Supersport Schools app has revolutionised video analysis

Many users still have their fair share of issues finding rugby matches on the difficult to navigate search utilities on the SuperSport Schools App.

However for those schoolboy rugby coaches and support staff who have been able to successfully find the matches of their next-up opponents, the App has been simply terrific in terms of the quantity of material it often offers.

In the old days (pre-Covid), obtaining video footage of opponents was worth its weight in gold. Tapes, USB’s or via a cloud, whatever the method, it was often a process of bartering and/or through connections at a previous school their next opponents played during the season. Obtaining one recorded game was invaluable. These days into the season, anything between five and ten matches can be accessed via the App.

Northwood resident commentator Anela Sibhoko pointed this out during the Knight’s match against Michaelhouse and used the lineout as a prime example of how House must have done their homework, figuring out that flank Enzo van Niekerk was the home team’s primary jumper and target ±90% of the time. House really got a big edge in this department, through disruption and successful contesting. It helped pave the way for a convincing 31-7 halftime lead enroute to a 38-12 win. Fullback Murray Baker was the standout player of the half.


1 Comment

  1. avatar
    #1 Kantman

    It is a shame this post has no comments. Let me rectify it. No coach wants it for his game, all coaches wants it for the opposition’s game.

    6 June, 2023 at 22:41

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