School Rugby fixtures & results – week ending 13 April 2024

School Rugby fixtures & results – week ending 13 April 2024
Sat.13Apr KZN Northwood 07-07 Durban HS KZN
Sat.13Apr KZN Maritzburg College 42-15 Pretoria BH BUL
Sat.13Apr KZN Clifton 05-36 Glenwood KZN
Sat.13Apr BOL Drostdy 22-05 Framesby EP
Sat.13Apr BOL Hugenote 14-17 Milnerton WP
Sat.13Apr BOL Hopefield 13-15 Charlie Hofmeyr BOL
Sat.13Apr BOL Swartland 33-24 Hermanus BOL
Sat.13Apr SWD Oakdale 29-22 Stellenberg WP
Sat.13Apr SWD Punt 15-22 Worcester Gim BOL
Sat.13Apr WP Brackenfell 27-54 SACS WP
Sat.13Apr WP Bishops 10-52 Boland Landbou WP
Sat.13Apr WP HJS Paarl BH 27-30 Wynberg WP
Sat.13Apr WP Rondebosch 17-38 Paul Roos WP
Sat.13Apr WP Bellville 29-10 Tygerberg WP
Sat.13Apr WP Strand 52-22 DF Malan WP
Sat.13Apr BOR Dale 32-25 Grey HS EP
Sat.13Apr BOR Selborne 21-26 Queen’s BOR
Sat.13Apr EP Graeme 29-12 Cambridge BOR
Sat.13Apr EP Despatch 12-38 Nico Malan EP
Sat.13Apr EP Daniel Pienaar 28-08 Otto du Plessis EP
Sat.13Apr EP Brandwag (EP) 22-30 Muir EP
Sat.13Apr EP Marlow 07-20 Hudson Park BOR
Sat.13Apr EP Pearson 48-00 Stirling BOR
Sat.13Apr LEO Klerksdorp 19-31 Die Anker VAL NWU Prestige 9-16
Sat.13Apr VAL Heidelberg VS 07-22 Potch Gim LEO NWU Prestige 9-16
Sat.13Apr BUL Montana 26-22 Potch Volkskool LEO NWU Prestige 9-16
Sat.13Apr VAL Oosterlig 26-31 Zwartkop BUL NWU Prestige 9-16
Sat.13Apr LEO Rustenburg 15-18 Marais Viljoen LIO NWU Prestige 1-8
Sat.13Apr LEO Wesvalia 37-15 Jeugland VAL NWU Prestige 1-8
Sat.13Apr VAL Hugenote (Springs) 13-13 Pietersburg LIM NWU Prestige 1-8
Sat.13Apr LIO Noordheuwel 43-35 Lichtenburg LEO NWU Prestige 1-8
Sat.13Apr BUL Eldoraigne 17-36 Oos-Moot BUL NWU Skolesportreeks G1
Sat.13Apr PUM Nelspruit 14-31 Menlopark BUL NWU Skolesportreeks G1
Sat.13Apr PUM HTS Middelburg 36-22 Kempton Park VAL NWU Skolesportreeks G2
Sat.13Apr VAL EG Jansen 38-45 Waterkloof BUL NWU Skolesportreeks G2
Sat.13Apr BUL Affies 19-20 Paarl Gim WP
Sat.13Apr LIO KES 80-00 Parktown LIO
Sat.13Apr LIO Jeppe 31-24 Westville KZN
Sat.13Apr PUM Secunda 47-16 Hans Moore VAL
Sat.13Apr VAL Dr Malan 22-13 HTS Sasolburg GRF
Sat.13Apr LIM Merensky 62-13 Nylstroom NV
Sat.13Apr FS Grey College 92-03 Outeniqua SWD
Sat.13Apr FS Grey College Peaches 21-19 Fichardtpark FS
Sat.13Apr GRQ Duineveld 14-12 Diamantveld GRQ


  1. avatar
    #255 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #253)
    Ek kan nie met daai stry nie!

    20 April, 2024 at 12:00
  2. avatar
    #254 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #252)
    Also true!

    20 April, 2024 at 11:59
  3. avatar
    #253 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #251)
    Nie een nie, ek back sy behendigheid met G.L.O.C.K en 45 van sy chommies🤣🤣🤣🤣

    20 April, 2024 at 08:23
  4. avatar
    #252 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #251)
    Easy… the alive one

    20 April, 2024 at 07:58
  5. avatar
    #251 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #246)
    Wie back jy op jou kind se lewe, Jonah Lomu of Cheslin Koble?

    19 April, 2024 at 22:19
  6. avatar
    #250 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #249)
    They are so big because years ago when the pacific islanders were canibals they ate all the weak ones leaving only the strongest genes to survive… was eat or be eaten🤣🤣🤣🤣

    19 April, 2024 at 20:59
  7. avatar
    #249 Kaya 85

    @tzavosky (Comment #239)
    Cool, thanks will Google that..I wonder if there is a study on the Samoans, or Polynesians in general who are dominating pro rugby physically despite their proportionally small populations.

    19 April, 2024 at 19:51
  8. avatar
    #248 Deon

    @tzavosky (Comment #235)
    Ek het toevallig hier geloer om die plasing deur jou wat ek geweet het gaan kom gesien. Ek ken baie van daardie studies Dok, baie, ek het gehardloop (op my dag provinsiaal middelafstande provinsiaal en al was my beenstruktuur nie reg om later verder te kom nie, het ek uit liefde vir draf aangehou, en probeer steeds, na lumbar fusion en femur breek ens na ‘n nare ongeluk en al, lees nog wyd as leek maar ek weet jy weet baie beter as ek. Ek het nou onlangs HEEL laaste gekom in ‘n 21km trail run, so ver agter dat ek die tweede laaste ou nie eers kon sien meer nie :lol: So ek lees nog omdat ek ‘n leek is, maar ek weet darem niemand se longe vergroot 30% as hulle vanaf die kus op beweeg soos Anker tong -in-die-kies beweer het nie . Tim Noakes het my baie teleurgestel al, maar hy is beslis nie die enigste akademikus met kennis oor die saak nie. Ek is bewus van die beenlengte kwessie en vind boonop die lys van die tien langste nasies in die wêreld vreemd, nogal met die Nederlanders heel bo, en heel bo op die European IQ map ook, Flynn effek en al. Ek het nou baie langer geskryf as ek moet en kon, tyd is baie min, so ek het net die kort kommentare op jou plasing lees en lei af daaruit dat jy meen daar is geen effek om van hoog na laag beweeg nie en dat die top atlete wat vandag nog in Boulder en die Kenya Hooglande gaan voorberei vir marathons en die feit by verre die meeste Keniane wat presteer uit die Hooglande kom is pseudo-wetenskap en dat hul dokters kwaksalwers is. Praat môre of oormôre weer. Mooi naweek en mag Dawie roodt se span wen teen wie hulle ookal speel. (Dink ek is korrek oor waar hy skool gegaan het.

    19 April, 2024 at 15:02
  9. avatar
    #247 JongMatie

    @Smallies (Comment #246)
    Vreemd dat sekere skole nie vir Kolbe geGAPS het nie.

    19 April, 2024 at 12:55
  10. avatar
    #246 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #243)
    Cheslin Kolbe ,kurt Lee Arendse se jy is verkeerd betreffende size

    19 April, 2024 at 12:42
  11. avatar
    #245 JongMatie

    @tzavosky (Comment #244)
    Skittrerende voorbeeld – Stoffels van die Maroon Masjien.

    19 April, 2024 at 11:03
  12. avatar
    #244 tzavosky

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #243)
    Enige ou kan sy suurstofdissoasiasiekurwe skuif, maar jy kan nie jou basiese liggaamsbou verander nie.
    Groot vs klein – enige ou wat dink die klein outjie in die opponente se span is ‘n maklike teiken, moet sy kop laat lees – hy is daar met ‘n rede, en dis waarskynlik om jou span seer te maak.

    19 April, 2024 at 11:01
  13. avatar
    #243 OUD ANKER

    @tzavosky (Comment #239)
    Dankie dok. So genetika trump suurstofdissosiasie….interessant….ek het geweet die lugdruk ding is net ‘n verskoning as die Kapenaars hierbo kom verloor en gaan Ragnar Lodbrok altyd vir Kiboye ore aansit op die rugbyveld…i.e. ‘n goeie grote is altyd beter as ‘n goeie kleintjie.

    19 April, 2024 at 10:49
  14. avatar
    #242 Grizzly

    @Mate (Comment #241)
    🤣🤣🤣🤣 Ai!

    19 April, 2024 at 05:00
  15. avatar
    #241 Mate

    @tzavosky (Comment #239)

    As jy ooit weer n Oos Vrystater sien, kyk na die lengte van hul bobene. Daai manne skud hom met hul kniekoppe af by die urinaal

    19 April, 2024 at 03:58
  16. avatar
    #240 Mate

    @tzavosky (Comment #239)

    Baie interessant
    Ek verstaan ook nou hoekom manne van Oos Vrystaatse herkoms elke jaar die Pniel beker gewen het in so mate dat n FooTlong in Bloem na hul vernoem is

    19 April, 2024 at 03:46
  17. avatar
    #239 tzavosky

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #238)
    The Danes did a study on this, comparing the physiology of Danish boys with Kenyan boys. There was virtually no difference between the two groups, apart from the thin legs of Kenyan boys. If you’re interested, google “The Kenyan project – Final report” – it will lead you to a pdf file.

    18 April, 2024 at 19:38
  18. avatar
    #238 Kaya 85

    @tzavosky (Comment #235)
    Most insightful.

    18 April, 2024 at 18:04
  19. avatar
    #237 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #233)
    Ek het hier in 1989 n hydra daar gevang…my ou pel Rudi Rohrs he langs my gesit en n krakken gehak dit het ongelukkig af gekom

    18 April, 2024 at 17:20
  20. avatar
    #236 Smallies

    @tzavosky (Comment #235)
    Die was nou baie interresant vir my👍👍

    18 April, 2024 at 17:19
  21. avatar
    #235 tzavosky

    @Deon (Comment #231)
    Omtrent 30 jaar terug toe Tim Noakes hom nog bemoei het met sportgeneeskunde was dit die moete werd om na hom te luister, not so much in onlangse tye waar hy hom oor diëte begin uitspreek het.

    In elk geval, 30 jaar terug het hy ‘n lesing aangebied wat gehandel het oor hoekom atlete van Oos-Afrika herkoms middel- en langafstand wedlope oorheers, en die van Wes-Afrikaanse herkoms naellope (en Oos-Europeërs in kragitems soos gewigoptel). Alles te doen met genetika, en heelwat minder met hoogte bo seevlak (dit help natuurlik as jy in Albuquerque, op die Hoéveld of in die Himalayas gaan oefen – dit skuif jou sg suurstofdissosiakurwe, sodat jou rooibloedselle makliker hulle gebonde suurstof vrystel).

    Maar volgende keer as atlete aantree vir ‘n langafstandwedloop, kyk ‘n bietjie na hulle onderbene – lank en dun (sg “spindle shape”) – dit gee hulle ‘n hefboomvoordeel, wat hulle meer ekonomiese hardlopers maak. Ja, die Keniane het ‘n oefenkamp op die rand van die Rift Valley, maar voor jy daar toegelaat word, moes jy alreeds ‘n standardmarathon onder 2h10m gehardloop het, as ek reg onthou.

    En die interessante ding is, die oorgrootte meerderheid van hulle is van die Kalinjingroep-stamme van Kenia.

    18 April, 2024 at 16:44
  22. avatar
    #234 JongMatie

    @Deon (Comment #231)
    Ou Deon my PRG maatjie!!

    18 April, 2024 at 13:08
  23. avatar
    #233 OUD ANKER

    @Deon (Comment #231)
    Duik in die Brakpan dam wat net sowat 1.5m diep is, is BAIE gevaarliker as oxygen toxicity op 65m! Die goed wat jou in daai dam gaan byt het reeds die volgende stadium van evolusie ondergaan! Ja, jy is reg, Tuks is uit die VC vir 2024, maar is reeds weer promote vir 2025 en o ja, die Bokke het in 2023 die wereld beker gewen.

    18 April, 2024 at 12:10
  24. avatar
    #232 Deon

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #221)
    Now that is by far the best school motto I have ever heard of, thanks. Don’t do tattoos though.

    18 April, 2024 at 10:54
  25. avatar
    #231 Deon

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #199)
    Hey Anker. Ek hoop dit gaan goed. Hoëveld se ryp is op pad. Ek lag nou lekker. Ek volg nie VC nie maar nou praat jy darem aspris groot bollie om my uit te lok. Ek sou nie eers geweet het van die UCT game nie as ‘n aangetroude familielid nie gescore het en almal my vertel het nie. Ek het nie eers geweet UCT het gewen nie. Die span hoogste bo seevlak het op enige plek ver voordeel bo die span vanaf die kus. Vra die Keniane, of Tim Noakes ens. Lees oor ‘n dorpie in die VSA genaamd Boulders, Colorado. As jy al bends of stikstofnarkose beleef het na ‘n scuba tussen die ou Cortina Big 6 wrakke en babers en met Trimix moes scuba en helium moes meng by jou suurstof ,in die Brakpan dam sou jy beter verstaan. En nee, ek mag wel ‘n ook Matie gewees het, en ek het lekker gegiggel toe jy my nou die dag probeer uitlok en dit net ignoreer, primêr vir my is dit Tuks of Niks. Erens het ek gehoor hulle is nie eers meer in die VC nie. Weet nie of dit waar is nie. Ek volg slegs skolerugby. Ek het na 1995 nog nie eers ‘n ander game gekyk, of nie eers enige Wêreldbeker game gekyk nie behalwe die een wat ons verloor het teen Japan en die Wallis game in ek vermoed dieselfde WC waar ek dink Fourie du Preez het gescore. Ek kyk skolerugby, en slegs as PRG speel teen ‘n groot skool en slegs post facto wanneer moontlik as ek hoor ons het gewen. Dis hoekom ek nie naastenby so baie weet soos julle nie. Ek DINK ek weet wel genoeg om te sê Boishaai gaan Saterdag wen.

    18 April, 2024 at 10:50
  26. avatar
    #230 agter_die_pale_pa

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #229)
    Ek vermoed baie seuns hou op speel na matriek en fokus op studies of begin begin werk. Dit is waarom ek so nuuskierig is om te sien watter seuns kry (en kies) wel rugby-geleenthede. Daar is eenvoudig net te min junior unie- en varsity-cup spanne om elke jaar se matriekgroep te akkommodeer. 30 jaar terug sou meeste wat nie univ toe gaan nie klubrugby gespeel het, terwyl 40 jaar terug sou hul vir die weermag of polisie gespeel het, tot ‘n unie hul raaksien.

    Ek vermoed ook dat al hoe meer seuns begin buite die publieke oog rugby-verwante geleenthede by oorsese univ kry, soos die geval by indiv sportsoorte soos tennis, swem en atletiek.

    18 April, 2024 at 10:34
  27. avatar
    #229 OUD ANKER

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #228)
    Maar as die seun se talent dan in akademie is, waarom volgens hierdie bespreking is daar dan so min van die ster skool rugby spelers by die Varsity rugby spanne? Mens sou mos dan dink dat daar BAIE van hulle in die universiteit/technikon spanne sou wees. Vir my is die logika dan dat hulle ook nie gaan studeer nie? Wat word dan van hulle?

    18 April, 2024 at 10:18
  28. avatar
    #228 agter_die_pale_pa

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #226)
    Teenargument is dat die waarde vir die skoolseun met talent moontlik nie in rugby le nie. Sy talent het hom geleentheid gegee om kwaliteit-onderrig te kry, wat lei tot univ-vrystelling, moontlike afslag op koshuisgelde ens. Sy skoolbeurs het dus indirek tot geleenthede gelei, maar nie noodwendig in senior-rugby nie. En die skool kry sy pond vleis want hul eindig top 10 in die land, en trek weer juniors.

    18 April, 2024 at 10:10
  29. avatar
    #227 agter_die_pale_pa

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #226)
    Dit is juis dat die gewone ou op straat nie weet wat gebeur met die talent nie. Vir ‘n jaar of twee na matriek is dit asof daar net geen belangstelling is van die rugby-publiek nie. Skole-rugby is groter as URC (in my opinie), Varsity Cup doen uitstekend en sorg vir lekker Maandagaande, en eenmaal per jaar volg ons die u20 Bokkies. Ek dink daar is ‘n massiewe geleentheid om die u20 spanne van die unies meer airtime te gee. Voorwedstryde vir URC wat op SS uitgesaai word byvoorbeeld. Dan sal hierdie seuns minder voor lee stadions speel.

    Eers dan sal mens opinie kan lewer oor jou stelling oor geleenthede via skole. Indien ‘n groot % van daai seuns dan nie na matriek of varsity cup, of by ‘n unie se u20 strukture speel nie, stem ek saam vanuit ‘n rugby-oogpunt.

    18 April, 2024 at 10:09
  30. avatar
    #226 OUD ANKER

    @agter_die_pale_pa (Comment #225)
    Hierdie is nou vir my ‘n baie interessante gesprek wat my onmiddellik laat dink aan werwing/beurse/finansiele bystand van skole en almal se argumente daarvoor en daarteen. Die pro-werwing manne se argument dat dit geleenthede vir outjies bied wat andersins nie die geleentheid gehad het nie maak dan nie sin as hy na skool net verdwyn nie (soos al die kommentare hieronder blyk), m.a.w. jy up-root ‘n laaitie iewers in die Boland en bring hom op Pretoria toe (nou gaan ek seker gestenig word oor my voorbeeld) onder die edele gedagte dat jy die seun beter geleenthede bied, MAAR dit blyk uit hierdie gesprek dat dit dan actaully NIE ‘n geleentheid vir daai seun was NIE as hy na skool verdwyn, wat word dan van hom? Terug Boland toe, om wat dan te doen met sy lewe nadat hy vir 1, 2, 3 jaar up-root was? Is hierdie werwing/beurse/finansiele ondersteuning dan nie 100% vir die skole se egos nie?

    18 April, 2024 at 09:18
  31. avatar
    #225 agter_die_pale_pa

    @Kantman (Comment #220)
    Netso.. Ek is elke jaar nuuskierig om te sien hoe vorder die seuns na matriek, maar google tel byna niks op nie so dan beweeg ek maar aan. Vat bv die SA u20 groep wat sopas aangekondig is. Soveel name wat 2 jaar terug uitstaande rugby gespeel het wat nie daar is nie. Sal graag wil weet of baie van hulle ooit nog by enige unie se juniorspanne betrokke is.

    17 April, 2024 at 21:37
  32. avatar
    #224 Snelvuur

    @Kantman (Comment #218)
    Ek dink daar is samewerking – kyk na iemand soos BJ Dixon: hy was Maties se kaptein en het voltyds geswot terwyl hy ‘n WP kontrak gehad het. Ek kan nie vir seker sê wat die rede is nie, maar ek vermoed dat baie rugbyspelers na skool net besluit om nie te gaan swot nie – wat beteken hulle kan dan ook nie Varsity Cup speel nie.

    17 April, 2024 at 21:28
  33. avatar
    #223 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #222)
    Daar stem ons 100% saam

    17 April, 2024 at 19:19
  34. avatar
    #222 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #220)
    En dit is waarom ek nie n groot fan is van spelers direk na skool kontrakteur nie ….

    17 April, 2024 at 19:17
  35. avatar
    #221 Kaya 85

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #211)
    Met a hard core guy, not quite an outlaw but thereabouts who had gone to Queens, he had the school’s Latin motto tatooed across his throat in large Gothic lettering, esse quam videri

    17 April, 2024 at 19:15
  36. avatar
    #220 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #219)
    Dit is tans – dus sit jou Unie spelers vir 2-3 jaar na skool en speel voor leë stadions in wedstryde wat nie uitgesaai word nie.
    Wie het regtig hierdie jaar se SA U20 spelers sien speel vir hulle provinsies die laaste 2 jaar?

    17 April, 2024 at 19:15
  37. avatar
    #219 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #218)
    Die ding vir my Is dat die NIE veronderstel is om gekoppel te wees aan enige unies nie ,vir my persoonlik is die Varsity cup veronderstel om n eksklusiewe intervarsity tipe kompetiesie te wees ….en as mens dan so daarna kyk is die pukke eintlik die enigste een wat dit reg doen

    17 April, 2024 at 18:57
  38. avatar
    #218 Kantman

    @Snelvuur (Comment #217)
    Dankie – voel vir my Maties kan nie (wil nie?) aanpas vir huidige VC realiteite nie. Sien nie dat Maties en WP saam werk (ook met Ikeys) om spelers te hou en ontwikkel nie?

    17 April, 2024 at 18:51
  39. avatar
    #217 Snelvuur

    @Kantman (Comment #215)
    Maties se set-up deesdae is vreemd – ek dink nie daar is enige van hulle wat tans vir die Stormers speel nie. Sommiges word egter vinnig opgeraap (soos Juan Mostert wat Bulle toe is en teruggekom het en Jurie Matthee wat Stormers toe is). Die een punt waar ek wel vir JongMatie gelyk sal gee is dat daar betreklik min van die Wynlandse skole se sterspelers by Maties eindig. Ek praat onder korreksie, maar ek dink nie daar is tans een voormalige HJS speler in Maties se span nie. Dis regtig vreemd aangesien HJS een van die SU se grootste voederskole is. Daar is ook min Gim spelers (net Louw Nel, as ek dit nie mis het nie). Dit wil blyk asof meeste van HJS en Gim se belowende spelers dus of nie gaan swot nie en/of deur ander unies opgeraap word. Daar is wel baie PRG-spelers in Maties se groep, maar die uit die maer jare en/of meer onlangse ouens wat maar op die rand van die eerste en tweedespan was (met Corné Weilbach en Juan Mostert as die uitsonderings wat realisties ‘n kans op pro rugby het).

    17 April, 2024 at 18:29
  40. avatar
    #216 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #215)

    17 April, 2024 at 17:50
  41. avatar
    #215 Kantman

    @JongMatie (Comment #201)
    Is daar regtig Maties wat vir WP spanne speel en nie beskikbaar is nie? Indien wel is die prioriteite verkeerd.

    17 April, 2024 at 17:47
  42. avatar
    #214 JongMatie

    @Vleis (Comment #210)
    We share our players with the rest of the country – like schoolboys from the Swartland to North of the Vaal.

    17 April, 2024 at 13:29
  43. avatar
    #213 JongMatie

    @tzavosky (Comment #212)

    17 April, 2024 at 13:28
  44. avatar
    #212 tzavosky

    @Vleis (Comment #210)
    You’ve beaten me to it, but the Skelmbossers tend to ignore comments about Jurie…

    17 April, 2024 at 13:02
  45. avatar
    #211 RuggaFreak

    @Grasshopper (Comment #209)
    I know those two very well, great men.Thank you sir, I too wish Glenwood nothing but growth and success in the future 🙏🏾

    17 April, 2024 at 12:52
  46. avatar
    #210 Vleis

    @JongMatie (Comment #207)
    You’re forgetting that the other VC teams also lose players to the URC, CC, etc. You’re also forgetting that Maties excellent HISTORIC VC record is due to the 37 million that was “reallocated” to the rugby program in those days. I’m surprised that they did not win it every year!! :lol:

    17 April, 2024 at 12:16
  47. avatar
    #209 Grasshopper

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #208)
    Well, that’s good to know, we need to protect these old great schools. The new Glenwood Head Pierre Jacobs in ex Queens, so we have a link for sure. Also, I used to work with Lwandile Qokweni who played rugga at Queens, and he always was passionate about the school. Best of luck maintaining standards in a crumbling surrounding area, Glenwood has it even worse. The Umbilo/Glenwood lower area looks like a Shanty town from Lagos…:-(

    17 April, 2024 at 11:23
  48. avatar
    #208 RuggaFreak

    @Grasshopper (Comment #205)
    Nha I know you don’t mean disrespect, the town is a mess I’ll also sadly admit but luckily Queen’s is situated in a lefy suburb called TopTown which is a total opposite of the state of the CBD. Pupil intake has increased massively at the College with the Boarder pupils numbers trippling so the school is not affected by Komani politics also the Old Boy engagement is surreal with branches all over the country actively involved, we in a good space. Haha nhaa it will remain Queen’s College, we proud of our heritage.

    17 April, 2024 at 11:07
  49. avatar
    #207 JongMatie

    @tzavosky (Comment #206)
    N blinde hoender pik ook so nou en dan raak – gaan kyk na die wenners van VC –
    (ons speel eers bekerrugby na skool)

    17 April, 2024 at 11:01
  50. avatar
    #206 tzavosky

    @JongMatie (Comment #201)
    Dit smaak my die Stommerds bestuur moet dan eerder ‘n bietjie meer aandag gee oor wat by Ikeys gebeur…

    17 April, 2024 at 10:53
  51. avatar
    #205 Grasshopper

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #204)
    Dude, no disrespect, I drove through Queenstown in 2021, it was like a one horse town, one Wimpy and very messy. Hopefully it’s changed, I see it’s name has changed to Komani, maybe the school name will change to Komani College?

    17 April, 2024 at 10:17
  52. avatar
    #204 RuggaFreak

    @Grasshopper (Comment #193)
    Boarding establishment growing rapidly as the school had to re-open another hostel and the school is in a good suburban area. Queenstown definitely not in the middle of anywhere.

    17 April, 2024 at 08:00
  53. avatar
    #203 JongMatie

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #202)
    Noem dit wat jy wil, Wynland Makroskole slaan hom top5/top 3 jaarliks.

    16 April, 2024 at 23:06
  54. avatar
    #202 Kaya 85

    @JongMatie (Comment #201)

    16 April, 2024 at 22:50
  55. avatar
    #201 JongMatie

    Baie eenvoudig, al die goeie wynlandspelers en maties is in die URC en Champions cup strukture.
    Maties werk met die krummels wat oorbly, haal dan nogsteeds semis.
    Daar is beslis iets in die Wynland water.

    16 April, 2024 at 21:59
  56. avatar
    #200 Kaya 85

    @Vleis (Comment #197)
    at least the third one here who went to that game…yes I agree with you about the potential there.

    16 April, 2024 at 20:39
  57. avatar
    #199 OUD ANKER

    @tzavosky (Comment #198)
    Eenvoudig, die Pukke by altitude se longe is nog dieselfde grootte en die Ikeys s’n by default 30% groter omdat hulle van kusvlak af kom EN die ref het die Pukke gekroek.

    16 April, 2024 at 20:35
  58. avatar
    #198 tzavosky

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #186)
    Wat my nou laat kopkrap oor watter unfair advantage Ikeys oor Pukke gehad het?!

    16 April, 2024 at 20:20
  59. avatar
    #197 Vleis

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #124)
    I attended the Parktown v KES game on Saturday and was very impressed by the passion of the Parktown schoolboys. Some of the 1st team players looked useful too, but there was zero structure to their play. Despite getting clobbered, the u16A team tackled like trojans to the very end.

    16 April, 2024 at 18:17
  60. avatar
    #196 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #195)
    Its a big town and definitely a regional business hub….

    16 April, 2024 at 15:43
  61. avatar
    #195 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #194)
    the middle of SOMEWHERE ! there were already 2 KFCs 12 years ago, the last time I drove through there. Must have at least 3 by now

    16 April, 2024 at 15:10
  62. avatar
    #194 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #193)
    Officially its now called Komani,but everybody still says Queenstown…..and its not in the middle of nowhere, it is the middle of nowhere, quite a big town actually 3rd biggest in the Border region after East London and King

    16 April, 2024 at 15:05
  63. avatar
    #193 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #177)
    Problem is, Queenstown is in the middle of nowhere. Is it still called Queenstown?

    16 April, 2024 at 14:49
  64. avatar
    #192 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #190)
    Al three highschools played there games there,most of the primary schools also

    16 April, 2024 at 14:31
  65. avatar
    #191 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #188)
    Dis reg ja ,Frikkie het nie ver van my af gebly nie daar naby, Thomas die griek se Kafee .Hulle huis het n bad op die sypaadjie gehad wat vol blomme geplant was😂😂😂

    16 April, 2024 at 14:28
  66. avatar
    #190 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #188)
    Good memories of the Bosman …I only got to play on the B field though, but I slayed that day.

    16 April, 2024 at 14:27
  67. avatar
    #189 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #187)
    Those interhoër athletic meets were awsome we used to go by train from Brakpan to Springs and the walked as a school from Springs station to Pam Brink ,there were something like 20 000 learners there basically filling half the staduim ….

    16 April, 2024 at 14:23
  68. avatar
    #188 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #183)
    Jip, sy oupa was Koos Bosman, Springbok bestuurder tydens 1963 Wallaby toer en so hoog geag dat Dok Craven ‘n draer by sy begrafnis was.

    16 April, 2024 at 14:17
  69. avatar
    #187 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #183)
    reminds me of the East Rand interschools athletics…Pam Brink, Herman Immelman, the threat of getting donnered by HTS and lots of short skirt cheerleaders

    16 April, 2024 at 14:14
  70. avatar
    #186 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #184)
    Dis juis die punt dat die game in Stellenbosch was, die Shimlas se longkapasiteit was 30% meer so hulle het ‘n unfair advantage gehad!

    16 April, 2024 at 14:13
  71. avatar
    #185 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #181)
    Ou Frik se roots bly maar in Brakpan

    16 April, 2024 at 13:37
  72. avatar
    #184 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #182)
    Game was in Stellies so daai kite gaan nie vlieg nie😂😂😂

    16 April, 2024 at 13:31
  73. avatar
    #183 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #181)
    Daai santa aande was die shit gewees ,ek is bly as Frik betrokke raak by Bosman stadeon ,dit is immers na sy oupa vernoem as ek reg onthou.Hy was die jaar voor my matriek gewees

    16 April, 2024 at 13:29
  74. avatar
    #182 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #180)
    Ek het gesien die Maties het piets gekry…! Ek wonder of lugdruk of die ref die skuld gaan kry.

    16 April, 2024 at 12:51
  75. avatar
    #181 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #175)
    Jy weet Frikkie Bosman is tans besig om die Bosman stadion te herstel/upgrade na sy oorspronklike glorie….yes, en tydens daai SANTA toernooie het hulle NOOIT daaraan gedink om toeskouers van die verskillende skole te skei nie, so die kans was baie groot dat mens gebliksem sou word as jy tussen die verkeerde toeskouers opgeeindig het!

    16 April, 2024 at 12:49
  76. avatar
    #180 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #179)
    Hy sal nie want die Maties het op hulle moer gekry😂😂😂😂

    16 April, 2024 at 12:48
  77. avatar
    #179 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #178)
    Varsity Cup..Eks seker Jongmatie gaan jou antwoord….of nie.

    16 April, 2024 at 12:44
  78. avatar
    #178 Smallies

    Gaan niemand iets se oor die Varsity cup semi’s nie….

    16 April, 2024 at 08:44
  79. avatar
    #177 Smallies

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #176)
    Best schools grandstand in the country in my veiw

    16 April, 2024 at 08:37
  80. avatar
    #176 RuggaFreak

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #170)
    Yes Queenstown.The Rec is the Queen’s College main rugby field, it’s a stadium like facility. No cricket pitch on it, summer the facility is used for athletics and winter rugby. Check it out for a minute if you have the chance on Supersport on saturday, it really is beautiful with new tartan track and clubhouse. Rec was once voted as the best schoolboy rugby field circa 2012 and runner up to the Piley Reece the following year.

    16 April, 2024 at 08:09
  81. avatar
    #175 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #172)
    Ons gesels mou so oor atmosfeergevulde skole rugby venues ….nou dink ek min plekke het gekom by Bosman stadeon tydens n Donderdag aand SANTA toernooi nie

    15 April, 2024 at 22:21
  82. avatar
    #174 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #171)
    Its a saying we have if something is berry funny its kak funny ,or uf its very lekker its kak lekker
    Or if someone is very lazy he is yep kak sleg … if I say that samoosa is kak lekker it is moer lekker

    15 April, 2024 at 22:18
  83. avatar
    #173 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #168)
    Jubilee kafee die laaste gebou in Voortrekker str voor dit Van Der Waldt rylaan word,Dit was laerskool Komando reg oorkant Stoffberg

    15 April, 2024 at 22:16
  84. avatar
    #172 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #171)
    In Brakpan before the games started the old tannies served “regmakers” early on a Saturday morning!

    15 April, 2024 at 21:18
  85. avatar
    #171 Kaya 85

    @Smallies (Comment #153)
    Yiss, that samoosa was both kak AND moer lekker…but was it f%kk#n lekker? …On another note, the KES moms always provide complimentary cake, scones and tea early Saturday mornings which you have to try before getting a boerie roll, or rib burger. At Helpies you get complimentary coffee and rusks.

    15 April, 2024 at 19:44
  86. avatar
    #170 Kaya 85

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #140)
    The Rec? Where is that…Is that Queenstown?

    15 April, 2024 at 19:29
  87. avatar
    #169 Kaya 85

    8)) @Grasshopper (Comment #137)

    15 April, 2024 at 19:28
  88. avatar
    #168 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #146)
    Jammer Smallies, soos ek bo genoem het vir Bush, ek moes gesê het: “Wat ek al gesien het”. Ek kan nie ‘n neutrale stelling maak nie want ek was nog nie oral nie. Ver van.Was ook nog nie by Grey nie maar ek verstaan hulle het ook pragtige en reuse gronde. Nou dat almal so praat van kos, elke keer as ek jou sien raak ek lus vir ‘n dagwood en slap chips by daai Griekse kafee in Brakpan, daar relatief naby daai laerskool wat die nuwe naam gekry het Die Arend dink ek.

    15 April, 2024 at 18:40
  89. avatar
    #167 Deon

    @Bush (Comment #166)
    Yeah and in 2013 you told us about the lovely zamies , or something like that, they sell there, and I asked you what a zamie is.

    I should have qualified my statement earlier by adding “the best I have seen/experienced”. I must admit I have only watched one schoolboy game outside my province and that was PRG vs Monnas, when Johny Asher (I think was his name, he later palyed for Transvaal or the Lions) and a prop bigger than I think I have seen in that pre-gym era played for Monnas and that was in the 80’s.

    So I really should have qualified my statement.

    15 April, 2024 at 18:31
  90. avatar
    #166 Bush

    @Deon (Comment #141)
    Hi Deon,
    I’ve been to two places in the Cape. Bois High and Paul Roos. The Cape is beautiful and the surroundings around those stadiums were incredible. Nothing great when you seated. Nothing beats the wintery feel while looking over the Pin Oaks and down the bog stream straits of Meadows.
    2 3 House

    15 April, 2024 at 17:16
  91. avatar
    #165 BoishaaiPa

    @JongMatie (Comment #152)
    Lyk my jy was lanklaas by Brugstraat. Die veld is al in 2017/2018 groter gemaak. Wat is die vereiste vir standaard grootte van n rugbyveld?

    15 April, 2024 at 15:16
  92. avatar
    #164 Grasshopper

    @Rainier (Comment #157)
    Yep, those early years games imprint themselves on you. Mine was Glenwood vs Boishaai at Glenwood in 1992, I think it was Michaelmas/Ascension week or something. Corne Krige was the Boishaai captain, we lost like 9-6. What a game and what an atmosphere. Never to be touched again for me.

    15 April, 2024 at 13:50
  93. avatar
    #163 JongMatie

    Ehrentraut – best in the business

    15 April, 2024 at 13:18
  94. avatar
    #162 Rainier

    @beet (Comment #159)

    The 15 was Henk Prinsloo. I am not sure whether you are referring to Ruan van der Merwe – his son played for Boishaai. He was fullback in 1986.

    De Haas v Stransky, Steenkamp v Thompson.

    There is footage on Youtube.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:54
  95. avatar
    #161 JongMatie

    @Smallies (Comment #156)
    So n samoosa proe altyd lekkerder agter die boerewors gordyn.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:51
  96. avatar
    #160 Smallies

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #158)
    Queenstown used to come to a standstill for that game… Boere vs Souties ….

    15 April, 2024 at 12:45
  97. avatar
    #159 beet

    @Rainier (Comment #157)
    There was Boishaai parent who played fullback in that 1985 match would talk about that game from time to time.
    Pieter de Haas vs Jeremy Thompson.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:43
  98. avatar
    #158 RuggaFreak

    @Smallies (Comment #146)
    My Afrikaans is unfortunately bad 😂 but I tried to understand what you saying,if I’m correct you saying Hoerskool Hangklip fields have some best views ? If so then I agree, they have really huge rugby fields! Still sad QC vs Hangklip is no more, used to be a lekker derby.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:41
  99. avatar
    #157 Rainier

    Maybe I was spoiled at an early stage, but the most amazing venue, atmosphere and game I ever experienced was Maritzburg v Grey in 1985. Nothing has ever come close, not even attending the big Paarl clash in 1999. The only thing that sucked was the result.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:41
  100. avatar
    #156 Smallies

    @JongMatie (Comment #155)
    Daai een was moer lekker…of ek was moer honger😂😂😂

    15 April, 2024 at 12:39
  101. avatar
    #155 JongMatie

    @Smallies (Comment #153)
    Groter is nie altyd beter nie.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:38
  102. avatar
    #154 Rainier

    @beet (Comment #151)

    Gungets Tuft had me excited for the chocolate eclairs at MH earlier this year.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:37
  103. avatar
    #153 Smallies

    @JongMatie (Comment #152)
    Ek het eendag by Paarl Gim n samoesa so groot soos n dinnerplate gekoop ,was kak lekker gewees.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:35
  104. avatar
    #152 JongMatie

    Boishaai ‘tel’ nie want die veld is nie standaard grootte nie.
    As Markotter maar net berge toe kon kyk – nou vertoon die hoofpawiljoen Kaapse Vlakte toe – eish.
    Daar is wel niks wat by Paul Roos se BB’s (Brekkie Buns) kom nie.

    Fasiliteite het nie hul gelyke binne die landsgrense van ZA nie.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:27
  105. avatar
    #151 beet

    @Rainier (Comment #142)
    Thank you for highlighting the importance of food when assessing the quality of the playing surfaces at school around the country. Hopefully somehow credit for this can work its way back to you.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:24
  106. avatar
    #150 Smallies

    Snaaks dat niemand Jan Kriel noem nie dis n baie mooi veld speel oppervlak en veiw

    15 April, 2024 at 12:22
  107. avatar
    #149 Grasshopper

    @Smallies (Comment #148)
    Would love to. Bucket list games for one day. No in SA enough in winter to get the chance…

    15 April, 2024 at 12:21
  108. avatar
    #148 Smallies

    @Grasshopper (Comment #145)
    You need to attend a Grey Affies Grey PRG or Grey Boishaai game either in Bloem or in the cape or PTA,I personally think those 3 games are the biggest ones afte the Paarl interschools…2018 Grey vs PRG in Bloem had 20 00 + 2022 Grey vs Affies in PTA was also 20 000 + 2018 Grey vs Boishaai at Brugstreet was an amazing encounter with Grey breaking the Boishaai streak ….

    15 April, 2024 at 12:16
  109. avatar
    #147 Grasshopper

    @Rainier (Comment #142)
    Playing surface is hard to rate without a grass specialist or pitch expert view and having seen all the schools pitches. School grounds and atmospheres are what counts, why we go and watch.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:11
  110. avatar
    #146 Smallies

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #140)
    @Deon (Comment #141)
    Hoerskool Hangklip in Queenstown se sportgronde is die sportgronde met die beste veiw wat ek al gesien het ,Wynland velde ingesluit…veral van die Hokkie veld af.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:10
  111. avatar
    #145 Grasshopper

    @Deon (Comment #141)
    I’ve been to a few games in the Southern Suburbs, OK for atmosphere, no build up like in KZN for a 3pm or 3.30pm kick-off, it’s all over by 1pm. The Bishops vs SACS derby at Piley Rees was OK too. None of these come close to a Hilton vs Michaelhouse, College vs DHS or Glenwood or Glenwood vs DHS. No disrespect OR maybe just a biased view. The Paarl Boys vs Kwaggas fixture I watched in Paarl wasn’t too bad, maybe 2,000 people at max. Derbies in KZN are 8,000 plus. Before the Paarl brigade kick off, yes the Paarl derby is biggest and best, BUT held in a stadium, so doesn’t have the home and away factor. The KES/Jeppe fixture I watched there was pretty good, just very tight grounds at both schools. I’ve not done a Dale vs Queens derby, guessing that would be epic.

    15 April, 2024 at 12:09
  112. avatar
    #144 Strepie

    Congratulations to Wynberg on an outstanding performance against Paarl Boys.
    You guys muscled up and played some excellent footy!
    It will be very tough for any team to go and beat Wynberg in Cape Town!
    We will take this one on the chin! 10 grade 11’s in the starting 15 – the boys have to adapt and learn their trade quickly.
    New week, not so new prospect in Paul Roos this weekend in Stellenbosch.
    It does not get any easier – lots of soul searching to be done.
    Go out there and just do your absolute best!

    First amongst equals!

    15 April, 2024 at 12:04
  113. avatar
    #143 JongMatie

    Maroon Masjien storm voort.
    Volgende op ons lysie – Galpille van die Perel.
    Ons wag vir julle op die Markotter!
    Party Time!

    15 April, 2024 at 11:59
  114. avatar
    #142 Rainier

    As the person who started the whole debate about the various schools I would like to reiterate that I was referring to the playing field only, not the stands or atmosphere of supporters or parking or view or food stalls.

    And I still believe the Selborne PLAYING SURFACE is amongst the best I have ever seen.

    No field with a rugby pitch can be considered.

    15 April, 2024 at 11:54
  115. avatar
    #141 Deon

    @Bush (Comment #131)
    The best scenic in SA can only be in the Western Cape/Boland/Winelands/Southern suburbs. If Markotter’s main stand was on the other side of the main field, facing the Jonkershoek Valley , I cannot see anything beating it. But it is not, so I do not rate it high for appearances and scenic.. Look at the views from the three other Winelands schools….stunning. SACS/Wynberg etc at the foot of Table Mountain…. Kirstenbosch close by, the ocean where possible….. And the gees of SACS, just wow. When they start singing in Afrikaans : Die kat kom weer , changed into Die SACS kom weer. UCT sings it too, also using die SACS for obvious reasons. Gives me goosebumps 40 years later just thinking about it. Bishops unfortunately spoiled it all very much with their songs “We speak English, how about you?”, especially in their stolen hollow victories post matric many from other schools) years.

    15 April, 2024 at 10:40
  116. avatar
    #140 RuggaFreak

    Be on the lookout for the Rec this weekend. First reunion game on the new fully finished tartan track and clubhouse this weekend, without being bias I think it really looks top class and it recently got approval to host nationals in athletics. Game will be televised if you want to check it out.

    15 April, 2024 at 10:23
  117. avatar
    #139 Rugger fan

    @Grasshopper (Comment #137)
    Nowhere near a top school – but Wartbuger Kirchdorfer School has an amazing view from their field – unimpeded from Albert Falls dam – across the entire Midlands all the way to the Drakensberg. A stunning location for a very small and rural school. Host a tier 2/3 tournament early season every year.

    15 April, 2024 at 10:08
  118. avatar
    #138 Rugger fan

    @Tang (Comment #122)
    Tang – just want to commend PBHS for another TOP fixture between Maritzburg College and PBHS in PMB. It is always a pleasure to be involved in some small way with this weekend – the culture – the sheer number of boy, coaches, Old boys, parents that travel (both ways) for everything from debating and choir – through chess, squash, cycling to hockey and rugger. The atmosphere, the manners of the players and spectators is always uplifting and gives one hope for our great country. The leadership at these 2 schools are really doing great things for the future generations of our country. Thanks for another great and memorable weekend.

    15 April, 2024 at 10:07
  119. avatar
    #137 Grasshopper

    @beet (Comment #133)
    1) Meadows (just for Bush and my sister) – 2,3 HOUSE
    2) Gilfillan – Hilton, toffs everywhere, parents arrive from Jozi by helicopter
    3) Piley Rees (for those who pay mountain tax in the Southern Suburbs) – so SACS, Bosch, Wynberg too
    4) Brug Street – Boishaai – more mountains
    5) Markotter – Paul Roos – more mountains
    6) The Rec – Queens okes love it
    7) Lower – for the real ‘college’ St Andrews crew
    8) St Johns – a fake old building with vines
    9) Kearney – nice stand, pretty trees
    10) Goldstones – great atmosphere, pity about the pylons
    11) Dixons (aka Hortops) – close nature of the field and view of the harbour
    12) Northwood – nice view of the ocean
    13) Outeniqua – mountains
    14) Paarl Gim – mountains
    15) Drostdy – mountains
    16) KES – trees
    17) PBHS – best school facade
    18) Grey PE – wind
    19) Grey Bloem – dust and concrete pitch
    20) Diamantveld – a groot gat.
    21) Monnas – best braai set-up

    15 April, 2024 at 08:53
  120. avatar
    #136 beet

    @Smallies (Comment #121)
    Hi Smallies. Was hard to imagine anything green in Graaff-Reinet as I always believed it was dry part of the world but Google Earthed it now. Looks very really nice there. I’m sure lots of history to it as well.

    14 April, 2024 at 23:12
  121. avatar
    #135 beet

    @Bush (Comment #134)
    :mrgreen: :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    14 April, 2024 at 22:55
  122. avatar
    #134 Bush

    @beet (Comment #133)
    Yes St John’s is stunning. Great idea House 1 Kearsney 2 :twisted: :twisted: :twisted: :twisted:

    14 April, 2024 at 22:49
  123. avatar
    #133 beet

    @Bush (Comment #131)
    Yeah something else I experienced is a very relaxing feel about the setting at the Meadows.

    Some very good grounds.
    As mentioned below St John’s is a potential number one overall.
    A good number of schools in the Cape will be in the mix with the whole mountain range backdrop.
    We should probably have a ranking :mrgreen:

    14 April, 2024 at 22:34
  124. avatar
    #132 Grasshopper

    Jirre the Kwaggas felt the wrath of Bloem! Even Glenwood have not lost by 90 in Bloem

    14 April, 2024 at 21:49
  125. avatar
    #131 Bush

    @beet (Comment #119)
    And if you sitting behind the poles, the coaching staff get in the way. Horrible. But has to be the best scenic setup in the country.

    14 April, 2024 at 21:46
  126. avatar
    #130 Grant

    @beet (Comment #129)
    Beet. Couldn’t have put it better. 🫵🏻👍🏻

    14 April, 2024 at 20:42
  127. avatar
    #129 beet

    @Grant (Comment #123)
    Yes for me the Parktown support on the stands is numero uno. Have had the pleasure of being at games in KZN with them going non-stop from first kick-off until the final whistle. I have a feeling its in the content. Parktown has the sort of get into the groove and enjoy yourself like its a teen party type school vibe when doing warcries. Thats how they always came across.

    14 April, 2024 at 20:00
  128. avatar
    #128 Grant

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #127)
    Branners en Coke.

    14 April, 2024 at 19:48
  129. avatar
    #127 Kaya 85

    @Grant (Comment #125)
    let me know, spook n diesel?

    14 April, 2024 at 19:40
  130. avatar
    #126 Smallies

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #124)
    Springs boys high use to have one of the best kadette marching bands in the country in the mid and late 80’s

    14 April, 2024 at 19:26
  131. avatar
    #125 Grant

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #124)
    Kaya. You were there …? Lekka Meneer. Would be honoured to buy you a spook ‘n diesel at one of the games. If that is your poison.

    14 April, 2024 at 19:22
  132. avatar
    #124 Kaya 85

    @Grant (Comment #123)
    Agreed. The Parktown brass band was just awesome. Trumpets, trombones, tubas, horns, saxophones, drums …wow, really really cool. And agreed also that Springs Boys High are building a rugby tradition again. At least 9 teams they are fielding.

    14 April, 2024 at 18:52
  133. avatar
    #123 Grant

    @Grasshopper (Comment #118)
    Correct Grassie. The term “traditional” depends on the standpoint. I would love to keep the Parktown fixture alive and kicking. But to see one sided games almost , not all , across the board with staggered fixtures is not educational IMHO. Especially when a third school comes on to fill fixtures. Well done Springs Boys. I was impressed with your boys. Parktown will rise …. Get the Old Boys involved. One thing is for sure; the Parktown boys on the stands never stopped their support. ARISE 👊🏻

    14 April, 2024 at 17:40
  134. avatar
    #122 Tang

    @Grasshopper – I agree with you on the Grey point. PBHS used to play Grey and the results were totally lopsided.
    What I find fascinating is how fixture lists change over time. KES no longer play Athlone Boys, Highlands North and Potchefstroom Boys. It also looks like KES and Jeppe have dropped fixtures against St Albans (I’m sure Vleis will have a view on this).
    PBHS used to play far more fixtures against Pretoria Schools but the majority of these have fallen away.
    Professionalism and the desire to play against opposition who can field multiple teams in multiple sports, has led to many schools looking for opposition outside of their provinces.

    14 April, 2024 at 17:05
  135. avatar
    #121 Smallies

    @beet (Comment #119)
    I feel I have to mention Union Highschool in Graaf Reinette…the setting is perhaps one of the most beautiful ones in schoolboy rugby….and the pitch is also in great condition

    14 April, 2024 at 16:56
  136. avatar
    #120 beet

    @Grasshopper (Comment #117)
    Glenwood is the most convenient for finding parking close to the field, leaving after is a breeze and finding a seat is normally quite easy. Just view obscured from the prime seats.
    DHS seating hard to get, some seats can’t see the right corner on the Berea Road side, bring your hiking boots because parking is hard to find and usually involves a long walk incl stairs. Almost no cover from bad weather. Westville also hard to find parking nearby. Congested entrance point on Jan Hoffmeyr. Awnings help with rain cover now.
    Obviously any parking on the road is risky now so in this regard the three big privates better but even inside the grounds is no guarantees from would be car thieves these days

    14 April, 2024 at 16:55
  137. avatar
    #119 beet

    @Grasshopper (Comment #117)
    Venues not just fields, I tend to say Gilfillan. The only negatives for me are the dead autumn leaves on the field which I know some people admire and the East to West layout which means sun in the eyes and for some reason its feels like the biggest disadvantage on Gilfillan (Westville and House same). The whole amphitheatre feel is tops though. You can get a good view of the field from three of the four sides (East side facing the sun not recommended) Kearsney has a nice layout with stand too for good viewing but at the moment the field is a real eyesore.

    The Meadows is in a very scenic setting. 10 out of 10 but that tree blocking the view when sitting on the bank is irritating, seating around the field isn’t great, no cover if the weather is bad and like Kearsney a nightmare to leave after the game due to the traffic jam.

    14 April, 2024 at 16:46
  138. avatar
    #118 Grasshopper

    @Grant (Comment #115)
    Yep but Grey wasn’t a traditional fixture. I was talking traditional. That definition is hard to define, played more than 50 times down the line or since inception of the school.

    14 April, 2024 at 16:37
  139. avatar
    #117 Grasshopper

    @beet (Comment #114)
    I think the grass expert has only been doing the grounds a few years. When last did you go there? In terms of best venue I’ve been too, Michaelhouse wins hands down & I’ve been to most of the top tier schools to watch.

    14 April, 2024 at 16:36
  140. avatar
    #116 Tang

    @Oud Anker – I agree with you. Brooks is top class. St John’s also have a magnificent field with the added bonus of their fabulous school as a back drop. Michaelhouse and Hilton are also superb.

    14 April, 2024 at 15:45
  141. avatar
    #115 Grant

    @Grasshopper (Comment #110)
    Which exactly why Glenwood stopped playing GCB. It was detrimental to the boys. The same thing happened with KES and St Stithians. Saints elected to cancel the fixture and hasn’t been renewed since. Where is the educational benefit of being pumped across the board year after year. The answer is to go back to the drawing board , put structures in place and build from foundation up. I am confident Parktown can do it just as Kes and Jeppe did in the 2000’s.

    14 April, 2024 at 15:34
  142. avatar
    #114 beet


    @Grasshopper (Comment #104)
    So years back I recall going to watch rugby one Saturday morning at Glenwood after heavy rain. The main field could not be played on all morning to give it time to dry. It looked like a carpet for sure but got cut up so badly that day just from one main game. I didn’t stay all day and went across to DHS who received the same amount of rain but have different grass and soil so not as green as Glenwood but far better absorption so they could play all day on their firm surface. That’s why I picked Northwood. Always has a beautiful summer green look and firmer like the DHS surface.
    14 April, 2024 at 14:49
  143. avatar
    #113 Grasshopper

    @Martin (Comment #111)
    Dude, I’ve been on this site from the start and fully aware about KES, my wife’s grandfather played in the KES 1st team in 1943 before going to war. 23 teams was the standard for the big Gov schools, Glenwood got up to 30 before. MARITZBURG COLLEGE can do that easily. Point is KES might win 2 games on the day vs Affies and they usually score around 1,000 points across the board…let’s see this year…

    14 April, 2024 at 14:34
  144. avatar
    #112 Kaya 85

    @Deon (Comment #102)
    Loftus not the best surface in SA…Ellis Park for sure.
    Internationally…? gotta be Murrayfield or Twickenham

    14 April, 2024 at 14:31
  145. avatar
    #111 Martin


    KES are able to field up to 23 teams against Affies. Very few other schools can do that. And during the past few years, the Ist XV have been more than competitive against Affies.
    14 April, 2024 at 13:18
  146. avatar
    #110 Grasshopper

    @Grant (Comment #109)
    Yep aware of that. Grey Bloem vs Glenwood happened for a decade and wasn’t a traditional fixtures, games got too one sided so rightly the fixture was stopped. The 221-0 game was the last straw. Glenwood vs Hilton is our oldest, since 1918 that stopped because Hilton didn’t like losing to rabble Gov school so made up ‘too professional’ but Glenwood will keep playing them no matter what. The biggest & oldest derby in Durban is DHS vs Glenwood, pathetic adults stopping that. That should be on. Parktown vs KES, PBHS & Jeppe should always happen

    14 April, 2024 at 12:09
  147. avatar
    #109 Grant

    @Grasshopper (Comment #105)
    There are many traditional fixtures that do not take place anymore between traditional schools for a whole range of reasons. I hope Parktown are able to regain the strength they had in the past. Jhb needs it.

    14 April, 2024 at 12:01
  148. avatar
    #108 Grasshopper

    Well done to the young Green Machine for a moral boosting win vs Clifton, build on that confidence now 👍.

    14 April, 2024 at 11:34
  149. avatar
    #107 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #106)
    Nee oor ons groot stadeons gaan ek nie praat nie ,ek weet wel dat almal van hulle nogal nice speel oppervlaktes het ,ek sien juis nou in die nuus dat die Vrystaat Stadeon n nuwe grasperk gaan kry vir die Portugal toets ….daai groente smouse sal hulle wat verbeel😂😂😂

    14 April, 2024 at 10:39
  150. avatar
    #106 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #103)

    But it does not explain the claim that Loftus is internationally rated as the best field. Seems I will have to go search for the specific comment and ask directly whether it was a scientific claim or just Hugh Bladen on air.

    Dankie Smallies, nou verstaan ek jou verduideliking oor Grey se velde. Jy is maar soos ek voel oor Markotter. Ek wet die geel gerypte gras laat jou ( soos vir my ook, en dis ‘n mooi herinnering vir my) ook dink aan die gras in winter in die Oos-Rand , veral die parkies. En dan is mens weg vir ‘n paar maande en jy kom terug en dis somer en alles is die mooiste groen.

    14 April, 2024 at 10:30
  151. avatar
    #105 Grasshopper

    @Grant (Comment #92)
    Not sure your beef with me, but you don’t just fling out traditional fixtures because of a few poor results. Even stagger if needs be.

    14 April, 2024 at 09:00
  152. avatar
    #104 Grasshopper

    @beet (Comment #97)
    Have you seen Glenwood’s fields? Like a carpet & managed by an OB grass specialist…..certainly up there…

    14 April, 2024 at 08:58
  153. avatar
    #103 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #102)
    Dink dis maar n kwessie van persoonlike sienings,en hoe n persoon die venue ervaar het…Ek laaik Affies juis omdat daai pitch in die middel is en daai wit heiningtjie is vir my mooi, die Grey hoofveld juis omdat daai geel gerypte veld my laat terugdink aan my laerskooldae op Dewetsdorp waar ons as o9 span net 13 sterk was en kaslvoet die ryp van die veld af moe speel…ek hoop dit maak vir jou sin ,gaan nie vir my oor hoe mooi die veld is alhoewel dit beslis n faktor is

    14 April, 2024 at 08:50
  154. avatar
    #102 Deon

    From an ex F-team (at least there were lower teams and I must mention I was captain in both under 19 years lol, in the land of the blind Cyclops is king)layman school rugby fan who is merely interested and asking. Someone mentioned Loftus is (he seemed to imply officially) rated the best playing surface in the world. Who rated it and is there like some official website supporting this? And based on what do all you gurus judge a field? What are the parameters? Some say Affies and PBHS etc are close to Loftus and therefore also should have excellent fields. But Garsfontein is also close, so why not their field? Is Loftus situated at some unique geographical miracle spot? It cannot be about running rugby as especially the old time Bulls were known for everything but running rugby, while the WP teams of old were, very much so, and they were stationed at Newlands (RIP and a tear)? Smallies rates Grey’s fields, but to me as a very uninformed person on this matter it looks like a desert. Why not Brugstreet or Gim’s or Boland Landbou’s beautiful field? Remember, asking, not questioning.

    14 April, 2024 at 08:35
  155. avatar
    #101 KES Oldboy

    @gimmie (Comment #49)
    No problem – thanks. A very good win yesterday for Gimmies in Pretoria. Not easy to travel up to the highveld. But as I said earlier, this Gim team looked special at Noord/Suid.

    14 April, 2024 at 08:17
  156. avatar
    #100 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #93)
    @beet (Comment #97)<br Ek moet seker my comment oor PBHS se veld verander na beste veld oppervlak wat ek al wel gesien het, want ek het verseker nie ALMAL al gesien nie en soos Beet opmerk is Northwood ook 'n juweel en was ek nog nooit daar nie.

    14 April, 2024 at 07:42
  157. avatar
    #99 Jakes


    @Kantman (Comment #87)
    It is actually a good thing that EGJ lost that game today against Waterkloof just before the Noordvaal cup starts in 2 weeks time. It will bring them down to earth as EGJ was unbeaten so far this year with some big wins. Maybe a bit overconfident today and they will have to get back to basics.Very poor defense in the 1st half, was not in the game at all in the 01st half. Very good comeback to a draw eventually.Could have sealed the game with 2 minutes left with a penalty line out kick and push over try as they are strong in that area Unfortunately the kicker did not find touch and ball went dead. Huge mistake. Klofies and EGJansen will meet again later this year in the Noordvaal cup. EGJ will not want a repeat of what happened today.
    14 April, 2024 at 00:48
  158. avatar
    #98 Snelvuur

    @Smallies (Comment #81)
    Affies’ main field really is a great little stadium. The one thing I feel is missing though, is the banter that happens between the schools when they are seated next to each other. Because the schools sit so far apart, you get none of the ribbing that you get at most other venues, and I think the atmosphere is poorer for it.

    14 April, 2024 at 00:28
  159. avatar
    #97 beet

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #91)
    I wonder if the winner is Northwood. Not the best facility to watch rugby at due to the full field being obscured from the main stands but the field always appears to be a beautiful green and in good condition. Literally at sea level, no harsh dry winter weather to kill the grass, no pitch on the rugby field itself.

    13 April, 2024 at 23:31
  160. avatar
    #96 4×4

    @Asterix (Comment #89)
    Elke jaar se probleem…seuns kom uit 23 verskillende skole en dan moet hulle vinnig saamgesnoer word. So geen kontuiniteit nie. Kyk maar ook na laasjaar se Onder 14 uitslae en kyk na hulle Onder 15 uitslae hierdie jaar.
    Dit gesê ek is glad nie ‘n voorstaander dat die mees juniorste afrigters die Onder 14’s afrig nie, en met respek gesê dit staan soos ‘n seer puisie uit. Ek sou juis my mees seniorste afrigters by Onder 14 sit sodat die basiese fondamente gelê word om dan aan te bou na Onder 15 vlak.

    13 April, 2024 at 23:20
  161. avatar
    #95 RuggaFreak

    @Palma (Comment #94)
    Not riled up but if I am so be it, you won’t lie about hardworking kids and staff members and not be challenged on it. Before bed go read Boksmart law 6.A.7 which clearly states ref must stop play when medics attend injured player within 10 minute radius or when play moves towards medics direction. Queen’s deserved to win and have won at the Fortess for 3 years straight. Sleep tight 🫂

    13 April, 2024 at 22:45
  162. avatar
    #94 Palma

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #90)
    You are riled up big time. So they weren’t Queens medics, your point? It still had the same effect. I’m not arguing anymore with a stranger on the internet and I’m not giving my email address to you either. Go to bed mate

    13 April, 2024 at 22:39
  163. avatar
    #93 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #91)
    Dis heel moontlik, ek ken nie PBHS se veld nie

    13 April, 2024 at 22:09
  164. avatar
    #92 Grant

    @Grasshopper (Comment #73)
    Well then go look at the results across the board. As for KES / Affies it’s up to Affies to decide if they still value the fixture or not , locust.

    13 April, 2024 at 22:09
  165. avatar
    #91 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies (Comment #81)
    Loftus considered as the best rugby playing surface in the world, therefore no coincidence that Affies’ A field is maybe a solid lob wedge distance from Loftus, BUT where I disagree with you regarding Affies’ A field being the best is the cricket pitch in the middle of the A field. If you move another 100m south you will find PBHS’ Brooks field, no cricket pitch and in my opinion the best school rugby playing surface in the country…and interesting the person in charge of the grounds including Brooks at PBHS is actually a lady by the name of Natalie Brett…respect…, because PBHS is one moer of a campus regarding size!

    13 April, 2024 at 21:48
  166. avatar
    #90 RuggaFreak

    @Palma (Comment #60)
    Also lastly, send me your email address so that we debunk your lie where you said it was QC medics, I have screenshot images of the medics that I can send to you where one can clearly see a Selborne staff member and boy on the field. Queen’s is just better than Selborne when it comes to rugby at the moment and outplayed Selborne in 2 out of 3 set pieces. Stop trying to put dirt on QC’s name, these are hardworking gentlemen and boys who play hard and fair! Good Queen’s wins in the 14As, 15As, 16As and 1st XV.

    13 April, 2024 at 21:08
  167. avatar
    #89 Asterix

    @4×4 (Comment #74)
    Alle spanne het maar kanse wat hulle altyd moes gebruik. Die punt is jy moet jou nie in daardie posisie sit dat dit verkeerd kan gaan nie. Hulle nou 4 uit 7 verloor met ‘n skool wat seker die meeste graad 8 spelers moet he en meer as 10 cravenweek spelers in die span met baie talent.

    13 April, 2024 at 19:42
  168. avatar
    #88 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #85)
    Gras is altyd te demm lank en duk😂😂😂

    13 April, 2024 at 19:38
  169. avatar
    #87 Kantman

    Het iemand die Waterkloof wen, Northwood draw en Menlo wen sien kom?

    13 April, 2024 at 19:31
  170. avatar
    #86 Smallies

    @Deon (Comment #83)
    Ek persoonlik dink dat hulle baie meer waarde vir geld is ,Grey was net eenfoudig in n kak bui gewees vandag en ek glo GEEN skool sou vandag saam met hulle kon bly nie ,hulle 10 ten spyte van swak skopwerk pale toe het my baie beinduk vandag ,hy is n meester balverspreider…Van Der merwe puik Adams wow 15 giftig en daai twee vleuels bitter gevaarlik vandag ,voorlangs was daar nie n gebrek aan dinamiese baldraers nie met Lukas Meyer se gr11 kleinboet heel voor in die koor….

    13 April, 2024 at 19:31
  171. avatar
    #85 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #81)
    Wat is fout met Markotter?

    13 April, 2024 at 19:26
  172. avatar
    #84 Smallies

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #82)
    Playing surface is always very good,and no matter how bad Selborne is,on that field wins don’t come easy…

    13 April, 2024 at 19:26
  173. avatar
    #83 Deon

    @Smallies (Comment #81)
    Geluk met daardie oorwinning. Ek het so toe ek in die week voorspel het Grey gaan maklik wen maar nie DIT nie.

    Dis seker waar “Cowboys do not cry” ?, maaar flippit my hart breek vir daai Kwaggas,

    13 April, 2024 at 19:25
  174. avatar
    #82 RuggaFreak

    @Smallies (Comment #81)
    Fair enough. I just don’t rate the Fortress at all.

    13 April, 2024 at 19:18
  175. avatar
    #81 Smallies

    @RuggaFreak (Comment #80)
    Its all perception mate ,for me the best shools rugby field is Affies ,followed by the Grey Main field ,the rec has to be on the list also ,in my veiw it has the best grandstand by a mile….

    13 April, 2024 at 19:07
  176. avatar
    #80 RuggaFreak

    @Rainier (Comment #69)
    No ways Selborne field is better than the Rec. It’s not even close.

    13 April, 2024 at 18:55
  177. avatar
    #79 RuggaFreak

    @Rainier (Comment #64)
    He literally ran around the Selborne medics to score. Play supposed to be stopped when medics attending to an injured player that’s why they play injury time cause ref is supposed to stop play and pause time when medics are on the park.

    13 April, 2024 at 18:54
  178. avatar
    #78 Kaya 85

    The Return of the Jedis….Grey College on another planet.

    13 April, 2024 at 18:49
  179. avatar
    #77 RuggaFreak

    @beet (Comment #67)
    Selborne did not do enough as Queen’s was better on both attack and defense. AR made a superb call as the ref didn’t see the medics, all game he stopped play when medics were on the field. Good fair call and Queens the deserved winners

    13 April, 2024 at 18:36
  180. avatar
    #76 RuggaFreak

    @Palma (Comment #60)
    Hahaha Do not be dishonest!! Those were Selborne medics not QC. Ref all game stopped play when medics were on the park and got that one wrong by awarding a try. Touch judge saw that and told the ref. No try and good defensive masterclass by College!@Rainier (Comment #64)
    No robbery here, defensive master class won it for Queen’s. Ref supposed to stop play when medics are on the field. Good deserved QC victory! Onto bigger things now.

    13 April, 2024 at 18:33
  181. avatar
    #75 RuggaFreak

    @Palma (Comment #60)
    Hahaha Do not be dishonest!! Those were Selborne medics not QC. Ref all game stopped play when medics were on the park and got that one wrong by awarding a try. Touch judge saw that and told the ref. No try and good defensive masterclass by College!

    13 April, 2024 at 18:32
  182. avatar
    #74 4×4

    @Asterix (Comment #56)
    Onder 14’s het meer as genoeg geleenthede gehad in laaste 5 min om die game deur te trek…soms kort men’s ook net so bietjie geluk

    13 April, 2024 at 18:00
  183. avatar
    #73 Grasshopper

    @brentsw3 (Comment #58)
    It depends on the results across all teams. KES are not that hot down the line, maybe win 2 vs Affies. Maybe Affies should drop KES?

    13 April, 2024 at 17:40
  184. avatar
    #72 TWE

    @beet (Comment #62)
    The yellow card was given at 61.50. BHS kicked the conversion at 70 on the dot to make it 27-27 . BHS kicked out the penalty and lined up for the lineout 1min 35 seconds later, so on 71.35. The line judge (who was quite active the whole match), then pointed out that the player has rejoined the match, leading to the penalty to Wynberg. So 9:45 in the sin bin.

    13 April, 2024 at 17:37
  185. avatar
    #71 OudAffie


    1. Skaak:
    Paarl Gim wen 6-4
    2. Tennis:
    AHS wen 6-0
    3. Afrikaans Klassiek (Oud Manne Gholf):
    AHS wen 33.5-17.5
    4. Hokkie:
    14A: AHS wen 2-1
    14B: AHS wen 7-0
    14C: AHS wen 5-1
    16A: AHS wen 3-0
    16B: AHS wen 2-0
    16C: AHS wen 8-1
    3des: AHS wen 5-2
    2des: AHS wen 2-0
    1stes: Paarl Gim wen 3-0
    5. Rugby:
    14A: Paarl Gim wen 11-7
    14B: Gelykop 17-17
    14C: AHS wen 40-0
    14D: AHS wen 54-0
    15A: AHS wen 19-5
    15B: AHS wen 35-10
    15C: AHS wen 50-14
    16A: Paarl Gim wen 46-32
    16B: AHS wen 16-13
    16C: AHS wen 28-5
    16D: AHS wen 38-6
    6des: AHS wen 36-0
    5des: AHS wen 35-15
    4des: Gelykop 20-20
    3des: Paarl Gim wen 27-19
    2des: AHS wen 35-34
    1stes: Paarl Gim wen 20-19
    13 April, 2024 at 17:07
  186. avatar
    #70 Smallies

    @Rainier (Comment #69)
    QSTWN rec is nie ver agter daai veld van Selborne nie

    13 April, 2024 at 16:51
  187. avatar
    #69 Rainier

    @beet (Comment #67)

    That is a shocking call.

    That Selborne field is the best rugby field in SA.

    13 April, 2024 at 16:50
  188. avatar
    #68 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @beet (Comment #62)
    I am not able to confirm if the penalty call were correct but it does not matter. Boishaai was flat and without energy and played very dumb rugby. I am very unhappy with our tactics today.

    13 April, 2024 at 16:49
  189. avatar
    #67 beet

    @Rainier (Comment #64)
    But pity for Selborne. They did enough to deserve to win it.

    13 April, 2024 at 16:46
  190. avatar
    #66 Palma

    “Breathe, breathe, don’t post something stupid”.

    Well done to Wynberg on their big win. After coming so close last year this must be really cathartic.

    13 April, 2024 at 16:46
  191. avatar
    #65 beet

    @Rainier (Comment #64)
    It looked like the AR’s call

    13 April, 2024 at 16:46
  192. avatar
    #64 Rainier

    @beet (Comment #61)

    That is rubbish – there were no defenders in that channel and the cover defence was not impeded. Selborne should feel robbed.

    13 April, 2024 at 16:43
  193. avatar
    #63 beet

    Wynberg’s first win over Boishaai since 1988

    13 April, 2024 at 16:43
  194. avatar
    #62 beet

    @Trots HJS (Tandem) (Comment #51)
    Crazy finish. Accd to the commentator Boishaai had 15 on the field when there was a player in the bin. He then awarded a penalty to Wynberg which they kicked over to win the match

    13 April, 2024 at 16:43
  195. avatar
    #61 beet

    @Rainier (Comment #59)
    Apparently the medics on the field were in the way of the QC defenders.
    Selborne camped in the QC red zone for so long

    13 April, 2024 at 16:39
  196. avatar
    #60 Palma

    Well done to Queens medical staff and the ref for gifting Queens a win on a silver platter.

    Selborne can be proud of themselves. They won today, no matter what the score board says.

    13 April, 2024 at 16:38
  197. avatar
    #59 Rainier

    Queens 26-21 Selborne

    Selborne snatched defeat from the jaws of victory, not taking the points when they should have.

    Queens 15 is electric.

    Why was the Selborne try by 12 not given at the end, did not have the sound on.

    13 April, 2024 at 16:35
  198. avatar
    #58 brentsw3

    KES 80 Parktown 0.. I stand by my earlier comments, tradition is one thing but the fixture needs to be viable.

    13 April, 2024 at 16:10
  199. avatar
    #57 Ploegskaar

    Landbou 52 Bishops 10. Manne het opgestaan en hulle self afgestof vandag. Struktuur en akkuraatheid beter vandag, maar hoë tempo het veral oog gevang, so mooi reggestel in oefeninge die week. Volgende week is 3 starters ook weer terug vir die volgende hekkie. Hou aan bou manne

    13 April, 2024 at 16:06
  200. avatar
    #56 Asterix

    @OudAffie (Comment #53)
    Geluk Gim, Affies het hulle kanse gehad in 2de helfte maar weer dom besluite gemaak.
    O/14’s ook weer verloor, lyk my dit word nou’n gewoonte.

    13 April, 2024 at 15:43
  201. avatar
    #55 Smallies

    And Gim keeps rolling on…..

    13 April, 2024 at 15:29
  202. avatar
    #54 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #52)
    Moet se ek het die een nie sien kom nie….well done aan Wynberg

    13 April, 2024 at 15:29
  203. avatar
    #53 OudAffie

    Affies Witbulle 19-20 Paarl Gimnasium.

    Affies perfecting the art of losing the big games.

    Baie geluk Gim. Ek gaan nou n bietjie huil.

    13 April, 2024 at 15:16
  204. avatar
    #52 BoishaaiPa

    Congrats to Wynberg and Toffee and the boys. Deserved the win at Brug street.

    13 April, 2024 at 15:03
  205. avatar
    #51 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    Wynberg 30– Boishaai 27. Well done Wynberg. Well done you outplayed Boishaai thoroughly. Boishaai was absolutely shocking. Their absolute worst home game in many years.

    13 April, 2024 at 15:01
  206. avatar
    #50 Rainier

    Good 1 point win for Affies 2nds.

    Wow, watching the Gim /16’s and they might be my new favorite team to watch this year.

    Well coached and extremely skilled, I am beyond impressed.

    13 April, 2024 at 12:12
  207. avatar
    #49 gimmie

    @KES Oldboy, my apologies I did not mean hostile in a negative way (I should maybe have used a different word). Playing the main game on the Saturday against the host at the KES festival with a very big crowd can be intimidating and I think HJS did very well to win convincingly. To be honest I expected more from KES after some fine performances last year.

    13 April, 2024 at 10:33
  208. avatar
    #48 KES Oldboy

    @gimmie (Comment #45)
    Sorry- I meant to say that Gimmies look brilliant! I threw in an R there my mistake. But taking nothing away from PRG who also look very strong this year…..

    13 April, 2024 at 09:27
  209. avatar
    #47 KES Oldboy

    @gimmie (Comment #45)
    I think you are being a bit modest….PRG look brilliant to me. I must however ask you why you call the KES ground “hostile”? Yes, it’s overwhelming the amount of red that the parents & old boys wear in support. But, I wouldn’t call it hostile. I’d like to think that visiting teams are shown respect with silence at the kicks and players are not shouted at by the adults. I heard a comment last year by HJS at our festival that they found the atmosphere a bit overwhelming as the stands at KES are a night next to the field (Boksmart compliant however) which creates a very intimate atmosphere especially when it’s packed as it is for the Easter festival. But I’d be disappointed if they said it was “hostile”…..

    13 April, 2024 at 07:32
  210. avatar
    #46 Kaya 85

    @gimmie (Comment #45)
    Gims current matrics have never beaten Wynberg?

    12 April, 2024 at 23:55
  211. avatar
    #45 gimmie

    Trots HJS, if Gim wins by 8 I will be ecstatic, I think it’s a 50/50 game. I rate Wynberg and I am concerned about our game at Wynberg. Our matrics have never beaten Wynberg. However, at home die Bloutrein will prevail easily,,, your team have in my view performed exceptionally thus far, some great wins against Garsies, Oakdale and KES (at hostile ground). For me HJS is nor 1 thus far

    12 April, 2024 at 23:07
  212. avatar
    #44 Surgite

    @KES Oldboy (Comment #41)
    Agreed. Hoping for a good fixture. All the best!

    12 April, 2024 at 23:01
  213. avatar
    #43 Surgite

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #35)
    Completely agree. That game in 2019 will live long in the memories of anyone who had the privilege to bear witness to it. Long may these fixtures last!

    12 April, 2024 at 23:00
  214. avatar
    #42 Trots HJS (Tandem)

    @boerboel (Comment #36)
    Gim by 8
    Paul Roos by 20 +
    Boishaai by 1
    Landbou with 10+

    12 April, 2024 at 21:01
  215. avatar
    #41 KES Oldboy

    @Surgite (Comment #33)
    I agree with you. Schools shouldn’t be playing for ranking positions but for friendships & rivalries. Ultimately the ball will be in Parktown’s court as to whether they want to continue with the fixture. St Stithians have chosen to not play KES for the past 2 seasons. It would be a shame if Parktown went the same route. Let’s hope it’s a good fixture tomorrow.

    12 April, 2024 at 17:32
  216. avatar
    #40 deecee

    @Surgite (Comment #33)
    Hear hear!

    12 April, 2024 at 15:05
  217. avatar
    #39 deecee

    @brentsw3 (Comment #7)
    You are so far off the mark with this comment. The fantastic relationship that exists between these two traditional schools far outweighs any desire to be in a top 10 or 20 etc.
    We as a school are looking forward to a great day of rugby and hockey against Parktown and Springs Boys.

    12 April, 2024 at 15:04
  218. avatar
    #38 Ploegskaar

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #12)

    12 April, 2024 at 13:52
  219. avatar
    #37 Strepie

    Sterkte aan Boishaai met die naweek se wedstryd teen Wynberg.
    Mag dit beseringsvry wees en dat ons goeie rugby sal sien – beide kante.

    12 April, 2024 at 10:24
  220. avatar
    #36 boerboel

    my calls for the weekend

    gim by 10

    prg by 15

    hjs by 12-15

    12 April, 2024 at 10:12
  221. avatar
    #35 OUD ANKER

    @Surgite (Comment #33)
    I agree with you 100%! North of the Jukskei there is the same kind of argument by some (only some) that why should Affies still play PBHS each year if more times than not it is a massacre of PBHS, BUT as you rightly point out it is more than about the rugby, it is a whole weekend of different sport and other activities. It is a tradition of more than a 100 years that should never, ever be stopped because of rugby, AND then just every now and again you get this black swan event as in 2019 when PBHS beat Affies. The current and old PBHS boys still talk about that day! Therefore KES vs Parktown should never be canned even if that means that KES fail to get their top 10 or 5 spot just because the Parktown fixture “cost” them rugby ranking points.

    12 April, 2024 at 09:10
  222. avatar
    #34 Kaya 85

    @Surgite (Comment #33)
    Well said sir. Arise!

    12 April, 2024 at 04:45
  223. avatar
    #33 Surgite

    @brentsw3 (Comment #7)
    While I definitely hear your side of the argument. I don’t think that the solution is to change the fixture list to try and make top 10. In my mind that is very short sighted and misses the whole spirit of schoolboy rugby. This fixture has been going on since both schools started playing rugby. And yes, perhaps the score will be overwhelmingly one-sided. That has happened before and will happen again. But this fixture is so much more than just a score-line. It is about the friendships formed across rivalries and a shared schoolboy experience that spans decades and decades.

    And that is also ignoring the hockey fixtures that form the other half of this fixture.

    11 April, 2024 at 21:58
  224. avatar
    #32 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #27)
    their last meeting at Affies two years ago was a classic, Gim were on fire but Affies power was enough for a close, last minute win.

    11 April, 2024 at 19:31
  225. avatar
    #31 Kaya 85

    @gimmie (Comment #28)
    nice analysis, good to hear your insights.

    11 April, 2024 at 19:29
  226. avatar
    #30 Kantman

    @gimmie (Comment #28)
    Ek sien ook baie uit na die wedstryd, veral die verskil in speelstyl. Daar is werklik min te kies tussen die 2 spanne.

    11 April, 2024 at 18:06
  227. avatar
    #29 Jakkals

    @House Rugga (Comment #22)
    So you really rate DHS lower than House?

    11 April, 2024 at 17:03
  228. avatar
    #28 gimmie

    @oud anker, Affies has an exceptional side this year, with more than half the team playing regularly for the 1st team in 2023. Although they lost against Paul Roos (who also has an exceptional team) they dominated for large parts of the game and should have won. Credit to Paul Roos for fighting very hard for the win. I watched the Affies vs Garsies game and Affies won comprehensively after leading 33 – 17 shortly before the end. With the Affies/Gim game being in Pretoria, and given the strength of the Affies team, I would certainly not view it as a surprise if Affies were to win. We will only know how strong Paarl Gim really is after the next 2 games (Affies & Grey). I expect a close game with the real question being whether the Gim pack can withstand the onslaught and physicality of the Affies pack. Teams are really struggling to stop the Affies maul. This is also a very different Affies sides as compared with the last couple of years. They seem extremely well coached with good attacking shape and a well-organized defence. Altitude will also be an important factor in favour of Affies as the Gim running/ball retention style could be impacted by altitude. Really looking forward to an exciting contest.

    11 April, 2024 at 13:25
  229. avatar
    #27 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #25)
    Although I’m wrong many a time, I’m never afraid to make a prediction, therefore another upset this school boy rugby season…Affies by <5.

    11 April, 2024 at 12:04
  230. avatar
    #26 Maroon

    @Kantman (Comment #23)
    yes, should be a good game

    11 April, 2024 at 11:03
  231. avatar
    #25 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #24)
    who you backing?

    11 April, 2024 at 10:30
  232. avatar
    #24 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #19)
    Everybody will be coming real hard for Jeppe now after their heroics against Grey, however I think they will see off Westville, dare I say quite easily…I’ll be on the other “Plaas”, where Affies will face off against Paarl Gim.

    11 April, 2024 at 10:09
  233. avatar
    #23 Kantman

    @JongMatie (Comment #16)
    You are playing under the mountain correct?

    10 April, 2024 at 20:41
  234. avatar
    #22 House Rugga

    @beet (Comment #15)

    Completely misread that haha – I do think Westville are capable of an upset! But I am going Jeppe by 18!

    If interested – I have a post of all my predictions here

    10 April, 2024 at 18:28
  235. avatar
    #21 House Rugga

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #20)
    Definitely slight improvement. But they are yet to face some rather bigger teams so until then I am not too convinced they will compete as much.

    10 April, 2024 at 18:26
  236. avatar
    #20 Kaya 85

    @House Rugga (Comment #9)
    What’s your evaluation of Clifton this year?

    10 April, 2024 at 16:48
  237. avatar
    #19 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #14)
    In Joburg this weekend, might go check out the hype around Jeppe

    10 April, 2024 at 16:46
  238. avatar
    #18 Kaya 85

    @JongMatie (Comment #16)
    they look lean and mean

    10 April, 2024 at 16:45
  239. avatar
    #17 Toffee

    @Boschboy. I am planning to watch the U15A/U16A and first team games from the side of the field. I was watching the Bosch/Milnerton game until half time and then tuned over to Wynberg vs Durbanville and was shocked to see the final score. Seems they underestimated them putting on all the reserves with 15 to go. It is good to see the development of Milnerton rugby.

    10 April, 2024 at 11:36
  240. avatar
    #16 JongMatie

    PRG by 30 this weekend.
    Maroon Machine will be fresh, well rested.

    10 April, 2024 at 10:45
  241. avatar
    #15 beet

    @House Rugga (Comment #9)
    Westville feeling the love :-D

    9 April, 2024 at 22:04
  242. avatar
    #14 OUD ANKER

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #13)
    Depends on which game you referring to my friend?

    9 April, 2024 at 21:00
  243. avatar
    #13 Kaya 85

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #10)
    Where u watching this weekend ou Anker?

    9 April, 2024 at 19:42
  244. avatar
    #12 Kaya 85

    @BoschBoy (Comment #8)
    To be fair…anything can happen. Sometimes a shock loss turns things around big time.

    9 April, 2024 at 19:41
  245. avatar
    #11 BoschBoy

    @OUD ANKER (Comment #10)
    Haha, I live in hope ;)

    9 April, 2024 at 15:25
  246. avatar
    #10 OUD ANKER

    @BoschBoy (Comment #8)
    Didn’t the Jeppe manne also say “if we can only keep it competitive” leading up to the Grey College game at Noord/Suid?

    9 April, 2024 at 13:30
  247. avatar
    #9 House Rugga


    KZN Schools:

    DHS by 9 Pts
    Maritzburg College by 10 Pts
    Glenwood by 21 Pts

    9 April, 2024 at 13:18
  248. avatar
    #8 BoschBoy

    I’m still digesting the result on Saturday to be honest and what happened. Firstly, congratulations must be given to Milnerton for a monumental fightback – it was one of the best I’ve ever seen, quite frankly. Bosch were cruising at 33-3 with 15minutes to go, so to fight back to win like that is truly impressive. Will be monitoring their season to see how they progress.

    From a Bosch perspective, I’m truly hoping this is our ‘off’ game for the season. This is a talented Bosch team so let’s see how they bounce back from the shocker on the weekend. I’m hoping they can learn from the Milnerton result and pull together and put up a fight against Paul Roos, but its a very big ask! If Bosch can keep it competitive at least, that’ll be a good step. Highly expecting a fairly comfortable win in the end for Roos though, but all I want to see is a reaction :)

    9 April, 2024 at 12:56
  249. avatar
    #7 brentsw3

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #5)
    You so right re KES v Parktown. Many a traditionalist will make a plausible argument for continuing relations, but honestly, if KES is make a serious challenge for Top 10 status there a number of fixtures that either need to be dropped or changed.

    9 April, 2024 at 09:45
  250. avatar
    #6 Snelvuur

    @Kaya 85 (Comment #1)
    Geez, I’d be surprised and impressed if either PRG or HJS wins with 30+ this weekend. Despite their loss against Milnerton, Bosch isn’t a bad side and neither is Wynberg. I think both PRG and HJS should win, but I reckon it’ll be much closer than that.

    9 April, 2024 at 06:55
  251. avatar
    #5 Kaya 85

    Grey 39 – 19 Outeniqua (service as usual resumed in Bloem)
    Jeppe 32 – 20 Westville (autumn in Joburg)
    KES – Parktown (beatdown could see 100? Reds should play Garsfontein instead?)
    EG Jansen 29 – 21 Waterkloof (Klofies saving their upset threat for later?)
    Nelspruit 30 – 21 Menlopark (Menlo still qualify for NW final?)
    Eldoraigne 26 – 28 Oos-Moot (Moot sleeves rolled up for this one)
    Affies 20 – 32 Paarl Gim (match of the day, no other outcome)

    9 April, 2024 at 02:17
  252. avatar
    #4 Kaya 85

    E Cape
    Selborne 29 – 17 Queen’s (put everything on hold, dey ain’t decolonizing dis sh#t yet)
    Dale 15 – 42 Grey High (long drive disappointment for Dale)
    Marlow 18 – 25 Hudson Park (long drive worth it for Hudson)
    Brandwag 20 – 18 Muir (battle of the Bravehearts, gees & spirit, rugby is the winner)

    9 April, 2024 at 02:02
  253. avatar
    #3 Kaya 85

    Candy Cane Derby
    Maritzburg 22 – 23 Pta Boys (call it an upset? Boys High coming in to their own, plenty of headroom)

    9 April, 2024 at 01:45
  254. avatar
    #2 Kaya 85

    Durban Derby
    Northwood 25 – 35 DHS (win or lose Northwood wins the PR battle)

    9 April, 2024 at 01:37
  255. avatar
    #1 Kaya 85

    Predictions – W Cape
    Boland Landbou, Paarl BH, and Paul Roos all to win by 30+ even in mud or rain. If the sun is shining…could get worse.

    9 April, 2024 at 01:34

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