Quality on Meadows when Michaelhouse hosts Helpmekaar

March 2024

For a third year in a row, Helpmekaar Kollege will travel to Balgowan in the KwaZulu-Natal Midlands to face Michaelhouse in what is building up to be a really good early season match between two of South Africa’s leading rugby independent schools.

Both privates have a host of standout players spread across their respective line-ups.

KZN is in for a treat at prop once again in 2024, thanks to the quality front-rankers representing the various local schools. In open play they do not come more exciting that MHS loosehead Aphiwe Shelembe. He will be backed up by his partner in crime from 2023, Luthando Buthelezi who also featured prominently in the ball-carrying highlights reel.

Up against them in the engine room will be Helpies’ SA Schools hopeful Ulrich van der Merwe, who is a powerful man-mountain. On the other side of the scrum, look out for lively youngster Dylan Engelbrecht.

The secondrow sees Robert Combrinck making his House rugby debut. He spend the first 12-years of his life on the Michaehouse campus, a time when his father was the top-rated school head coach and architect of some of the most amazing backline moves. Robert’s cousin, Springbok wing Ruan developed his game at House and played 1st XV alongside fellow Boks Pat Lambie and Ross Cronje.

HMK’s lock JP Lombard is an exceptional player. He has energy and determination and is bound to bring some physicality to the collisions.

Talking energy, House no.8 Carlyle Hawkins oozes talent and will be looking for space to exploit and may mix in some creativity as well.

These days it feels like it just would not be Helpmekaar if they did not have a high quality scrumhalf. Here Tristan van Niekerk is a cool customer with a slick pass and a pedigree feel about his game. He will be rivalled by Jack Hughes, the son of Bruce, former DHS 1st XV captain and headboy (1994).

The KZN Craven Week lead contender flyhalf Luke Davidson is the son of another standout schoolboy player from the past. Brett Davidson (MHS old boy) was in the 1990 Natal Craven Week team – the last team from the province to win the unofficial final.

On a national level, Helpies inside centre Michael Benzien will probably be the most well-known player to run out onto Meadows on Saturday. He’s a big boy, a Frans Steyn sized youngster and was also the first team place-kicker in 2023.

Tom Baguley by comparison is a lot smaller in stature but this did not stop the broad-shouldered House no.12 from putting together a very useful 2023 season, characterised by his strength on his feet and ability to get over the gain-line.

At outside centre, HMK’s Ty Ax is a youngster who cannot be afforded any room as he will punish any defence. Expect big things from him over the next couple of seasons. He will be closely watched by u17 William Ridl, who is the brother of last year’s X-factor House centre Campbell.

Helpmekaar’s biggest threat could well come from their left wing Pieter Moller. He is a blondie built like a Pacific Islander and capable of running a sub-11 100m. He could prove to be very destructive.

Tasked with the job of marking Moller is KZN youth week 2023 representative Aya Mkhokeli.

Can’t wait for the game!

1 Aphiwe Shelembe u18 1 Dylan Engelbrecht u17
2 Sithe Nkompela u18 2 Gustav Grotius u17
3 Luthando Buthelezi u18 3 Ulrich vd Merwe u18
4 Robert Combrinck u18 4 Christiaan Tonkin u17
5 Anesu Nduru u18 5 JP Lombard u18
6 Hendri Zietsman u18 6 Zaiden Krige u17
7 Rilety Gehren u18 7 Darius Haasbroek u18
8 Carlyle Hawkins u18 8 Molatsi Moloi u18
9 Jack Hughes u18 9 Tristan van Niekerk u18
10 Luke Davidson u18 10 Wian Storm u18
11 Rourke Murray u18 11 Pieter Moller u18
12 Tom Baguley u18 12 Michael Benzien u18
13 William Ridl u17 13 Ty Ax u17
14 Aya Mkhokeli u18 14 Delano Maritz u18
15 Stefan Moolman u17 15 Tiaan le Roux u18
18 Thomas Peach u17 18


  1. avatar
    #6 Coolguy

    Big game against Westville on Bowden’s this weekend. Should be a cracker!

    13 March, 2024 at 14:08
  2. avatar
    #5 Kaya 85

    Wow what a write up! Wish I could be there to see this one…Ty Ax gets the pre-season award for the most intimidating name – he will slice through a backline.

    6 March, 2024 at 19:11
  3. avatar
    #4 RuggaFreak

    Watch out for Ty Ax, the boy is a special talent.

    6 March, 2024 at 16:15
  4. avatar
    #3 Skywalker

    @beet (Comment #2)
    I think the privates can afford to be very strategic, especially the full boarding schools. It may be harder for the public schools to get exactly who they want in a specific position, but that is key. Any 1st team coach can look in advance at who his returning group of 1st and 2nd team players will be in any given year and who his u16A group is, and already piece together a starting team. If someone like BMH at Hilton sees he is short at lock or hooker etc he has the clout and money to then go and find what he needs and has a much better chance of luring a top quality boy to Hilton. As per your KZN booster post, Hilton have added 2 boys from Grey College no less in key positions (hooker and wing). No doubt these were key pieces missing in his team – they are not back up 2nd team players. Mhouse have added Thomas Peach as a prop. If we note that their two starting props above are returing 1st team boys now in Matric, this makes sense. Bring in a high quality u17 prop who can already play 1st team. No doubt he will be a starter next year.

    6 March, 2024 at 10:47
  5. avatar
    #2 beet

    @Skywalker (Comment #1)
    I wonder how strategy schools can afford to be when finding new players. I guess the perfect recruit is one who brings quality to a position where there is a lack of quality/depth in the age-group

    6 March, 2024 at 10:17
  6. avatar
    #1 Skywalker

    Mhouse have strategically added some new boys. They have some great returning players. They dont plan on giving up the ascendecy over Hilton right away, so will be interesting to see how they go this season. This is a big game first up!
    Wonder how many Hilton have added?

    6 March, 2024 at 09:55

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