Bulls name u18 Craven Week and Academy Week Teams 2023

1 Steyn Truter 1 of 9 Affies
2 FC van Rooyen 2 of 9 Affies
3 Leighton- Jon Cloete 1 of 15 Garsfontein
4 Ilanga Engondo 1 of 1 Sutherland
5 Divan Brits 2 of 15 Garsfontein
6 Happy Makate 1 of 3 Waterkloof
7 Abri van der Westhuizen 3 of 15 Garsfontein
8 Dieter Schubert 3 of 9 Affies
9 Brooklyn Newman 4 of 15 Garsfontein
10 Nicallen Gabrielson 5 of 15 Garsfontein
11 Luyolo Doyi 1 of 1 Overkruin
12 Janco Purchase 4 of 9 Affies
13 Dimitri Erasmus 6 of 15 Garsfontein
14 Jason Hugo 7 of 15 Garsfontein
15 Jayden Fortuin 1 of 3 Menlopark
16 Shaun Schurmann 1 of 8 Pretoria BH
17 Ethan van Wyk 8 of 15 Garsfontein
18 Kitso Mokoena 2 of 8 Pretoria BH
19 James Schnetler 9 of 15 Garsfontein
20 Luan Olivier 10 of 15 Garsfontein
21 Ntsako Ndhlovu 3 of 8 Pretoria BH
22 Naylon Albertus 2 of 3 Menlopark
23 Hilton Thomas 1 of 1 Midstream


1 DA Swart 11 of 15 Garsfontein
2 Ethan van Dyk 5 of 9 Affies
3 Ofentse Moeng 4 of 8 Pretoria BH
4 Thepiso Shikhibana 5 of 8 Pretoria BH
5 JD Hatting 6 of 9 Affies
6 Thabang Ramokoma 1 of 1 Heronbridge
7 Ruan Lippold 7 of 9 Affies
8 Dale Arlow 2 of 3 Waterkloof
9 Zian Cilliers 12 of 15 Garsfontein
10 Jason Jansen 1 of 1 Cornwall
11 Ruan Enslin 13 of 15 Garsfontein
12 Heinrich Cloete 14 of 15 Garsfontein
13 Anwill Prins 3 of 3 Menlopark
14 Waldo Koeleman 1 of 1 Centurion
15 Tebogo Nchabaleng 6 of 8 Pretoria BH
16 Thapelo Mphela 7 of 8 Pretoria BH
17 Randy Muzungu 8 of 8 Pretoria BH
18 Neo Gama 1 of 1 St Alban’s
19 Wade Williams 1 of 1 Oos-Moot
20 Aiden King 15 of 15 Garsfontein
21 Stefan Brits 8 of 9 Affies
22 Ruben Pienaar 9 of 9 Affies
23 Malcom George 3 of 3 Waterkloof


  1. avatar
    #35 Smallies

    @Djou: ag hulle sal seker maar verstaan ….🤣🤣🤣🤣darem n klomp nice ouens oor die algemeen.

    10 June, 2023 at 11:16
  2. avatar
    #34 Smallies

    @Djou: hulle het nog tot 2002 teen mekaar gejol volgens vivalagrey

    10 June, 2023 at 11:13
  3. avatar
    #33 Djou

    @Smallies: Eish, hierdie is ‘n Bulle stroom, nou-nou word die manne vies vir ons 😃

    10 June, 2023 at 11:13
  4. avatar
    #32 Djou

    @Smallies: Het wel vir Sentraal daarna gewen!

    10 June, 2023 at 11:11
  5. avatar
    #31 Smallies

    @Smallies: fact check was 1992 gewees 13 11 Sentraal

    10 June, 2023 at 11:03
  6. avatar
    #30 Smallies

    @Djou: dit was die laaste game wat Grey in Bloem verloor het ….ek was saam met n paar van daardie manne op college gewees op Kroonstad….

    10 June, 2023 at 10:51
  7. avatar
    #29 4×4

    @Wonder: daai een verstaan ek nog minder. Dink DA en Ruan kan baie ongelukkig voel

    10 June, 2023 at 10:14
  8. avatar
    #28 Djou

    @Smallies: Hulle het selfs een game teen Grey gewen in Brink se matriekjaar.

    10 June, 2023 at 10:10
  9. avatar
    #27 Smallies

    @Djou: Daai Sentraal span was n bul span gewees…

    10 June, 2023 at 09:40
  10. avatar
    #26 Djou

    Wie onthou Vrystaatskole teen Blou Bulle in 1991?
    Voorwedstryd vir Vrystaat teen All Blacks.
    Eindtelling was 71-13.
    Stephen Brink het daai dag 44 punte vir die Vrystaat aangeteken en het reeds in sy 1ste jaar na skool vir Vrystaat se seniorspan gespeel.

    10 June, 2023 at 09:18
  11. avatar
    #25 Djou

    @Wonder: Ja, verjaar jaareinde en is jaar laat skool toe. Beide hy en sy tweelingboetie.

    10 June, 2023 at 09:15
  12. avatar
    #24 Djou

    @Deon: Ek wag steeds vir jou antwoord.

    10 June, 2023 at 09:13
  13. avatar
    #23 Wonder

    @4×4: Ek hoor Lottering is 0/19. Ruan Enslin is die beste 14 in Pretoria en hy moet 11 speel vir Akademie span ?

    10 June, 2023 at 06:27
  14. avatar
    #22 Kaya 85

    @Smallies: PvdM seriously did!! Wow.

    9 June, 2023 at 21:36
  15. avatar
    #21 4×4

    Hoe os dit moontlik dat DA Swart en Lotterimg nie in die Craven Week span is nie?

    9 June, 2023 at 21:25
  16. avatar
    #20 Djou

    @Deon: Noem al die Bolanders! Wil sien of jy regtig skolerugby ken!

    9 June, 2023 at 16:52
  17. avatar
    #19 Vleis

    @Kaya 85: I’d also be curious to find out who Heronbridge plays these days. I see that they had a Wednesday fixture v St Albans this year, albeit not against the 1st team. About 10+ years ago, they played against other tiny private schools like Dainfern, Beaulieu, etc. Then, they started taking their rugby seriously, so moved up a league by playing Fourways, Northcliff, Randpark, etc and they held their own.

    It’s interesting that they’ve moved to the Bulls, as some of their players used to get picked for the Lions President team that played at the SJC Fest.

    @Rugbyrealis: Many years ago, my daughter chose to compete for the Bulls athletics, rather than the Lions, as the former was much better administered. The Lions kicked up a fuss, as she was the last in a line of defections. However, we got away with it as we lived 50m north of the Jukskei at the time! :lol: :lol:

    9 June, 2023 at 16:51
  18. avatar
    #18 Smallies

    @Deon: goeie ding hulle word raak gesien ….wie weet of daardie seuns enigsins kans sou kry duskant Beufort-Wes

    9 June, 2023 at 14:42
  19. avatar
    #17 Smallies

    @Kaya 85: Pieter VD Merwe put ears on every single opposing player he faced this year….

    9 June, 2023 at 14:39
  20. avatar
    #16 Deon

    Jislike, die Gautengers beweer verkeerdelik die Boland is sterk verteenwoordig in die WP spanne via die Wynland, maar, well done Boland, Weskus, omstreke en ander telefoongidskonstruksies, julle is omtrent ‘n “force” in die Blou Bulle. Beslis meer Bolanders in die Blou Bul span as in die WP span. 👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾

    9 June, 2023 at 14:29
  21. avatar
    #15 Kaya 85

    Bulls CW 12 a good player (still gr 11) but his Grey opposite number put EARS on him in that game…i thought that would have ruined his chances for CW this year

    9 June, 2023 at 14:27
  22. avatar
    #14 Smallies

    @Rugbyrealis: kink nogals soos daai kringetjies WP in die Boland…ek weet Aliwal Noord se laerskool speel ook proewe onder die Vrystaat ,hulle het Grens seker so 7 jaar terug verlaat en by Vrystaat aangesluit

    9 June, 2023 at 13:32
  23. avatar
    #13 AbsolutMenlo

    @Kantman: Kloof speel baie direk met goeie bal draers wat momentum skep vanwaar hulle speel. As jy hulle bal draers effektief kan stop dan is daar probleme vir Kloof … soos EG se tweede helfte teen Kloof gewys het.
    Kloof / Helpmekaar gaan baie interessant wees.

    9 June, 2023 at 12:05
  24. avatar
    #12 Kaya 85

    @Rugbyrealis: thanks … do you know which schools they play against? probably Midstream, Southdowns …who else?

    9 June, 2023 at 12:05
  25. avatar
    #11 Rugbyrealis

    @Kaya 85: Heronbridge is situated on the norhern side of the Jukskei and they applied to Blue Bulls schools to be affiliated to them and not to Lions. It was granted by the BBHSRV and that is why they play under the jurisdiction of the Bulls. Clever move according to them

    9 June, 2023 at 11:09
  26. avatar
    #10 NieZandbergNie

    I think one should recognise Garsfontein’s contribution to the Blue Bulls team in terms of the number of quality players who are there on merit and at the same time satisfy the team selection policies – well done Garsfontein!

    9 June, 2023 at 09:10
  27. avatar
    #9 Kaya 85

    Why is Heronbridge not under Lions? That’s Fourways area right?

    9 June, 2023 at 08:31
  28. avatar
    #8 Grizzly

    @Kantman: Soos gese sorry man,Kloof teen Monnas is die een wat ek voor wag.Ek stem saam,daarom dat Kloof so masjien was onder Becker.

    Die huidige hoof mos van Zaneen en die bloggers daai kant het net positiewe te se oor hom.

    Soos jy se tyd sal leer.

    9 June, 2023 at 08:09
  29. avatar
    #7 Smallies

    @Kantman:Someone told me about 7 years ago that provincial scouts know who they want by the end of the Wildeklawer tournament….so basically after all the April festivals …..CW has lost almost all its value…

    9 June, 2023 at 07:28
  30. avatar
    #6 Kantman

    @Grizzly: Kloof reeds teen Bere verloor, speel hulle weer? ‘n Hoof kan verskil maak korttermyn, maar langtermyn word dit deur kultuur gedryf. Nie almal wil of hoef rugby te dryf nie. En dit is duur (afrigting, fasiliteite, toernooie) en vat lank.
    Minimum 10 jaar om volhoubaar te begin word.

    9 June, 2023 at 07:16
  31. avatar
    #5 Grizzly

    @Kantman: Sorry man,bedoel teen Monnas.

    9 June, 2023 at 07:12
  32. avatar
    #4 Grizzly

    @Kantman: Sal sien as hulle teen die Bere speel.Jys reg,mens weet nie heeltemal waar om hulle te plaas nie.

    Ek kry die vibe egter dat positiewe dinge onder daai hoof daar gebeur.Dink n jaar of wat hulle onder spanne lyk ook goed.

    9 June, 2023 at 06:58
  33. avatar
    #3 Kantman

    @Grizzly: Ek sukkel on Kloof se span te beoordeel. Dink hulle moeilikste deel van die seisoen le nog voor. Langtermyn lyk dit my hulle het ‘n benadering dat rugby belangrik is, maar nie al sport is nie. Resultate gaan dus bietjie op en af wees?

    9 June, 2023 at 06:54
  34. avatar
    #2 Grizzly

    @Kantman: Net 3 van Kloof wat n goeie seisoen het,selle as Menlo.

    9 June, 2023 at 06:44
  35. avatar
    #1 Kantman

    Garsfontein, Affies, Pta Boys dominating selections. This is also becoming true for the Lions with four main contributing schools. SWD with two, Free State with 1, WP with 4 to 6 (depending on the year). Playing for your school will replace regional selection in the long run as the highest honour. I know this is the case already for some boys, but there will be main-stream acceptance over time.

    9 June, 2023 at 06:35

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