IRB Junior World Championships 2013

The IRB Junior World Championships for under-20’s being in France today. Although the South African Baby Bokke have an easy first assignment against the USA, they are in the pool of death along with France and England.  SA therefore cannot afford to be complacent in this opener. Every single point counts in this competition. There are 3 pools to determine the 4 semi-finalists for 18 June 2013. Each pool winner automatically qualifies for that semi-final which obviously leaves only one place over and that goes to the best finishing second place team overall.

Ask Ireland, New Zealand or Australia of Pool B and they will probably say they are in the toughest pool in this tournament. Argentina and Wales are the better teams in Pool C and both should really be fancying their chances of progressing to the semi’s in this sometimes highly controversial format.

The final is on 23 June 2013.

POOL A South Africa 1 1 0 0 16 97 97 97 1 5
England 1 1 0 0 3 30 6 24 0 4
France 1 0 0 1 0 6 30 –24 0 0
United States 1 0 0 1 0 0 97 -97 0 0
05 Jun – 18:45 France 6 30 England
05 Jun – 20:45 South Africa 97 0 United States
09 Jun – 16:45 South Africa England
09 Jun – 18:45 France United States
13 Jun – 18:45 England United States
13 Jun – 20:45 France South Africa
New Zealand 1 1 0 0 9 59 6 53 1 5
Ireland 1 1 0 0 2 19 15 4 0 4
Australia 1 0 0 1 2 15 19 –4 1 1
Fiji 1 0 0 1 0 6 59 -53 0 0
05 Jun – 18:45 Ireland 19 15 Australia
05 Jun – 20:45 New Zealand 59 6 Fiji
09 Jun – 18:45 Ireland Fiji
09 Jun – 20:45 New Zealand Australia
13 Jun – 18:45 New Zealand Ireland
13 Jun – 20:45 Australia Fiji
Wales 1 1 0 0 6 42 3 39 1 5
Argentina 1 1 0 0 4 44 13 31 0 5
Scotland 0 0 0 0 2 13 44 -31 0 0
Samoa 1 0 0 1 0 3 42 –39 0 0
05 Jun – 18:00 Wales 42 3 Samoa
05 Jun – 20:00 Argentina 44 13 Scotland
09 Jun – 15:00 Argentina Samoa
09 Jun – 17:00 Wales Scotland
13 Jun – 16:45 Wales Argentina
13 Jun – 19:00 Scotland Samoa


Baby Bok team for game 1 vs USA

1 Prop Andrew Beerwinkel Porterville Bulls SA Schools 2011
2 Hooker Jacques du Toit Grey College Free State
3 Prop Luan de Bruin Affies Free State
4 Lock Irne Herbst Waterkloof Bulls SA Schools 2011
5 Lock Dennis Visser Affies Bulls
6 Flank Roelof Smit Waterkloof Bulls
7 Lock Jacques du Plessis Ermelo Bulls SA Schools 2011
8 Flank Ruan Steenkamp Monnas Bulls SA Schools 2011
9 Scrumhalf Stefan Ungerer Maritzburg Coll Sharks
10 Flyhalf Robert du Preez Kearsney Sharks
11 Wing Luther Obi St Benedicts Leopards
12 Flyhalf Handre Pollard Paarl Gym Bulls SA Schools 2012
13 Centre Justin Geduld Tygerberg WP
14 Wing Seabelo Senatla Harmony Free State
15 Fullback Cheslin Kolbe Brackenfell WP SA Schools 2012
16 Hooker Michael Willemse Grey High WP
17 Prop Sti Sithole Westville WP
18 No.8 Aidon Davis Daniel Pienaar Kings SA Schools 2012
19 Flank Kwagga Smith HTS Middelburg Lions
20 Scrumhalf Hanco Venter Monnas Sharks
21 Centre Dries Swanepoel Grey College Bulls SA Schools 2011
22 Fullback Jesse Kriel Maritzburg Coll Bulls SA Schools 2012
23 Prop Marne Coetzee Glenwood Sharks SA Schools 2011
NP Hooker Devon Martinus Bredasdorp Lions
NP Lock Jannes Kirsten Affies Bulls
NP Scrumhalf Percy Williams Oudtshoorn Lions SA Schools 2011
NP Centre Rohan Jv Rensburg Waterkloof Bulls SA Schools 2012
NP Utility Sylvian Mahuza Outeniqua Leopards


  1. avatar
    #94 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Ja, De Akker. In my tyd het hulle doringdraad op daardie dik balke aangebring om die manne te stop om onderstebo aan hulle bene daaraan te hang en swaai. Op n stadium het ek in n huis, net bokant (nr 108) gebly. Agv die reputasie, sal ek nie die naam noem nie, maar toe word dit onder ons agterente uit verkoop om te restoureer. As daardie mure kon praat—- Dit was die dae, toe n bottel Tassies R1-70 gekos het in De Akker en R1-20 oor die counter- as my geheue reg is. En n pakkie sigarette 15 of 20 sent. Nou gee ek nie om of dit R200 elk is nie.

    6 June, 2013 at 13:53
  2. avatar
    #93 Ploegskaar

    @BuffelsCM: Inderdaad!

    6 June, 2013 at 13:03
  3. avatar
    #92 BoishaaiPa

    @BOG: Ja ek is defnitief Post Grand en Post Dros…Dros het n ’81 of ’82 toegemaak net voor ek daar geland het..Ek was wel n De Akker Helderberger…Toe n Stal HB…Toe n Finleys HB…Wine Route, Lanserac….ens ens

    6 June, 2013 at 12:25
  4. avatar
    #91 BOG

    @BoishaaiPa: Jy moet darem byvoeg dat jy n post Grand Hotel Helderberger was. In my tyd het hulle soveel tyd daar bestee, dat ons dit as n annexe van Helderberg gereken het. Tragies, is die Grand gesloop om plek te maak vir die uitbreiding vd OK (soos toe) Meeste van my pelle was daar en hulle wou my selfs saamsleep op toer na Zim (Rodesie toe) as spanbestuurder/bagasiemeester of een of ander titel om my arm te draai. En ten spyte van my bewese vernuf met n glas en die vooruitsig van n “booze cruise” op Kariba, was ek nie bereid om myself in daardie lokval te begewe nie. Daar was geen ontsnapping beskikbaar nie(afgesien van op die bus se dak) – “no place to hide” Nou raak ek weer nostalgies

    6 June, 2013 at 11:51
  5. avatar
    #90 CharlesZA

    Julle manne was so paar jaar voor my op die Bos. Eers 2000 daar begin.

    6 June, 2013 at 11:33
  6. avatar
    #89 BuffelsCM

    @Ploegskaar: Ek sien Tobie Botes wat Saterdag vir Italië skrumskakel speel, was in Boland-Landbou op skool

    6 June, 2013 at 11:06
  7. avatar
    #88 BuffelsCM

    @BoishaaiPa: Ek het in ’85 meestal klub gespeel. Die Helderberg-manne wat ek geken het, het ander posisies gespeel. Ek sal maar wag vir Ploegskaar om my te vertel !

    6 June, 2013 at 10:58
  8. avatar
    #87 BoishaaiPa

    @BuffelsCM: Ek was in Helderberg en het so paar games gespeel…het wel die game teen Dagbreek in ’85 gespeel.

    6 June, 2013 at 10:50
  9. avatar
    #86 CharlesZA

    @Slam: charl dot greeff at gmail dot com You can send all of that, will be quite interesting to see.

    6 June, 2013 at 10:47
  10. avatar
    #85 BuffelsCM

    @Ploegskaar: Goed dankie ! Daar was so baie rugbyspelers – mens kan nie almal onthou nie! Die gesig sal ek wel ken as ek hom sien

    6 June, 2013 at 10:46
  11. avatar
    #84 Ploegskaar

    @BuffelsCM: Sal jou Saterdag sê.

    6 June, 2013 at 10:40
  12. avatar
    #83 BuffelsCM

    @BoishaaiPa: Sjoe my gedagtes is nou in “overdrive” – kan nie dink wie daardie tyd 9 en 15 gespeel het nie – “interessante” kombinasie ! Jy is nie dalk KdP nie?
    In watter koshuis was jy ?

    6 June, 2013 at 10:37
  13. avatar
    #82 BoishaaiPa

    @BuffelsCM: Nee..ek ken Jaco van daai dae op Stellenbosch en het teen hom gespeel!…Darem nie direk teen hom nie want ek was n scrummie en fullback…

    6 June, 2013 at 10:28
  14. avatar
    #81 Slam

    @CharlesZA: sure thing. whats you email address? Also have lists of U19, U21, U20 from 1996 so give you an idea who progresses through the age groups

    6 June, 2013 at 10:23
  15. avatar
    #80 CharlesZA

    @Slam: Can you mail those to me?

    6 June, 2013 at 10:18
  16. avatar
    #79 BoishaaiPa

    @Woltrui: Ja Wollies….Glo jou eie gevolgtrekkings en sluk jou eie poepe..dit help glo vir die selfvertroue! :mrgreen:

    6 June, 2013 at 10:18
  17. avatar
    #78 Umtata

    16 tries only 7 converted is not good.
    Good win for the boys though.
    Senatla will have the most tries in this tournament

    6 June, 2013 at 10:16
  18. avatar
    #77 BOG

    @Woltrui: Jy is darem vroeg besig om stats te manipuleer. As jy wil soek na die oorsprong van rugbykrag, ontleed die Springbokgroep. En dan kan jy maar daarby voeg, die beseerdes en ongelukkiges. As daar na tendense gekyk word, is dit veilig om af te lei dat 80% vd O 20 groep in die volgende twee jaar sal “verdwyn” omdat hulle in die eerste plek, weens kwotas en slegte keuses, nooit daar moes gewees het nie.

    6 June, 2013 at 10:00
  19. avatar
    #76 BuffelsCM

    @BoishaaiPa: Dit lyk my so! Was jy en Jaco vdM saam in die koshuis en / of het julle “net” saam rugby gespeel ?
    Daardie proewe waarvan ek praat van verlede jaar: soos ek gesê het, was ek laat. My seun wat in die wedstryd na Francois (Bennie se seun) moes speel, moes toe in sy plek ook opgaan. Hy is ‘n loskopstut en moes toe vaskop speel. Volgens hom het hy die ander loskop laat goed lyk – soos jy weet is daar ‘n groot verskil tussen die 2 posisies. Direk daarna moes hy toe ‘n vol wedstryd op loskop speel. Hy het gevra of hy nie net 10 minute kon rus nie maar die antwoord was “Nee”. Sy proewe het toe ook gesneuwel in die proses want hy was te moeg om ‘n betekenisvolle bydrae in die 2de wedstryd op die veld te lewer.

    6 June, 2013 at 09:56
  20. avatar
    #75 Slam

    @CharlesZA: I had help you with that. I have a list of all SA Schools and SA Academy representatives from 1995

    6 June, 2013 at 09:53
  21. avatar
    #74 BuiteBreek

    @Woltrui: Ek hoop jy is reg. Gisteraand was regtig teleurstellend om te sien hoe swak hy geskop het.

    6 June, 2013 at 09:51
  22. avatar
    #73 Woltrui

    Schools brakedown:
    -Affies (Pta Diesel Mechs): 3
    -Kloof: 2
    -Monnas: 2
    -Maritzburrow: 2
    -Greystaat: 2

    Not one Fishfeet school make a dubbel. No wonder the school rugby power is situated in the Northvaal 8-O

    6 June, 2013 at 09:26
  23. avatar
    #72 Woltrui

    @BuiteBreek: NEEeee man Buitebreek!!! Hy raak al beter. Af dagie met die skop skoen. Tut tut tut. Julle suurgat visvoete :mrgreen:
    In my opinie moet sy talente op 10 uitgestal word. Sy vertoning in die finaal laasjaar seker die beste vertoning van ‘n 10 by die JWC-ooit.
    -Enige nuus oor Dennis Visser se besering?
    -Speler van die wedstryd die Maritzburrow skrummie Stefan Ungerer. Nie geweet die Charkies het sulke versteekte talente nie.

    6 June, 2013 at 09:18
  24. avatar
    #71 CharlesZA

    Anywhere where I can see a list of the last 15 years or so SA Schools sides? Would be interesting to see what level the guys that got SA Schools reached.

    6 June, 2013 at 09:05
  25. avatar
    #70 BuiteBreek

    @Pollard: Dalk moet jy bietjie minder tyd in die gym spandeer, en so bietjie meer aan die skopwerk. Van verlede jaar tot nou, het jou standaard darem diep gesak. 8-O Sug

    6 June, 2013 at 08:40
  26. avatar
    #69 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Jy moet gaan kyk daar op youtube. Tik “Bishops 1992 rugby” dan sien jy hele paar video highlights…jy kan dalk nog jouself daar sien!

    6 June, 2013 at 08:21
  27. avatar
    #68 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: A Ok…ja vergeet van hulle.

    6 June, 2013 at 08:20
  28. avatar
    #67 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Onthou vir Johnny Truytsman goed..Sien hom so nou en dan by n Boishaai geleentheid, ken hom nie persoonlik self nie, maar weet van hom. Ek weer het saam met ander Louis Koen, die krieketer, klubkrieket gespeel hier in die Boland.

    6 June, 2013 at 08:18
  29. avatar
    #66 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: President.

    6 June, 2013 at 08:15
  30. avatar
    #65 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: JJ du Preez?..

    6 June, 2013 at 08:13
  31. avatar
    #64 Ploegskaar

    @Ploegskaar: *Attie se laaties was in de Tyger

    6 June, 2013 at 07:56
  32. avatar
    #63 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Nie dit geweet nie, maar moet sê, as jy ‘n laaitie is jol jy mos net wat voor jou is en doen jou bes, en van Gibbs het ons natuurlik geweet agv sy krieket reputasie. Self het ons ‘n goeie losskakel gehad, Marius Moolman. As ek reg onthou het hy SA Akademie gekry in ’92, vir Mallet se spog Boland span gespeel toe lg. provinsiaal begin coach het en ook Junior Springbok gemaak (praat onder korreksie). Tragies in ‘n motorongeluk dood in ’97, plat op die aarde mens gewees en ook ‘n puik krieketspeler. Het saam met hom en Louis Koen in die WP LS streekspanne krieket gespeel toe Louis in Panorama was (saam met Attie v.Niekerk se laaties). Trytsman, wat saam met Marius vir daai Boland span gespeel het, is vandag ons CA, hy’s is steeds een moerse mens!

    6 June, 2013 at 07:55
  33. avatar
    #62 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Jy weet seker ook dat Robbie Fleck, Selborne Boome en Dave Von Hoesslin ook in dieslfde span as Gibbs gespeel het van ’92.

    6 June, 2013 at 07:20
  34. avatar
    #61 BoishaaiPa

    @BuffelsCM: Maar dan moet ek jou mos ken as jy vir Dagbreek gespeel het!…Ek was ook daar by die proewe laasjaar en het gesien wat gebeur!

    6 June, 2013 at 06:54
  35. avatar
    #60 phat55

    senatla,kolbe,geduld and the other wing has pace to burn! goalkicking is a slight worry because it will definitely be needed in the tight games.pity jan serfontein is in the senior bok setup(not for him obviously lol) because him playing centre would’ve given the team another dimension and added grit in the backline.looking forward to the game against the poms and the rest……

    5 June, 2013 at 23:16
  36. avatar
    #59 Westers

    Good all round performance against very weak opposition. Areas for concern were kicking for poles – this could cost us in the close games, kicking ball out of hand when better options were to keep ball in hand. Pity some of the subs got such little game time when opportunity was there to give everyone at least 30 mins.
    Lets see what the next game brings.

    5 June, 2013 at 22:28
  37. avatar
    #58 Gungets Tuft

    Kolbe running riot. Must say that the Baby Boks look much better than England and France did. No comparison, perhaps just because the States are so weak, but still …

    5 June, 2013 at 21:12
  38. avatar
    #57 Ploegskaar

    @beet: Great memories, also forgot to mention that we lost to Bishops on the Piley in ’92 by 10 or 12, against a certain Gibbs @ 10! BTW, that SACS game is my most treasured rugby memory, lost by 2 but both teams ran the ball side to side from the kick-off! And with the great HO next to the field :mrgreen:

    5 June, 2013 at 19:11
  39. avatar
    #56 bhkgpa

    @BoishaaiPa: ek sekondeer, hy is al beste skrumskakel vanaf onder 14 maar afrigters het hom so rondgeneuk, hy het laasjaar onder 16 A vleuel gespeel

    5 June, 2013 at 18:57
  40. avatar
    #55 bhkgpa

    @Tierklou: Dan moet jy jou beter uitdruk want jou kommentaar klink meer asof jy nie veel goed te sê het van boishaai nie

    5 June, 2013 at 18:52
  41. avatar
    #54 bhkgpa

    @BoishaaiPa: @tierklou lyk my tierklou het n seun in boishaai gehad wat dit nie gemaak het nie, nou gee hy die skool die sulke daarvoor, is maar n ou probleem met gemiddelde mense, dit is nooit hulle skuld as iets nie uitwerk nie of hoe

    5 June, 2013 at 18:50
  42. avatar
    #53 beet

    @Ploegskaar: Wow! That is quite a record to be proud of. Nice thing about playing SBR in the W/Cape. You invariably get to play against future Springboks at some stage.

    5 June, 2013 at 18:10
  43. avatar
    #52 Ploegskaar

    @vatikaki: Nope, been following them for many years, have many friends that have boys there and had to choose a school to support when 2 of my girls were at Paarl Girls’ High for 3 years. I matriculated in ’92, at a small school that probably plays soccer nowadays, as Djou said the other day, but we were a good age group that never lost a game to Wynberg or Boland through the age groups. Also beat Boishaai u/15 in 1989 (Marius Goosen was the full back), narrowly lost to SACS u/16 (with Monty in the team) in 1990 and beat Paarl Gym 1sts (Louis Koen’s year) and drew with PRG 1sts (Bles Kemp’s year) in ’92.

    5 June, 2013 at 16:20
  44. avatar
    #51 BuffelsCM

    @BoishaaiPa: Ek het vir Plankie in 2011 by Dagbreek se 90ste “feesvieringe” gesien! Ek het op ‘n stadium langs hom in Dagbreek se voorry gesak.
    Ja Bennie praat mos ook van “lelike” Jaco. Lg het saam met my by Bellville klubrugby gespeel: baie goeie mens met ‘n groot hart !
    Verlede jaar met die proewe was ek laat maar my vrou het gekyk. Toe Bennie se seun seerkry wou Bennie dat hy met die seer been loop tot by die bakkie! My vrou het hom oortuig om by die “ramp” af te ry om sy seun langs die veld op te laai. Na ‘n lang gesukkel kon hulle hom darem inlaai!
    Klein plekkie waarin ons bly !!

    5 June, 2013 at 15:59
  45. avatar
    #50 BuiteBreek

    @BHP: Met sulke diepte, moes julle seker dan eerder 13 in die CW span gehad het. :mrgreen:

    5 June, 2013 at 15:55
  46. avatar
    #49 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Ons het so baie diepte..ons beste scrummy speel Eagles (E-Span)!…

    5 June, 2013 at 15:54
  47. avatar
    #48 BoishaaiPa

    @BuiteBreek: Jy moet dan beslis deurkom!

    5 June, 2013 at 15:53
  48. avatar
    #47 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Jip, met julle 2des wat goed genoeg vir die WP CW is, is diepte beslis nie ‘n probleem nie :mrgreen: Dink diepte is ‘n luuksheid waarvoor die Bolanders ‘n morg vrugbare grond sou afstaan die seisoen!

    5 June, 2013 at 15:50
  49. avatar
    #46 BuiteBreek

    @Ploeg @BHP: Sien julle miskien daar, ek het dalk geleentheid saam vrinne, wat Oakdale en Gim gaan kyk.

    5 June, 2013 at 15:46
  50. avatar
    #45 vatikaki


    Are you a Boland Landbou OB? :) If so what year did you matriculate?

    5 June, 2013 at 15:43
  51. avatar
    #44 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Ek dink die game gaan maar voor beslis word. As die balle by die senters uitkom gaan dit n bonus wees!….Hele paar kranklikes by ons ook, maar ons het darem genoeg diepte.

    5 June, 2013 at 15:41
  52. avatar
    #43 vatikaki


    Cheers. Yeah the nickname makes it difficult to identify between the lot hey! I should probably ask the family a bit more about when he played where and so forth.

    Know he played for some military side which set a ridiculous record for tightheads during a season (somewhere around 60 if memory serves me right, will have to check article in photo album).

    5 June, 2013 at 15:39
  53. avatar
    #42 BoishaaiPa

    @BuffelsCM: Ja. dis hoekom Bennie se seun eers weer by Outeniqua game begin speel het…Dis hy wat ook in CW span opgeneem is. Jaco het gaan post matric by Bishops en was selfde tyd saam met my op Maties. So ook ander Jaco vd Merwe (Wortel of Plankies) wat in Dagbreek was, se seun (JE) het in 2011 CW gespeel en was ook stut vir Boishaai. Die twee Jaco’s is bekend as “Mooi” Jaco en “Lelike” Jaco..maar niemand se wie is wie nie!

    5 June, 2013 at 15:39
  54. avatar
    #41 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Het ‘n verpligting by Bellville ook, maar sal my bes doen om dit ten minste vir die eerstes te maak. Behoort ‘n goeie dag van rugby te wees, alhoewel die weervoorpelling maar goor lyk. Dink julle o/14’s behoort te veel skietgoed te hê, o/15’s en 16’s behoort lekker gelykop te wees en die eerstes sal afhang van hoeveel beseerdes dit om die Berg maak om julle ten minste ‘n game te gee. Behoort veral ‘n lekker stryd tussen Attie en Luan te wees, of hoe?

    5 June, 2013 at 15:38
  55. avatar
    #40 BuffelsCM

    @vatikaki: I can’t recall him – I knew another Pine Pienaar.
    @BoishaaiPa: Ek het verlede jaar vir Takkies by die proewe gesien.
    Bennie se seun het laas jaar mos so seer gekry by die proewe. Dan was Jaco (Bennie se broer) net voor jou ?

    5 June, 2013 at 15:30
  56. avatar
    #39 vatikaki


    Cheers will do.

    5 June, 2013 at 15:29
  57. avatar
    #38 BoishaaiPa

    @Ploegskaar: Dit le in Beet se inbox…die soutie is weer lekker lui lyk dit my!..Sien ek jou die naweek op Brugstraat?

    5 June, 2013 at 15:26
  58. avatar
    #37 BoishaaiPa

    @vatikaki: You must contact the Old Boys union. I am sure they will give you info on his schoolmates. That name of Pine Pienaar sound very familiar as he was the same time as me at Stellenbosch.

    5 June, 2013 at 15:25
  59. avatar
    #36 Ploegskaar

    @BoishaaiPa: Niks rankings die week nie?

    5 June, 2013 at 15:24
  60. avatar
    #35 BoishaaiPa

    @BuffelsCM: Takkies se seun was weer in 2011 Boishaai kaptein en Bennie se seun speel vanjaar. Raymond Heathcoate se seun het weer saam met myne gespeel..Ek ken weer baie van die ’83 groep.

    5 June, 2013 at 15:21
  61. avatar
    #34 vatikaki


    He went to Stellenbosch for a year or two I believe after having finished conscription. Not sure if he played rugby there. He also played for the Eastern Province U-21 side while on conscription. Was studying medicine but hated it and then back into the Miltary. Went into the Military Academy and was a Captain at the time of his death.

    Name was Hendrik Pienaar but also went by Pine.

    5 June, 2013 at 15:21
  62. avatar
    #33 Slam

    Of that 2011 SA Schools the below players are missing from this side

    Jaco van der Walt (Lions)
    Nhlanhla Hlongwane (Free State)
    Ruwellyn Isbell (Free State)
    Sean Robinson (Blue Bulls)
    Tyler Fisher (KZN)
    Eugene le Maitre (Lions)
    Leneve Damens (Free State)
    Morne du Plessis (Blue Bulls)
    Philip du Preez (Lions)
    Pierre Schoeman (Blue Bulls)
    Sikumbuzo Notshe (WP)
    Thabo Mabuza (Blue Bulls).

    5 June, 2013 at 15:09
  63. avatar
    #32 BuffelsCM

    @vatikaki: hi there ! I am no old boy of Boishaai but was in Matric in 1979. At university I played with guys that were in Boishaai in ’79 – Takkies Reitz, Bennie v d Merwe, Radie Heathcote, Shaun McCulley to name a few.
    Your late father and I played the same position. Did he study after school and if so, where ?

    5 June, 2013 at 15:06
  64. avatar
    #31 vatikaki


    Pretty sure he went to Argie with them. He just hasn’t really received any game time.

    Might be looking at him as cover for the entire front-row in case of injuries considering limited numbers allowed to tour? Interesting selection nonetheless.

    5 June, 2013 at 14:05
  65. avatar
    #30 BoishaaiPa

    @vatikaki: He wasnt part of any training camp or squad, got drafted in after they came back from Argentina.

    5 June, 2013 at 13:54
  66. avatar
    #29 vatikaki


    Surely not?

    I mean he was still playing tigthead for the Lions U-21’s last season… Seems silly to pick him as a hooker – unless it’s strictly as emergency cover.

    Will see if he gets any game-time in the comp I suppose. Can’t recall him seeing any game-time in any of the warm-up games.

    5 June, 2013 at 13:46
  67. avatar
    #28 BoishaaiPa

    @vatikaki:So did I, but converted to a hooker it seems..You see what I mean?..

    5 June, 2013 at 13:36
  68. avatar
    #27 vatikaki


    I see I see. Was a surprise having Willemse come out of nowhere.


    I thought Devon Martinus was a tighthead?

    5 June, 2013 at 13:16
  69. avatar
    #26 BoishaaiPa

    @vatikaki: Devon Marthinus was most definatly not one of the hookers in the mix . There is more to this than what is apparent on the surface. Suddenly a hooker who did not even make the WP squads last years gets preference? Anyway, we will see what happens when the CC season starts and what will happen during the Jnr WC. I think Dawie’s got a huge problem if his No 1 hooker gets injured!

    5 June, 2013 at 13:08
  70. avatar
    #25 beet

    @vatikaki: I could be wrong but I heard it was politics of a different nature – a disagreement between coach and player.

    5 June, 2013 at 13:04
  71. avatar
    #24 vatikaki


    True! Considered putting him in there but figured he must have just not been good enough? Can’t blame politics considering his replacement is also a white boy from the same province?

    Will be interesting to see what WP U-21 does with 4 hookers in Stephan Coetzee, Michael Willemse, Freddie Kirsten & Renier Marais. The latter two are captaincy options but don’t look to be starting options, and the U-21 side doesn’t look to have many captaincy options at all.

    5 June, 2013 at 12:46
  72. avatar
    #23 beet

    @vatikaki: Yes Hanco missed out on CW altogether in his matric year. I also though Luan who played for the Bulls in 2010 as an u17 lost out to Marne, Forwood and Pierre Schoeman in 2011 and therefore went to Academy Week but I’m sure you did the research, so he had a game at CW in 2011 as well.

    5 June, 2013 at 12:45
  73. avatar
    #22 beet

    @vatikaki: You left out Freddie Kirsten, last year’s winning CC u19 captain from WP. He should have been a candidate for the SA u20 captaincy. He was in every camp and training team right up to the very end then got cut.

    5 June, 2013 at 12:42
  74. avatar
    #21 vatikaki

    Any Boys’ High Old Boys here?

    My father played for and I believe captained them in 1980. Was a hooker. Passed away up on the Border just outside Rundu in 88. Would be interested to know if anyone was from that era!

    5 June, 2013 at 12:36
  75. avatar
    #20 noordwes

    Dit lyk vir my of ons ongelukig op pad is om op hierdie blog ook oor alles behalwe die positiewe van skoolrugby te praat.Die tipe van gesprekke wat die laaste paar dae plaasvind op die blog maak geensins n bydrae om skolerugby beter te maak.Dit gaan oor persoonlike vetes en dinge wat negatief inwerk op die gehalte van die blog.Ek wil weereens vra gaan lees die HOUSERULES en maak seker jou gesprek voldoen daaraan.

    5 June, 2013 at 12:32
  76. avatar
    #19 Tierklou

    @BoishaaiPa: My beste pel se seun asook my suster se seun is in BoisHaai. Moenie afleidings maak nie, dit het baie mense al duur te staan gekom.

    5 June, 2013 at 12:22
  77. avatar
    #18 BoishaaiPa

    @Tierklou: Enige iemand kan baie goed aflei wat jy bedoel, so moenie jou probeer verontskuldig nie. Dit het niks met ego uit te waai nie, maar alles met jou houding.

    5 June, 2013 at 12:15
  78. avatar
    #17 Tierklou

    @BoishaaiPa: Sjoe, hoekom gooi jy dan nou jou speelgoed uit die kot. Jy is die een wat gevolgtrekkings maak. Jy weet nie vir wie ek ondersteun en wie nie, so haal jou bril onder jou sitvlak uit en lees weer my inskrywing. Al wat ek noem is dat dit interessant is dat daar niemand in is van Boishaai nie. As dit nie ook vir jou opvallend is nie, dan moet jy jou verstand ook slag onder jou sitvlak uithaal. Word groot en los jou kinderagtige ego – of is jy nog op skool?

    5 June, 2013 at 12:09
  79. avatar
    #16 vatikaki


    Also, correct me if I’m wrong anybody, but I believe Hanco Venter missing out in 2011 was due to injury.

    5 June, 2013 at 11:43
  80. avatar
    #15 vatikaki

    Would either Sikhumbuzo Notshe or Tshepo Motale have made the squad if they weren’t both injured for long periods leading up to this tournament?

    Sean Robinson not making it is an interesting one. Dawie had a chance to call him up after the withdrawal of Sergeal Petersen, but opted for Jesse Kriel instead.

    Interesting names that didn’t make it and one that chose not to:
    – Tshepo Motale
    – Neethling Fouché
    – Marvin Orie (injured)
    – Timo Swiel (withdrew)
    – Jan Serfontein (Springboks)
    – Tyler Fisher
    – Sergeal Petersen (injured)
    – Sean Robinson

    5 June, 2013 at 11:31
  81. avatar
    #14 vatikaki


    Would’ve liked to have seen a midfield of Rohan Janse van Rensburg & Dries Swanepoel yes. We definitely need more size and direct running in there, or NZ and a few other sides are going to have their day with us.

    Ideally a backline of 9 Hanco Venter 10 Handre Pollard 11 Seabelo Senatla 12 Rohan Janse van Rensburg 13 Dries Swanepoel 14 Justin Geduld (right winger more of a ranging type rather then genuine speedster) 15 Cheslin Kolbe (warrants being selected on what he did during the Vodacom Cup, at least initially).

    A bit surprised Aidon Davis isn’t starting but not too fussed I suppose. A good idea having two loose-forwards on the bench instead of Jannes Kirsten as Jacques du Plessis appears to be a guy you want out there for 80 minutes so can shift him into the second-row.

    5 June, 2013 at 11:20
  82. avatar
    #13 vatikaki


    I believe a few of those did well play Craven Week. Hanco Venter went in 2010, but didn’t get a minute of game-time off the bench in all 3 games it appears. Justin Geduld started all 3 games for WP in 2011. Luan de Bruin also came off the bench in 1 game for the Bulls CW side in 2011 but started all 3 of them in 2010.

    5 June, 2013 at 11:16
  83. avatar
    #12 BOG

    @Muzi: This then explains the general chaos which we have been reading about in the selections of representative teams. We have demographs deciding the teams and not selectors. That explains a lot and makes absolute sense.

    5 June, 2013 at 11:10
  84. avatar
    #11 pongola

    luan de bruin , dennis visser , luther obi , justin geduld , seabelo senatla , sti sithole , hanco venter , devon martinus , jannes kirsten 9 players didn’t play craven week so if you miss craven week you still have a chance. think sa schools goes to a few players head and stop their hard work after being chosen for sa schools.

    5 June, 2013 at 11:05
  85. avatar
    #10 BoishaaiPa

    @Tierklou: Soos gewoonlik hang jou minderwaardigheidkompleks soos n onderrok uit. As jy weet wat aangaan sou jy dalk geweet het dat n Boishaaier moes plek maak vir kwotas. Jou afguns jeens Boishaai wys maar net van watter stoffasie jy gemaak is. Die toonbeeld van swak karakter wat lekkerkry as ander nie presteer nie.

    5 June, 2013 at 11:02
  86. avatar
    #9 badboy

    Wonder how many quota,s had to be filled here which I am sure there would have been. Surprised not to see the other 8th man from the Sharks saw him play some of the Vodacom Cup games he is a star in the making I think he,s name was Steyn or Meyer.

    5 June, 2013 at 10:57
  87. avatar
    #8 pongola

    serfontein robinson peterson could have played but super rugby and boks keeping them busy. so thats 15 but a lot of schools players missing. @beet can you add academy players if there where any. maybe a few 2011 got to old for this tournament?

    5 June, 2013 at 10:47
  88. avatar
    #7 rugbyfan

    Real pity that Serfontein is not playing.

    5 June, 2013 at 10:41
  89. avatar
    #6 CharlesZA

    Im actually suprised that only 12 of the 28 played SA Schools. Is this a normal drop off for u/20 side?

    5 June, 2013 at 09:49
  90. avatar
    #5 Muzi

    @beet: Beerwinkel ain’t that bad…..good ball carrier but he has been selected ahead of Neethling Fouche and Justin Forwood to balance the demographics. :mrgreen:
    Obi hmmm yes the Nigerian import :mrgreen: IMHO he’s definitely no Rhule though…. great in open play still not yet convinved with his defence. :wink:

    5 June, 2013 at 09:49
  91. avatar
    #4 Umtata

    Give Seabelo Senatla half a gap and its a try he was amazing at his last 7s tournament.

    5 June, 2013 at 09:49
  92. avatar
    #3 beet

    @Muzi: What about Beerwinkel at 1. Will he stand the test against England and France.

    Also I see no place in your personal line-up for your former schoolmate Luther Obi 8-O

    5 June, 2013 at 08:57
  93. avatar
    #2 Muzi

    Those Pommies and French teams will give us a can of whoop ass with this backline I guess Dawie wants to give everyone some game time.
    Oom Theron after this match can we please have….9. Venter 10.Pollard 11.Geduld 12. Janse van Rensburg 13. Swanepoel 14.Senatla 15.Kriel.

    5 June, 2013 at 08:21
  94. avatar
    #1 Tierklou

    Net soos in die Springbok span, GEEN Boishaaier nie. :lol:

    5 June, 2013 at 08:15

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