Paul Roos vs HJS Paarl Boys’ High – test match time!

April 2024
Paarl Boys’ High versus Paul Roos Gymnasium is one of the biggest schoolboy rugby rivalries in SA. Surprisingly it does not register nearly as high as it should on the leaderboard of top annual local derbies.

It has always been a big meaningful game. Then recently, pre-Covid, Boishaai developed the concept of an international schools rugby tournament, pioneered it and from under their noses lost the hosting rights to Paul Roos. This created tension and added some spice for a while.

So it is not a bitter rivalry. It’s not a grudge match. It’s a healthy one with an extra dimension. As a result both teams, their sectors of passionate old boys, dedicated staff members and other vested interest supporters want this win badly. Maybe not as much as winning their respective season ending derbies but probably a good bet for second place in each camp.

In 2022 Boishaai found their form as the season progressed and got a good 35-15 win against Paul Roos. A year later in a bit of an upset the Maroons completely turned the tables on a Boishaai team containing what felt like a record 11 provincial players that would go on to represent WP at Craven Week. The stunning 35-17 victory was a turning point for second year head coach Corne Uys at PRG. It transformed opinion of him from transition coach at a school notorious for chopping and changing head coaches to that of a mainstay who had earned the right to become long term like those HC’s at other national powerhouses. The rest of that 2023 campaign wasn’t a deal sealer though.

Compounded by the misery of the Paul Roos defeat, the struggles of Boishaai 2023 1st XV containing all those pedigree players also proved to be a reputation denting one for Sean Erasmus, once heralded as the best coach in schoolboy rugby before his departure for pro rugby in 2018.

Now heading into this high profile match, the two men in arguably the two most pressurised jobs in schoolboy rugby in 2024, once again find the perceptions surrounding them and their team’s chances altered. Paul Roos are the firm favourites in a destiny is calling type season. A radical changed approach to grade-8 recruitment five or so year back paved the way for this first in line of Maroon teams to challenge for national top honours, Ranked number one overall is something that eluded Paul Roos for a very long time. Needless to say expectations are huge and growing as they continue to deliver on their promise this year. As is the nature of this tough pro coaching occupation now, anything other than a win against Boishaai will raise question-marks about whether the direction Uys is moving the team in is really still pointing upwards.

Boishaai entered 2024 as one to make up the numbers in the Top 10 but no one spoke about them as an overall summit threat. An excellent start to the season helped lift their support base’s excitement of where their peak lied. However this was brought down several notches by an untimely defeat to Wynberg and a reminder that the Blue Train were not actually the team to watch when 2024 started. So they get to wear the much sort after underdog tag at Markotter Field now. But somehow this does not translate into reduced expectations of the coach or his team. As unreasonable as it may seem, the team simply has to perform or else the coach continues to lose merit points. The ability questions become tougher and the pressure continues to build.

This is not an easy industry to be part of, that is for sure. Unreasonable expectations and job instability. There are plenty of coaches who will testify to this.

On a brighter note, get ready to fasten your seat belts. Unbeaten Paul Roos against Paarl Boys’ High, playing their third highly ranked undefeated opponent in as many weeks. It is going to be a pulsating test match with attention to detail in most facets of play and strategies played out by two extremely good schoolboy teams coached by two extremely good coaches.

1 Oliver Reid u18 1 Bernard du Toit u17
2 Altus Rabe u17 2 Christiaan Grundling u17
3 Gerrit van Vuuren u17 3 ⁠Juan vd Merwe u17
4 Truspe Schoeman u18 4 ⁠Dian Smal u18
5 Jesse Stegehuis u18 5 ⁠Jayden Joubert u17
6 Gert Kemp u17 6 ⁠Anroux du Plessis u18
7 Riley Norton u18 7 ⁠Rubin Dames u18
8 Reuben Kruger u18 8 ⁠Douw Wessels u18
9 Adeeb Boraine u18 9 ⁠Keagan Smith u19
10 Joshua Dampies u18 10 ⁠Viaan Mentoor u18
11 Keenan Stoffels u18 11 ⁠Ashwin Swarts u18
12 Sam Badenhorst u18 12 ⁠Tristan Fransman u18
13 Matthew Kleyn u17 13 ⁠Tristan Joubert u17
14 Hugo Coetzee u18 14 ⁠Aiden Jacobs u18
15 Matthew Seymore u18 15 ⁠Francois vd Merwe u17


  1. avatar
    #59 Snelvuur

    @Bungee (Comment #57)
    Uitgevang. Almal maak foute, party net groter as ander. Ons gesels nou maar oor sokker (obviously nie HJS s’n nie).

    24 April, 2024 at 23:08
  2. avatar
    #58 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @Bungee (Comment #57)
    8-O 8-O

    23 April, 2024 at 20:12
  3. avatar
    #57 Bungee

    @Snelvuur (Comment #47)
    Indien ek nou jou kommentaar reg lees, is ek reg as ek sê jy het ‘n broer in die blouskool? Wat is sy kommentaar na die game?

    23 April, 2024 at 10:12
  4. avatar
    #56 Maroon machine supporter

    Die junior spanne van PRG was deur die bank goed Saterdag en die toekoms lyk Rooskleurig. Na my mening was die 1ste span se performance mixed en het hulle nie oortuig teen ‘n Boishaai span wat ook nie op hul beste was nie. Die PRG voorspelers was goed, veral die losvoorspelers, maar dinge het agterlangs gelol. Ek vermoed Samuel se besering kort voor rustyd het ‘n groot rol gespeel. PRG sal vinnig moet oorskakel na 5de rat indien hulle enige aspirasies het om Gim en Grey te klop.

    22 April, 2024 at 18:37
  5. avatar
    #55 OomPB

    @JongMatie (Comment #54)
    Ek sal eerder se dis die lug wat hulle inasem.

    22 April, 2024 at 16:25
  6. avatar
    #54 JongMatie

    @OomPB (Comment #53)
    Ek weet nie of jy dalk gesien het hoe naby die tellings aan mekaar was nie.
    Regdeur die bank.
    Makroskool teen makroskool
    Klas teen klas
    Skolerugby uit die heel boonste rakke.
    Ek sal geld daarop sit – die kwaliteit se oorsprong – wynlandwater.

    22 April, 2024 at 15:48
  7. avatar
    #53 OomPB

    @JongMatie (Comment #51)
    As al jou ouderdomsgroepe sterk is , dan is dit n lang siklus.

    22 April, 2024 at 15:28
  8. avatar
    #52 JongMatie

    Bere nog in hibernasie?

    22 April, 2024 at 14:00
  9. avatar
    #51 JongMatie

    @PRondersteuner (Comment #50)
    Die ding loop ook maar in siklusse..

    22 April, 2024 at 13:58
  10. avatar
    #50 PRondersteuner

    @Snelvuur (Comment #47)
    Baie waar wat jy sê. Toe Hein Kriek by PRG was, was dit ook so, maar net by 1ste span. Nou is dit by al die spanne.

    22 April, 2024 at 13:30
  11. avatar
    #49 OomPB

    @JongMatie (Comment #48)
    Ek het self saterdag na die game gedink oor dit. In die verlede was dit HJS en Gim wat PRG gewurg het met hul spel patroon. Die wiel het nou gedraai. PRG speel nie meer daai wilde hardloop rugby nie maar fase op fase en beheer meer die besitting. Dit kan werk teen Grey wat se pak lig lyk maar kan sukkel teen Gim wat ook n goeie pak het. Daai wen teen Affies was net die regte medisyne.

    22 April, 2024 at 12:25
  12. avatar
    #48 JongMatie

    @Snelvuur (Comment #47)
    Stellenbosch water.

    22 April, 2024 at 11:43
  13. avatar
    #47 Snelvuur

    @PRondersteuner (Comment #46)
    Wat my die meeste beïndruk van al PRG se A-spanne hierdie jaar, maar veral van die eerstespan, is dat hulle lelik kan wen. Ek dink nie hulle het een wedstryd al fantasties gespeel nie, maar hulle het reeds vir Affies (in ‘n elektriese atmosfeer voor ‘n partisan skare) in Pretoria en vir HJS gewen. Daar was elke rede hoekom PRG die wedstryd teen Affies moes verloor, maar het dit by hook or by crook deurgetrek. PRG het selfs in die maer jare talentvolle spelers gehad, maar het nie altyd geweet hoe om te wen nie. Dit voel asof hulle dit nou goed weet.

    22 April, 2024 at 11:41
  14. avatar
    #46 PRondersteuner

    @Snelvuur (Comment #33)
    Voor Covid sou PRG baie gelukkig wees as hulle 5 uit 29 wedstryde wen. Corné maak ‘n groot verskil met sy strukture en beplanning. Well done aan al die coaches en spelers. Ek is seker HJS sal volgende jaar hard terugkom.
    In my beskeie opinie is PRG nog nie afgeronde span wat hulle kan wees nie. HJS se verdediging was uitstekend, maar oor 2 weke is dit Gim in Paarl en dit kan ‘n harde een wees. Veral in die lynstane sal PRG moet begin regkom. Weereens te veel wat daar verloor was.

    22 April, 2024 at 10:33
  15. avatar
    #45 JongMatie

    @JongMatie (Comment #44)
    Behoort in te stap in the WP CW span.

    22 April, 2024 at 10:16
  16. avatar
    #44 JongMatie

    @Deon (Comment #43)
    Ek beweeg naby aan die skool so ja, dit is die naam wat ons vir daardie blitsige vleuel van ons gedoop het.
    aka Stoffels..

    Maak skade.

    22 April, 2024 at 10:11
  17. avatar
    #43 Deon

    @JongMatie (Comment #42)
    Môre. Wat is Twinkle Toes?

    22 April, 2024 at 09:56
  18. avatar
    #42 JongMatie

    Ons doen die praatwerk op die veld.
    2 3 Maroon Masjien.
    2 3 Jolla Bolla.
    2 3 Wynlandwater.
    2 3 AF Markotter.
    2 3 Twinkle Toes.

    22 April, 2024 at 09:43
  19. avatar
    #41 OomPB

    Gedog Jong Matie sou al ingeloer het.

    21 April, 2024 at 20:03
  20. avatar
    #40 boerboel

    ja geluk aan PRG -welverdiende wen- al die wedstryde was kompeterend en in goeie gees gespeel

    21 April, 2024 at 12:30
  21. avatar
    #39 OomPB

    @Strepie (Comment #38)
    PRG se strukture is gesond. Dit vat harde werk, krediet aan Corne.

    21 April, 2024 at 11:54
  22. avatar
    #38 Strepie

    Nou ja, Baie geluk Paul Roos met n welverdiende oorwinning.
    In my boeke het Boishaai puik verdedig, Paul Roos eenvoudig net te goed!
    Boishaai het n swaar dag in Stellenbosch beleef, slegs 8 uit 29 wedstryde gewen..
    Verlig dat daar geen ernstige beserings was nie.
    Koppe op manne!

    21 April, 2024 at 07:43
  23. avatar
    #37 beet

    Slow poison by Paul Roos today. Boishaai just could not/were not allowed to get into their stride today. At 17-10, Boishaai came up with this excellent passage. Found width on the right. Brought in back to the left from breakdowns inside the 22. At 5m out got pinged for holding. If they got 7-points there it might have been a big momentum swinger. Otherwise Paul Roos were composed, trusted the plan and had the confidence as in each other. It felt like they had a good measure of control. Their forwards were good. Hard to fault their backrow. PRG scrumhalf had a bit of an up and down time but overall he was a net positive player.

    I still think PRG should play Stoffels at 15. He is electric with a bit of real estate in front of him.

    20 April, 2024 at 19:31
  24. avatar
    #36 OomPB

    @Snelvuur (Comment #33)
    Dis uitstekend. Vir jare was dit net dalk die eerstes

    20 April, 2024 at 18:40
  25. avatar
    #35 Deon

    Knap gedaan beide PRG en HJS en ek is bly ek lees niks van beserings nie. Ek is aangenaam verras want by my was daar geen twyfel HJS sou ons wen nie.Nog baie hekkies wat op PRG wag en volgende jaar is HJS terug. Sal aanhou loer wanneer ek kan net om te lag oor JongMatie se menings.

    20 April, 2024 at 17:57
  26. avatar
    #34 Deon

    @OomPB (Comment #30)
    Dankie Oom.

    20 April, 2024 at 17:52
  27. avatar
    #33 Snelvuur

    Briljante dag vir PRG vandag. o14A, o15A, o16A en Eerstespan gewen. Bitter taai, old school wynland rugby vandag. Baie dankie aan ons gaste van die Pêrel wat altyd strawwe, begeesterde en goedgeestige kompetisie bring.

    20 April, 2024 at 17:47
  28. avatar
    #32 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    Geluk Paul Roos. In full transparency I believed deep down we going to pull a surprise but it was not meant to be.

    20 April, 2024 at 16:56
  29. avatar
    #31 BoishaaiPa

    Baie geluk PR en supporters…was altyd op die kaarte vir n PR wen maar mens kon altyd net hoop. BH was nooit regtig in die game nie en PR alles beheer. Gelukkig is daar weer n volgende jaar!

    20 April, 2024 at 16:25
  30. avatar
    #30 OomPB

    25-10 PRG

    20 April, 2024 at 15:28
  31. avatar
    #29 Deon

    Wanneer die wedstryd oor is pos asseblief die score enige-iemand. Ek weet beet pos dit nogal gou maar …….Dankie by voorbaat

    20 April, 2024 at 14:55
  32. avatar
    #28 OomPB

    @JongMatie (Comment #6)
    So far, so good.

    20 April, 2024 at 14:33
  33. avatar
    #27 Smallies

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #25)
    Jy speel nie vir Boishaai 1st team as jy nie goed genoeg is nie ,en om op 16 daai span te haal beteken jy is damm goed….

    20 April, 2024 at 08:09
  34. avatar
    #26 Kaya 85

    “Schoolboy Titans on Collision Course in Cape Winelands” *Rugby 365
    Four of the best schools teams on planet earth colliding within metres of each other today…Geography teachers predict earth tremors or worse.

    20 April, 2024 at 07:49
  35. avatar
    #25 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #24)
    Impossible to predict. Tight 5 very young with 4 grade 11’s. I think there are 5 boys who are still 16 years old in the team. That is however no excuse as they represent the first team of Paarl Boys High. I believe it will be a jam packed stadium so it will be a high pressure game. How blessed are we not in SA to see games of this caliber and the Paarl Gym vs Grey game a few kilometers away.

    19 April, 2024 at 23:30
  36. avatar
    #24 Kaya 85

    @PRondersteuner (Comment #17)
    I don’t know how old exactly the forwards are, but I sat in the 2nd row at one of
    BoysHigh’s games a few weeks ago and they ain’t small, they ain’t small at all…even the four reserve forwards were very large units by almost any standard except previous HJS teams, or Affies maybe…OK Monnas this year. Having said that, the Paul Roos game I saw v Affies, they were steely hard and physical, mentally strong, ‘wild dogs mentality’ …and then the skills to back it up.
    So my feeling is that PR could win a close one..but there are always so many different dynamics at play and someone could just bring big X factor on the day…

    19 April, 2024 at 19:37
  37. avatar
    #23 JongMatie

    @Deon (Comment #22)
    Wonder of die skeidsregter weer die belangrikste speler op die veld gaan wil wees en of ons weer hordes penalties gaan sien,soos met Noord Suid.

    19 April, 2024 at 13:54
  38. avatar
    #22 Deon

    Weereens, Boishaai met 5 minimum.

    My hoop is egter dat dat geen beserings is in die eerste plek, tweedens dat PRG nie oorgerus is nie en dat die weer hou en dit skouspelagtig is.

    19 April, 2024 at 13:42
  39. avatar
    #21 JongMatie

    @OomPB (Comment #20)
    Een ding waaroor ons Maroon manne nie kan stry nie – Boishaai is so ver voor met wenne, dit is tyd dat ons n slag bietjie inhaal..

    19 April, 2024 at 13:24
  40. avatar
    #20 OomPB

    Boishaai het PRG genoeg gedomineer in die verlede om hulle enigsens te onderskat. Dit gaan n taaie wees.

    19 April, 2024 at 13:22
  41. avatar
    #19 yesnomaybe

    @Snelvuur (Comment #18)
    After watching last week’s match, I think the Bois high flyhalf is either carrying an injury or he’s not the best defender. Basically everytime on defence he drops back into a fullback role. The Berg flyhalf exposed him in this role with one of the big up & unders that were put on him that he totally misjudged & the Berg winger picked up & scored. Not seen him run with the ball so I can’t comment on that but his distribution & kicking out of hand are good. His goalkicking & drop kicking from the restarts were poor. Missed 4 conversions & 2 restarts kicked directly into touch. Hopefully he sorts that part of his game out moving forward.

    19 April, 2024 at 10:26
  42. avatar
    #18 Snelvuur

    @PRondersteuner (Comment #17)
    Stem! HJS se losskakel is ook topklas. Hy het laas naweek ‘n af wedstryd gehad (soos maar met enigiemand van tyd tot tyd gebeur), maar as hy die wiele aan die rol kry in daai agterlyn kan hulle groot skade maak. Beide hulle vleuels is puik.

    19 April, 2024 at 08:38
  43. avatar
    #17 PRondersteuner

    Môre almal. Sterkte vir al die skole se rugbyspanne vir 2024.
    Daar bestaan nie so iets soos ‘n swak of selfs middelmatige of “swakker as verlede jaar” HJS rugbyspan nie. Nog meer ‘n 1ste span. Hulle is miskien jonk en lig voor, maar was hulle nie verlede jaar ook nie? Gim het baie groot geskrik met interskole. Dit gaan baie naby wees by al die spanne. PRG was maar baie “undercooked” nog hierdie seisoen, behalwe vir die laaste 20 min verlede week.
    Sterkte vir al die spanne.

    19 April, 2024 at 08:08
  44. avatar
    #16 boerboel

    @Snelvuur (Comment #15)
    ja en elke game gaan naby wees- dink egter by eerste spanne- prg bietjie sterk voor- maar wie weet-2 like minded skole teen mekaar

    19 April, 2024 at 07:48
  45. avatar
    #15 Snelvuur

    Fantastiese dag van rugby wat wag môre. 29 wedstryde oor die ouderdomsgroepe: o14A-G, o15A-F, o16A-F en o19A-J.

    19 April, 2024 at 07:42
  46. avatar
    #14 Rainier

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #13)

    Niemand kan so ‘n koos wees in die regte lewe nie.

    18 April, 2024 at 19:48
  47. avatar
    #13 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @JongMatie (Comment #6)
    Jou voorspelling is aan die konserwatiewe kant dankie! Het vandag met paar Maroon manne gepraat wat gepraat het van ‘n rekord wen met 30 plus !

    18 April, 2024 at 19:26
  48. avatar
    #12 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @Rainier (Comment #8)Ek dink jy is verkeerd

    18 April, 2024 at 19:23
  49. avatar
    #11 Strepie

    Sterkte aan HJS met die naweek se sport teen PRG.
    Dit is n styl bult – maar oorkombaar.
    Gee jul bes, los als op die veld! Maak ons manne trots.
    Mag die sport in n goeie gees gespeel word en mag daar ook geen ernstige beserings wees nie.

    18 April, 2024 at 13:10
  50. avatar
    #10 Smallies

    @JongMatie (Comment #6)
    So het Jorenzo uiteindelik herstel van sy beserings…..

    18 April, 2024 at 12:58
  51. avatar
    #9 Kantman

    @Rainier (Comment #8)

    18 April, 2024 at 12:45
  52. avatar
    #8 Rainier

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #7)

    Ek is seker dat, soos in die verlede, JM ‘n doppelganger persoonlikheid is en net bestaan om die res van ons te irriteer. Ignoreer hom/haar/dit.

    18 April, 2024 at 10:48
  53. avatar
    #7 OUD ANKER

    @JongMatie (Comment #6)
    En jy kan by jou lys byvoeg en miskien moet jy dit heel bo inlas:
    Uiters arrogante ondersteuners (net sekere van ons)

    18 April, 2024 at 08:59
  54. avatar
    #6 JongMatie

    Paul Roos gemaklik met so 20 tot 25 punte.
    Geen beserings
    Great werwing
    Great strukture
    Great coaching
    Great fasiliteite
    Tuis game
    Wynland water

    Geen beker op die spel nie.

    Makroskool rugby op sy heel heel beste.

    18 April, 2024 at 06:19
  55. avatar
    #5 Kantman

    @Snelvuur (Comment #4)
    Sien nou PRG net 5/16 wedstryde tuis – gelukkig is Oakdale eers na vakansie. Daai is rof!

    17 April, 2024 at 21:46
  56. avatar
    #4 Snelvuur

    @Kantman (Comment #1)
    Ek dink Gim se skedule is nicer – die enigste groot wedstryd wat hulle weg van die huis af gespeel het was Affies. Landbou, PRG en Grey tuis, met HJS op Faure (soos altyd). Die toughste deel van die seisoen is om Affies en Grey back to back te speel. Ek is maar nervous vir PRG se trippie Paarl toe. Net so vir PRG se wedstryd in Riversdal.

    17 April, 2024 at 21:25
  57. avatar
    #3 Snelvuur

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #2)
    Sheesh, not sure about “overwhelming favourites”! Think it will be a pretty tightly contested game. If BHS’ kicker kicked any better vs Wynberg (any better than 1/5), BHS would have won that game. I suspect the kicker might be the difference on the day again. PRG hasn’t managed to string together a full game of 70 minutes this season – mostly playing one good half per game, and their discipline has been poor. If BHS can capitalise on those errors, there is no reason why they can’t win.

    17 April, 2024 at 21:22
  58. avatar
    #2 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    It will be a cracker of a game with Paul Roos the overwhelming favourites with some game changers in their team and a very strong pack and playing at home. Saying that , our young team will give their all for the school and at the end it remains a game and a step in their educational journey.

    17 April, 2024 at 19:59
  59. avatar
    #1 Kantman

    Paul Roos probably has the best planned (handed?) season of all the Top5 teams – right number of games, not playing top opponents on consecutive weekends, nice balance of home/away, and Grey at home.
    They have good depth in the forwards and face a youthful HJS pack at home. Add some exciting backs and that rightfully makes them firm favorites.
    But HJS has the fight, some future stars and do not care about reputations or playing in Stellenbosch.
    Massive game – it will not be over until the fat lady sings.

    17 April, 2024 at 19:08

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