Oakdale & Grey College set up brand new interschools

Oakdale have put the disappointment of losing the Paul Roos interschools fixture for 2019 behind them. The school and it’s supporters will have cause to celebrate a new interschools rivalry against Grey College beginning in 2019, when the powerhouse from Bloemfontein travels to Riversdale.

Oakdale fixtures and trials for 2019

Sat 09Mar TBA Oakdale Brackenfell S/D
Sat 16Mar Oakdale TBA Oakdale Rugbyweek
Mon 18Mar Oakdale TBA Oakdale Rugbyweek
Wed 20Mar Oakdale TBA Oakdale Rugbyweek
Sat 06Apr Oakdale Drostdy
Sat 13Apr Durbanville Oakdale
Wed 17Apr SWD trials in Oudtshoorn
Tue 23Apr SWD trials in George
Sat 27Apr Paarl Gim Oakdale
Thu 02May Oakdale Garsfontein
Sat 04May Oakdale Menlopark
Sat 18May Outeniqua Oakdale
Sat 13Jul Oakdale HJS Paarl BH
Sat 20Jul Marlow Oakdale
Sat 27Jul Oakdale Framesby
Sat 03Aug Oakdale Grey College
Sat 17Aug Oakdale Boland Landbou


  1. avatar
    #22 Playa

    @Smallies: I doubt they would drop Grey High (unless the Pansies are the one that threw the towel :mrgreen: ),that would be like disowning a sibling. And would be a pity if Glenwood are dropped especially after this year’s epic encounter. I hope it’s an add-on.

    17 October, 2018 at 09:24
  2. avatar
    #21 2021

    @Oakdale supporter: Jip. Die naweek se 7’s gaan n goeie aanduiding wees waar staan die 2 0/15 spanne. My verstaan is dat die 7’s by Oakdale bietjie n inbreuk maak op ander aktiwiteite by die skool. Hoop ons spannetjie voldoen aan die verwagtinge sodat hulle oor die volgende 2 jaar met 7’s hulle vaardighede verder kan uitbou.
    Menlo gaan n harde neut wees. Maar dit gaan lekker wees. Hoop ons sien jou op die plaas.

    16 October, 2018 at 15:58
  3. avatar
    #20 Atlantic

    @Oakdale supporter:
    9 Maart : Oakdale vs. Stellenberg

    16 October, 2018 at 15:16
  4. avatar
    #19 Smallies

    @Oakdale supporter: my kolega laaik daai plek kwaai, hy kamp baie op gariepdam ook??? ek ook

    16 October, 2018 at 13:32
  5. avatar
    #18 CharlesZA

    @Oakdale supporter: Dink dit is gereel dat ons julle speel by Brakkies dag,.

    16 October, 2018 at 11:17
  6. avatar
    #17 Oakdale supporter

    @Smallies: Jy kan maar vir jou kollega vra. Dis baie lekkerder om op Jongensfontein te kamp. Net 50 km van Oakdale!!

    16 October, 2018 at 10:39
  7. avatar
    #16 Smallies

    @Oakdale supporter: ja maar die see het nie n waterval met hoog water nie…

    16 October, 2018 at 10:39
  8. avatar
    #15 Oakdale supporter

    @Smallies: Die hoog en laag water is net ver uit mekaar uit daar!! 8-O

    16 October, 2018 at 10:37
  9. avatar
    #14 Smallies

    @Oakdale supporter: ons kamp darem gereeld by gariep dam uit. ???

    16 October, 2018 at 10:22
  10. avatar
    #13 Oakdale supporter

    @2021: Nou sal volgende jaar se o/16 span Grey en Menlo kan pak. Die jaar se top 3 op o/15 vlak.

    16 October, 2018 at 09:33
  11. avatar
    #12 Oakdale supporter

    Dit is great nuus. Ek dink die Cherries het dit so geniet op die plaas die jaar dat die hele skool nou wil kom. Ek sal my verblyf op Stilbaai moet boek vir daai naweek. Die Vrystaters sal seker almal ‘n naweek by die see wil geniet.
    Nogal ‘n kwaai fixture lys!! Ek sal ook graag wil sien dat ons Stellenberg by Brakkies Dag speel.

    16 October, 2018 at 09:31
  12. avatar
    #11 Grizzly

    @Smallies: Grey is op n mission om kwaliteit opposisie te speel,dis hoekoem nie huiwer om moeilik weg wedstryde te vat Soos NS,solank opposisie net kwaliteit is.

    15 October, 2018 at 21:31
  13. avatar
    #10 chief


    Die Departement van onderwys is mos ‘n klomp slim mense. Alle “festivals” is half en half gemors agv die skool kalender maar ek stem saam, twyfel net of dit gaan gebeur.

    15 October, 2018 at 20:34
  14. avatar
    #9 beet

    @chief: The 2019 school term calendar isn’t a very school rugby friendly one but that said Grey do have space for a couple more fixture going by their 2018 programme. An annual home and away against Affies might be worth considering.

    15 October, 2018 at 20:21
  15. avatar
    #8 chief


    Grey het voorsien dat Glenwood nie meer teen Grey College wil speel vanaf 2020 nie. Indien hulle wel nog wil speel is dit ‘n bonus vir Grey maar ‘n gesonde interskole teen Oakdale. Grey gaan moet plek maak in die toekoms vir wedstryde in die plek van die Bloem skole wat soms plaasgevind het op naweke.

    15 October, 2018 at 20:11
  16. avatar
    #7 2021

    Ons by Oakdale baie opgewonde om Grey College in 2019 te mag ontvang. ek verseker Grey ouers dit gaan n n seuns derby by uitstek wees. Eerskomende naweek meet die 2 skole se onderskeie 0/15 spanne by n 7’s toernooi mee in Pretoria. Dit gaan die tafel dek vir 2019.

    15 October, 2018 at 18:50
  17. avatar
    #6 Rainier

    I cannot see GCB dropping the Grey High fixture, it must be their longest running annual fixture.

    Glad that Marlow reconsidered ending the derby against Oakdale. 8-O

    15 October, 2018 at 18:28
  18. avatar
    #5 Smallies

    @Grizzly: ek dink ook so, oakdale is een van my gunsteling skole en ek dink dat, riversdal een van Grey se gunsteling bestemmings kan word…

    15 October, 2018 at 16:49
  19. avatar
    #4 Grizzly

    @Smallies: Well done both schools,all the ingredients to become a classic..

    15 October, 2018 at 16:43
  20. avatar
    #3 Smallies

    @Playa: if i look at the date of the fixture, then Grey might have dropped either Grey High or Glenwood, or they filled the traditional off weekend before PRG

    15 October, 2018 at 14:40
  21. avatar
    #2 Playa

    This should be good.
    Is this an add-on fixture for Grey or have they dropped one for Oakdale?

    15 October, 2018 at 14:34
  22. avatar
    #1 Smallies

    Greyt stuff Oakdale, hoog tyd dat Grey en die powerhouse van die SWD n gereelde inter het, mag dit lank aanhou ???

    15 October, 2018 at 13:25

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