Brand new December schoolboy rugby series announced – SIX GUN GRILL SUMMER RUGBY FESTIVAL

The Six Gun Grill Summer Rugby Festival is set to create a permanent change in the way schools prepare for the regular winter season by offering a chance to fill the six-month gap between the end of the regular fifteens season in August and the start of the next season in March of the following year.

This has already been a huge plus factor for the likes of Grey College (2022) and more recently EG Jansen, Oakdale and Paul Roos who have used December overseas tours to great success to get a head start on their trials, selection process and two age-group blending. The proof is in the pudding. This season EG, Oakdale and PRG are all still unbeaten and in 2023 Grey made an excellent start which contributed to an unbeaten campaign.

The URC has proven that pro rugby is a popular live audience choice during the December school holidays. Based on this, its believed that school rugby has massive potential to piggy back off that same success.


Rewarding schoolboys for their early off-season!

The inaugural Six Gun Grill Summer Rugby Festival is a new product scheduled to take place in the iconic Stellenbosch at the start of December this year. The exciting eight-day competition will give school players who have worked hard in their off-season a short-term goal to work towards. “Top schools start their preparations for the following rugby season in October each year, and this new competition will be a fantastic opportunity for these teams to get quality organised game time” said the founder and organiser of the event, Pieter Rossouw.

“Tomorrow’s Heroes Today, is our strapline, as this represents the first public glimpse of the teams for the following season. Teams will have the opportunity to play four matches in eight days, in early December. It is not frowned upon anymore to see rugby in December, and with this new innovation, we give coaches an opportunity to enhance their senior squad’s preparations for the new year and to enjoy the Summer Rugby Festival” Rossouw explained.

Rossouw, who is also the organiser of the well-known ‘Noord-Suid Toernooi’ in Pretoria, decided to join forces with Duitser Bosman, former CEO of Varsity Cup and Varsity Sports. “December in Stellenbosch will become iconic in the ever-changing landscape of sport at school level,” Duitser Bosman said.

“We are in agreement with our main sponsor, Six Gun Grill, that this needs to be a festival that schools look forward to each year, ending the year on high”. The beauty of this product is that all schools are welcome, with schools competing on a strength-versus-strength basis. The first 40 schools will be accommodated in year one, with the organisers ensuring each school has a pleasant experience, both on and off the field.”

Bosman stated that this product model is built to accommodate schools on different levels, all aiming to finish the year and the initial pre-season on a high. “We have a few prominent schools, with strong rugby programs, who have already indicated that they would be very keen to participate in Stellenbosch, with the first list of participating schools being released very soon. Schools have also expressed interest in attending the HSBC 7’s at the DHL Stadium on Sunday, adding to the appeal,” Rossouw confirmed. The early interest is indicative of Rossouw’s strong relationship with recognised rugby schools.

The backing from Six Gun Grill as the festival’s title partner has added some extra spice to this new exciting product. “This innovative contribution to the sports calendar is fresh and exciting and will become an annual introduction to the summer holidays,” John Morris, Managing Director of Six Gun Grill, added.

The synergy between a South African Summer Rugby Festival and the King of Spices already adds an exciting glimpse as to what festival goers can expect. “We will need to find a partner in the meat industry, as it is obvious that the braai’s will be a feature and part of the “GEES” we hope to add to this festival,” Rossouw reacted.

This event will take place from 5 to 11 December with affordable accommodation offered to the schools at local school residences in Stellenbosch. This will allow schools to save costs and make the festival as affordable as possible.

To ensure this event continues to grow into the ultimate pre-season festival, two additional competitions will be added. One for primary schools’ rugby and 10’s rugby for seniors and old-boys. Primary schools’ rugby will also see schools focusing on the squads for the following season. The competition rules and playing schedules are structured and well thought through for both primary and high schools, to simulate early-season trial elements among squads. The primary school boys will play from 5-7 December at the same venue.

For more information about the Summer Rugby Festival visit


  1. avatar
    #37 tzavosky

    @Grizzly (Comment #36)
    Nee, ek weet nie waar Pik se plek was nie, maar dit was daar teen die berg in Pta-Noord.

    7 April, 2024 at 21:22
  2. avatar
    #36 Grizzly

    @tzavosky (Comment #34)
    Waar was die plot,naby Pik se plek?

    7 April, 2024 at 20:20
  3. avatar
    #35 Smallies

    @tzavosky (Comment #34)
    He so n bietjie gaan lees oor hom ,sjoe hy is n merkwaardige man sy patiente praat net met lof van hom …seker daai Rook en brug spelery😂😂😂 as ek ooit weer die kans kry om bietjie by die eiland te gaan kamp gaan ekke jou beslis opsoek ek dink ek sal geniet om n stukkie hartaanval te braai saam met jou…ou Deon ook al maak hy my soms die moer in😂😂😂😂

    7 April, 2024 at 15:57
  4. avatar
    #34 tzavosky

    @Smallies (Comment #31)
    Jy weet, destyds was ons 4 varsity pêlle wat altyd saam gesit en swot het (en gerook het en brug gespeel het as ons moes klasdraf). Ou Sarel-hulle het op ‘n plot daar bo teen die berg in Pta-Noord gebly, en dit was nou ‘n lekker plek vir saamswot (en rook en brugspeel). Sy broer Willie was ‘n hele paar jaar jonger as hy, en hy en sy Affie-pêlle het gereëld daar aangekom en ons soort van bewonder.

    Ou Willie het Chris Barnard se job oorgeneem en het meer harte oorgeplant as Chris Barnard. met Sarel deesdae sy voltydse assistent. Google gerus Willie Koen.

    7 April, 2024 at 15:20
  5. avatar
    #33 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #32)
    Bietjie ingewikkelde valves daai ,anyway vandag weet ek ,ek moes ook eintlik Teck toe gegaan het want ek spandeer meeste van my tyd in n ou garage tussen tools parte olie en engins ,welders het ek meer as skoene en grinders meer as t shirts ,maar ek wou mos geoloog word en daarvoor moes jy Bsc swot….wat ek toe op die ou end nooit gedoen het nie

    7 April, 2024 at 14:09
  6. avatar
    #32 OUD ANKER

    :lol: :lol: @Smallies (Comment #31) Chris Barnard het menigmaal na homself as ‘n glorified plumber verwys omdat die hart niks anders as ‘n pomp met kleppe en release valves is!

    7 April, 2024 at 14:02
  7. avatar
    #31 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #30)
    Hart oorplanting is darem so n bietjie anders as n kar overhaul my ou matekker tjommie😂😂😂😂
    Maar nou moet ekke ook se ek ken nie baie drs wat n kar kan overhaul nie ,of n huis bedraad nie of n selinderhead kan skim nie ,of n french drain kan bou nie ,of n camshaft op n draaibank kan ballanseer nie…. maar ek ken ook nie plumbers wat n hartstent kan insit nie ….

    7 April, 2024 at 12:49
  8. avatar
    #30 OUD ANKER

    @tzavosky (Comment #28)
    Exactly!! Onthou my almamater is actually nie Die Anker nie, maar wel die HTS Brakpan, wat toe later Die Anker geword het en was dit altyd’n classic as daar op ons HTS ouens neergekyk is as die skool waar leerlinge anders as sg. “akademiese skole” met hulle hande gaan werk het….dan was my vraag altyd, waarmee het Chris Barnard sy eerste hart oorgeplant?….met sy donnerse hande!!

    6 April, 2024 at 17:40
  9. avatar
    #29 Djou

    @tzavosky (Comment #28)
    Exactly – hartseer hoe die getal tegniese skole verminder het.
    Aan die ander kant is ek dankbaar vir byvoorbeeld die gehalte dokters wat ons skole oplewer.

    6 April, 2024 at 08:22
  10. avatar
    #28 tzavosky

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #25)
    Ieamand het die afgelope week hier gesê ‘n skool is ‘n akademiee instelling. Ek het maar net gesmaail, en gedink ek sal dit laat verbygaan. Maar ek kon nie ophou dink aan ou Flippie Botes wat saam met my op skool was en in sy finale St 5 wiskunde vraestel geskryf het, “Mnr, ek kan die somme nie doen nie, kan meneer as meneer nie kan nie?”

    Duidelik was die skool nie vir ou Flippie ‘n akademiese instelling nie, maar die skool het hom nie weggejaag nie. Na nog ‘n paar jaar daar (en ‘n bietjie meer volwassenheid), het hy ‘n ambag gaan volg en ‘n dêm goeie mechanic geword [Jy gaan meer kere in jou lewe ‘n mechanic nodig kry as wat jy die dienste van ‘n kernfisikus gaan gebruik!].

    So, ek smaail elke jaar as ek sien hoe skole spog met hulle 100% matriekslaagsyfer en ek wonder onwillekeirig wat van húlle Flippies geword het. ‘n Skool is ‘n opvoedingsinstansie, waarvan akademie ‘n deel uitmaak.

    5 April, 2024 at 23:29
  11. avatar
    #27 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #25)
    Or else rugby must just go pro from the age of 16, with contracts for players etc.

    5 April, 2024 at 22:00
  12. avatar
    #26 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #25)
    Ja ja ja ….

    5 April, 2024 at 09:52
  13. avatar
    #25 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #21)
    Baie van die “nie-akademiese” skole se matrieks is nie klaar met skool nie…. :mrgreen:

    5 April, 2024 at 09:17
  14. avatar
    #24 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #23)

    4 April, 2024 at 22:18
  15. avatar
    #23 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #22)
    At least is die een by Grey beslis in die vakansie 😂😂😂.Soos ek al gese het ek kan beslis voordele in die toernooi sien ,is daar nadele ? Virseker is daar en als wat julle noem is sinvolle besware ,ek is tans nie vir of teen die toernooie nie en glo dat die lewensvatbaarheid daarvan getoets sal word en indien dit nie van waarde is nie sal dit n natuurlike dood sterf

    4 April, 2024 at 19:52
  16. avatar
    #22 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #21)
    Graad 11 eksamen is baie belangrik vir sekere studierigtings.
    Die spanne wat oorsee gaan speel teen skole van oorsee – nie seker of die idee is jy gaan hier teen plaaslike skole speel nie?
    Maar klink my hierdie toernooi is meer aanvaarbaar as die NextgenXV een by Grey? Daai datum maak nog minder sin vir my.

    4 April, 2024 at 19:03
  17. avatar
    #21 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #20)Grey het met n klomp O 16,s en 17,s Thailand toe gegaan en amper die hele besigheid gewen…. o 16s in Desember is basies drie weke weg van O17 af en die sal o17 toernooie wees want die matrieks is reeds klaar met skool en nie meer deel van die skool opset nie

    4 April, 2024 at 18:44
  18. avatar
    #20 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #19)
    Ek dink Boksmart dink bietjie anders oor oefenkamp en speel.
    En oefening gaan in die eksamen moet gebeur om reg te wees.
    Dan bring jy o16 spelers by wat nog nie kondisioneer is hiervoor nie.
    Om dit skouspel te maak en toeskouers te lok gaan jy krag teen krag moet speel?
    Lekker goeie en gratis oefenkamp by die skool – dan is daar ook nie Shoppers wat kom kyk hoe maak hulle gate toe vir volgende jaar nie.

    4 April, 2024 at 18:23
  19. avatar
    #19 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #18)
    n Pre season toernooi fees is in esensie n oefen kamp….. kan selfs so ver gaan en se onbeperkte subs

    4 April, 2024 at 17:36
  20. avatar
    #18 Kantman

    @Rainier (Comment #16)
    As dit oefenkamp is maak dit meer sin vir my, maar festival het konnektasie van speel vir iets waarvoor jy reeds ‘n oefenkamp moes gehad het.

    4 April, 2024 at 17:17
  21. avatar
    #17 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #16)
    Stem saam

    4 April, 2024 at 16:11
  22. avatar
    #16 Rainier

    @Smallies (Comment #14)

    Wat gaan gebeur is dat die 1ste skole wat deelneem die volgende jaar die vrugte gaan pluk, veral met die wedstryde tot en met Paasnaweek.

    En dan gaan die ander skole vinnig ‘n ander deuntjie begin sing. Lekker pre-season kampie in die mooi Boland.

    4 April, 2024 at 15:13
  23. avatar
    #15 Djou

    I am all for this, on condition that it (the practices and training) does not interfere with the exams.

    4 April, 2024 at 11:20
  24. avatar
    #14 Smallies

    @Grizzly (Comment #13)
    Ek dink as dit reg gedoen word met bv nie meer as drie games per span nie ,en dit n O 17 toernooi is kan dit baie goed wees vir daardie spanne ,ons het verlede jaar met Grey en die jaar met PRG Oakdale en EG gesien wat se waarde dit inhou vir n span ,ek dink in alle geval indien dit nie lewens vatbaar is nie sal dit n natuurlike dood sterf

    4 April, 2024 at 10:40
  25. avatar
    #13 Grizzly

    @Smallies (Comment #12)
    Nee wat,dit was 1 of 2 skole en behalwe vir n skool wat n spesifieke mylpaal bereik soos 100 jaar en dan n once off int toernooi maak is die huidige een vir my ook n waste.Dis te veel,te erg,te prof en ontneem van balans.

    4 April, 2024 at 10:25
  26. avatar
    #12 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #11)presies die selde ding dis net tuis so nou het dit skielik nie meer die aantrekkings krag van n oorsee toernooi nie of toer nie,so nou is dit skielik n slegte ding

    4 April, 2024 at 10:09
  27. avatar
    #11 Rainier

    Why is this fundamentally different to the PR tour or participating in the tournament in Thailand?

    4 April, 2024 at 09:42
  28. avatar
    #10 Kaya 85

    Not smart. Not an educational decision. Educators and teachers Not consulted. Half-baked opportunists and sponsors think this is a great idea. Very disappointed in Pieter Rossouw, he must be getting a nice financial incentive. It’s basically a professional entrepreneurial venture with tournament hosts, broadcaster/streamer and sponsors benefitting…it’s unethical. They can’t do this with adult club or provincial rugby, so squeeze the children and schools who will play for free, for nothing. Bad show. I love schools rugby more than any sport….but this is just BS.

    3 April, 2024 at 17:49
  29. avatar
    #9 Snelvuur

    @Grasshopper (Comment #6)
    Agree. It’s something that’s getting overlooked and one of a myriad of reasons why this should not happen. It will slowly kill off other sports that are already getting pushed to the margins of their seasons to accommodate the longer rugby season.

    2 April, 2024 at 22:47
  30. avatar
    #8 Kantman

    Basically if Grey went on tour again December 2023 they would still be undefeated.
    Hugenote, Marais Viljoen, Goudveld, Paarl Gim, HJS, Wynberg and Charlies is still undefeated.

    2 April, 2024 at 21:17
  31. avatar
    #7 Kantman

    I agree this is a Big No. Still waiting for a supportive vote.

    30 March, 2024 at 20:16
  32. avatar
    #6 Grasshopper

    No man! This is time for cricket…

    30 March, 2024 at 16:09
  33. avatar
    #5 jakes

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #3)
    I agree 100%. This is a waste of time and money. It serves no purpose to have schoolboy rugby in December.

    30 March, 2024 at 15:33
  34. avatar
    #4 RuggaFreak

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #3)
    A big NO from me too bro.

    30 March, 2024 at 12:27
  35. avatar
    #3 Kaya 85

    @jakes (Comment #2)
    You’re right. Sponsors now hijacking the game….more more more. The lads need a break after their exams, the long school year, physically tough seasons. No. Just no!

    30 March, 2024 at 07:42
  36. avatar
    #2 jakes

    No. Unfortunately the schoolboy rugby season is already too long as it is. I do not agree with this. Just too much rugby at school boy level. Waste of money

    29 March, 2024 at 16:12
  37. avatar
    #1 Kantman

    Interesting – 2 events battling it out now for a December tournament slot.

    29 March, 2024 at 14:54

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