SBR Super Rugby Superbru Round 3



Updated. The Super Rugby weekend starts with a difficult to predict clash between the Blues and Crusaders and ends with a mouthwatering game between the Sharks and Stormers.


Pos Was Possie Blogger Points School Region
1 3 Prop SLAM 19.58 M.College Sharks
2 2 Hooker All Black 17.17 M.College Bulls
3 1 Prop Ballie 16.50 Cheetahs
4 4 Lock Gungets Tuft 16.25 M.College Sharks
5 26 Lock Rugbyman 15.50 M.College Sharks
6 22 Flank Star 15.50 Westville Sharks
7 7 Flank JeppeRugbyFan 15.25 Jeppe Sharks
8 18 No.8 Cyndi 14.33 Glenwood Sharks
9 14 Scrumhalf Greenblooded 14.33 Glenwood Sharks
10 11 Flyhalf Paarlbok 14.25 Paarl Gym Stormers
11 19 Wing STU D ′87 14.17 College Sharks
12 10 Centre Jay 14.00 Sharks
13 Centre Indahouse 14.00 Sharks
14 6 Wing QC86 13.83 Queens Sharks
15 8 Fullback Wojtek the Bear 13.83 Sharks
16 17 Repl Hooker BoishaaiPa 13.75 Paarl Boys High Stormers
17 20 Repl Prop BwanaOrch 13.50 M.College Sharks
18 9 Repl Lock Beet 13.00 Kearsney Sharks
19 5 Repl Loosie Playa 13.00 Dale Stormers
20 21 Repl Halfback Gawie 12.50 Kearsney Sharks
21 13 Repl Flyhalf Buitebreek 12.50 Boland Landbou Stormers
22 16 Repl Utility Pedantic 12.00 Kearsney Sharks
23 25 Repl Prop Archie 11.50 Ben Vorster Bulls
24 24 VodacomCup Umtata 11.50 Dale Stormers
25 23 VodacomCup Horsefly No.1 11.50 DHS Sharks
26 30 VodacomCup PaulRoosPa 11.00 Paul Roos Stormers
27 VodacomCup Queenian 11.00 Queens Sharks
28 28 VodacomCup KCOB 11.00 Kearsney Sharks
29 12 VodacomCup KlofiePa 11.00 Waterkloof Bulls
30 15 VodacomCup Ploegskaar 10.50 Boland Landbou Stormers
31 27 VodacomCup The BOOM 10.50 Glenwood Sharks
32 29 VodacomCup Ludz 10.00 Queens Kings
33 31 VodacomCup Tristy 8.50 Kearsney Sharks
34 VodacomCup Griffon 5.00 Westville Sharks
Regions Avg  Aggregate
1 1 Cheetahs 16.50  16.50
2 3 Sharks 14.87  289.07
3 2 Bulls 13.22  39.67
4 4 Stormers 12.36  86.50
5 5 Kings 10.00  10.00
Day Date Time Home Away
Fri 01-Mar 08:30 Blues  34 15 Crusaders
Fri 01-Mar 10:20 Waratahs  31 26 Rebels
Fri 01-Mar 12:20 Reds  18 12 Hurricanes
Sat 02-Mar 08:35 Chiefs  45  3 Cheetahs
Sat 02-Mar 17:05 Bulls  36 26 Force
Sat 02-Mar 19:10 Sharks  12  6 Stormers


  1. avatar
    #44 BuiteBreek

    @ Ploegskaar: Gewoonlik kan ek net Oakdale wedstryde (naaste span) in die kwartaal kyk, maar is gelukkig vir 3 weke in Mei in die Kaap. Hoop om Tygerberg en Bosch op 4 Mei te kyk; Landbou en Dwelmberg op 11 Mei en dan miskien Boishaai en Wynberg as tyd dit toelaat en Landbou en PRG op 18 Mei. Na dit weer terug na die plaas in Riversdal. Is seker mens kan iewers ‘n bier of vier inwerk.

    6 March, 2013 at 05:00
  2. avatar
    #43 Ploegskaar

    @BuiteBreek: En dis hoe dit moet wees, die praatwerk moet op die veld gedoen word. Daar was in elk geval selde ‘n flou Oadale span en wie ook al daar speel gaan knor soos altyd. Ek gaan al die Landbou tuis wedstryde en hul weg wedstryde teen Boishaai en Stellenberg hierdie jaar kyk, miskien kan ons dan erens langs die veld stories oor ons bont truie uitruil :wink:

    5 March, 2013 at 22:26
  3. avatar
    #42 BuiteBreek

    @BHP: Ek sien dis een ou, en toe sien ek hom nie meer nie. :lol: Tog interessant hoe party manne se koppe werk.

    @Ploegskaar: Die Boland en Oakdale ding verstaan almal nie so lekker nie. Daar was net nie plek vir my alma mater ook daar nie :cry: Het so bietjie oor teen die grond gehou oor Oakdale, maar lyk of hulle die kaarte maar teen die bors hou. As ek nou loer na verlede jaar se spanne, lyk dit of daar heelwat gr11’s in die span gaan wees. Maar ek kan verkeerd wees.

    5 March, 2013 at 21:38
  4. avatar
    #41 Ploegskaar

    @BuiteBreek: Hel, jou trui lyk amper meer deurmekaar as myne! Hoe lyk die Oakdale span hierdie jaar?

    5 March, 2013 at 12:21
  5. avatar
    #40 BoishaaiPa

    @BuiteBreek: Nee wat..Dis een ou wat op sy bors slaan…die res is nie almal so nie!….Dis gewoonlik die oningeligtes wat so verskriklik voorspellings maak!

    5 March, 2013 at 11:59
  6. avatar
    #39 BuiteBreek

    Re: Boishaai ev PRG: Die jaar kan dalk lank raak as die manne nou al aanmekaar is oor ‘n game wat eers 20 Julie gespeel word… 8-O

    4 March, 2013 at 16:11
  7. avatar
    #38 PaarlBok

    @MaroonPappa: Ek sien Gim het julle old boys van laasjaar pak gegee oor die naweek, hulle het seker nog beter borge?

    4 March, 2013 at 15:36
  8. avatar
    #37 BOG

    @MaroonPappa: Nee, wat, met daardie stelling, bevestig jy dit- hulle het jou naam verkeerd gespel. :?:

    4 March, 2013 at 15:24
  9. avatar
    #36 MaroonPappa

    PRG en HJS is nie baie lief vir mekaar nie.

    4 March, 2013 at 15:16
  10. avatar
    #35 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Hoe hou julle dit met die kerel binne 100 km met die man? Ek hoop PRG speel helfte so goed as wat die man praat., dan het niemand n kans nie. Selfs n mors van tyd wees om op die veld te draf.

    4 March, 2013 at 15:13
  11. avatar
    #34 MaroonPappa

    Ek dink hulle sommer begin ”toets daar by julle.
    Geen manier wat n skool so kan opgang maak binne 10jaar nie.
    Julle was altyd n TOP20 rugbyskool.

    4 March, 2013 at 15:04
  12. avatar
    #33 BoishaaiPa

    Soos ek se…julle het nog altyd meer geld, meer fasiliteite, meer spesialiste ens ens gehad..maar die rekord wys nog steeds 21 wenne vir HJS teenoor 15 vir PRG…..Daai goed wen nie alles games nie!

    4 March, 2013 at 14:51
  13. avatar
    #32 MaroonPappa

    BoishaaiPa, jy moet ook onthou.
    Ons het n helse CellC borg.
    Ons het spesialis afriting vir skrumskakels, losskakels…die lys kan aangaan,
    Top fasiliteite by die Markotter. (Internasionale standaarde)
    Dawie Snyman – Meester

    Alles tel in ons guns.

    4 March, 2013 at 14:30
  14. avatar
    #31 MaroonPappa

    Die veld is hopeloos te groot vir julle.
    Ons het n bulspan vanjaar

    4 March, 2013 at 14:26
  15. avatar
    #30 BoishaaiPa

    @MaroonPappa: Ek sien jy is net so lief vir voorspel soos die ander PRG pappa…Ons wag maar en kyk wat gebeur daar tussen die 4 lyne…Dis brugstraat die jaar en PRG kon laas in 2003 daar wen..10 jaar terug!

    4 March, 2013 at 14:24
  16. avatar
    #29 MaroonPappa

    @BoishaaiPa: PRG het HJS se nommer vanjaar

    4 March, 2013 at 14:13
  17. avatar
    #28 BoishaaiPa

    I see the boys are counting chickens already…Only the second week in SBR!..Golf has a saying; “Its not how you drive but how you arrive!”…

    I have’nt seen any rugby this weekend, was in the Port Capital of SA for a wedding and spend Saturday afternoon in a wine cellar and Saturday evening making sure the wine surplus goes down!..

    4 March, 2013 at 14:07
  18. avatar
    #27 beet

    @Queenian: Personally I think the Stormers need to switch their centres around. Let De Villiers play in 12 where he always looks better and let the youngster De Allende operate wider out. He is bigger, stronger, quicker but not as smart as Jean.

    The Bulls need to reinvent themselves but 2/2 is a useful start.

    Can’t complain about the Sharks so far 2/2 is good start

    Cheetahs need to part ways with Drotske and try someone else at the helm.

    4 March, 2013 at 13:10
  19. avatar
    #26 Queenian

    Is it just me or are the SA teams playing below par this year all teams have looked bad even in winning.

    Stormers lose this weekend they will be in for a long season.

    4 March, 2013 at 13:01
  20. avatar
    #25 All Black

    The tropphy is not won in March chaps. This weekend has some very interesting matchups that will certainly throw up some upsets. Star, I am with the Bulls on a temporary basis whilst my son is playing there.

    4 March, 2013 at 09:19
  21. avatar
    #24 star

    Has anyone else been asked to join another pool to maximise winning big? I am sure some of the College boys would be headhunted soon. :lol: And why is All Black’s region the Bulls. The last I heard MC had not been transported to the land of the blue cow. :mrgreen:

    4 March, 2013 at 08:38
  22. avatar
    #23 Gungets Tuft

    You can be glad that Rover did not enter this comp. He is styling at 11/160 in the College 150th Pool, 17 points, 6 places and .75 ahead of me, he would probably be in the top 3 here as well. That would have been a beautiful sight for some :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    3 March, 2013 at 22:44
  23. avatar
    #22 Gungets Tuft

    With the College 150th Birthday celebrations peaking on Friday and Saturday the results there look pretty appropriate. I smaak it stukkend :-)

    It’s keeping that up for the next 10 rounds that is going to be more difficult ….

    3 March, 2013 at 22:37
  24. avatar
    #21 QC86

    @Queenian: i can remember Northern Transvaal[bulls now]playing Border on the rec,shucks we old

    1 March, 2013 at 14:02
  25. avatar
    #20 Queenian

    I see the Reds are leading 18-12 with 10 minutes left

    1 March, 2013 at 13:57
  26. avatar
    #19 Queenian

    @beet: Flip beet when i was a small boy alot of Borders Currie Cup games were played at the rec in Queenstown remember watching Natal/Transvaal play Border there.

    1 March, 2013 at 13:32
  27. avatar
    #18 Queenian

    @beet: Agree with you there EP rugby has historically always been a mess not sure why just has been that way, i think till about 1970 anyway Border was always alot better on half the resources at one stage even North East Cape was even better .

    But lets hope.

    1 March, 2013 at 13:27
  28. avatar
    #17 beet

    @Queenian: You know I’m one of the guys who has sung the praises of the Griquas for the good work they have done with relatively little money. When you compare that to the poor effort made by EP to improve their competitiveness despite being in a bigger economic centre and appealing to a greater audience, it’s been a poor show by the EPRU.
    But there a strong argument that the reason why the Griquas have been able to sustain their CC Premier Div effort is because of Super Rugby. Players have been attracted to Kimberley by the prospect of playing Super Rugby. So I imagine if the Kings were granted an extended run in SR, their might be similar spinoffs for Border and SWD to what the Griquas have experienced.

    This probably also explains why the Cheetahs close shop on a lot of Griquas players. No way the FSRU is going to allow the Griquas to become a stronger CC team than them by providing too many SR opportunities to their players.

    Logistically a Kings-Griquas combo might be a big ask but if the players had to be based in EP for the duration of SR, then why not. Again you have to ask yourself if EP necessarily wants to enrich Kimberley rugby tho, particularly in light of a future possible CC promotion/relegation game between the 2 unions being a possibility

    1 March, 2013 at 13:21
  29. avatar
    #16 beet

    @Queenian: Apparently Muller is injured but I think even that selection wud be put to the test if he was fit.

    That said I’ve watched the youngster Lood de Jager play for the Leopards juniors on a few occasions. He’s a good player. Works hard in open play. He might emerge from SR as one of the new finds.

    1 March, 2013 at 13:11
  30. avatar
    #15 Queenian

    @beet: I think Griquas should join with the Kings

    1 March, 2013 at 13:10
  31. avatar
    #14 Queenian

    @beet: A big surprise is they never use Martin Muller at lock he must be one of the best locks in the country.

    1 March, 2013 at 13:07
  32. avatar
    #13 beet

    @Queenian: I’d love to see what the Cheetahs can do with the Chiefs coach. I can’t understand why they still with Drotske.

    I think the FS are underutilising the Griquas players for eg. old Hennie Deniller had a decent game for a change against the Sharks but surely based on ability Willie le Roux has to be first choice no.15.

    1 March, 2013 at 13:05
  33. avatar
    #12 GreenBlooded

    @star: Some of us work for a living mate…… :mrgreen: The only thing I see of the Friday games is on the online live scorecard site…….. :cry: :evil: I’ll have a look at the incident on the highlights package and let you know. What happened?

    I though Crusaders would klap them – so did all the betting sites.

    1 March, 2013 at 13:02
  34. avatar
    #11 beet

    @Queenian: Ja I watched last week. The Blues were impressive but I thought they might struggle against the Crusaders pack. I expected a tight game, it was a mini blow out.

    1 March, 2013 at 13:00
  35. avatar
    #10 star

    @ Greenblooded- Why was the Blues game an upset? The Crusaders are notoriously slow starters and this was their first game away from home. What did me was that decision on Dagg?( I had a 4 point margin for the Blues). As a ref do you concur?

    1 March, 2013 at 12:57
  36. avatar
    #9 Queenian

    @GreenBlooded: I doubt an upset a lot of Talent there and good coaches.

    But roulette is the word but i think the biggest factor is cut favouritism out of your thing and look at the facts.

    For example if you are a Cheethars support dont back them for tomorrow its like saying Glenwood will beat GCB in Bloem this year you know it aint going to happen.

    1 March, 2013 at 12:44
  37. avatar
    #8 Queenian

    @beet: You could see from last week the Blues are on the up ye Tahs left it late i think the Hurricanes have to much to offer for the Reds last week they just met up against a good Blues team.

    1 March, 2013 at 12:40
  38. avatar
    #7 GreenBlooded

    The Blues game was an upset. The ‘Tahs was almost another upset. This Superbru is like roulette!!

    1 March, 2013 at 12:37
  39. avatar
    #6 beet

    @Queenian: I went with the Canes as well so holding thumbs. They were not entirely convincing last week.

    1 March, 2013 at 12:36
  40. avatar
    #5 beet

    @Queenian: Blues have a new coach in Kirwan.

    1 March, 2013 at 12:34
  41. avatar
    #4 Queenian

    @QC86: Rudi watched the Blues vs Crusanders earlier the Blues have gone from super crap to super hot in 6 months.

    The Bulls are looking at a hiding to nothing there next week.

    1 March, 2013 at 12:24
  42. avatar
    #3 QC86

    0 out of 2 for me :oops:

    1 March, 2013 at 12:21
  43. avatar
    #2 Queenian

    So far so good picked the Blues/Waratahs/Hurricanes/Chiefs/Bulls/Sharks at least the first two are right.

    1 March, 2013 at 12:15
  44. avatar
    #1 rugbyfan

    Flip i must join this.

    1 March, 2013 at 12:07

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