Monnas & Nories ready to light it up! Plenty of Lions u18s in action

May 2024

At long last! The much anticipated BIG WESRAND DERBY of Krugersdorp! A must-watch event! And hopeful there is a big crowd on hand to watch what will establish itself as one of the leading local schoolboy rugby derbies in SA.

Two really good schoolboy rugby teams face each other. For Nories it is a coming of age season. One that they hope they will be able to shape their future and help establish themselves as a high profile name not only in the Noordvaal. Monnas needs no introduction. Traditionally they are the sixth best rugby school in South Africa. By their high standards, they did not start the year in any sort of favour to perform well, so perhaps a surprising statement to make but Tjaart van der Walt’s Witbulle team has exceeded expectations in 2024.

As far as the Golden Lions Craven Week trials are concerned, the Lions selectors seemed to be getting it spot on.  There are five good 1st XV’s in the region this season and they are all well represented. The selectors have identified the talent in the province and found a way to accommodate all the achievers.

The Lions will host the Craven Week at Monument during the school holidays. If the Lions u18 team gels, they have every chance of repeating the success of 2017, when as hosts at St Stithians they claimed the unofficial title, eliminating WP along the way.

1 Andre Poulton 1 of 8 Jeppe u17 1 Dylan Engelbrecht 5 of 10 Helpmekaar u17
2 Siphosethu Mnebelele 1 of 8 KES u18 2 Gustav Grotius 6 of 10 Helpmekaar u17
3 Ulrich vd Merwe 1 of 10 Helpmekaar u18 3 Juandre Marais 6 of 7 Monument u18
4 Jacques Botha 1 of 7 Monument u18 4 Thomas Beling 6 of 8 KES u18
5 Luan Swart 2 of 7 Monument u18 5 Luke Cannon 7 of 8 Jeppe u18
6 Jamaal Feldman 3 of 7 Monument u18 6 Zaiden Krige 7 of 10 Helpmekaar u17
7 RJ Barnard 4 of 7 Monument u18 7 Dian Scheepers 1 of 2 Marais Viljoen
8 Kebotile Maake 2 of 8 KES u18 8 Brad Brown 4 of 10 Noordheuwel u17
9 Tristan van Niekerk 2 of 10 Helpmekaar u18 9 Ignatius Jantjies 5 of 10 Noordheuwel u18
10 Vusi Moyo 3 of 8 KES u18 10 Rekkie Gerber 2 of 2 Marais Viljoen
11 Cheswill Jooste 1 of 10 Noordheuwel u18 11 Lindsey Jansen 6 of 10 Noordheuwel u18
12 McMillen Mongwana 2 of 8 Jeppe u18 12 Jared Coetzee 7 of 10 Noordheuwel u18
13 Olunje Mehlomakulu 4 of 8 KES u18 13 Ty Ax 8 of 10 Helpmekaar u17
14 Khuthadzo Rasivhaga 3 of 8 Jeppe u18 14 Jarrell Mbuyi 7 of 8 KES u18
15 Sanele Simelane 4 of 8 Jeppe u18 15 Tiaan le Roux 9 of 10 Helpmekaar u18
16 Keenan Meyners 5 of 7 Monument u18 16 Clinton Agu 8 of 10 Noordheuwel
17 Meyer Opperman 2 of 10 Noordheuwel u17 17 Miguel Smith 1 of 1 Northcliff
18 Luca Trevisan 5 of 8 Jeppe u18 18 Azola Peters 1 of 1 Parktown
19 JP Lombard 3 of 10 Helpmekaar u18 19 Chinedu Amadi 8 of 8 KES
20 Risima Khosa 6 of 8 Jeppe u18 20 Vincent Roberts 7 of 7 Monument u17
21 Regan McGurk 5 of 8 KES u18 21 Talent Sithole 8 of 8 Jeppe
22 Michael Benzien 4 of 10 Helpmekaar u18 22 Juandre Uithaler 9 of 10 Noordheuwel u17
23 Jade Muller 3 of 10 Noordheuwel u18 23 Aiden Bester 10 of 10 Noordheuwel
24 Christiaan Tonkin 10 of 10 Helpmekaar u17


  1. avatar
    #45 Smallies

    Ek dink die was die beste kans wat Noordheuwel gehad het in n lang tyd ….

    18 May, 2024 at 15:47
  2. avatar
    #44 Rugby 4 Life

    Baie geluk Monnas! Baie geluk Noordheuwel! n Awesome dag van rugby! Altwee skole kan baie trots wees…
    Geniet die naweek!

    18 May, 2024 at 14:47
  3. avatar
    #43 Rugby 4 Life

    1stes final score 36-33 Vir…..
    Monnas. Great game beide kante

    18 May, 2024 at 14:06
  4. avatar
    #42 Rugby 4 Life

    1stes halftime 22-20 Vir Monnas

    18 May, 2024 at 13:20
  5. avatar
    #41 Rugby 4 Life

    U16A final score 30-20 Vir Noordheuwel. Great game Noordheuwel. Monnas te veel foute gemaak. Hulle duur gekos

    18 May, 2024 at 11:37
  6. avatar
    #40 Rugby 4 Life

    U15A final score 17-3 Vir Monnas

    18 May, 2024 at 10:05
  7. avatar
    #39 Rugby 4 Life

    U15B 17-15 Vir Monnas final score
    U15A 14-3 Vir Monnas halftime

    18 May, 2024 at 09:31
  8. avatar
    #38 Rugby 4 Life

    Big Derby…
    Scores wat ek sovêr het…
    U16B 34-17 Vir Monnas
    U14A try in laaste sekondes 8-3 Vir Noordheuwel

    18 May, 2024 at 09:14
  9. avatar
    #37 kantako

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #33)
    This is the shittest post I have read in all my years on this blog. In the 2 teams above, I count 10 (TEN) players of colour from Noordheuwel and Monnas. I especially like the SA schools WHITE wing from Noordheuwel (Cheswill Jooste). I dont think the coloured players from Jeppe and KES, the Tyrone Green, Travis Gordon, Malcolm Marx, Joe van Niekerk, you know those coloured players who got selected, did so bad in their careers.

    Dont make silly comments if your boy isn’t selected.

    17 May, 2024 at 21:57
  10. avatar
    #36 Kaya 85

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #33)
    There’s something like 17 or 18 KES boys in the 4 Lions teams v Bulls…you wanted more?

    17 May, 2024 at 21:55
  11. avatar
    #35 Kaya 85

    @Rugby 4 Life (Comment #19)
    Awesome attitude!! Enjoy the day and come report back…I’m checking if EGJ can subdue Helpmk tomorrow….

    17 May, 2024 at 21:53
  12. avatar
    #34 KES Oldboy

    @Rugby 4 Life (Comment #26)
    Mbuso Methula is in the D team as a reserve. They are missing a trick here – he is the real deal. Good hands & brilliant feet with plenty of pace. Can play wing or fullback.

    17 May, 2024 at 21:28
  13. avatar
    #33 KES Oldboy

    @brentsw3 (Comment #5)
    Classens from Jeppe is U18 & is in the D team (C team
    Are U17s) together with Kobrowisky from KES. Both have been outstanding. But you know how it is with The Lions – they really only want KES & Jeppe players who are players of colour. The white kids are picked from Monnas, Helpies & Nories……controversial I know but it’s been like this for years.

    17 May, 2024 at 21:26
  14. avatar
    #32 Rugby 4 Life

    @Wonder (Comment #30)
    Nee my maat ek dink al die games gaan baie close wees.

    17 May, 2024 at 19:12
  15. avatar
    #31 Rugby 4 Life

    @SO (Comment #27)
    My maat dit klink great. En as ons wen is die 3rde en 4de koue op my 🤣 Mooi naweek Manne! Geniet die rugby!

    17 May, 2024 at 19:09
  16. avatar
    #30 Wonder

    @Rugby 4 Life (Comment #19)
    Monnas se 0/14, 0/15 gaan maklik wen. Hoop die ref het goeie game by eerstes.

    17 May, 2024 at 18:19
  17. avatar
    #29 Wonder

    @OudAffie (Comment #16)
    Most learners in Affies does not come from Sunnyside either, so what is your point?

    17 May, 2024 at 18:14
  18. avatar
    #28 Rugby 4 Life

    Na vandag se games… Noordheuwel 2 gewen. Monnas 2 gewen.
    U14C 24-0 Vir Noordheuwel
    U15C het Noordheuwel met een drie gewen. Of 19-14 of 21-14. Iemand updates gegee so nie seker nie.
    U16C 32-14 Vir Monnas
    4des 32-12 Vir Monnas

    1stes, 2des, 3des en A’s en B’s môre
    Kan nie wag nie!

    17 May, 2024 at 17:37
  19. avatar
    #27 SO

    @Rugby 4 Life (Comment #24)
    …ek hoop natuurlik ons wen…maar kom ons kyk, dit gaan awesome wees! Solank ons na die tyd saam ‘n koue een of twee kan geniet en begin stry oor wie volgende jaar gaan wen :-D

    17 May, 2024 at 13:21
  20. avatar
    #26 Rugby 4 Life

    @brentsw3 (Comment #25)
    3 of those boys played together for Monument Primary in grade 7. Played in a Lions final and won the game by about 50 points. Mbuso scored 3 or 4 tries in that final. They played in the league just under the Premier League. I would have loved to see them test themselves against a Kenmare. But unfortunately that game never happened so we will never know. Great to see the boys all still part of strong teams in Grade 12. Looking forward to see where they will go after school

    17 May, 2024 at 11:54
  21. avatar
    #25 brentsw3

    @Rugby 4 Life (Comment #23)
    Yeah, they’ve been great for KES rugby. It was something of a coop getting their buy in at U14/Gr8. They’ve been a great asset to the school.
    Anyway… I was hoping to convince my cohorts into a road trip to Westville but they not too keen. Will be counting on SuperSport for a lot of coverage this weekend. What an amazing resource it is?? Very buggy, very often, but I can’t be anything other than extremely grateful for their commitment to covering schools sports!!

    17 May, 2024 at 11:39
  22. avatar
    #24 Rugby 4 Life

    @SO (Comment #22)
    Dankie ek waardeer! Sien jou definitely daar! Soos altyd sal ek bo regoor die halflyn wees. 2022 by Monnas was 99.99% van die dag awesome! 2023 by Noordheuwel ook 99.99% van die dag awesome. Die admosfeer was beter as amazing! Natuurlik kry jy altyd daai een poepol beide kante (Monnas of Noordheuwel) wat nie weet waaroor dit gaan en dinge wil spoil. Maar dis die 0.01%. Baie min van hulle. Kom ons glo hierdie keer sal dit 100% awesome wees beide kante. Die laaste paar jare se 99.99% baie close aan perfek.

    Natuurlik wil ek hê Monnas moet Noordheuwel pakslae gee maar as Noordheuwel n drie druk klap ek net so baie soos vir Monnas. Ok miskien klein bietjie sagter maar ek klap nog… 😁 Natuurlik wil Ek hê Monnas moet wen maar as Noordheuwel wen is ek bly vir hulle ook. Dit gaan oor die game, groter as Alles en almal, die seuns en oor die 2 wonderlike skole in Krugersdorp. Ek volg skole rugby al vir 32 jaar. In my mind geen beter rugby as skole rugby nie. My seun het saam met baie van die seuns gespeel vandat hulle klein mannetjies was. Toe selfde clubs en party veskillende clubs. En Nou is n paar in Noordheuwel en n paar in Monnas en n paar in ander skole Soos Helpmekaar ens. By die Lions speel hulle almal weer saam en is een span. En na skool miskien party saam vir die Lions en party die Sharks ens. ens. En eendag miskien saam vir die Bokke. Nou wat nou? Noordheuwel, Monnas…wat te hell hulle het ultimately dieselfde goal.

    Having said that…Ek hoop ons wen!
    Mooi dag 😂 Geniet die res van Vrydag. Die games begin vandag. Eks daar! 😈😁

    17 May, 2024 at 11:38
  23. avatar
    #23 Rugby 4 Life

    @brentsw3 (Comment #21)
    Only a pleasure Brent. Pity you can’t attend and yes I hope the stream is a good one! 😁 Monnas…or should I say Supersport Schools not always gotten that quite right especially with games at Monnas… All the more a reason to be there! But hey I am sure they working on it 😈🤣👍🏻 Have a leka day and weekend!

    Your hooker…Sethu, fullback Mbuso, Simphiwe Moyo and Thomas your lock. Seen those boys play since U13. Awesome to see where they are now and how they have grown up. Great to see the boys still enjoying the game. All the best for the rest of your season!

    17 May, 2024 at 11:09
  24. avatar
    #22 SO

    @Rugby 4 Life (Comment #19)
    @Rugby 4 Life, ek kon dit nie beter gestel het nie. Jy is 100% reg. Ek self was nie in een van die twee skole nie maar het aan die Wes Rand groot geword en het nog altyd groot respek vir Monnas se rugby prestasies en geskiedenis. Vandag is ek ‘n Noordheuwel ouer en baie trots op hoe Noordheuwel se rugby gegroei het die laaste 6 jaar. Ek sien uit na lekker kompeterende rugby more. Sien jou daar!

    17 May, 2024 at 10:33
  25. avatar
    #21 brentsw3

    @Rugby 4 Life (Comment #20)
    That does help. thank you very much!!
    I think we in for a real treat! Sadly I won’t be attending. Hoping for a stable stream! Enjoy it man!!

    17 May, 2024 at 08:56
  26. avatar
    #20 Rugby 4 Life

    @brentsw3 (Comment #18)
    Hi Brent. I hope you well. I am going on memory here but pretty sure I am correct…
    U14A no game due to COVID
    U15A Monnas won by 1 point
    U16A draw
    And the teams changed quite a bit after U16. As far as I know only 10 of the current Witbul squad of 23 was part of the U16A squad 2 years ago.

    I hope that helps. Have a leka day and hope you coming to watch at Monnas on Saturday 👍🏻

    17 May, 2024 at 08:32
  27. avatar
    #19 Rugby 4 Life

    Môre manne…en dames. Ek hoop dit gaan goed met almal van julle. n Hele Paar dinge wat ek net wil noem…
    Hierdie is nog nie die finale Cravenweek spanne nie. Daar is 4 spanne gekies. Daar is op die oomblik n span A, B, C en D. Na die games by Loftus B veld die 28ste sal daar dan die 3 finale A, B en C gekies word. Bulls U18A speel Lions U18A, B speel B. Bulls U17A speel Lions C. Bulls U18C speel Lions D. Daar sal changes wees aan hierdie spanne. Maar nie baie changes nie. Hierdie spanne is nog nie cast in stone nie.

    Tweede ding oor die great Derby tussen Noordheuwel en Monnas. Daar sal oor die 10 000 mense daar wees Saterdag. Oumas, oupas, boeties, ma’s en pa’s van beide skole en elke liewe Laerskool kind en ouer wat hulle kind eendag na een van hierdie twee wonderlike skole toe wil stuur. Krugersdorp gaan stilstaan Saterdag nadat al hierdie mense by Monnas aankom. Elke ouderdoms groep van U14 tot 1ste spanne gaan die games naelbyt naby wees. Wat meer kan n mens voor vra? Dis great vir Monnas en net so great vir Noordheuwel. Dis great vir Krugersdorp! As jy lief is vir goeie skool seun rugby dan is daar geen ander plek om Saterdag te wees nie! Dit gaan oor die game wat ons voor lief is, gespeel deur twee awesome Krugersdorp skole. Dis waaroor dit gaan manne!

    Dit gaan nie oor al die ander nonsens wat party manne op hierdie blog skryf of oor enige “dislikes” van enige van die twee skole nie. Dan mis julle die punt en waaroor dit gaan.

    My seun is in Monnas maar ek was nie in Monnas nie. Ek vat my seun van kleins af om die Witbulle te sien speel. Sy bloed is wit. My dogtertjie is ook nou in Monnas. Haar bloed is wit. En my bloed is wit. Hulle altwee presteer in hulle sport en akademie. Ons sal altyd n Monna bly. En so ook kry jy dieselfde by Noordheuwel. En dis great! Trotse Noordheuwel kinders. Trotse Noordheuwel ouers. Trotse Monnas kinders. Trotse Monnas ouers.

    Bring die regte gesindheid en as jy kan kom geniet die dag saam met ons. Dit gaan beter as awesome wees!

    Sterkte Noordheuwel! Sterkte Monnas! Gaan groot maar onthou altyd mees belangrik…Geniet dit!

    17 May, 2024 at 08:13
  28. avatar
    #18 brentsw3

    @OudAffie (Comment #16)
    This Noordheuwel side hasn’t lost to Monnas since U14, or so I was told. Maybe someone can verify….

    17 May, 2024 at 07:46
  29. avatar
    #17 brentsw3

    @beet (Comment #14)
    Marco prefers blondes. :-P
    In terms of selection, they must be neck and neck. Regan, I believe, has played 9 his entire career while Raymond is in only his 2nd season at 9. So where Regan plays on instinct, Raymond is still thinking about it.
    Maybe KES old boy has an opinion on it?
    I thought we might have seen Raymond start against Jeppe, purely for his physical presence. Regan started and had a fantastic game.
    Against Affies next weekend, I would have thought Raymond for his physical presence but barring injury, I’m sure we will see Regan start there too.

    17 May, 2024 at 07:44
  30. avatar
    #16 OudAffie

    @MonnasOB (Comment #10)
    It is a real shame Monnas can’t play Monnas, maybe that would count as the real Krugersdorp Derby. Noordheuwel just a warm-up for Grey as you say. Luckily Noordheuwel taking most leaners in the Krugersdorp area isn’t a problem for Monnas as most leaners at Monnas doesn’t live in Krugerdorp anyway. I would count the derby as a big thing. Noordheuwel spending just as much if not more moola to be the top dog in Krugerdorp.

    17 May, 2024 at 07:31
  31. avatar
    #15 Vleis

    @beet (Comment #14)
    A KES old boy would be much better informed than me, but I believe that he started ahead of McGurk for the opening game v Norries but got concussed in said game so missed the next few weeks. McGurk replaced him in the 1st team and has held on to the starting spot ever since. I think that it was a close battle in the first instance. Also, I think that McGurk is u17.

    17 May, 2024 at 01:32
  32. avatar
    #14 beet

    This Lions A team really looks good.

    I’ve never asked what happened to the tall KES 9 Ray Gordon (Travis’ brother). If any one knows, please share?

    If I could pick five players from the B team that I’ve enjoyed watching this season it would be Zaiden Krige – a little bit of X-factor about him. Vincent Roberts who is picking up his game big time. Jared Coetzee who is a reliable 12. Lindsay Jansen a threatening wing and Jarrell Mbuyi who looks like a finisher’s finisher and quick.
    I think both wings could be accommodated if Cheswill moved to 15 and Rashie to 13 where he has been great. But hard to slot in the other three. Luckily for Krige and Roberts, time is on their side as they will be back in 2025.

    16 May, 2024 at 23:33
  33. avatar
    #13 Grant

    @MonnasOB (Comment #10)
    Have to love the Monnas’ arrogance. Welcome Monnas OB.

    16 May, 2024 at 18:48
  34. avatar
    #12 Grant

    Craven week at Monnas. Academy week at Jeppe

    16 May, 2024 at 18:47
  35. avatar
    #11 Kaya 85

    @ Beet
    and Fundis

    Where will Academy Week take place this year? and GK?

    16 May, 2024 at 18:28
  36. avatar
    #10 MonnasOB

    @kantako (Comment #1)
    First things first. I am glad that you refer to Noordheuwel as Norries and not Nories, as there is already a school in Krugersdorp with that name, and coincidentally they have produced multiple Springboks and provincial players unlike Norries that is still to produce even one senior provincial player. That school is Laerskool Krugersdorp Noord (Nories).

    The problem with your statement, that soon Norries will soon be competing with Affies etc, is the following: Rugby success is not gauged in a couple of years, but rather in decades, half centuries of sustained excellent performances. Don’t take us wrong, we love the local derby and the excitement it brings to the town. But, unfortunately we are not getting to excited, see, like many of the derbies over the years, think of Florida, Bastion, Waterkloof, Glenwood. The only constant remained us. We hope you all of the best on Saturday and we are sure it is going to be a great match. But unfortunately we dont share your enthusiasm as to Norries having arrived just yet.

    After all Saturday is just another league match for us, a rehearsal for our great rivals next week in Bloemfontein.

    Enjoy the match

    16 May, 2024 at 16:36
  37. avatar
    #9 wanza_15

    @Grant (Comment #8)
    lol hmm. 👀👀 interesting

    16 May, 2024 at 13:49
  38. avatar
    #8 Grant

    @wanza_15 (Comment #7)
    It is Mr McGurk.

    16 May, 2024 at 13:19
  39. avatar
    #7 wanza_15

    Coetzee and Zulu are 19. I’m not sure about Klaasen but I’d definitely have expected him to be in the mix, so he may also be 19.

    Uhm, is Regan McGurk is the KES 9?.. Surely not him 👀

    16 May, 2024 at 13:13
  40. avatar
    #6 theblackandwhite

    @brentsw3 (Comment #5)
    I thought KES would have had one or two more players. I have only seen them play twice, but they were very impressive on both occasions.

    16 May, 2024 at 12:30
  41. avatar
    #5 brentsw3

    @theblackandwhite (Comment #4)
    Who did you have in mind? I think some of the Jeppe boys are over age. Klaasen, Coetzee and Zulu to name but 3…

    16 May, 2024 at 11:39
  42. avatar
    #4 theblackandwhite

    Are these the confirmed teams?? Or are these still trial teams?

    I think there are a lot of very good players that are not in either of these squads which is puzzling.

    16 May, 2024 at 11:18
  43. avatar
    #3 Smallies

    The Lions,Pumas ,Falcons and to a certain extent the Bulls should do well at this Craven Week ,hard pitch, a little frostbitten and air pollution at just the right level to allow them to perform while seriously affecting the lungs of other teams…..
    Pumas should ensure that the majority of their team comes from the Witbank Middelburg Secunda area though….

    16 May, 2024 at 10:52
  44. avatar
    #2 brentsw3

    Impressive list of trialists. Craven week and Academy week, at altitude, on the dry and rarefied highveld, will suit the Lions down to a T…

    16 May, 2024 at 10:23
  45. avatar
    #1 kantako


    Wow, this must be the first time in Monnas’ 100+ years existence that Norries has more Lions players than them. Also, the first time since William Webb Ellis picked up the ball and ran, that Norries has the most players in Lions teams. I also read that they are thumping Monnas in Cricket, Athletics, Hockey and Netball.

    Pretty soon they will be playing fixtures against the likes of Affies etc. New kid on the block

    16 May, 2024 at 07:04

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