cornwall vs Hilton, played 101 times..

    27 May, 2024 at 19:31
  427. avatar
    #41 Smallies

    @Jakes (Comment #39)
    Gaan Epic wees ,ek dink Kloof kan hulle maar regmaak vir n helse aanslag van EG af

    27 May, 2024 at 18:40
  428. avatar
    #40 Asterix

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #30)
    Ek dink met Affies se Hoof wat ‘n oud matriek leerling van Menlo is, sal die verhoudings altyd goed wees tussen die 2 skole.
    Maar jy is eintlik reg dit is die regte besluit, die tellings maak eintlik ook nie regtig saak nie, wie weet dalk is daar nog erens ‘n verrassing in een van die uitslae.

    27 May, 2024 at 18:29
  429. avatar
    #39 Jakes


    The rematch of the year. EG Jansen vs Waterkloof. This time in the Noordvaal Cup. These two nearly played in a draw earlier in the year and then Waterkloof got the win in injury time. This after Klofies had a 28-0 lead at a time. Could be a cracker again.
    27 May, 2024 at 18:14
  430. avatar
    #38 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #36)
    Legend has it that the first Maritzparra Glenwood interskole op die Cornwall strand gespeel is

    27 May, 2024 at 18:10
  431. avatar
    #37 OUD ANKER

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #30)
    Jy het seker ‘n punt beet, maar dan kan mens ook redeneer dat Affies jaarliks teen “ou” tradisionele vyande soos Oos Moot, FH Odendaal, Overkruin en dies meer moet speel. Die probleem is daardie skole is eenvoudig net nie meer in dieselfde liga as Affies nie en is Menlo nie op daardie selfde trajek nie??

    27 May, 2024 at 18:05
  432. avatar
    #36 OUD ANKER

    @OudAffie (Comment #28)
    Julle gaan vir Hopper kwaad maak! Daar is van daai Natalse skole wat al teen mekaar gejol het voor ou Jan in die Kaap aangekom het!

    27 May, 2024 at 17:59
  433. avatar
    #35 OUD ANKER

    @OudAffie (Comment #19)
    So PBHS is dan die skool wat Affies meer geklop het as enige ander skool insluitende Grey Bloem?

    27 May, 2024 at 17:56
  434. avatar
    #34 OUD ANKER

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #29)
    Het hom! Ek sal fokus!

    27 May, 2024 at 17:55
  435. avatar
    #33 OUD ANKER

    @Djou (Comment #20)
    Okay, het hom! Dankie vir die korreksie.

    27 May, 2024 at 17:54
  436. avatar
    #32 Grizzly

    @OudAffie (Comment #25)
    Yebo,jammer oor daai ander fktp post.Wow my alma mater Oos-Moot se uitslae die beste teen Affies?

    27 May, 2024 at 17:51
  437. avatar
    #31 Smallies

    @OudAffie (Comment #27)
    The mighty Apies river….een van my vrinne se boeta was in Affies in 1986 het hy verdrink in die Apies rivier

    27 May, 2024 at 16:48
  438. avatar
    #30 agter_die_pale_pa

    Lyk my vir Menlo is dit ‘n geval van “Damned if you do, damned if you dont”. Verlede jaar is hul behoorlik gekruising, op hierdie platform, toe hul kop uittrek. Hierdie jaar word hul aangemoedig?

    Moet PBH ook kanselleer omrede hul 10@1 gaan verloor? Die dag gaan oor baie meer as die uitslae, dit is bande tussen twee buurskole wat dekades teruggaan. Ja, Menlo gaan waarskynlik groot pakslae kry, maar as hulle eerlik met hulself is, asook hul ondersteuners, behoort dit nie saak te maak nie. Sien die groter prentjie.

    As hul werklik weer hul program wil opbou, is wegstap van hierdie fixture af die verkeerdste ding wat hul kan doen. Ek haal my hoed af vir Affies dat hul plek inruim vir Menlo. Vat hom op die ken, leer by een van die top rugbyskole in die land, bou die verhoudings met jou buurskool (skole het mekaar nodig), wees realisties oor wat jy uit die dag wil neem en sien dit alles in konteks.

    27 May, 2024 at 16:30
  439. avatar
    #29 Ploegskaar

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #14)
    Kobus Hartman, fokus asseblief

    27 May, 2024 at 16:08
  440. avatar
    #28 OudAffie

    @Snelvuur (Comment #24)
    Natalse Ungelse Skole het ook groot interskole in terme van wedstryde

    27 May, 2024 at 15:38
  441. avatar
    #27 OudAffie

    @Smallies (Comment #26)
    Ek kan maar net sê AHS/PBHS is die grootste interskole noord van die Apies Rivier. (Dieselfde Apies wat regdeur PTA vloei.)

    27 May, 2024 at 15:37
  442. avatar
    #26 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #24)
    Dink die eerste uitgawe van DIE GROOTSTE INTERSKOLE IN DIE WERELD is hier in 1915 rond gewees

    27 May, 2024 at 15:35
  443. avatar
    #25 OudAffie

    @Snelvuur (Comment #24)
    Dit is ons grootste interskole gelaai met groot geskiedenis. Speel al sedert 1923 en eers in die 1980″s het AHS die oorhand gekry.

    27 May, 2024 at 15:32
  444. avatar
    #24 Snelvuur

    @OudAffie (Comment #19)
    Joh! Wonder hoeveel skole daar is wat al meer as 116 keer teen mekaar gespeel het. Dalk die Paarl-skole? Maar hulle speel net een keer ‘n jaar, en sou seker iewers ‘n paar jaar gemis het. Dalk van die Kaapse skole? Maar daar kan nie baie wees nie…

    27 May, 2024 at 15:29
  445. avatar
    #23 Djou

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #14)
    Ek is meegedeel ‘n ander persoon is hoofafrigter by Menlo se 1stes!
    Dalk kan iemand help hier!

    27 May, 2024 at 15:28
  446. avatar
    #22 OudAffie

    @Asterix (Comment #21)
    Skies dan het ek nog nie ‘n nuwer weergawe van die program gesien nie, dit sal goed wees.

    27 May, 2024 at 15:27
  447. avatar
    #21 Asterix

    @OudAffie (Comment #15)
    Dit lyk of daar ‘n paar ekstra wedstryde bygekom het vir saterdag, op die fixtures wys dit Menlo tot by 4 de span en o/16 A,B en c. (13 wedstryde in totaal). Dit lyk my menlo het al hulle seuns gevra om te speel en dalk is daar ‘n paar van die beserings ook terug. Alhoewel ek nog steeds nie saamstem nie, krediet vir Menlo. Wie weet dalk is daar nog ‘n paar opskuddings by van die spanne, en dan sal ek moet verskoning vra dat ek hulle so onderskat het, hoop net daar is geen beserings aan beide kante nie.

    27 May, 2024 at 15:26
  448. avatar
    #20 Djou

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #14)
    Ploegskaar praat van Menlo se nuwe skoolhoof wat Boland Landbou se hoof was!

    27 May, 2024 at 15:22
  449. avatar
    #19 OudAffie


    1. PBHS: 116-65-42-9
    2. Menlopark: 39-28-11-0
    3. Waterkloof: 44-34-10-0
    4. HTS John Vorster: 27-20-7-0
    5. CBC Pretoria: 52-44-6-2
    6. Wonderboom: 20-13-6-1
    7. Oos Moot: 11-6-5-0
    8. CR Swart: 14-9-5-0
    9. Centurion: 31-26-4-1
    10. Pretoria Tegniese Kollage: 32-27-3-2
    11. H/S Hendrik Verwoerd: 17-14-2-1
    12. FH Odendaal: 16-13-2-1
    13. Voortrekkerhoogte: 10-8-2-0
    14. Garsfontein: 8-6-2-0
    15. Overkruin: 10-8-1-1
    16. Eldoraigne: 9-8-0-1
    17. HTS Tuine: 10-10-0-0
    18. Montana: 3-3-0-0
    27 May, 2024 at 15:19
  450. avatar
    #18 OUD ANKER

    @OudAffie (Comment #17)
    Daai is nou ‘n interessante stukkie statistiek! Hoeveel keer het PBHS vir Affies geklop in die geskiedenis?

    27 May, 2024 at 15:06
  451. avatar
    #17 OudAffie

    Menlopark het ‘n beter rekord teen AHS as beide Waterkloof en Garsfontein.

    27 May, 2024 at 15:01
  452. avatar
    #16 OudAffie


    1965: AHS wen ?
    1966: AHS wen ?
    1967: Menlopark wen 12-6
    1968: AHS wen 12-6
    1969: AHS wen 11-5
    1970: AHS wen 9-3
    1971: Menlopark wen 6-3
    1972: AHS wen 17-7
    1973: AHS wen 13-4
    1974: AHS wen 14-3
    1975: AHS wen 22-3
    1976: Menlopark wen 6-3
    1977: Menlopark wen 6-3
    1978: AHS wen 10-7
    1979: Menlopark wen 23-3
    1980: AHS wen 11-9
    1981: AHS wen 15-6
    1982: AHS wen 11-7
    1983: Menlopark wen 15-6
    1984: AHS wen 25-20
    1985: Menlopark wen 18-12
    1985: AHS wen 14-10
    1986: AHS wen 18-9
    1987: AHS wen 20-6
    1988: Menlopark wen 6-4
    1989: Menlopark wen 9-3
    1989: AHS wen 20-17
    1990: AHS wen 18-15
    1990: Menlopark wen 16-6
    1991: AHS wen 13-3
    1991: Menlopark wen 19-18
    1992: AHS wen 35-6
    1993: AHS wen 23-6
    1993: AHS wen 26-8
    1994: AHS wen 43-13
    1995: AHS wen 19-9
    1996: AHS wen 50-6
    2006: AHS wen 26-15
    2022: AHS wen 21-6
    Gespeel: 39
    AHS: 28
    MENLO: 11
    Gelykop: 0
    27 May, 2024 at 14:53
  453. avatar
    #15 OudAffie


    14B v 14C
    14C v 14E
    15B v 15C
    15C v 15E
    27 May, 2024 at 14:44
  454. avatar
    #14 OUD ANKER

    @Ploegskaar (Comment #13)
    Kobus van Dyk is at Waterkloof not at Die Menlopark. Jaco Dames is head coach at Die Menlopark for 2024.

    27 May, 2024 at 14:43
  455. avatar
    #13 Ploegskaar

    @Bert (Comment #12)
    Lekker warm patat wat Kobus so vroeg moet hanteer…

    27 May, 2024 at 12:07
  456. avatar
    #12 Bert

    @4×4 (Comment #3)
    As a Menlo and Affies parent I agree that this fixture should be cancelled. The junior A teams of Menlo will be competitive but Menlo simply does not have the depth or quality otherwise. There is no shame in it, we all know Menlo is overhauling its rugby program. Subjecting teams to 100-0 scores is simply not on.

    27 May, 2024 at 12:00
  457. avatar
    #11 OUD ANKER

    @Snelvuur (Comment #9)
    And/or Maritzburg-Hilton

    27 May, 2024 at 11:29
  458. avatar
    #10 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #6)
    😅😅😅ek stash al van Jan af

    27 May, 2024 at 10:58
  459. avatar
    #9 Snelvuur

    EG-Kloof could well be the game of the week.

    27 May, 2024 at 10:49
  460. avatar
    #8 Asterix

    @Rugbyman (Comment #5)
    Apologies I seemed to have messed up the Garsfontein C and D team, The C team only lost by around 40 against Affies D, not 100, (that was the D team against E), still a remarkable comeback and well done to the coaches and players.
    I believe as a parent and old parent, from both schools they should cancel, (there is nothing to gain in this fixture for this year with the exams and injuries and craven week focus) but you are correct, Menlo can’t afford to cancel so will probably take it on the chin, and I don’t think Affies will cancel as the u/14a team of Affies have an opportunity to at least win another game :wink: .

    27 May, 2024 at 10:11
  461. avatar
    #7 OUD ANKER

    @Rugbyman (Comment #5)
    I agree with you that one should not run away from a fixture. I was one of the biggest critique of Die Menlopark last year when they cancelled the Affie fixture, BUT we all know that Die Menlopark should have been playing in the Shield competition this year and was “artificially” kept in the Cup, therefore my comment that this year I would not mind if the Affies fixture is cancelled, because it is simply not “krag teen krag” anymore. Garsfontein proved it against Die Menlo last Saturday AND being in the middle of the exams just adds another motivation to cancel the fixture….and yes maybe Affies and others should then have a re-look at Die Menlo fixture in the future.

    27 May, 2024 at 09:02
  462. avatar
    #6 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #2)
    Dan moet dit ‘n petrol generator weees, want as jy ‘n diesel generator het is jy geskroef, want al die diesel is opgebruik om die ligte “artificially” aan te hou!

    27 May, 2024 at 08:56
  463. avatar
    #5 Rugbyman

    @Asterix (Comment #1)
    My two cents worth…

    I reacted to someone on the blog stating that the Garsfontein u/14C side needed coaching… I made the point that they are very well coached and has a very experienced coach in place looking after our C and D side. I take my hat off to those boys who played VERY well on Saturday. It must be some kind of record though, taking a 100 and then giving a hundred in the same season.

    On Menlo playing Affies: I fully disagree. If Menlo decides to withdraw again like last year, I do not think Affies will (or should) ever play them again. One should not just run away from a fixture, I cannot and will not ever agree to that. Stand up and fight!

    Have a good week!

    27 May, 2024 at 08:55
  464. avatar
    #4 OUD ANKER

    @Asterix (Comment #1)
    Ek weet wel dat die plan is dat Affies se C, D spanne in die onder ouderdom spanne teen Die Menlopark se B, C spanne gaan speel, maar moet dit heel waarskynlik eerder Affies se E en F spanne wees om dit darem effens kompterend te maak. Die Menlo trots hulleself dat hulle nog krag teen krag wil speel so twyfel ek of hulle sal toelaat dat bv. Affiese 2e span teen Die Menlo se 1e span sal speel, MAAR dan stem ek 100% saam, kanselleer eerder weer die wedstryd soos verlede jaar as Die Menlo te veel beserings het en dit ‘n 100 punte wedstryd gaan wees.

    27 May, 2024 at 08:53
  465. avatar
    #3 4×4

    @Asterix (Comment #1)
    I am in full agreement with you statement

    27 May, 2024 at 08:40
  466. avatar
    #2 Smallies

    Op n ander noot ,het julle manne al julle generators vol gemaak en het julle ekstra petrol gekoop….loadshedding is terug Donderdag🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    27 May, 2024 at 08:18
  467. avatar
    #1 Asterix

    When Garsies played Affies earlier this year, some comments were made when Affies u/14 E team beat Garsfontein U/14 C 103 -3. I see That same team from Garsfontein won Menlopark u/14 C this past weekend by 100 – 0. That is in my opinion the most bizarre turn around, or just shows how different the depth is, in these schools with the amount of boys playing rugby, but well done to those boys for not giving up after the huge loss against Affies.
    As an old Menlopark parent and Affies parent I honestly don’t see the point of Menlo playing Affies this weekend.
    It is in the middle of exams and with Menlo again struggling with a lot of injuries and we know they currently don’t have the boys to cover those injuries, it would be better for the Affies players that made the bulls teams, to rest this weekend, they already playing on Tuesday for the bulls, so a rest on Saturday won’t do any harm.

    27 May, 2024 at 08:13