NextGenXV Announces Launch of the NextGenXV Global Schools Challenge 2024

Update: Grey College to host the international event which is set to include top schools from the Homelands and New Zealand from 14-18 December 2024.

NextGenXV, a leading name in schools, youth, and grassroots rugby news, promotion, and streaming, is excited to announce the launch of the “NextGenXV Global Schools Challenge”, which will see schools and teams from around the globe gather together for a week-long celebration of the game on and off the field.

Top schools from around the world are in discussion to attend the inaugural event, which is to be held in South Africa in this first year, with the venue to be announced shortly, and to move around the globe in future years. Further announcements on those schools competing, as well as media partners, and detailed event logistics are expected shortly, underlining the commitment to delivering a top-class rugby festival and a memorable experience both on the pitch and beyond it.

The NextGenXV Global Schools Challenge will feature four main competitions:

The Championship: An elite competition consisting of 8 schools competing in a knockout format. Entry is highly selective, with a limited number of slots allocated per nation to ensure the highest level of play.

The Challenger Series: Also featuring 8 schools in a knockout system, with the victor securing a spot in the next year’s Championship, offering a pathway to the top tier.

An Invitational Competition: Open to clubs and Barbarian-style teams from around the globe, this 8-team contest will showcase diverse talents and playing styles.

A first-of-its-kind Draft Competition: Aimed at providing unprecedented opportunities for players at all levels, especially those from smaller schools or lower teams who have not had the chance to tour internationally.

Tom Pullen, a native of South Africa, and co-founder and director of NextGenXV, expressed his enthusiasm while emphasizing the unique approach of the event:

“Our goal is to deliver a quality tournament that stands out not just for its competitive spirit but also for the experience of all those involved. We’re incredibly excited about the draft competition, which we believe will provide great opportunity and experience for young players worldwide. At the elite end of the competition, it will be an opportunity for players and teams to test themselves against some of the best around, and a chance for viewers to experience the stars of the future from around the world competing head to head.”

The draft system is particularly notable for its inclusivity, allowing any player, regardless of their playing level, to participate. This initiative aims to form several teams, with players selected through a draft and receiving official jerseys in a live-streamed event. It promises to be a unique experience, offering coaching and team-building opportunities before the competition begins.

Angus Savage, co-founder and director of NextGenXV, highlighted the shared global experience as a key factor in arranging the tournament:

“Rugby, and school rugby in particular, is about far more than just the game, it is about experiences and memories and, to borrow a phrase, ‘breaking bread with others from around the world’. The NextGenXV Global Schools Challenge speaks to those values and the choice of South Africa as our host country in this first year is key to that as well, with its vibrant schools rugby culture, exceptional hospitality, and competitive spirit all standout features for us.”

Further details regarding the venue, team participation, and media coverage will be announced in the coming weeks. Players interested in the draft can find more information and register their interest at

About NextGenXV: NextGenXV is at the forefront of schools, youth, and grassroots rugby coverage, dedicated to promoting schools rugby, live streaming games and tournament, providing news and information, and providing international rugby events. With the launch of the NextGenXV Global Schools Challenge, NextGenXV continues to support the development of young talent and promote the global schools rugby community.


  1. avatar
    #16 4×4

    @Snelvuur (Comment #14)
    As 5-7 seuns in 1 jaar agv beurse skuif na ‘n spesieke skool toe, dan is ek bevrees dat skole rugby al lankal profesioneel geword het. Hierdie kompetisie sal vir daardie skole soos ‘n handskoen pas…immers die erkenning waarna die skoolhoofde smag

    1 April, 2024 at 13:26
  2. avatar
    #15 Kaya 85

    Home Nations = Eng, Wa, Sco, Ire

    31 March, 2024 at 01:54
  3. avatar
    #14 Snelvuur

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #11)
    Stem! Buiten beserings, maak dit skolerugby bloot té professioneel. Op die einde van die dag is skolerugbyspelers steeds kinders. Laat die ouens oor vakansies op die strande gaan lê – daar moet ‘n balans wees op skolevlak.

    30 March, 2024 at 08:12
  4. avatar
    #13 Kaya 85

    @Kantman (Comment #5)
    Rugby 365…. too much. This is another example of the corporates trying to hijack the schools game. More more more.

    30 March, 2024 at 07:46
  5. avatar
    #12 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa (Comment #11)
    Ons sal maar sien

    30 March, 2024 at 00:45
  6. avatar
    #11 BoishaaiPa

    @Smallies (Comment #10)
    Kakste idee wat ek gesien het in jare..nou wil hulle 2 toernooie in Desember hou. Dis kinders. Hulle verdien rus en vrede na klipharde seisoen in die jaar. Dis nie masjiene nie. Hulle gaan meer spelers verloor met beserings agv kondisionering want wie gaan top fiks bly van einde Aug tot Desember?…Wil nou die koei droogmelk!

    29 March, 2024 at 22:49
  7. avatar
    #10 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #9)
    Soos ek vir Boellie gese het time will tell .Dit gaan beslis die speelvlak verander vir skole wat bereid is om op te offer…wat die kostes aan betref ek glo dat die skole se borge n gedeelte sal bydrae sal maar sien op die staduim is als maar hoorse en bespiegeling

    29 March, 2024 at 15:15
  8. avatar
    #9 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #6)
    Dit is ‘n voordeel gegewe dat die seisoen deesdae baie vroeg begin, nie seker dit gaan help tot die einde van die seisoen nie. Kostes verseker ook goedkoper as oorsee. Ek dink ouers mag dalk ander siening hê – wie kyk na welstand van die spelers? Veral as jy nou o16s begin intrek.

    29 March, 2024 at 15:02
  9. avatar
    #8 Smallies

    @boerboel (Comment #7)
    Time will tell

    29 March, 2024 at 13:59
  10. avatar
    #7 boerboel

    mors v tyd en geld- sal vinnige dood sterf- daar is genoeg rugby

    29 March, 2024 at 13:58
  11. avatar
    #6 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #5)
    Beter as om in Thailand te gaan jol ,goedkoper ook,mateieks sal nie deelneem nie aangesien hulle reeds klaar met skool is ,en daar is ook n redelike tyd tussen Augustus en Desember ….ons sal maar sien hoe dit werk maar ek dink dat die baie sal doen vir daai skole ,ons het gesien verlede jaar met Grey ,die ook jaar met Oakdale EG by wsf en PRG in Ierland ….hulle lyk net bietjie skerper as die res

    29 March, 2024 at 11:38
  12. avatar
    #5 Kantman

    @Smallies (Comment #4)
    Baie uitdagings met hierdie toernooi wat ek kan sien. Maak die seisone baie lank en min ruskans, meeste mense se vakansie het reeds begin, sommige skole sal voel hulle gaan na die vakansie terugkeer en ‘n paar spelers het agtergebly ….

    29 March, 2024 at 10:41
  13. avatar
    #4 Smallies

    @Kantman (Comment #3)
    So dit gaan basies n preseason o17 toernooi vir ons wees…dit gaan die skole wat deelneem baie goed doen….

    29 March, 2024 at 08:41
  14. avatar
    #3 Kantman

    Ek sien Grey College gaan hierdie aanbied van 14-18 Desember 2024.

    29 March, 2024 at 08:29
  15. avatar
    #2 Kantman

    Soos ek deur hulle website probeer navigeer kan ek nie dink hulle wil so iets probeer aanpak nie.

    13 March, 2024 at 22:18
  16. avatar
    #1 Smallies

    Tom het n ver pad al gestap van the ruggabugga af tot nou toe ….

    13 March, 2024 at 19:47

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