School Rugby fixtures & results – week ending 17 June 2023

School Rugby fixtures & results – week ending 17 June 2023

Thu.15Jun Stirling 08 63 Selborne
Sat.17Jun Hilton 15 18 Michaelhouse
Sat.17Jun Kingswood 13 10 St Andrew’s
Sat.17Jun Union 03 43 Graeme
Thu.15Jun St Benedict’s 33 15 St Stithians


  1. avatar
    #101 Wyvern

    @Vleis: I don’t think the 1st XV result was a true reflection of the u16 team, given some new boys that joined. Having said that your point is valid because the majority of last years u16 team played 2nd XV who also won!

    For me the match of the day was the 2nd XV match. KC should NEVER win a 2nd XV fixture against SAC given the number of boys KC has. Especially this year since it is the first time that there are no bridging year players playing.

    21 June, 2023 at 03:03
  2. avatar
    #100 Vleis

    @Wyvern: I don’t know how many returners are in the SAC 1st team, but my good mate’s son is one of them, so I’ll try to get up there next year. Last year, SAC’s u16B team beat Kingswood’s u16A, so it’s amazing how Kingswood turn things around by the time that they’re u18.

    20 June, 2023 at 11:58
  3. avatar
    #99 Middies pa

    @Rugger fan: I know the CW Puma team won 25 – 15. I don’t know about the others.

    20 June, 2023 at 09:53
  4. avatar
    #98 Wyvern

    @Vleis: Thank you! My mates at KDay said the atmosphere really picked up after the KC 2nd XV won, which was very unexpected (they lost 52-0 in the fixture in April). The 1st team game was the usual emotional highs and lows, edged on by the 4 yellow cards, long range penalties and SAC attack, and of course drinks at the Wyvern (always glad to hear many SAC supporters stay on).

    Not sure how many of the SAC team are returning (we have 6), but we’ll be up against it on Lower! Bring on KDay 2024!

    20 June, 2023 at 01:40
  5. avatar
    #97 Wyvern

    @KES Oldboy: 4th win since ’94, but yes 3rd in the last 10.

    20 June, 2023 at 01:23
  6. avatar
    #96 Vleis

    @Wyvern: Congrats on the win! I’m disappointed for SAC…but it’s great for the rivalry. I must try to get up to G-town for the game next year, which should be a cracker.

    @beet: St Alban’s beat St David’s by 24 to 19 at the latter on Saturday.

    19 June, 2023 at 12:15
  7. avatar
    #95 Rugger fan

    Anyone – do you have scores from the Griffons and Pumas representative sides that came down to Durban and played on Friday and Sat vs the sharks teams?

    19 June, 2023 at 11:55
  8. avatar
    #94 KES Oldboy

    @Wyvern: KC showed great character to come back like that at the end when it looked like it was all over with SAC on attack in the dying minutes. It’s good for these derbies that the other team also get to win. I’m not sure of stats but would imagine that that is KC’s 2nd or 3rd victory in the last 10?

    19 June, 2023 at 08:57
  9. avatar
    #93 Jakkals

    @Wyvern: Point taken. Congrats on the win.

    19 June, 2023 at 06:36
  10. avatar
    #92 Wyvern

    @Jakkals: Agree with you re players talking to the ref and losing their cool. The problem KC teams have had on Kday is that the occasion gets the better of them. Being a small school, the players don’t get a lot of experience playing the “big” games. I’m sure this will be mentioned by the coaches and, after this experience, hopefully the team can learn from it going forward.

    19 June, 2023 at 01:51
  11. avatar
    #91 Wyvern

    @Grant: Never great seeing the crowd on the field before the final whistle (which I’ve never seen before by a KC crowd), and definitely took something away from the final celebration imo. Having said that, I understand the emotion from the students given the rarity of beating SAC. The parents/adults, they should know better….

    19 June, 2023 at 01:37
  12. avatar
    #90 Grant

    @The Beast: inner Snooze ? That behavior was on any level disgraceful. Own it Beast. You are better than making an excuse for that. Your boys deserved the win.

    18 June, 2023 at 19:28
  13. avatar
    #89 Jakkals

    @The Beast: All good.

    18 June, 2023 at 19:15
  14. avatar
    #88 The Beast

    @Jakkals: No just got lots of mates who are old boys there and have a soft spot for the school because they always box way above their weight.

    18 June, 2023 at 19:08
  15. avatar
    #87 Jakkals

    @The Beast: Are you involved at Kingswood? Old boy? Your kids go there?

    18 June, 2023 at 19:05
  16. avatar
    #86 The Beast

    @Jakkals: Was hardly Hugh Bladen commentating, to be honest……don’t worry my standards are high enough.

    18 June, 2023 at 18:52
  17. avatar
    #85 Jakkals

    @The Beast: Well we clearly don’t have the same standards…even the commentator made mention of it….in my books only the captain should be questioning the ref and as much tenacity and grit as they showed they could’ve done it with more class imo. Would’ve liked to see some Kingswood staff members clear the crowd off the field so they could end it properly…

    18 June, 2023 at 18:39
  18. avatar
    #84 The Beast

    @KES Oldboy: That inner Snooze of yours coming out it seems?

    18 June, 2023 at 18:33
  19. avatar
    #83 The Beast

    @Jakkals: I actually thought that the Kingswood boys showed absolute tenacity to win this game, the fact that 8 of these boys had to play in a provincial fixture on Friday in George and then spend 5-6 hours in a bus only arriving back at hostel shortly before midnight on Friday speaks wonders for them. Asking a ref twice during a match what that call was for is hardly remonstrating. For them to have held on with a penalty count being so high against them actually speaks wonders for how they managed to actually win the game. The fact that their supporters were so excited about the win and running on the field when they scored the winning try in a massive derby is not called for and something like that should never happen.

    18 June, 2023 at 18:32
  20. avatar
    #82 Smallies

    @OUD ANKER: ek se glad nie dat hy die alfa en omega van afrigters is nie ,wat ek wel se is hy het n manier om jong talent REG te ontwikkel….en die feit dat die Stormers URC speel help ook baie ,as die Vrystaat nie sois n sleg hond weg gejaag is uit Pro 14 nie sou ek gese het gaan jol daar …

    18 June, 2023 at 16:18
  21. avatar
    #81 Jakkals

    @KES Oldboy: agreed. As a whole the Kingswood folk need to take a look at themselves. The way the players were talking to the ref and throwing tantrums when a call went against them was shocking. Talented team but the culture looks in need of some adjustment.

    18 June, 2023 at 13:11
  22. avatar
    #80 Ploegskaar

    @OUD ANKER: CB dalk nie die beste voorbeeld. Sy D was op skool reeds ‘n groot leemte waarop sy lofsangers nie wou agslaan nie. Die attitude/commitment wat nodig is vir D sou/kan geen afrigter coach nie. Dalk moet die skole rugbygemeenskap, skole afrigters en agente eerder waak daarteen om spelers so vreeslik en gou op te praat. Die vereistes van pro-rugby skei vinnig die kaf van die hooi

    18 June, 2023 at 09:47
  23. avatar
    #79 OUD ANKER

    @Smallies: Dis nie net Jake White nie, die meeste van hierdie so-called big time afrigters is besig om spelers se loopbane op te donner! Curwin Bosch is nog ‘n voorbeeld. En by the way John Dobson is ook big time uitoorlê tydens die URC final. Net daar het sy reputasie ook ‘n knock gevat. Jimmy Stonehouse op hierdie oomblik most probably die mees uitgeslape van die lot en boonop sal jy hy jou ‘n snotklap gee as jy nie luister nie, GEEN primadonnas in sy woordeskat nie.

    18 June, 2023 at 08:22
  24. avatar
    #78 KES Oldboy

    @Kaya 85: a bit of karma for Michaelhouse…. That disallowed try by Hilton at the end looked legit- you are allowed to place the ball. I didn’t see a second movement. But in the first fixture MHS had a try disallowed at the end too I believe.

    17 June, 2023 at 21:45
  25. avatar
    #77 KES Oldboy

    @Grant: disgraceful scenes at Kingswood. How can anybody think that that sort of behaviour is acceptable? Zero respect for the traditions of the game & the fixture. Is it really that important that the behaviour of the crowd brings the whole school’s name into disrepute?

    17 June, 2023 at 21:43
  26. avatar
    #76 Smallies

    @Kaya 85: yep Stonehouse has been producing with a very limited budget

    17 June, 2023 at 20:48
  27. avatar
    #75 Jakkals

    @Kaya 85: Scott Mathie is probably the best schoolboy coach I have come across in my time. When I say come across I mean seeing him coach hands-on and and what he gets out of a team. He is also not doing too shabby in senior pro Rugby. I would like to see him get a big gig in South Africa to see what he can do.

    17 June, 2023 at 20:47
  28. avatar
    #74 Kaya 85

    @Smallies: and Jimmy Stonehouse keeps producing the goods with few resources…

    17 June, 2023 at 20:25
  29. avatar
    #73 Smallies

    @Kaya 85: His approach to rugby hasn’t changed from 2007…

    17 June, 2023 at 20:10
  30. avatar
    #72 Kaya 85

    Jake’s gotta go…

    17 June, 2023 at 19:53
  31. avatar
    #71 Smallies

    Wow Pumas vs Cheetahs 2023 CC final hoe is dit dat die mighty big 4 plat geval het….

    17 June, 2023 at 19:34
  32. avatar
    #70 Smallies

    @Jakkals: ek vermoed hy gaan kort voor lank by die bokke betrek word in een if ander rol

    17 June, 2023 at 19:13
  33. avatar
    #69 Jakkals

    @Smallies: ja Dobson het nogal n gawe om die goud uit die manne te haal.

    17 June, 2023 at 19:12
  34. avatar
    #68 Smallies

    @Jakkals: soo seer soos dit my maak om dit te se…..Skuif stormers toe,Dobsen weet hoe om talent te ontwikkel, en Kitshof is nie meer daar nie,ongelukkig vir die Vrystaat moet hy in die URC en Champions cup speel om te ontwikkel ….

    17 June, 2023 at 19:03
  35. avatar
    #67 Jakkals

    @Smallies: ek het hom baie hoog aangeslaan….teleurstellend waar hy nou is….laat my dink aan Roos wat in ń doodloopstraat by Sharks was. Wat dink jy is die antwoord vir hom?

    17 June, 2023 at 19:00
  36. avatar
    #66 Smallies

    @Djou: as jy nou dink ne hy word Miljoene betaal ….

    17 June, 2023 at 18:50
  37. avatar
    #65 Smallies

    @Grant: yea thats just not on mate….

    17 June, 2023 at 18:49
  38. avatar
    #64 Djou

    @Smallies: Yip, na sy World Cup triomf het hy nog net drooggemaak. Doen goed in 1ste seisoen of wat waar hy kom, en daarna is dit af!

    17 June, 2023 at 18:34
  39. avatar
    #63 Grant

    @Smallies: Kingswood score try in last minute/extra time. Major pitch invasion. Takes almost 10 minutes to clear field for conversion. Spectators still on pitch when conversion is taken. Watch on Superschools app. Never seen anything like it

    17 June, 2023 at 18:11
  40. avatar
    #62 Smallies

    @Grant: what happened

    17 June, 2023 at 18:02
  41. avatar
    #61 Grant

    Chaotic end to K-day match. Disgraceful behaviour by crowd and supporters

    17 June, 2023 at 17:59
  42. avatar
    #60 Smallies

    @Grizzly: hulle moes hom op stut gelos het sodat hy kan leer ,kon n goeie opvolger vir Kitshof gewees het

    17 June, 2023 at 17:58
  43. avatar
    #59 Grizzly

    @Smallies: Stem,hy moes hierdie jaar al world cup toe gegaan het maar kan nie nie start vir daai kak span nie.

    Kan nie glo Rassie hulle kan nie verby dit kyk en sy talent raak sien nie.Sal my goed vat en trap as ek hy is.

    17 June, 2023 at 17:55
  44. avatar
    #58 Jakkals

    @Rugbyman: ek maak so Johan.

    17 June, 2023 at 17:52
  45. avatar
    #57 Smallies

    Ek wil nou nie snaaks wees nie maar Jake White is besig om Jan Hendrik Wessels se loopbaan goed op te fok….

    17 June, 2023 at 17:33
  46. avatar
    #56 Smallies

    @Djou: WJ steenkamp Grey 2018 kaptein het teen George Cronje Grey Kaptein 2019 verloor vandag

    17 June, 2023 at 17:29
  47. avatar
    #55 Djou

    Mooi Cheetahs!
    Klop met min geroemde spelers ‘n URC-span ver!

    17 June, 2023 at 17:25
  48. avatar
    #54 Rugbyman

    @Jakkals: Sal belangstel daarin… sal jy my kontak asb? Jy kan my details by Beet kry…

    17 June, 2023 at 17:22
  49. avatar
    #53 Smallies

    @Kaya 85: I think who’s your daddy ends at about SA schools level at the extreme……young Bren Venter being a good example ,he rode daddy’s coat tails all the way through highschool ,2016 Grant Khomo ,2018 Craven week ,2018 SA Schools and then nothing …..

    17 June, 2023 at 17:01
  50. avatar
    #52 Kaya 85

    Hilton 15 – 18 Michaelhouse…
    Tight but the better team on the day won.

    17 June, 2023 at 15:56
  51. avatar
    #51 Kaya 85

    @kantako: @Smallies:
    …and “connections”…c’mon there’s always been some petty politics and nepotism, who is your daddy…

    17 June, 2023 at 15:52
  52. avatar
    #50 kantako

    @BoishaaiPa: ek stem nie saam nie. Jy behoort veral te weet hoeveel harde werk en lang ure gaan in spelers in deur afrigters by Top skole. Moet nie vir my se as al Grey se 2007 Wereldbeker bokke in Chief Boklein skool was dat hulle almal Bokke sou word nie.

    Frans Steyn was n yster van Laerskool af, as hy in n skool was wat elke naweek verloor sou hy dit nie gemaak het as n Bok nie.
    Die rede dat so baie spelers dit maak uit klein skole is juis die feit dat daar n kwota stelsel by Grant Khomo, Cravenweek, Varsity Cup, junior en Senior Pro rugby ingestel is.

    17 June, 2023 at 15:52
  53. avatar
    #49 Smallies

    @kantako: indeed sir👍👍👍

    17 June, 2023 at 15:45
  54. avatar
    #48 kantako

    @Smallies: jyt 2 punte vergeet wat seker die belangrikste is
    – beseringvry
    – LUCK

    17 June, 2023 at 15:43
  55. avatar
    #47 Smallies

    @BoishaaiPa: drie dinge wat saak maak Talent ,Harde werk,en nog harder werk….hard work always beats talent ,if talent does not work hard

    17 June, 2023 at 14:20
  56. avatar
    #46 BoishaaiPa

    Can a school really claim they developed a Bok if he played for their second or third team?..plenty of examples around of that as well. Its only after school that real talent en drive emerges when you play with the big boys.

    17 June, 2023 at 13:54
  57. avatar
    #45 BoishaaiPa

    Vleis..I am of the firm belief that 95% of Sprinbok rugby players are naturally gifted rugby players who would have made it as a Bok no matter what school they went to. There is enough proof of that. The school doesnt maketh the player!. Naturally schools with a rugby history and tradition will attract the boys with the most talent and hence some schools will have much more Boks than others.. but I still believe that a Bok is made by talent and not by any particular school. Its nice to boast about your Boks, but is actually just a boast, nothing more. Those boks would have made it from any school if they had the drive and determination.

    17 June, 2023 at 13:50
  58. avatar
    #44 tzavosky

    @Vleis: Correct, Trevor went to Ben Vorster (wouldn’t be seen dead in a Merensky jersey!) – in 2008, his matric year, both BV and Merensky were ranked in the low 30’s IIRC). Mapimpi went to Chief Boklein from memory, a school that most people haven’t even heard of, and why I think all schools are important in the greater scheme of things.

    17 June, 2023 at 12:20
  59. avatar
    #43 Wyvern

    @Vleis: Our EP players had a match today, less than ideal for tomorrow. Home field advantage for Kday imo hasn’t really counted for much historically (I would say more so for the supporters on where the beers will be…Wyvern or Highlander :mrgreen: )

    16 June, 2023 at 16:27
  60. avatar
    #42 Palma

    Selborne 63-8 Stirling

    15 June, 2023 at 17:48
  61. avatar
    #41 kantako

    @Jakkals: yes ek het Catapult gebruik toe ek in SA by skole afgerig het, was oulik, kan nie die ou se naam onthou wat my gehelp het nie. Goeie ou. Altyd moeite gedoen.

    Ek is n hele paar jaar nie meer in SA nie, ek rig nie by enige skool af nie, ons het ons eie span wat kyk na workload. Ek kyk net nou terug aan die seisoen en hoe ons kan verbeter en wat ons kort om te verbeter. Lekker slaap manne.

    15 June, 2023 at 17:18
  62. avatar
    #40 kantako

    @Middies pa: gps just a tracking unit we use to monitor the plauers workload and heat map during training and matches. We also use it for team selection

    15 June, 2023 at 17:15
  63. avatar
    #39 Jakkals

    @kantako: Watter software vir analysis gebruik jy?..en as jy belangstel in Catapult GPS kan ek jou help. Het dit al vir so paar skole ingebring. Bietjie duur maar baie goed. Hulle het ook amazing compatible sagteware wat saam die GPS link. Sê vir ons by watter skool jy is toe!!

    15 June, 2023 at 15:52
  64. avatar
    #38 Middies pa

    @Kaya 85: I assume GPS is those monitors (looks like a bra) that the guys play with nowadays. A lot of good information from those units. I think @Kantako can clarify.

    15 June, 2023 at 14:40
  65. avatar
    #37 Kaya 85

    8-O @kantako: also interested in your video analysis….what’s the software? GPS…or is that something else?
    I was at a Lions Presidents League club match and wandered into the players’ tent beside the field of play, Almost got Donnered, escaped a wack by claiming to be an Agent

    15 June, 2023 at 14:28
  66. avatar
    #36 Smallies

    @Kaya 85: he did

    15 June, 2023 at 14:08
  67. avatar
    #35 Vleis

    @Kaya 85: J’accorde! :lol:

    15 June, 2023 at 13:54
  68. avatar
    #34 Kaya 85

    @kantako: Am might have gone to HS De Vos Malan

    15 June, 2023 at 13:35
  69. avatar
    #33 Kaya 85

    :lol: :lol: @Vleis: except I think wine, women and song STAY major distractions

    15 June, 2023 at 13:32
  70. avatar
    #32 Kaya 85

    @kantako: thanks for that post. All those schools + coaches+ culture played their part.

    15 June, 2023 at 13:27
  71. avatar
    #31 kantako

    @Jakkals: nee analysis, vir myself vir volgende seisoen. Ek kyk sommer na video materiaal en GPS stats van die laaste seisoen. Saam so bietjie recruitment 🤫

    15 June, 2023 at 13:27
  72. avatar
    #30 Jakkals

    @kantako: Analysis of coding? watse video analysis doen jy? Vir wie? Watse sagteware gebruik jy?

    15 June, 2023 at 13:04
  73. avatar
    #29 Vleis

    @kantako: Not to be overly pedantic, but I’d say that Nelspruit, HTSM and Tygerberg were top 35 schools when those players attended the schools. Also, I thought that Trevor attended Ben Vorster, which was probably also top 35 when he was there, but Tzavoski can confirm both the latter points.

    Having said that, like my argument with private schools, I agree that one should find a disproportionate amount of latent pro potential at schools in outlying areas…as many of the pupils attending Nelspruit (for example) will have no enthusiasm to attend boarding of powerful rugby schools much further away.

    15 June, 2023 at 12:07
  74. avatar
    #28 Vleis

    @Kaya 85: Re Bennies/Saints: they key word you’ve added is “potentially”, as it’s one thing to have the potential to make it and quite another to have the discipline, mental strength, luck, etc, etc that are needed to “actually” make it….especially in the early years after school when wine, women and song are major distractions!

    I would nevertheless still modify your comment by widening the net to include making it into VC and VS, as there is just no way that six players from those teams will be playing URC rugby in five years…potential or not.

    Having said all that, I do agree that there is probably more latent potential to become a pro in private school teams relative to non-private school teams of similar ranking because the best players in the latter teams often get hoovered up by the top rugby schools…whereas the best players in private schools rarely leave for non-private schools – indeed, the opposite often occurs – e.g. Bongi going to St Alban’s from Voortrekker.

    15 June, 2023 at 11:58
  75. avatar
    #27 kantako

    @Kaya 85: just quickly from the top of my head, no facts no stats but pretty sure of my self, you can name a current Bok team to play in 2 weeks vs Aus who have not been in Top 35 or top 50 schools.

    Trevor (Merensky)
    Lood (Hugenote)
    Eben (Tygerberg)
    Orie (Tygerbegr)
    Pieter Steph (Swartland/Riebeeck wereld)
    Kwagga (HTS M)
    Marco (Bekker)
    Duane (Nelspruit)
    Am ?
    Esterhuizen (Klerksdorp)
    Mapimpi ?
    Cheslin (Brackenfell)

    Whole squad and all the schools not jumping to my head at the moment and Im busy with video analysis so dont have time to check myself.

    Just trying to support your comment that the Top schools are not as present as they should be.

    Then again you get World Cup winning teams with the big school reps and you can clearly see why they are picked.

    However I want to support @smallies and say that you have to be really good, work even harder and have a lot of luck to make it as a rugby player.

    15 June, 2023 at 11:50
  76. avatar
    #26 Vleis

    @Kaya 85: The gap between the Shield and VC is very wide at the moment, as highlighted by the relegation score (91 to 10) and the fact that the two VC teams that were relegated in 2022 finished in the top two of the Shield in 2023 despite both losing players to VC teams this year. That said, I agree that the Shield will become more competitive in future for various reasons, including: improved Shield TV coverage; new rules that will narrow the gap (e.g. players not allowed to move, new max age dropping from 25 to 23), etc.

    15 June, 2023 at 11:11
  77. avatar
    #25 Grasshopper

    2-3 HOUSE!

    15 June, 2023 at 10:59
  78. avatar
    #24 Vleis

    @ICEMAN: Good to hear that the op went well – I’m hoping for a House win this weekend.

    15 June, 2023 at 10:46
  79. avatar
    #23 star

    @Kaya 85: If you have played in a House /Hilton derby you would understand that home ground advantage means nothing :wink: The vibe and energy was on a level I had never experienced before.The team that rides that wave the best will win. The best bet is the flip of a coin. :roll:

    15 June, 2023 at 09:30
  80. avatar
    #22 Jakkals

    @ICEMAN: Are you involved at Michaelhouse?

    15 June, 2023 at 08:52
  81. avatar
    #21 Kaya 85

    But my point about a St Benedicts vs St Stithians match potentially showcasing 5 or 6 future professionals I think is still valid. Although as Vleis points out, neither team is top 50 or 60….I would call them outside top 35…meaning they are still teams that offer a pathway to the top. And this is the strength of SA schools rugby, just as valuable as the PRG, PG, GCB pathways….there are still many guys coming from schools outside the top 50 (or 35+)…
    Cheslin = Brackenfell
    Jean Kleyn = Linden
    Tshituka brothers = Northcliff High School
    Kyle Steyn = Trinityhouse
    heck, even going back 20 years..Conrad Jantjes = CBC Boksburg
    I would say these schools, although they might be as good as a PRG second team, a PRG second team can still produce a top Super rugby player and international = Josh Strauss.

    15 June, 2023 at 08:26
  82. avatar
    #20 Kaya 85

    @Vleis: You are right of course. There is a massive bottleneck with very few spots open for many talented players. And secondly, again Varsity Cup is a way higher level than Varsity Shield, but I think we will see that it becomes more fluid, just look at Tuks being relegated (one year after winning the thing), And then that Varsity Shield final could have gone either way, so I think you will see movement up and down, and the Shield teams getting more competitive.

    15 June, 2023 at 08:19
  83. avatar
    #19 ICEMAN

    @Vleis: terribly sad. Update on Mlaba, had the op yesterday and went well. Should be good to go by end of the year. With SA A selection from last year on his CV and being naturally blessed with athleticism, I don’t think it will affect his contract opportunities (already three unions fighting for him)

    But still sad that he will miss his last high school match and its a season ending Derby too (and KZN bragging rights and MHS 100th victory opportunity and some belief that he himself had scored the winning try in the last game against Hilton but deemed to be held up)

    15 June, 2023 at 07:43
  84. avatar
    #18 Vleis

    @Wyvern: Yes, SAC seem to be improving at the right time so there is not too much to choose between the two teams. I reckon KC’s home ground advantage is the deciding factor re the favourites tag.

    15 June, 2023 at 01:29
  85. avatar
    #17 Wyvern

    @Vleis: Won’t be hanging my hat on that favourites tag, SAC always come to the party on KDay :-|

    15 June, 2023 at 01:18
  86. avatar
    #16 Vleis

    @Kaya 85: :lol: :lol: You said Varsity Cup level, not Young Guns or Shield level, which are considerably different – e.g. the 2nd worst VC team beat the 2nd best Shield team by 91 to 10. So, eight VC teams x 30 = 240 players. Then, even if we assume only four years participation (but don’t tell that to Constant Beckerling :wink: ), you get 60 new players per annum. That amounts to one player from each school ranked in the top 60…and neither Bennies or Saints are in the top 60. Of course, this does not address the private school drop off, or the fact that fact that the Top 20 schools will have a much higher representation.

    15 June, 2023 at 01:11
  87. avatar
    #15 Kaya 85

    @Vleis: Varsity Cup is mostly a 3 or 4 year window…and including V Shield there are what? 16 teams…so let’s say 30 per squad, so around 450 -500 players in that VC system…with Young Guns another 240 or so….so let’s say 700 players, with about 200 new slots per year?…

    15 June, 2023 at 00:10
  88. avatar
    #14 Vleis

    @ICEMAN: That’s very sad.

    14 June, 2023 at 22:59
  89. avatar
    #13 Vleis

    @Kaya 85: Lekker to hear that there was a great vibe there.

    I can guarantee that five or six from the Saints v Bennies game will not make it to Varsity Cup level. To be fair, five or six from a KES v Jeppe match would be considered a bumper crop, as Varsity Cup comprises seven age group years, plus there is a huge amount of feeder schools. Also, the private school rugby players drop off at a significant rate after school for various reasons – some say that they have better career opportunities, others say that they have less grit, etc, etc.

    14 June, 2023 at 22:58
  90. avatar
    #12 Jakkals

    @ICEMAN: sad for the boys…big dreams get crushed in a moment..

    14 June, 2023 at 21:13
  91. avatar
    #11 ICEMAN

    @Ploegskaar: correct…also a big loss. He was in good form this season

    14 June, 2023 at 20:42
  92. avatar
    #10 Ploegskaar

    @Jakkals: Mthimkhulu (MC) also out for CW I hear

    14 June, 2023 at 20:21
  93. avatar
    #9 Kaya 85

    St Benedicts 33 – 15 St Stithians
    Nice attractive game, under lights, buzzing atmosphere…although neither team is anywhere near Top 35, these guys still play lekker rugby, nice movements, lots of talent, good core skills, lots of courage…reckon 5 or 6 guys there, given a lucky break could reach Varsity Cup level…a few even pro…?

    14 June, 2023 at 20:15
  94. avatar
    #8 ICEMAN

    @Jakkals: no, unfortunately not. He had surgery today to repair an LCL tear. 6-9 months out. Big loss for Sharks CW side and MHS this weekend

    14 June, 2023 at 19:17
  95. avatar
    #7 Jakkals

    @ICEMAN: Mlaba is big loss indeed…is he injured? Still on track for Craven Week?

    14 June, 2023 at 19:02
  96. avatar
    #6 ICEMAN

    @Jakkals: big personnel loss for House for this weekend. Wandile Mlaba the #8 is out. Credit to BMH for how effective Hilton have been this year- very well drilled. Hoping for a House win. Would be a fair result after a slightly contentious loss in the first game…

    14 June, 2023 at 18:48
  97. avatar
    #5 Jakkals

    @beet: Come on House…break that stranglehold and get the win. Hilton must be the best drilled team in KZN and one of the best coached teams in SA. BMH is doing a fantastic job. Putting money on House though…it’s time

    14 June, 2023 at 18:37
  98. avatar
    #4 Kaya 85

    Home ground advantage for Hilton, …if they lose this one they should drop out of the top 10 totally…

    14 June, 2023 at 17:19
  99. avatar
    #3 Vleis

    @beet: Also, Kingswood are favourites this year, which is fairly rare.

    I think that House have been stuck on 99 wins in this derby for some seven years, so Hilton have caught up and may get to 100 wins first in two years. I’d imagine that is adding further fuel to the fire!

    13 June, 2023 at 23:37
  100. avatar
    #2 beet

    The two biggest private school derbies in the country this weekend and both games have something extra in it.

    SAC cancelled the first match against Kingswood
    Hilton and House playing the KZN Championship game

    13 June, 2023 at 22:50
  101. avatar
    #1 Kaya 85

    It looks like St Benedicts will play St Stithians on Wednesday evening 6pm – under lights

    13 June, 2023 at 22:45

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