Biggest assignments for Boishaai’s fantastic Joubert twins against Grey College

Boishaai travels to Grey College for one of the biggest matches of any given season. A battle within the battle is set to take place at #5 and #13 where amongst the hottest under-17 prospects in the country match up. Here the super highly rated Joubert twins Jayden and Tristan of Paarl Boys’ take on Grey College’s AJ Meyer and Ethan Adams.

Apart from the Blue Train supporters, any neutral out there simply has to love what they see in Boishaai lock Jayden Joubert. He’s tall, mobile, he’s got positive aggro, ball skills and did I mention he is mobile. Man he gets around the park. Fabulous player to watch. Every game it feels like his becomes more dominant. At this rate, he has on track to be having a great career after school.

Jayden’s opponent AJ Meyer is flying off the charts. On a national list of locks that contains a fairly high degree of pedigree this season, AJ might just be the number one, that’s how good he is at his job. He’s a lineout exponent, he’s workrate hungry and he’s not afraid of putting in a shift for all 70min of an SBR game. Grey are firing on all cylinders now. Yes they have the best 9, 12, 13 in the land and getting good returns out of the rest of their backs, but it’s those eight boys up front who have upped their game so much to set up the clean lines for the backs, that add to the debate that on current form, they are possibly the best in SA right now. No one can discount the efforts of Grey’s 2 and 4 who stood out last season and have been right up there amongst the top u18s of 2024 from the start of the season but the likes of AJ and others in the pack are now also producing the goods big time.

In midfield, Tristan Joubert is a tall boy. His power factor is very noticeable. In spite of his age he can manhandle older opponents. He has an explosiveness to his game so as a ball-runner he poses a big threat. He’s someone who can launch forward and force open a hole where it did not look like one existed. He’s a work-in-progress ball player as a 13. Still a way to go but as a prospect who will return in 2025, he’s a frightening one.

Tristan’s opponent is a freak of nature. We saw something like Ethan Adams in the form of Paul Roos’ Jurenzo Julius a couple of seasons back. Powerfully built 100+ kg frame, extremely difficult to stop. A first time tackler’s nightmare. A one-on-one automatic winner. However Julius was an u18 when he did all his tackle busting game changing damage. Adams is still u17 and doing pretty much the same thing. It’s scary!

In a Premier Interschools match between two powerhouses, expected to go Grey’s way this year, these u17 match-ups should make for captivating viewing.

Of course for Grey, Boishaai will run on with no fewer than nine players in the starting XV who will be available again next year. Insane prospect for 2025!

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  1. avatar
    #48 BoishaaiPa

    Wedstryde gespeel 29
    Grey wen 15.
    BH wen 14.
    Die main games behalwe Seccies alles deur Grey gewen. BH darem diepte gewys in laer spanne.

    14 May, 2024 at 09:52
  2. avatar
    #47 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #44)
    Hey ref! I know you are blind, because I saw how your wife looks like! Hey ref! If you had one more eye you would have been a cyclops!

    12 May, 2024 at 15:39
  3. avatar
    #46 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #41)
    If Kempton as a town got together, you would have a helluva team…same with Alberton…but unfortunately not Germiston.
    But as far as towns go, the centre of SA rugby strength can only be Paarl…the pearl of the Boland.

    12 May, 2024 at 14:03
  4. avatar
    #45 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #44)
    Hey rev sit op jou donnerse brille …..🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

    12 May, 2024 at 13:47
  5. avatar
    #44 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #43)
    Yeah, I whistled for a number of Years, a great way to stay in the game we love…but even on a good, unremarkable day, some guys on the sidelines are complaining, questioning your integrity, eyesight, legitimacy of your birth…etc etc.

    12 May, 2024 at 13:26
  6. avatar
    #43 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #42)
    Jy weet skeidregter wees is ook maar n baie ondankbare storie,almal en hulle kleinboeties gee hulle grief oor ALLES ,en sonder hulle is daar eenvoudig nie n game nie…

    12 May, 2024 at 10:57
  7. avatar
    #42 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #34)
    Ja, ek het so iets geskat. Dit is nogal ‘n penarie. Natuurlik wil mens die beste skeidsregters oral hê om die wedstryde so goed as moontlik te maak, maar vir my is dit ‘n meer fundamentele kwessie van veiligheid. Ek onthou by een interskole in die Oos-Kaap het ‘n ouer, wat toevallig ‘n hoogsaanveskrewe skeidsregter in die Boland was, ‘n skeidsregter van die veld af gehaal in ‘n laerspan-wedstryd omdat hy gevoel het dat dié skeidsregter se interpretasie van die skrumreëls – en wat hy toegelaat het – die spelers in gevaar gestel het. Op laerskool is die kontak nog nie so groot nie en – terwyl ‘n swak ref definitief die wedstryd kan bederf – hou dit nie dieselfde gevaar in as op o19-vlak nie. Selfs by die laerspanne (partykeer VERAL by die laerspanne) is die kontak op o19-vlak groot, en moet die spelers se welstand eerste prioriteit wees. Dit gesê, het ek simpatie vir die Vrystaat se posisie, en nie noodwendig ‘n oplossing nie.

    12 May, 2024 at 10:05
  8. avatar
    #41 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #36)
    :lol: :lol: :lol: Oos Rand Lites, soos ek, briljante term.

    12 May, 2024 at 09:34
  9. avatar
    #40 Smallies

    @Djou (Comment #39)
    Virseker sal hulle moet ,Grey is die jaar vir my so n bietjie van n warm en koue span….ek dink ook Boishaai het n punt gehad om te maak ,ek sal baie lig loop vir hulle as ek Gim is hier na Augustus se kant toe ,en as Grey nie op al sy silinders vuur teen Affies nie kan dit n laaaaaaaaaaang dag raak vir hulle.
    Ps Ek het heelweek gedink Boishaai gaan kom met n aanslag…

    12 May, 2024 at 09:21
  10. avatar
    #39 Djou

    @Smallies (Comment #38)
    Ek wil in my hart glo soos jy. Tog, geoordeel aan die hele wedstryd was Boishaai die beter span. Grey was gelukkig (dankbaar) – dalk hul teenstaanders effe onderskat – en was nie dieselfde span as by WK nie.
    Boishaai het Adams goed geneutraliseer en soos jy sê by die afbreekpunte oorheers.
    Soos ek sê, Grey sal teen Affies hul spelpeil moet lig.

    12 May, 2024 at 09:16
  11. avatar
    #38 Smallies

    @Djou (Comment #37)
    Grey sou gewen het ten spyte va daai drie ,moet se Boishaai se eerste een was ook touch and go.
    Boishaai se lostrio was Grey se baas op die grond en het sekerlik 10 strafskoppe gewen vir hulle ,met die basis wat Boishaai het vir volgende jaar gaan boishaai n riller wees in 2025

    12 May, 2024 at 08:41
  12. avatar
    #37 Djou

    Grey won the match, but Boishaai was the best team on the field.
    The debatable try by the Grey wing was definitely no try – was awarded by the assistant ref. But gosh, watching it again and again, it should not have been awarded.
    Hard to swallow winning like this, but grateful.
    Always tough to lose in this way – well played Boishaai.
    Hope Grey up their game against Affies.

    12 May, 2024 at 08:37
  13. avatar
    #36 Smallies

    Daai Joubert laaitys kom oorspronklik van Kempton af geen wonder hulle is so aggro nie ,Oosrand bloed….nou wel Oosrand lights maar darrem nog Oosrand

    12 May, 2024 at 08:37
  14. avatar
    #35 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #33)
    Easy peasy lemon squeezy…..NOT…. Affies gaan n helse toets wees.

    12 May, 2024 at 06:55
  15. avatar
    #34 Smallies

    @Snelvuur (Comment #32)
    Ok so ek gaan my eerlike mening gee,sover ek weet verskaf Vrystaat rugby die skeidsregters,dis nou hier waar die geneuk in kom,Vrystaat is n baie klein unie wat basies ma net uit Bloemfontein en n paar klein dorpies bestaan ,op n dag soos gister moes hulle skeidsregters aan drie groot interskole dae plus n hele paar kleiner dae verskaf ,dan word laerskooldae nog nie eens by getel mie,ek dink die poel skeidsregters is eenvoudig te klein ….dis maar hoe ek dit sien.Ek weet skole so ver soos Aliwal Noord maak van Vrystaat skeidsregters gebruik.

    12 May, 2024 at 06:54
  16. avatar
    #33 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #27)
    Volgende week gaan redelik die seisoen vir Grey definieer. ‘n Wen sal die Jeppe verloor as bloot ‘n moerse glips beskryf, MAAR ‘n verloor teen Affies sal skielik vir hierdie Grey span ‘n swak seisoen word met 2 verlore en obviously sal ‘n wen vir Affies hulle seisoen maak…wie se seisoen is immers nie gemaak as hulle Grey stamp nie!

    11 May, 2024 at 23:19
  17. avatar
    #32 Snelvuur

    Ek was vandag daar in Bloem vir die game. Sonder enige verwysing na die hoofwedstryd, wil ek vir die manne meer in the know vra: is daar ‘n tekort aan goeie skeidsregters in die Vrystaat? Ek probeer glad nie die gewone “Grey Refs”-crowd aanvuur nie, maar ek het ‘n paar wedstryde vandag gekyk waar die refs net totaal hapless was – nie partydig nie, net absoluut clueless: gevaarlike spel van beide skole is nie gestraf nie en ernstige beserings is in ten minste twee laer o19-spanne se wedstryde opgedoen. Die doel van rugby se “no tolerance”-policy teenoor gevaarlke duikslae is juis om dit uit te roei. As skeidsregters nie die reëls toepas nie, maak dit die spel gevaarliker vir almal.

    11 May, 2024 at 20:37
  18. avatar
    #31 Smallies

    @beet (Comment #30)
    Boishaai as a team shifted a gear up today ….they will be a major force the rest of the season

    11 May, 2024 at 20:09
  19. avatar
    #30 beet

    @Smallies (Comment #29)
    Eish don’t say too much about the try-saver on Rubin Dames near the left corner. It had penalty try written all over it. Fortunately Aiden Jacobs scored soon after from the same field position.
    But no denying it, McLaren was instrumental.
    Also loving Rubin Dames’ work in the last while. He is tough as nails and puts in big shifts.

    11 May, 2024 at 20:02
  20. avatar
    #29 Smallies

    @beet (Comment #28)
    To be honest I think McLarens defense was the difference between winning and loosing , he had a hell of a game

    11 May, 2024 at 19:55
  21. avatar
    #28 beet

    Super game of rugby.
    Boishaai lifted their game big time.
    I think a lot of players stood up to be counted.
    It really felt like one or two things were the difference between winning and losing.
    I was really hoping the Grey loosehead Dian Venter could get the big cheque at the end but Philip McLaren did have another top game.

    11 May, 2024 at 19:49
  22. avatar
    #27 Smallies

    @OomPB (Comment #26)
    Volgende week is ook n helse hekkie Affies in PTA

    11 May, 2024 at 19:44
  23. avatar
    #26 OomPB

    @Smallies (Comment #13)
    Daar is nog daai een game in Augutus wat bepalend is vir die hele seisoen.

    11 May, 2024 at 19:43
  24. avatar
    #25 Kaya 85

    @TWE (Comment #21)
    Just last week the ref at Wildeklawer helped HJS get a close win over DHS…

    11 May, 2024 at 18:50
  25. avatar
    #24 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #23)
    Helgard coach nou🤣🤣🤣🤣en sy anti well tenminste het sy gawe bene gehad

    11 May, 2024 at 18:36
  26. avatar
    #23 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #22)
    HJS kan hulleself gelukkig ag dat Helgardt en sy antie nie beamptes was nie. Hayi daardie was darem verskriklik.

    11 May, 2024 at 18:28
  27. avatar
    #22 Smallies

    @TWE (Comment #21)
    Mate same shit happens everywhere ,revs are human they make mistakes ,Grey do not appoint the revs FRU does that same as in the cape….I thought the revs in the Cherries,U16A and 1st team games were very good

    11 May, 2024 at 17:39
  28. avatar
    #21 TWE

    @Smallies (Comment #11)
    Perhaps, but look at the photos on Facebook for PBHS and then consider, perhaps a forward pass for the try, perhaps a foot in touch, perhaps a penalty try and a yellow card for the scrumhalf tackling the flank etc etc. You should expect that in Bloem, so we can’t complain.

    11 May, 2024 at 17:29
  29. avatar
    #20 Smallies

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #19)
    The Boishaai boys realy left everything on the pitch…

    11 May, 2024 at 16:30
  30. avatar
    #19 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    Well done Grey ! And to our Boishaai team thanks for putting everything out there today .We saw today the small margins between winning or not. I think the game was much closer as what the scoreboard is reflecting and the team was in it until right at the end. That try was a big call !
    Also well done to Boishaai’s second team for winning against the Grey Cherries.

    11 May, 2024 at 16:24
  31. avatar
    #18 BoishaaiPa

    @Smallies (Comment #17)
    Mens vat dit maar soos dit uitgedeel word. BH het genoeg kanse gehad maar kon partykeer net nie afrond nie. 33-28 So beter weergawe gewees het.

    11 May, 2024 at 15:59
  32. avatar
    #17 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #16)
    Ja nee kyk ek weet self nie va DAAI drie nie
    Ek is maar dankbaar die rev het hom toegeken maar dit kon baie maklik andersom gewees het…Boishaai het my rerig beindruk met hulle veg gees en daar is n fondasie vir iets groots volgende jaar…

    11 May, 2024 at 15:48
  33. avatar
    #16 BoishaaiPa

    Geluk aan Grey. Seker BH se beste game sover maar nog te veel foute. Veral by lynstane, maar outjies het hard baklei…was net een gelukkie weg van n upset!

    11 May, 2024 at 15:41
  34. avatar
    #15 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #14)
    40 28 Grey maar daai telling vertel nie die ware storie…..ek het naels gekou

    11 May, 2024 at 15:34
  35. avatar
    #14 Rainier


    11 May, 2024 at 15:31
  36. avatar
    #13 Smallies

    @OomPB (Comment #12)
    Ek is maar bly Grey is oor die hekkie….Boishaai gaan erns iemand seermaak

    11 May, 2024 at 15:29
  37. avatar
    #12 OomPB

    HJS doen uitstekend sover.

    11 May, 2024 at 14:54
  38. avatar
    #11 Smallies

    @TWE (Comment #10)
    Verskonings verskonings verskonings

    11 May, 2024 at 10:41
  39. avatar
    #10 TWE

    You sometimes wonder whether Grey refs know that there are not special rules in Bloem…a deliberate knock down by Grey is not exempted because of the thin air. Assume it is a grey area.

    11 May, 2024 at 10:39
  40. avatar
    #9 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #8)
    Ek dink ook dit gaan nader wees as wat almak dink

    11 May, 2024 at 07:42
  41. avatar
    #8 OUD ANKER

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #5)
    Wie het toe die bokdrol spoeg gewen??…wat betref die ruggas, ek persoonlik dink dit gaan nader wees as wat mense dink, ek dink nogsteeds Grey gaan “relatief” maklik wen met 10-15, maar nie hierdie 30-50 verskil wilde voorspellings wat ek hoor en sien nie.

    11 May, 2024 at 07:32
  42. avatar
    #7 OUD ANKER

    @OudAffie (Comment #4)
    Okay, so Grey domineer actually maar almal!

    11 May, 2024 at 07:28
  43. avatar
    #6 Smallies

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #5)
    Grey sal wys wees om Boishaai nie te onderskat nie ….en ja soos jy se dis eintlik oor meer as net die rugby ,al lyk dit nie altyd so nie

    10 May, 2024 at 20:00
  44. avatar
    #5 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @Smallies (Comment #3)
    Dankie Smallies. Dit is vir die Boishaai seuns wonderlik om ook die kans te kry om deel te neem met G en H spanne en selfs laer met ander sport soorte soos gholf , landloop etc en ook altiwiteite soos skaak en kultuur. Regtig ‘n kans vir almal om deel te neem ongeag hulle vermoëns en belangstellings.Almal besef hoe moeilik more se rugby gaan wees en alle logika voorspel groot wen vir Grey maar my Boishaai blou hart bly glo dat alles moontlik is.

    10 May, 2024 at 19:51
  45. avatar
    #4 OudAffie


    @OUD ANKER (Comment #2)
    Grey teen PRG:
    Gespeel: 38
    Grey: 29
    Paul Roos: 9
    Gelyk: 0
    Grey teen HJS:
    Gespeel: 49
    Grey: 38
    HJS: 9
    Gelyk: 2
    Grey teen Affies:
    Gespeel: 46
    Grey: 35
    Affies: 6
    Gelyk: 5
    Grey teen Gim
    Gespeel: 15
    Grey: 8
    Gim: 5
    Gelyk: 2
    10 May, 2024 at 19:37
  46. avatar
    #3 Smallies

    Die is een van die lekkerste interskole dae,die gees op die paviljoen is altyd goed en van die segoed deur die ouers is skreeusnaaks…welkom in Bloem boishaai geniet die braaivleis en die sport vanaand en more….ek gaan beslis

    10 May, 2024 at 18:39
  47. avatar
    #2 OUD ANKER

    @OudAffie (Comment #1)
    No ways! Ek sou nooit gedink het Grey is so dominant nie.

    10 May, 2024 at 18:35
  48. avatar
    #1 OudAffie


    1950: Grey Kollege wen 10-6
    1953: Grey Kollege wen 12-9
    1954: Grey Kollege wen 8-3
    1954: Grey Kollege wen 6-3
    1956: Grey Kollege wen 13-3
    1957: Hoër Jongenskool Paarl wen 8-3
    1960: Grey Kollege wen 14-0
    1960: Grey Kollege wen 11-3
    1971: Grey Kollege wen 23-6
    1973: Grey Kollege wen 24-0
    1974: Grey Kollege wen 12-7
    1977: Grey Kollege wen 29-13
    1978: Grey Kollege wen 29-13
    1979: Hoër Jongenskool Paarl wen 15-13
    1980: Grey Kollege wen 13-4
    1983: Hoër Jongenskool Paarl wen 14-0
    1984: Grey Kollege wen 32-12
    1984: Grey Kollege wen 19-14
    1989: Grey Kollege wen 23-6
    1993: Gelykop 0-0
    1995: Grey Kollege wen 18-6
    1996: Hoër Jongenskool Paarl wen 16-9
    1997: Grey Kollege wen 20-16
    1998: Grey Kollege wen 20-6
    1999: Grey Kollege wen 34-16
    2000: Hoër Jongenskool Paarl wen 17-10
    2001: Grey Kollege wen 38-15
    2002: Grey Kollege wen 23-6
    2003: Grey Kollege wen 27-16
    2004: Grey Kollege wen 38-3
    2005: Grey Kollege wen 38-13
    2006: Grey Kollege wen 20-5
    2007: Grey Kollege wen 48-24
    2008: Grey Kollege wen 34-24
    2009: Grey Kollege wen 50-8
    2010: Grey Kollege wen 32-12
    2011: Gelykop 15-15
    2012: Hoër Jongenskool Paarl wen 28-18
    2013: Grey Kollege wen 35-28
    2014: Grey Kollege wen 15-10
    2015: Hoër Jongenskool Paarl wen 21-19
    2016: Hoër Jongenskool Paarl wen 28-18
    2017: Hoër Jongenskool Paarl wen 46-31
    2018: Grey Kollege wen 34-20
    2019: Grey Kollege wen 43-23
    2021: Grey Kollege wen 37-3
    2022: Grey Kollege wen 21-10
    2023: Grey Kollege wen 39-30
    10 May, 2024 at 15:49