Wynberg’s account of the Paarl Gim incident

This report is based on Wynberg eye-witness accounts as received from players and parents at the match. 

The indications are that it was a fractious match.  Conditions were cold and wet which resulted in many errors leading to frustration on the part of the players.  There was also much unnecessary chirping at referee decisions and the match needed firm handling.

Ten minutes into the second half, a try was awarded to Paarl Gym which appeared to contain multiple infringements by Paarl.   Some Wynberg players protested at the awarding of the try. At this point, a retreating Paarl player appeared to say something to a Wynberg player.  Several Wynberg players were seen to be taking huge exception to what had been said.  They also appeared to refuse to move behind the tryline to allow the conversion kick to take place.

At this point, a Wynberg parent went onto the field to tell the players to move behind the posts.  One of the players reported to him (the parent) that the Paarl player had abused the Wynberg player(s) with racist language.  The Wynberg parent suggested to the referee that the game be terminated. The referee then awarded a penalty in front of the posts against Wynberg for chirping and then blew the final whistle. The match was duly abandoned with more than a quarter of the time remaining.

Reports in social media that Wynberg players walked off the field in protest, are not correct. The resolution of the matter is in the hands of the two Principals.

I hope that this clears up many of the misconceptions which are doing the rounds.

Keith Richardson (Wynberg Headmaster)

Verklaring deur die skoolhoof van Paarl Gim, mnr Bateman:

‘…Indien die ondersoek daarop dui dat daar opgetree moet word sal dit onverwyld gedoen word.

Dis belangrik om kennis te neem dat Hoërskool Gimnasium Paarl enige vorm van rassistiese optrede ten sterkste veroordeel. Rassisme druis lynreg in teen die waardestelsel van die skool en indien ’n leerling hom/haar skuldig maak sal dit dienooreenkomstige optrede tot gevolg hê.’

There is also a Cape Argus newspaper report on the matter.


  1. avatar
    #52 PaarlBok

    Nuutste verklaring van Gim oor die voorval: ”
    Verklaring oor beweerde insident by rugbywedstryd tussen Hoërskool Gimnasium Paarl en Wynberg Boys’ High
    Met verwysing na die beweerde insident wat plaasgevind het gedurende die onder 16 B span rugbywedstryd tussen Hoërskool Gimnasium Paarl en Wynberg Boys’ High op 01 Junie 2013, verskaf die skool graag die volgende verklaring in opvolging van die verklaring soos uitgereik op 4 Junie 2013 deur die skoolhoof, Mnr Bateman:
    Op Donderdag 6 Junie 2013 het lede van die Skoolbeheerliggaam vir Mnr. Bateman vergesel na Wynberg Boys’ High vir ‘n gesprek met die skoolhoof, Mnr. Richardson, en ‘n lid van sy personeel. Die spelers van Wynberg wat betrokke was by die beweerde voorval en die klagtes aanhangig gemaak het, het hulle weergawe van die beweerde insident aan die vergadering oorgedra.
    Op ‘n verdere vergadering dieselfde dag deur lede van die Skoolbeheerliggaam van Hoërskool Gimnasium Paarl, is daar besluit dat voortgegaan moet word met ‘n formele dissiplinêre proses in ooreenstemming met die Skool se Gedragskode en die Suid-Afrikaanse Skolewet. Dié proses vereis ‘n formele klag en kennisgewing van ‘n verhoor deur ‘n dissiplinêre komitee, welke kennisgewingstydperk nie korter as 5 skooldae vanaf die datum van kennisgewing mag wees nie. Hierdie stappe is intussen geneem.
    Die Skoolbeheerliggaam het besluit om, in die lig van die aard van die klagte asook die feit dat daar eksterne partye betrokke is, ‘n dissiplinêre komitee aan te wys wat bestaan uit ‘n meerderheid van onafhanklike lede.
    Die dissiplinêre verhoor is geskeduleer om afgehandel te word voor die skool sluit vir die tweede kwartaal op 21 Junie 2013.”

    12 June, 2013 at 09:22
  2. avatar
    #51 Gestreep

    Dat die voorval(aantuigings) die sosiale netwerke so aan die gons het…ek kan net wonder wat een van Wynberg se bekendste oud-skoliere(Dr HF Verwoerd) oor die onderwerp sou spreek…

    7 June, 2013 at 11:18
  3. avatar
    #50 Hokkiebokkie

    @Koos Roos: Geen wenners nie….
    Wonder wanneer gaab ons iets hoor van die ref se kant af.

    7 June, 2013 at 00:02
  4. avatar
    #49 Westers

    Just read this article on News24.


    A good approach from both Headmasters IMHO.

    6 June, 2013 at 18:46
  5. avatar
    #48 PaarlBok

    Die ondersteuners dring aan op ‘n rematch van die u16B wedstryd. Sal Nuweland moet huur om al die ondersteuners te akkomodeer.

    6 June, 2013 at 08:04
  6. avatar
    #47 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: Gepraat van “my generasie”- dit is die generasie wie hulle tyd en dikwels lewens, opgeoffer het om te verhoed dat SA Zim, Zambie, DRK.Angola lyk- eintlik die hele donderse lot. Jy moet onderskei tussen die slegte goed in die parlement en die man-in-die-straat, bekend as Boetman, aldus Breyten Breytenbach. Di verblydend dat sy oe in n mate oop gegaan het, moontlik onder invloed van sy broer, Jan Breytenbach, n onvereerde held van SA. As dit nie vir hom en sy eenheid was in Angola nie, het hulle nie vandag rugby gespeel op skole se rugbyvelde nie. Boerbokke en “free range” hoenders sou daar gewei het. Net laastens n klein brokkie advies- die wereld is nie in sy vervalle toestand agv “slegte” (evil) mense nie, maar is in hiedie toestand omdat die oenskynlik “goeies”, swyg.

    6 June, 2013 at 05:39
  7. avatar
    #46 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Ek hoor jou Bog, maar gister se Sap is vandag se Nat. Het in so ‘n Sap huis grootgeword, baie middelklas, so voete mooi op die grond en moes vir elke duim boontoe baklei. Nevermind rassiste, Afrikaners is seker die grootste klassiste! LW, al het ons verskillende opinies, het ek begrip vir jou standpunte en respekteer ek jou waardes. Dink net dis futiel, en daar’s beter dinge om tyd mee te verwyl.

    5 June, 2013 at 22:51
  8. avatar
    #45 Koos Roos

    @Playa: I allready said rassism is wrong. Read all the blogs. What urks me off and I believe Tjoppa too, is that one person started a factualy incorrect story (read Richardson’s report) . Where is he now? I agree we have to wait. But spreading false stories on the blog is wrong!

    5 June, 2013 at 17:01
  9. avatar
    #44 spot

    @Tierklou: Tierklou! Jy kan mos nie daai bog met die kinders praat nie!. Die kind het nie die span gemaak nie want hy is nie goed genoeg nie! Moenie verskonings uitdink nie. Dan nogal die kleur kaart speel. Dit gebeur met duisende seuns elke liewe jaar, swart en wit. Praat liewer die kind moed in. Leer die kind om n beter mens te wees.

    Kom ons gee jou sin. Maak CW spanne weer leliewit. As die seuns nog nie die span maak nie, wat gaan jou verskoning dan wees?

    5 June, 2013 at 13:47
  10. avatar
    #43 oxry

    Komaan manne, hierdie is ‘n sport blog en nie ‘n politieke blog. Ek glo die B&I Leeus het genoeg skietgoed om die Aussies te tem. Veral hul skrum gaan die A baie swaar laat leef. Ek glo hulle gaan die arme Force netso ‘n groot pak gee ( verstaan Aussies het hulle spelers vir die toetse onttrek aan die games.).

    5 June, 2013 at 12:00
  11. avatar
    #42 RBugger

    How the hell did this site become such a political battle ground! There is a general rule of thumb in all conversations – do not discuss Politics or Religion…

    Racism is wrong, Full Stop – this was more than likely more of a taunt, a childish act by a young school-boy! The worrying aspect is to see the responses on this site, clearly racism is still a massive factor in our country

    This matter should be put to bed

    5 June, 2013 at 11:49
  12. avatar
    #41 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: In a time when it was not popular to do so, and on a campus where Afikaner nationalism ruled,in your area, I expressed myself very strongly against the old dispensation on principle, and not to be fashionable. For that reason, I do so now again, because principles do not change with time. I was not a beneficiary of the old and what often strikes me of your generation as that those, whose parents were strong supporters of the old regime, are now driven by personal conscience and not by principle. They have become lame ducks and we are seeing the consequences. So, dont include me in your generalization. En wees versigtig om nie te skuil agter terme soos “realis” en “pragmatis” nie- dit noem jy politieke wegkruipertjie. And with that, I conclude my contribution on this issue .

    5 June, 2013 at 11:49
  13. avatar
    #40 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: The crux of your post: “and this generation failed them because a lack of courage”. It is in fact your generation that collectively failed me, my kids and theirs to come because of a lack of courage, moral fiber and principle. You will probably not be around in 20 years’ time in any event and with your baggage (history as you call it) in mind, best leave it to those who are most affected, best equipped and more determined to deal with the reactions/results of your actions. Let wel, ek is nie ‘n apologeet nie, wel ‘n realis en ‘n pragmatis en spandeer veel eerder my energie om in die stelsel aan te pas en te oorleef en my kinders dieselfe vaardighede aan te leer, as om te kerm oor iets wat nie in die nabye toekoms gaan verander nie. Onthou, die konsepte van en doelstellings met RA, SEB en kwotas is op sig self, in ‘n Suid-Afrikaanse konteks, myns insiens nie sleg nie, eerder die wat dit implimenteer en wanbestuur.

    5 June, 2013 at 11:27
  14. avatar
    #39 badboy

    @BOG: Well said can see you went to a great school :wink:

    5 June, 2013 at 11:02
  15. avatar
    #38 badboy

    The truth of the matter is this:

    To all black bloggers don’t over react.

    To all white bloggers don’t fool yourselves there is a lot of this going on.

    So just discuss it rationally and don’t let your feeling get carried away.

    5 June, 2013 at 11:01
  16. avatar
    #37 BOG

    @Ploegskaar: @Playa: @Queenian: @Tjoppa: @rugbyfan: I am looking very forward to such a debate, if it ever realises. Going by recent history, I doubt it strongly and in 20 years time, we will still be waltzing in circles and when the music stops, we are surprised to find ourselves in the very same position where we started. In short, its called BULLSHITTING ourselves and failing the young people of all races who are to follow. Then we have the audacity to discuss team selections as if a normal process was followed and we wonder what happened to this or that player. Let me give you you the answer to the last question in advance. They were destroyed by racism and this generation failed them because a lack of courage. That is my 5 cents worth!

    5 June, 2013 at 10:59
  17. avatar
    #36 badboy

    Come on gents don’t let us get into this mud slinging contest we all South African after all.

    5 June, 2013 at 10:59
  18. avatar
    #35 Queenian

    @Ploegskaar: Well said time to drop it now.

    5 June, 2013 at 10:52
  19. avatar
    #34 PaarlBok

    @oxry: U16Bs

    5 June, 2013 at 10:52
  20. avatar
    #33 Umtata

    Ploeg and Playa, ek stem saam.

    5 June, 2013 at 10:47
  21. avatar
    #32 oxry

    Sorry, bietjie aan die slaap nog. Laat aand gehad, gedink dit was al Woensdag. Die insident tussen PG en Wynberg, was dit die 1 ste spanne? Lees ek reg dat ‘n dame die skeidsregter was? Indien wel, van wanneer laat die unie dit toe dat dames 1 ste spanne blaas.

    5 June, 2013 at 10:44
  22. avatar
    #31 rugbyfan

    @Queenian: Agree should be a separate discussion I have seen some bad examples the last few years down here in the Eastern Cape one being the Dale vs Danial Pienaar match a few years ago in Uitenhage which was shocking.

    5 June, 2013 at 10:36
  23. avatar
    #30 Tjoppa

    @Playa: I do want to state the facts. We did not start the false rumours and hype.

    5 June, 2013 at 10:11
  24. avatar
    #29 Tjoppa

    @Ploegskaar: Daar diskrimineer jy nou weer teen die oues van dae. Ou Bog se piepievalve so maai toe as hy moet pis moet hy of dit nou in die drinkwater of sy broek is.

    5 June, 2013 at 10:10
  25. avatar
    #28 Queenian

    @Playa: Agree with you it should not be discussed here under the Paarl Gym banner as I believe this is a isolated incident and that Paarl Gym will sort it out.

    But I do agee Beet should open a separate discussion so this can be talked about you cannot just sweep it under the carpet as there is a lot of it going on.

    5 June, 2013 at 10:09
  26. avatar
    #27 Playa

    @Ploegskaar: I agree fully.Maybe I should have just said my piece in one sentence:”Lets stop making conclusions without having the full facts at hand”.

    @BOG: I think you should ask beet to create a seperate discussion on the racially biased laws in this country because I do not think it is fair to associate that with this case.Im sure everyone here has their thougthts on the mater, mysel included.I agree that those issues need to be discussed, debated and settled.But I do not think that it is appropriate to inter-connect that issue with an Under 16 inter-schools match’s alleged racist incident.Thats just my 2 cents worth.

    5 June, 2013 at 09:33
  27. avatar
    #26 Rooikat

    This story is getting boring racism is part of our country whether we like it or not. Nobody condones the incident the player must get punished. [Issues regarding housing EDITED out – not connected closely enough to SBR matters ]

    Racial discrimination occurs daily within all societies and race groups. Again I am not condoning it .

    5 June, 2013 at 09:15
  28. avatar
    #25 Ploegskaar

    @BOG: Ou mense, moenie in water pis nie, die kinders wil dit drink.

    5 June, 2013 at 09:13
  29. avatar
    #24 BuiteBreek

    @Ploeg: ek stem saam, laat staan eers die storie, tot al die feite op die tafel is. Spekulasie is ‘n bliksem, en nou staan en werk mense hul op oor iets wat dalk heel uit verband geruk word.

    5 June, 2013 at 09:05
  30. avatar
    #23 Ploegskaar

    @Koos Roos @Tjoppa @Playa Come on guys, let’s give this issue a miss until all the facts are on the table. If the allegations are indeed true, I can assure you the relevant party will be punished (severely) by Paarl Gym and this saga will be a distant memory in a few weeks’ time. Keep in mind that what you guys say in the interim though, may linger for much longer, so maybe a bit of restraint/maturity is in order for now.

    5 June, 2013 at 08:52
  31. avatar
    #22 BOG

    @Playa: The key word being “allegation” Let them investigate and if found valid, take the required action. But we also have racism in laws and rules. Its not an allegation, but a given fact, ON PAPER. It needs to be discussed, debated and eradicated. If not, sanctions should be considered – also abroad, against any team that was not compiled on merit only- even if it means an all black, white, blue or pink team. That is morality and principle. An interesting scenario would be if both the schoolboys who were involved, end up being of the same race.

    5 June, 2013 at 08:50
  32. avatar
    #21 Playa

    @Koos Roos: @Tjoppa: There’s an allegation of racial abuse at play here gentlemen, which you seem to overlook in your analyses.The Wynberg players may have been protesting (to the ref from what I gather), but as far as I understand,in the game of rugby when you score a try, you celebrate and retreat to the halfway line.And yes, we chirp.If the Gim players’ chirp was in the spirit of what is considered acceptable banter on a rugby field – then its all fair.But if the allegation is true that it was a racist slur – then we have a problem.The issue here is not the Wynberg players’ protest, but what they Gim player is alleged to have said.

    The facts will come out and conclusions can be made then.Let us not read WHAT WE WANT TO READ into a small report.

    5 June, 2013 at 08:28
  33. avatar
    #20 Tierklou

    Rassisme IS verkeerd en ek is heeltemal daarteen gekant. Maar wat is rassisme? Dit is die diskriminasie teen ‘n ras.
    Nou wat is dit anders as die feit rakende die kwotastelsel mbt die CravenWeek spanne? Om vir ‘n seun te laat verstaan dat hy nie die CW span maak nie want ‘n persoon van kleur moet gekies word, is ook niks anders as rassisme teenoor die wit seun nie.
    Die stelsel maak van die seuns rassiste. Hulle is saam in een skool, in een klas, maar as daar gekies word, dan word daar onderskeid getref.
    Gulde geleentheid vir Mnr Richardson en Mnr Bateman om dit ook sommer aan te spreek.

    5 June, 2013 at 08:12
  34. avatar
    #19 BOG

    @Predator: As I pointed out, I hope that they do get to the bottom of this and take the required action. But we need to talk about the ongoing racism- in rules and legislation- and stop avoiding it for the sake of an artificial peace.

    5 June, 2013 at 08:10
  35. avatar
    #18 PaarlBok

    Daar is so baie stories. Verstaan die skeidsregter was ‘n dame wat dit nog erger maak.

    5 June, 2013 at 07:40
  36. avatar
    #17 Predator

    I’m sure that the two headmasters will get to the bottom of this incident,….for the players I hope they carry on playing great rugby. Lets not blow a small incident out of proportion because of the sensationalism it produces,……. leave that for the newspaper reporters.

    5 June, 2013 at 07:23
  37. avatar
    #16 Tjoppa

    @Umtata: All I understand from the statement is the following. YOUR Heroes was a bunch of ILL DISCIPLINED children that only left the field because the match was ended by the referee. NO HEROES. Just a bunch of ill disciplined children that can not accept

    5 June, 2013 at 06:22
  38. avatar
    #15 BOG

    It already appears that some comments have been made, based on hearsay, and without taking into account the facts of the incident. I truly hope and trust that the ALLEGED incident will be fully investigated, as both principals have said it would, and if whatever conclusions from the investigation, requires strong action, that it would be taken to prevent a re-occurrence. It is also hoped that debate will be encouraged to address all current racist and discriminatory rules and legislation affecting the game of rugby in particular and sport in general. BEE and quotas, in whichever form and for whatever reason, is brutal racial discrimination and an offence to ALL decent sportsmen and women and should have no place in “modern” society. It tarnishes ALL participants and only serves the interests of a corrupt few who are involved in the sport for personal gain. It certainly does not address previous wrongs. To avoid or to ignore these issues for the sake of “political correctness”, is being dishonest and its just a matter of time before it explodes in our faces.

    5 June, 2013 at 05:30
  39. avatar
    #14 Umtata

    @Koos Roos: selective reding there. They protested the try but “appeared” not to go behind the tryline because of something the PG player had said. They left the field because the ref ended the game.

    5 June, 2013 at 00:00
  40. avatar
    #13 Koos Roos

    @GimOB: Dankie vir die update en ek hoop julle kan die skade, wat deur hierdie onnodige onakurate storie, veroorsaak is herstel. Sterkte.

    4 June, 2013 at 23:02
  41. avatar
    #12 Koos Roos

    @Umtata: From the statement it is quite clear that the incident happened when a try was scored which upset the Wynberg boys. That is where it started and they refused to go behind the tryline, (ill discipline?) and then they left the field after a penalty for their behaviour was given. Far from the heros described by Capeman in his story that started all this. Where is Tjoppa wrong?

    4 June, 2013 at 22:59
  42. avatar
    #11 GimOB

    Verklaring deur die skoolhoof, mnr Bateman: ‘Die oomblik toe kennis geneem is van die beweerde insident het mnr. Bateman, hoof van die Hoërskool Gimnasium Paarl, vir mnr. Richardson, hoof van Wynberg Boy’s High School, gekontak en die beweerde insident bespreek. Daar is ooreengekom om die saak te ondersoek, om die tersaaklike feite te versamel en om mekaar dienooreenkomstig in te lig. Verslae is aangevra van die persone wat met die ondersoek kon help, wat insluit terugvoering vanaf Wynberg voortspruitend uit hul ondersoek.

    Indien die ondersoek daarop dui dat daar opgetree moet word sal dit onverwyld gedoen word.

    Dis belangrik om kennis te neem dat Hoërskool Gimnasium Paarl enige vorm van rassistiese optrede ten sterkste veroordeel. Rassisme druis lynreg in teen die waardestelsel van die skool en indien ’n leerling hom/haar skuldig maak sal dit dienooreenkomstige optrede tot gevolg hê.’

    4 June, 2013 at 22:46
  43. avatar
    #10 Umtata

    @Tjoppa: Wrong conclusion! Read the article again.

    4 June, 2013 at 22:46
  44. avatar
    #9 Koos Roos

    @Tjoppa: Jy moet maar kom kuier. Net in winter. Waterblombredie is koningskos. Sal nooit nee se vir jul rooivleisie nie, maar kontreikos is kontreikos. Laat maar weet. :-D

    4 June, 2013 at 22:00
  45. avatar
    #8 Tjoppa

    @Koos Roos: Shame ek is seker Ploeg sal help met bietjie hoender en groente af die plaas. Hier by ons eet net die beeste gras en blomme. :mrgreen: :mrgreen:

    4 June, 2013 at 21:32
  46. avatar
    #7 Koos Roos

    Gaan nou eers afsluit. Het eerste kooksel waterblommetjies van seisoen om te gaan geniet. Seker dat hierdie blad lekker warm gaan raak.

    4 June, 2013 at 20:27
  47. avatar
    #6 BuffelsCM

    @Koos Roos: Ek het dit toevallig nou net gelees. Ja die veralgemenings is regtig onnodig en onvanpas………ook meer op sensasie gerig.

    Ek is seker Paarl Gim sal die aangeleenthgeid deeglik ondersoek. Hoe vinniger dit gedoen word, hoe beter.

    4 June, 2013 at 19:54
  48. avatar
    #5 Tjoppa

    @Koos Roos: And there we have another first. The losing of a rugby game is also now apartheid’s and racism’s fault. It seems if I make the right conclusion the boys of Wynberg was chirping the ref the whole time. After a try they refused to retreat behind the goal line and chirped a Gim players. They did not like the reply. And yes apartheid and racism get to be blamed.

    4 June, 2013 at 19:50
  49. avatar
    #4 Koos Roos

    @BuffelsCM: Dat daar geen wenners is nie, is bepaald so. Ek stem saam dat dit jammer is en rassisme hoort nie in ons samelewing nie. Skinderbekke egter ook nie. Gaan lees bietjie wat Capeman by 192 alles kwytraak! Dis feitelik so onakuraat en ek twyfel vir geen oomblik dat die storie sy pad in die sosiale media van hier af gevind het nie.

    4 June, 2013 at 19:36
  50. avatar
    #3 BuffelsCM

    Thank You mr Richardson for the facts !

    @Koos Roos: Koos, ongelukkig is daar in hierdie voorval geen wenners nie. Ek het so vinnig deur van die kommentaar op News24 gelees en dit bly ontstellend dat mense so bitsig kan wees.
    Soos my ma altyd vir my geleer het: “Two wrongs don’t make a right”. Ek hoop nietemin dat die volle waarheid uitkom. Dit bly steeds jammer dat so iets op skoolvlak (of enige vlak) moes plaasvind.

    4 June, 2013 at 19:22
  51. avatar
    #2 Koos Roos

    @spot: Ek hoop dat al die sg. ooggetuies en simpatiseerders nou sien wat hul oorhaastige en feitelik verkeerde kommentaar veroorsaak het. Die storie het sy pad in die sosiale media gevat en ons hoef nie te wonder vanwaar nie. Gim se naam is skade aangedoen, so onnodig! Capeman en jou buddies, julle gaan seker om verskoning vra vir uitstuur van ‘n verkeerde storie. Al die “trots”kommentators oor Wynberg se afstap stik seker nou in hul gin en tonic! Boonop lyk dit asof daar OOK ‘n gebrek aan dissipline by die Wynberg seuns was. Ou Tjoppa, ons was nie so vannie pad af oor ons vraag oor die telling nie.

    4 June, 2013 at 19:10
  52. avatar
    #1 spot

    Thank you Mr. Richardson for the explanation and killing the rumours. Two issues have been highlighted. “The misconceptions which are doing the rounds” that the Wynberg boys walked off the field are certainly being laid to rest. Now we can patiently wait for the outcome of the racial issue. I am certain it will be published in the public domain as well.

    4 June, 2013 at 18:00

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