Western Province Craven Week, Academy Week & Grant Khomo Week teams 2014

1 G. van den Berg Paarl Gymnasium 1 M. Salie Paul Roos Gymnasium
2 J. van Zyl Paul Roos Gymnasium 2 C. Manchest Kasselsvlei High
3 JP Smith Bishops 3 C. Sadie Bellville High
4 J. Willemse Paarl Gymnasium 4 S. Mitchell Bishops
5 R. De Villiers Paarl Boys High 5 E. Cloete Paul Roos Gymnasium
6 M. Da Silva Bishops 6 J. Visser Paarl Gymnasium
7 MZ. Davids Rondebosch Boys 7 M. Carstens Paul Roos Gymnasium
8 S. Abrahams Bishops 8 M. Meyer Paul Roos Gymnasium
9 H. Jantjies Paul RoosGymnasium 9 Z. de Koker Paarl Gymnasium
10 J. MacIntyre Bishops 10 D. Visagie Boland Landbou
11 E. van der Merwe Paul Roos Gymnasium 11 A. Manual Bishops
12 E. Venter Paul Roos Gymnasium 12 C. Fortune Boland Landbou
13 J. Heunis Bishops 13 T. Schoor Paarl Gymnasium
14 D. Saal Kasselsvlei High 14 J. Vermeulen Paul Roos Gymnasium
15 G. Pieterse Bishops 15 T. Swanepoel Stellenberg High
16 S. Farmer Tygerberg High 16 H. Vlok Boland Landbou
17 W. Groenewald Paarl Boys High 17 B. Smith Boland Landbou
18 J. Korf Paul Roos Gymnasium 18 D. Marais Paarl Boys High
19 CF. Du Toit Paarl Boys High 19 D. van Tonder Paul Roos Gymnasium
20 J. Williams Boland Landbou 20 G. Hendricks Hottentots Holland High
21 A. Cupido Paul Roos Gymnasium 21 M. van den Hoven Rylands High
22 R. Muller Bellville High 22 R. Lombaardt Paarl Boys High
1 A.Booysen Paarl Gymnasium
2 L. Larken SACS
3 S. Alberts Boland Landbou
4 PJ. Steenkamp Tygerberg High
5 S. Moerat Paarl Boys High
6 A. Magwala Boland Landbou
7 C. Serdyn Paarl Boys High
8 K. Ncusane Paarl Boys High
9 D. Carstens Boland Landbou
10 D. Willemse Paul Roos Gymnasium
11 B. Momberg Paul Roos Gymnasium
12 M. Ras Paarl Boys High
13 L. Scott Bishops
14 J. Fortune Paarl Gymnasium
15 G. Lombaard Paarl Boys High
16 B. Swart Paarl Gymnasium
17 C. Olivier Boland Landbou
18 R. Barnard Paarl Boys High
19 B. Buitendag Paarl Gymnasium
20 B. de Kock Brackenfell High
21 W. van Zyl Paarl Gymnasium
22 M. Pickard Monument Park High


  1. avatar
    #105 maroon8

    @Ian: Weet jy wie is”ou grote” so by the way? net 1 rugbyspeler verdien daai mooi woorde!

    Waaroor al die bohaai oor die Bishops@Paarl Gim game? dis skolerugby en die spanne is die jaar so na aan mekaar dat op enige dag amper enige “krag @krag ” span mekaar kan klop.

    Bishops is ‘n krag span hierdie jaar maar soos enige span het hy sy swakplekke………..sy pak is ongelukkig een.

    Daarom dat ek nie kan verstaan hoekom daar so baie van Bishops se voorspelers in die Cravenweek/Akedemie is……ek sou net Saud kies.Agterlangs het ek geen probleem…dalk met die heelagter…..net omdat ek weet Tiaan Swanepoel het BMT en ek dink WP kon darem bietjie terugdink wat hy gedoen het om WP die GK te laat “wen”

    Wynberg se agsteman is uitstekend …..het hy weer so goed gespeel @ Bishops? ek voel jammer vir die jongman.

    Op ‘n ligter noot…….as ek so luister na al die old boys van Boishaai en Maroonmasjien op die kampus….dink ek die apteke moet hul lewerpille voorraad in die Bos regkry die week…….HKGK!

    1 June, 2014 at 13:01
  2. avatar
    #104 Deon Pitzer

    @Ian: Look at your own posts of 25 May 2014, starting 20h47. You commenced with a personal attack on the under 16 referee, describing the events in such a way that I believed you, and being a huge Bishops fan ( when they are not playing PRG) , I was shocked. In your second post you stated that for the largest part of 65% of the game PG were pinned in their own 25. I did not see the game, and therefore checked the stats. I realised that because of the vast difference between your personal stats and those of webrugby you were probably lying, and pointed this out to you. I stated that due to you being so biased, one could not believe your personal attack on the under 16 referee. Then almost a week later you again posted statistics, this time not contradicting only the official game stats, but now also contradicting yourself. Suddenly, PG was not pinned in their 25 for the better part of 65% of the game any more, as you stated on 25 May, but now all of a sudden they were pinned in their own 25 for 79% ( 30minutes plus 25 minutes out of 70 minutes game time). So , when were you lying, yesterday, or on the 25th? According to the official stats both! Yes, the attack is personal because you are unique. Why has your OWN “unofficial” timekeeping changed within a week, and significantly as well? Is it going to change again? Now you resort to a claim that you were accompanied by a Springbok rugby captain, and we must therefore infer that your timekeeping must be correct, and can even be adjusted over time as you see fit? Please……..

    1 June, 2014 at 09:12
  3. avatar
    #103 Ian

    Hello Rooibaard, You refer to them playing an outdated style of rugby? Not too sure…what would that statement say of the current Head coach and his staff ? He spent 7 seasons within the Heineke Meyer camp at the Bulls, 3 seasons at Boishaai, so the pedigree is excellent…..maybe the it is the entrenched school rugby traditions that are being held too close to their chest and it is that which could do with some refinement?
    As for the official match stats…I am not going to get into a argument over a few % here or there on a game that is already history. PG won the game fair and square and that has never been questioned.
    All I was trying to put across is that most people are not aware of the “running rugby policy” , that is all.
    For what it is worth, I watched that game in the company of a former Springbok captain and a Springbok manager and the overall time Bishops spent in the PG 25 during the first half was ‘unofficially ‘ timed within the group. Let’s not harp on this issue, it’s history. Thanks for your comments.

    As for the very personal tirade on my both my sets of comments by Mr Pitzer……wow!
    I would love to buy you a beer on 2nd August and view the talent on display!
    Nag ou grote…

    1 June, 2014 at 00:51
  4. avatar
    #102 prgsupporter

    Well done to the PRG boys putting away SACS. Also, the litlle 1.7m prop had a storming half until he was subbed. Another great game by the outside centre Leonard.

    31 May, 2014 at 17:06
  5. avatar
    #101 PRondersteuner

    @jj: PR won the game didn’t they? The squad system that’s used by PR coaches are well known by now, but thus far they lost against Grey because of that. The squad system worked for them against Wynberg. Of the 6 CW players, 3 played only half the game and 1 did not play the last 20 minutes. Wynberg played well deserved to be 15-10 ahead at one stage, BUT when it counted, those boys scored 2 briliant tries. One of them with only 14 boys on the field.

    31 May, 2014 at 16:19
  6. avatar
    #100 Deon Pitzer

    @jj:Just speak for yourself if you have the guts and assertiveness required. Don’t hide behind the backs of selected bloggers making out a tiny minority of the total blogging community. Not even sure your assumption on the majority of bloggers’ opinions is right, as only a few bloggers really had an opinion. The large majority had nothing to say. Cannot remember anyone else specifically saying the selectors were biased towards Paul Roos, merely stating some players were unlucky etc. It is not about schools, and different schools’ performances against others. It is about the professional opinion of selectors , in this case none connected to PRG, and the PRG coach, who also coached the CW team last year, formed at trials. If one has to be so stupid, and base your selection on school vs school power, keep in mind that due to the squad system, when the players ( most of) selected left the field against GREYHS we were 26 points ahead. Many players did not play against some schools you mention due to international schools sevens duties , some played only part of games due to the squad system etc. But excuses are not our way to go about this. Selectors base their selection partly on players’ INDIVIDUAL performances during the season, but mostly trials. Never on schools or school team performances. That would really stuff up their careers, why would they? They select to win, nothinh else! Their own careers depend on the players ‘ performances as a team.

    31 May, 2014 at 15:45
  7. avatar
    #99 Deon Pitzer

    @Ian: Ian, I tried to read through the latest chapter you have written for the Diocesan History Book. When I got to the part where you discuss match statistics, stating that PG spent 30 minutes of the first half, and 25 minutes of the second half in their own 25, I realised that you never read my reply to your previous comment disecting the PG vs Bishops game. The match statistics, scientifically determined, shows that PG spent 37% of the match playing rugby IN THE BISHOPS 25, while Bishops only spent 12% of the match in the PG 25. In total PG enjoyed 64% possession, and a territorial advantage amounting to 53%. It is hard to hear all these stats being flung around by Bishops supporters on this blog and elsewhere, all conflicting,making no sense at all. I have never come across such a bunch of sore loosers, continuously masking their true feelings behind : ” take nothing away from PG etc”, and some similar statements, but stating unrealistic, impossible and conflicting stats. You lost, get over it, moreover, you got thumped, and you are trying to take away a lot from the PG boys by saying they spent 30 minutes inside their 25 etc. Don’t suck stats out of your thumb. If you have to talk bull shit, at least attempt to get closer to the facts, this may just perhaps render your sermons remotely credible. Believe me, when you play us, and we loose, for which the odds are at least 50/50, we will accept it , or at least you will not hear this amount of whining two weeks after the fact. Your opinion on the PG Gym vs Bishops Under 16 game can, in light of the amount of bullshit you grab out of thin air, also not be taken seriously.

    31 May, 2014 at 15:26
  8. avatar
    #98 Rooibaard

    I don’t want to get involved in slanging matches, but I’d like an answer to the following …

    jj Who is the Paarl Gym coached the Grant Khomo side in 2013

    Ian … Which statistics of the PG – BISHOPS match are you referring to ? Bishops spent 37% of the match in their own 25. Go to http://www.webrugby and get the correct statistics. The fact of the matter is that Bishops are playing an outdated style of rugby for some traditional reason. From what I understand the same happened against Wynberg today. It’s like having all your righthand batsmen play lefthanded to prove a point. The Bishops boys are talented, but the team needs to move with the times.

    31 May, 2014 at 15:26
  9. avatar
    #97 jj

    @PRondersteuner: The wp coach clearly sees differently to the majority of the people on this blog. A coach will always have people who agree and disagree with the decisions made. Its actually a good point you made that Wynberg beat bishops but it seems you may have forgotten the unconvincing PRG victory over Wynberg? which is 12 wp players to 0. whats your view on that?

    31 May, 2014 at 15:05
  10. avatar
    #96 Ian

    Hi All,

    Let’s take the ego’s off the table!
    All the Paarl & Stellenbosch teams have always produced great rugby teams!
    The Southern suburbs schools have not done too bad over the years either!
    Their is a lot of comment about the Paarl Gym vs Bishops fixture last weekend and how awesome Paarl Gym are and questions are being raised now that there are 8 Bishops players in the Craven Week and Academy teams of 2014.
    Yes, it is surprising that there is no representation from Wynberg. Is it a reflection of favoritism?…absolutely NOT.
    Bishops threw the game against Paarl Gym away. I take nothing away from the Paarl Gym outfit, they were nothing short of brilliant defensively on the day and their fitness levels are incredible. However, they spent 30 minutes of the first half in their own 25 and 25 minutes of the second half in their own 25. They fed off Bishops mistakes and did so with aplomb!
    The Bishops back line is something to admire and is without a shadow of a doubt, the quickest and best handling back line on show in W Province at present. The back line coaches have apparently been in the ranks of the NZRFU and it is clear for all to see.
    This year, they have a great team….BUT…..they are their own worst enemy!
    Bishops have a timeless philosophy of only playing running rugby, which means that they have to be fitter than other teams to compete on an even keel. Kicking the ball is only recommended for conversions and after extended spells of pressure on their own 5 yard line. They DO NOT kick penalties….they tap and go every time. Last weekend against Paarl Gym, they did not take 15 penalties awarded to them by Jonathan Kaplan, all within 30m of the posts and only one was on the touchline. Now add say 39/45 points available to them to their final scoreline and then Paarl Gym would sing a different tune.(34-51)
    I am by no means making an excuse for Bishops at all, I walked away from the ground last week and asked myself if the result is important to them or if the handling, the speed, the tradition and the manner in which they play their game, takes precedent ?
    Paarl Gym chased shadows in the first half, it was very clear for all to see, but they have tenacity and a belief system in that squad that did not give up…Bishops should have treated the game like a test match and taken all the penalty kicks…when you keep getting 3 points against you due to the pressure and superiority of the opposition, the belief system takes a pounding as you go further and further behind….that did not happen last weekend and they defended well, but were never going to be penalized by Bishops, as they are only interested in beating you by scoring tries!
    So I am of the opinion that all the major school teams playing against Bishops this year, you will always have an advantage…but if this current team, broke with tradition and kicked every penalty afforded them, they would leave most teams way behind…..It is for this reason that the Craven Week side is littered with the Bishops back line!…wanna have a peek at poetry in motion…”you tube – Bishops vs. SACS 10 May 2014″
    PS: 31 May 2014 Bishops 19 Wynberg 20 – Bishops did not kick any of the 12 penalties awarded to them in the Wynberg half!!!

    31 May, 2014 at 14:51
  11. avatar
    #95 Tandem

    @Deon Pitzer: Good comments , I agree with your views .T

    31 May, 2014 at 14:44
  12. avatar
    #94 PRondersteuner

    @jj. Wynberg just beat Bishops 20-19 at Bishops. 6 Bishops in CW side, 0 Wynberg. And you have a problem with the coach being biased towards PR boys??????????

    31 May, 2014 at 14:40
  13. avatar
    #93 PRondersteuner

    @jj: So basically you are just pissed off that PR have 6 players in the CW side and 6 in the academy side. Your reason being the CW coach is the PR coach. He was the PR coach last year as well. You can’t comment on the Bishops players, because you don’t know how they play, yet you’ve got a problem with the PR boys selected. Who would you have selected iso the PR boys?

    31 May, 2014 at 14:25
  14. avatar
    #92 jj

    Not a pathetic rondebosch team but rather a very depleted ronderbosch team by all accounts*

    31 May, 2014 at 12:17
  15. avatar
    #91 jj

    @DeonPitzer: It is my opinion and just like all the people on the blog. I agree with the fact that PRG should have had players in the 2013 GK team, and i appreciate you saying you were not biased but i personally went to go watch that team and quite frankly the spectators obviously involved in the team were up in arms. If the blogs are still up you can go look how the PRG parents and spectators were going off after the team was announced. I totally agree with the names mentioned that were unlucky not to be picked.

    Paul Roos are defiantly far from a fantastic team this year going down to Grey PE, narrowly beating Wynberg and beating a very pathetic Rondebosch team unconvincingly. So yes in my opinion PRG were favoured in selection having 12 players between the two u18 teams. Maybe a few PRG players did miss out including Nico Leonard however still begs the question is the PRG favoured ? In my opinion they are no way can 12 players be selected for a province when the team they play for battle to beat weak opposition.

    Then again for some reason bishop has be favoured I agree with you but I cant comment on that side of things as i dont know the players selected from bishops and how they play.

    31 May, 2014 at 12:04
  16. avatar
    #90 Deon Pitzer

    @jj: I think that your reference to “without a doubt” applies to your own point of view, so perhaps you should state : ” without a doubt in MY mind” When PRG had no representatives in the 2013 GK side, not only PRG supporters were perplexed that the side that for two years dominated their age groups , that is under 16 and under 15, having gone through these years unbeaten in the entire SA, and if I remember correctly , having lost only one game during their under 14 year, could not produce a single player capable if representing the province. They were replaced by players they either dominated or completely overran, for three years. Still, I never thought the selectors were biased. I think they had sound reasons for their selections. I am not sure how many if these 2013 under 16’s were now selected for under 18? You clearly know, but not one of those boys do not deserve their spot, or were selected by selectors biased towards PRG, as you state. If any players were unlucky not yo have been selected, it must be Nico Leonard from PRG , Timm and Smith from Wynberg, and at least three PG boys who were replaced by Bishops boys. So, if there were any biased selections, I would say Bishops were favoured, according to my perception of players. But I know I am wrong. I am sure the selectors know more than me, and they select to win. They are also due for some assessment, primarily based on the performance of their selections.

    31 May, 2014 at 11:03
  17. avatar
    #89 Deon Pitzer

    @Balikibaba: Morning Balikibaba, long time no see! I have been wondering quite some time now what your views on the Bishops/PG were. As you know I hoped for a Bishops win, I made no secret about this. I did not see the game; I had to follow the live scoring on http://www.webrugby.co.za. When various Bishops supporters mentioned that the scoreline was no true reflection of the actual event, I studied the match statistics, also (still) available on webrugby. According to these statistics, and as explained on webrugby, they are not thumbsuck figures by any means, one would expect PG to have beaten Bishops by an even bigger margin. I agree that one can never deduct everything from statistics, but they do tell a tale of a one sided game. If I remember correctly, PG slightly edged Bishops in possession, and completely overran them in the context of territory. For one, 37% of the game was played in the Bishops 25, while only 4% of the action took place within the PG 25? How do you reconcile these stats with the perception that one should not make too many assumptions based on the scoreline and that the scoreline was not a true reflection of the game?

    31 May, 2014 at 10:47
  18. avatar
    #88 jj

    All in all a very decent team. However if school boy rugby is going to be going professional the way it is then surely the coach of the Crave Week team should not coach any school team? Obviously a coach from Paul Roos would select more players from his side as firstly he knows them as a played and personally. It leaves no chances to other rugby players unless you have contact in the wp franchise. Saw a comment stating why is Z.De Koker not in the craven week team and thats because the reserve scrumhalf for craven week is already on contract with province. There will always be biased decisions and we all can live with that but when a team is so biased it begs the question is it wrong that the majority of players are moving away from wp franchise to other franchises or overseas.
    Its funny how the tables turns last year when the u16 province team was chosen it was coached by a Paarl Gim coach and the majority of the team was from Paarl Gim, all the Paul Roos parents, coaches and spectators were up in arms with this decision. However now in the following year the u18 craven week team coached by the Paul Roos coach one can see without a doubt Paul Roos players were favoured.

    31 May, 2014 at 09:30
  19. avatar
    #87 Balikibaba

    I don’t think one can read too much into the Bishops vs Gym result. One must not forget Bishops also had 4 tries disallowed that game. Not saying unjustly but just saying the score does not reflect the game. Those Bishops boys who have been chosen are all game breakers.

    31 May, 2014 at 09:05
  20. avatar
    #86 vatikaki

    Hmm thought Klaas du Toit would be a sure thing for the starting line-up.

    Suppose it doesn’t really matter as long as you make the 22.

    31 May, 2014 at 08:27
  21. avatar
    #85 dan PRG

    Nope, dit was Joel huegh, edwill was not the kicker, Cupido more than able, even from 50 meters out

    30 May, 2014 at 21:17
  22. avatar
    #84 Deon Pitzer

    @bart nel: Hi Bart. Hy het uitgeval.

    30 May, 2014 at 21:06
  23. avatar
    #83 PRondersteuner

    @BuffelsCM: Sorry you are correct. Just heard it’s that weekend.

    30 May, 2014 at 20:38
  24. avatar
    #82 bart nel

    Nuut op die forum… Waar het Wynberg se 8 geeindig? Daai perd kan speel. By saints festival gespeel. Huge talent!

    30 May, 2014 at 19:14
  25. avatar
    #81 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Hope his kicking has improved, Maroon and PRP will tell you all about his kicking on the Farm last year.

    30 May, 2014 at 19:00
  26. avatar
    #80 BoishaaiPa

    Edwill vd Merwe did the kicking duties last year for Paul Roos and is more than capable. I think he might be the starting kicker at CW as the coach knows his abiities.

    30 May, 2014 at 18:51
  27. avatar
    #79 BuffelsCM

    @PRondersteuner: According to the WP Premier League Fixtures it is the 14th June – I have just had a look at the list

    30 May, 2014 at 18:50
  28. avatar
    #78 Deon Pitzer

    @Ploegskaar: Any way you read it will fit!

    30 May, 2014 at 18:44
  29. avatar
    #77 PRondersteuner

    @BuffelsCM: That’s too early. The boys will still be busy with exams. The capping is the 17th. Last year it was the 1st weekend of the holidays.

    30 May, 2014 at 16:33
  30. avatar
    #76 BuffelsCM

    @PRondersteuner: I guess it is Saturday the 14th June – it is usually around the 16th of June every year.

    30 May, 2014 at 16:18
  31. avatar
    #75 PRondersteuner

    Does anyone know when and where the unions day is? WP, Boland, SWD and EP.

    30 May, 2014 at 16:02
  32. avatar
    #74 Ploegskaar

    @Deon Pitzer: Maybe, just to clarify, a hyphen either between baby and blue, blue and coloured, baby, blue and coloroud, coloured and team or between all. Every time I read it, I understand your post differently :oops:

    30 May, 2014 at 15:40
  33. avatar
    #73 Deon Pitzer

    @slinger: No problem! We agree once again. There are more than one selector providing inputs. They will choose the best team since they are also , at some stage, due to be considered for re-election. Results count for everything. Only Heynecke Meyer select teams first according to firstly province, and then ability, and then only form. If you do not play Currie Cup or Super rugby for the Snorstad baby blue coloured team, you have about 50% less odds of being selected for the Boks.

    30 May, 2014 at 15:33
  34. avatar
    #72 Ploegskaar

    And to think Wayno Visagie and Andri Cooper, 2 sure CW selections in my book, could not even be considered. Pity about Human as well, looked a prospect before he was injured.

    30 May, 2014 at 15:05
  35. avatar
    #71 slinger

    @Deon Pitzer: OK, apology I understand your post a bit better now, Friday afternoon…

    I think every person will have a difference of opinion re certain players and team selections, all for that, as long as we refrain from breaking down individuals. I like the forward pack, great backs and sure maybe I would pick one or 2 different players but overall the CW team a very strong competitive group. Happy with team and good luck to all the boys!

    30 May, 2014 at 14:39
  36. avatar
    #70 Deon Pitzer

    @slinger: If you reread my post you will realise that we agree, and that I support the selectors and the boys big time. I merely, in part, replied to a question you posted to Capeman to state that the Wynbetg boys I mention would not have been surprising selections

    30 May, 2014 at 14:19
  37. avatar
    #69 slinger

    @Deon Pitzer: Is winning not what they want to do at the CW? I know the names well you mentioned and nothing against them but I would also select a 1.90m 96kg and 1.88m 89kg centre pairing with massive distribution skills for my CW team. Most selectors see the boys play all the time and I’m 100% convinced they picked a side wth balance who can go out and make WP proud. Let’s support the boys, they were chosen by 7 selectors including guys like Hanyani Shimangi and Nazeem? from the SA U20 squad, these guys know the game. Nico Leonard I already mentioned very unlucky.

    30 May, 2014 at 14:04
  38. avatar
    #68 Deon Pitzer

    @slinger: Timm and Smith. Perhaps even Frylink, although he was not in the “vs Boland” group. I do not believe the selectors are biased, but I am surprised. Perhaps more surprised by the exclusion of Nico Leonard. Would have all four above in my team any time, but the selectors see so many more games etc. They will select with the purpose of winning.

    30 May, 2014 at 13:24
  39. avatar
    #67 slinger

    @RBugger: Agree with RBugger, please tell us CapeMan. Would be interesting to see what you base your selection on?

    30 May, 2014 at 13:02
  40. avatar
    #66 BuffelsCM

    @Ploegskaar: I know :wink:

    @michaelhouse: I can understand that not everybody will be pleased with the teams but I don’t understand the statement about Edrich Venter.

    I would like to know who the influential parents are that you are referring to or at least how they will be able to convince the selectors.

    I obviously know to which prop you are referring to.

    There are quite a few players who IMO (barring injuries) that “are almost for sure choices for next year” e.g R de Villiers, Z Davids, W. Groenewald, J. Williams, R Muller, J Visser, T. Schoor, D van Tonder. I don’t know the ages of all the players though.

    30 May, 2014 at 12:56
  41. avatar
    #65 RBugger

    @Capeman: The question is, which Wynberg Boy would you put in the CW side? I am not talking the Academy Side, but the actual CW side.

    Who would be replaced by such selection – to me, I honestly do not feel one Berg player would do a better job than those chosen

    30 May, 2014 at 12:48
  42. avatar
    #64 slinger

    @michaelhouse: they do look at stats, before they announce teams all stats of trails are presented. All provinces have the same challenges with players of colour, not just WP. Korf agree should be in side, but it has more than often at CW that so called reserves play more games than starting 15. That said I do rate JP at prop also. Leonard very unlucky. Centre pairing exciting in my opinion, Venter and Heunis best 12 and 13 in province and will keep any backline busy. Jantjies, Jez, 11, 14 and 15 game breakers, balance and combinations spot on for defence and attack. Only the kicker as already mentioned…

    30 May, 2014 at 12:44
  43. avatar
    #63 CapeMan

    Not a single Wynberg player!!! 8-O ..Again this highlights the major flaws of WP craven week rugby elections or rather the selection process.

    30 May, 2014 at 12:44
  44. avatar
    #62 Ploegskaar

    @BuffelsCM: I know, I was just grinding my axe!

    30 May, 2014 at 12:42
  45. avatar
    #61 Ploegskaar

    @michaelhouse: You raise a few very valid points with regards to short term selections to satisfy parents or bolster CV’s (school politics in short). I am not impressed by the Academy Team to be honest and the opportunity to give better and younger players in certain positions the opportunity to gain valuable experience has gone begging.

    Soon WP will realize that they will have to play after school with what they have selected in their representative school teams. Why should the overlooked guys hang around and wait for next year or better days? Watch this space :twisted:

    30 May, 2014 at 12:40
  46. avatar
    #60 BuffelsCM

    @Ploegskaar: I was merely stating that the coach will most certainly not be convinced to change to a Bishops’ style of play due to the presence of 6 Bishops’ players

    30 May, 2014 at 12:39
  47. avatar
    #59 Ploegskaar

    @BuffelsCM: Let’s not give him any credit yet, he does not even have the common courtesy or manners to answer an e-mail. But, that’s just my opinion.

    30 May, 2014 at 12:31
  48. avatar
    #58 slinger

    @bhkgpa: Sure but they are at least 2 recognised kickers. The selectors picked on performance, Swanepoel the 50m kicker but his form was not there at the trials, I still rate him highly and very talented but selectors do pick inform players. Cant pick somebody only for the 50m kicks. Still believe the team selection good an they need to go and perform.

    30 May, 2014 at 12:05
  49. avatar
    #57 BuffelsCM

    @bhkgpa: I think we should give the Western Province coach some credit: he obviously realizes that running around does not mean winning.
    If the players play for Province they will have to stick to the Province’s game plan and I’m sure they will do so. That is my opinion.

    30 May, 2014 at 11:01
  50. avatar
    #56 bhkgpa

    @slinger: Jantjies nor Cupido will win the game for province if they get a penalty in the last minute and must kick from 50 metres out.

    30 May, 2014 at 10:54
  51. avatar
    #55 bhkgpa

    @Rooibaard: this can become a problem for the CW on the week as well. Running around does not mean winning!

    30 May, 2014 at 10:52
  52. avatar
    #54 slinger

    @BuffelsCM: Yes, Zain a humble boy. The same selector who pushed Zain converted JP against his will to prop. Good to have some guys involved in the jnr squads with no gain to do things, just for the love of the game.

    30 May, 2014 at 10:35
  53. avatar
    #53 slinger

    @Rooibaard: Spot on. The players selected performed at the trials where it mattered. Selectors picked the inform players, now they must perform as a unit. Good balance in side with playmakers, solid midfield and exciting game breakers. Tight 5 with bench very powerfull, all and all good combinations. Only concern is the kicker but they will have to play either Cupido or Williams. With Jantjies in great form at 9 it will be interesting to see the team selection at the CW per game.

    30 May, 2014 at 10:31
  54. avatar
    #52 BuffelsCM

    @RBugger: I agree with your observations 100%.
    @slinger: The “rise” of Zain Davids is a real good news story……from humble beginnings to Rondebosch Boys’ High. I know the person that has seen and realized Zain’s huge talent(s). BTW he is not a Rondebosch parent but is from the other side of the Province. He did it purely for the love of the game and to see a talented schoolboy rugby player being developed into a good one !!
    I haven’t seen a lot of JP Smith but what I have seen of him, has impressed me quite a bit. During the last trials he rattled a few rib cages with some big hits !!

    30 May, 2014 at 10:27
  55. avatar
    #51 Rooibaard

    One cannot always equate the number of CW payers with their relevant team strengths. Bishops got hammered by PG last week and the 6-2 CW would seem to be a mistake. All the Bishops players are worthy CW choices irrespective of what happened in Paarl. The problem in Paarl was Bishops’ style of play that shot the team in the foot. Individual Bishops players were classy. Before we start another war – I’m a PG supporter.

    30 May, 2014 at 10:16
  56. avatar
    #50 Gold

    @Toffee: I think it’s a wonderful idea and will prevent some serious talent in the Cape from being discouraged.

    On a side note… Bishops who have 6 players in the CW side lost badly to PG who have only two. If you include the Academy team then Bishops have 8 WP representatives to Wynberg’s 0. I think there could be some egg on the selector’s faces if Bishops go down at home this weekend.

    30 May, 2014 at 09:52
  57. avatar
    #49 slinger

    Interesting that both Davids and JP Smith was talents identified by WP u15 elite squad selectors and the bigger schools took them in. The conversion of JP from a loose forward to prop paid off. Nice to see that they used it and developed into young stars, again the squad system worked with 19 of the u/15 elite squad in GK team. Congrats to them and all the boys selected. The teams I think is a fair reflection of inform players.

    30 May, 2014 at 09:48
  58. avatar
    #48 bhkgpa

    @PRondersteuner: @PRondersteuner: he is on the bench. a first choice kicker should always be on the field unless the rules in rugby changed to american football.

    30 May, 2014 at 09:38
  59. avatar
    #47 bhkgpa

    @capetownman: yes if you take that as a indication then you just as well must say that being a 20/20 champion makes you the best 50 over and test team as well. surely you dont think that the Newland games counts for more than just warm-up?

    30 May, 2014 at 09:30
  60. avatar
    #46 Toffee

    I must say that if I were the Wynberg coach I know exactly how I would motivate my team tomorrow against Bishops!

    30 May, 2014 at 09:09
  61. avatar
    #45 Toffee

    @no1: Davids is fantastic but I see he has been selected as a flank and I have only seen him at 8th man.

    Firstly congrats to those selected. You all deserve to have been selected. I am disappointed that no Wynberg boys were selected for any of the three teams.

    I don’t look at the selections as biased as I don’t think they are and to say that would be unfair on those selected. It brings me back to my bugbear that the W/Cape, with all its talent needs another Craven Week Team. Why cant we have a country districts team with Boland Landbou and the Paarl teams falling into that team and a WP Peninsula team including Paul Roos. That would distribute the talent nicely. I am just scared we are losing some real talent in the process.

    Some examples are Josh Katzen who never got selected for WP schools but last year he was captain of that great WP under 21 team. Another example is Dylan Frylink on the Stormers bench. Both of these players managed to come through the Varsity Cup system – there are plenty of other examples that come to mind – its just the ones who slip through the system that worries me.

    30 May, 2014 at 09:08
  62. avatar
    #44 RBugger

    Looks a strong side. I am not that surprised that no Wynberg boys made it – as a collective team, they are very strong, they play for each other and with a lot of guts.

    But man for man, they are not that individually talented. I was looking at the 8 and 15 as the two standout players for this season. The 8, while big and powerful, does not get himself involved and seems to be attached to the outside centre all game.

    The 15 looked promising in the beginning of the season, but has gone a bit quiet – his goal kicking has been off and I think this might be having an effect on his confidence.

    WP looks to be strong again for 2014!

    30 May, 2014 at 09:06
  63. avatar
    #43 phat55

    @PaulRoosPa: should be a ripper!

    30 May, 2014 at 09:05
  64. avatar
    #42 PaulRoosPa

    @BoishaaiPa: Wynberg vs Bishops this weekend will be interesting. The Newlands games are the 20/20 matches of SBR no value in rating test sides.

    30 May, 2014 at 08:19
  65. avatar
    #41 BoishaaiPa

    @capetownman: Serious?..You want to compare a friendly 20 min-a-side warm-up game where no kicks is taken to the poles to a Cravenweek encounter?…and to a game to be played later this season at Brugstraat?..You are in for a rude awakening!

    30 May, 2014 at 08:02
  66. avatar
    #40 BuffelsCM

    @Deon Pitzer: Grade 11. He isn’t very tall but is a big unit with a big heart and lots of guts !!

    30 May, 2014 at 07:24
  67. avatar
    #39 Deon Pitzer

    @beet: @number1: He really is a class player. What grade is he in?

    30 May, 2014 at 07:01
  68. avatar
    #38 beet

    @number1: How big is he. Weight, height?

    29 May, 2014 at 23:57
  69. avatar
    #37 number1

    Watch out for MZ. Davids he is a absolute quality player!!

    29 May, 2014 at 23:07
  70. avatar
    #36 capetownman

    @bhkgpa: Not sure what you mean? Bishops seemed to do fine against Bois Haai at Newlands with this tactic

    29 May, 2014 at 23:03
  71. avatar
    #35 phat55

    @BuffelsCM: interesting stat that & good to hear that they getting it right,because as we know a few of the u15 WP Elite squad boys of 2012 were left out in the cold when the GK team of 2013 was picked & im not just talking of PRG boys.I agree with your last comment 100%

    29 May, 2014 at 22:02
  72. avatar
    #34 BuffelsCM

    @phat55: No problem! Thanks anyway

    BTW, of the 22 GK players selected, only 3 were not in the original WP Elite Squad that was selected in September 2013 while these boys were still U/15. The starting XV were all part of the Elite Squad.

    I know the selectors take a lot of flack over time but it seems there initial selections were fairly accurate. There is however is still an opportunity to force yourself into the side with consistent performances……for your school and during the trials.

    29 May, 2014 at 21:10
  73. avatar
    #33 phat55

    @ deon pitzer – Nico is still grade 11 yes.If he can maintain his current form,he should be a definite for craven week 2015 in my opinion.his a great kid with loadsa talent!
    @ BuffelsCM – unfortunately this year I got to watch very little of our u16 team.I’ve heard of this centre but not too sure if he is currently injured.

    29 May, 2014 at 20:56
  74. avatar
    #32 BuffelsCM

    @phat55: I’m not sure if you know the U/16 players but I am surprised that the outside centre of PR, Hendricks did not make the GK team. He was in the A team that played against Boland and played quite well too. I don’t know if he is perhaps injured.
    The inside centre of Boishaai is an excellent centre IMO.

    The only player that I’m missing in the GK side apart from Hendricks, is the right wing of Boishaai, Urgen Johannes. Perhaps he is injured too ?

    29 May, 2014 at 20:27
  75. avatar
    #31 Deon Pitzer

    @phat55: Is Nico still in grade 11? I am sure the selectors know what they do, Nico plays impressive rugby though and I expected to see his name on the final list.

    29 May, 2014 at 20:24
  76. avatar
    #30 PRondersteuner

    Congratulations to all the boys!!! Also very surprised that no Wynberg boys made it in any of the teams. Nico Leonard must be very unlucky!!!

    29 May, 2014 at 20:17
  77. avatar
    #29 PRondersteuner

    @bhkgpa: Cupido is a very reliable goal kicker.

    29 May, 2014 at 20:15
  78. avatar
    #28 phat55

    Well done to all who made the respective teams/squads,especially the 12 PRG boykies!! Really surprised not to see Nico Leonard amongst the backs in the academy team.

    29 May, 2014 at 19:33
  79. avatar
    #27 bhkgpa

    @The Beast: they missed the final trials due to flight delays in Jhb

    29 May, 2014 at 19:18
  80. avatar
    #26 bhkgpa

    There is no reliable goal kicker in this team! Are they going to play Bishops style rugby, meaning using the width and score lots of tries against weaker opposition and lose against a strong defensive team with guts? Just asking!

    29 May, 2014 at 19:15
  81. avatar
    #25 bhkgpa

    @beet: hopefully they will make better on the field decisions than what Bishops did on saturday vs Gim

    29 May, 2014 at 19:12
  82. avatar
    #24 The Beast

    How come Glenwood did not get any boys in this side?

    29 May, 2014 at 19:12
  83. avatar
    #23 The Beast

    What is Kasselsvlei??? A swamp or something?

    29 May, 2014 at 19:10
  84. avatar
    #22 Soutie 1

    @Mike: The whole is greater than the sum of it’s parts

    29 May, 2014 at 19:08
  85. avatar
    #21 bhkgpa

    @The Beast: agree it is difficult working out the moves in afrikaans and english 8)

    29 May, 2014 at 19:08
  86. avatar
    #20 bhkgpa

    @Ploegskaar: :)

    29 May, 2014 at 19:07
  87. avatar
    #19 The Beast

    Not enough boys from Bishops in this team, this side needs more of an English flavour!!!!

    29 May, 2014 at 19:04
  88. avatar
    #18 Ploegskaar

    @bhkgpa: Kannie hy wees nie, hy het gesê sterk voorry

    29 May, 2014 at 18:56
  89. avatar
    #17 Ploegskaar

    Wonder wie is die skopper? Een van Williams of Cupido sal in die opdrafspan moet wees. Baie bly oor JP Smith, sterk vaste 5 en lostrio, agterlyn lyk giftig. ‘n Vormspan, geen klagtes.

    AKaKademie span.

    Goeie GK span.

    29 May, 2014 at 18:31
  90. avatar
    #16 bhkgpa

    @Dagghaboy: ja Wikus Groenewald is deel van die reserwes vir CW span

    29 May, 2014 at 18:01
  91. avatar
    #15 Mike

    Mind boggling that not one Wynberg player made the side.

    29 May, 2014 at 17:53
  92. avatar
    #14 Grasshopper

    Wow not one Wynberg player, amazing! Looks a good team though….

    29 May, 2014 at 17:51
  93. avatar
    #13 Dagghaboy

    @bhkgpa: Is daai sterk voorry van julle wat teen grey van die bench gespeel het in die span? Ek het ongelukkig nie sy naam nie.

    29 May, 2014 at 17:50
  94. avatar
    #12 Woltrui

    @BuffelsCM: Thanks Buffel. You guys have got a very strong team.

    29 May, 2014 at 17:32
  95. avatar
    #11 bhkgpa

    @BuffelsCM: the accident is not a reason for his exclusion from CW team. why did they then pick him in the academy team. These things happen these days due to various reasons and we need to ‘live” with it. Luckily this is only school teams, hopefully Tiaan and Zandre will in future be part of many more provincial teams.

    29 May, 2014 at 17:27
  96. avatar
    #10 BuffelsCM

    @Woltrui: Du Toit is in the Craven side – no 19. Let’s hope from a Western Province perspective that Jaco Willemse recovers in time from his injury

    29 May, 2014 at 17:26
  97. avatar
    #9 Woltrui

    A mother of a big tight 5. No Luus at eight from Perel Gim? Pity about the injury to the hard as iron eightman Du Toit from Boys High. The Bulls will have to dig deep to put the strepies away this year. Hopefully the Pumas can surprise WP on their home ground in Middelburg :twisted:

    29 May, 2014 at 17:24
  98. avatar
    #8 BuffelsCM

    @Maroon: It’s a real pity about De Koker’s accident.
    I really rate the Bishops’ fullback Pieterse.

    Congratulations to all the boys selected !!

    29 May, 2014 at 17:12
  99. avatar
    #7 Deon Pitzer

    Surprised not to see any Wynberg boys? Well done PRG.

    29 May, 2014 at 17:11
  100. avatar
    #6 bhkgpa

    @Maroon: i know that but stil he was selected for the academy side. Between him and Jantjies they are the best nr 9s in wc

    29 May, 2014 at 17:10
  101. avatar
    #5 BuffelsCM

    It is interesting that 2 props have been picked on the bench for each of the teams.

    29 May, 2014 at 17:07
  102. avatar
    #4 PaulRoosPa

    Not 1 from Wynberg? Shocking! Well done to the boys that made the sides!

    29 May, 2014 at 17:07
  103. avatar
    #3 Maroon

    @bhkgpa: not sure about Swanepoel, but De Koker broke his leg in an accident at school. Out for the remainder of the season.

    29 May, 2014 at 17:06
  104. avatar
    #2 bhkgpa

    a very good team on paper, but how is it possible that Zandre de Koker and Tiaan Swanepoel did not make the CW team? these 2 guys are match winners and have BMT.

    29 May, 2014 at 17:00
  105. avatar
    #1 beet

    6 Bishops boys! Let the Southern Suburbs celebrations begin :)

    29 May, 2014 at 16:58

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