Eight years on from 2012 when KwaZulu-Natal had a massive vetting process to rid their system of over-aged players, more of the same drastic measures are on the cards. This after an under-16 rugby player was discovered to be many years older than what was recorded on his falsified documents.
It is anticipated that both Glenwood High School and Maritzburg College will release statements on how the over-aged matter has impacted on them and there may be pressure on at least one primary school to do the same.
This is more or less the story details known at present:
It allegedly started when the SA School Administration and Management System* (SA-SAMS) alerted Maritzburg College that one of their students, an u15A rugby player in 2019, had registered as a duplicate candidate on the SA-SAMS system. This led to the uncovering of the boy young man’s real age to be 19.
From there it’s believed that the beans were spilt and others were incriminated as they all used the same corrupt source outside Pietermaritzburg to obtain fake documents.
The trail led to Glenwood who had just had to endure a high profile sports fixtures terminating fallout with DHS a few weeks ago, partly due to Glenwood’s enrolling of two former star under-13 Craven Week 2019 winning players who as unknowns had been spotted by DHS scouts and then sponsored by DHS to attend local Durban primary school Glenwood Prep, where the headmaster is the SA Schools Chairman Noel Ingle.
At the last KZN sports directors meeting, the private schools in particular had placed massive pressure on Glenwood to verify the ages of the two players who were participating in the under-14 age group this year.
*SA School Administration and Management System:
is a robust, actively developed and maintained computer application, specifically designed to meet all School Administration, Management and Governance needs of South African Schools (Public, Specialised, Full-Service and Private). The solution has a strong EMIS focus to assist Schools, PEDs and DBE in record keeping, reporting and statistical analysis, by means of an innovative approach that allows end-users to shape the development of the solution itself. Data is collected on a National basis by means of LURITS (the Learner Unit Record Information and Tracking System), where it can be securely accessed for further analysis (Data Driven Districts) for effective decision-making on various levels.
@PaarlBok: jy sal nie glo hoe gasvry is die galpille nie
@Andre T: Van wanneer af dra jy n Galpiltrui? Die wit bulle gaan jy skors.
@Deon: Welkom terug. Nou kan ek weer uittree.
2020 was n goeie jaar gewees.
@Strepie: Nee, nie almal nie, net een of twee, en ek “maak” niks nie
@Djou: Dankie ou vriend, het werklik “harm” bedoel nie. hoop lockdown hanteer julle goed.
@boerboel: Ek dink toe Hopper se eersteminister in die ICU beland het, het selfs hy besef hoe triviaal die-lengte-van-jou-manlikheid-kompetisie werklik is.
@Andre T: Where, UPE?
i last saw him in pe doing some scouting for the machine
mnre-wat het geword v Hopper(de flea the dog)?
wat is die nuutstse nuus oor g/wood se 023 span?
@Djou: Hy maak asof ons almal dom en onnosel is.
@Strepie: Nee jong, ek ken vir @Deon:
Hy is ‘n skerp en goeie ou!
Kruip terug.
@Strepie: Ek luister na algemeen aanvaarde akademiese praktyk en Sir Frances Galton, wat die wat aan arithmophobia ly, soos jy, nie sal verstaan nie, wat nog te sê “luister” na.
@Deon: Kruip terug, jy wil nie luister nie.
@Strepie: En onder die omstandighede hier met baie trots
@Strepie: Wie is “hulle” wat so sê, jy en die muis in jou sak?. Wat is die gees van die forum, en wie is die beoordelaar daarvan? Die probleem het begin omdat jy en ander nie met begrip kon lees wat ek aanvanklik geskryf het nie, jou naam gat gemaak het toe jy agterkom wat jy gedoen het en toe ‘n baie swak gees openbaar het. Wat sê julle nou eintlik almal? Ander skole moet opou werf en begin koop?
Omtrent almal behalwe ek en jy het die eens dat jy verteenwoordig die skool wie se truitjie jy hier aanhet.
@Strepie: hu support die skool
wat is die die met verteenwoordig-genade
@Deon: ons masker maar en sanitizer maar, op die staduim is die fokus om die ding uit die sentums uit te hou..
Ai ou Deon,
Hoe se hulle…kruip terug in die gat waar jy vandaan kom.
Jou ‘posts’ is nie in gees van die forum nie.
Jy doen die skool wat jy hier verteenwoordig baie onreg aan.
@Smallies: Hi Smallies, long time no see.
Slim Jannie of Ingilse Jannie
Hoop nie die virus pla julle manne nie. Jou werksomgewing fasiliteer mos maar baie “aanraking” of nabyheid.
@Djou: Verstaan glad nie waar ons verby mekaar praat nie ou Joe.
@Strepie: Verduidelik wat ek genoem het wat negatief is, of toer jy.
Ek het rugby gepraat, en ‘n houtkop begin toe oor brei praat.
@boerboel: Nog ‘n domme
@Deon: Ons praat verby mekaar – so kom ons los dit.
Waar kom PRG aan die @Deon vent…
Alles wat hy uitblaker is negatief…
As jy nie kan rugby (of in PRG se geval hokkie) kan gesels nie….TOER!!
Jy hoort nie hier nie.
@boerboel: loop kak…
@Smallies: jou 2de naam is duidelik nie Jannie nie
hoe draf die grey manne hierdie op? Nog steeds anders?
baie naby aan die mees absurdste statements ooit op die blog

@Deon: My pa het altyd van slim Jannie gepraat….
@Deon: Genade ek weet prg se sport het ageruit gegaan-maar bied hulle nou brei ook aan?
is dit n sport? en wat brei jy? Truitjies of babasokkkies?
@Strepie: As jy nie vir Jan Smuts jen nie help dit nie ons gesels nie, want dan speel jy in die vlak water, en sal ek eerder nie verdere substantiering vra vanaf jou nie-glo nie jy verstaan die begrip nie, of kan nie.
Ek weet min wat in enige main stream sport aangaan, help nie eers jy vra my van PRG se stand wat betref rugby en hokkie nie.
Het net laas jaar, of was dit die jaar voor dit, ingeloer omdat ek in Die Burger opgemerk het hul gaan weer na daai stupid toernooi in Japan. Onverstaanbaar
@Deon: Jy is die naaste wat ek al aan gekom het itv die combo (naaste wat ek dit ook ooit sou wou he), ken nie vir jan nie, seker voor my tyd (en jou tyd),
Hoe lyk Paul Roos se hokkie, dit is darem gewoonlik sterk.
@Strepie: Jy kon onmoontlik nie die eerste Paul Rooser ontmoet het wat brei nie. Jan Smuts het beide gebry en gebrei. En ek is seker daar was voor hom ook, en daar was baie saam met my. So, net nog ‘n leuen.
Dankie vir die pragtige feitelike stawing van wie die mense is wat hulself sekere regte entitle hier. Daar is net een groep wat uitstaan wat entitlement betref. Op par met die stelling oor brei.
Bravo, bravo, of nee, Eureka.
@Deon: Ek het sopas die eerste Paul Roser ontmoet wat brei.
Werklik n unieke kombinasie saam met die ‘self entitlement’ etiket.
@Djou: Hokaai, jy sê onder andere duidelik in jou aanvanklike post ek het julle beskuldig van onderduimsheid, en nou sê jy weer : “Wel , ook nie gedink jy sal beskuldigings op hoorsê maak nie” Nou watter een is dit? Sien, nes my eks vrou.
Watse feite het ek gemis wat betref my stelling? Het jy nie dalk feite gemis oor my stelling oor eiesoortige korrelasie nie.
Ek sien die ou spook loop nog waar werwing werwing is, een common garden variety kondoom wat oor almal getrek word.
Kloof se storie weet ek niks van nie, en ek het nie geweet die nuwe hoof het ‘n verklaring uitgereik oor sy beweegrede nie. Ek weet ook niks van die post matriek beskuldigings nie, ek het al die jare gedink die beskuldiging van die fenominale meteoriese, dan steeds onverklaarbare vooruitgang van Garsies en Glenwood, en op ‘n manier HJS was van koop.
So nee, ek het geen feite gemis nie-dink oor Galton.
Edwards, dis die van. Maer ou. Ek dink hy het Springbok gespeel ook, of ten minste Noord-Transvaal-in my geestesoog sien ek hom na ‘n Curriebeker finaal op iemand se skouers met die Curriebeker in sy hande, a la Jimmy Smith Belton.
PS : Werf almal identies, kwaliteit en kwantiteit (spelers en hulpbronne)? Probeer die dratiese verskille in resultate prosesseer. Help asb.
@Deon: Wel, ook nie gedink jy sal beskuldigings op hoorsê maak nie.
Teen die tyd weet almal die dok het gefouteer en so ook Kloof se ou hoof.
Kloof se nuwe hoof het anders as die vorige een wyd respek gekry in ‘n kort tydjie – want hy het al die feite gekry, na almal geluister, nie sy eie stories opgemaak nie, en siedaar, terug na normaal. Dit is die proof in die pudding. En tot vandag kon dok Edwards geen post-matriek in Garsies uitwys nie – want daar was geen post-matriek nie. Nou, jy het gekies om die feite te ignoreer, wat vreemd is vir ‘n regsgeleerde. Lyk my as iemand in ‘n gesagsposisie ‘n aantyging maak word die persoon geglo – desondanks wat die feite sê.
Maar nevermaaind, ek dink indien enigiemand van onwaarhede beskuldig word gaan jy optree. Want as iemand wegkom daarmee, dan word dit al groter onwaarhede.
Hoop dit stryk die onbedoelde gevolge uit.
@Djou: Hi Joe, dis onverwags komende van ‘n akademikus soos jy, ek het dit eerder verwag van ons arithmofobiese/akademiefobiese broers uit die Pêgel, of hul ondersteuners. Ek het geen beskuldiging gemaak nie, ek noem maar net dat wanneer ek dan en wan die bladsy besoek, en dis mos nou al seker so ses, sewe jaar sedert daai Dr van Affies, Pierre something, Rabie dink ek, met julle die uitval gehad het, dan is een of almal van die drie in ‘n staat van beskuldiging, en veral die laaste vyf jaar Pêgel HJS. Ek weet bitter min wat in enige rugby aangaan, maar stel darem belang om in te loer by skolerugby nou en dan. Pas maar net die Wisdom of he Crowds toe, soos Sir Francis Galton. Waarneembare sukses op die veld korreleer pragtig met die beskuldigings en “weiering om te speel”. Seker blote toeval. Proof in the pudding? Nie verwag jy gaan my antwoord met ‘n beskuldiging nie, jy klink nes my eks vrou. Netnou glo iemand jou en weier om teen ons ook te speel, soos mense voel oor Glenwood en Boishaai-dis nou as ek reg verstaan. As ‘n slim man soos jy my stelling so misinterpreteer het, wil ek nie weet wat die dommes gedoen het nie, so ek sal maar nie verder ondertoe kyk nie. Laat my moed vir ons toekoms verloor
@Beet – Thank you and I understand completely. I won’t raise the point again.
@Tang: Hi Tang. I looked into the circumstances at the start of the year. Jeppe have not done anything wrong.
There is no HMA in the Golden Lions region. The only restriction placed on an u19 player (or even an u18) up there is he cannot play if he has already sat for the matric exams the previous year.
As you know in KZN here is an HMA. Based on the circumstances established in Marnegate, when the then Westville headmaster made a stand to prevent a Glenwood player from participating because he was u19 and had joined the school after gr10, it was a surprise when the very same head signed up Beast. Especially since that former head had harped on about spirit of the agreement. Had Beast stayed at Westville this year, he would have been ineligible for KZN interschool matches in terms of the former head’s interpretation. So if anything, Beast leaving KZN helped overcome a problematic situation. It was however not the primary reason.
@Bush: Think you get it all over not just Sharks.In the glory days of Bulls I can only think of Fourie, Pierre and Wynand from Pta,all 3 old Affies.
O yes and Gary from Overkruin,not Waterkloof,only matriculated at Kloof
I think it was you who braked the news about oom Katte,any update?
@BoishaaiPa: Sê ek ook. Daar word baie onwaar rumours versprei en die aasvoëls kan nie wag om dit verder te versprei nie, wetende dat dit onwaar is.
Maar die tipe mens sal altyd daar wees.
@ Star Even if it is not a recruitment issue, it is highly irregular and questionable. A grade 12, SA Schools player now pops up at Jeppe. It’s crazy.
I recall the Jeppe Headmaster being very upset last year when he lost a player (Roode) to HJS Paarl. I’m surprised we don’t see the same outrage when he receives a player.
@BoishaaiPa: hokkieskool doeda doeda
@Deon: Nee ou perd, jy moet darem staaf wat jy met onderduimsheid bedoel..Ek kan ook wilde stellings maak..Soos dat Paul Roos maar net so hard vry na Boishaai spelers en hulle wil afrokkel en nog meer onderduims te werk gaan. Julle wil jul graag voorhou as die engeltjies in maroon..maar o wee..daar is darem heelwat skeletons in daai kas!..maar ek verstaan jou gevoel, sou ook suur wees na al die onlangse verlore regdeur..daai 2018 wen julle enigste ligpuntjie in 5 jaar!
@Andre T: Dink jy nie jy moet maar teruggaan Vrede toe of Monnas toe nie. Ek is nie so seker daarvan of jy gaan inpas in die Wynland nie.
@Strepie: los die paul rosers uit asb ek het gisteraand n heerlike wyntoer gehad daar lekker mense werf teen n stink spoed
@Tang: Hi Tang Yes O Siyeni has moved to Jeppe from Westville. No recruitment issue.
@Djou: Met verwysing na maroon truitjie.
@Strepie: Ek verstaan nie. Wees bietjie duideliker.
@Djou: Luiperd en sy kolle…….
@Andre T: Hi Andre, Spear, Boerie ens. Bly jy nog in KZN?
@Deon: Die blog is so vervelig ons kan netsowel ‘n lekker argument voortsit. Jy is mos ‘n intelligente ou, so ek kon nie glo dat so dwase stelling van jou kant af kom nie.
Onderduims, oftewel underworld. Huh.
Dis die skole wat recruit en maak of hulle dit nie doen nie wat onderduims is, is dit nie. Garsies het mos openlik gesê hulle werf, nes Paul Roos, Grey, Monnas ens, so niks onderduims nie. So verduidelik presies wat het Garsies onderduims gedoen! Bring feite soos die hof versoek. ???
Dalk het jy verkeerde woord gebruik.?? Of probeer jy Paul Ros se werwing wegsteek? Spin doctoring?
En presies wat het Glenwood verkeerd gedoen?
Ok, nou wag ek vir jou laaaaang regsgeleerde antwoord ??
@Deon: julle seker bly die seisoen is verby paul roos onoorwonne
Glenwood, Garsies en Boishaai, amper altyd een van dié drie in een sin met onderduimsheid as mens die blad besoek.
Herhinner sterk aan die silent movie : Unholy Three
@ Star @ Van Has O Siyeni left Westville for Jeppe? He left Dale in 2018 for Westville 2019.
@Bush: you can do a double post matric but only at bishops
delayed option nogals n nice feeling i feel right at home
@star: Star, Andre T has been purchased. He’s in the starting lineup for the U4’s Tennis Team
@Andre T: Hello Mr Deelkraal. What is a Woes Rand boy doing wearing such a jersey. Have you forgotten your roots?
@Bush: sharks like to buy players from the cape and the free state
@Andre T: You haven’t answered my question.
Maybe because soccer is our number 1 sport in KZN and we don’t have rugby players. How many Sharks players are born and bred KZN guys?
@Bush: clean the whole system top to bottom why is this problem only in natal
@Andre T: Not to sure it’s the individuals that must get the blame but parents, recruiters and agents. There is speculation that the okes knew the guys were overage. What do you think?
@Andre T: Miskien moet jy jouself eerder bepaal by sake in die Paarl. Los die ander manne uit, jy is nou een van ons, nie meer een van hulle nie!!
@Bush: with these individuals it seems that everything and anything is possible
@Andre T: They aren’t Post Matric’s as they haven’t even got Matric. Unless they did Std 5 twice and that now counts for a Matric
all are just post matrics
@Playa: Not sure I am understanding correctly, is DHS trying to recruit u14 players from another high school? If that is the case then that is unfortunate. I have always been a firm believer of good recruiting at u13 level and then making sure your coaching is of a good quality to do the rest for the next five years.
@Playa: Did the DHS recruiters know the kids were “Boys to men”?
@ForeverHorseFly: I hear your recruiters are pi§§ing some people off down in the Buffalo River after the unfortunate circumstances that took place at the Umgeni River mission? It’s my hope that after the success you had with Sanele Nohamba your men would limit recruitment at u13 level. I’m not blaming you, but the repurcussions of high school recruiting at high school level are great. Worse when the headmaster of the school being ripped is coach of the 14A team that is being ripped.
@De-flea the Dog: Well, no publicised letter from College despite a case being reported. A Glenwood and DHS blogger demanded one. A College old boy has made several comments here,none of them pointing fingers. Several DHS and Glenwood old boys have done the opposite. Not a single Michaelhouse, Westville or College old boy has spent typing minutes defending a try line. Yet the same can’t be said about GW and DHS supporters. Now sanity will tell you where the attention will be. All schools are vulnerable to this farce. Trying to be Batman for your school on a blog (adding the insults you throw on SA) doesn’t help. Deny your identity all you want, but being in a shitty country has not made us stupid.
Best to your daughter and wife. And remind your uncle that they actually lost to Dale in 1965
@McCulleys Workshop: Whahahahahaha whshagsgsgshs whshagsgsgshs whahahaha
Last I heard Alan was taking his own advice.
@De-flea the Dog: Well know like Roger Federer…or well known like Comical Ali?
@Buddy: I was so annoyed last year Old BOys Day. they had security there to stop me bringing in my little cooler of beers. after bringing it in with me all season! it gets very warm in the 031, beer is needed!
@Vleis: It’s an honour to be called Hops, he is well known on these blogs :-)
@Vleis: 2 3 Hopper
@De-flea the Dog: Whatever you say Hops!
@Buddy: Lekker my Best Buddy in the Green Jersey. Will be there tomorrow in my tow truck. Won’t come in my Toyota, cars get stolen there outside GW. Or maybe I put a warning sign telling the okes my cars from Hilton and is running a temperature.
@Vleis: I was watching from afar….like all the Heads of the schools etc
@De-flea the Dog: Lets make an effort do get it there without him.
@De-flea the Dog:
…but you weren’t on here when Hopper was one here…
…or where you!?
@Strepie: Last time I saw that was when Hopper was here..
Lets see if we can push this thread to 500 comments
@McCulleys Workshop: @Bush: Great, see you guys at Glenwood tomorrow 14:30
Will have a few cold ones ready for you and will just sneak a quick question in Mr Truck ear about overaged boy ??????
@Bush: 2.30 on Dixons, unless Corona robs us again
@McCulleys Workshop: Green Veggie Burger
@Buddy: No problem, I’ll have a burger with you tomorrow.
@Buddy: What time and where is that game? GW vs Hilton?
@McCulleys Workshop: Geeez just don’t get a Coronary Mr Truck
A bit sensitive today ?
We play Hilton tomorrow and you guys …… mowing the lawn ?
@Buddy: I can do this in multiple choice for you;
1. You can’t read
2. You can’t comprehend
3. MHS are lying
4. MHS aren’t lying
5. MHS have no need to make a public statement
6. One school doesn’t know their legal obligations wrt minors
7. Some schools do know their legal obligations to minors
Pick one and let’s entertain ourselves
@Bush: Geeeeez you guys can’t leave old Hopper alone, he actually makes it interesting and just brings the best out of you and a few other bloggers.
Sorry @Boerboel I will ask @Beet to give you a DHS Jersey ???
@McCulleys Workshop: jus checking if you don’t want give us a update on …….???
@De-flea the Dog: must say you are true to your name, giving Pavlov’s dog a run for the money. Be it stick, bone, bread or even an empty wheelbarrow; it will be chased.
@Bush: nobody cares Bush! Grow up now & move on. You surely in your mid 40’s to early 50’s….
@Buddy: Toti is the place spend my South African Rands and go and watch a lekker club rugby game on Friday night. Burn some rubber (I know what you thinking Buddy and I like that thought) in my tow truck outside the Civic Hall. Where else can you have such a lekker time on Mickey Mouse Money?????????????????????
@Bush: please please just admit that Toti is a lekka plek. Just admit something ???
Mr Truck said you are a dodgy oke and I’m apparently walking around with my Faf underpants.
Personally I think that I’m to sexy for this underpants ?
@Beet: What are apologizing for Beet. Everything was constructive and we were getting educated on what was happening on the front face of this problem. Until the state of what SA is like and how useless our country is, is chucked in our faces. Then it turns into a bun fight. Those posts should have been removed.
@Beet: will definitely up my game Sir ???
@Beet: Lighten up Beet, you might get a Coronary.
Humble apologies to the readers who were hoping to pick up on something constructive here. A number of comments here seem to be getting out of hand…
Maybe some guys can up there game a bit.
Alan was that a little cameo “Encorè”, like a little final wave?
@De-flea the Dog:
@Bush: The most childish one of them, poor sod….
Whahahahahaha 2 3 McCulley
@McCulleys Workshop: you are a Master of deflection Sir.
Respect ✊
@McCulleys Workshop: Bye, enjoy hyperinflation & needing a wheelbarrow of Fokoli’s to buy a loaf of bread. Bored of this juvenile conversation, I have better more important things to focus on
Three years ago, big Alan saw a pic of Bush and I and during one of his temper tantrums, called me Kaalkop. Anyway Alan, I’m in Rogers team, and I’m looking forward to you taking your sane advice above “Looking at the blog it’s infested with Afrikaans posts & dodgy characters like Boerboel, Bush etc. I can see why any sane person would leave…” Come Al, you’ve got this.
@McCulleys Workshop: not sure who Alan is but yeah, all I know is you are kaalkop, McCulleysKaalkop
@McCulleys Workshop: Bwhahahaha love you Mr Truck ????
@Buddy: One of you proves GW like to walk around in their underpants, the other is delusional, we never admit to anything. You guys need to sing from the same him (sic) sheet.
Alan is delusional.
@McCulleys Workshop: you almost sounds like SLM from DHS deflecting attention away from them on ECR but quietly expel 4 overaged boys the same day….
Come on Mr Workshop just come clean, we are all mates on this blog!!
My name is Buddy, we have caught 4 overaged men at Glenwood and expelled them, see it’s not that difficult ??
@Playa: That’s exactly what Glenwood do, others ‘break’ these stories. McCulley’s makes out Glenwood look for the publicity, incorrect.
@McCulleys Workshop: Very true, well said. Public statements are what attract attention and keep people talking. Handling it internally and keeping mum will only have a select few making a baby of the issue, and in Donald Trump’s words “they will disappear like a miracle eventually”.
@Buddy: I’m not sure your magic carpet ride is the correct problem.
How schools deal with any disciplinary matter is subject to their governance processes and legal rights and obligations, with some of the boys miraculously still being minors! To the extent that any information is uncovered via their investigation, which implicates others and a more widespread fraud, each school will need to determine how to deal with that info. Glenwood like to walk around in their underpants endlessly, other schools don’t, they get on with their business. A few years ago 10 JHB school heads addressed a strong letter to Hilton wrt their poaching of rugby players from JHB. It made the press, comment from Hilton, zero. How long did the outcry last, not long after the last mom packed up her picnic blanket, and all was forgotten. I’m happy with Colleges response to-date, I’ve never believed more was warranted.
@McCulleys Workshop: I also had tea with a mate and he reckons that your mate smoked to much of our green stuff and will never admit anything …….. It’s ok we understand
Definitely some official involved but then the schools need to admit that they had overaged boys and share the info. Don’t sweep it under the carpet and hope that no one will find out.
That’s currently the big issue!!!!
@boerboel: shame pal, not a team player it is then. A little rescue that ran away again ??♂️
Hug’s and kisses from KZN Fluffy ???
@boerboel: Of course you don’t, not sure many here represent their avatar officially, and we all speak on our own behalf. We just support the particular schools rugby side.
@Hulk: @Buddy: Just had tea with a mate that says you guys are smoking the green of your jerseys. In any event, whilst I acknowledge that schools have a role to play in mitigating this, it is either corrupt parents or more likely it’s a corrupt official who is doing this for money. Let’s find out who he is and take away his jersey and call him Alan.
@McCulleys Workshop: i preffered to operate independant.
i do not represent HJS-thus my views do not represent theirs-all happy
@boerboel: So how does it work, other Bloggers wearing the same jersey as you get to vote if you keep your jersey based on your behavior, if not they report you to headboy Beet and you lose you jersey? If true that’s completely entertaining, because it would assume you and HJS are one and the same. Everyone loves a little cookie cutter.
@boerboel: Bwahahaha you are next in line to be expelled from this blog…..
What a joker you are ??
@Buddy: Ja behoort eintlik al julle skel
m glenwood te skors wat rugby so oneer aandoen met die 18 jarige 013″S
My kommentaar van gister lyk soos kleingeld teen Boela se uitlatings.
@Bush: hehehe good old days ?
@boerboel: passop nou dat jy reeds jou trui verloor het kan @Beet die B’s uit jou naam haal dan is jy Oeroel ????
@De-flea the Dog: rich coming from a lock who lost a bet but did not honour it
@Buddy: Hey Buddy, I’m the first oke to turnaround and take one for the team if I’m wrong??????. I still support GW my second school after House. I remember supporting GW heavy the one year at the GCB game, ref wanted to chase me out of Bloem. He thought he was the Sheriff of Bloem, told me I can’t do things like that in HIS TOWN
@Bush: Bwhahaha, come on Pal, just admit that some times MH can also slip up. Take it like a man
Can still remember you supporting the Green Machine a few years ago 2,3 Green
Must admit we miss you on Saterdays….. Will ask Beet to dress your profile up with a green jersey 
@Buddy: Hey Buddy, I think you mustn’t believe everything you read on Hoppers twitter page.
Spreading fake stories and news, going to make you go blind??????
@Vleis: Yes. You must hear the word from the hallowed streets of Balgowan. From what I’ve heard at this stage I’d be giving him 12/10.
@McCulleys Workshop: Your headmaster has a very impressive CV!
@Beet: I agree.
@Buddy: I’ll ask and let you know. One thing I’m certain of, the new head stands for nothing outside of law abiding boys and staff. Hy VNKN. I’ve heard he is doing an incredible job at House.
@Bush: @McCulleys Workshop: you guys perhaps got more info on the overaged players at MH?
@Buddy: I believe Westville and Michaelhouse also had reported cases of overaged players? The schools need to somehow clamp down on this.
I must say though that the ECR interview this morning with one of the DHS staff members was pretty weak.
@McCulleys Workshop: Hi MW.
The minimum standard for a background check on a rugby candidate has to improve.
@McCulleys Workshop: Absolutely 100%
@McCulleys Workshop: definitely agree with you that there must be a corrupt official involved.No doubt about it.
Just love to “Swat the Fly” can’t do it on the rugby field ??? Hopefully Mr Spooner or Mr SLM will respond
@Playa: Whahshshs Checkmate
I must confess…… I didnt know the souties also loves to destroy each other. I thought if was only a western cape thing… Chill its only the first week of school boy rugby…
@ForeverHorseFly: @Buddy: Can we agree that this isn’t about the receiving schools, unless they have done nothing about this or they knowingly (or via an act of omission) aided and abetted the process. My view is to rather find the corrupt official, administrator or agent that is behind this. I don’t believe it is the random work of these families on their own.
@Roger: definitely Old Hopper that Twitter Handle. Blocked me years ago after he mouthed off about the Phaka rugby show being Xhosa. Oke hates to mouth off and add an opinion where his isn’t required. Much like this blog
@De-flea the Dog: Ok, you are forcing my hand, DF The Dog, please prove that you are sane as per your statement. You’ve got this.
@ForeverHorseFly: Just received a very interesting call from a mate at DHS and he just told me that you guys suspended 4 Gr8 boys today? 1 of the 4 apparently played for Glenwood Prep First XV last year?
#askingonbehalfofeveryone #SLMforgottomentionthisonECR
@De-flea the Dog: By the way, most of us know each other. We have braais and drinks together. So, the name doesn’t play a role as we actually know each other, so we know who is saying what.
@De-flea the Dog: No man, I am not Sherlock.
Lets settle on the 2 of you sharing the same brain and body ?.@Playa: Good one!
@Playa: Nope, all the bloggers here are doing that with their different avatars. I can bet you many wouldn’t say what they did on here if their real names were used. There are many sofa bandits on here..
@De-flea the Dog: Would you say that a person who pretends to not be the person that he is, is insane?

@De-flea the Dog: I find the mish mash, as you call it, quite enriching. Not only the differences between “same language” people but also the commonalities with “different language” people. It enriches our lives and makes us stronger. You will find it can be quite safe if you “climb out of the box”. It may be more difficult if you and the “box” are one ;-). Ps: don’t use the translator for this one.
@Djou: Not me Sherlock, but obviously a good bloke with similar opinions :-)
@Djou: have a look at the twitter handle @springkaan1979 – same comments, same tone, same arguments – all SA focused and yet he left a few years ago. One of those miserable Saffers who have left the country and yet cannot let go, there are plenty out there …………
Hey guy don’t forget the life-changing Google Translate near the top right of the page.
Lewensveranderende I tell you
@De-flea the Dog: Do you know how I discovered you are Hopper?
Your comments are almost exactly the same as Alan’s on Facebook. The same arguments, the same reasons, the same language and a hell of a lot of posts.
No reason to try and hide yourself anymore.
@Rainier: I can understand spoken Xhosa quite well but reading it is a battle for me
Every now and then Playa becomes irritated with the blog and then I have to use Google Translate to understand his Xhosa posts.
@De-flea the Dog: well it is a Saffa blog so it would make sense that it will be a bit of a deurmekaarspul
@BrotherBear: It’s an English website by the URL name, if it was skoolseunsrugbyblog I might think differently. Generally it’s not racist or a problem to have different language websites eg Netwerk24 vs News24, Beeld etc. I joined thinking it was an English blog to find out it’s a miss mash of everything….
@De-flea the Dog: why would you call Afrikaans posts an “infestation”? Are you a racist or is the moedertaal above your comprehension?
@McCulleys Workshop: I’m not going to prove I’m someone I am not, that would be insane. Anyway, let’s talk rugby as Roger requested…
@De-flea the Dog: Prove that you are sane Hops, I dare you.
@Roger: Ah that is so sweet, I bet you don’t enjoy the truth Magnus Heystek, Prof Bullard, Gareth van Onselen & others tweet either. If you don’t like them don’t follow them. Not sure why Hopper was asked to leave, actually it might have been his choice. Looking at the blog it’s infested with Afrikaans posts & dodgy characters like Boerboel, Bush etc. I can see why any sane person would leave…
@McCulleys Workshop: Thanks, that really hurts me…
@Roger: I can just imagine. Makes me want to vomit. 2 3 Give Him A Rogering ????
Beets going to tell me Voetsak now. My mouth is ????
@De-flea the Dog: I ditto Rogers retracted eloquent sentiments.
@Roger: Dale also looking a bit shabby. Young team, new coach. At best we’ll be watching to sides that just want to play good rugby and seeing winning as a bonus.
@Bush: Eish

@Playa: so Playa – Dale KES main game on Saturday at the KES festival I see? Will the Reds school the Amadoda?? I’m not sure KES will be as good as last year or 2017
@Bush: ja look, I withdraw the comment, but man alive – have a look at his Twitter account (a cursory glance will be enough for a lifetime). He left SA however many years ago and still constantly feels the need to tell whomever is listening how SA is one step from Armageddon. I too have made my choices but have no need to rubbish my country of birth. On the odd occasions I visit this blog I would prefer to read about the happenings in schoolboy rugger. I can find plenty of Armageddon theories on mainstream news media sites. Wasn’t that the reason the “original” Grasshopper was asked to leave by Beet?
My last word on the subject ……….
@De-flea the Dog: Lol! Now I’m sold. You are Grasshopper. Welcome back. But please, much as it’s nice to have some English back on the blog, let’s keep this rugby related. Were there age cheating problems reported during the Eurozone economic crisis? I don’t remember seeing any reports. There’s another thread here on steroid use. Is that also a poverty/SA economy exclusive phenomenon? It is also cheating afterall. Please mate,just pull yourself within yourself
@De-flea the Dog: You don’t have to make it everybody’s business man. The okes are Lekker chilled okes on the Blog. You just make everybody aggressive with your negative comments about SA. Some of us aren’t as fortunate as you to duck from SA. Some of us love the place and wear our Bokke jersey with Lekker pride. Which I’m sure you do as well. Be lekker Hopper
@Bush: The dude needs to be less sensitive, in SA politics & the economy always plays a part of everything….
@De-flea the Dog: Eish Hopper that’s not very nice.
@ICEMAN: I remember when the Tom story hit the Headlines. I think WBHS had an oke 3 years older than Tom playing Hooker. Maybe GW got more stick because Tom had made SAS??? Who knows????
I think the War Cry is going to change:
All I see is Green and White to
All I see is Overage Overage Overage?????
@Roger: You can f#ck off too, everyone knows sport reflects real life and the economy, if you don’t think it does you naive. Graeme Joffe exposes this everyday. Stop being such a Woke snowflake
@De-flea the Dog: oh f#ck off Grasshopper – keep that sh#t for your twitter account – this is a rugger blog!
@ICEMAN: Dude, it reflect the state of affairs in SA, everybody is struggling financially so they will do dodgy things to survive. These kids parents are obviously desperate to get themselves and their kids out of poverty. It’s only going to get worse as the SA economy goes down the toilet
@Beet: I couldn’t agree more – this is not the first time this issue has been raised. Are we naive if we think this is only in KZN or has it been happening elsewhere without being picked up? Do you make mandatory testing for all kids, not just bursary kids? Otherwise we’re saying we actually don’t mind an 18 year old playing against a 14 year old as long as he’s paying fees… Is widespread even feasible – cost and resource implications.
Somehow we need to understand why it’s happening, there are adults involved. In the cases that I have a fair amount of knowledge of, there was no financial payment to the boys or guardians so what’s in it for the “scouts?” Is it a long term debt that is agreed upon – i.e. when you make it big, you owe me. Are the scouts incentivised by the various unions in terms of the number of development boys that make provincial sides or is it just a crack at escaping a desperately poor situation?
@Beet: What made me laugh in the SLM interview was when he said school fee allocation to bursaries is heavily audited, I highly doubt it. I do hope the schools crack down on this big time, even creating a testing fund or at least some sort of agreement with a hospital/testing lab for preferential rates. Bone Density tests are the only way to remove this from the system
@Rainier: Haha. You know we can laugh about what you’re saying now because there is urgency to address this problem at the moment. From what I understand schools from within KZN and around the country have been in touch with Glenwood to find out how to go about dealing with how this same matter might be impacting on them.
But what happens after the cooling off period in KZN (and maybe in other places)? Will it be normal service resumes? Feel the financial pressure your school is under to keep pace. Feel the overwhelming need to deliver on the rugby field. Make maximising on your incentive pay the priority over ethics. Accept the paperwork the be-all-and-end-all. Thereafter ignore your conscience/instinctive feelings/experience/good judgement/moral obligations. Stuff the interests of the majority who abide by the laws – let the criminals, corrupters and those greedy for money have a nice big say in SBR as long as the scoreboard looks good.
@Rainier: They might need to include an U22 league too
@ICEMAN: Yep, some of the other cases are worse where boys actually played for the school. At least the ones caught at Glenwood never played for the school. Did you see the Sky Tshabala interview with SLM this morning, very one sided. Good journalism covers both sides of a story. Claiming what SLM says as the ‘truth’ is not wise. Also, they never spoke about the Payi case (only Tom), nothing on bone density tests and the biggest culprits here, the parents or guardians of the ‘kids’/boy-men.
I heard rumors that the KZN Primary Schools organisation is going to implement /14 to /18 leagues at primary school level. This should address the current problems with the system.
Yes I wear a green jersey but I have to say it’s quite strange how the other supporters on here have gone very quiet now that their schools are also exposed. With reference to the above, Westville had a player that represented the school last year when he was over age… and I’m not blaming Westville, this nonsense happens. I’m just a bit tired of one school being the punchbag.
For what it’s worth, the other schools have contacted Glenwood to ask for assistance in testing boys that they have suspicions over. I’m sure there are boys that have snuck through the net across the board, sadly…
Touchy subject for schools!!
Firstly: No high school should pay school fees for primary school learners. If parents can’t afford it they must apply for exemption, easy as that.
Secondly: Compulsary testing should be done in gr6 and gr8 and again if a boy joins a school from another school. No matter race.
@Beet: This is turning into a real pandoras box for KZN rugby as a whole
I can confirm that Westville did discover a student who is 18 years old and played for their u14A team last year. He has left the school. So the new WBHS headmaster has had another taste of the dramas that accompany SBR.
@De-flea the Dog: It’s only because GW and you Hopper are the Best, forget the Rest.
@Buddy: It’s great that they weeding the cheats out, but you’ll see all the other schools won’t get the same hype, outrage and publicity as Glenwood did. Schools will weed them out on the quiet now…
@Buddy: Hi Buddy, thanks for the update. At least we are realizing that this is not about one school, but the rather the measures that need to be put in place to prevent this (and insure that no school or rugby authority turns a blind eye). From what I understand it seems that a number of the boys are from the same community and there is possibly a crooked official doing this for money. This can’t be just random conniving parents or boys.
@De-flea the Dog: 7 men now caught out in 4 different schools and apparently a private school in PMB also started to investigate 2 of their U14 boys
Seems like the schools are working together and sharing info which is a step in the right direction
@Buddy: This is where schools should be working together to get rid of this problem, not point fingers. Let’s ensure the game is played on an apples vs apples basis.
@Gungets Tuft: yeah I totally agree with you but all their documents check out at the time of registration. I must mention that there was 4 boys in total that the school tested not just the 2 from Glenwood Prep.
I understand a U16 boy that was tested at College also came out to be older and had fraudulent documentation, it proves your point that the schools should be much more vigilant to confirm identity and age.
Rumor has it that Westville also caught out a boy today??♂️
@Buddy: Last question then, since Glenwood did the noble thing and paid for the bone density test on the “DHS” arrivals, why didn’t they do it on the other two boys?
My bottom line – schools have let their guard down after the Tom deal, they’ve been caught out. They need to focus again, there are ways to verify paperwork but it takes more than a cursory effort. Burn some leather, visit previous schools, visit homes, it’s not exactly Jessica Fletcher stuff
@Willie Waarheid: in this case, truth is like the wind. Ever elusive and only valuable when you sailing to Nirvana.
@Playa: Think where the main issue comes from is that we are at a point in KZN where a school is trying to reserve boys from Gr6 which creates unnecessary friction between rival schools within a already very small pool of talent. Personally I think this is not healthy at all and perhaps the main course of the friction
Yes I agree with some of your points and perhaps we should have played a bit nicer ……. oooo totally forgot we are not playing at all ?
@Buddy: All I’m saying is that you can’t say they pitched up at Glenwood for some reason. They were recruited by Glenwood. That’s how they ended up there. Glenwood is as much a victim here as is Glenwood Prep and DHS. DHS placed these boys at GP 3 years ago on the auspices that they were 12 years old. GW took them in on the auspices that they are 14.Thats what I’m talking about. Pointing fingers or trying to divert attention to another school serves absolutely no purpose. Have a good week.
The truth shall set us free
Again a few points from my side:
1. I think the Headmasters Agreement is total rubbish and should be scrapped. its the main cause for all the drama. Whether its for the right or wrong reasons boys should be able to move schools as and when they wish.
2. Glenwood knew those boys/men where under DHS “contract/scholarship” (that should never be allowed, but iv made that point already) and still went after them . lets not manipulate the truth and lie about it. thats the reason DHS got upset and cancelled the fixture.
3. I really think its time that people on this blog revelead who they are and if they have any afilliation to the Schools they claim to be fans of!
Maybe DHS and Glenwood should have a fixture in petty bickering.
Oh wait, already happening…
@ForeverHorseFly: ? well done Pal !!!
Can see you gave it your best shot ??????
@ForeverHorseFly: Welcome back Mr Spooner. You guys have been very quiet the past week? Please can we get the fixture back now that we have sorted out the issues with regards to the Glenwood Prep boys?
Oooo and
If I was in your shoes I wouldn’t go into much details as the 2 boys in question must have cost the DHS foundation in access of R500k over the past 2 years. Must have been a bitter pill to swallow for you guys
If people are gonna just create narratives that fit what they want to believe then let me give it a try…the two boys thought they were gonna get caught out if they enrolled at DHS so they chose to go to Glenwood instead where 2 of their other overage friends were going
Too bad new information came to light which then forced Glenwood to act considering that it is the responsible thing to do, but now Glenwood supporters want someone to deflect the blame on for enrolling these boys themselves
@Buddy: “For some reason the boys just pitched at Glenwood” So Glenwood just lets anyone in off the street hey? Just rolls out the red carpet without any engangement beforehand? No wonder they enrolled 4 overage boys if thats the case
@Playa: You are trying to create a unreasonable situation and trying to manipulate the facts!
Glenwood picked up the discrepancies, investigated, and acted on it. What dit DHS or Glenwood Prep do the last 3 years? Absolutely nothing !
In fact they stayed quite and enjoyed the fact that 17 year old men manhandled 12/13 year old primary school boys!
In actual fact a Gr 6 boy from Glenwood Prep that DHS recruited was sent back home last week after Glenwood High School pointed out the discrepancies to Mr Ingle the Principal from Glenwood Prep where Glenwood Prep could identify another boy with fraudulent paperwork…..
To summarize you are trying to create the unreasonable situation without pointing out any facts and I suggest you read Mr Ingle and Glenwood HS statement again
@Buddy: “For some reason”? Please stop trying to reason an unreasonable situation. Glenwood did exactly what DHS did 3 years before. Different story if GW tested before admitting them. This whole finger pointing is nauseating
@Gungets Tuft: it’s very easy to explain
DHS had access to the boys as they were recruited by them at U12 level and placed in Glenwood Prep. Glenwood HS was not allowed to come close to the boys as Glenwood Prep didn’t allow any interaction as the boys was supposed to go to DHS and DHS made it clear that Glenwood need to stay away from the 2 boys
For some reason the boys then pitched up at Glenwood and that’s were DHS started to make a very big fuss about the 2 boys .There was certain questions about their paperwork which was picked up by Glenwood management . Dr Barnes then made the call to test the 2 boys and 2 other boys that had the same issues with their paperwork.
4 boys caught out with fraudulent paperwork
@Dixon’s: And there right there is where things get blurry.
@Playa: i will concede that im holding MC to a higher standard because the boy/man in question actually played for the School. im not gonna shout from the rooftops that they are cheats if they dont issue an apology, because like i stated before i dont think they are cheats, but they did do something wrong. i would just like to see some acceptance and accountability.
@Playa: iv said the same thing for years. Test all or test none! its always the black kids who have questions asked about their ages. but never the massive white farm boys.
@Vleis: 100%.We’d need to make it mandatory. All boys on any sort of scholarship, even for chess. In that way we can eliminate the sensitivity of it all. It will be expensive, but much less painful in the long run given what we’re seeing play out now
@Dixon’s: To be fair, the MC matter was not a media frenzy. Had this situation been kept under wraps, I doubt Glenwood would have felt the need to make a public statement.Us as the public asking College to do the same serves no purpose. Just my 2 cents.
@Beet: I agree fully. Sad reality we live in. I heard that at some point GP or GW I can’t recall properly, called in Zulu men from outside to come and assess the ‘boys’. It speaks to the exact fear I was talking about.
The bigger issue here, however, is the excessive recruitment that takes place at schoolboy rugby level. Everyone wants a free lunch and people will cheat to get it. And as long as there are schools who play for a ranking, there will be a market for forgery.
@h2o: im not trying to cast any aspersions onto Maritzburg College. but they actually had a over age player who played for them in rugby matches. Simply expelling the boy without acknowledging and apologising for that is not good enough in my opinion.
@Hulk: Just asking – how were DHS going to perform tests on kids not in their school, if Glenwood couldn’t. There can be many arguments used but this one of yours is flawed.
@Beet: agree with you and @Playa (it is reality). It does however take especially strong and brave men & women to speak up and practice fairness in such cases. The fabric of a just civil society depends on them.
@Dixon’s: I fully agree with your 5 points raised. Especially where the captain of the ship must be fired/resign. I can imagine how it unfolded. When he realised it is an issue (last year or previous year), the risk of being implicated through involvement was too high and it was thus kept quiet. As @boishaaipa notes, preventive measures are paramount. An equally strong deterrent is being held accountable and paying the price. Not something one would wish on anybody, but the reputation of the primary school as well as shark schools rugby presently in tatters. What are their true principles?
@Playa: Thank you for your contribution. It provides a reality check of what is happening on the ground in relation to sensitivities that exist and that cannot be overlooked.
My opinion is that in everything we do racism or even the appearance of racism and other forms of discrimination should be avoided at all costs.
That said avoiding discrimination should not be the basis that allows school staff to give in or rest on their laurels in the pursuit of objectivity nor should it offer the room for school staff or third parties such as agents/scouts or dishonest parents/guardians to take advantage of the situation and get away with corrupt practices.
If it happens that the path sort to achieve objectivity puts one on a crash course with the appearance of discrimination when it is not the motive or intention, find a work around to achieve objectivity without the associated negatives.
Perhaps this is easier said than done but we are a lost cause as a society if we cannot continuously work towards a just system that protects the rights of law abiders and sanctions transgressors along with those who aid and abet them.
@Playa: Howzit Playa. That’s why age testing needs to become more prevalent (like PED testing is slowly becoming) – especially if the kid is on a scholarship. Then, there can be no claims of victimisation, racism, etc, etc.
@Roger: You are probably correct – they do that in NZ. If memory serves, a NZ kid can go up or down one age group depending on his weight.
@h2o: Thanks Bud, only Chakkas for tomorrow
@Dixon’s: just to clarify…. Please go back to paragraph 4 of the story above…. I am not going to point fingers…. Nor am i talking on behalf of MC…my POV… College expelled the boy immediately and removed him from the school premises…. The boys in his team which includes my son was gutted and was not happy that this has tarnished the team…. Information was passed to GWD regarding one of their u16 boys from the same area on which GWD reacted…. College was supplied with original identification papers on registration and even visited the grandmother of the boy as he claimed he had no parents with nothing suspicious….. I did not for one moment think he was overaged and would have reacted if i had any indication of his age…. The boy played 5 games and was out of action for most of season…. I think College reaction is self-explanatory wether they give a statement or not is irrelevant they reacted and will surely strive to making the playing field fair…. If you want to comment on no statement it is your prerogative. Some parents are assisting the boy to be enrolled in a local school to complete his education…..
Just some interesting findings on a soccerblog regarding overaged players and why they do it….. “They do, because ;
helps them stand out in the junior ranks, because they are older, they are more stronger and more experienced than other kids, so they appear more talented. ( 18 year-old playing against 13 year-old.)
Once they stand out, they stand a better chance of being signed because they are younger, and more talented, so it is an investment for the team to sign the player.
If you are older, nobody pays attention to your talent.”……
Buddy good luck on St Charles tomorrow.
@Playa: the most logical argument to date, assuming that everything reported is accurate I.e. the documents were legit and complete. If shortcuts were taken in the enrolment process then that may flip this upside down. All that said, I really like your way of thinking. I guess the views moving forward will remain influenced by the green or blue hue of the lenses we all have
@Playa: “GP head probably only met them for the first time after they enrolled” – maybe he bumped into them at the hostel while they were shaving ?
@Dixon’s: In my view, unless there is evidence pointing to a staff member of either GP, DHS or GW having played a part, the blame lies solely on the parents/agents who falsified documents to have these kids placed. As a black man, I’ll tell you off hand… A white person pointing out a black kid as being suspiciously old is a sensitive matter that could lead to one being accused of being racist. I have been in the middle of this and the accuser ended up being proven wrong. By science. To this day he is known as a racist, thought he really isn’t. This is why I find it difficult to blame those who had suspicions but didn’t act.
Imagine how Glenwood would look had they done these tests and these boys came out as authentic 14 year olds…. And the news was leaked? They’d probably have the human rights and race relations people camping at their gates right now.
@De-flea the Dog: I’ve searched and asked around about this and no one seems to know anything about it. Can you recall what year it happened?
@McCulleys Workshop: In my view, it’s difficult to blame GP. It may have been a case of them ‘trusting’ the process. The DHS recruiter was trusted to have done his due diligence. GP saw no need. I don’t suppose these kids went for an interview, so the GP head probably only met them for the first time after they enrolled. It’s tricky.
@Vleis: and it’s high time that junior rugger in SA (up to U16 level) is graded by weight. No longer have these 95kg behemoths running at 55kg kids at u13/14 level – no skills, just creates the type of bash it up rugger we all hate.
@Beet: I think that your suggestion is brilliant. Furthermore, if a school (or OBs) provides a scholarship/bursary, age testing should be done automatically…unless it’s very clear that it’s not needed. If a school is willing to sponsor a kid for some R250k to R1m for his High School career, a bone density test at the beginning is small beans. That would root out 99% of the charlatans anyway.
Of course, some kids mature faster than others; however, if it becomes the norm to have these tests, it won’t be seen as victimisation if the kid is innocent. Indeed, the first time my son was asked to undergo a PED test at school, he was over the moon, as it proved (in his mind anyway) that he was finally getting big!

@Bush: 2, 3 Texas ????
@Buddy: Enjoy my Buddy, get some shade it’s quite a warm day. ❤️❤️❤️❤️?????.
@Bush: Pal I need a beer or two, really scary K@k@ks just to think about it….
The Whale it is then
@Dixon’s: I’m of the opinion that Mr Ingle opened the door for these type of issues with his alliance to DHS which @Beet reported on in earlier threads. Surely if you get a new boy you request his file from his previous school? We can only speculate if this was done and if their documents were checked and scrutinized.
No one at the Sharks schools will question boys from Mr Ingle’s school !
@Bush: Dont even want to think about that…
@Buddy: What’s the scariest thing, as Playa pointed out, was the social aspect. GWP is not an all boys school but CoEd. A 17 year old going out with a 12/13 year old girl. That’s now scary sh1t
i lay the blame for this mess squarely at the feet of Glenwood Prep. And to a lesser extent the Sharks Under 13 Coaches, Selectors and Management!
@Bush: scary stuff, still can’t believe that it wasn’t picked up earlier
@Dixon’s: I watched a video clip of one of those men making a tackle on another kid. Bloody scary stuff, tackle technique years ahead of the other boys at that level. If you were a coach, just from that tackle you would know that player does not fit in that league and it’s not because he’s a freak of nature it’s because he’s a man. If I was a parent at GWP I would refuse to pay my schools fees.
@Beet: Looks like nothing really has changed in the last 6 years. I made that comment when i was coaching rugby at primary school level in the suburb of Glenwood. iv been out of those circles for 3 years now. but it was always the same rumors about GWP that continue to this day.
@Beet: Surely this proves my point about Ingle. he must resign. i further question if he should continue as headmaster. every parent of every child that played against GWP in the last 2 years should be raising hell about this. especially any child that got injured.
i will stir up another hornets nest. why is it only black boys whose ages are questioned. if age testing is done for 1 boy, it must be done for all!
@boerboel: lyk my jy sukkel om die storie te verstaan so ek sal maar met jou in afrikaans praat
Hoekom dink jy is die hele storie Glenwood High School se skuld ?
Gee asb jou beste verduideliking vir my en moet ook nie terug hou nie!
Here are the comments made by Noel Ingle back in 2012 after the last huge outcry about over-aged players:
Chairman of the Natal Schools Rugby Association Noel Ingle confirmed that with a “100 percent support” from schools, a verification process was now under way.
“We are all dedicated to ensuring that there are no over-age players in our system and that this situation doesn’t arise in the future. Perhaps in the past we have taken documentation at face value, and what we’ve now realised is that this is not enough.
“The schools are behind this drive to clean up the process.
“It won’t affect our Craven Week selection, as we have more than enough quality players in the province,” said Ingle.
@Dixon’s: I think the progress we are making between 2012 and now is we need to realise that it’s become an accepted norm in KZN to field over-aged players and I don’t believe this issue is limited to just a 3 or 4 schools. It probably impacts on all the top rugby high schools and a number of leading primary schools.
The solution is not blaming rogue agents or syndicates or dishonest parents or only doing thorough tests every 8 years then have a cooling down period before going back to the old immoral ways. The solution is to hold the headmasters accountable! Here, now, today and everyday from this day forth.
Find the headmasters guilty of negligence if knowing the circumstances, the history and the danger they put other students at, they acted unreasonably to allow players suspected of being over-aged to participate without going all out to determine their true ages. Then suspend them or terminate their services.
If an example is made out of a headmaster today, I’m sure all the others will take that to heart and it will outweigh the pressures put on them of producing successful rugby A-teams or obtaining outside sponsorship via rugby etc.
@De-flea the Dog – Very difficult to control. The problems of school boy rugby are alive and well.
Banned substances, over age players and rampant, uncontrolled recruiting. I wonder how long it will take before provincial education departments step in and try and add some semblance of control.
I do think Glenwood need some praise through this process. They took action and didn’t try and sweep it under the rug.
@boerboel: Jy wet dat Glenwood die hele besigeid oopgevlek het ne… Hulle is die skool wat die toetse laat doen het juis omdat hulle al voorheen aan die gat gebyt was deur so iets
@Dixon’s: Hi. Someone brought this to my attention.
Please click on this link and read the 6th comment down. You made it almost 6 years ago to the day.
comment made on 08 Mar 2014 at 20:08
@Smallies: yip sal nooit 100 p weet nie-selfde by gcb
maar 4 op een slag
@boerboel: Ek sal maar nie te veel blaf as ek jy is nie, die tipe ding kan baie baie maklik in die republiek van die paarl ook gebeur…. As dit nie al het nie, mens weet nooit.
@Buddy: dont avoid the issue
bunch of cheats caught out-covering it up
sad that they have to go these lenghts-shows their inherent inferiority complex vs their beter educated and marginally more affluent neighbours
@Tang: It’s rampant!! I reckon it could be as high as 10% of kids over the past 20 years have been over-aged
@boerboel: and he’s back again just like a stray dog full of fleas grasping for attention
Perhaps you must go back to school and learn to read fluffy…..
#boerbulgotfleas #boerbulcantread #voetsekjougemors
@ Dixon’s – Nice post.
I wonder if the over age problem is more widespread than we think. Surely it can’t be confined to a few schools.
Maybe Glenwood are more sensitive about the subject and know what to look out for. The fact they have taken decisive action shows good intent.
see its now 4 boys expelled from gw
should considering banning them from all rugby for a year
@Buddy: Why is nobody talking about the College guy? 18 in U14. 19 in U15. 20 in U16. Not a word about it. WHY????
@ForeverHorseFly: Was just informed that Glenwood Prep requested a Gr6 boy to leave the school this week. Apparently he was also sponsored by DHS
Can you please confirm if this is correct?
@Dixon’s: Spot on Sir !!!
@Dixon’s: Well put, i agree. 2 3 Glenwood!
It’s a reflection of South African society unfortunately. Schools are cash strapped, need great results to attract sponsors, this leads to poaching & now this. No real consequences, just like the gov. Then quotas make schools chase kids from townships where all the proper documentation hasn’t been done & families are desperate so they try any means. Schools take them on as they have more chance of making Craven Week hence something to boast & promote, attract more free paying kids. It’s vicious circle. Graeme Joffe has it spot on. Hard to reverse now…
Give them a scrap and they will tear you apart…Seems some bloggers are so desperate for something to talk about and then this comes across early in the season and its feeding time!… Everyone has an opinion..and you know what opinions are like. Has someone thought about how to prevent this from happening again besides doing bone density tests every time?. If some measures where put in place after the last incidents, this might not have happened. In 5/6 years time we going to read about another case again!
Let me just say the following:
1. No school involved in this saga deserves to have its name dragged through the mud. In my heart i believe that no high school (especially Glenwood) knowingly “cheated” the fact that these boys/men are no longer enrolled in high school shows this.
2. Glewood Prep Management/Coaching Staff should be ashamed of themselves. you cannot have these boys in your school for 2 years playing 1st XV and attending class and not have suspicions that they were overage. a year or 2 over i can probably forgive, but not 5 as is the case here. they either knew and did nothing while happy to bask in the glory of a dominant 1st XV or were so oblivious to what was happening right under their noses that it shows a level of negligence/incompetence that should not be allowed to go forward.
3. Noel Ingle should resign his position as head of The Schools Rugby Association. whether he knew or not is irrelevant. it happened right under his nose and heshould have known.
4. Sharks Under13 should be stripped of the wins from the last Craven Week.
5. Maritzburg College also need to clarify what happened with the over age player at their school and apologise for it.
Thoughts? please keep the Glenwood and DHS bashing to a minimum and focus on the issue at hand
@Quagga: Probably, like in the ‘new’ South Africa, NO ONE will be reprimanded.
This is a long and boring thread. May I ask if the culprits (adults) will have to face the music at all? Are people getting exposed, fired or even prosecuted for fraud or worse, perhaps along the lines of the trade in children (some of you guys with a legal background might have views on this so we can actually learn something)? How does this stack up to the widely reported perceived doping problem in schools which seems to pose a much bigger threat to our serene little world of schoolboy rugby in South Africa?
@Strepie: uhhhhhhhmmmmm glenwood high het gesien daar is fout, dit is mos waarom toetse gedoen is
@De-flea the Dog: Oh, I though you were use that area as a reference to the question that Playa ask Gungets to answer. Lekker one Hopper
@Strepie: please explain ?
@Strepie: You obviously have an axe to grind.
2 years ago Verkenner in PE had an eightman that stood head and shoulders above the rest of the boys. He is in the Kwaggas /15 team this year. There are no problems with his age.
Last year the EP /13 CW team was captained by an /12 playing centre, when playing against us he manhandled our CW hooker and prop like they were toys. So there are /13 boys that challenge our perceptions of what the size and strength of children in that age group should be.
The /12 is at GCB this year, he will be a monster this year.
@Playa: that is where Tom & Payi came from
Glenwood snr and jnr should take the brunt..
Both responsible.
@ForeverHorseFly:Okay Mr Spooner, think you must get @Iceman details from @Beet and Urgently make contact with him.
@Iceman is a good oke and will not sugar coat any details ??
@Rainier: Hi Rainier, having thought about it, my additional thoughts are:
To the extent that G Prep or opponent parents or coaches raised their age concerns regarding these boys, and to the extent there were discussion had with the GP establishment, and nothing was done other than rely on the documentation they had, in that case it is an indictment on the head and coaches of GP, to the extent that it was raised and nothing done about it. I think they are the only parties outside of the boys and their parents that should be questioned by the education department and the rugby authorities. Turning a blind eye or relying on a possibly fraudulent document is convenient. So I suggest that any of those who raised the matter with the G Prep authorities should put their hands up, and G Prep should explain why, against the odds, they did nothing about this. A 17 year old vs a 12/13 year old!
@Rainier: Amen!
@Rainier: Primary AND Glenwood Secondary TOO should have seen that as clear as daylight something was wrong!!
@De-flea the Dog: Thanks Hops. I wasn’t aware of such a story, I may have missed it.
@Rainier: Thank you Jesus!
@Rainier: ???
The logic gap in this thread is quite concerning.
Its not DHS or Glenwood who is to blame, it is the patents/guardians/care givers of the boys.
You guys sound like 5 year olds arguing who dipped the pony tail in the ink pot…
@ForeverHorseFly: There is no sound and balanced reasoning from your side. Just attempts to blame Glenwood.
So, to use your reasoning:
Glenwood should not have acted and not test the boys.
Also DHS did nothing wrong when they identified the over-aged boys and moved them from one primary school to another.
If you agree with the above – and you should because it is your line of reasoning, then there is no argument left.
@ForeverHorseFly: The other 2 boys were also investigated even though their documentation was in order. It appears they are all from the same township, some syndicate of sorts.
Again, Glenwood made the effort to get to the bottom of this. No one else did. In 2 years, under the mits of DHS and their primary school nothing was done. In 2 months Glenwood HS got to the bottom of it.
Stop wasting your time here.
Also why are they conveniently ignoring the 2 other over age boys they recruited who have no link to DHS? They need to admit they never saw this coming just like everyone else because investigating and bone density test only after boys have been enrolled at your school and the walls are closing in isn’t due diligence
@Djou: Glenwood did not do DHS a favour with anything. Glenwood recruited and enrolled 4 boys who turned out to be overage. Right now they are saying there has always been a concern regarding the 2 boys but think about that for a moment, Glenwood themselves would have watched these boys play the past few years, actually approached them about coming to Glenwood, interview them and their parents and then made an offer to come attend Glenwood. At any of those points if Glenwood actually suspected the boys were over age then they would have never let them enroll at Glenwood in the first place. Why risk it if you always suspected they were overage?
Glenwood can’t now be pointing fingers at others for their own lack of due diligence when they recruited the boys to come to Glenwood because as it’s been correctly stated, these boys chose Glenwood and enrolled at Glenwood.
At the time when Glenwood thought they had recruited super star rugby talent, they made the fact that DHS funded their primary schooling a non issue which had no bearing on their choice of high school…now that it’s been found that the boys are overage, they want to make DHS funding of the boys an issue and deflect from the fact they themselves recruited these boys and these boys actually chose to attend Glenwood, they can’t have it both ways.
Ithembelihle Comprehensive School…
@Gungets Tuft: I’m still waiting PATIENTLY for the answer to my question on his claim regarding the the prevalence of age cheating in the EC and which schools have been involved.
More news of u14 over-age players to come. Watch this space!
@ICEMAN: So the horseflies make noise, gets exposed in the process and now are hiding. What a “GRAP” ??? The Glenwood boys, old boys and community wants to play the horseflies. Come on DHS – make it right!
@Hulk: I’d lead that delegation myself…unfortunately it was never Glenwood’s decision call to call it off. Come to think of it the the buzzing of the horeseflies has actually gone dead quiet, they wouldn’t be feeling a little sheepish would they?
@ICEMAN: I reckon you give it to the Glenwood crew to negotiate a reinstatement of the fixture. Everyone wants the fixture back!
@Buddy: and now it’s a party ?????
@ICEMAN: I think you must forward it to Mr Spooner whom I know is a follower of this blog.
For all we know he is the Fly man ??♂️
@Buddy: yip….quite a damaging piece of “evidence” that suggests a certain protagonist school should consider the “people in glass houses…” saying.
@ICEMAN: Voicenote ?
Now you got me curious ?
@Smallies: @Smallies. That’s exactly how we see it. Not about throwing stones. Just fix it, move on and go back to playing rugby but man that voicenote is interesting

@ICEMAN: This is a bad thing,however it is allready in the past, hopefully everybody concerned learned a lesson and measures will be put in place to prevent this from happening again
Gosh all these comments from DHS folk who dont actually know how their recruiters behave. @foreverhorsefly, give me a shout if you want a voicenote of what happens behind closed doors at School. For what it’s worth (and the smart asses will always have a comeback) these tests were conducted weeks ago and the results known to the school so this wasn’t after the fact BUT when dealing with kids’ lives, the school was not prepared to act until a triple check was completed and the previous principal, the guardians the boys were interviewed. Once this was done, then a decision made. Imagine if other parties had been as thorough during the recruitment phase
@Strepie: agreed
@ForeverHorseFly: play nice now Mr Fly
All we wanted was for Mr Spooner to get to te bottom of this but seems to me that Dr Barnes was the only one that had the guts to proceed to verify their ages…..
Yes the boys preferred Glenwood to your institution and we defended their choices. However one can question your institutions reaction and actions ………
@Smallies: spot on ??
@Strepie: Stem! Kon hom nooit assosieer met Boishaai nie.
@ForeverHorseFly: I think you are a bit unfair.
First, Glenwood did not benefit in any way as the boys have not played for them.
Second, you can’t judge Glenwood based on after the fact. They accepted the boys based on documents that THEY discovered were falsified – note, not documents that any other school discovered, notwithstanding the fact that both Glenwood Prep and DHS had ample time to do their own investigations – but they did not. Why?
As I see it Glenwood did DHS a favour, because, think what would have happened if the boys stayed at DHS and it was discovered in grade 12 that they are in fact 22.
Then, you confuse 2 issues. Glenwood’s initial support that boys can choose where they want to go to school has nothing to do with the current issue, namely catching dishonest parents and boys. Supporting others’ freedom of choice in this context has little to do with processes to catch criminals. Both issues can be debated, but separately.
@Djou: dit is hoekom ek verlede jaar my trui vrywillig uit getrek het… Ek sal nooit daardie instelling se naam sleg maak nie
@Strepie: Which I think GW have done well with. They have identified the problem and dealt with it. It can’t be a great thing for a school to be faced with. Can you imagine the outcome if these kids made it all the way until Grade 12.
@Strepie: Dude, let’s make it very clear Glenwood Prep and Glenwood High are very different entities, they just have the same name. Glenwood High could only conduct tests once the boys were there. Glenwood Prep should have done these when they attended that school.
@Hulk: This problem should have been dealt with a long time ago. Stop making excuses. It was as clear as daylight that something surely wasn’t right, that is the long and the short of it.
@Djou: Ek is self bly dat die ‘truitjie’ verwyder is.
Dit is geen plesier om te sien dat n ‘Boishaaier’ so te kere gaan nie.
@boerboel: Lekker hondjie. Eerste stap is weg met die trui en 2e is gone from the blog. Hou net so aan. Niemand gaan jou mis nie.
Bly die KZN-manne het nou ook onder jou ingeklim.
@ForeverHorseFly: please stop covering up. When ST got caught Glenwood dealt with. The boys in question has been questioned over the last 2 years and nothing was done. I doubt Glenwood HS can intervene with kids that aren’t in their school. But in less than a month they managed to get to the bottom of it, what happened in the 2 years prior?
In the end of the day it’s simple. Documents can be falsified and I don’t think one can judge a school, whether it is DHS, Glenwood Prep or Glenwood High School or whoever, based on the fake documentation or ID fraud. The big BUT is why did the other schools not engage in further investigation? These boys has been in question for some time and got away with it. Convenient?
Ole Grassy is in the slammer again for a while, ain’t going to be answering, but I reckon his Buddy is stepping up pretty well. Aluta Continua…
@Buddy: rimes with joumase….
@McCulleys Workshop: Not really. The concerns from other schools started as soon as the boys arrived at Glenwood and the process started then and there. Their staff was adamant to get to the bottom of this concern that has been around for the last 2 years. Not sure why the research wasn’t done prior?
@boerboel: Lekker Boere,hoekom verander jy nie jou Avatar naam na “Naked” toe nie?!

@Hulk: Glenwood acted after the fact on this issue, simple as that. As I said initially on this topic, it is amazing how narratives change to fit the argument one wants to believe. I invite everyone to go back to the original blog regarding DHS cancelling fixtures with Glenwood and see all the comments from the Glenwood supporters. You will notice then how they did everything in their power to defend these boys choice of Glenwood when they thought they were getting two super talented rugby boys. Now that the boys have been exposed to be overage it is everyone else’s fault but their own yet they let these boys enroll at their school and was just as oblivious as everyone else.
Another point is that 4 grade 8 boys were expelled but only 2 were from Glenwood Prep funded by DHS. Care to explain how the other 2 were recruited and how Glenwood did not see it when they recruited them that they were also overage?
@Hulk: Hi Hulk, it would seem from reading above that action was only taken once the College boy had outted the lie.
@Smallies: got a better one but now that @Beet will take away your jersey when you talk k@K I will not type that word. Respect for my Jersey and would like to keep it on my profile
@Buddy: nana nananana hey hey hey he’s a ….. RRRR
i presume Glenwood had ideas this news was about to break and covered themselves with these tests
@ForeverHorseFly: Correction again. Everyone had their concerns and Glenwood was the only school to adres it. Did DHS do anything?
@ForeverHorseFly: It is very obvious – why didn’t any of the other schools involved in this saga do the necessary research that Glenwood has done? Very convenient when they are at favor.
“strongs vir die seisoen”
wie praat nog so

hoe gaan ek jou herken by wildeklawer
plak n rooi kol op jean kortbroekie-of sit pers strepe tussen die blondes in jou hare?
@Djou: ??
@Buddy: Strongs vir die seisoen.
@boerboel: Nee seuna, dat die trui weggeneem is, is ‘n klad op jou naam – vir ewig.
@Bush: ???
@Djou: Definitely, he’s like a massive house fly that was just swatted with a Huisgenoot.
Dammmm what a feeling and grin on my face ????
#voetsekjougemors #boerboellosthisjersey #Bwahahahaha
@pod1331: well only DHS would be able to assist with that information…… must say DHS (Mr Spooner) is and a bit quite with regards to this matter
@Buddy: u17 boys
21 or 22?
congolese o
e Nigeria?
@Djou: Will have a strong side with loads of depth within our forwards.
Young backline with some exciting u17 boys.
@Djou: jip gives me more freedom to express my pearls of wisdom
we cant meet at wildeklawer-hjs is playing garswanabees?
@pod1331: More like “What High School” were they at???????
@De-Flea the dog ,Buddy.Never easy to handle these cases for schools.Well done Andri Barnes …you have experience in handling over-aged schoolrugbyplayer cases already with Tom …..my concern is that this happens under the watch of Mr Ingle that is the SA Schools Rugby Association’s Chairman…how could he be totally unaware of these 2 boys being over-aged ?Were these boys in Glenwood Prep in Gr 6 or 7 or both years ?Looks like bone density testing at the u/13 Cravenweek must enjoy the same prominence as Dope testing at the Khomo and u/18 Cravenweek this year.I wonder in which primary school these boys were before they joined Glenwood Prep ?
@Buddy: At last. Boishaai is Boishaai again – and boerboelie is on his own with no backing of a powerful school. Not that he had any!
@Buddy: ! How is Glenwood’s first team this year.
@Smallies: ?
@Buddy: xcomunicated
@boerboel: I see that they have taken away your jersey.
About flippen time
dont be so insecure
@boerboel: Luckily it’s only your views which everyone on this forum knows meens Jack Ass nothing. Only white noise……
yip thats confirms my views on gw
@boerboel: no that I got your attention
Voetsek jou gemors !!!!
@Buddy: what facts?
the poaching or the overaged men that you guys hire?
i represent no insttution-i supprt their rugby teams-grow up
@boerboel: get your facts straight before you make a comment.
Get back into the hole that you crawled out as you are a disgrace for the jersey and institution that you represent
@Valkie: Don’t think he will because that will then implicate DHS and will open up a new can of worms.
@De-flea the Dog:yip the 4th team lock with the gw fixatation is back
he was also probably 22 in gr12?

yip happens at these lower ranked schools that has an obsession to compete with the old tradionational power
win at all cost-probably only the tip of the iceberg at gw
@BrotherBear: Sien ons jou op Affies Saterdag? Ek gaan saam met ‘n oud-springbok van Helpies die wedstryde daar kyk. Sy seun is tans in Affies, so hy kyk met gemengde gevoelens sê hy.
The idiocracy of the parents who gave them those birth sertificates is mind boggling…. If they were not caught out it would’ve meant that come matric you would have two or more kids with the same id nr applying to write their matric…
Any person with at least half an “antenna” AND working with kids every day, will be able to detect the age difference referenced here. Everybody involved should be held accountable, from a few years ago. Saying nothing is as bad as the “crime” itself. Unfortunately there is no moral high ground, only damage control. One would have thought that the issues a few years ago would have put prevention measures in place. Can easily happen in any province or school if no active measures are in place. Remember there were significant murmurings about the WP u13 8th man in the early 2010’s. AND where the big blokes are easy to detect, the thin slightly built blokes with the quick steps are more difficult (not intended to cast suspicion).
One question: Did the Head Master of GW Prep up to now open a case of fraud against the specific parents, or is his written apology enough?
@De-flea the Dog: Hops, I’m enjoying the logic here. GW definitely took them on unwittingly but the DHS scouts did it intentionally. What a load.
Sadly this entire affair begins with the concept of recruitment and the obsession with producing the best side to ensure our manhood stays in tact. The hiring, rental and lease back of minors (I’m not sure how you ever achieve this legally) is obscene and anyone stupid enough to engage the concept that’s played out, has received just reward. Forget about the age issue, if DHS are not playing GW, because these boys ended up at GW, pathetic. For DHS to think they could contract these minors, pathetic. It’s quite clear that these boys were recruited, placed in GP and accepted by GW unwittingly by all parties accept the boys and their parents. Anything besides that is too heinous to contemplate and would merit a life time ban from the sport.
@Playa: your point is 100% why believe that this is a Glenwood Prep stuff up. You cannot tell me that primary school coaches and teachers were around these boys for 2 years and didnt realise that they were 5 years older than the other kids!!!! Noel Ingle should resign as SA Schools chairman as this happened right under his nose!!!
@Playa: Lekker Playa. The various sleepovers and socials that those young men went to. This just gets uglier and uglier.
@Playa: Spot on.Unexcepteble,full stop.
@Playa: Thanks for info.
@Bush: A bigger worry for me is a social one. There’s the danger of a 17 year old boy/young man hurting 12/13 year olds on the rugby field. Then there’s a dare I say it,the worse danger of these young men being around teenage girls in social circles. If any adult (besides the parents) was involved in facilitating this fraud, may that sink in. We got lucky this time.
@Vleis: It shouldn’t be a problem going forward as parents from disadvantaged areas are eager to get SASSA grants. No birth certicate, no grant. Finger prints would definitely go a long to help alleviate this problem
@Hulk: 4 grade 8 boys expelled at Glenwood for being over age. We know 2 with the DHS ties, what about the others 2?
If this has been an issue of concern for two years, why did Glenwood wait until the boys were enrolled at Glenwood? Why did they enroll them in the first place if they were so concerned? Just admit Glenwood did not see this coming like everyone else.
DHS did try and help these boys remember, funded two years of their primary schooling. Glenwood is doing the right thing now in helping them find other schools because they enrolled and are now expelled from Glenwood so the onus is on the school to assist.
@Buddy: So what you are saying is DHS knew the situation with those young adults posing as kids. So when they turned their backs on DHS, DHS dropped GW Prep. If that is so, I’m throwing away the popcorn and opening the Brandy.
@De-flea the Dog: What is your argument exactly here? Glenwood was only able to ascertain these boys were overage after they had enrolled at Glenwood and not at the point of recruitment.
If you are accusing DHS of not doing their due diligence at the point of recruitment, then surely Glenwood are guilty of the exact same thing when they first recruited the boys and convinced them to go to Glenwood instead. As you correctly point out these boys chose to be overage pupils at Glenwood and not DHS, so at what point could DHS have done these bone density tests considering these boys never enrolled at DHS?
If your argument is that it should have been done at point of recruitment, then both schools failed to do so at that point.
Glenwood was not proactive but reactive in testing these boys. Had the College boy not been found out and ratted out the rest, Glenwood would have gone on with business and dominated with 4 over age boys in u14 so lets not act like Glenwood discovered this on their own. Everyone should just admit they were duped which includes Glenwood, Glenwood prep, DHS and KZNRU.
@De-flea the Dog: Which Border/EC schools have had age sagas?
@Bush: agree with you but very curious on what DHS will come up with as they recruited and funded the boys for 2 years, created this big fuss about the boys and cancelled a 100 year old fixture.
I get the impression that Glenwood Prep was thrown under the bus by DHS
@Bush: Thank you
@Bush: I agree. it starts at home and sadly, the “agents” who encourage these boys and facilitates these behaviors. Those people need to be dealt with!
@Hulk: Ja you correct. The year ST was caught, I think there were 2 okes at WBHS around the same age.
My take on this from the start, the parents should be held responsible. Same as that mother that injected the boy with his first course of Roids. I just struggle to get my head around this. You go back to Primary School at the age of 17 and smash 11 and 12 year olds.
@Gungets Tuft: we know very well it’s not a charity case and that schools in fact are looking to find that rough diamond / undiscovered talent.
However, there are companies and I believe the Sports & Rec department that gives schools the resources / opportunities to identify boys from development and to give them an opportunity.
But going forward I would imagine that all schools and recruiters would think twice before giving a kid from such a background an opportunity.
@Hulk: You must be the only oke on the planet that thinks this is a philanthropic gesture from the schools. It’s almost complete self serving, and until I see underprivileged kids who are average sportsmen and academics being reached out to you’re going to fail to change my mind.
Scholarships are a fact of life, I’m not against them, but let’s not pretend what they’re trying to achieve
@Bush: haha I know right. What I find interesting in all this is when Glenwood is implicated – people make a massive hype about it to bring the name down. However, when other schools are experiencing the exact same challenges, we feel sorry for them / defend them / find a way to blame Glenwood for it ???
I have noticed that the approach, since Dr Barnes has taken over, has been way more ethical, above board and correct. Well done to her!
@Beet: YES SIR
@Gungets Tuft: More attention to details definitely needs to be highlighted going forward. Schools often reach out to give talented players, in particular development players, an opportunity. It’s sad to see that they end up with these scenarios and more attention needs to be steered towards background checks etc.
@Hulk: Haibo. I’m getting the popcorn. This is getting interesting.
Bush. Maybe you can take this sideshow agenda about De-Flea to twitter or some place else.
It really doesn’t serve any purpose here.
@Bwana: Correction – College had an overaged 1st XV player last year (only found out after the season) and kept it quiet. Also an U18 boy that played U14 last year… ???
@linespeed: Sorry sir, but you are incorrect here. Glenwood acted prior to the College boy being caught.
@Bush: you talk such kak, go get groomed somewhere. Everybody who knows anything about DHS and Glenwood knows who the recruiters are and if they had a brain cell could source the people. I didn’t drop anything on anyone. Enjoy the recession, pending downgrade and soon hyper inflation. I’ve just sent money to a highly qualified friend in SA battling. I don’t need to prove anything to you…
@ForeverHorseFly: Correction – DHS and Glenwood Prep was duped. Glenwood High School actually addresses this issues that has been a concern for 2 years.
Glad to see that the Green Machine is doing the right thing.
What is more impressive is the word out there that Glenwood are actually assisting those boys to continue a schooling career closer to home. If that’s true, then Glenwood clearly is ticking the boxes! Will DHS assist those boys?
@Gungets Tuft: it’s called turning a blind eye, as the previous history at Glenwood would suggest.
@Djou: Spot on and in one sentence!
@Bush: ??????????
@De-flea the Dog: We know you are Hopper. Same writing style same school you are supporting and same frequency of posting. But we like you being back.
@Bush:Ja, from the Cape somewhere where he had left too.
@Djou: Lekker Oom, glad to hear you are well. Hooit poisoned me with all the Brandy at Nationals last year. Hopper is back, still living the life in the UK, talking kuk about SA. Wearing his Bokke jersey specially after we won the WC. I’m sure he’s not alone or maybe just feeling alone.
@De-flea the Dog: It would have been a DHS issue, but became a Glenwood issue. Glenwood did well in dealing with it. But in the end it is a SA issue.
@De-flea the Dog: But you’re certain that these guys knew that the boys were dodgy, because “leopards don’t change their spots”
@Gungets Tuft: Ja that’s really a bad comment from Hopper. SVR going to moer him stukkend.
@Bush: Hi Bushie. Doing well? See they are trying to make fun of you. Trying, but not succeeding.
See Hopper is back under disguise. Glad he is back though.
@Gungets Tuft: It’s the best way to confirm age of people yes, not sure if it’s the best way to identify people, that’s probably a DNA test.
@Gungets Tuft: Tell me who is or was Head of Recruitment at DHS? Who is the Head? Put 2 and 2 together. Leopards don’t change their spots, but I don’t have evidence of it, like in recorded conversations, letters, emails, whatsapp messages etc. That is what an investigation should do, but this will all blow over, it’s a Glenwood issue according to Horsefly dude and others
@De-flea the Dog: It’s the Glenwood way of confirming that people aren’t who they say they are. Isn’t that what you said all the way up top?
@Hooit: welkom terug
@Gungets Tuft: Not sure what you mean, please clarify
@ForeverHorseFly: Dude, what was that waffle? DHS (***) recruited the boys from a township & ***, but went ahead and placed them at Glenwood Prep with their mate Ingle, who ***trusted them. The ‘boys’ knew they were supposed to DHS but wanted to go where the majority of their mates were going, Glenwood. So decided to not follow through and join Glenwood. Glenwood obviously would have been in talks with them in 2019 thinking they could persuade them to not join DHS, like all schools do. Glenwood wouldn’t have done a proper investigation until they accepted an offer. So the boys and the parents changed their minds last minute and took a Glenwood offer (it could have been a Westville of any other school). Glenwood obviously had their doubts after rumours coming from College from a boy caught there. They decided rightly to pay the expensive bone density test, caught them and expelled them. All in line and a great stake in the sand. The parents and boys should have repercussions, especially for playing at Prep school.
@De-flea the Dog: That’s never worried me. Hope they are handsome and strong.
@De-flea the Dog: I reckon we need a bone density test here too
@Djou: Hello Oom, yes you are right. You can’t do this kuk and get away with it.
@Bush: I don’t have a sister, two brothers…
@Hooit: Back, I was never here before. Joined a few weeks ago
@De-flea the Dog: Specially if it’s your Suster ??????
@Hooit: I’m not going near you okes from the Wors Rand. Chilling with my Buddy
@Buddy: Bring the speedo it will match Spears Chappie speedo. The Kurt Darren CD we put on repeat for the whole weekend. You the best My Best Buddy
@De-flea the Dog: Ok so you back since Monnas got pumped in 2018?
@De-flea the Dog: It is funny how arguments change to fit the narrative one wants to believe. So according to you, DHS should have done their due diligence on Glenwood high boys because these boys never attended DHS but instead enrolled at Glenwood? Was that not the argument from you guys a few weeks back? That these boys chose Glenwood instead of DHS and that recruiting at grade 7 is fair game and that you can’t force a kid to attend a school they don’t want to attend regardless of funding their primary schooling etc etc etc. Every argument made was an attempt to absolve Glenwood of having done nothing wrong in these boys choosing Glenwood instead of DHS.
Had Glenwood not insisted on pursuing these boys (even after DHS tried to stop them last year) then DHS would have been the one having to answer for this issue but since they never actually attended DHS, Glenwood has to account for its own boys. Where was the due diligence from Glenwood when they recruited them last year? If your argument is that DHS should have known these boys were overage when they recruited them for prep, then should Glenwood not have known themselves when they recruited them to attend Glenwood.
For me this revelation answers a lot of questions, letting one high school fund your primary schooling only to renege on that agreement and join another high school shows a lack of integrity from both the parents and to an extent the boys. The fact that these boys turned out to be overage clearly shows there was never any integrity to begin with from these parents.
@Hooit: I do remember him yes and we were in the same classes, good bloke. Until Glenwood pumped Monnas at Monnas in 2018, 49-22. That was just beautiful, I was there on the ground. Bush is like a rabid dog, will poke anything…
@De-flea the Dog: He also had n suster who liked Bush alot or Bush liked his sister. Not sure about those facts.
@De-flea the Dog: I have not been active on the blog for about 2 years. You remind me alot of Hopper or Alan who use to be very pro Glenwood and very vocal about it until they got hammered by Monnas and then just dissapeared. Any relation??
@Djou: Agreed, it really is the parents BUT in many cases these ‘boys’ have no parents or just guardians. It’s a mess! And it’s rife throughout SA because of poor Home Affairs checks, fake birth certificates and ID’s etc.
@De-flea the Dog: You don’t think that bringing up Payi might have had something to do with with Tom being resurrected?
As for the other schools “cover ups”, or “carpet sweeping”, you couldn’t perhaps be a little more specific, like a year or a few names, etc.
As for College and the “no statement” – the article does say that they will issue a statement, but perhaps their quick action on getting the information should at least get them invited to the moral high ground on which you have installed Glenwood.
Me, I think these overage players slipping in again is indicative of schools getting complacent and allowing agents to do their homework for them. Time for a bit of focus again, like asking for academic records going back a few years. No record, no corroboration of record, then demand more from agents and parents rather than benefit of doubt. College turned 157 this week, reputation is worth more than a decent rugby season. It is to this Old Boy.
I’ve read many recommendations on who should be punished, but none about the true culprits.
The parents and their boys. They actually knowingly comitted fraud. And imo they should be charged and sentenced in a court of law.
Maybe this strong hand action is what is needed to rid the schoolboy game from the over-aged malpractice.
@Bush: Seems like you captain again. You must state drink a double brandy and still behave yourself, then I will be captain. You Souties over or under aged cant handle youre brandy
@Bush: I’m definitely your man, bought myself a Faf swim suite and a Kurt Darren CD, ready coach ?????????
# 2, 3 Whale ???
@Vleis: So why do others bring up Tom then, it needs to be clear there were others in that debacle (including from the Leafy Suburbs). The privates I bet have had some but dealt with them quietly. I’m not attacking I’m pointing out other things. If others can point at Glenwood why can’t we point those out too. Schools should be working together to rid the system of cheats, drug takers, over-aged boys and underhanded recruiting. Seems a USA style ‘pick’ is coming sooner than we thought, but at primary school level
@De-flea the Dog: Agreed, but address it in a quiet, cool manner. Don’t also rabbit on about Payi from 8 years ago and “the privates sweeping issues under the carpet”, etc, etc. You are not making Glenwood any friends by attacking everyone else.
@Vleis: Firstly, thanks for your opinion, thank god it’s only one opinion. I agree with the OB, I didn’t like anything the previous regime did, hence why I expressed it many times to them. I like what Andri Barnes has done to fix the reputation for it now to be all destroyed again. The media reports have got this one wrong, pointing at Glenwood, when it fact it’s a DHS and Glenwood Prep issue, so that needs to be put right.
@De-flea the Dog: I’ll grant you that Glenwood has endured a disproportionate amount of abuse over the years, but the behaviour of the previous regime did warrant a lot of same. I had a few dops on Monday with a Glenwood OB (1984 matric) who was very unimpressed with them. Despite being a sporty chap, he said, inter alia, that their win at any cost attitude did not sit well with him. That said, in this instance, Glenwood appears (albeit perhaps under duress) to have acted correctly, but your incessant whinging does not help their cause as:
– by ranting on so many social media platforms, you’re merely increasing the negative exposure; and
– your arguments can be puerile at times, which attracts further negativity.
@Roger: Let’s hope all the schools finger pointing have their own ducks in a row. Although as they fly under the radar they just sweep the issues under the carpet with no media coverage….
@linespeed: if you read above – the private schools in KZN placed massive pressure on Glenwood to investigate – why? Obviously there were suspicions last year when they were playing for the Sharks – when a kid is head and shoulders (literally) above all other 13 year olds, is faster, heavier, has muscle formation, zits, facial and body hair its fairly obvious isn’t it? I’m sure there were plenty sideline comments and observations around the field last year.
@linespeed: Completely agree, BUT it must be made clear Glenwood Prep ad Glenwood High School are NOT the same institutions, there is a link but decisions and responsibilities are separate.
@linespeed: I think they must start the investigation from when the boys was recruited by the DHS foundation. These boys was placed at Glenwood Prep by DHS.
Surely there will be some sort of paper trail to follow?
@Buddy: Yes Buddy, we busy recruiting for a Nationals in Bloem. If you can drink a double of anything, wear underpants on your head and bite the opposition. You in the team
@De-flea the Dog: The Glenwood prep coaches and headmaster need to be held accountable , people in education with presumably common sense should have carried out proper due diligence once they realized that these kids were a lot more skillful , faster and mature looking than 99% of the kids they played with and against …. common sense applied for safety and ethics …
The Glenwood letter has been added above.
Glenwood had bone density tests done. Further evidence from the department of home affairs indicated that one boy’s mother gave birth to a child in 2002 which would make him 17 going on 18 this year. IOW he should have been playing open age group rugby against gr 11s and gr 12s not against u14s in gr 8.
In Glenwood’s favour is that these boys have only been at the school a few weeks and Glenwood has got to the bottom of the matter and acted swiftly.
Baie nuuskierig om uit te vind wat die manne van Boksmart nou gaan doen. Hulle dreig mos gereeld dat skole waar dit gebeur geskors gaan word.
@Bwana:So College did the same as Glenwood, weeded the cheat out. Well done :-)
@Vleis: Trust me, looking at all the financial indicators, I know where I would prefer to be. The kak has hit the fan and starting to fling around the room. It’s still a national level and Payi is literally never mentioned by anyone considering it was the same offense..
@Bwana: So what’s different with Glenwood, they went one step further and actually did a scientific bone density test to confirm it. It’s because it’s linked to Glenwood Prep who is a separate entity just with the same name..
@De-flea the Dog: Hmmm…so you think that the SA Schools Sevens team gets similar exposure to the SA Schools team
I think it’s very clear who’s head is really in the sand.

@linespeed: Knew that already. Quick and easy decision.
@Bwana: College got wind of the u16 player and investigated it straight away and expelled the kid immediately…. no statement needed in my opinion….
@linespeed: probably close to 20%
@Bwana: I have it, will send to Beet to upload
@De-flea the Dog: agreed ?!
I believe if bone testing is done on players from all the KZN schools we will be shocked at the number of players over age !
@De-flea the Dog: Where is the Glenwood statement Hopper? Only one school statement so far and that is from the Junior Hoppers, none of the High Schools.
@ForeverHorseFly: it doesnt happen often. especially on this site. but you have made on of the most rational comments i have ever seen on this site. I agree 100% with you. i applaude you sir!
@Human Piranha: A bunch of parents from different schools had some concerns re overage players at one particular school about seven years ago, so one chap called the Union. It turns out that the Union had already had many similar complaints re the same school…but they told my mate that the schools must sort it out between themselves!
One day, a kid is going to get very seriously hurt by an overage player and then the school (and rugby in general) will suffer significant cash and reputational damage when they’re sued.
@Bush: Hey Buddy, I understand you are starting a Thirsty Whale ballie ruggas team. I used to be a lekka beer drinker at u21level???
Considering a comeback ???????♂️?
@linespeed: I can say the same for many of the other schools….so it’s not only a Glenwood issue….
@De-flea the Dog: you mentioned their names … and not trying to take the gloss of anything Glenwood .. I watched the said names running around a few rugby fields , both looked older***
@De-flea the Dog: If you make your comeback for GW Prep you will be average. Just Hopper your skills are better. This whole thing is a disgrace, specially for a KZN SBR.
@De-flea the Dog: Hopper, still spouting nonsense and unqualified statements from Mud Island I see. The kid at College is probably leaving the school after him being identified as being not the age he said he was.
@Buddy: correction…… Recruitment team??♂️
@linespeed: So where is the College statement? That will fly under the radar. Yes, I could name many ‘boys’ from other schools that were overaged. Two boys in the Glenwood 2018 team were borderline, the others are now playing good rugby at provincial level and SA U20. Guys like Werner Coetzee, Lunga Ncube, Rynhard Jonker, Jaden Hendrickse etc…..it’s funny how people always like to try and take the gloss off any Glenwood success…
@linespeed: Ahah the true is coming out.
One could only wonder what Mr Spooner form the DHS Foundation will come up with in his next statement……
@Buddy: Follow where the rats went, then it all becomes clearer…
Can you imagine if one of those Bully Kids seriously injured another player, really badly that there was a permanent injury. Then all this comes out, could you sue?
@De-flea the Dog: they didnt volunteer to test the boys , the College player ratted them out … they were forced to test them by a higher power .
@Human Piranha: well said !!
One can only ask if the DHS requirement team knew about the age issues and could that have been the reason behind DHS making such a big fuss about the 2 boys? 100 years of tradition done and dusted ??♂️
#asking on behalf of Mr Spooner
Utter discrace for Natal rugby.
Puts all results and performances into question.
its been happening for years , coaches and school leadership have allowed this problem to exist by turning a blind eye to very obvious age cheats . If common sense tells us that a kid looks far to old for his age group , it is more than likely that he is to old!
Documentation proving a guy is a certain age can be fraudulently acquired and should not be the main protocol in age verification , schools and unions need to start using medical science such as bone density tests as the mandatory age verification procedure before accepting a recruited player into their schools . If the boy/man/parent refuses then the school dont let him play or opposing schools refuse to play them until the suspicious age cheat has had a test done ….simple .
We all watch rugby week in and week out and especially in KZN , the same remarks are always made … this guy doesnt look the correct age ! geez hows the size and speed of this kid , surely hes not the same age as the rest ! etc …
when looking at the Glenwood dream team of 2018 , one can see very clearly that a few of their players *** , everyone turned a blind eye and just said that they were freakish genetic specimens …BS *** !
Its time to sweep KZN rugby clean of this dangerous practice in addition to a clean up of the massive Steroid abuse going on , everyone knows we have a steroid problem but very few schools are doing anything about it !
@Vleis: Mbembe Payi played for SA Schools 7’s, so was as high profile.
Well if you still think there is hope for kids in SA then I’m sorry your head is stuck in the sand…
@Bush: Can’t wait to pull on the green & gold, never had the opportunity at school. It’s going to be epic, although most of the ‘boys’ are bigger than me these days…2,3 Oldtimers!
@ForeverHorseFly: Well done to Glenwood for paying for the bone density tests, catching the cheats and then expelling them. Taking a stance. Seems DHS didn’t do enough due diligence when they recruited the boys and placed them in Glenwood Prep with caveats that they need to attend DHS. Remember Payi…
@ForeverHorseFly: Were they duped or turning a blind eye?
@Human Piranha: 100%. Human Piranha for President. Send them to jail. It’s fraud.
@De-flea the Dog: Hopper I didn’t jump to any conclusion. Well done to the Headmistress on exposing this. I just can’t get my head around the depths some people go to get something. Looking forward in seeing you run onto the field. 2 3 on Hoppers Comeback
This is pased discussting,it’s sick.On schoolofrugby it looks like that’s the 2 boys in question.Did both played for KZN /13 CW?If only one then they must be stripped from the title asap.
To GW defence,must the school hire a private detective if a learner wants to enroll with what looks like a authentic birth certificate?The same can’t be said for CW management, only a few boys.They had to double check.
@Human Piranha: Like your shirt..Will be visiting Ireland next month for 10 days.
@Vleis: Yes, well done to GW’s work on exposing the rot. You not missing anything, only Hopper is making a comeback for his schools 1st XV when they take on House.
@De-flea the Dog: I think that the Thom saga gained much more press because he played for SA Schools against foreign u18 teams, so embarrassed the whole country. Perhaps Glenwood’s super-aggressive recruiting methods at the time added fuel to the fire. The overage issue is also happening in Gauteng in rugby, but is more prevalent in football.
Re opportunities in SA: it’s too nebulous a topic to debate in any meaningful fashion, as it depends on so many different factors and personal circumstances. It’s really six of one, but half a dozen of the other.
My view on this is as follows:
Glenwood Prep this is disgusting, actually beyond disgusting.
The governing body of Glenwood Prep should without hesitation suspend the headmaster and the U13A coaches pending an investigation. Adults need to take accountability for what has happened here.
KZN rugby need to take a strong stance to stop this kind of behavior and suspend Glenwood Prep from any further rugby until they have gotten to the bottom of this and can categorically vouch that Glenwood Prep are not fielding any further overage players.
Young kids could have been seriously hurt and maybe some were,
As parents We trust the system, we trust that schools and unions are doing their jobs, if they don’t do them, then like in any normal business there should be consequences and people should lose there jobs as well as face personal financial liability for their actions especially if kids were put at risk and hurt.
@BoishaaiPa: It would seem so, the boys who DHS expected to enroll as grade 8 this year but enrolled at Glenwood instead. To think if Glenwood had left well enough alone this would have been a DHS embarrassment right now.
I wonder if all the Glenwood supporters on this blog who were defending these boys enrolling at Glenwood claiming it was their “school of choice” will continue to do so or could it also be that the boys thought they could get away with this at Glenwood rather than DHS, we will never really know.
At the end of the day, every school involved here was duped, from DHS scouting them and funding their schooling at Glenwood Prep, to Glenwood Prep for playing them the past two years to Glenwood for enrolling them this year when they were expected to attend DHS and even the KZNRU for playing them in the U13 Craven week. Hopefully everyone comes together and makes sure it never happens again.
Rugby is a contact sport, heaven forbid there was serious injury or death as a result of over age players, there has to be some legal remedy to this issue where the players and the parents can be formally charged if they are found to be over age because at a minimum I would consider this as a possible assault charge.
@Smallies: Taking fingerprints would be a good start, but some parents only register their kids later on – e.g. when they are two or three years old. I guess that Home Affairs should then estimate the ages in those cases to help remove anomalies.
Yes, I suspect (but can’t say for sure) that most former model C schools have a decent academic standard, albeit some are a lot better than others.
unbelievable – just shows the lengths people will go to to get a decent education. Rugby = scholarship to a good school = a way out. Very sad story actually ……
@Vleis: Unfortunately the overage issue is most prevalent in KZN, Border and EC where poorer families reside so out of desperation they try and cheat the system. The schools can only do what they can to prove their age. Bone density of every kid is not viable. So I can promise you over the years many overaged players have got through the system undetected across most of the schools in these regions. Also, up in Jozi…..
Ek wou nog altyd n comeback maak. Ons plaaslike laerskool kort n 0/13 stut.

@Vleis: Yep, BUT the exam they write is of a poor standard & the future job prospects are poor, unless they start their own thing (BEE requirements) OR move overseas. I would prefer my kid to already have the overseas standard and qualification to get into the university. I’m glad Glenwood and others now offer Cambridge to kids, to give them a real chance…
@Vleis: Yep and Payi from DHS who never got the same reputation as Tom. I believe they have caught another kid at College in U16, I bet it gets swept under the carpet.
@Vleis: Perhaps home afairs should start taking fingerprints before issuing a birth sertificate
@Smallies: Yes, Siyabonga Thom, who was a 21 year-old SA Schools player in about 2011. It’s extremely dangerous because some underdeveloped u14s/u15s/etc end up competing against men. My lightie was tiny at that age, so this issue used to infuriate me. Unfortunately, the only way of testing for age (as far as I am aware) is bone density testing, which is reasonably accurate, but is very expensive.
My lightie’s provincial soccer coach in junior school said that one of his tricks to weed out the over-age players when he was an academy coach was to say, “Chaps, we’ll be doing bone density testing tomorrow.” Then he’d take note of which kids did not arrive for practice the next day!

@Vleis: I recall Glenwood being in a similar situation with a player that was 23 at the time….
@Bush: I think we will pull John Allan out of retirement and go U60’s. 2,3 Old Timers
@Vleis: yep, every system is different. I prefer kids to have more playtime and enjoy their youth. I’m not a massive fan of the UK starting school proper so early. The Finns believe is playtime and they produce some very clever kids. I guess it’s a fine balance, EQ vs IQ etc. My 7 year old daughter seems like she is 13, reading books I only read at 12, the Hobbitt etc. They grow up too quickly already so I would prefer to slow the process down. UK kids at 16 are like adults. In SA, the gov schools are getting pretty poor, so whilst I agree the SA system is good, but only really at the private schools where the average person needs to dig up R5k a month at primary and R10k a month at High school for one of those ‘new age’ schools, Ashton, Trinityhouse, Reddam etc. Older privates are even more. Say you have 2 kids at a private like House or Hilton, that’s R500k a year. Not many people are in that bracket so SA produces only cream, the milk is about zero % fat, very poor. The UK system produces great kids across both gov and private, so I prefer that system. But I would as that is one of the reasons I chose to come here. Also, that once they finish school they have many of the best universities in the world to choose from. What real opportunities does a young white Saffa have now?
@Bush: So Glenwood High did the right thing and tested the kids because they were suspicious, the cheats were caught and thrown out, well done Glenwood. The plot thickens when you think DHS originally recruited the two boys and placed them in Glenwood Prep with a caveat that they should attend DHS. This would indicate that DHS didn’t do their due diligence and the culprits here. If they had taken on those two boys as planned they would be stuck with the saga. But the likes of Bush, Boerboel and co don’t investigate they jump to conclusions because of their dislike of Glenwood. Andri Barnes is a highly regarded and educated head, she is not stupid and has little ego. Give her some credit here..
@Bush: It looks like Glenwood have come out of this very well, as they identified the over age kids via expensive bone density testing before they had played a single game for Glenwood…or have I missed something?
On the other hand, it looks like many others, including the Sharks, u13 Craven Week, etc have egg on their faces.
@boerboel: Absolutely disgusting. Makes me want to vomit. Thank goodness when I watch a House game it’s a fair contest
Dit is nou poef in die drinkwater.
Are these the same two boys that Glenwood and DHS had a spat about?..Perhaps DHS should actually thank GW for taking them now!..Now that Glenwood has asked them to leave..Will they be going to DHS and play u/19 rugby there?