u21 Championship 2018 – semi-finals

Golden Lions vs Free State
Western Province vs Blue Bulls

It’s a talking point for sure. Western Province u21 173 Eastern Province u21 0!  More importantly what are SARU planning to do about it. Highlights video: https://youtu.be/Vu2OdIiBXqY


In other news more vital to the Championship semi-final race, the Sharks played really well to beat Free State 44-28 in a crucial battle for fourth place. Having started the round on 12 points apiece, the Sharks deservedly collected a full-house of 5 points to move up to 17 on the log. The Sharks however allowed Free State to score two late tries while a Sharks player was in the sinbin. That invaluable fourth try bonus point effectively handed a big advantage Free State’s way. Free State moved to 13 points on the log, just 4 behind the Sharks. Heading into next weekend’s final round, Free State are home against the hapless Eastern Province team and should be able to secure a greater than 100 point win and possibly more importantly a maximum of 5 match points to finish their regular season on 18 points. That means the Sharks, who realistically need 2 points to hang onto a semi-final place, will have to pull out all the stops to achieve that goal or better yet a win against the Lions in Jozi. The Lions themselves have everything to play for as anything less than a win against the Sharks, could see Western Province overtake them on the log, meaning the Lions would lose out on a home semi-final spot. The Bulls who have a bye coming up, have already secured a home semi-final. With the Western Province senior Currie Cup team playing so well, pundits are indirectly suggesting that this year’s junior finals will take place in Cape Town on 27 October 2018.


  1. avatar
    #30 Kattes-Strofes

    @Oakdale supporter: HP is n great en gewilde jongman en hy speel ook met baie flair ! Die Leeus span behoort ook volgende jaar weer baie goed te vaar in hierdie kompetisie, aangesien daar 13 van die 23 spelers, wat in die eindstryd gespeel het, weer beskikbaar gaan wees.

    30 October, 2018 at 21:23
  2. avatar
    #29 Oakdale supporter

    @Kattes-Strofes: Baie grluk met die wen. Ek was baie beindruk met leeus se spel. Ook trots op HP met sy kapteinskap en spel!!

    28 October, 2018 at 08:50
  3. avatar
    #28 sewes

    Nogal intersant green en Williams wat vir die leeus vandag
    vleul gespeel het was in hul gr7 jaar no9 vir die luiperds.

    27 October, 2018 at 20:48
  4. avatar
    #27 Kattes-Strofes

    Lions U/21 team beat the Bulls 58-24 in final at Newlands today. This is truly a talented Lions team. In 2016, when they were still U/19 players, and played WP in the U/19 final in Bloemfontein, they also recorded a huge 60-19 victory. No less than 14 of their squad of this year, have already tasted the big time of senior Currie Cup rugby, which will also serve the Lions well in the future.

    27 October, 2018 at 20:29
  5. avatar
    #26 Kattes-Strofes

    @OudUppie: Baie dankie maat ! Verwag Saterdag n taai stryd, want beide die Leeus en Bulle se O/21 spanne gaan beslis versterk word met spelers wat vanjaar senior Curriebeker gespeel het. Bulle het n hele paar groot name wat hulle kan insluit soos Hendre Stassen, Embrose Papier , Manie Libbok ens. terwyl Leeus weer op hul beurt vir Hacjivah Dayimani, Wandisile Simelane, Vincent Tshtuka ens. kan insluit.

    22 October, 2018 at 23:37
  6. avatar
    #25 OudUppie

    @Kattes-Strofes: Baie geluk met jou seun se Currie Cup buiging. Ek dink hy het baie goed gedoen. Was nie by die o/21 game nie. Het maar gegaan op die spanlys wat vroeer in die week uitgekom het, het eers Saterdag tydens die Sharks / Leeus semi my fout agtergekom 8-O . Baie geluk aan Leeus o/21 – rustyd regtig gedink / gehoop ‘n upset is op hande. Sterkte vir die final.

    22 October, 2018 at 07:43
  7. avatar
    #24 Kattes-Strofes

    We, the Lions u/21″Cappies” , are looking forward to watch our sons and family members play in the finals against the Bulls this coming week-end ! I am very surprised at the Bulls victory over WP yesterday, although I did think it was going to be close. However!
    I thought that the occasion and homeground advantage, would favour WP. Well done to the young Bulls. And geezz!! Their elder brothers almost caused the upset of the season ! What a match !!

    21 October, 2018 at 15:25
  8. avatar
    #23 Kattes-Strofes

    @A4ie: @Grizzly: Baie dankie julle twee vir die mooi woorde ! Ons is opreg verlig en dankbaar dat dit goed gegaan het met Leo, en hoop dat hierdie ervaring nog vorentoe vir hom baie sal beteken.

    21 October, 2018 at 15:08
  9. avatar
    #22 Grizzly

    @Kattes-Strofes: Baie geluk,kan opreg trots wees.

    21 October, 2018 at 11:07
  10. avatar
    #21 Skopgraaf243

    Final U21: Bulls vs Lions

    21 October, 2018 at 09:29
  11. avatar
    #20 A4ie

    @Kattes-Strofes: Baie geluk met Leo se Curry cup debut. Ek was by Kings Park en hy het sy man gestaan teen “die ervare manne”

    20 October, 2018 at 23:32
  12. avatar
    #19 Kattes-Strofes

    @OudUppie: Nee, sorry ou maat!Ek kan ongelukkig nie krediet vat vir daardie een nie. Dit is nie my klong nie, maar Nathan Macbeth, wat vandag op loskop begin het. My klong sou weer begin, maar is Donderdag opgetrek na die senior Currie Beker span toe, wat more teen die Haaie in Durban speel, nadat Jacobie Adriaanse onttrek het weens n besering. My klong sal op die bank wees.

    Terloops ! Die Leeus O/21 wen op die ou end met 55-30.

    19 October, 2018 at 18:03
  13. avatar
    #18 OudUppie

    @Kattes-Strofes: Dankie, sien nou eers jou post. Verstaan jou man gee FS vaskop ‘n baie harde tyd.

    19 October, 2018 at 16:00
  14. avatar
    #17 OudUppie

    Rustyd FS 30 vs Lions 17 – blaas die eindfluitjie :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    19 October, 2018 at 15:57
  15. avatar
    #16 Kattes-Strofes

    @OudUppie: Die Leeus speel Vrydag om 15h00 op Ellis Park in die semi-finaal teen die Vrystaat.

    17 October, 2018 at 09:50
  16. avatar
    #15 OudUppie

    @Speartackle: Jip, ander semi is in Kaap.

    12 October, 2018 at 12:24
  17. avatar
    #14 Speartackle

    @OudUppie: Dankie Uppie
    Is dit die semi finale?

    11 October, 2018 at 09:06
  18. avatar
    #13 OudUppie

    @Speartackle: Behalwe vir die odd comment op Suparugby (fb) en van die unies se facebook blaaie is daar verder geen dekking van die kompetisie nie. Nie eens die Volksblad berig oor die FS se o/19 en o/21 spanne / wedstryde nie. FS en Leeus speel volgende naweek – op hierdie stadium die Saterdag, maar weet nog nie waar en watter tyd nie. My seun sal my seker so teen volgende Donderdag finale plek en tyd kan gee :wink:

    10 October, 2018 at 12:59
  19. avatar
    #12 Speartackle

    Waar kan mens die tye vir die oorblywende wedstryde sien?

    10 October, 2018 at 10:08
  20. avatar
    #11 Speartackle

    Word daar fokol van hierdie games uitgesaai?

    10 October, 2018 at 10:01
  21. avatar
    #10 Rainier

    @Kattes-Strofes: Dit is ‘n skreiende skande dat ‘n trotse unie soos die OP sulke resultate oplewer. “N vis vrot van die kop af, maar daar is letterlik tot op die mees junior vlakke ‘n tekort aan professionaliteit wat net aan wanbestuur toegeskryf kan word.

    30 September, 2018 at 20:03
  22. avatar
    #9 Kattes-Strofes

    @Rainier: Hierdie uitslag is volgens my tragies,en beslis nie n grap nie. Wat kan enige iemand baat by sulke wedstryde? Ek het reeds vroeër in die seisoen gemeld dat my klong en sy spanmaats by die Leeus het opreg jammer gevoel vir die OP manne. Dit is duidelik soos daglig dat laasgenoemde, wat almal amateurs is,word vir die wolwe gegooi teen goed voorbereide, gekondisioneerde profesionele rugby spelers.

    Ek het die OP/Leeus wedstryd op video gekyk, en ja, daar is n paar talentvolle spelers ook in die OP span, maar die gebrekkige kondisionering was duidelik sigbaar.

    Ek hoop rerig dat die moontlike nuwe borgskap vir die OP gaan realiseer. Hulle sal dringend weer, in samewerking met UPE, die voorheen suksesvolle akademie moet laat herleef. Die 0/19 groep van vanjaar is glad nie te sleg nie, en daar is beslis moontlikhede om op te bou.

    30 September, 2018 at 12:45
  23. avatar
    #8 Rainier

    WP 173 – 0 EP


    29 September, 2018 at 07:15
  24. avatar
    #7 Smallies

    @OudUppie: moet darem by se dat daai spannetjie verlede jaar in die finaal gejol het…

    22 September, 2018 at 10:52
  25. avatar
    #6 OudUppie

    @beet: Melusi is doing a great job with this group. Not that many “star” players, but they have gelled into a solid unit. My son really enjoys Melusi’s couching. Yesterday the forwards were exceptional in the fist half. A pity they could not keep up with the pace in the second half – that almost cost them the game. I was a bit disappointed with Lions backline – to individualistic. Nevertheless great win for FS. Next week against Sharks will be very important for their hopes of going through to the playoffs.

    22 September, 2018 at 10:03
  26. avatar
    #5 beet

    @OudUppie: Amazing stuff! I have tremendous respect for the GLRU. It felt like yesterday that they were booted out of SuperRugby and had all sorts of financial and other management issues. It really looked like they were dead and buried. They have done a remarkable job to turn things around and become the leading union in SA for a sustained period now. As Kattes has mentioned, just look at the quality and depth they have at their disposal now.

    That said, I’m so happy for Melusi and the FS u21 team he coaches. It’s a nightmare being part of the FS u21 coaching setup as Pro14 and CC take preference. This is too the extent that FS u21 only had 3 contracted players and mainly u20s in their 22 that beat the log leading Lions u21 today. Last weekend the FS outscored WP 4 tries to 3 and some viewed it as unlucky they didn’t win that match as well. Huge character being shown by the FS players. Hopefully the players get to enjoy some rewards for their value adding efforts towards SA junior rugby this season.

    21 September, 2018 at 22:12
  27. avatar
    #4 OudUppie

    Wow Fs/21 klop Leeus 33 vs 31.

    21 September, 2018 at 17:05
  28. avatar
    #3 Kattes-Strofes

    WP het aanvanklik baie goed daarin geslaag om die Leeus in toom te hou. Hul voories het hul man gestaan en agterlangs was hul verdediging ook solied. Die Leeus spelers het gans te veel op hul eie probeer doen. WP was rustyd met 8 – 6 voor.

    Na rustyd het die tuispan egter oorgeskakel na n hoër rat, en hul giftige agterlyn het heelwat bresse geslaan, veral in die midde veld, waar die Leeus se senter en kaptein, Wayne van der Bank, skitterend was. Hy het in die proses twee puik drieë gedruk. Tyrone Green op vleuel was ook altyd gevaarlik, terwyl Manny Rass baie meer prominent geraak het, soos die wedstryd gevorder het.. Die Leeus het ook later in die wedtryd voorlangs beheer verkry, toe die lugdruk teen die WP ingeskop het.

    17 September, 2018 at 16:28
  29. avatar
    #2 chief


    Waar het dinge die naweek verkeert geloop met WP. Ek het voor die wedstryd eintlik verwag dat dit ‘n lekker tight game gaan wees?

    17 September, 2018 at 14:39
  30. avatar
    #1 Kattes-Strofes

    This is a very good Lions team, who were also u/19 champions in 2016. No less than eight Boishaai 2015 old boys is in the squad. Add the names of Hacjivah Dayimani, Madosh Tambwe, Len Massyn, Reinard Nothnagel, Gianni Lombaard and Wandisile Simelane, who are all playing in the senior side, and one can understand the talent that the Lions currently have at junior level. Further evidence is that a number of Junior Boks are struggling to make the matchday squad.

    17 September, 2018 at 11:13

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