Not All Doom and Gloom for Boishaai after record Interskole defeat

Despite being on the receiving end of one of the heaviest defeats in Paarl Interskole history, there is much for Boishaai fans to be optimistic about.

1 2008 35 8 27
2 2024 30 8 22
3 1920 20 0 20
4 2003 6 25 19
5 2002 15 0 15
6 1995 3 17 14
7 1973 6 19 13
8 1981 12 0 12
8 2005 22 10 12
8 2009 12 24 12

After the 30-8 loss at the Faure Street ground, which looked to be in great underfoot shape, one can imagine that the coming days will be difficult for many in the Paarl Boys’ High community.

The coach and his staff are under pressure all season long, but this season the pressure has compounded and will reach a maximum between Saturday’s final whistle and the days to follow. It won’t be a pleasant experience.

The outgoing headmaster could not have had it much worse. It will require quite a bit of PR spin work for his farewell now. Reminding the community of his overall positive contribution runs the risk of being overshadowed by the rugby season and the 30-8 defeat, especially among the die-hard rugby lovers, particularly the passionate old boys.

The rugby committee tasked with guiding HJS must also do some introspection. It’s certain that questions about what did not go according to plan with Grade-8 recruitment for 2020 have already been discussed and answered. This impacted the young team that the Galpille fielded in 2024. However, one eye always has to be on the future, and this is where the toughest decisions may have to be made. Boishaai’s scrumming is outstanding, and the name Richard Visagie, former coach, deputy headmaster and scrum doctor, is still mentioned with great respect as he had a big hand in this setpiece development at Brugstraat. Now it’s evident that a lineout doctor who can live up to Visagie’s legacy is needed. Perhaps another discussion should surround whether or not it’s time to separate the Head Coach and Director of Rugby positions to allow for greater focus.

The massive positive is that although record-keeping is not easy to verify, this could quite easily have been the best modern-era season by a 1st XV containing so many under-17 players. Boishaai fielded nine starting youngsters and were still able to finish fifth overall nationally.

To put that into some recent perspective, in 2023 Affies had a season to forget by their high standards. They ranked 12th overall and endured a few heavy defeats. Of their regular first choice players, eight were under-17 and earned numerous caps, while four others got a handful of caps between them. They returned in 2024 and had a tremendous season. In fact, just a few crucial moments in their three biggest games of 2024 were all that separated them from being ranked number one this year. The step-up that this Boishaai team should be able to produce in 2025 is expected to be phenomenal.

This should ignite the enthusiasm of supporters, who are the heartbeat of the school’s rugby support!



  1. avatar
    #8 Vleis

    @tzavosky (Comment #6)
    :lol: :lol: …or as the late, great coach of Liverpool (Bill Shankly) once said: “Some people believe football is a matter of life and death. I am very disappointed with that attitude. I can assure you it is much, much more important than that.”

    5 August, 2024 at 12:22
  2. avatar
    #7 Deon

    @tzavosky (Comment #6)
    🤣🤣🤣 Pragtig. Nou voel ek sommer skaam oor die Afrikaans wat ons vir ons uitruilstudente geleer het.

    5 August, 2024 at 08:02
  3. avatar
    #6 tzavosky

    @Deon (Comment #5)
    Nee, man, ou Deon, dis nie maar “net ‘n game” nie!
    ‘n Paar jaar terug luister ek op die draadloos hoe hulle ‘n onderhoud voer met ‘n Amerikaanse seun wat vir ‘n jaar ‘n uitruilstudent by Hoërskool Punt op Mosselbaai was. In daai tyd het hy leer Afrikaans praat en rugby speel. Hy sê voor die 1ste wedstryd sê die afrigter in die kleedkamer, “Onthou, jy speel nie vir jouself nie, jy speel nie vir my nie, jy speel nie vir jou skool nie, JY SPEEL VIR VOLK EN VADERLAND!”

    So, dis ‘n baie belangriker saak as net ‘n game!

    4 August, 2024 at 22:31
  4. avatar
    #5 Deon

    When you end 5th in SA after a “crisis” annus horribilis season, you know you are top class, and there is no crisis. I am sure those boys realise this. It is just a game.

    4 August, 2024 at 17:08
  5. avatar
    #4 OomPB

    @Smallies (Comment #3)
    Nie die Skoolhoof nie , hy tree in elk geval uit. Head of rugby of afrigters.

    4 August, 2024 at 16:39
  6. avatar
    #3 Smallies

    @OomPB (Comment #2)
    En hoe is dit die skoolhoof se skuld ,was hy nie skoolhoof tydens die goue jare 2014 -2017 ook nie ,het hy nie n groter net positiewe uitwerking op die skool as geheel gehad nie? Ek glo dat hy die skool in n baie beter plek los as wat hy die skool gekry het….

    4 August, 2024 at 16:34
  7. avatar
    #2 OomPB

    @Smallies (Comment #1)
    It wasn’t just one loss, there were plenty. In the past the Boishaaier like to bring up the overall results. Daar sal iets drastic moet gebeur of gaan dit weer na vyf in n ry gaan soos n paar jaar terug.

    4 August, 2024 at 16:15
  8. avatar
    #1 Smallies

    I don’t think one loss will ever define a headmaster or the legacy he leaves behind….especially in this case

    4 August, 2024 at 15:34

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