Blue Bulls Craven Week, Academy Week, Grant Khomo & Noordvaal u19 teams 2014

1 Michel Kumbarai St Alban’s 1 Jaco Jacobs Centurion
2 Jan-Henning Campher Garsfontein 2 Ralph Jansen Wilgers
3 Sarel-Marco Smith Eldoraigne 3 JD Burger Waterkloof
4 Aston Fortuin Southdowns 4 Brandon Verster Garsfontein
5 Ettiene Matthys Centurion 5 Juan Basson Affies
6 PJ Toerrien Garsfontein 6 Gavin Vorster Affies
7 Juandre Michau Waterkloof 7 Wildon March Garsfontein
8 Eduan Lubbe Affies 8 Cornell Jacobs Centurion
9 Embrose Papier Garsfontein 9 Carlo de Nysschen Affies
10 Tinus de Beer Waterkloof 10 Hendrik Mulder Centurion
11 Andell Loubser Menlopark 11 Shakeel Fredericks Garsfontein
12 Franco Naude Garsfontein 12 Wayne van der Bank Menlopark
13 Stedman Gans Waterkloof 13 Chad Sias Wilgers
14 Conree Poole Garsfontein 14 Lyle Maart Garsfontein
15 Eduan Keyter Affies 15 C Swart Wilgers
16 Janqo Hennings Menlopark 16 Juvan Stimie Tuine
17 Loyolo Qinela Southdowns 17 Chergin Fielies Waterkloof
18 Ruhan Goosen Menlopark 18 Tiny Mukhari Pretoria BH
19 Arnold Gerber Menlopark 19 Ruan Roelofse Affies
20 Justin Meintjies Menlopark 20 Martin Shioma Erasmus
21 Eddie Fouche Affies 21 Dale Hendricks Affies
22 Ruan de Beer Menlopark 22 Bradley Mutri Southdowns
1 DP du Plessis Affies 1 Kabous Eloff Affies
2 Armand Oosthuizen Wonderboom 2 Schalk Erasmus Affies
3 Donovan Chemaly* Wonderboom 3 William Kumwenda Cornwall
4 Johan Smit Wilgers 4 Junior Nonyukela Southdowns
5 Devon Gouws Centurion 5 Henk Pretorius Affies
6 Denver Robertson Centurion 6 Luke Fortuin Garsfontein
7 JH de Villiers Eldoraigne 7 Phillip Krause Affies
8 JP Snyman Waterkloof 8 Kwazi Mafu Southdowns
9 Juandre vd Walt Menlopark 9 Jack Hart Affies
10 Marco Donges Menlopark 10 Ruan de Swardt Affies
11 Stian Pienaar Menlopark 11 Shawn Williams Garsfontein
12 Juandre Rossouw Tuine 12 Lauritz vd Schyff Affies
13 Jan vd Merwe Affies 13 Hluma Zondani Southdowns
14 Sipho Phiri Pretoria BH 14 Themba Mandlati Southdowns
15 Arnu Maree Garsfontein 15 Abener v Reenen Garsfontein
16 Jason Polydore Waterkloof 16 Rudan de Lange Zwartkop
17 JP Barnard Eldoraigne 17 Motheo Maroane Pretoria BH
18 H Smit Garsfontein 18 Mornay Smit Eldoraigne
19 Dan Marengela Pretoria BH 19 Regardt du Plessis Affies
20 Stiaan Smit Waterkloof 20 Gerald Lowe Menlopark
21 Ronan Venier Menlopark 21 Emilo Adonis Garsfontein
22 L Maloka Prestige 22 Happiness Peterson Garsfontein


  1. avatar
    #79 Tjoppa

    @kosie: Ek sweer hy en daai adder van Heerden van Jakaranda is uit dieselfde baarmoeder.

    24 June, 2014 at 12:20
  2. avatar
    #78 Speartackle

    @kosie: Ten minste was dit darem in n teater dan

    24 June, 2014 at 10:45
  3. avatar
    #77 kosie

    @Speartackle: Sy ma kan nie presies onthou nie maar dit was donker. Die teater het net 1 lig gehad wat gewerk het.

    24 June, 2014 at 10:43
  4. avatar
    #76 Speartackle

    @kosie: Weet jy dalk hoe laat?

    24 June, 2014 at 10:39
  5. avatar
    #75 kosie

    @Rugbyman: Kurt Johan van Heerden en is op 19 Februarie 1970 gebore.

    24 June, 2014 at 10:37
  6. avatar
    #74 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: His real name is Kurt van Heerden…

    24 June, 2014 at 10:25
  7. avatar
    #73 Speartackle

    @Vleis: I think his real first name is actually Darren………Darren Something

    The name Darren sounds so lekker……….specially the way Naas said it

    24 June, 2014 at 10:14
  8. avatar
    #72 Vleis

    @Rugbyman: He went to Lyttelton Manor High School.

    24 June, 2014 at 10:11
  9. avatar
    #71 Rugbyman

    @kosie: Koert was in laerskool hennopspark… weet nie in watter hoerskool nie….


    24 June, 2014 at 10:02
  10. avatar
    #70 Speartackle

    @kosie: Hy was op n staduim my buurman……bitter jaloerse outjie hoor……..erg erg

    24 June, 2014 at 09:01
  11. avatar
    #69 kosie

    @Speartackle: Nee hy was in Eldo nie. Weet nie waar sy sang talent ontwikkel het nie. Sou graag by sy oog vir ‘n mooi nooi betrokke wou wees

    24 June, 2014 at 08:59
  12. avatar
    #68 Speartackle

    @kosie: By the way was Koert nie in Eldoraigne?

    24 June, 2014 at 08:54
  13. avatar
    #67 Speartackle


    Ekt sopas vir my Koert Derms se Winterwasem gekoop

    24 June, 2014 at 08:54
  14. avatar
    #66 kosie

    @Speartackle: Gaan luister na Dewald Wasserfal se liedjie toe ek nog 17 was!

    Sal heimwee vir jou terug bring

    24 June, 2014 at 08:49
  15. avatar
    #65 kosie

    @Rugbyman: Was nie die beste rugby game nie. 3 kaarte uitgedeel. Eldo 1 geel, no 8 vir blatante fout by tackle. Het hand op bal gehou. Menlo 8 ook geel na strafskop en Eldo vinnige tikkie geneem en 8 het speler nie kans gegee om te speel nie. Nie 10 m. Menlo 13 rooi vir boorvat.

    Skrums was so 50/50. Lynstane het Eldo beter gevaar en afbreekpunte was Eldo baie beter met seker 15 plus balle wat afgeneem is. Slotte het loosies se werk gedoen en balle gesteel. Menlo se agterlyn was beter as Eldo sin. Eldo het swsk verdedig agterlangs. 3 drieë so gedruk. Eldo het 2 drieë weg gegooi deur net bal te gooi sonder om te kyk waar speler was. Hartseer maar as jy sulke foute maak verdien jy nie om te wen nie. Is jammer vir die vorries wat hardgewerk het net om weer bal te verloor.

    Daar was amper so paar insidente tussen spelers. Menlo no 8 by paar betrokke en het sy eie spelers hom terug gehou en eenkeer met mening grond toe gestamp om nie betrokke te raak nie.

    Menlo se drieë het gekom van skoppe wat nie uit was nie en swak verdediging agter vir Eldo.

    Wel Eldo se rugby vir 1 stes is nou verby.

    24 June, 2014 at 08:46
  16. avatar
    #64 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: Nooi my net proewe toe. Gee my daai kans asb. Sal my eie reis en verblyf betaal.

    Ek het nog die lyf van n 17 jarige…………wat al lank op PVM is

    24 June, 2014 at 08:45
  17. avatar
    #63 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: Jy vergeet… die capies is in ons span!!!

    Het monnas nie so paar post matrieks wat ons kan leen nie? Of Glenwood…. of wag, hulle gebruik net o/23s…

    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    24 June, 2014 at 08:40
  18. avatar
    #62 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: Dis goeie nuus……..ek is beskikbaar.

    Juis lus om so paar capies hard te loop en te boorvat

    24 June, 2014 at 08:37
  19. avatar
    #61 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: Hy behoort weer 7s te speel! Ons gaan spesiaal so 5 of 6 post matrieks vir ons 7s span invoer!

    24 June, 2014 at 08:33
  20. avatar
    #60 Speartackle


    Dan hoop ek hy gaan bietjie krieket speel die jaar. Die velde in Pta mag dalk net te klein wees.

    24 June, 2014 at 08:26
  21. avatar
    #59 Rugbyman

    @Vleis: He’s new here… Excuse him…

    24 June, 2014 at 08:26
  22. avatar
    #58 Rugbyman

    @kosie: Haai Kosie! Ja ons sal beslis ‘n game of 2 speel voor die quarters!

    Ek hoor so via die grapevine dat julle game teen menlo was nogal ‘n vuilerige affere…? Heelparty kaarte uitgedeel… vertel bietjie meer!

    24 June, 2014 at 08:25
  23. avatar
    #57 Rugbyman

    @Speartackle: Nee jong… hy was vir ‘n operasie aan sy skouer so maand terug… Hy is vir nog 3 maande uit… Dis rerig jammer… Hy is baie talentvol… Maar ek glo die unie wat hom gaan kontrakteer sal die vrugte pluk van goeie werwing!

    24 June, 2014 at 08:23
  24. avatar
    #56 Vleis

    @Sinies: I did not use the word ‘co-ed’ in a derogatory manner. ‘Co-ed’ is an abbreviation for co-educational, which means that boys and girls attend the school. For example, powerhouse rugby schools like Klofies, Garsies and Menlo are co-ed. I apologise if I caused any offence.

    Southdowns plays schools like Redhill, Cornwall Hill, Woodhill, CBC Boksburg. These schools get hammered by Sutherland…and Sutherland’s 1st team loses to Affies 5th team – you can verify this on their website. So, I am afraid that my statement that Southdowns’ opponents would lose to Affies 5th or 6th team is 100% accurate. Southdowns, of course, also beat the above mentioned teams, but that is partly because they have four or five Craven Week standard imports.

    24 June, 2014 at 08:22
  25. avatar
    #55 Speartackle

    @Rugbyman: Is Paultjie nog nie reg nie?

    Die skares word weerhou van die mees opwindende 13 sedert Peter Whipp.

    24 June, 2014 at 07:35
  26. avatar
    #54 kosie

    @Rugbyman: Welkom terug van jou laaang veld uitstappie. Gaan Garsies ‘n game speel voor hulle weer Beeld speel? Buiten die manne wat vir die Bulle spanne speel, gaan die ander seker bly oefen. Ek dink tog moet ‘n game kry om die samespel te bly oefen en skerp te bly.

    24 June, 2014 at 06:24
  27. avatar
    #53 Rugbyman

    @Sinies: what a uninformed person u are… the player u refer to moved to garsfontein because he and his mother approached garsfontein due to their unhappiness at wilgers! I was personally involved when they contacted us… u are in the wrong forum if u dont have the facts…

    Tell me, didnt garsfontein assist wilgers in some of the players currently playing in your first team? I dont like mentioning names here, but we assisted your rugby director with 3 players currently in your 1st team… we have a good relationship with wilgers… dont stuff it up here with your ill-informed views

    24 June, 2014 at 06:16
  28. avatar
    #52 Sinies

    @Vleis: Maybe you are slightly misinformed comparing the teams against which Southdowns play as equivalent to Affies 6th or 5th team and calling them co-ed schools. They play in a league where schools do not believe they have to have massive numbers of spectators in the school watching bought players play the game. If they were equivalent to Affies’ 5th or 6th team, then obviously teams like Wilgers and Southdowns will have very few players in the Bulls team. Fact is Wilgers still produce more Bulls players than some of the macro schools even after Gapsies, Menlo and Affies bought all their feeding school rugby players for Grade 8 and then again buy their players (i.e. Papier) in Grades 10 to 12. Makes you wonder what the problem is with the macro school coaching staff if they buy complete teams for Grade 8 and then have to buy again. Can they not develop players?

    23 June, 2014 at 17:04
  29. avatar
    #51 Roger

    @Playa: read comments on the Business day article thread – understand SACS point of view entirely but it was not a poach by KES. SACS are of the view that KES should not have accepted the youngster but then he would have gone to another JHB school – the damage was already done.

    30 May, 2014 at 12:44
  30. avatar
    #50 spot

    @Playa: Others did not stay with the Bulls. Bobby de Wee, Caswell Khoza and others went elsewhere. So that theory is not correct. There must be other reasons. All of all us on the outside can only speculate. Maybe one day someone directly involved will break the silence and give us the details.

    30 May, 2014 at 12:27
  31. avatar
    #49 Playa

    @Roger: Interesting question. Gentlemen’s agreement perhaps.

    Hahaha! KES didn’t do themselves any favours there. What baffles me is that the Lions are not short of black players either.

    30 May, 2014 at 11:51
  32. avatar
    #48 Vleis

    @Playa: I suppose that the other options in Pretoria are:
    1. Pretoria Boys, who do not play along with this scheme (as you say). That said, a little birdie told me that Boys High are now under extreme pressure from the Old Boys to sort out their rugby, so they’ll start offering rugby scholarships next year. Whether that includes accepting the EC boys (especially after Gr8) remains to be seen through.

    2. St Alban’s, who generally don’t play along with these schemes (I think), but did accept two Selborne boys three years ago. St Alban’s; however, insist that the boys also focus on academics and school life outside of rugby. This is not always to the liking of boys who want to focus solely on rugby.

    3. Sutherland, but they are not significantly better than Southdowns I suppose. That said, if they had an influx of EC boys, they could become a pretty strong school and they have started playing many of the Saints schools already such as St Alban’s, St David’s and St Benedict’s.

    30 May, 2014 at 11:50
  33. avatar
    #47 Roger

    @Playa: how do the Bulls ensure that the Sharks dont get their hooks into those boys?

    Would make way more sense surely to place these kids at English schools in the Lions region – much closer. But PLEASE not KES. They are been hammered enough for accepting that SACS kid and yet it is the Lions Union doing the poaching and paying all the fees!

    30 May, 2014 at 11:43
  34. avatar
    #46 Playa

    @Vleis: Language is an issue mate. Pretoria Boys would have been the natural option, but thankfully, they refuse to play part of this scheme. There aren’t too many English rugby playing schools in that region. That’s why the Bulls now place kids in English schools in KZN, Westville being one of them.

    30 May, 2014 at 11:34
  35. avatar
    #45 Bosveldpa

    Indrukwekkende spannetjies wat hierbo gepubliseer word!

    Geluk aan elke liewe kind wat tot hier gekom het. Ekt gehoor daar was mooi proewe wedstryde en julle het hard gewerk om hier te kom. Gebruik julle talent en gee als.

    Na my blootstelling die jaar sover tov die o/18 groep(e) en die notatjies wat ek gemaak het asook geselsery met my dorps pelle lyk die spanne omtrent soos ek verwag het. Goeie verspreiding tussen skole met geen skool wat regtig oorheers in die 0/18 groepe.

    Seuns in o/16 groepe ken ek nie regtig.

    Hoekom is Garsies se 2 0/19’s nie in die Noordvaal span nie?

    Hoe lyk die posisies van 16 – 22 in die o/18 Cravenweek, Akademie week en Noordvaal. Het ek dit verkeerd of is daar min back-line spelers? Ken iemand die spelers goed om te kan se waar hulle speel en watter utility hulle kan speel. @rugbyman, kan jy help hier?

    Waar word die weke gehou?

    Sal my bakkie tot daar kan ry?

    30 May, 2014 at 11:27
  36. avatar
    #44 Vleis

    @Queenian: I agree that they were poached, and I agree that this is a great shame for schools like Queens and Dale. I also agree that poaching is the key issue at play here. That said, it is clear that they’ve been poached by the Bulls Union and not Southdowns. So, given that they could’ve chosen to attend any school in the Pretoria/Centurion area, why did they choose a school that plays teams of the calibre of Port Rex’s 2nd team?

    30 May, 2014 at 11:24
  37. avatar
    #43 Playa

    @Vleis: they go to Southdowns under the promise of a career with the Bulls after school. Money talks.

    30 May, 2014 at 11:24
  38. avatar
    #42 Playa

    @beet: Under 16 – Nonukela, Mafu and Zondani. Under 18 – Qinela. Aston Fortuin from Queens.

    Does Southdowns play fixtures against other schools?

    @Queenian: I’m with you 100% on that one

    30 May, 2014 at 11:22
  39. avatar
    #41 Queenian

    @Vleis: The two Southdowns players is 1 from Queens and 1 from Dale and they there simply because they were poached no other reason enough to make one sick.

    If you are a Bulls supporter hopefully you hold your head in shame. :twisted:

    30 May, 2014 at 11:02
  40. avatar
    #40 Queenian

    @Playa: I see both the Fortuin boys in teams there make me F—in sick.

    30 May, 2014 at 10:59
  41. avatar
    #39 slinger

    @Babbelas: Both Sarel Smith and Eduan Keyter boys from Hennopspark Primary, also see Edrich Venter is in the WP team, also from the same 1st team year at Hennopspark.

    30 May, 2014 at 10:09
  42. avatar
    #38 kosie

    @Bere73: Daar is wel iets! Die doodlyn!

    30 May, 2014 at 10:06
  43. avatar
    #37 Bere73

    @kosie: Sterkte vir Saterdag!!! Niks keer die Garsie Beer!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    30 May, 2014 at 10:01
  44. avatar
    #36 kosie

    I would like to congratulate each and every boy on the above lists. Well done!

    To the schools where they are scholars, great stuff! There are some really talented boys in all the above teams and I am looking forward to see how they do against their counterparts from the rest of SA.

    Enjoy every moment!

    30 May, 2014 at 09:45
  45. avatar
    #35 Rugbyman

    @CharlesZA: franco is extremely talented… nothing more to say

    30 May, 2014 at 09:02
  46. avatar
    #34 CharlesZA

    @Rugbyman: Care to explain some more?

    30 May, 2014 at 08:32
  47. avatar
    #33 Rugbyman

    @Muzi: I disagree with u on franco naude… I think he will become better than the current bulls centres… if he keeps his feet on the ground and works hard he has springbok written all over him

    30 May, 2014 at 08:25
  48. avatar
    #32 Vleis

    @spot: @fairplay: Out of interest, why do the Dale boys choose to go to Southdowns? The teams that the Southdowns play every week are very small co-ed schools that are at a similar level to Affies 6th team (possibly 5th team). It would be like CW standard boys from Pretoria moving to Border to play for Port Rex?

    30 May, 2014 at 08:16
  49. avatar
    #31 Muzi

    I’d be satisfied if Tony Jantjies..Tian Schoeman..Louis Fouche and Kobus Marais left….that 10 jersey is Handre’s….we don’t want another francois tredoux situation with De Beer. :wink:

    30 May, 2014 at 07:56
  50. avatar
    #30 Muzi

    Franco Naude impressed me last year he’d be a great acquisition….sadly I don’t see a long term future for him at the Bulls :-| unless somehow Jan Serfontein..Rohan Janse van Rensburg even Burger Odendaal…all leave sooner rather than later. :roll:

    30 May, 2014 at 07:52
  51. avatar
    #29 Muzi

    Kumbarai?!?! sounds kenyan…Ghanaian…Congolese…hell even Nigerian…anyway congrats to the lad.

    30 May, 2014 at 07:45
  52. avatar
    #28 Muzi

    Hmmm regarding the Bulls Craven Week side…I wonder how many lads were born and raised in PTA?!?! :wink:

    30 May, 2014 at 07:40
  53. avatar
    #27 Muzi

    After all the fuss and bitching that went on and and on and on about the Bulls poaching Fortuin… :roll: now we will see if he’s indeed the real deal. :wink:

    30 May, 2014 at 07:36
  54. avatar
    #26 Muzi

    Oh, my according to @spot: Kwezi Mafu is already guarenteed a place in the 2015 and 2016 SA schools sides….enough said. :-|

    30 May, 2014 at 07:33
  55. avatar
    #25 fairplay

    Dale boys now @ Southdowns
    U18 – S. Qinela (prop)
    U16 – J. Nonyukela (lock)
    U16 – K. Mafu (8th man)
    U16 – H. Zondani (center)

    30 May, 2014 at 06:37
  56. avatar
    #24 spot

    @beet: Kwezi Mafu “relocated” from Dale. He was selected for SA u16 HP last year when he was still 15. This will be his second year to be selected for the HP squad. He will play Craven Week and SA Schools in 2015 and 2016.

    There are 9 Southdowns players selected across the 3 u16 teams. Could we see Southdowns players dominating the 2015 BB Craven Week team?

    30 May, 2014 at 06:34
  57. avatar
    #23 Rugbyman

    @beet: hi beet, they declared themselves unavailable for selection due to personal reasons…

    30 May, 2014 at 05:53
  58. avatar
    #22 Rugbyman

    @Babbelas: dis inderdaad piet se seun

    30 May, 2014 at 05:41
  59. avatar
    #21 beet

    I’m surprised not to see the Garsies ysters Le Roux Roets and Ruan Ackerman’s names missing from the Noordvaal u19 team.

    I’m also looking for a volunteer to find out where all the Southdowns u16 players are originally from. I think Mafu the captain was recruited from Dale.

    29 May, 2014 at 22:41
  60. avatar
    #20 beet

    as requested, the post has been updated to include the
    Academy Week
    Noordvaal u19
    Grant Khomo


    29 May, 2014 at 22:37
  61. avatar
    #19 spot

    Congratulations to all the boys who were given the nod. You have gone through tough trials, Now its all about self believe, Huge task on your shoulders to wipe last year’s fiasco. WE KNOW YOU CAN DO IT!

    29 May, 2014 at 21:39
  62. avatar
    #18 Soutie 1

    Well done to all the boys concerned!

    29 May, 2014 at 18:55
  63. avatar
    #17 Bulle

    @jakes: moenie j aanval op spelers loots nie dit was nie hulle besluit nie.

    29 May, 2014 at 18:41
  64. avatar
    #16 jakes

    Het die Blou Bulle ‘n back up plan as die Affies spelers besluit hulle gaan nie speel nie!? :mrgreen:

    29 May, 2014 at 17:40
  65. avatar
    #15 Djou

    En ek tel drie Affies wat gegaps is van ander skole af.

    29 May, 2014 at 17:22
  66. avatar
    #14 Woltrui

    @Vra maar net: EK tel 3.

    29 May, 2014 at 17:07
  67. avatar
    #13 BoishaaiPa

    @Andre T: Lyk my Jan Braai se Nefie is ook daar op No 1..KomBraai…

    29 May, 2014 at 16:58
  68. avatar
    #12 Playa

    Two boys who should be wearing Border colours…*sigh*…

    29 May, 2014 at 15:59
  69. avatar
    #11 Andre T

    O ja, ek weet vir n feit nr 20 is niks van Neville Meintjies.

    29 May, 2014 at 15:07
  70. avatar
    #10 Andre T

    Ek wonder of nr 18 Retief Goosen is?

    En nr 4 familie is van JC

    En of nr 6 Trompie se seun is

    En nr 15 Clarence s’n

    Ek Vramaarnet

    29 May, 2014 at 15:05
  71. avatar
    #9 Babbelas

    Wonder of Ettienne Matthys Piet Matthys se seun is. Piet het in laat 80’s vroee 90’s vir Pta Polisie en ook die Oos Transvaal/Valke heelagter gespeel!

    29 May, 2014 at 14:50
  72. avatar
    #8 Djou

    @Vra maar net: Lyk my jy gee nie om om kinders te beledig nie en hou maar net aan ondanks oproepe aan jou om dit te staak. Dan moet jy dit vat wanneer dit aan jou uitgedeel word. Los dit nou en ondersteun eerder die kinders.

    29 May, 2014 at 14:41
  73. avatar
    #7 Babbelas

    Also well done to 2 ex Wierdapark Laerskool boys, Juandre Michau and Thinus de Beer!

    29 May, 2014 at 14:11
  74. avatar
    #6 Babbelas

    Should be Hennopspark!

    29 May, 2014 at 14:09
  75. avatar
    #5 Babbelas

    For the first time in a long time Eldo’s has a player in the team! Congrats to all especially to Sarel-Marco Smith from Eldos. I think he was in Hennospark Laerskool……Kosie, please help me out if I am wrong!

    29 May, 2014 at 14:09
  76. avatar
    #4 RBugger

    Wow, only 3 Affies players in the 22 – that must be a first for them. Shows what a shocking year they having.

    What happened to the no 8 from Affies last year? Played CW and have not heard of him since?

    29 May, 2014 at 13:58
  77. avatar
    #3 Vra maar net

    Hoeveel van Gapsfontein se Kapenaars het die spanne gehaal?

    29 May, 2014 at 13:23
  78. avatar
    #2 Van Mann

    Geluk seuns. Julle almal verdien julle insluiting. Ongelukkig is daar net plek 22 van julle. So moenie oorgerus raak of grootkop word nie want daar is nog baie ander seuns wat net so goed soos julle is van verskillende skole wat nie sal gaan agteroor sit nie. Onthou niemand is groter as die game nie. Gaan en doen jou bes,

    29 May, 2014 at 12:56
  79. avatar
    #1 Andre T

    Geluk aan almal met spesiale wense aan Justin en Ruan. Julle Monna ysters

    29 May, 2014 at 12:51

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