The Noordelike Bondedag, provides a taste of what’s to come at Craven Week. It is also a valuable opportunity for the provincial under-18 players to develop or improve on-field understanding with new teammates from different schools and for all players to familarise themselves with the playing patterns passed down by their coaches. Bondedag takes place at the Impala Rugby Club in Rustenburg on 22 June 2013.
Spectators will be treated to some high quality schoolboy rugby with the prospect of seeing a few SA Schools 2013 players and perhaps even a couple of future Springboks on display. The main game should be a mouthwatering affair with the Blue Bulls coming up against GreystaaHtS.
TIME | |||||
09h00 | Valke | 57 | 21 | Griqualand West | |
10h15 | Golden Lions | 36 | 13 | Pumas | |
11h30 | KwaZulu-Natal | 31 | 22 | Griffons | |
12h45 | Leopards | 38 | 11 | Limpopo Blue Bulls | |
14h00 | Blue Bulls | 22 | 24 | Free State | |
B-FIELD | |||||
09h00 | Leopards u16 | Blue Bulls u16 | |||
10h15 | Leopards Academy u18 | 7 | 24 | Blue Bulls Academy u18 |
@Tjoppa: @Woltrui: Dit raak vir my al duideliker- hoe meer julle se, hoe duideliker raak dit dat julle dom voorkom, met absolute minimum inspanning, inteendeel, heel natuurlik. Wolboud- daar is n ou gesegde- meng jou met die semels— En dit lyk of daar n verdere insinking was sedert Bondedag. Siestog, die verwagtinge was sooo groot. Wat my verveel, is n politieke mol, iemand wat iets wil debatteer of bespreek terwyl sekere realiteite totaal geignoreer word. Kop in die sand en wolboude in die lug.
@BOG: Wat is “politieke blindheid”, “verligtheid”, “politieke skuldgevoel” en “politieke vergrype”? Is dit ‘n bal sport of meer iets in die lyn van ‘n kontak sport Oom Bog? As dit ‘n bal sport was sou ek graag saam wou gesels. Andersins verveel dit die skuim uit my uit. Oom Bogie moet een aand saam my in Johies gaan kuier. Vat gewoonlik n week om die glimlag van n man se gesiggie af te kry na so n besoekie.

@BOG: Boggie sorry om te vra maar het jy jou al ooit vergryp aan enigiets?
@Tjoppa: Nie die son nie, maar wel die realiteit en as ek kan aflei, lag ek meer as julle mannetjies. Die waarheid bevry absoluut.@Woltrui: Wolboude, jy moet vir eens besef dat gatkruip en politieke blindheid nie gelyk is aan “verligtheid” nie Di maar net plein domgeid. Ek lei net eenvoudig nie aan n politieke skuldgevoel nie omdat ek in die verlede my nie aan politieke vergrype skuldig gemaak het nie. Begin grou aan daai kop van jou
@Woltrui: Hoeveel vinniger. As dit 50% is maak dit hom steeds moer stadig. Kom kyk volgende week by die studente week na ‘n ordentelike no 10. By technikon Tswane.
@Woltrui: Met stadig het ek verwys na besluitneming-/aangee-/skop- spoed, miskien sou traag ‘n beter woord gewees het. Morne Steyn ‘n geweldige slegte voorbeeld van alles wat losskakel spel behels, daai Tuks 10 die beste in die Noorde hierdie jaar, hy het selfs vir Pollard laat goed lyk
@Ploegskaar: Mnr die Ploegster. In my opinie is hy nie te stadig vir die hoer vlak nie. Ek vermoed hy is vinniger as Morne Steyn?? Sal ook nie graag wil sien dat hulle hom weer uit posisie speel nie. Hy is ‘n begaafde 10 wat volgens my uitstekend die Magtige Bulle se spel patroon op die oposisie sal kan afdruk . Ek vermoed die Bulle het ‘n plan met die seun. Om in die moeilike tye sy kontrak te verleng dui daarop dat hulle vertroue in hom het. Kan sien dat hy oor 2 jaar Goosen se Adjudant by die werelbeker kan wees.
@Tjoppa: Ek is seker n ou tannetjie sal net goed wees vir die verkrampte ou Vrystater. Die man weer vir ‘n slagie kan glimlag.
@BOG: Ja nee die son het jou bygekom. Greystaat nie meer genoeg nie?
@Woltrui: n Bietjie suurgat omdat julle verloor het of hoe? En dit na al die hype en verwagtinge. En wat het my bewondering vir die vernietigende vermoens van mense, met politiek te doen? En terwyl sport in n politieke omgewing plaasvind en daardeur beinvloed word, is dit uiters relevant. Skaf n “front-end loader” aan en grawe jou kop uit die sand. Bowenal, word wakker en ruik die rose !@Tjoppa: Hoekom? SA het waarskynlik die swakste geldeenheid teenoor die vd NH en gaan nog veel swakker word- so, maak jou eie somme. Dit en al die “wheeling and dealing” vd administrateurs, en jy het n natuurlike resep vir wanorde en dit wat ons nou sien. Maar volgens Wolboude is hierdie dinge “sensitief” en moet dit eerder op “politieke” werwe bespreek word. Ek sal graag vir hom en andere wie soos hy dink, in n “spin dryer” sit om wakker te ruk. Vrystaaaaaat !!
@beet: I think the crux of your post being “that according to Dawie Theron’s selections”. Du Preez is adequate, whereas Swiel is exceptional, but once again, let me just qualify that it is just my unqualified opinion.
@Ploegskaar: Not my opinion. This is how it happened at u20 training and trials earlier this year. Swiel and du Preez both there. Started with Swiel as favourite, ended with du Preez getting picked. Swiel would have gone to JWC as a utility or fullback not 1st or 2nd choice no.10, that according to Dawie Theron’s selections. So forced his way in is the correct term. So is played his way into contention with a good u19 Currie Cup campaign that put him ahead of his Bulls, Free State, Leopards and Lions counterparts at that level. Granted the WP no.10 Tommy Allan was also very good but did not qualify to play for SA.
Du Preez’s his goal-kicking, punt kicking and tackling all better than Swiel’s. His creativity, speed, lateral movement, passing game not on Swiel’s level.
@Woltrui: O ja..dit gebeur so min dat dit mens heeltemal ontgaan!..Ons anvaar maar gewoonlik dat dit OF WP of OVs is wat in die final speel!…
@BoishaaiPa: Jirre BHP!! Craven Week Tjampions. Julle manne n winderige en koue stromweer naweek gehad daar in die diep suide dat julle gedagtes so effe verwaai is. (
@BoishaaiPa: Ook waar, maar waar daar ‘n wil is, is daar ‘n weg. Glo my, hy sou veel eerder hier wou bly en rugby speel, so wens hom net die beste toe.
@Ploegskaar: Hoor laas week dat Suid Afrika tans die hoogste getal spelers het wat oorsee speel. 20% meer as Kiwis. Nou wonder ons hoekom.
@Ploegskaar: Soos ek die plase in Aus ken (Cattle Stations) is hulle moer groot en bitter ver van die hy op een van hulle gaan werk gaan hy nie tyd kry vir rugby jol nie!..
@Tjoppa: Ek het nie geweet die Bulls speel vir die Varsity beker nie, maar ek het vergeet Ja..Dis eintlik n Universiteits kompetisie vir studente, maar die Bulls stoot toe al hulle kontrakteerde spelers in die TUKS span om darem ook te kan kompeteer!…Nou maar baie geluk aan die Bulls met hulle varsity cup…!
@Tjoppa: Het jy gesien Stephan Schoeman sit nou in NZ?
@BuffelsCM: Willie duP laas naweek die Carlton Beker wedstryd soos ‘n oud Gerald Bosch
eiehandig gegeneraal, soos ‘n laaitie langs my opgemerk het. Jammer dat so ‘n talent gemors word. @Ploegskaar: En dan moet ons nog ‘n briljante speler afstaan aan daai tronkvoels.
@BoishaaiPa: Plaaswerk
@Tjoppa: Minora blade se Moses !!
@BoishaaiPa: Jy is ook maar vergeetagtig. Die Bulle het reeds vanjaar die Varsity Cup in hul trofeekas.

@Ploegskaar: Om wat daar te gaan maak?
@Tjoppa: Ek moet sê ek is nogal teleurgesteld in Handré. Na my mening het Dawie Theron hom ook geen guns gedoen om so rond te skuif tussen 10 en 12 nie.
Pollard het soos jy sê ‘n goeie Varsity Cup gehad maar met Willie du Plessis langs hom wat hom ook baie beter laat lyk het.
Ek het nog nie veel van Willie duP gesien nie, maar ek stem met jou saam Tjoppa.
Ek wonder of die skuif van Pollard na 12 nie dalk iets te doen het met ene mnr H Meyer nie ??
@Woltrui: Herinner my gou weer waarvan is Bulls huidiglik champions?..Ek kan nie meer so lekker onthou nie, so verskoon maar as dit my so effens ontgaan het!
@Tjoppa: So geregtig op jou mening soos almal hier! Het jou op ‘n ander thread gesê jou Boland 10 is oppad Australië toe, het weer ‘n lekker game teen Dale gehad.
@Ploegskaar: Is dit nie die rede hoekom WP nie die Bulle se kontrak wou verbeter nie? Weet dat sommige geeste van Nuweland dieselfde bekommernisse as jy gehad het. Pollard het beslis tekortkominge op 10. Sy spel tydens die Varsity Cup met ‘n ordentlike losskakel langs hom het my laat besluit 12 is eerder sy posisie. Klein Willie beslis myle beter as Pollard op 10, maar ja wie is ek nou om my mening the wil he.
@BoishaaiPa: Like Kwagga?
@Woltrui: You keep him but only in team because of friends.
@Woltrui: My opinie is vanselfsprekend gegrond op wat ek van ‘n 10 verwag, en van wat ek van beide spelers oor die jare gesien het, is du Plessis ‘n beter/meer natuurlike 10 en Pollard ‘n moderne (LW nie Suid-Afrikaanse) 12. As hulle werklik van Handre ‘n 10 wil maak, moet hulle hom vir ‘n wyle na 15 skuif sodat sy visie en oordeel kan verbeter, maar dan steeds is du Plessis reeds die volledige pakket. Lyk Handre nie vir jou ook ‘n bietjie stadig op ‘n hoër vlak nie?
@Woltrui: NO 12 asseblief.
@Tjoppa: No Mr Tjopper. The Mighty Bulls, or must I say the champions, is still on track. Must say that mountain goat team do give me the jitters.
Dear Mr Tjopper and Mr RPukker. Hands of that no 8. He can walk around with one leg and for pure guts, leadership and character I will still pick him for THE Mighty Bulls. If you don’t want him for the bokkies, tough shit. He is carrying the Blue jersey.
@Ploegskaar: Mnr Ploegskaar. My visvoet vriend. Het die uwe op sy kop geval terwyl die uwe agter die oulike dogtertjie met die pienk bootsies aan’t hardloop was die naweek?? Die toekomstige SA 10 heet Pollard. Handre Pollard vir die Magtige Blou Bul ondersteuners.
@Ploegskaar: They wont get picked becuase they will be considered to small!..
@beet: Sorry bud, he may have been forced in as opposed to forcing his own way in, he is not on the same planet as Swiel.
@McCulleys Workshop: Forgive me if I sharing info that you already know. The KERF awards are not regarded as contracts. As attractive as they look to the man in the street, in rugby terms they amount to a huge step down from what contracted players seek and get.
Just today the Burger is reporting that Rikus Bothma has signed for Western Province. Bothma was one of the players awarded a Sharks Academy associated bursary. The reason he was considered for the award, is because surprisingly he was one of the few top u18s left on the board without a contract in March. Just about all the other top players had already been signed by then. So guys like Reece-Edwards, Mazibuko and SJ Roux all decent SBR players but not good enough to merit contracts offers. They therefore made themselves available for the bursaries, something they would not have been in a position to do if they were already signed. This is also not to say they didn’t receive firm offers between KERF and now, as Bothma probably did.
With regards to the KERF bursaries, when KERF started and the Sharks Academy was the undisputed no.1 post school institute, those awards meant more. But even still, Scriba and co only have a success ratio of boys given awards to boys actually pitching up at the Sharks Academy of about 30% over 5 years. The only real success story has been Sbura Sithole and look where he is now – 7’s rugby in Russia. After making his SR debut (an outstanding achievement), he was quickly dropped (replaced by a younger player from Waterkloof called Sean Robinson who is on a seriously big contract).
@BoishaaiPa: This call is on those that were selected, I have previously made mention of players like Notshe and Kirsten and others that were not there. Obviously its just my uninformed opinion, but this group does not inspire confidence. Looking forward to seeing JL and Koegelenberg in action, as well as the likes of Seb and the other WP Academy boys down here.
@Beet: Yes, he does take the ball to the line, he is a physical guy. But perhaps Dawie Theron does not allow him to play his normal game?
Look at the difference Willie Le Roux has made to the BOK backline, he is allowed to run, to do what comes natural to him. We finally have a backline that has vision combined with skill and speed.
Perhaps the juniors are too scared of making mistakes and therefore do not play their natural game…
@Ploegskaar: Being a bit harsh there – we beat the eventual champions an donly just lost to the Welsch…
I thought we played lovely rugby at times – these guys are very young and still learning the game.
@beet: Also about Robert. One of the nicest guys you’ll ever meet. 5mins in his company and you will want to support him.
@Ruggersake: Why I know Bog is looking for something. But nothing physical please. O and something where sound reasoning is needed also excluded.

@Tjoppa: For sure, I am afraid it is becoming a bit of a joke. Just look at the work rate of most 8’s, massive all around the field. What does our 8 do? He does not link with the backs, he does not tackle and he no longer runs with ball in hand – it is very poor indeed! Gym strength means nothing on a rugby field if you do not have that dogged determination to go with it.
@RBugger: @Tjoppa: I’ve watch Rob du Preez Jnr play for the Sharks u19s for 2 years. This JWC was not his best work. Altho he has a decent boot, a weakness in his tactical kicking game did come to the fore. The strength of his game for the Sharks u19s has been his ability to offload accurately on the advantage line (something that might have worked in France had he played with Rohan JVR), goalkicking made him the top point scorer in the u19 CC last year, good tackling and obviously his leadership. I agree that he is player with limited ability still. But I would not write him off just yet. When he was in gr.11 at Kearsney playing scrumhalf, I didn’t think he had much of a future in rugby after school but he has made the positional switch, shown improvement and forced his way into the JWC at 10 ahead of the talented Tim Swiel (even before Swiel dropped out of JWC).
But I think Tjoppa is right on this one. On the evidence, he could have done a lot better, as could a lot of other players who arrived in France with much bigger reputations than RdP
@Ploegskaar: Hopefully in next years JWC we will see JL at 10..I dont think this years crop is bad…there are some very good players out there who was overlooked and we still ended up beating both England and NZ…We were very unlucky against Wales, so but for a few bounces of the ball they did not do too badly in spite of some poor selection choices.
Do any of you bloggers work?
@RBugger: Based on the games that we all saw on telly, I certainly didn’t think we played fantastic rugby. Our tight five was shocking and the forwards collectively poor in the set-piece. Smit and du Plessis are in fact the only forwards that finished this tournament with their reputations in tact. Our 9/10 combo’s only served as links, center combo’s were one dimensional and defensively poor on many occasions and the wings, although good with ball in hand, also poor on defense and had no idea of positional wing play. Of the backs, only Kolbe took the step up. My biggest concern once again was the general lack of skills in the squad and repeated poor decision making, whether on attack or defense. This is unfortunately a poor crop, but there are better youngsters coming through next year and the year thereafter, so no worries.
On the subject of 10’s, I am confident that J-L du Plessis, if given the opportunity at the Chaarks, will be your no1 fly in the years to come. He was in fact the best 10 in the WC last year, contrary to popular belief, and apart from the full skill set has vision, that illusive attribute that distinguishes a brilliant 10 from the also-rans.
@RBugger: On mr Spies I agree with you one hundred percent. Somebody needs to sit him down and tell him he need to pick up his game or is going to be dropped. Not sure that this will happen as he bench press and squat more that the set standards so he is the no1. And most probably plays 100% to the standards and game plan given to him. So in our, you and me, humble opinion he needs to be replaced.
The same with the young du Preez boy. We will never know what his instructions was but we judge him on the standards and game plan that we want to see.
But that they say is the advantage of a supporter’s view. I will never be tested and therefore never be judged.
@McCulleys Workshop: Reece-Edwards is a great player – just not sure if scrumhalf is his best position.
@Tjoppa: Yes, I understand that a site like this offers you the opportunity to express your opinions.
What I am asking for, is if you have an oponion on a player, then please tell me what he did wrong and who should be in his place…
For instance, in this weekends senior rugga championship, a certain number 8 did not touch the ball, he won 2 lineouts but did not make one tackle and did not touch the ball! That in my oponion is just not on – he went off at half time and was replaced by a far hungrier player…
The player that went off, should not wear a Bok jersey again, he does nothing on a rugby field!
@Muzi: @RBugger:@Tjoppa: RBugger, if you had a different rugby jersey on you may just see the wood for the trees, RDP jnr is not an exceptional talent, whether he is there due to politics or not. But it is interesting to see both Reece Jnr and DP Jnr getting academy contracts – are they warranted?? of all the scrum-halves at the KERF Reece Edwards ends up with the contract? They are both lucky. The same cannot be said for the twins, they are very talented, as is Schramm, but lets see what happens after school.
@RBugger: No jealousy. His dad was an excellent player and I do have no personal contact therefore why would I be jealous.
I think we must all accept that everybody has his limits and if this tournament was his, I do not say this, he must be congratulated on what he achieved.
But he is definitely not the best junior Bok flyhalf I have seen this year. But, and I do accept this, I was for obvious reasons not the selectors nor coach. Hence I can only judge him from what I have seen and according to my humble opinion he is not good enough to play in that team in that tournament..
Unfair yes but this is why this forum is there to express our opinions.
@Woltrui: I would love to see them beat the Bulls
Look, the fact is, you guys are the obvious favourites and have more depth than the KZN side.
However, having said all that, there are a few x factor players in the KZN side, who I feel could cause a few headaches for the Bulls.
Like you say, should they beat the Bulls, they will more than likely face WP – that is one hell of a hard ask.
Just remember, the game against the Pumas saw a very depleted KZN side – so many injuries to their star players – the boys are playing too much rugga before CW even starts.
They have a good 10 day break now and will hopefully be nice and fresh for the Bulls
@Woltrui: You have to play and beat the best to be the best!
@Woltrui: Mighty Bulls for a big fall? Still time to change your selections Woltrui. Still time.
@jakes: Ja the EG JANSEN team at Kearsney festival were impressive
@Tjoppa: Explain what you mean, he can’t take the step up? What is that based on?
We played fantastic rugby right through to the semi-final and only just lost to a very good team – who actually scored a try that should not have been given.
He played well and did what he could. Seems one or teo people on this site like to have a dig at his father – could this be jealousy Tjoppa – No doubt about it!!!
@BOG: Hitch hiking too much sun Boggie. Next time you feel like a road trip please phone me. I will bring to aunties from the institution with, for excitement. Then at least you do not have to spend that much time in the sun.
@RBugger: I hope they dont surprise the Mighty Bulls on day 1. They are more than welcome to surprise on day 2 or 3
I must say I dont think KZN stand a chance to win the tournament. Apparently they trailed a poor Pumas 14-5 at the break with there “second stringers”. Those “second stringers” must play a full game. If KZN win the Mighty Bulls (eish-nice name. The Mighty Bulls) they must play the mountain goats on day 2. Difficult is there is doubt in the teams depht(diepte). Pukken spellchecker is not working.
@Ruggersake: Sour grapes if you ask me. He just sacked the coach that played Bismarck instead of him. Nothing else, he is just human. It is like appointing the school’s hooligan as principal and expect him to keep the teachers that gave him hell. Just human.
@Muzi: are you Australian MATE!
@McCulleys Workshop: I have not been privy to the inside track and if what you have stated is a true rendition of the facts, then I must concur with you.
Amazing how politics in business undermines the ethos the game sets out to create, I would think that JS having been applauded with so many acccolades, in this instance might be the subject of something far more deep rooted than what appears on the surface!
@RBugger: Do not shoot the messenger. I also do not rate him on the games I saw. Unfortunately you also judge players only on games you saw. During JWC he is definitely not able to take the step upwards.
I see no-one mentioned the Valke team- 57-21 win over Griqualand West. Basically a EG Jansen team.A huge score over a good side. They might upset one or tow teams at Craven week- just saying. @ grootkrokodil- I hope EG jansen and HTS Middelburg will meet somewhere in the Beeld play offs- just to show that the swimming pool match they played earlier this year was a fluke
@Beet: The KZN team seem to be getting written off before CW has even started?? Weird that, they are 2 from 2…
Had the Griffons in 6’s and 7’s… In fact, were up by 30 odd before going to sleep!!!
Watch this team, they may just surprise and will be a team to be proud of at CW
@Muzi: You are obviously a couch supporter as they say. Rob Du Preez is an uncompromising player who has worked harder than anyone to get where he is right now – and let me tell you, he is a great player.
A guy like you eptomises stupidity in SA Rugby, you probably know nothing about the sport and naming a player like that, based on no substantial fact, is ludicrous!
Tell you what, name your other flyhalf!
@BOG: Ja Bog I don’t think KZN prepare to do well at Bondedag, they use Bondedag as preparation for CW. No excuses tho. There are a few smaller Unions that we take for granted we should beat hands down, who are actually on par and possibly even slightly better than us over a long period of time – EP, SWD, Boland and even Border are 4 that come to mind. There are some big and tough kids in the Northern Free State. They can make a difference on their day.
@Tjoppa: Thanks. I must say that ahead of the Waterkloof vs Outeniqua match at Wildeklawer, Nardus Erasmus was one of the players I was most looking forward to watching. He was however out then and I guess he hasn’t been back since?
@beet: I think the two outstanding no 8’s in Pretoria was Ruan and Klofies no 8. But both unfortunately injured with trials. But little Akkers definitely cream of the crop.
@BOG: Ai ai ai Ou Boggie. Ai ai ai. Jy weet daar is blogs waar die plaaslike politiek in diepte bespreek word? Google die blogs ou Boggie.
Ek verstaan as daar meer Affies laaities gekies was het julle weer op jul moer gekry?
Sorry, I have been on the road- after a long absence, travelling through the Eastern Cape. But first, my comment on the match- he he he he he he !! They say if there had been more Grey boys in the side, it could have gone better. I notice too, that the margin between the Griffons and KZN was a lot closer than expected in certan quarters Just to remind you- the Griffons were dominated by players from “insignificant” schools from the central region- you know, those which do not justify a mention or reference here. Incidentally, Greystaat beat them 61-3. He he he he Back to the Eastern Cape. Going through Aliwal North, down to Queenstown, and then King Williams Town. Im impressed. I witnessed total destruction and people in the know, assure me that it was done without the assistance of a nuclear device. Only the municipalities !! If only they could harness and channel that destructive power into their rugby, they would be devastating . And that was “achieved” in less than 10 years.
@Woltrui: Ek sukkel om die Taal te skryf maar lees al die bydrae en dit help. Glo wel dat as ek net 6 maande in ‘n Afrikaanse gemeenskap moes woon, sal ek veelsuidig wees soos mnr Tuft.
@beet: Pokkit Mnr Beet. Ek beny julle tweetalige manne. Uself, Ploegskaar en self Oom Bog wat soms sy goeie oomblikke het. Afrikaans of Engels. Altwee blerrie goed. Sal my nie verbaas as U binnekort vir Mnr Playa in Xhosa gaan beantwoord nie? 8)
@Woltrui: Ons ingevoerde Bulletjies is tuns in St.9 of Gr.11 soos hulle dit nou noem. Volgende jaar gaan hulle bydra tel. Vanjaar dink ek sou altwee gesukkel het op die Blou Bulle A-span te behaal. Hulle help beslis KZN, maar neem niks van die Bulle se sterke af nie.
Die Kwaggas en WP was altyd waarde vir geld. Die besluit om HJS 2de span spelers in te sluit en ook Schickerling en Oosthuizen se beserings tel nou so bietjie teen WP. Kwaggas lyk as of hulle vir Gelant verloor het. Hulle gaan sukkel om hom te vervang want daar het hulle ‘n “PDI” nodig. Moeilike taak. Maar die Bulle op papier lyk vir my as ‘n besonder sterk span. As hulle gel is hulle die gunstellinge. Die span wat ek miskien onderskat omdat hulle 9 Louis Botha spelers het, ‘n hoe aantal vir ‘n middelmatige skool, is Vrystaat. Lyk vir my as of hul nou ‘n kans het op die eindstryd te behaal.
@beet: KZN met hul ingevoerde Bulletjies, te wete Tredoux en Coetzee, kan natuurlik n groot opskudding veroorsaak
@beet: As na uitslae gekyk word dink ek die Kwaggas, Wp en Grey Bloem moet tans as gunstelinge beskou word vir die Craven week. Glenwo…. ag, KZN, en die Bulletjies nie te ver agter. Ek persoonlik dink egter die Bulletjies moenie onderskat word nie. Nog n paar liters water wat in die see moet loop voor die CW. 8)
@Tjoppa: @beet: what did you think of Ruan Ackerman?
@McCulleys Workshop: That was the first give away IMHO. He tended to give our rugby the credit it deserves, unbecoming behaviour for a Cape Town school Old Boy.
@Muzi: Muzi I am also a sucker for size but the idea of the Craven Week is for the best boys to be chosen. Currently I do not see anybody in Pretoria who can compete with the twins. The AHS loosie, is it Dawie, only one that deserves mentioning. But what do we know.
Let’s hope Pollard has found his kicking adidas boots against the baby blacks….Robert du Preez only made the team because his father played for the springboks
…lad’s average.

The joyce bro’s can jol….Bulls scouts are way too obsessed with size I would have offered them contracts.
@Muzi: With him there it will be the English version of the Broederbond. At it will a come crushing down.
he’s the new CEO IT doesn’t mean they will start dominating SA rugby again.
Sharkies supporters expect way too much from Smit
@Muzi: Thank you. Somebody with a little bit of sense. Dark days for the Bulls at CW ahead. Siestog.
Bulls and WP have been dominating junior rugby for the past couple of years mate.
@McCulleys Workshop: I am still saying the appointment is a major fault. Smit has shown that his decisions is made with only the past in mind. The people who opposed him during his playing years are going to be on the wrong side of his decisions.
He has no experience at all of running a rugby union. Sharkies going down.
That player you’re looking for is Ayron Schramm.
My loose trio would have been 8.Allison 7,David Joyce and 6.Sean Joyce……..not to bad at all.
@GROOTKROKODIL: Miskien moet julle ou oom Poerie gaan smeek om te kom help. Steek jou trots in die sak en haal ‘n paar perses uit. Beste skole coach in die land.
@Muzi: May I say I told you so. Best loosies not there and everybody do know what I think about the coaching.
@Ruggersake: That said, it was disappointing to see how a not yet employed CEO went about hiring and firing the senior coaches, even more piss poor when you look at the business acumen of the Chair, and for him to state that the new CEO to be, has structures and parties around him, including Brian Van Zyl, to assist him and coach him in areas of commercial vulnerability, only for all of this to take place without Van Zyls knowledge, then to inform him once you have done the deed, swear him to secrecy, knowing that he fundamentally opposed to the move, as evidenced by board minutes. That said, I’m not opposed to change, and think that some changes were/are needed, I just expect more from a professional outfit, especially in the instance where Plum had not done anything wrong and this wasn’t a disciplinary issue. He was treated badly, unprofessionally (how does this leave contracted players feeling) and I believe may have a legal case against the Union. JS may have just cost the union substantially more than his annual salary, good start.
@McCulleys Workshop: coming from the Cape we can only ever be objective and you have to give credit where credit is due…..Sharks senior and junior rugby has come along way and is probally the top franchise from a brand perspective in SA…
Oh gentlemen, for the record I think Tedder is the next Henry Honnibal
@sharkie: @beet: For a Wynberg old boy, at least he can be objective about KZN schools.
Saying what the rest of us are thinking
@McCulleys Workshop: I wish I had his physique, Im a dumpling!
@sharkie: No, just watched a lot of him and KZN, Bulls and WP SBR rugby this year, also believe that our country is so predictable at this position. Been watching SBR for 30 years and he has something different.
@GROOTKROKODIL: In my opinie moet Kloof, HTS, Garsies en Jansies tans die gunstelinge vir die beeld trofee wees. Vermoed Nellies se voories gaan nie sterk genoeg wees om saam die 4 groot honde te blaf nie.
@beet: Mnr Beet. Dankie Mnr Beet. Soos ek vermoed is U duidelik te veel van n “gintleman” om U te verlaag tot sarkasme
. In my opinie nie te veel te lees in n 2 punt nederlaag teen n top CW span nie. Miskien wou Mnr Van der Walt, die afrigter, ook nie al sy kaarte op die tafel sit nie. Opposisie in dieselfde groep teenwoordig (noem geen name) en diesmeer?? 
@sharkie: You can tell by their physique that they are related.
@Ruggersake: Is the craven week no 8 related to you I see that you often punt him?
@Muzi: Watch CW this year, there are a few new kids on the block, the KZN no. 8 is what we have been looking for in a no. 8!
@beet: This side is capable of more than expected, it mus tbe the Smit and Venter effect!
@BOG: Well they obviously did,nt
@beet: Beet gaan slaap man!!
@Woltrui: Nee geen sarkasm. As Muir nie vir Rondebosch geklop het was die uitslag die verassing van Saterdag. Voor die wedstryd het ek gedink die Bulle met hulle ingevoerde Garsie spelers maklik met die Vrystaat gaan afreken. Bulle bly gunstellinge vir CW in my boek maar dis duidelik dat daar baie werk vir hulle in die toekomende paar weke voor le.
@Muzi: As ek jou kommentaar lees klink dit of Jurie Linde die oorsaak is dat die BB verloor het teen die Vrystaat. As jy die wedstryd bygewoon het laat ons asb meer inligting kry oor die wedstryd, self of was jy nie daar nie?
@Woltrui: Dit is Mnr Gert van der Westhuizen van Middeiburg Hoerskool.Woltrui moet nie die klein pumatjies weg gooi in die Beeld trofee nie. Ek dink dit is nie ver gesog dat Nellies en die Rooibulle teen mekaar gaan speel in die Beeld finaal nie.
@GROOTKROKODIL: Wie is die afrigter GK? By watter skool is hy betrokke? Moet ook noem dat ek as oud Laevelder erg teleurgesteld is in die Klein Pumatjies se vertonings in 2013.
DIT GAAN MY VERSTAND TE BOWE. Die Pumas verloor teen die Leeus 36–10 en laas Maandag verloor hulle 34–14 teen die Sharks nadat hulle halftyd 14–5 voor was. Ek wil niks weg vat van die Leeus en die Sharks nie maar die Pumas sit met 2 skool spanne in HTS Middelburg en Nelspruit wat op gelyke voet met enige skole span in die Leeus en die Sharks streek kan meeding maar as dit by die span keuses van die Pumas kom het ons nie `n kompeterende span nie Na die Crawen week van 2012 was die Pumas 6de op die rang volgorde(`n baie goeie prestasie wat gekom het met harde werk deur die vorige afrigter wat ook die eer gehad het om die SA Skole span af te rig)Met die posisie was en is die span veseker van wedstryde op die A veld by Crawen week. As `n span na 9 afskuif word wedstryde op die B veld gespeel. Die Pumas het nou al teen die Blou Bulle, Sharks & Leeus verloor en met hulle eerste wedstryd op Crawen week teen die W.P. lyk dinge maar erg benard. Die problem moet reg voor die deur van die Mpumalanga Skole Rugby Vereniging gesit word( die bestuur en die keurders) want dit lyk vir my die CHEV se wiele is besig om vining af te kom. Alles wat so hard voor gewerk was oor `n aantal jare kan in een seisoen soos mis voor die son verdwyn. Dit is nou te laat om enige verandering te maak maar wys julle karakter om 2014 nie weer so `n gemors te maak nie.
@Muzi: I beg to differ Mr Muzi. Jurie is the star backline player in the only unbeaten school team in the country. Playing with Venter and Orfer as his no 12. 8)
@beet: Geagte Mnr Beet. Hoop nie ons merk n titsel sarkasme in U “magtige bulle” opmerking. So n opmerking kan terugkom en n man byt. Veral in die lig van die feit dat n sekere Charkies span nog teen die “magtige bulle” moet speel op die 8 ste
Jurie Linde is dangerous in open play but he really needs to sort out his defence I heard he struggled in the sa schools side against the French.
Hmmm well well talk about a rude awakening it looks like this Bulle craven week side is beatable perhaps they relying too much on individual brilliance?
I really don’t think the Tshwane boys will win the official final in Polokwane, to be honest with you I’m not that confident with that loose trio…..Rohan janse van Rensburg made Jurie Linde look good.
Oh dear Mr Bog is going to have a field day……. :roll:…..IMHO KZN have a chance to cause an upset……I wouldn’t want to play against Grey Free State and SWD.
Vrystaat het die magtige Bulle span geklop. 24-22
Trots op my seuns vandag gewees!! Groot voorreg om vir die Bulle Akademiese span te speel!!
@TheGoose: Any feedback on how the game went? Who played and who didn’t because of injury?
KZN Schools 32 – Griffons 20 full time score. Thanks to RBugger for the score.
The KZN team is now almost seems to have more players injured than fit out of the original 22 chosen.
I think both du Preezs, Vermaak, Coetzee, Reece-Edwards, Ngwenya, Zuma are out. Schramm + Coetzee still nursing injuries but probably playing.
Thanks! Any injuries? It would be disastrous to get injured so close to CW.
KZN Craven Week team won 36-14 today against the Pumas
@GHSdad: Good stuff. He will have to work extremely hard on fitness in that first week of July unless there is a way he is able to keep fit for the next few weeks?
Hi guys, anyone there to keep us up to date with the scores? Just a update on Corne Vermaak, he had a platelett injection last Thursday and will be ready for action in 2 weeks.
@BOG: This week will be “respect the Griffons week”
Griffons: 15 Sechaba Matsoele (Voortrekker), 14 Jamie Joseph (Hentie Cilliers), 13 Wessel Hefer (Bothaville), 12 Wian van der Watt (Voortrekker), 11 Jonathan April (Hentie Cilliers), 10 Shaun Reynolds (Goudveld), 9 Eloff Scheepers (Voortrekker), 8 Gregan Hull (Hentie Cilliers), 7 Gerrit Otto (AHS Kroonstad), 6 André Janse van Vuuren (Voortrekker), 5 FP Pelser (Witteberg), 4 Arno Blom (HTS Welkom), 3 Shane Grobler (HTS Welkom), 2 Cheslin van Rayner (Hentie Cilliers), 1 Ernie Sumner (Voortrekker).
Replacements: 16 Albert Brummer (Welkom-Gimnasium), 17 Kyle Ess, 18 Justin Williams (Hentie Cilliers), 19 TP Kleynhans (AHS Kroonstad), 20 Damian May (Hentie Cilliers), 21 Riaan Pretorius (Hentie Cilliers), 22 Jamille Afrika (Hentie Cilliers).
I just told someone today that I hope KZN pulls thru in this game otherwise old Bog is going to have a field day.
And may I remind you Beet, that Hentie Cilliers is also dominant in the Griffons side. You know, the non-existent central region. I just hope the KZN side does not “maak skandes” in the platinum belt!
As Charles Glass would have said- It all comes together— It may or it may not, but I would not bet against the FS side (if I were a betting man)