Affies vs Paarl Gim an AI Vision

By Kaya 85

In school you learn about Sonnets, the style of poem written by the likes of Shakespeare. I asked Meta AI to write a sonnet about the Affies v Paarl Gim game. I put some basic facts into the prompt, this is what I got:

On Affies’ Plaas, their homegrown turf so dear,
Two teams clash fierce, their hearts ablaze with pride,
Their scrums and lineouts, a battleground profound,
Each side’s will to win, like thunder, cannot subside.

The Affies’ Witbulle, a name that strikes fear,
Paarl Gim’s stripes, a fiery passion, ignite,
The crowd’s roar echoes, like a stormy night,
As every tackle, every try, becomes a fight.

But amidst the chaos, skill and strength entwined,
A beautiful game unfolds, a true work of art,
Two teams, as one, in spirit, intertwined,
In this fierce contest, a shared love for the heart.

And when the final whistle blows, the score aside,
Respect and camaraderie will forever reside.

Look at the image generator, of what AI imagines Affies v Paarl Gim looks like (OK, I gave it some creative parameters).

Gim the Challengers
Affies the Defenders
And the epic game that will unfold



  1. avatar
    #10 gimmie

    @4×4, hard luck it could have gone either way. The Affies pack was awesome but your backs should have done more with all the quality ball. The Gim defence was incredible, big credit to Marnus and Helmut performed a miracle to stop your much vaunted maul. It was a high quality match and a draw would probably have been a fair result. I am very proud of the Gim performance as Affies is a very good team. Good luck for the rest of your can certainly even still end as nr 1 team by beating HJS and Grey. Gim has a big week ahead with Grey B visiting…

    14 April, 2024 at 14:08
  2. avatar
    #9 4×4

    Nog een laat glip. Sulke “close” verlore defineer later jou seisoen…’n seisoen vam what ifs…

    13 April, 2024 at 17:58
  3. avatar
    #8 Grizzly

    Affies met 5.Na PRG en Garsies sal daar geen verrasings vir Affies wees itm van physicality nie.Die enigste nadeel is die harde game laas week met kort turn around vir wat moontlik nr1 die jaar kan wees.Is Gim werklik al getoets die jaar?AFFIES gaan baie self vertroue he in die manier hoe hulle teen die Bere gespeel het.Hulle sal verder weet hulle het n 10 wat elke moontlike kans in punte gaan omskep en druk kan verlig.Verder weet hulle dat hulle moer goed af gerig is en alles gaan los op die veld.Gaan Epic wees,sterkte aan beide spanne.

    13 April, 2024 at 12:18
  4. avatar
    #7 OomPB

    Hokkie Gim 3-0 Affies

    13 April, 2024 at 07:16
  5. avatar
    #6 Kaya 85

    @Kantman (Comment #2)
    Thx, epic

    12 April, 2024 at 22:45
  6. avatar
    #5 Kaya 85

    @gimmie (Comment #3)
    Pure spirit of rugby

    12 April, 2024 at 22:43
  7. avatar
    #4 Kantman

    @gimmie (Comment #3)
    Respek – wou nog iets byvoeg maar besef toe ek kan nie

    12 April, 2024 at 22:36
  8. avatar
    #3 gimmie

    Kaya 85, magnificent sonnet, thank you for creating it. It encapsulates the true pure spirit of schoolboy rugby. Young men playing the sport they love, making memories, trying their utmost but never winning at all costs. Tomorrow will be a celebration of rugby, two different styles, both effective but only one will triumph….but who cares who wins as both schools are winners, can’t wait to see it unfold. Tradition, history, fierce rivalry, camaraderie and good sportsmanship will be the theme of the day….can it get better?

    12 April, 2024 at 22:31
  9. avatar
    #2 Kantman

    Top post

    12 April, 2024 at 21:30
  10. avatar
    #1 Kaya 85


    12 April, 2024 at 21:04

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