Jeppe & KES to meet in one of SA’s biggest school rugby derbies

April 2024

The Red Army of KES will be looking for their biggest victory of the 2024 season since they defeated Noordheuwel 31-27 in their first match back in March.

The 70-minutes on Collard Field at Jeppe will be challenging and will ask everything of the respective 1st XVs. There are contests of note awaiting in every position and facet of the wonderful game. Scrums, lineouts, rucks, mauls, pod drives, backdoor set moves, counter-attacks, one-on-ones,  jackals, linespeed blitzes, box & tactical kicks even kickoffs and so much more. The physical and mental demands will be at a premium. From the sidelines an amazing atmosphere is expected to the order of the day.

Jeppe will want to halt the most effective BBC’s in the KES pack aka Esethu Mnebelele (2) and Kebotile Maake (8).

Likewise KES won’t want to afford the dangerous likes of Matthew Coetzee (10), McMillen Mongwana (12), Khuthadzo Rasivhaga (13) and/or Sanele Simelane any time or room to weave any of the passing or movement magic that has opened up numerous well-guarded paths to the tryline against other respectable opponents.

KES have their own lightning quick threats in the back-three and at pivot Vusi Moyo will be keen to prove that he can control a match of this scale and importance.

The best of the head-to-heads has to be that of the two eighthmen Risima Khosa (Jeppe) versus Maake (KES).




  1. avatar
    #81 KES Oldboy

    @Tang (Comment #80)
    Yes – in 1933/4/5 & then again a few times in the 1940s.

    7 May, 2024 at 18:14
  2. avatar
    #80 Tang

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #79)
    Thank you for the transparency.

    BTW- I can see PBHS and KES played double headers in the 1930’s. Do you see this in your history?

    7 May, 2024 at 18:08
  3. avatar
    #79 KES Oldboy

    @Tang (Comment #78)
    Pleasure. Ok, in the interest of transparency let me answer that:
    14 of the boys have been there since grade 8. 5 Grade 11s & 10 Grade 12s started in the last game vs Jeppe. Of the 5 grade 11s, only 1 is on bursary for rugby/basketball. 2 are sons of old boys & 1 came through the Prep.
    Of the 10 grade 12s; 6 are bursary boys and all what you would call “previously disadvantaged” and in some cases “still disadvantaged” so you can’t begrudge them the opportunity they have been given – all are boarders.

    7 May, 2024 at 16:43
  4. avatar
    #78 Tang

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #77)
    Thank you for the update and for the information in post #73. In 1981, Boys High played SACS, DHS and Glenwood. If you take these fixtures and the Admin Cup fixtures, it makes sense that the KES fixture was a mid-week game.

    In your post #59, you mention 14 of the current team have been at the school since grade 8. Do you know how many were recruited for rugby and given bursaries?

    7 May, 2024 at 12:46
  5. avatar
    #77 KES Oldboy

    @Tang (Comment #72)
    The 1981 fixture was a strange one….only 1st, 3rd & 6th played. I can only assume that PBHS had admin cup games & couldn’t accommodate KES for a full school fixture so this was probably a mid-week game for the schools to keep their amazing rivalry of every year since 1932 (except according to our records there was no game in 1948).

    7 May, 2024 at 10:11
  6. avatar
    #76 KES Oldboy

    @Roger (Comment #75)
    Fortunately for us, the double header only started in 2004 or we would have lost more than the 14 in a row that we did lose from 1999-2008!

    7 May, 2024 at 10:03
  7. avatar
    #75 Roger

    ok, my apologies and thanks for the correction KES Old Boy. So between 1970 and 1984, Boys High won 2 matches out of 15 against KES. From 1999-2008 KES did not beat Boys High. These stats are somewhat skewed (as they are now) because the schools started playing home and away in the nineties. As KES Old boy mentioned, the sixties, seventies and eighties were strong decades for KES rugby, producing 4 unbeaten teams. My point to Tang is that the current KES dominance over Boys High is cyclical and can (and probably will) change. I am fairly certain the overall head to head record is pretty even between the two schools. That is certainly not the case with many other schools KES has long standing fixtures against.

    7 May, 2024 at 08:40
  8. avatar
    #74 KES Oldboy

    @Tang (Comment #72)
    You refer to the 2009 KES team & that they gave the school momentum…… The intake therefore of 2010 & 2011 would have possibly been boosted by this team’s success…..sadly not- the matric classes of 2014 & 2015 went on to have poor seasons & lost by record scores to both PRG & Affies.

    7 May, 2024 at 07:58
  9. avatar
    #73 KES Oldboy

    @Tang (Comment #72)
    PBHS have their stats wrong – there was definitely a fixture in 1981 won 15-6 by KES. Our old-boys office has informed PBHS of this in the past. The match is recorded in our school magazine & I have personally confirmed with at least two KES players that the match took place. For some reason I seem to recall them saying that it was played mid-week. So KES won 11 years & 11 matches in a row (74-84). The streaks now seem a bit exaggerated with the 2 matches per season.

    7 May, 2024 at 07:52
  10. avatar
    #72 Tang

    @Roger (Comment #71)
    I wish it was rubbish.
    1985 – PBHS 22 vs KES 12. You are refering to the period between 1974 and 1984. Boys High lost nine in a row between ’74 and ’84. In 1981, there was no fixture. 1973 was a 3-3 draw and Boys High won in 1972. If you look at the games in the 1980’s most games are very close. 1989: 13-12 to PBHS. 1983: 22-18 to KES. 1980: 9-10 to KES. 1982 and 1988 see a little more KES dominance but it’s not across the board from 1st to u14G.

    Boys high did have the good cyle between 1994 and 2010 but there was no 17 in a row.

    Even in 2009 when KES were ranked number 2 in SA, PBHS beat KES at PBHS.
    The 2009 fixture at PBHS was the only loss of the year for KES! 2009 is a good example. KES had an exceptional side and the result at KES was 15-17. PBHS were leading 15-10 with a minute to play. The game was close.

    I still maintain my argument though. Recruitment of players has led to a very good macro cycle for KES. I maintain the same for Jeppe. If Hassenkamp said, “KES seem to have reinvented themselves”. What did he mean? How was KES rugby re-invented?

    6 May, 2024 at 22:07
  11. avatar
    #71 Roger

    @Tang (Comment #70)
    Rubbish Tang – I’m sure KES OldBoy can confirm but PBHS did not beat KES between 1970 and 1985 – that’s fifteen odd years – longer than the current streak which goes back to 2012. As KES Oldboy said, Pretoria Boys dominated from the mid-nineties until about 2008. It’s all cyclical. I have close family links to Boys High and was always gleefully forwarded the KES-PBHS match reports (written by PBHS for their magazine) in those dark days. One abiding memory from these match reports was when your current Head, Greg Hasenkamp, was coach and, after losing to KES in 2009 (for the first time since 1998) was quoted as saying … “KES seem to have reinvented themselves as a rugby school….”. I remember thinking how arrogant that sounded. Well, its now 17 odd wins on the trot for KES over Boys High so perhaps they need to reinvent themselves. I like Greg Hasenkamp and know him personally – I seriously hope he gets the support to do what’s needed because he will be burning up inside at these poor results – very proud PBHS old boy that he is.

    6 May, 2024 at 16:29
  12. avatar
    #70 Tang

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #69)
    I would say the past decade has probably been the worst in PBHS rugby history. Hence the reason I wanted to check with KES and Jeppe Old Boys on there perspectives. In my opinion 2014 marked a decline in overall PBHS rugby results against traditional rivals. Many PBHS parents blame this on coaching but I have a suspicion it has more to do with recruitement. In 2009, KES used recruitment to affect the outcome of rugby results. Spilhuas brought in several boys from the Eastern Cape and as a result, KES ranked number 2 in South Africa. These results may well have had a positive impact on marketing KES as a rugby school.
    No doubt Jeppe have had a similar affect on their results and I would also put this down to recruitment.

    If PBHS feel they need to get on parity with KES and Jeppe once again and they go on a massive recruitment drive, what happens to school boy rugby and when is enough – enough? I have looked over the history books and I can’t find anytime when both KES and Jeppe were so dominant over PBHS in terms of rugby results. Recruitment is the common denominator which changed the trajectory of results from around 2009. Perspective is always important.

    My idea would be to reach an agreement on the number of sports bursaries which each school would find acceptable. Maybe it’s five rugby bursaries per year. Maybe it’s 7 rugby bursaries per year. I know for certainly it’s not fifteen rugby bursaries per year.

    6 May, 2024 at 14:03
  13. avatar
    #69 KES Oldboy

    @Tang (Comment #67)
    Lovely to reminisce about the 80s but the crazy thing is that it was 40 odd years ago….imagine as a schoolboy in the 80s people talking about the 1940s….we would have thought they were bonkers! I suppose that’s age for you- when you are at school, 5 years back is a long time. When we get older we appreciate the rich history of all these schools & teams. Just on your point of grade 8 recruitment….. recruitment doesn’t only mean financial assistance. It also just includes good marketing and educating people about what the schools have to offer. There are many boys at KES who came purely because they were sold such a good story & they are not on bursaries. Most of them are very happy – as they would be too if they had gone to PBHS – very similar schools. I’m not sure how or why you need “agreements” between schools as to how you recruit? “Recruitment” after grade 8 is a different story…..but if school A does it & school B doesn’t, it’s very difficult for school B to go moaning to school A. The parents & boys of school A should be the ones that actually complain. Unfortunately the old boys of school A will beat their chests & say how wonderful it all is as their kids are not being affected…..

    6 May, 2024 at 09:51
  14. avatar
    #68 Deon

    @Tang (Comment #67)Hi Tang, no, then not the same Craig, but “my Craig” did go to KES and his best friend to St Albans (he later played fullback for the SA Navy and SADF along with Chester Williams and Solly Geduld in a match or two). I understand Craig passed away. He owned a large gun shop in CT, the same shop that sold the crossbow to the Chatburn woman aka Liesbeeck crossbow murderer back in the early 90’s. Strange coincidence.

    6 May, 2024 at 09:49
  15. avatar
    #67 Tang

    @Deon (Comment #63)
    I’m not sure where Craig did military service. He played pro cricket for many years after school. He played at least 75 first class matches. He was also MIC for Sport at St Benedicts until a few years back. I think he is a full time cricket coach now. He was an excellent sportsman. He captained the 1982 Transvaal Schools Nuffield side. So whilst he may not have been a rugby recruit, he made a big difference to the REDS team of 1982. Craig was a brilliant all rounder and he was a top class place kicker. Norman McFarlane found a gem when he saw Craig Norris kick a rugby ball.

    6 May, 2024 at 09:19
  16. avatar
    #66 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #65)
    :lol: Craig ( the one I am referring to) also joined the Marines, became an Ensign, 88-89. Great guy, passed away too soon.

    3 May, 2024 at 12:52
  17. avatar
    #65 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #63)
    That was his ouboet Chuck, who joined the Marines, and owned a fleet of aircraft carriers.

    3 May, 2024 at 09:31
  18. avatar
    #64 Kaya 85

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #59)
    Impressive, you must write a book.

    3 May, 2024 at 09:29
  19. avatar
    #63 Deon

    @Tang (Comment #62)
    Did Craig Norris join the SA Navy and later owned a gun shop in Cape Town?

    3 May, 2024 at 08:37
  20. avatar
    #62 Tang

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #59)
    A blast from the past – Charlie Louw was a very good fly half. If I’m not mistaken he kicked a last minute drop goal against Jeppe in 1984 to even the scores. In terms of Craig Norris, he wasn’t a rugby recruit but he turned out to be a very good winger for the Reds and he could kick a ball from just about anywhere. Norman Mc Farlane – what a legend. He also coached at PBHS and St John’s when he left KES. His three man scrum tactic was an innovation unheard of in school boy rugby.

    In terms of recruitement. If schools (say Jeppe, KES, PBHS) agree on a framework and all are comfortable with the arrangement, then I think it serves the purpose of giving youngsters an opportunity to get a good education and exposure to top class school sport. I have no problem with recruitment at grade 8 level as long as it is within a reasonable and agreed framework.

    3 May, 2024 at 08:27
  21. avatar
    #61 Tang

    @wanza_15 (Comment #58)
    There are some nascent shoots at PBHS Rugby. The younger age groups are producing ever improving results.

    I’m very pleased for Jeppe in terms of the sporting and general turn around. In the 1970’s, 1980’s and 1990’s, Jeppe produced many fine players and were always tough opposition. I don’t think a single team from these decades would compete with the years 2013 to 2024. It’s a remarkable turn around and testament to the vision and courage of a few individuals.

    3 May, 2024 at 08:19
  22. avatar
    #60 Kantman

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #59)
    Lekker reguit – thanks

    1 May, 2024 at 22:34
  23. avatar
    #59 KES Oldboy

    @Tang (Comment #57)
    To answer your first question re relative strength of rugby now…. Very hard to say. KES only became good at rugby in the 70s when we had 3 unbeaten teams. A lot of that was due to Norman McFarland who was a visionary coach. But we didn’t play Afrikaans schools until we picked up Monument in 78..Big fixtures in those days would have been DHS, PBHS & touring games to the Cape.The 80s were also a strong period with some very good teams throughout the school. The 90s saw PBHS starting to dominate in Gauteng & this would continue into the 2000s. KES were regularly losing to the private schools in the early 2000s. When Mike Fennell became headmaster in 2005, I think he put the structures in place to recruit both talented rugby players & talented coaches. So by the time the 2010s came around, we were well set & it has continued. All of our coaches are teachers. We recruit at prep schools – not high schools.
    Yes, there’s big pressure on the boys & ironically it’s us people here on this blog that create the pressure! It shouldn’t all be about winning but you paint yourself into a corner where everyone wants to beat you which intensifies the desire to win.
    Before I come across as arrogant, I remind you that our annual rugby lesson is taking place in 3 weeks when we play Affies!
    Regarding your comment on recruitment… you are going back to the early 80s when government schools were free so there was no financial incentive to move. Norris came to KES in his matric year to make the SA Schools cricket team which he did. Remember that in those days if you weren’t at one of the big cricketing schools you had almost no chance. He made our rugby team mainly as a place kicker. He wasn’t a great rugby player. But if I think of the 80s we only had 2 other big acquisitions- Charlie Louw (10 in 83/4)had played 2 years for Grey but when he got dropped in 83 he moved up to JHB where his parents had moved to & his younger brother was already at KES. Then Gareth Thomas left Highlands end of grade 10 but that was for family reasons as he needed to board. 90s & 00s I can’t comment on other than to say that quite a few Dale boys came to KES in 2008/9 as their old prep coach was at KES. But Dale was already waning by then so you can’t blame them although they loved beating us at Grey in 2011!! The Mpekus came from Parktown in 2016 which as we know caused great drama. But again – they moved to get into a very strong team which dominated Lions Craven Week & Kennedy was rewarded with SA Schools selection. We had Monakale in 2014 move to us from SACS in grade 11 – his mother lived in JHB. Then in 2018, Lindo Ncusane came to us from the Cape. I don’t know the details. Ngia also came that year from Queens High – Queens encouraged him to come for his rugby development. Both of those guys have captained Wits! And finally last year we acquired a very strong prop Josh Aube from that mighty nursery St David’s! That move was entirely his choice as he wanted to make a provincial team. This years whole team have been at the school since grade 8 except 14 who came from Bryanston High beginning grade 10.

    1 May, 2024 at 18:47
  24. avatar
    #58 wanza_15

    @Tang (Comment #56)
    As a student of the cause, I know that in the 50s we were quite strong, as well as some stints in the 90s.

    However yes, to answer your question, from 2013 to today has been probably been the best, unparalleled expectation. I mean if you got to Jeppe as a grade 8 in 2012 then you won 3, drew 1 and lost only 1 to KES. Not many Jeppe Boys that exist can say that. So yes to answer your first question.

    Second and very good question, I know you feel strongly about this lol.
    I sometimes feel very sorry for these kids. It wasn’t like this 10 or 15 years ago. I wonder how these kids balance all this expectation with school work and so on. If you look at it on a very literal level, they have morning session, then the school day wherein there’s some chiropractitioning at break, and then a late session training after school. At Jeppe late session means it starts at 16:00. It’s really crazy. And it doesn’t end there, because to really set yourself apart from the rest, you must do your push ups, early morning jogs, personal gym sessions and etc.
    This past weekend against KES was probably the most packed in the fixture history; at every restart in the second half our lock would look over at us the Old Boy stand where there must’ve been sat 2000 old boys at least, I’m talking direct eye contact – I can’t make out what was going on in his head. I can’t even try and speculate.
    Ironically, in my time at Jeppe, I hated playing Pretoria Boys. I was a bit of an unconventional full back , weighing at 90kgs at the time, youd have to see it to believe it.
    Boys High boys them days were TOUGH, I was full back for B team. I wrecked my shoulder twice, grade 8 and 10. Grade 9 I was away and all money for a try and a man popped literally out of thin air and sent me into the stands. I needed serious medical attention for all 3.. The point I want to make out of all this is that Boys High boys I felt did a lot apart from practice, these push ups and stuff I speak of because I always felt that there’s no way the ordinary oke at Boys High is so hard. But they did it out of enjoyment and fun, now it’s like YOU MUST, no matter how you feel, and you may arrive on Saturday and it still isn’t enough.
    I’m saying a whole lot of nothing lol. But your views are warranted friend.
    Pretoria Boys are just an authoritative decision away from being a top 10 school – buying players, and I mean that. If Boys High dug into their pockets (which they definitely have the capacity to do, space on the campus is no problem, money isn’t a problem), then they’re back.

    1 May, 2024 at 13:03
  25. avatar
    #57 Tang

    @Roger @Kes OldBoy @Brentsw3 I have similar questions for you
    1) Do you think Kes Rugby is at an all time high? KES have never produced as many SA Schools rugby players as in the last decade.
    2) As schoolboy rugby becomes more professional, the pressure on young players to perform can intensify. This can lead to stress and anxiety, which may affect both their mental and physical health. The demands of training, games, and the expectation to win can be overwhelming for some students. What are your views? Is it justified to expect so much of the youngsters?

    KES have a long legacy of acquiring players from other schools. In 1982, an excellent cricketer moved from Germiston High School to KES. It turns out he was also a brilliant rugby player and he made a good KES team and excellent team. To provide context. In 1982, PBHS were the winners of the Nothern Transvaal A Administrators cup competion. However, PBHS lost 3-17 to KES. I will never forget the shock of seeing Craig Norris in a KES blazer. I think the strategic KES acquisitions over the years have added spice to the fixtures against the other Milner schools. I would love to hear your views on this.

    1 May, 2024 at 10:14
  26. avatar
    #56 Tang

    @Ringo and @Wanza_15 – I have two questions for you:
    1) Do you think the years 2014 to 2024 are the best years of Jeppe Rugby ever?
    2) As schoolboy rugby becomes more professional, the pressure on young players to perform can intensify. This can lead to stress and anxiety, which may affect both their mental and physical health. The demands of training, games, and the expectation to win can be overwhelming for some students. Do you think this pressure and the expectation on the boys is justified?

    I think Jeppe have an excellent first fifteen and I think the players are a credit to the school. I wish they could enjoy the game and not be treated like professional sports people who are expected to perform week in and week out.

    I also think Jeppe have one of the best headmasters in the country. He seems to really care about the well being of the students and he understands balance. If you left rugby up to old boys and coaches who are hell bent on victory at any cost, school boy rugby would become a total sham. I think Jeppe are starting to strike a balance between winning and enjoyment. Throwing money at the situation results in a never ending spiral.

    1 May, 2024 at 09:54
  27. avatar
    #55 KES Oldboy

    @wanza_15 (Comment #54)
    Yes – I agree that it was probably the wrong decision. The ref hadn’t blown his whistle when ball was intercepted but he wasn’t either watching the ball – he was running straight toward the medics. But you are incorrect in saying the game restarted with a penalty – it definitely restarted with a scrum. Don’t forget though that KES too had two tries disallowed in the 2nd half which both looked legitimate. On one of them it looked to me like a Jeppe player intentionally knocked ball on & could easily have got a yellow.

    30 April, 2024 at 17:19
  28. avatar
    #54 wanza_15

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #53)
    I agree. I don’t think the ref was bad, I thought he was alright but for the intercept try.
    I don’t think it had anything to do with the fallen KES player because he restarted the game with a Jeppe penalty, not a Jeppe scrum. If the player on the ground was a concern then he would’ve stopped the game and restarted with a scrum as a minor infringement.
    Penalty means he is saying the KES players were in front of the kicker and therefore offside, in which case he has badly implemented the offside law from a kick. If Moyo puts the ball on his boot, and KES players are offside (in front of him when he kicks) then the ref must make the offside players aware that they are offside and wait to see if they still chase and engage in the play before they are back onside (Moyo gets back in front of all of them). If they do, we come back for a penalty, if they don’t, and listen to the ref, and wait for Moyo to get back onside before engaging, then play goes on.

    It is a very common thing for refs to yell at offside players just to make them aware, “RED stop/RED 12, YOU’RE OFFSIDE” or whatever, before blowing.
    If the ref afforded himself these extra 4 or 5 seconds as he should’ve, then obviously the try would stand because then it’s a charge and a try.
    I’m only hell-bent on this decision because I feel that at 12-0 it would’ve been a different game.

    30 April, 2024 at 12:13
  29. avatar
    #53 Kaya 85

    As a neutral but passionate lover of Schools Rugby, I found myself rooting for the black & white not only because I predicted a narrow Jeppe win but because I genuinely like what Mr Jackson and his team are doing at the school. Of course because KES have had the upper hand for a long time is another reason…but I have a number of connections and acquaintances on both sides. I was sitting near a large portion of the ‘red army’ supporters, can tell you that their interpretation was that some of the ref’s calls favored the home team. Also some distasteful morons amongst them. I didnt agree…i think the ref was fine…From my point of view, I didn’t think the ref was bad at all, he was fair and consistent. The one decision where I felt Jeppe was unlucky was that intercept try by Klaasen being disallowed. It would have been a very naive and inexperienced ref who would have allowed that to stand, since there were 2 or 3 medics attending to what appeared to be a serious injury right in the middle of play. I think the ref should have blown his whistle sooner and louder…he did seem to hesitate. But that was unlucky for Jeppe, I don’t see what else the ref could do there.
    Sadly, some of the home team old boys reverted to type, some of them think that type of crudeness equates to passionate support.
    I disagree that KES had bigger players. Both Jeppe props are larger and individually more imposing, very powerful. Same with the 5 lock…and blindside flank. The 4 largest players on the field…in my view KES were definitely fitter, and collectively cohesive in the pack and their pattern of play…if Affies watch the game, they won’t allow Moyo to do the double skip long pass, expect intercepts. But it worked twice on Saturday, and Jeppe were sloppy around line-out defense.

    29 April, 2024 at 19:49
  30. avatar
    #52 wanza_15

    @brentsw3 (Comment #51)
    Agreed. That last try made the score a bit more digestible.
    The game was a bit of a reality check..
    Perhaps what we need. We go again in July, certainly not as favourites this time, a good thing.

    29 April, 2024 at 12:32
  31. avatar
    #51 brentsw3

    @Roger (Comment #48)
    I’m ashamed to say it, but yes, I had pretty much written them off…..

    Not only did they win but emphatically too.. I found myself getting greedy towards the end of the fixture, really hoping Jeppe wouldn’t score at the end of the match. 38-21 is just so much more convincing than 38-28… Incredibly satisfying win nonetheless!!….

    But yes, I had considered the returning players, age group success, softer build up (Jeppe playing Affies last Saturday must have played a role, KES v PBHS less taxing), current form, comparative scores against same opposition, home/away advantage/handicap. I just couldn’t see the RED’s coming away with the W…. and that ladies and gentlemen, is why I don’t make a living as a pundit…

    29 April, 2024 at 09:56
  32. avatar
    #50 KES Oldboy

    @wanza_15 (Comment #43)
    Let’s not lose sight of the fact that we are all friends. That’s what it’s about. Dale Jackson is a gentleman. He respects KES as KES respects him & Jeppe. There was a time where KES didn’t like visiting schools bringing drums & other “musical” instruments. It’s a rugby game after all – not a rock concert. If Mr Jackson had been asked to not bring drums then he is showing manners & respect by not allowing it. Just the same as if I invited you to my house but asked that you to please not smoke……Regarding the chants, it’s all good banter between the boys. Nothing malicious there. Teddy Bears Picnic is child’s’ song which KES adopted about 40 years ago. “Where does mommy send her little little boy?”. Come on – you can’t get offended by this! It’s schoolboy banter. But the banter should be left to the kids provided it’s not rude. Adults (parents & old boys) should never shout at children. That is bullying. There was a great atmosphere in the beer tent after the game between all the old boys. We move on…… see you at KES in July.

    29 April, 2024 at 09:49
  33. avatar
    #49 Roger

    @wanza_15 (Comment #43)
    All these songs and chants are new to me except “Teddybear’s Picnic” which has been around forever. Personally, I see nothing wrong with a bit of banter, singing and chanting. Personal, vile abuse directed at schoolboys (by adults) is a different kettle of fish altogether and should be called out and stamped out.

    In case you were unaware, and to provide some context to “Teddybear’s Picnic”, King Edward the VII of England, Queen Victoria’s son, was affectionately known as Teddy. The school mascot for KES, which now resides in the school museum, was a massive Teddy Bear and the song, “Teddybear’s Picnic”, has always been sung when KES are
    dominating a sporting fixture. In fact, in my day, the Headmaster tried to stop it as he found it inappropriate and unsportsmanlike.

    29 April, 2024 at 08:21
  34. avatar
    #48 Roger

    @brentsw3 (Comment #44)
    I’ve no idea why you were so pessimistic coming into the game? This KES team have never lost to Jeppe thru’ the age groups, have 7 or so players back from last year and are starting to hit their straps. They have some super talented players and are superbly coached and conditioned. Most importantly, they seem to be grounded and well led. To be fair, Jeppe are a good team and their win over Grey Bloem was one for the ages, but I never thought we would lose. Dare I say it …… perhaps Jeppe were guilty of believing their own press? Frankly, I think they have a better chance of upsetting KES in the return game. No pressure and certainly no longer the favourites.

    29 April, 2024 at 07:48
  35. avatar
    #47 Henkies

    @wanza_15 (Comment #43)
    Superb piece of writing Wanza. Great to hear some details of the match and the stories of you hauling the drum off the bus only to be intercepted by Die Hoof. I had a good few chuckles

    28 April, 2024 at 21:37
  36. avatar
    #46 brentsw3

    @wanza_15 (Comment #43)
    I tell you what the problem was, Affies the week before…

    Moyo was immense, his form on the day was always going to be a telling factor. He also played a big part in keeping McMillian in his box…

    28 April, 2024 at 21:20
  37. avatar
    #45 Grant

    @wanza_15 (Comment #43)
    Wanza. I’m with you. Drums from opposing schools have always been allowed at KES. So 2017 it certainly wasn’t our Head who said no go to that one. Banter is great. It makes each and every derby and game what it is meant to be. However, using profanities ( and you know what was said yesterday ) is not on. Simple as that. As for “where does mommy send her little little boys “ that has been one of the chants for many years. Heck. When I was a form 1 laaitie in ‘83 we had much worse. Let’s crack a frosty, chill , and look forward to the rest of the season. PS. Bring the drums , it’s a fantastic addition.

    28 April, 2024 at 21:04
  38. avatar
    #44 brentsw3

    @Ringo (Comment #38)
    Hell man, that’s terrible re getting searched by security on account of your race. I hope you reported racial profiling to someone to at least get it addressed?
    Yeah 2009, was that the year Jeppe got pumped by 60? Damn, must have been a traumatic day out for you? A racially motivated search followed by a record drubbing?? I don’t blame you for never coming back and I agree the place is so packed for the derby, makes it close to being an unbearable place to watch……
    Funny you should mention the reffing though. I also noted a number of discrepancies with some of his decisions. I thought around the 22 minute mark an attacking KES lineout, deep in the Jeppe 22, was blown for a skew throw in, that was perfectly legitimate. At 23 minutes, lineout from similar spot, KES hot on attack and KES 6 is blown for transgressing at the breakdown for I really don’t know what (pushing the KES hooker it looked like). If anything the Jeppe 15 was lucky not to get pinged for not rolling away…. Then with Jeppe hot on attack at 35 minutes the self-same KES 6 makes a textbook jackal which is deemed illegal, penalty Jeppe. 8-7 to Jeppe…. Very frustrating. The Klaasen try was a tricky one, the game had moved to a point where Moyo was inline and about 20 metres out from where the injured player was receiving treatment. If he had weighted his chip kick correctly it would likely have fallen right in the lap of the injured player so instead he makes a feeble attempt at it and Klaasen catches and sprints the length of the field to score. Now, one has to play to the whistle and if the ref hadn’t stopped the game then the try should stand. But with play so close to the injured player the ref is duty bound to stop play! The proximity to the injured player clearly influenced Moyo’s play…. At 61 minutes No.8’s try from an offside position? He was bound to the lock, ripped the ball and broke away to score. Perfectly legal…. the try of the day for me was KES’s props disallowed try for a “forward pass”. Final pass is clearly passed backwards out the hands. Forward momentum no longer a thing? Then another disallowed try when 8 is apparently held up but 3rd time lucky when Moyo’s skip pass finds the flying 11 for the 6th, yes 6th and final and decisive try!!….
    Incredible victory for the REDS, against a side they had no rights beating. The day pretty much belonged to KES, with victories for 14A/15A/16A/2nd/1st… no doubt all added and abetted by a KES father and son refereeing mafia born in the early 80’s and influencing match results early into the 21st century…

    28 April, 2024 at 21:03
  39. avatar
    #43 wanza_15

    Lots to unpack. It’s getting heated here lol.
    Let’s begin with the game. Jeppe were poor. Coetzee absolutely outplayed by Moyo. Moyo the best player on the park by a mile for me. I speak a lot on here about preparation and KES were prepared, Moyo’s boot put us under immense pressure, great appreciation for the this new 50/22 law. Our lineouts were better yesterday but it’s like we fixed 1 thing and 3 other things broke. For me the ref wasn’t too bad BUT for the disallowed intercept try? Can somebody more educated than me tell me why that wasn’t given? The KES man on the ground seemed to only be an issue once we got the ball? Moyo was more than happy to attempt the failed chip with his own player on the ground? I am highlighting this event because of it’s timing in the game – that would’ve made the score 12-0 to us and I think changed the reflection.
    Time to time there tends to be big decisions that don’t go our way against KES, I recall last year’s Houghton edition of the game, KES’ game winning try at the death came after a knock-on from the lineout. The ref was standing right there as they do for line-outs I don’t know how he missed it. I also spoke to some matrics I could find after the game, maybe this team isn’t as good as what we think they are, maybe that is what is making this defeat sting more.
    On to the Old Boys stand, lol. First off, this may be up there with record attendance at least as far as the Jeppe leg is concerned, because those main stands aren’t the ones normally used for the game, those are bigger and definitely new, we normally use those short ones I noticed on Saturday was being occupied by KES support at the end.
    The old boys stand was wild to say the least until Mr Jackson came. I myself definitely heard some chants I’d never heard before – bad ones. There’s no way around the “na na na na na hey hey” chant unfortunately, it’s not going anywhere. For some context, it gets chanted whenever someone (Jeppe Boys included) “flops”; you’re walking and you trip and fall, you walk in to a sliding door because you thought it was opened, or, as we saw on Saturday, the bus is full and you get bounced perhaps. If I recall well on Saturday it was directed at the young man who made a good hit in front of us and then fueled by adrenaline proceeded to have words for us the old boys. I’m pretty sure he wasn’t expecting us to throw roses at him.
    I will say though that our current headmaster, Mr Jackson, is a bit of a suck up, particularly when it comes to KES. Whenever he feels like we are hurting KES’ feelings.
    Jeppe have a drum we use to support, Mr Jackson knows we have a drum we use to support. In 2017 my matric year the game was away in Houghton, against perhaps one of KES’ strongest teams ever. I packed that drum into the bus myself. At around halftime of the second team game, I began to make my way to the bus to go and get it and he intercepted me and asked me where I’m going.. “Sir I’m going to get the drum, we need to start getting loud.” – “No, we aren’t using the drum today.”
    “What do you mean sir?”
    – “KES have said we can’t use it today.”
    “Sir we really need the drum today of all days, why do we have to listen to them? We don’t tell them what to do when they come to Jeppe?”
    Long story short, the drum didn’t come out because KES apparently said so. Man I was frustrated. Not so much at KES, but at Mr Jackson.. He is not all about winning, he alludes to this a lot and it frustrates me.
    KES have some “interesting” warcries I’ve heard as well, “where does mommy send her little boy – Jeppe”; Yesterday they sang “Your old boys are crying” after the game; during the game I heard them sing “Turning Black and white to Red”. In 2017 they sang “all we eat is zebra meat”. That’s crazy because it means these are being practiced during the week and teachers and heads are hearing them and are okay for them to be done on Saturday. At Jeppe we would never be allowed to sing songs like these.
    Then I think of stuff like the Teddy Bear picnic in 09. We’d never get away with doing something like that.
    Personally I like these things, I think we are way too sensitive as a people.. it’s okay to sing these songs and poke fun at the opposition. Everyone understands the importance of this fixture, we all wish it to continue for another 100 years, we won’t jeopardize that. Old Boys are grown men and they’re really excited on Derby day.. just forget about it man. It’s really ok.

    28 April, 2024 at 20:34
  40. avatar
    #42 Grant

    @Ringo (Comment #40)
    So clearly you were one of the Old Boys Dale had to sort out. Go figure.

    28 April, 2024 at 19:33
  41. avatar
    #41 Grant

    @Ringo (Comment #40)
    At least you are well balanced. A chip on both shoulders …🤌🏾🤌🏾🤌🏾

    28 April, 2024 at 19:31
  42. avatar
    #40 Ringo

    @Grant (Comment #37)
    In all honesty you would not catch me dead at KES as nicely and welcomed the Jeppe school management went to make KES people feel I have always found it the polar opposite at KES from the security that only seems to search only black people wearing Jeppe colours to the general lack of space no thank you. You can miss me there.. Have not been to Jeppe KES game at KES since 2009.. I am sure it will be one of the brothers referring in July again and if that is the case I would tell most Jeppe people not to bother. Like I said subtle errors and ommisions not noticeable to the laymen just enough to stop momentum, disallow a try or let an offside player dot down on under posts ….. like when Rassie asked during the British and Irish Lions tour we are just asking for a referee that calls the same laws for both teams that is all then If beaten fair and square no complaints

    28 April, 2024 at 19:14
  43. avatar
    #39 Grant

    @Ringo (Comment #38)
    Could you please give us mere mortals a simple translation of what you just said.

    28 April, 2024 at 19:01
  44. avatar
    #38 Ringo

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #32)
    If I am writing under the influence I would safely assume that catchy tune that some of the younger old boys were singing about what KES boys gave each other was about you and some of your mates then right cause that is what we do here fling mud isn’t it ? The ref was bad period and usually I would not be phased about if the bad decision were 50/50 these are amateur volunteers at the end of the day. However I used to be a union ref not for a long time and not a good one too. During that time was told by a friend of the very lucrative consulting arrangement that you could go into if you helped a certain school on Louis Botha with rugby Laws and said friend said it would also enhance your chances of being said consulted if you managed to get yourself appointed on that school’s first team rugby games. Just could not help but wonder if said arrangement was still in play. A father and his two sons are quite prominent in the society if me a very junior ref knew about the arrangement I wonder 🤔….. but Alas well done KES on your deserved victory….. on the Grey PE fest and two Winter sports tours these are part of a wholeistic educational offering I can tell you that for free. Education is the top priority at Jeppe and Dale went at lengths to stress that to everyone. We have recently rekindled our long standing game with DHS and that will give our kids insights into life in different parts of our country from what I understand the kids parents pay for transport and food and accommodation is arranged by hosting schools. Long may this continue as well

    28 April, 2024 at 18:54
  45. avatar
    #37 Grant

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #36)
    I hear you. It was disgraceful. Hence my previous post and the intervention of the Jeppe Headmaster. We look forward to the return game at 65 St Patrick Road on 20 July. It’s not going to be any better for the Black and White.

    28 April, 2024 at 18:22
  46. avatar
    #36 KES Oldboy

    @Grant (Comment #35)
    Don’t sugar coat it. That “stand” was disgraceful- that one chant of na na na na, na na na na followed by filthy language aimed at a boy who made a good tackle in front of them was heard by the whole stand opposite them. They were standing & gesticulating- at least 30-50 of them. At least The Reds shut them up with 3 tries in about 5 minutes…..

    28 April, 2024 at 17:46
  47. avatar
    #35 Grant

    @Roger (Comment #33)
    Roger, on the above :
    Not aware of any alcohol being served at Jeppe prior to the game. There were a few reunions taking place and if done the same as last year , alcohol only served after the game.
    It was a few Old Boys by the looks of things. Not across the board so an aberration , sums it up well I think. Overall an amazing day. Well done to Jeppe and Mr Jackson.

    28 April, 2024 at 15:58
  48. avatar
    #34 Grant

    @Roger (Comment #33)
    Roger, on the above :
    Not aware of any alcohol being served at Jeppe prior to the game. There were a few reunions taking place and if done the same as last year , alcohol only served after the game.
    It was a few Old Boys by the looks of things. Not across the board so an aberration , sums it up well I thing. Overall an amazing day. Well done to Jeppe and Mr Jackson.

    28 April, 2024 at 15:51
  49. avatar
    #33 Roger

    I’ve read plenty comments on FB condemning the very unsavoury chants and comments towards the KES team from the Jeppe Old Boys stand. Now I read that Dale Jackson had to get involved. Really – it’s pathetic. When I lived in JHB I used to avoid the game at Jeppe for precisely these reasons. Now living on the other side of the world I had been told that the rivalry was very friendly these days and much less tribal than in the eighties and nineties. What changed yesterday? I hope it was an aberration and that those old boys reflect on their behaviour. Is alcohol served before the game?

    28 April, 2024 at 15:40
  50. avatar
    #32 KES Oldboy

    @Ringo (Comment #29)
    What are you going on about? Did you write this under the influence? To complain about the referee is in poor taste. But then again, that Jeppe Old Boy stand who behave like a “mob” by swearing at schoolboys and jeering schoolboys always leaves a bad taste. For the headmaster to come and intervene with old boys behaviour is actually embarrassing.
    Now seeing as you are mis-quoting history, let me educate you. The head to head was close until the late 60s. Jeppe never won a match in the 70s and only won twice in the 80s. The 90s were pretty even but the early 2000s to 2009 was one way traffic with only 1 Jeppe victory. Since then it’s been pretty close.
    Donald Gordon would be flattered by your praise. In the old regime, government schools were entirely funded by the government. There was no need for old boy funding. When KES celebrated its centenary in 2002 by which time it was a “former model C” school, it was really the first time that old boys had been asked to give back. Mr Gordon donated enough for a boarding house (Gordon House) which houses the grade 9s. Mr Gordon was always interested in academics & never gave sporting bursaries. To now claim to be the “poor cousin” is laughable. Your U16 team has been strengthened this year by new boys- did they just arrive at the gates? Also looking at the fixture list I notice that Jeppe tour to Natal twice this year as well as attending the Grey festival. These tours cost huge money. KES only goes to Natal once a year mainly due to funding. Perhaps the school management see better ways to spend its budget and to focus rather on academics. Both schools do a huge amount for the Johannesburg community & should be friendly rivals as the schoolboys seem to be. It’s the adults that have a lot to learn…..

    28 April, 2024 at 13:20
  51. avatar
    #31 brentsw3

    @Grant (Comment #30)
    GF I hope your son doesn’t go on to play 1st team rugby, he might be accused of being a bursary signing.. This current 1st XV has been nurtured since U14. The 9 and the 7 have fathers that went to the school. 2,4,6,8,10,12,13, have played together since U14. If KES recruiters identified these boys 5 years ago, offered them bursaries and got them to 2024, then said recruiters have done an incredible job but would probably make a helluva lot more money playing the lotto. The same is likely of 1,3,5 and 11 but I haven’t been following their respective trajectories as closely so cannot say with certainty. 14, Jarrell is maybe 2 years into his playing career and of Congolese decent. None of anyone’s business but AFAIK he is paying his own way.

    Anyway, it was quite an incredible match played in front of a massive and appreciate crowd. What an amazing day out was had by all. The days events were superbly hosted by Jeppe and they can be incredibly proud of everyone of their competing teams.

    The results may have been one sided but every fixture was jarringly physical and competitive.

    Shout out to the 2 Jeppe youngsters who were falling over themselves to give me directions to the 14A fixture played on the top fields. All day long, us KES old boys and supporters were made to feel welcome, appreciated and loved. I tell you what, that is a very undervalued and under appreciated sentiment these days.

    I don’t enjoy watching rugby at Jeppe on account of the view point from behind the poles but that’s the only reason I don’t enjoy watching rugby at Jeppe.

    I get the old boys frustration boiling over, it’s not pretty, but unbridled, unapologetic passion seldom is. It would be hypocritical of me to point fingers.. I often find myself disgusted and repulsed at my own utterances.

    28 April, 2024 at 13:12
  52. avatar
    #30 Grant

    @Ringo (Comment #29)
    Dear Ringo

    I was at the match yesterday. Never seen such a crowd at any Jozi schoolboy rugby game ever. Crowds on both sides were respectful and passionate ( besides the unsavoury and unnecessary actions of a few old boys of one of the participant schools. I certainly hope you were not one of them).
    A few comments/questions for you:
    1. Are you accusing KES of buying / influencing the ref ?
    2. How many of the Reds’ players are on bursaries/scholarships and what percentage ?
    3. How many Jeppe players are on bursaries/ scholarships and what percentage ?
    It was a fantastic day of passion and brotherhood that I hope continues for as long as likeminded South Africans are prepared to fight for their futures families and themselves in this country. I was blessed to have attended one of these schools and now my son.

    28 April, 2024 at 12:12
  53. avatar
    #29 Ringo

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #28)
    Eish ja it was indeed a very lonely walk home but first went to the Kensington bowling club must plug it for cheap beer and food. We had a beer,tequila and jagermeister “well Heineken Zeros for me” fueled chat to my mates about what it is we can do to beat Kes after 98 1st team rugby games the head to head record is 64 – 28 to KES just utter domination on the part of KES….. up until the late 60s and even early 70s this rivivarly was close . Then the Liberty founder Donald Gordon KES old boy started his philanthropic ventures KES being one of them. KES are
    simply very rich. And we need answer money with money. We need to channel our passion into Rands if we want to compete…. our kids did their best but our kids were simply out gunned by bigger and better conditioned scholarship boys …. we need more scholarships and we need a gym or high performance centre to help conditioning for our boys and we only
    need to put money into getting something depth in key positions….. to Dale Jackson and his team you are doing a magnificent job your are truly a leader and great educator we as the community of Kensington are thankful and amazed by the amazing job you have done to turnaround the school and the general sense of community you have created….. we look and see around us the decay of public schools…..Personally Dale well done on telling us off yesterday on the on the old boy stand got really heated under collar when we saw what I can only call paid for incompetence by that ref another truly shameful performance from a Lions Ref, but Dale you are completely right we do not need to stoop to his level…. it really hurts when the ref is soo poor in one direction. I could go into details about how you create paid for incompetence but alas but next time get the ref or that ref’s dad to consult for a fee on laws and scrums during the week then that same ref will be appointed to your game on the weekend. You will be surprised at how many neck rolls, high tackles, hands in the ruck and how last man’s feet offside lines became mere suggestions and not laws of the game ….. its subtle but simple things like at the line out allow the defender to jump early close the gap and then blow the attacking team for a scew throw, when the scrum is under pressure let the tight drop his bind and then blow the loosehead for an early set in maul allow the eightman who is front of the ball strip it and score under the post like I side things like forward passes are a suggestion and not laws if you consult the right people… allow your client to build a big enough lead and then find your whistle so they say but he also disallowed our try ….. these are very technical things that the laymen won’t see and it is easy to do…. Well deserved win KES ….. I am off to work now need to make some money so I too can afford to pay for the consulting services of the two brothers and their dad ….. or maybe a miracle happens and we get some impartial referees in July but hey at the end the day it’s just a game

    28 April, 2024 at 11:04
  54. avatar
    #28 Kaya 85

    @Ringo (Comment #23)
    Looong lonely walk home, …

    27 April, 2024 at 16:55
  55. avatar
    #27 Kaya 85

    @JeppeZimD (Comment #26)
    Very disappointed too… KES defended collectively, and very assertively against a bigger pack…looked like Jeppe was getting the upper hand, but a try 1 minute before HT and 1 minute after HT changed the game for the Reds…then weak Jeppe organisation in their own 22 conceding 2 or 3 soft tries….oi, didn’t think KES would put almost 40 on Jeppe

    27 April, 2024 at 16:54
  56. avatar
    #26 JeppeZimD

    @wanza_15 (Comment #21)

    Gutted with our lose. A lot of things didn’t go right for us 2day, Classen’s 2nd try disallowed due to injured player (Moyo) apparently obstructing play and Coetzee’s failed clearance out of our in-goal area resulting in a KES try, all in the 1st half, really dented our progress.

    27 April, 2024 at 16:05
  57. avatar
    #25 JeppeZimD

    @Roger (Comment #3)

    Well done on the win

    27 April, 2024 at 16:00
  58. avatar
    #24 JeppeZimD

    HT KES 14 – 8 Jeppe

    For KES, Moyo’s boot is incredible, presence of Mndebele is vital in go forward. Scrummie lucky not to have been sent off for over-robust play.

    For Jeppe, we are unlucky to not have had a 2nd try (Injured player obstructing play that wud have led to Classen’s brace). Coetzee not clearing for touch pretty much handed KES the HT lead, after we led 8-7 with minutes to go…


    27 April, 2024 at 14:53
  59. avatar
    #23 Ringo

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #20)
    Our actual reunion is Friday night so I will enjoy that so Friday will be the late night but Saturday will be mostly the rugby and Hockey games then off home ….Game will end 16h00 and anticipate being home by 17h45 10 minute walk …. the joys of living 850m away from the school I guess

    25 April, 2024 at 23:12
  60. avatar
    #22 Ringo

    @wanza_15 (Comment #21)
    Here here here we’ll said ….. but that Dale college fueled Kes team was something else…… hence Mjekevu and Scara Ntebani were like Men amongst boys and just toyed with our boys that day….. like I have alluded Kes pockets are deep for instance Jeppe this year has 4 kids on rugby scholarships in u14 while the number at Kes I was told was for u14 is 17 ….. they have atleast double the scholarships at a minimum if not triple ….. hence the fact that they are even nervous is tastement to incredible coaching at Jeppe and well done to all involved

    25 April, 2024 at 23:05
  61. avatar
    #21 wanza_15

    Perhaps my last comment before the weekend.

    I’ve read everything that has been said. The battles have been drawn!
    Jeppe to win each half by 7 for a 14 point win.

    I liked the comment earlier regarding the fact that these are just kids ultimately, 17/18/19 year old young men whom perhaps 3 or 4 out of the 30 that take the field on Saturday, will go pro.
    I too must sometimes pinch myself before shouting stuff at the ref or at them when they make mistakes; it should all just be in the name of fun.
    That said, we also must not allow these young men be okay with losing often, and losing when it matters especially when you have worked hard NOT to. We are also trying to teach responsibility. Lose but lose with pride. I wasn’t there I would’ve been in grade 4 lol, but the 2009 edition where Jeppe was beaten 65-5 for me, goes beyond rugby. It tells me a lot about how you prepared for the game, from 2 weeks before, the week before, night before, day of. Things like that we won’t tolerate. If that’s your plan then you must let us know beforehand so we don’t pitch up to watch.

    25 April, 2024 at 22:44
  62. avatar
    #20 Kaya 85

    @Ringo (Comment #18)
    You’ll be home before it gets dark…?

    25 April, 2024 at 16:46
  63. avatar
    #19 Kaya 85

    @Vleis (Comment #15)
    Both men are nothing less than exceptional, respected Educators and leaders…their impact on the future of SA will endure for as long as their pupils live.

    25 April, 2024 at 16:44
  64. avatar
    #18 Ringo

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: Just to correct my point Pep pays more tax in a month than all the money I will make in my life time….. Win or lose the sun will rise on Sunday morning…. but man I had a hell of good time the last time Jeppe won against Kes …. can definitely tell you win or lose I be home before it gets dark on Saturday night ….

    25 April, 2024 at 16:22
  65. avatar
    #17 Ringo

    @deecee (Comment #16)
    Yeah you are 💯 correct it really does not define either school…. Like me and my close mate that I watch a lot of SBR with always say it is cheaper than therapy for us……. and things just don’t suck soo much on Monday when your team wins…. I liken it to following the NFL, NBA or EPL…. whether the lakers get swept by Nuggets again ,Man City or Arsenal take the league or My Cowboys go another year without a superbowl the fact remains LeBron will still be a Billionaire, Pep and The Arsenal manager pay more tax than all the money I will make in my life time and Jerry Jones makes more money from Cowbows that than RSA collects in taxes just kidding 😂 ….. but man it’s fun when your team wins ….. Jeppe by 15

    25 April, 2024 at 15:57
  66. avatar
    #16 deecee

    @Vleis (Comment #15)
    I can attest to that. The two schools headmasters get on fantastically well and have a great relationship, as was the case when Mr Dempsey was at Jeppe. This game is all about the boys. It is not life and death. Just another Saturday in Johannesburg with two great schools competing in a set of winter fixtures. The results on Saturday will not define either school but the games will certainly create a host of life long memories for the boys.

    25 April, 2024 at 14:32
  67. avatar
    #15 Vleis

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #12)
    Well said!

    I love the KES v Jeppe rivalry, as it is ferociously passionate…but the respect between the two schools these days is wonderful to see. I guess that the headmasters must take a lot of credit for this?

    25 April, 2024 at 13:17
  68. avatar
    #14 uncle K


    25 April, 2024 at 13:08
  69. avatar
    #13 brentsw3

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #11)

    25 April, 2024 at 08:27
  70. avatar
    #12 KES Oldboy

    Maybe also a reminder to everyone here…..these are kids. Some are 16, 17, 18 & 19….. but still…..they are kids. It’s not actually about the adults on this page – it’s about the kids. They don’t need all the pressure & everything else. Probably 2 or 3 of the 30 first team players will go on to play pro rugby. So let’s let them enjoy their moment. That’s the main reason for them playing.

    24 April, 2024 at 22:13
  71. avatar
    #11 KES Oldboy

    @Ringo (Comment #8)
    KES had an 8th team vs PBHS on Saturday. They won comfortably. So not sure that your assumption is correct …….

    24 April, 2024 at 21:43
  72. avatar
    #10 wanza_15

    Using the Jake White field as space for the stalls and potentially the beer tent for afterwards is actually a stroke of genius the more I think about it. The basketball courts at the top as it has been, get damaged by the setup, and the beer stains stick, there is no rain that will wash them off either; this is all while Jeppe is trying to grow basketball so it’s all beginning to make sense. And to resurface the courts is expensive.
    The Jake White field also offers more space and can actually be a nice affair if it’s set up nicely. Again, I don’t think it can be for more seating space for spectators because the terrain is flat, it isn’t like a hill or something, so you can only add the horizontal line of stands that we usually already do add along the field.. To use the Jake White field for more space to view the Collard Field, they’d somehow have to “go” up into the air and be higher than the ones we already add. So the stalls/beer/fundraisers story makes a lot more sense.

    24 April, 2024 at 16:27
  73. avatar
    #9 JeppeZimD

    @Roger (Comment #3)

    I think Jeppe will win by 8 and it will be a high scoring game.

    24 April, 2024 at 14:57
  74. avatar
    #8 Ringo

    Eish this game creates such anxiety in my life we can only hope for an entertaining affair I remember 2022 how Kes stole it in the last minute and how jubilant their supporters where after that smash and grab. Told my friend that day does not matter what they say but beating mattered to them and that is all the respect I needed seeing the joy in their faces said alot to us…. it is correct that Kes has had the better of the age group results over the years between these sides….. but these boys are something special just hope we run the ball early and often on Saturday….. we rarely have a backline this flamboyant multiple game breakers and speed out wide….. I do hope there is better arrangement for seats this year and no games on the White field might for that don’t think it would be for vendors but would not be surprised if it is we need all the fund raising initiatives we can master…… If Jeppe is to win we usually need to be ahead by atleast 3 scores going into the last 10 minutes…. but I will be able to assess the lay of the land based on the 7th team game on Friday….. heard we had an 8th team and our opponents could not field one so that is already a feather in our cap …… win or lose Saturday will be awesome….. but the beers taste even better after a win not that I drink anymore hahaha….. Just hope the Lions give us a decent ref and not one who is trying to impress Kes for more games there heard the refs like it there…. @lions please give us Pro or atleast let the boys run man

    24 April, 2024 at 14:11
  75. avatar
    #7 OUD ANKER

    @Roger (Comment #3)
    Jeppe must be bruised after the Affies game last Saturday, while KES had a tough, but maybe not as bruising against PBHS. Jeppe beating Grey will allocate them the “favourite tag” for many games to come this season, BUT Saturday is a proper old school derby/rivalry which is only brought about by proud histories, therefore this one can go either way…BUT I’m not sitting one the fence though therefore my prediction (I’m going with the favourite tag), Jeppe by the smallest of margins <5.

    24 April, 2024 at 12:32
  76. avatar
    #6 brentsw3

    @Roger (Comment #3)
    What year did you matriculate Roger? Been trying to nail down which Roger you might be? I only remember a few, Willis and Fussel and you neither…

    24 April, 2024 at 11:34
  77. avatar
    #5 brentsw3

    @wanza_15 (Comment #4)
    Rumour has it, food vendors and seating. A portable toilet or 10 wouldn’t go amiss either.

    24 April, 2024 at 11:31
  78. avatar
    #4 wanza_15

    Will try find out the reason for no games being played on the Jake White Field on Saturday. There are games on Friday but none on the Jake White field either. Is it going to be used for extra seating space for Saturday? It’s all a flat surface so how much more logical seating can be added to the stands that already are added along the touch line. Unless they go upwards some how lol?

    23 April, 2024 at 23:44
  79. avatar
    #3 Roger

    Early morning here in the Gold Coat and I’ll get my prediction in early too ….

    KES to break Jeppe hearts AGAIN and burgle a win at the death …..

    The Reds by 2

    23 April, 2024 at 22:56
  80. avatar
    #2 RuggaFreak

    @Smallies (Comment #1)
    Yes. Younger brother.

    23 April, 2024 at 21:28
  81. avatar
    #1 Smallies

    Quick question is this Simelane related to Wandasile Simelane

    23 April, 2024 at 20:58

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