Jansies to take on the Official Witbulle

The trademark “WITBULLE” officially belongs to Hoërskool Monument of Krugersdorp. They have registered it.

Following a valuable win against fellow GLRU region rivals Helpmekaar in the opening match of the Noordvaal Cup, the Witbulle will be involved in another very high profile match against in-form EG Jansen of Boksburg.

The Noordvaal Cup, the premier league of the region, consists of ten high schools now that Rustenburg has been promoted. At the onset it looks like two competitions in one with EG, Monnas, Garsfontein, Helpmekaar, Noordheuwel and Waterkloof competing of the four playoff berths while the quickly recovering Menlopark, going strong Marais Viljoen, determined to succeed Nelspuit and improving Rustenburg vye to be the seventh best Co-ed rugby school in the old Transvaal.

For Saturday, a massive battle is set to unfold in Boksburg. Jansies have a dynamic efficient pack that tends to be underrated and who are led by a great tighthead in Duwan Potgieter. The Witbulle pack is huge and will look to assert dominance in the tighter phases and setpieces. Both teams have useful backlines that can be electric if they click.

In other matches, the young Menlo team hosts the unpredictable Helpmekaar, while newly crowned NWU Skolesportreeks champions Klofies take on the Laeveld’s finest, the Nellies Rhinos.

1 Zian Marais u18 1 Wikus Meyer u19
2 Danre Pike u18 2 Keenan Meyer u17
3 Duwan Potgieter u18 3 Juandre Marais u18
4 Gerhard Van Aswegen u18 4 Jacques Botha u18
5 Zandre Naude u18 5 Luhan Swart u18
6 Zaide-Lee Rippenaar u18 6 Jamaal Feldman u18
7 Divan Francis u18 7 RJ Barnard u18
8 Storm Labuschagne u18 8 Vincent Robberts u17
9 Riekus vd Merwe u18 9 Hanno du Toit u18
10 Matt Bergman u18 10 Justin Viljoen u18
11 Keanu Van Loggerenberg u19 11 Ernesto Oersen u19
12 Steven Williams u18 12 Theuns du Plooy u19
13 Juandre Jacobs u18 13 Jason Joubert u18
14 Jean-Dre Claassen u18 14 Kealan Milton u18
15 R-Jay Petersen u18 15 Hanu Fourie u18


  1. avatar
    #33 Jakes

    @OudAffie (Comment #31)
    I have been saying, when a high school pack is too massive like in Monnas case, they seem to perform well in the 1st half, but generally fade in the 2nd half. In Monument’s case that is exactly the problem. Any team that can stand up to Monuments massive pack in the first half, will reap the benefits in the 2nd half. EG Jansen with a much smaller pack did it brilliantly on Saturday. Brilliant defense as well.

    28 April, 2024 at 22:36
  2. avatar
    #32 kantako

    @Jakes (Comment #30)
    Yes ek onthou so iets. Eg , Affies, MV was baie sterk daai jaar. HTS Springs en Hugenote ook goeie spanne gehad, Monnas ook nie sleg nie.

    28 April, 2024 at 13:24
  3. avatar
    #31 OudAffie

    @Jakes (Comment #30)
    Monnas having a big pack in term of weight not necessarily means you are going to have a great season. Helps but does not mean you are guaranteed wins. WELL DONE EG Jansen on the win, what i big win again!

    28 April, 2024 at 09:39
  4. avatar
    #30 Jakes

    @kantako (Comment #24)
    EGJansen het daai jaar in 2004 in die super 16 reeks(nu power) dit reg gekry om Affies in die 1/4 eindstryd te wen met 1 punt en Affies uit te skakel. Dit was toe ook die eerste keer in die geskiedenis van die kompetisie wat Affies geklop was. EGJ het toe wel in die finaal van die Super 16 kompetisie dieselfde jaar teen Marais Viljoen verloor wie daai jaar ‘n baie sterk span gehad het. In die direkteurs/admin trofee finale van 2004 het EGJansen en Affies weer in die finaal gespeel en Affies het toe net net gewen sovêr ek kan onthou. So EGJ en Affies het daai jaar in 2004 twee keer teen mekaar gespeel, elkeen 1 wen.

    27 April, 2024 at 23:32
  5. avatar
    #29 Snelvuur

    Baie geluk, EG! Dit is vir my jammer dat hulle nie meer van die groothonde hierdie jaar speel nie.

    27 April, 2024 at 22:40
  6. avatar
    #28 Kaya 85

    @Wonder EG!

    27 April, 2024 at 16:51
  7. avatar
    #27 Wonder

    @Djou (Comment #26)
    EG was 10/0 agter en by halftyd was dit 10 elk. Goeie verdediging en hul pak wat vir Monnas begin domineer het my beindruk. EG is goed,Noordvaal is hard die jaar. Dis lekker om verkeerd te wees.

    27 April, 2024 at 16:00
  8. avatar
    #26 Djou

    Goeie wenne vir Kloof en EG!

    27 April, 2024 at 14:57
  9. avatar
    #25 Wonder

    @Jakes, ek hoop vir ‘n EG wen, maar ek dink Monnas se drie 0/19 spelers maak hulle te sterk.

    27 April, 2024 at 10:50
  10. avatar
    #24 kantako

    @Rugby 4 Life (Comment #16)
    Ek kan verkeerd wees maar dink rondom 2002 kon EG dalk vir Monnas gewen het in die Coke Reeks by Roodepoort rugbyklub. Ook 2004 was EG baie goed gewees, daai jare was die Michelin reeks/NuPower nog sterk en almal het in hom gespeel, ek dink EG het in die finaal vir Marais Viljoen gewen. Dan dink ek het EG slegs daai jaar teen Affies se goeie span van Len Olivier verloor. Flip kerels dis lank terug, maar ek onthou stukke van goeie EG uitslae iewers.
    Daai was die Era wat EG regtig begin rugby ernstig koop, ag ek bedoel vat het. Louis Ludick, Kevin Buys ens.
    Hoop dit help.

    25 April, 2024 at 20:28
  11. avatar
    #23 Kaya 85

    :) @Grasshopper (Comment #17)
    Well there’s only these two as far as decent teams go…they should certainly play at a festival, as should KES v Helpies, Jeppe v EG…these schools are all within 25 -30 mins of each other, it really doesn’t need to be at a festival.

    25 April, 2024 at 16:38
  12. avatar
    #22 Kaya 85

    @Rugby 4 Life (Comment #18)
    LOL Exactly…I would just add, we gotta braai after!!

    25 April, 2024 at 16:33
  13. avatar
    #21 BlouLou

    @Grasshopper (Comment #17)
    But then there will be a significant number of “White kante”. This might confuse some England scouts looking to poach dome talented players.

    25 April, 2024 at 11:36
  14. avatar
    #20 Rugby 4 Life

    Nee ek maak NIE n groter “can” oop nie. Ek grap net. 😁 Mooi aand Manne

    25 April, 2024 at 00:08
  15. avatar
    #19 Rugby 4 Life

    @Grasshopper (Comment #17)
    Klink great maar die official Wit Bulle in hulle gewone Wit truie en die res in veskillende kleure bibs of wat? 🤣😁

    24 April, 2024 at 23:54
  16. avatar
    #18 Rugby 4 Life

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #15)
    Nie n koekin clue nie. Maar seker is dit so maklik as…Google Affies Se nommer of Affies Monnas sin…hello…goed dankie, jammer as dit nodig is, geen jammer as nie nodig is nie…kom julle Witbulle en kom kuier by ons Witbulle volgende jaar vir een game. Ons verskaf die verversings, koek en tee you name it…die 2 Witbulle kan saam wei, horings stamp en ballas swaai daai dag al is dit vir een game. Maar laat die seuns jol. Dit gaan tog oor hulle, nie oor ons nie. Of hoe? 🤣

    24 April, 2024 at 23:49
  17. avatar
    #17 Grasshopper

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #15)
    Have all the schools who claim to be the original Witbulle play each other in an Easter tournament, Wit Sunday final!

    24 April, 2024 at 23:48
  18. avatar
    #16 Rugby 4 Life

    Hierdie is die enigste stats wat ek kon kry vir die 1ste span games tussen Monnas en Jansies.

    Van 2013 af het hulle 8 keer gespeel. Monnas het 6 gewen en Jansies 2. Jansies se eerste wen was 2013 en laaste wen natuurlik die groot 41-17 wen op Monnas se velde in 2023.

    Ek het n hele paar jaar terug gesoek. Sovêr terug as 2005 en toe gestop. Het geen ander games tussen Monnas en Jansies opgetel voor 2013 nie. Voor 2013 het Monnas meer teen Kempies elke jaar gespeel en nie teen Jansies nie.

    Dit is volgens die informasie wat ek gekry het.

    24 April, 2024 at 23:36
  19. avatar
    #15 Kaya 85

    @Rugby 4 Life (Comment #6)
    Fully agree. Who will arrange the Wit Bulle derby?

    24 April, 2024 at 21:52
  20. avatar
    #14 Smallies

    Ek se al baie lank die witbulle ding kan maak vir n sappige interskole ,met die wenner wat vir n jaar die regte op die tietel witbulle het,kom ons noem dit die witbul cup….

    24 April, 2024 at 19:44
  21. avatar
    #13 Jakes

    @OudAffie (Comment #12)
    I unfortunately have no idea but I think the history will favor Monument. It will be nice to actually get these stats.

    24 April, 2024 at 19:30
  22. avatar
    #12 OudAffie

    @Jakes (Comment #9)
    I really do love stats, i was wondering, what is the historical record between Monnas and EG Jansen, it is very difficult to get stats on the Noordvaal schools. ie. played, won lost etc. Thanks

    24 April, 2024 at 17:58
  23. avatar
    #11 OUD ANKER

    @Jakes (Comment #9)
    Sorry @Jakes, but @Beet actually started the topic on the “Witbulle”, therefore it is just logical that it will bring about comments and it is actually very relevant if what #Beet suggested is true about Monument officially owning the “Witbulle” name and do comments not distract from the EG/Monnas game.

    24 April, 2024 at 17:46
  24. avatar
    #10 Rugby 4 Life

    @Grasshopper (Comment #7)
    Sorry Grasshopper not going to answer or get involved in this question. For obvious reasons. At the end of my last comment I think I made my point or the point that really matters. And Jakes is also right…a big game coming this weekend between two strong teams. Let’s enjoy and focus on that moment…

    Have a great day guys!

    24 April, 2024 at 14:54
  25. avatar
    #9 Jakes

    EGJansen is playing Monument. That is what the topic is about. Not who is the ‘real Wit Bulle’. Let’s move on people.🙄🙄

    24 April, 2024 at 14:40
  26. avatar
    #8 OUD ANKER

    @Grasshopper (Comment #7)
    Huge can of worms…let’s see if somebody is prepared to answer you. What I can say is if the heading of this subject by @Beet is not tongue-in-the-cheek and it is true that Monument trade-marked the name it will indeed be a very, very sad day if the likes of Affies and even Montana and Oakdale are not allowed to use the name “Witbulle”

    24 April, 2024 at 14:21
  27. avatar
    #7 Grasshopper

    @Rugby 4 Life (Comment #6)
    That’s something I wanted to ask to, why don’t Affies play Monnas, that would be huge! The battle of the Witbulle!

    24 April, 2024 at 14:18
  28. avatar
    #6 Rugby 4 Life

    Kort geskiedenis van die “Witbul” Naam

    In 1982 “Stroom Op” word daar verwys na die Affies 1ste rugby span spelers as “Bulle” in die Wit truie. Duif vd. Merwe (1ste span afrigter) gebruik die woorde “Wit Bulle” vir die eerste keer in sy rugby verslag in 1983.

    In die boek “Monnas se Witbulle” is daar n foto van Monnas leërlinge / ondersteuners met n banier waarop die woorde “Die Wit Bulle” geskryf is. Dit was met die 1ste span admin Beker finaal teen Hugenote Springs in 1980. Volgens Hans Coetzee (1ste span afrigter) en skrywer van die boek word die Witbulle naam vir die 1ste span van 1979 af gebruik.

    Die groot ding vir my is die skande dat “DIE” twee fantastiese rugby skole mekaar nooit speel nie. Maak nie saak wat die rede of redes daarvoor is nie. Monnas en Affies travel die hele land vol om top skole elke jaar te speel maar “die powers that be” kan nie reël om busse te pak, Witbul of Bulle, horings en ballas saam te vat dat hulle n half uur ry om een keer n jaar teen mekaar jol nie. Maak nie saak wat die redes is nie, dit gaan oor die seuns en hoeveel hulle daarby baat. Ons is sekerlik almal groot mense wat maklik so iets kan reël of wat?

    24 April, 2024 at 14:05
  29. avatar
    #5 Loubser


    I know alot of people claim Monnas is the real Witbul, but kindly follow the link to the Affies history page where there is a very well written article regarding the name, where it started etc., plus information regarding Monnas Witbul.


    24 April, 2024 at 13:45
  30. avatar
    #4 Grasshopper

    @Snelvuur (Comment #3)
    Affies officially founded (28th Jan 1920) a few months before Monnas (1st Feb 1921)…..there maybe a case, depending on the colour of jersies back then….

    24 April, 2024 at 11:29
  31. avatar
    #3 Snelvuur

    Incoming trade mark litigation? Not a trade mark attorney, but if Affies could prove prior use, I could see that blocking Monnas’ registration of the mark.

    24 April, 2024 at 10:20
  32. avatar
    #2 Grasshopper

    I’m hoping that Trademark was tongue in cheek, really? Next thing a school is going to TM the term ‘College’…..

    24 April, 2024 at 09:05
  33. avatar
    #1 Jakes


    I will miss this game live unfortunately. Going to be an epic one. This after EGJansen gave Monument their biggest hiding on Monnas home ground in this cup last year(2023) .EGJ had one of their best games in history on the day.Monument will not want to repeat this error and will want to come out strong. EGJansen will have to be on top of their game to stop the Monnas onslaught that will come on Saturday.
    24 April, 2024 at 08:57

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