Match report: EP beats the Bulls 26-25

  • Bulls flyhalf Thinus de Beer’s kick is partly charged. EP attack but knock on. EP wins a penalty at the scrum. Fullback Curwin Bosch lands the kick. 0-3.
  • From the kickoff EP block the contest. De Beer lines up a penalty. 3-3.
  • Bosch puts EP back in front. 3-6.
  • Brilliant work by Bulls right wing Ruan de Beer. He fields a long punt by Bosch. He races forward, beats opponents with his pace and a dummy and eventually offloads in a tackle to teammate and fullback Eduan Keyter. However a foot in touch rules out what would have been a lovely try. Bizarrely it’s the second try the Bulls have disallowed in the first 20 minutes as a result of foot on the line call, the first being when scrumhalf Papier was ruled to have stepped on the chalk before getting in his kick.
  • Criminally EP allow the pacy Eduan Keyter too much space on the outside. The breakdown at the end of his long run is where the Bulls get a penalty which T. de Beer converts. 6-6.
  • Bulls scrumhalf Embrose Papier avoids tackles and offloads from the ground to support runner, lock Ettiene Matthys for a clear run in. Third time lucky – the Bulls have their opening try. T. de Beer is deadly accurate with the boot. 13-6.
  • At their own lineout win, EP gets pinged for truck and trailer. Beer can’t miss. 16-6.
  • Bulls have a good time at the ruck, winning a few vital turnovers.
  • Halftime 16-6.
  • EP keep on committing the errors and Thinus de Beer keeps on punishing them. 19-6.
  • EP’s Bosch pulls one back with a relatively difficult kick. 19-9.
  • Better play by EP in a patchy game results in another kickable penalty. EP flank Morney Moos and wing Athi Mayinje are prominent in the build up. Bosch misses the kick.
  • An intercept by Athi Mayinje sees him get to within 5m of the Bulls try-line. He makes a crucial offload on the inside to Bosch who catches the pass and dots down but his foot was in touch.
  • Bosch produces an excellent bit of individual play. He dummies and then steps to go over untouched. With his easy convert its 19-16 to the Bulls.
  • The game continues to be a start-stop affair but it’s EP who look like they have the more exciting attacking plans.
  • Thanks to a turnover penalty won by lock Junior Pokomela at a ruck, EP are placed deep on attack from a lineout restart. They challenge the Bulls defensive line and at the crucial moment the ball needs to go through the hands to take advantage of space on the outside. It’s held onto though and the initiative is partly lost. However a penalty was forthcoming. Bosch kicks it. 19-19.
  • With 10 minutes to go the Bulls win a similar penalty for the player on the ground holding. T. de Beer has a long shot sail accurately through the middle. 22-19 to the Bulls.
  • EP panics in their efforts to loosen up play. An obstruction occurs in part of the unstructured broken play which leads to another Bulls penalty. T. de Beer proves to be the most accurate kicker at Craven Week 2014 along with WP’s Tiaan Swanepoel. 25-19.
  • EP are not done. They force the Bulls into a redzone error with 5-minutes left. Instead of taking the easy kick, they go for touch. From here they swing the ball wide and again the ball is held onto instead of going to the wing. The Bulls bundle the player into touch. From here the Bulls relieve pressure.
  • Last throw of the dice. EP manages to make space through good handling and on the outside, centre Keanu Vers backs himself, breaks the line and gets right to the tryline where the TMO late rules that his attempted offload was knocked into the in-goal area by a Bulls defender. This means Athi Mayinje’s try is allowed to stand. Bosch produces the BMT moment of the game with a last play conversion from a difficult angle to win it. 25-26.
  • Final score: EP wins 26-25.


  1. avatar
    #63 Ploegskaar

    @beet: I have since followed up on that and apparently he has played one game there for his school this year?!

    17 July, 2014 at 14:04
  2. avatar
    #62 beet

    @JPS_10: I was told that the Saal WP wing that impressed so on Day 1 is actually a centre

    17 July, 2014 at 12:35
  3. avatar
    #61 JPS_10

    My verwysing na die Boland wedstryd was om die probleem uit te lig oor die span keuses in die Akademie span wat in die CW span ook ‘n probleem was. Jy bevestig wat ek gese het oor die lynstaan probleem van die Akademie span.

    Ek aanvaar jy weet dat al die spelers in die eerste twee wedstryde moet speel en moet in die beginspan wees. Die 15 wat gekies word in die eerste twee wedstryde moet die wedstryd klaarmaak en kan slegs vervang word as ‘n speler beseer is. Daarom het geen plaasvervanger slot opgekom teen Boland nie. Die WP het ‘n soortgelyke probleem gehad gister waar hulle beste vleuel buitesenter moes speel en nie ‘n idee gehad het wat van ‘n buitesenter verwag word nie.
    Afrigters het ‘n probleem hoe om die beste span op die veld te sit in die eerste twee wedstryde. Nommers 1-15 moets peel in die posisies waarvoor hulle gekies is en dit geld ook die reserwes. Die keurders moes geweet het dat die nommer 21 reserwe kan losskakel, binnesenter of heelagter speel. Dit is drie posisies waarin 3 van die beste spelers in die span speel. Dit is dus logies dat hy in een van die twee wedstryde in een van die posisie moet speel. Het die keurders gedink voordat hulle die span bymekaar gesit het?

    Vandag se wedstryd sal heelwaarskynlik net soos met die Akademie span teen die WP heelwat beter wees as die een teen die OP. Is daar meer as 2 spelers in die Akademie span wat in die CW span behoort te wees? Kom ons kyk wat is die spankeuse vandag en dalk verras die Bulle ons?

    Laastens jou kommentaar oor individuele performance. Ek het op goeie gesag verneem dat dit ‘n groot probleem is en dit kan dalk die negatiewe effek wees van kontrakte wat spelers reeds het voor die CW? Afrigters wat hulle sout werd is behoort dit gou uit te sorteer.

    17 July, 2014 at 12:24
  4. avatar
    #60 4×4

    Word die BB se keurders en afrigters roteer? Toerien, papier, naude en keyter is game breakers….waarom daar nie rondom hulle gespeel word nie os verbysterend. Dan is ek redelik gatvol vir al die laaities wat elkeen hulle eie heil op individuele wyse soek. My coach het atyd gese, daar is net een gat in elke beweging en die ou wat die drie maak verdien meer erkenning as die ou wat hom druk. Dalk het professionele amateur rugby iets met self verheerliking te doen?

    16 July, 2014 at 21:09
  5. avatar
    #59 Umgodoyi

    General consensus appears to be that BBs have the talent but that in various ways has been under-utilised and perhaps wasted. Similar to the Springboks who, considering the available talent, have generally, with a few exceptions, under performed since winning the 95 World Cup. On the other hand with the exception of only winning the World Cup twice, the first time without the Springboks participating in 87, the All Blacks have been very successful. Do the administrations of the BB schools and Bok teams mirror one another? Perhaps our relative lack of international success begins at the junior level.

    16 July, 2014 at 14:51
  6. avatar
    #58 Rugbyman

    @Bosveldpa: ja no4 is van ons af…

    16 July, 2014 at 12:25
  7. avatar
    #57 badboy

    Some real good players at Craven Week this year, the Bosch kid from EP played very well I thought and the one Bulls lock was good.

    Just watching Border play the Limpopo BB wow that wing they have is really good he must be a SA school hopeful.

    Free State really doing well.

    16 July, 2014 at 11:59
  8. avatar
    #56 Rugbyrealis

    Aggenee man Wat gaan aan met die Bulle se spanne by die nasionale weke?Van 013 tot 018 is daar probleme.Is dit nie maar tyd vir nuwe bloed by die afrigting nie.Skoolseuns identifiseer nie meer met middeljarige afrigters nie.Miskien tyd vir die jong afrigters om deur te kom…..jonger as 40.Argrariese spelpatrone uitgedien….

    16 July, 2014 at 10:27
  9. avatar
    #55 Bosveldpa

    My dierbare Bulls! Soveel moeite word gedoen om na julle games te kyk en ek sal nooit ooit ophou nie, maar ooo hene tog!!!
    Ek was regtig teleurgesteld met die Bulls kamp se benadering. Was amper laat vir die game en moes die eerste 10minute op Twitter volg tussen N4 en Middelburg verkeer deur. Reeds hierbo gese deur verskeie mense maar die seleksie vir die span was nie reg nie. Papier en de Beer moes bontstaan agv die moeilike balle wat gekry word in lynstane en ook die skrums was ‘n gesukkel. Wie is skakelpaar vervanging vir BB’le? Onmiddelik maak dit kommentaar oop vir die tipe spel wat hulle speel maar die arme kinners kry die bal op agtervoet die HEELTYD! WTF? #15 se talent word gewaste en die WP het beslis ‘n goeie kopie gekoop daar. Die kwota challenge is nie maklik nie en die coaches moet daar rondom werk, granted maar daar is spelers van kleur wat perform en moet net gespeel word. Die individualistiese spel was opvallend en mens kon sien die Bulle vertoon pap veral in tweede helfte. Dit is asof die mat geruk is en die manne staan nie op nie.
    Was ook gelukkig om die Akademiespan se DVD’s te kry by een van die WP manne. Die diepte in BB kringe is goed, stem nie saam met JPS_10 hierbo nie.
    Moeite gedoen om die drie games wat in Worcester gespeel is te kyk en weereens ‘n ditto tov seleksie. Swak, swak, swak balle wat by die skrums en lynstane uitkom. ek wil my verstout om te se dat die Akademie Bulls span nie 10 lynstane in al drie games gewen het nie. Hoe is dit moontlik.
    BB begin die Boland game sonder slotte, HOE?? Dit nadat ek gehoor het die Bondedag se game teen die Leeus was verstommend goed regdeur die bank. Nommer 4 slot speel skitterend maar kom nie eers op as reserve nie. @rugbyman, is #4 Akademiespeler een van jou produkte? Moet bieg dat die Garsfontein spelers almal goed vertoon het.
    Agv seleksie blunders is die ripple effek so duidelik sigbaar. Hoede af vir die skakelpaar van die Akademiespan wat die goed moes laat werk het onder daai omstandighede. Die Boland wen was eintlik briljant. Teen WP het dit bitter goed gegaan met die Akademiespan gemeet aan die WP tellings teen Vrystaat en KZN. 8 – 17 nie te versmaai nie. #9 was skitterend, oortuig MoM kon op sy rak gestaan het sou die bulle wen. Teen OP val die manne vas en besef 10minute voor die einde om die bal te hou ipv weg te skop. #19 druk onder die pale om gelykop te maak. Die kort en lank is, die Bulle sit met bitter goeie spelers wat sukkel om te gel, as ek sien hoe die OP se totale span na die tyd opgetree het gister is dit hartseer om die gaping in Bulle gees te sien. Dit lyk of dit net gaan oor die individue se performance.
    Ek sien die wedstrud more is weer 14:10 teen Leeus.

    16 July, 2014 at 10:25
  10. avatar
    #54 MikeSt

    @Rugbyman: Thx Rugbyman waardeer.

    Sal dink dat die determinasie soveel meer is veral gesien in die lig dat daar n paar van julle manne oor die hoof gesien is.

    Onthou net Boksburg velde is taai en hard :lol: :lol:

    16 July, 2014 at 08:48
  11. avatar
    #53 kosie

    @Greenwood: I hear what you are trying to say with regards the Bulls.

    I might just add that the Bulls team is loaded with with great individual players. Guys that have dominated for their respective schools and are really talented. The problem is to get those individuals to gel as a team. Playing guys out of position also does not help with the confidence. The coaches know what to do for the next game

    They will be back.

    EP however never gave up and played to the end. The way they hanged in there will do wonders for their confidence.

    16 July, 2014 at 08:46
  12. avatar
    #52 Rugbyman

    @Greenwood: nothing to do with affies… last year they had lots of boys in the team and got a huge hiding against WP…

    There’s more than enough talent… just needs to be applied in the righy way

    16 July, 2014 at 08:44
  13. avatar
    #51 Rugbyman

    @MikeSt: issit… nee broer, nie sommer nie… die bulle se vertoning maak ons net meer gedetermineerd…

    Geluk met jou laaitie! Hy was puik…

    16 July, 2014 at 08:42
  14. avatar
    #50 Greenwood

    Well done EP – what I noticed is the Gees between the EP coaches , support staff and the reserves and the players straight after the game

    Is it a coincidence that Affies appears to slightly weaker this year and this had a knock on effect with the Bulls CW team ?

    16 July, 2014 at 08:28
  15. avatar
    #49 MikeSt

    @Rugbyman: Hoop julle gaan dieselfde doen in die Beeld uitspele en oom die manne uit posisie speel :?: :?: :lol: :lol: :lol:

    16 July, 2014 at 08:24
  16. avatar
    #48 Rugbyman

    @MikeSt: ja mike… wat kan ek se…? Eks ook teleurgesteld… bel my as jy meer feite wil he… ek wil nie hier wasgoed was nie… :mrgreen:

    16 July, 2014 at 08:15
  17. avatar
    #47 MikeSt

    @Rugbyman: Was geskok gewees met die Bulle se vertoning.

    IS die afrigter al lank betrokke by die span en hoe lyk sy rekord sover met Cravenweek spanne? Het n rumour gehoor gister nie baie goed nie.

    Op papier is die span by n myl die beste span. Soos jy tereg gese die uit posisie speel van seuns is die groot gemors. Kon die frustrasies op van die kinders se gesigte en optredes sien.

    Moet dan oom die OP komplimenteer hulle het nooit gaan le nie en daar is n paar skitterende individue in die OP span.

    16 July, 2014 at 08:11
  18. avatar
    #46 kosie

    @Rugbyman: I also did not want to discuss it on a public forum and therefore my carefully worded text but your comment has answered my question. Just wanted to make sure I did not have double vision!

    16 July, 2014 at 07:41
  19. avatar
    #45 Rugbyman

    @Tjoppa: nee tjop, affies het nie n sterk jaar groep nie… daar is HOPE talent…

    In my opinie is daar so paar seleksie blapsies gemaak… en dan as jy nou die 22-tal het moet jy darem seker maak dat jy die seuns in die regte posisies kies, en hier le my grootste bekommernis…

    16 July, 2014 at 07:35
  20. avatar
    #44 Rugbyman

    @Babbelas: jy slaan die spyker op die kop met die individue opmerking… daars hope talent in die span, die trick is om hulle te laat gel… hoop maar dit gaan beter in die volgende game…

    Nr.9 het gesukkel oor die forwards nie hul werk gedoen het nie… dis eenvoudig, geen scrummy lyk goed as n pak nie hul werk doen nie… my opinie vd lynstane is eenvoudig die volgende: die springers se reaksietyd moet verbeter… die 4 slot is elke keer geklop met spoed deur sy opponent voor… die haker is garsies sin en sy stats wys dat hy meer as 90% sy springers vind by sy skool, hy gooi baie goed in… maar as die verstandhouding en timing met die springers nie daar is nie, is dit n gesukkel…

    16 July, 2014 at 07:22
  21. avatar
    #43 Rugbyman

    @kosie: we both know what the problems are but I am not willing to discuss those on a public forum… :wink:

    16 July, 2014 at 07:20
  22. avatar
    #42 Babbelas

    Spel by die rucks was ‘n pluspunt!

    16 July, 2014 at 07:19
  23. avatar
    #41 Babbelas

    Nr 9 het gevou onder druk, 1 drie gemaak maar 2 af gestaan! Haker kon nie springers vind nie, span speel soos individue en nie as ‘n span!

    Het ook nie gehelp dat 1 ste drie nie toegeken is nie, speler was duidelik nie uit nie!

    Heelparty spelers het hulle kanse ‘n knou gegee om SA Skolespan te maak!

    16 July, 2014 at 07:17
  24. avatar
    #40 kosie

    @Rugbyman: My previous concerns of certain positions seem to have held true and have come to haunt the Bulls.

    I was not at the game but watched a recording last night. I still believe they can change the situation around by making 3 adjustments.

    Your take on this would be appreciated.

    16 July, 2014 at 07:05
  25. avatar
    #39 Tjoppa

    @Rugbyman: As said a long time before and you did not want to believe me 2014 not a good harvest for BB.
    Secondly I wish that coaches stick to exactly that coaching. The position of coach has become so important these days that they see fit to interfere with the career of talented players. Pick a players in his preferred position, you are ruining a big career. I sat at Wildeklawer between the “boys” and was amazed how they could spot talent and then want to redevelop those identified. Damn it man they were spotted because they were good in a certain position.
    But good luck I will see you guys on the final day.

    16 July, 2014 at 06:02
  26. avatar
    #38 Ploegskaar

    @kwartlyn: Darem mooi dat jy so wyd ry, vir die liefde en die lekkerte…

    15 July, 2014 at 23:09
  27. avatar
    #37 kwartlyn

    @Ploegskaar: HEHEHEHE dit was n goeie teckle nee my maat kyk net hoe die seuns speel en poog om my eerlike opinie neer te le. Terloops nie n coachie,agent of pappie nie.

    15 July, 2014 at 22:43
  28. avatar
    #36 Ploegskaar

    @kwartlyn: Soos die BB yster wat deur die WP Akademie 13 uit sy toks geduik is? Terloops, coachie, agent of pappie?

    15 July, 2014 at 22:16
  29. avatar
    #35 Rugga B

    Any Sa schools contenders so far?

    15 July, 2014 at 21:16
  30. avatar
    #34 kwartlyn

    @JPS_10: Stem saam met jou dat die bb akademie baie goor was teen boland maar die dinsadag toe hulle hul groot manne begin speel het was dit heeltemal n ander span, en daar was ysters gewees wat voor die pot aan die kook gehou het ons hier in die platteland sou kon doen met sulke spelers. Dit is waar die bulle vandag gekort het.

    15 July, 2014 at 20:40
  31. avatar
    #33 Bull23

    @Rugbyman: Weet nie vanjaar se span nie maar in die verlede was die keuses van spelers van kleur n probleem. Verlede jaar was n baie goeie nr 9 van Garsfontein as vleuel gekies terwyl hy baie beter blootstelling by die akademie week as skrumskakel kon kry wat volgens my tot voordeel van die speler sou wees. Die bulle se poel is eintlik maar tot sowat 5 skole beperk agv persepsies van keurders dat die ander skole nie werklik bydrae kan lewer nie. Agv verskeie redes is daar ongelukkig nie meer veel kompeterende skole in Pta nie wat maak dat die talent nie altyd raakgesien word.

    15 July, 2014 at 20:37
  32. avatar
    #32 kwartlyn

    @Rugbyman: Ja dit is so, n mens hoop net elke jaar dat hulle meer raakvat.

    15 July, 2014 at 20:32
  33. avatar
    #31 JPS_10

    @Rugbyman en @Bull23
    I saw the BB Academy side playing against Boland last week. They nearly lost because of team selection. They lost about 7 lineouts in the game because they didn’t select their no 4 or 5 ? With the exception of the reserve loose forward that played lock against Boland and the number 8 there was nobody from the Academy side that could have made it into the BBulls CW side.
    In my opinion today was lost because:
    1. There are no “ysters” in the pack. Niemand wat die pot aan die kook hou nie!! If they are there they were nowhere today! The game was lost up front.
    2. You don’t select two of your best players (no 12 and 6) out of position?
    3. No 9 and 10 were below par.
    4. No 10’s goal kicking was excellent but his general play not up to scratch. He missed touch with his first penalty, two of his out of hand kicks were charged down, he gave a pass that was intercepted and nearly ended up in try for EP and lastly he took the ball up once in his own half, was stopped dead in his tracks and lost the ball!

    15 July, 2014 at 20:27
  34. avatar
    #30 Rugbyman

    @Bull23: in the bulls cravenweek team their should be no weaker or stronger team… they have by far the biggest player pool in the country to pick from… the forwards did not play as a unit in my opinion… 9 was under pressure because of that and it then had a ripple effect… again, in my opinion u dont shuffle your best backline player around to accommodate other players at this level. They tried this at bondedag and it didnt work there… this was an error in my opinion anyway…

    @kwartlyn: I am going to reserve my comments with regards to the selections… I dont want to step on too many toes and team selections are very subjective at the best of times… if u have 5 guys around a table they will each pick a different bok team and here it is no different…

    15 July, 2014 at 19:56
  35. avatar
    #29 Bull23

    @kwartlyn: Daar is maar altyd n paar voorkeur spelers en ander seuns wat nie die kanse kry wat hulle verdien nie.

    15 July, 2014 at 19:50
  36. avatar
    #28 kwartlyn

    @Rugbyman: Moet saam jou stem oor sekere keuses ek het julle akademiese span gesien en na vandag kan ek se dat daar 2 spelers in die akademie span vandag wou sien as hulle sou speel daar sou n groot verskil gewees het veral voor.

    15 July, 2014 at 19:43
  37. avatar
    #27 Bull23

    We must remeber that all the players have to play in the first 2 matches so the coaches are under pressure to get the combinations right on day 1 to ensure that you can field your best team on day 2 to give you a change to play in the final. Maybe the coach thought that 12 was capable enough to do the job as 13. The nr 10 should be the one who give the direction and with the explosiveness of 13, 15 and 22 theycould have score a few more tries if they played as a team. Maybe they underestimated the EP guys a bit.

    15 July, 2014 at 19:41
  38. avatar
    #26 Rugbyman

    @Bull23: so selection then?

    15 July, 2014 at 19:32
  39. avatar
    #25 Bull23

    @Rugbyman: I watched a lot of Craven weeks and it was in the last few years only the 2012 Bulls team who played well as a team. I believe it was due to a big and strong Affie representation with their school coach. Other years the coaches struggled to get the team playing as a unit. Even last year Sakkie failed to get the right combinations and spirit going. The last movement of today exposed certain star players weeknesses, but well done to EP they deserve this one with great BMT with the last kick. Earlier this year we experienced the pressure on goal kickers at the young guns final so well done.

    15 July, 2014 at 19:30
  40. avatar
    #24 Rugbyman

    @Bull23: u are right… the guys are doing their best! I was emotional after the game… so my comment is probably uncalled for…


    The bulls did look unstructured an unsure though… I am sure u would agree on that… what’s your opinion on the game?

    15 July, 2014 at 19:14
  41. avatar
    #23 Rugbyman

    Bosch from EP is a special player… well done EP for fighting to the end…

    15 July, 2014 at 18:37
  42. avatar
    #22 Mike

    @Grasshopper: 7 players in total from Grey. Not all in starting line up today. @Woltrui: Thanks Woltrui.

    15 July, 2014 at 18:13
  43. avatar
    #21 Grasshopper

    @Mike: is the EP team mostly Grey PE? If so, gelling as a team would have been easier….

    15 July, 2014 at 18:09
  44. avatar
    #20 Woltrui

    @Mike: Gongrats Mike. :(

    15 July, 2014 at 17:51
  45. avatar
    #19 kwartlyn

    @Djou: Met jou die bulls lyk regtig nie goed afgerig nie, om Sa se beste en mees opwindinste 12 op 13 te kies is die grootst fout die seun is n 12 en die bulle se agterlyn moet om hom gekies word. dit is so dat hul platvoet was in die 2 de helfte en dit is die rede omdat 7 voorspelers teen 8 moet speel want een staan op vleul die hele tyd en help nie voor nie. Dit is een rede hoekom ek se die bulle is te lig voor en dit het hulle nou begin byt.

    15 July, 2014 at 17:48
  46. avatar
    #18 Woltrui

    @Bull23: @Rugbyman: Bulle I am not a friend of rugbyman. He is a disrespectfull pucker IMO. BUT the man knows his rugby. If he says that the team is not well coached I will agree with him. :evil:

    15 July, 2014 at 17:48
  47. avatar
    #17 Mike

    Well done EP. Great effort to hang in there and snatch it at the end ! Definitely lots of talent in the Bay Area.

    15 July, 2014 at 17:32
  48. avatar
    #16 Djou

    @Bull23: Ek is nie ‘n afrigter nie – en die Bulle is swak afgerig. Jy kan dit nie wegredeneer. Hoe anders het so ‘n talentvolle span verloor? As hulle goed afgerig was sou die spelers nie suinig gewees het nie. En waarom een van die beste nommer 12’s in SA op buitesenter speel? Beslis nie goeie afrigting nie.

    15 July, 2014 at 17:16
  49. avatar
    #15 Bull23

    @Rugbyman: Hoop nie dit is waar dat jy Garsfontein se afrigter is nie want nie goed om mede afrigters te kritiseer nie. Probleem met Bulls agterlyn is dat hulle te veel op eie wil doen. Nr 22 en 15 baie gevaarlik maar pass nie graag n bal nie. Hele paar spelers nie volgens hulle reputasies presteer nie.

    15 July, 2014 at 16:20
  50. avatar
    #14 MSP12

    @ Griffon, Bosch and Vers will be back to Flyhalf and Fullback , a bit of juggling around in the 1st 2 days to accommodate the rules of CW.

    15 July, 2014 at 16:17
  51. avatar
    #13 Grasshopper

    Agree on Bosch, X factor player!

    15 July, 2014 at 16:14
  52. avatar
    #12 Griffon

    Welldone to EP great game. I must admit it was strange to see Bosch and Vers out of their prefered positions and it showed. But great game by Bosch and EP. The EP backs were brilliant on attack. Bulls really looked flat today compared to their standards

    15 July, 2014 at 16:10
  53. avatar
    #11 MSP12

    Well done EP .Still unbeaten since U13. Curwin and Moos brilliant today.

    15 July, 2014 at 16:02
  54. avatar
    #10 All Black

    This Bosch kid has something special. I rated Kayter higher before the game but now it is all square. These two would add something to any team they played in.

    15 July, 2014 at 16:00
  55. avatar
    #9 scrummie

    @Rugbyman – daai is n baie baie goeie vrg hkm Franco 13 speel, maak nie sin nie. Hys definitief een vd beste 12s in SA so jol hom daar. Anyway geluk aan die EP, met baie meer passie gejol, gevaarlike agterlyn.

    15 July, 2014 at 15:54
  56. avatar
    #8 RBugger

    Great game of rugby, well done EP.

    A big mention to Bosch for his last minute conversion, great BMT shown

    15 July, 2014 at 15:53
  57. avatar
    #7 beet

    What a finish to this game. Was unexciting for most of the game until EP were forced to take chances.

    Very surprised how flat the Bulls looked at the end.

    15 July, 2014 at 15:52
  58. avatar
    #6 Rugbyman

    @jakes: the bulls … nothing going on in the backs… why franco is playing 13 I dont know… EP backs full of running…

    15 July, 2014 at 15:50
  59. avatar
    #5 jakes

    Leeeeekkkkeeeerrrr Easter Province. What an upset!! The Bulls looked pretty dead in the 2nd half.

    15 July, 2014 at 15:43
  60. avatar
    #4 Grasshopper

    Well done EP, awesome result! PE needs a Super Rugby franchise!

    15 July, 2014 at 15:37
  61. avatar
    #3 phat55

    What a finish for EP 8-O

    15 July, 2014 at 15:37
  62. avatar
    #2 scrummie

    Bulls need to thank Tinus de Beer. Dont understand why Franco Naude and Eduan Keyter has not been used on attack.

    Can number 22 from the Bulls PASS ???????, is he playing for himself or what.

    15 July, 2014 at 15:30
  63. avatar
    #1 vatikaki

    Hoping EP can win this in the last 10 minutes.

    19 all with 10 to play.

    15 July, 2014 at 15:24

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